Was taking my dog out. Checked both ways before crossing the street to my mailbox and saw what looked like a bright shooting star over the east horizon. Only then I saw it streak closer. And closer again, just behind the pine trees (so not simply street lights reflecting off the power lines, which are in front of the trees). This was all traveling west, but then it took several sharp directional changes--a streak north, toward me, then southwest, north again (I had to look over my right shoulder to follow it here as it was well behind and across the street), then a couple quick changes, by now west and paralleling the coastline, then one more sharp turn south and out of sight. This was too high to see anything but the light trail, obviously very high. A couple minutes later, a huge, low-flying plane (I assume military from MacDill AFB) came lumbering south, which was a stark contrast to the higher and incredibly faster object I'd just seen. No opportunity to try to catch it on my phone as the whole thing only took about a minute and traveled too fast to capture. This was clearly not a natural phenomenon, given the incredible flight path. I didn't sense anything from it, just my own awe to have seen something so elegant. I only wish I had a better grasp of distance. Here on the west coast of Florida, the Challenger explosion looked like it was maybe five miles away. This obviously covered a huge distance in a very short period of time as the flight reached east to west horizons before it turned south and out of sight.
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Credit: faces-on-mars.blogspot.com
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