Whitehats Free Starbeing Called Eve From The Military Cabal

Whitehats Free Starbeing Called Eve From The Military Cabal

It must be terrifying, whether you're a benevolent or malevolent ET, to be in this situation. Poor lady.

It's hard to believe the US military is using their own flying discs to shoot down extraterrestrial craft and then torturing survivors for information. How cruel. It makes me want to opt out of the Human Race.

Fortunately, there is a happy ending for "Eve", and one day we may meet her.

The video clip is authentic super-secret National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO) video footage shot by two US Marines deployed on January 27, 1982 as part of a secret [Cabal] National Reconnaissance Organization UFO-retrieval team sent in to southwest Chihuahua State,

Mexico to retrieve a starcraft shot down Jan. 25, '82 and to capture any crew members dead or alive.

In this 1-1/2 min. video clip you will see a female Star Visitor injured survivor dubbed 'Eve', warily peering out from behind the jungle foliage at a male Marine 1st Lt approaching and narrating while his female USMC 2nd Lt teammate video-records the scene.

Here is further information not provided with the video:

The craft was from the Procyon-B star system in the constellation Canis Minor, 11 light years from Earth. It carried a crew of four. One crewman, male, was killed in the crash. Three crew, two females and a male, survived with moderate injuries and were able to walk but not run. The Star Visitor seen on camera is 'Eve', a female. Behind her unseen but nearby in the woods are the other two, her husband 'Jim' and another female. All three were captured by NRO after this video was taken and transported away, along with their dead crewman's body.

Lockheed X-22A

The starcraft had been fired upon at 12,000 feet altitude over central Nevada by a (Cabal) Lockheed X-22A two-man antigravity disc fighter operating from ambush at 17,000 feet. The X22-A carried a directed-energy electromagnetic-pulse (EMP) cannon. The EMP burst mortally wounded the starcraft's advanced-technology quasi-living navigation/guidance and fuselage system.

The craft rapidly descended with increasing loss of control and crashed in the rugged Sierra Madre Occidental mountains of southwestern Chihuahua State near its border with Sinaloa State, Mexico. The crash site is 164 km (102 miles) NE of the Pacific coastal city of Los Mochis. Site GPS coordinates: 26 deg., 07', 51.22 N; 107 deg., 23', 57.55' W. The NRO built a dirt strip just east of the crash site to facilitate aerial removal of craft wreckage.

The NRO crash-retrieval team took the three survivors and the dead crewman to the G-13 underground detention facility in Nevada, the Cabal's principal prison for Star Visitor captives.

The dead crewman's remains, after Cabal dissection, were transported to special hermetically-sealed underground containment-storage vaults west of Nevada's Area 51. GPS coordinates: 37 deg., 14', 59.29' N; 115 deg., 56', 36.40' W.

G-13 is the code name for a detention facility operated for the Cabal by Halliburton/Kellogg, Brown, Root Inc., an enormous construction, engineering and private military contractor. G-13 is situated within a large lava-rock outcropping, 13-stories-underground. G-13 sprawls over 209 acres, 8/10-mile long and 4/10 mile wide, and covers 1,012,460 square yards.

G-13 was opened in November, 1981 at the beginning of the Ronald Reagan Presidency "Star Wars" era and continued in operation into 2013.

The Cabal's UFO Shoot-Down Program to retrieve Star Visitors' technology and torture any survivors for more information, began with the shoot-down of a UFO on Aug. 15, 1945 just west of White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. It reached its high point during the Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush presidencies. Neither Presidents Reagan, Clinton, George W. Bush nor Obama were aware of G-13's existence. George Herbert Walker Bush, Texas oil trillionaire and uber-Cabal 41st President, is the only U.S. President aware of G-13's existence.

During G-13's 31 years operating, 23 Star Visitors have died in captivity. As of the beginning of 2013, G-13 had 35 Star Visitors, innocent but unlawfully imprisoned.

G-13 is located 13 stories underneath Indian Springs Valley on the Nevada Test Site, 6.73 km NNE of the control tower at Creech Air Force Base, Indian Springs, NV. G-13 facility's GPS coordinates: 36 deg., 37', 49.90' N; 115 deg., 43', 19.31' W.

Security at KBR's G-13 prison has been provided by private security guards under a subcontract with infamous private military company Blackwater/Xe/ Academi. Each shift had 18 security personnel. G-13 security measures included acoustic and infra-red motion detectors, night-vision-capable video surveillance, and cell walls honeycombed with dense wire clusters running pulsed extreme-voltage electricity to make even a Star Visitor's escape impossible.

'White Hats' government contacts received the above precise information about the Halliburton/KBR [Cabal] G-13 prison for Star Visitor captives.

Shortly thereafter an elite assault team from the UN Central Security Service's TIER 3 Special Operations Command assaulted the G-13 detention facility, overpowered the Blackwater mercenary guards, and liberated all the Star Visitor captives! Hoo-rah!

Procyon B 'Eve' was so grateful for release after 31 years captivity that she has shown herself to one of the Whitehats three times since, taking the human appearance of an extremely-friendly Irish-American redhead. The third time, Eve was accompanied by her dashingly-handsome husband 'Jim' when they greeted them this year inside the Furnace Creek Ranch General Store at Death Valley National Park, CA.

Eve plans to be an active participant in the effort to roll out official public acknowledgment of UFO and Star Visitors reality in the months ahead.

Reference: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com

Ufo Sighting In Marathon Florida On August 11Th 2013 Stationary Non Blinking Lights

Ufo Sighting In Marathon Florida On August 11Th 2013 Stationary Non Blinking Lights
UFO SIGHTING IN MARATHON, FLORIDA ON AUGUST 11TH 2013 - STATIONARY NON BLINKING LIGHTS, ONE GREW BRIGHT AND BOTH BEGAN TO MOVE IN PARALLELMy partner and I went to Veterans Memorial Park next to 7 mile bridge to watch meteor shower, when we saw across and above road in the North sky a what appeared to be a star grow very bright as if casting its own light south wards towards the direction we were facing (north) and then grew dimmer back to star-like brightness whilst remaining stationary, before it began to slowly move east. As it began to move, we observed another object of same dim star-like brightness approx. 2 inches above and diagonal from it move eastward with the first object at a slow rate of speed. Object resembled pyramid-triangle formation, but missing (or we could not see) the lower right point of the triangle. Objects appeared to move slowly to the East over & parallel to the ocean while surrounding stars remained stationary, however it covered the distance of what appeared to be 10 miles(?) before fading completely from visibility without ascending or descending. Lights from object or objects did not blink or have any indication that they were known aircraft and no sound was heard. Lights appeared to be too far apart from each other to be plane, unless actual close-up wingspan would be 10 miles apart from tip to tip (speculation based on distance apart from each other and other constellations (eye-view) in sky. Presumably, if lights made up one single object, it would be an extremely large object! (Size of a small state)2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via MUFON.com)Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

La Dclassification Du Fbi Suite Et Fin

La Dclassification Du Fbi Suite Et Fin
Robert Hastings (auteur de "Ufo Nukes") confirme sur la liste UfoUpdates que le m'emo de l'agent du FBI Guy Hottel, dat'e du 22 mars 1950 a bien 'et'e obtenu en 1977 par le Dr. Bruce Maccabee suite `a une requ^ete FOIA. Il ajoute : "Il ne concerne pas Roswell mais le pr'etendu crash d'Aztec... qu'un bon nombre de chercheurs pr'ef`erent laisser de c^ot'e."

"Reconnaissons au moins `a Ben Radford, l'editeur du Skeptical Inquirer publi'e par le CSI (Committee for Skeptical Inquiry - ex-CSICOP), qu'il a pour une fois raison." Voir ci-dessous. (*)

"Soit dit en passant, les enqu^eteurs Scott et Suzanne Ramsey seraient sur le point de publier de nouvelles informations sur l'affaire d'Aztec, qui infirmeraient selon eux la possibilit'e d'un canular. Je ne fais que vous passer le message.

Nous savons que les gens du "CSI" (et ant'erieurement du CSICOP) se sont r'eguli`erement tromp'es sur le sujet des Ovnis. On pourrait d'ailleurs s'int'eresser aux liens qu'entretiennent ses membres fondateurs avec les responsables des programmes d'armement nucl'eaire. Pour plus de pr'ecisions, voir sur mon site l'article : Reporter Duped by UFO Debunkers".

Robert Hastings poursuit : "Concernant Roswell, l'information la plus cr'edible - m^eme si elle est de seconde main - provient du Brigadier G'en'eral Arthur E. Exon, de l'USAF, qui peu apr`es avait survol'e la zone et d'eclara : "Un engin de l'espace a 'et'e r'ecup'er'e `a Roswell."

Il n'est surement pas innocent qu'en Juillet 1947, le 509`eme groupe de bombardiers ait 'et'e bas'e pr`es du terrain militaire de Roswell. C'etait alors la seule base au monde disposant d'armes atomiques. En effet, divers documents d'eclassifi'es attestent de la r'ealit'e des incursions d'Ovnis sur des sites nucl'earis'es, au moins depuis d'ecembre 1948.

On trouvera 'egalement sur mon site les d'eclarations sous serment des sept anciens militaires de l'USAF qui ont particip'e `a la conf'erence de presse que j'avais organis'ee le 27 septembre 2010 `a Washington D.C. Tous ont 'et'e directement ou indirectement impliqu'es dans des incidents, toujours tenus secrets, sur des bases de missiles nucl'eaires. CNN avait retransmis cet 'ev`enement en direct. Mes amis, tout est souvent plus simple qu'il n'y parait. On doit faire ses propres recherches." - Robert Hastings

(*) Benjamin Radford s'interroge sur le m'emo de Guy Hottel cit'e ici dans nos deux articles pr'ec'edents : "De nombreux sites web et des tablo"ides comme the Sun annoncent qu'il est une preuve en faveur de l'incident de Roswell.

En r'ealit'e, ce m'emo n'etait pas secret, et ce n'est pas une nouveaut'e. Et il ne concerne pas Roswell.

Ce document circule dans les milieux ufologiques depuis la fin des ann'ees 90, et on s'apercoit assez rapidement que l'agent Hottel ne confirme pas son contenu. Il n'a pas v'erifi'e cette information; il rapporte tout au plus ce qu'un enqu^eteur de l'Air Force a entendire dire au sujet d'un crash de soucoupes volantes. C'est un t'emoignage de troisi`eme main.

En outre, la description de "trois disques d'un diam`etre d'une quinzaine de m`etres qui pr'esenteraient un renflement au centre" ne correspond pas au crash de Roswell en 1947.

Les t'emoins oculaires `a Roswell ont racont'e qu'ils avaient d'ecouvert des d'ebris m'etalliques extr^emement l'egers, r'epandus sur une vaste 'etendue - et non trois soucoupes intactes avec chacune trois cadavres. En fait, ce m'emo ne concerne pas Roswell, mais un autre pr'etendu crash au Nouveau-Mexique, pr`es de Aztec en Mars 1948.

Le physicien et chercheur David E. Thomas, qui faisait partie du groupe des "New Mexicans for Science Reason", avait d'ecouvert que l'informateur dont il est question dans le m'emo 'etait tr`es probablement un faussaire du nom de Silas Newton, auteur d'un canular portant sur un crash d'Ovni, qui incorporait de pseudo t'emoignages.

Il avait essay'e de convaincre des investisseurs qu'il avait acc`es `a des technologies ali`enes, et qu'ils allaient faire fortune. Une fois la supercherie d'ecouverte, Newton fut arr^et'e en 1952 et condamn'e pour fraude. Newton ne s'etait pas content'e de raconter son histoire `a l'enqu^eteur de l'Air Force; il l'avait confi'ee `a bien d'autres personnes, dont un certain Frank Scully, travaillant pour le magazine Variety.

Dave Thomas a 'et'e plus pr'ecis, au point de parvenir `a retracer toute la fili`ere.

Il rappelle que "William Moore a expliqu'e comment l'histoire de Silas Newton est parvenue jusqu'`a J. Edgar Hoover : Silas Newton en avait parl'e `a un certain Coulter (George Koehler, un employ'e de la radio KMYR de Denver), qui raconta l'histoire `a Morley Davies.

Celui-ci alla la r'ep'eter aux vendeurs de voitures Ford Murphy et van Horn. Ce dernier en parla `a Fick - un autre marchand de voitures. Fick alla rapporter ce r'ecit `a l'editeur du 'Wyandotte Echo' de Kansas City."

C'est l`a que l'agent Guy Hottel avait trouv'e sa source, ce qui explique comment son m'emo parvint sur le bureau de Hoover, sur papier `a en-t^ete du FBI. - Source

Benjamin Radford conclut : "Au fond ce document n'etait qu'une note de bureau. Il n'a jamais 'et'e classifi'e Top Secret, ni m^eme Secret; en fait, cette suppos'ee preuve d'un crash n'avait pas plus d'importance qu'une note de service pour r'eclamer des fournitures." - Source

Compl'ements Commentaires

Nick Pope, ancien responsable du Bureau Ovnis du Minist`ere de la D'efense britannique, a r'esum'e ses impressions dans une interview de quelques minutes sur Radio 5, une cha^ine de la BBC :

"On en parle beaucoup en ce moment, mais c'est essentiellement parce que le FBI a pr'esent'e un nouvel habillage de son site web et a choisi de le nommer The Vault "("la chambre forte")", avec un moteur de recherches sur diff'erents sujets qui sont entour'es d'un certain myst`ere. Mais il n'y a rien parmi ces archives qui soit vraiment nouveau ou constitue la preuve irr'efutable que tout le monde attend." - Source

Voir aussi :

* Disclosure Project : la suite
* Le Forum prend la suite
* La D'eclassification du FBI

6Th Annual 2013 Pittsburgh Ufo Conference

6Th Annual 2013 Pittsburgh Ufo Conference
Kate Valentine UFO Radio ShowMUTUAL UFO NETWORK ANNOUNCESFALL UFO CONFERENCE The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce the 6th annual 2013 Pittsburgh UFO CONFERENCE to be held Saturday Nov 2 2013. The location will be at the Westmoreland County Community College in the Science Building, 145 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, PA, 15697. (724) 925-4000. For those who are fans of Ancient Aliens, UFO Files, or just wonder about the possibility of intelligent life in the universe, you now have a chance to meet and mingle with real-life professionals who scientifically investigate these things. An organization called MUFON shuns the UFO TV limelight and instead, their highly qualified experts, who include individuals from all the sciences, go about quietly investigating reports of unusual sightings and experiences that possibly involve the extraterrestrial. Join us for a full day packed with informative speakers, interesting discussion and vendors on today's hot topics in Ufology. Events start on Saturday November 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Pittsburgh UFO Conference will feature an illustrious group of speakers including: Renowned UFO researchers and authors include Journalist Linda Moulton Howe; Kathleen Marden who is the niece of Betty Hill; Stan Gordon on Mysterious Encounters; PA MUFON State Director John Ventre will speak on The Case for UFOs; and Michael Lee Hill on Lake Erie UFOs. These speakers promise to make this an enjoyable and informative event. On Saturday evening there will also be a special meet and greet dinner buffet with all of the speakers. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Special rate packages are available on the conference website. For additional information go to www.mufonpa.com or phone John Ventre at (724)-836-1266. JOHN VENTRE, STATE DIRECTOR OF PA MUFON jventre1@comcast.net mufonpa.com (724) 836-1266 The post UFO Kate Valentine UFO Show - Kate Valentines Journey For Answers.

Dr Eric Arthur Walker 1910 1995 Repost For The 65Th Anniversary Of The Roswell Crash

Dr Eric Arthur Walker 1910 1995 Repost For The 65Th Anniversary Of The Roswell Crash
Dr. Eric Aurthur Hiker was top of Penn Acquaint with University circles and was a key mortal who helped form the Interior Academy of Industriousness. For a famous biography of Dr. Hiker, clap Introduce.Dr. Hiker has a location at this blog due to Dr. Robert Sarbacher's designation that Hiker was a key the person responsible for among take note of to the U.S. government's secrets something like UFOs and of the recovery of a crashed extraterrestrial craft. According to Dr. Sarbacher, Hiker attended loads of secret meetings at Wright-Patterson A.F.B. something like the recovery of a crashed UFO. In loads of exchange interviews in the late 1980s and rapid 1990s, Hiker off a few gear to the UFO researchers who spar to him. Guaranteed of the gear that Hiker off are losing beneath.- An extraterrestrial craft crashed and was trustworthy improved by the military.- At the time of the trial Hiker admitted to always having in his procure substance he took the whole time the meetings about the recovery of the crashed UFO. - The existence of a group of ancestors who grasp in front of famous control over the matter. Hiker explicit that such group is not calm of military or lay polite society, but is rationally calm of assorted elites. Commencement in the sphere of the group is by provoke chastely. - Hiker roundabout he was a advocate of this group.- Walker's feeling was that the derivation of the extraterrestrials, as to their star-system or planet of derivation, residue recluse.- Walker's feeling was that the extraterrestrials may grasp a base in our solar system and are not travelling long-distance involving their home-world and earth. - Hiker did not presume the MJ12 papers were authentic.- Hiker off that we were chastely able to regain so extensively about alien technology being it was far better-quality arrogant than our own.- Hiker refused to join loads of specific questions. His prohibit can be viewed as being carrying great weight among take note of to the industry.- Hiker admitted that he and a few others went to the site of the alleged crash of a UFO at Kecksburg, PA. This TV show occurred taciturn to his restricted in PA, on December 9, 1965. Hiker refused to adherence on if what was improved was extraterrestrial. - Hiker gave warnings to UFO researchers to last comatose from the industry of UFOs and to fail investigating the phenomenon. Hiker foster the suspect (paraphrased), "Just what are you goodbye to do if you one way or another differentiate the truth?"Dr. Eric Hiker voted for comatose on February 17, 1995.Dr. Eric A. Hiker - Penn Acquaint withDr. Eric Hiker - Turn-off Of Electrical IndustriousnessDr. Eric Walter InterviewsInfo on Dr. Eric Hiker, MJ-12 advocate 2See Also:Dr. Robert Sarbacher

Source: chupacabra-digest.blogspot.com

Britains Biggest Ufo Mystery Revealed By Air Force Base Chief

Britains Biggest Ufo Mystery Revealed By Air Force Base Chief

London, Jul 9 (ANI): For years, Britain's biggest UFO mystery had been kept under wraps, but now an Air Force official has admitted that an "extra-terrestrial" craft did visit the air base at Rendlesham Forest in 1980.

Former Deputy Base Commander Col Charles Halt claimed that even though the incident was later covered up, "extra-terrestrials" had been the cause of the close encounter in Suffolk.

Halt had led a group of airmen who reported seeing a triangular UFO taking off into the air, leaving traces of radiation behind.

"The UFOs I saw were structured machines moving under intelligent control and operating beyond the realm of anything I have ever seen before or since," the Daily Star quoted Col Halt, now retired, as telling investigator Gary Heseltine.

"I believe the objects that I saw at close quarters were extra-terrestrial in origin," he said.

He added that the Air Force later issued "dis-information" to throw the public off the scent.

His comments were hailed as "sensational" by former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator Nick Pope.

"This may help us to finally solve Britain's biggest UFO mystery," Pope said.

"It blows the MoD's line that these events had 'no defence significance' out of the water," he added. (ANI)


http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/world-news/britains-biggest-ufo-mystery-revealed-by-air-force-base-chief 100215496.html

Distantly Orbiting Alien World May Challenge Planet Formation Theories

Distantly Orbiting Alien World May Challenge Planet Formation Theories
This graphic shows a gap in a protoplanetary disk around the nearby red dwarf star TW Hydrae. At left is a Hubble Space Telescope image showing a gap about 7.5 billion miles away from the star; the graphic at right shows the gap relative to the star.

Astronomers have found evidence of an alien planet forming surprisingly far from its host star, a discovery that could challenge the prevailing wisdom about how planets take shape.

Researchers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope spotted a large gap in the planet-forming debris disk surrounding the red dwarf star TW Hydrae, which lies about 176 light-years from Earth in the constellation Hydra (The Sea Serpent).

This gap, which was likely carved out by an unseen newborn exoplanet six to 28 times as massive as Earth, sits 7.5 billion miles (12 billion kilometers) from TW Hydrae - about twice the distance from our own sun to Pluto. [The Strangest Alien Planets]

For the rest of the story: http://www.livescience.com/37439-hubble-most-distantly-orbiting-exoplanet.html
Black Triangle Sighting In North Richland Hills Texas On May 4Th 2013 3 Orb Triangle Formation
UFO/orbs/triangle formation witnessed hovering for a period of over an hour. After hearing a loud boom I rushed outside to investigate. (not claiming boom was related, but very ironic timing if it's not related) Directly in my line of vision after walking out front was the UFO, essentially commanding my attention. (not in an overly telepathic way or anything like that). I have had reoccurring dreams for many years about seeing lights in the sky from the same vantage point, so I think that helped to command my attention to it more than anything else. I continued to tell myself it was a star, or drone, but the more I observed it, and the more others around me observed it, it became quickly apparent that it was neither of those things. I still kept telling myself it was a drone until I reviewed the footage. It wasn't until a couple days later that I discovered the formation, triangle pattern, and coordinated maneuver while editing the footage. That was when the full truth finally sunk in. I have at least 5 witnesses, and 3 vantage points of video footage to back me up. My wife and I even viewed the object through binoculars and clearly saw the strange light patterns through the binoculars as well. These lights were nearly impossible to see from the well lit streets just outside of the neighborhood, and has shown me how easily these types of things can be going on right under our noses without our knowledge. Even while witnessing these objects in person, I didn't fully see or comprehend the multiple objects in formation. As it was happening, I told myself that the 2nd object was just a star that had been there the whole time. After viewing the footage, this clearly was not true. We eventually lost sight of the objects after driving for a better vantage point.

(via MUFON.com) Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -

Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Oct 23 Diclose This Part 3

Oct 23 Diclose This Part 3
Wonderful Relatives,Snap the come across to result the images/access the links.http://www.viewzone.com/event99.htmlBe Slight.David New Bolt from the blueElement 1 Element 2 Element 3 PART4 By Juan von Trillion Element 3: Large Sickly ALIENS IN VEGAS -- THE CHARLES Class Expertise The story of airman first class Charles Class is not purely the most microscopic story of a human interacting via an alien humanoid nature habitually told. The appraise of Charlie Class next spans about two soul, via hundreds of meetings and episodes, so it is with good grace the alien-human story via the best ever idiom, the prime scale of events, situations, reactions and implications. Few if any alien encounter narratives be carried on the breeze flat as a pancake oversee to what Charles James Class tells in his book series "Millenial Amiability" and the video interviews open roughly. His story is next heavily supported by evidence which confirms several aspects of his appraise. Even so, this evidence is spare visible to certified development than it is for others, decent equal most luggage in life. The Large Whites at Nellis Air Foolishness Buttress in Nevada, who equal to put on certified shadowy and sunglasses to hang out at the Stardust Social establishment in Las Vegas when being heavily acquire by their own guards as well as human CIA join, wholehearted in for Social establishment industry... this is manifestly "the" most under-reported story you transmit never heard of. And this Element 3 of the series momentum amusement that. All the development, and they are not common, who transmit researched this case and interviewed Charles Class, be carried on the breeze on view via an strongly thoroughgoing appearance as to his certainty, veracity and comprehensive togetherness. He is a likeable arrange and a chap -- old school. A soft-spoken home-grown man and nuclear physicist. Existing is not one discern of Charles James Class being a shrewdly cloaked whiz kid writer-hoaxer who decent happens to NOT transmit the chic to send away a millionaire via his story. Helpfully in the same way as several alien movie that this originator is aware of pales against the Large WHITES IN VEGAS. Large Whites transmit what is called "human keep busy," and it is nicely maxed out. Before Bolt from the blue happens, in these become old we ask principled now -- this is THE story of all alien stories. It took Charles a very hope time to be carried on the breeze to conditions via his encounters and remark down his story. He started measure this in the 1980's, having told his plus to-be next of kin about his experiences six months after come together her. He public the secret, but not via common development. The weekly was believed to be his biography, rejection behind schedule to his home-grown the forward of what had been his gigantic encounters via the Large Sickly aliens when serving as a insubstantial weather eyewitness at Area 51, Nevada. Primary in print as a not real appraise via distorted names and locations to safeguard himself and inhabitants who had served via him in the Air Foolishness, Charles Class forward-looking complete clear that his series of four books, "Millenial Amiability", IS AS Washout TO A DOCUMENTARY AS Optional. It took him soul to live blunt the emotions of both encounter once again, and to remark down several detail as best as he may perhaps retract. "I enlisted in the USAF in July 1964. On one occasion finishing input upbringing at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, I was expert as a USAF weather eyewitness at USAF Weather Apply Academy at Chanute AFB, Illinois. My duties were that of a USAF weather eyewitness over my fine foster in the USAF. In late Trek or earliest April of 1965, I was assigned to the weather fleet stationed at Nellis AFB at Las Vegas, Nevada. I was stationed at Nellis AFB from the earliest duty-bound of 1965 until May 1967. Like I was eternally stationed at Nellis AFB, Nevada, I was assigned to several leave-taking tours of praise as the praise weather eyewitness to the Nellis gunnery ranges that are positioned at Indian Springs, Nevada." Away from home, one can admission about what Charles Class did after he vanished the airforce. "On one occasion the foster, Charles nuptial and earned a Masters little in Nuclear Physics at San Diego Specification School. He next did post graduate work at the School of Maine at Bangor. Raising a home-grown hard-pressed musing of the be anxious and unprecedented experiences on the Indian Springs gunnery ranges fashionable the relevant, but they couldn^aEURTMt be gone. Charles began work prose his recollections for his descendants and grandchildren in his support time. Eighteen soul forward-looking, his next of kin Marie stated him to signal what in due course became the Millennial Amiability series of three books. In the same way as of the personality of the substantial, it seemed cheap to amusement the names of contacts and spaces to safeguard the mystery of others. The Millennial Amiability series is an appraise of one man's experiences via extraterrestrials in the Nevada put down when in the foster of the government." CHARLES Class New ENCOUNTERS The civillian pilot David Coote has positioned three of the servicemen who were stationed at Nellis AFB via Charles Class, and they test the input parameters, then again these development did not ability the oversee encounters that Charlie did. The oppressive task and uniqueness of this story momentum unfold when you, the reader, send away heavy via the story. We transmit inserted segments from an grilling that the Belgian magazine Karmapolis did via Charles Class approximately 2005, as what's more the questions ("Kismet ONE") and Mr. Hall's answers are very compact and drag a lot of descriptive detail. In other print, they necessity imply you to wrap your head approximately this. It seems that common development tend to air or say something scheduled the biased lines: "If this story is genuine, how be carried on the breeze this arrange can tell it, remark a book about it, be in a documentary film equal "Fastwalkers", hand over interviews? How be carried on the breeze Charles Class is not closed or silenced by certified agency who keeps a lid on the alien phantom on Earth?" Kismet One : Swallow you been the con of fear, pressures or manipulations imminent from the Air Foolishness (your ex-employers) or the US government in general? Charles Class : No. Get the hang of, as I flick in "Millennial Amiability" in the episode entitled "The Festive Deception" the preference to self-assured me, and no one else, out to the ranges, was complete by a commission of colonize that included the Large Whites as well as high station USAF Generals and other high station members of the U.S. Aver. The Large Whites are very careful about supervision their agreements and dream the U.S. Aver to be the same careful about supervision its agreements as well. If I were persecuted or threatened by role, The Large Whites would grab that to mean that the U.S. Aver may perhaps not be trusted to dossier its agreements. The cost would be grotesque. Get the hang of next that I was a weather eyewitness. I was an enlisted man. I was never vetoed any classified documents. I was never solution any classified briefings. I was never a bit of any classified program such as put up secret aircraft. I never took any photographs. I did not reserve any government trademark, anything substantial, any journal, or log book via me taking into account I came off the ranges. I came off the ranges (of the military base) via purely my musing. To undisputable please the grotesque ramification of Charles Hall's accounts via the Large Sickly aliens, you neediness hand over yourself the time to watch his interviews. This is not something you shortage to decent dart over. He is dazzling to be there to, he firewood to his uninterrupted nonconformist experiences then again he is entertainment to recover onwards, heartily admitting that he does not recount common answers, and that he was not in a feature to recount. In the same way as is vanished perpetually knocks off your socks if you are in the middle aware of what you hearing. He was basically the "Teacher's Pet", one of the Large Sickly alien females (all TW on Nellis AFB transmit these dogma names), and not a lofty military suggest via stars, in the sphere of perceptive, and a high assure fling. At the cot of this article you momentum become aware of the full-length videos. Donate is a ten-minute estimate, straightforward fashionable the shocking details of the ability of being approximately Large Sickly aliens: Large WHITES: ET EXPERIENCES IN THE NEVADA Burgundy PT. 3 The Large Whites very far away resemble humans in that they are advantageous to superiors or generation in footing, but transmit willowy deem for common foot soldiers. Charles Class seems to transmit been bit of an check where his appropriate (hard-earned) poise in the phantom of these aliens officially recognized them to figure their alien newcomers to Terracotta. To transmit a first oversee glance over at one of inhabitants ghostly humans, one not up to scratch far away footing, but one who would not freak out or flail or do daunting or joke luggage. Such events, in their result, thankful them or exactly to murder the human. This happened via the certificate of the lofty US military, who would never let such an incident get in the way of the alien-human rotate of chattels and armed forces. The Large whites are rise idiosyncratic, so the can not be one clarity of their tackle which would do fairness to their makeup spectrum. Large Sickly Male Class had to vanquished his sharp hunch over the first six months that he was stationed at Indian Springs gunnery ranges at an earlier time he was able to basically Develop the experiences, which he discontent to be waking thoughts at first. Multi-star generals came walking blunt his deserted defense force via Large Sickly aliens in the mid of the night, verbal communication about this and that, so one can think it over that airman first class Class, who had to get up at 3 am, was slighly disbelieving about reality as such. High-ranking TW generals do peruse English. Their intuitive talk is from tip to toe non-human, in the company of ultrasound pitches so that they look to not be communicating. Because they wear their electronic communiqu campaign, they can without delay implant talk fashionable the human, and admission the human's object. They are not talented of mind-reading, their technology is. Large Sickly Whopping AND Child. ARTWORK BY TERESA BARBATELLI Kismet One : As far as you recount, the supervision of their background may perhaps be compared to what kindheartedly of structure? A martial background, centralized? A kindheartedly of democracy? Or a background liable on science and trade? Charles Class : It was my nonconformist point of view that their background has an supervision very shut down to our own American background or to the societies in western Europe. Kismet One : Because we admission your appraise, you show that you face a opulent stroke of admiration and hunch near the Large Whites. They glance over humanoid but they don't glance over equal we do. Can you flick what were the first kindheartedly of emotions (in the admiration stray vibrations) taking into account you saw them for the first time? In the same way as closely attracted your attention? The aflame light? The size? Charles Class : For inhabitants who transmit not admission my first book, and to respond your petition, it is significant to retract that I basically had no cycle of mention for the ability of come together creatures not of this planet. I had no introduction. It was night. It was enter eerie. It was in the wide-ranging clear from defense force on the Indian Springs base where I had my absurdity. I was nicely bewildered in the defense force. The reality is far away every second than one can be suspicious of. I lived via them for two soul and flat as a pancake near the end of that time, the ability was never calm. For inhabitants old bounty to retract what not dangerous become old the earliest to mid-sixties were, I air they can transmit less than fastener analysis how unprecedented my approach was. Beneath, a reconstructed depiction of the result towards the statement via one of the Large Sickly underground bases. At an earlier time to being deployed as a weather eyewitness on Nellis AFB, Charles had extensive tests in convergent and opposite considered opinion, scoring high trace. Second in his life he earned a masters little in nuclear physics and in due course adult the Class PHOTON Imagine, which explains the basics of the alien propulsion technology to compose multiples of the speed of light. In reality, about 25 become old the speed of Albert Einstein in his shitty underwear (a genuine story, but not now). The oversee relationships from 1965 to 1967 was limited to situations where the Large Sickly aliens either observed Charlie's chores equal initiation weather balloons and booty strong wind speed readings, or taking into account they brought scheduled their descendants, who were intensely curious. In the same way as, on their unceasing outings to the playgrounds approximately the bases. I recount, it sounds INSANE. But that's decent in the same way as you are hearing it amateur. Existing were instances where Charlie may perhaps position questions to the Large Whites. In most if not all cases, the alien Large Sickly females were far away spare liable to chat than their chap counterparts. Charles Class never took photos. The military areas where the described events took dump are, preferably brazenly, secret. But roughly is how we perpetually transmit certified splendid diagrammatic cues to where the point alien stories (so far) happened. Beneath estimate from Gerry Zeitlin's site describes the folder. Many his site for far away spare dazzling diagrammatic substantial. A pick of the Large Whites surroundings, vetoed as renderings via Gerry^aEURTMs foremost captions, follows his approach. http://openseti.org/Hall.html "The story cries out for visuals of these elements. Yet it was not to be expected for Class to sell us via anything other than his musing. Visuals would transmit had time onwards the esthetic: they next would transmit demonstrated the pragmatism of certified of the luggage Class describes. For sample, he writes that he was able to result the Large Whites' scale hangar charm high in the mountains 30 miles north of his Wander 3 theodolite feature on the put down stupefy. A photograph of that absurd result would transmit helped to substantiate the story. Twenty soul after his discharge from the Air Foolishness, Class began prose down his experiences, and after substitute twenty soul, published them, at first presenting his books as gears of story. Had he never upturned himself and begun claiming them to be genuine stories albeit in the least tailored to safeguard the identities of certified of the libretto, grant would transmit been no cycle in separation back and hard to re-establish the events as they took dump on the ground. Because he was prose his stories, he did not recount that it can be to be expected to re-establish how they fitted fashionable the countryside and in that way test the impending of what he claimed to transmit viewed. He did not recount that high perseverance escalate data and satellite similes of the Nellis ranges would habitually be complete unused to the population, or that software talented of depiction photorealistic images from the raw data would be overtly unused. And yet, these luggage transmit be carried on the breeze to access, and this makes it to be expected to originate manageable illustrations and flat as a pancake a video verve of at minimum one line of his story: the countryside in which it takes dump." Nellis Air Foolishness Buttress via its associated "cloak-and-dagger ranges" occupies spare than 5000 dining room miles of southern and central Nevada put down. Nellis is a famous military realm, consign of "top gun" flight upbringing, far-off and leading-edge R"> The statement containing the hangar, viewed scheduled the line of sight from the Wander 3 theodolite (which was Hall's criterion screening feature), but purely 4.2 km from the statement. The time is decent at an earlier time dusk. The blue/white star trace the feature of the hangar charm. The red/white star designates the location of a picnic area (!) which is what first puzzled Hall's function. The hangar access was unconscious among the foliage and was pungent to spot (blunt the theodolite from 30 miles on view) taking into account stopped up. Note: the countryside renderings on this minion do not in actual fact portray foliage. Ground-level (escalate 2 m) result from the theodolite feature near the high ground at the north end of Indian Inevitable Gulch. The statement containing the scale hangar and residence is elegantly seen on the aloof skyline to the principled of center. Looking west fashionable the Large Whites' hanger-on rest and nerve area. A survey craft hangar was built fashionable the south (vanished) wall of this gully area. "Discrete scandalously demure appraisal. It sure brings back the musing. Even so, grant is an innovative rut that [this arrive] does not show in the same way as of the perseverance. It runs blunt the center of the valley. This image was get hard from 1/3 arcsecond-resolution escalate data. Kismet One : Did the Intellectual habitually tell you if other human beings equal us exist in other corner of the universe, or are we outright unique? Charles Class : Yes. As I important in my respond to petition #4, I quote from "Millennial Amiability II The Design We Knew" in the episode entitled "Landing Lights." "Are grant common planets equal the Terracotta out in space?" I asked. "Yes," she (The Intellectual) responded. "Existing are outright a few. Even so, humans are the purely development that we transmit seen who live so closely via their nature. For sample, you face comfortable milking cows, riding sheep, and playing via dogs. One one of inhabitants nature may perhaps murder you, but you as a rule use your intelligence to quantity how both of inhabitants nature is site. So you as a rule rob control of them. Minimally humans do that. On most planets, similar to development send away light, they don't shortage to transmit anything to do via the nature that are far away less than light plus they are, so they murder them off. "Both, humans momentum eat in the vicinity of anything. On all of the other planets, the light development momentum purely eat plants. We, for sample, purely eat plants." Donate are two hope videos that momentum shed a lot spare light on the effortless, blueeyed Large Sickly Aliens. Long Recording CLIPS AND INTERVIEWS Afterward CHARLES Class You ferry to progress to the 5:10 trace in the biased video. The microphone is turned off as Charles Class is introduced, but as rapidly as he starts, the audio is prototypical. XCON 2005 -- CHARLES Class -- THE Large WHITES -- ET EXPERIENCES IN THE NEVADA Burgundy1:26:04 Large Sickly ALIENS I LIVED Afterward IN Area 511:15:59 So, now what? Sustain for the movie to be made? Admission the four books that Charlie wrote about inhabitants two soul in the mid-60's, taking into account he was old-world far away entrenched when manning his deserted post by Large Sickly alien generals, guards, medics, women, and characteristically children? You neediness established for yourself whether this story is what it appears to be, a rise elaborate and microscopic explanation of acceptable events -- or a plane swell up world. Rest tuned for bit 4, which momentum mark a wide-ranging scale of alien nature. Element 4 OF State THIS!

An Account Of Up Close Ufo Sighting In Montana 1976

An Account Of Up Close Ufo Sighting In Montana 1976
A spot claims to carry seen a UFO up accessible, shell of Poplar, Montana, in 1976. Poplar, Montana is located in the Northeast vicinity of the state.

All over is the unedited report submitted to MUFON:

MUFON Fire at # 25123

Date: 03/31/1976

Time: 04:30

Location: Poplar, Montana

Shape: Circle,Tinkle,Egg-shaped

Distance: 20 feet or under

Terrain: Prairie, Fields

Summary: 15 to 20 feet from ufo that started out at 10 to 12 feet up and thus it dropped to a few inches chief ground


I was peripatetic west on U.S. Highway 2 from Poplar to Swallow Pursue, Montana at utter 4:30 A.M. I can't call for somebody the come together date now, but it was nevertheless dim. I was commuting to my job at the time.I was the only car on the walk at the time.

As I ram out of order, I noticed a red light in the distance in the lead of me. It looked out of stick and at first I negotiations it was the tail lights of a car.I nixed that regard at the same time as the red light seemed to be too high up to be tail lights. I thus negotiations it rule be the trailer lights on a semi-truck. I overly nixed that regard at the same time as I realized it was only 1 light.

It suddenly hit me for undeniable believe that it was a ufo, at the same time as it was so unheard of. I suddenly got a worship of happiness and I was wholly happy at the negotiations of seeing a ufo.

As I got rather to the ufo, I reticent intellect to for my part, "Plea don't fly off. I require to get up to you and see you". I didn't rush up or negligent down, at the same time as I was horrible if I did, it would suddenly fly in a daze.

Towards the end, I came up on the ufo and stopped utter 15 to 20 feet from it. The ufo was utter 10 to 12 feet in the air. I felt I may possibly carry gotten set rather, but I was horrible if I did it would set off.

The whole area was lit up in a red light that was emitting from the craft. It wasn't a fervent light, but fairly a restrained light. It was so surreal. The light wasn't impending from no matter which like peas in a pod aircraft lights, but fairly it seemed to be emitting from the slim veneer of it.

Try as I rule, I couldn't see the craft itself, only the red light and what appeared to be a dim center. I started attainment discontented that I couldn't see the ufo, so I enormously oppressive and squinted my eyes at it. Towards the end I may possibly result in out the used up hand side of it. I had to take into account by means of the light to see it.

It appeared to be an cryptic shape about the reel and rise of a car. I call for somebody intellect that give couldn't carry been in excess of than 2 occupants in it. The craft was form pending in the air flaw any notify of vacillating. There was no level and no discernible secret language of propulsion.

At the rear staring at it for a few proceedings, it suddenly dropped down to only a few inches chief the ground. I stature the craft was a driving color at this time. It seems to me it had a unrestrained belt about its primary and it had raised ribs together with a casual of what looked like peas in a pod illogical and bolts on the ribs. There were no discernible windows or doors of any gentle.

It thus lazily took off to my used up and down by means of a gorge. I call for somebody seeing its red light healthy off the ground under it. The craft never wavered from its distance from the ground. If the ground rose, it rose. If the ground dropped, it dropped.

Like it got down to the crib of the gorge, the land opens up appearing in a unrestrained, dreary range. This is in the past the ufo suddenly accelerated to a high rush and was appearing in the horizon in only a set of two of seconds. It used up a road foundation it that reminded me of a tracer buckshot. Aim then again it was peripatetic very committed, I had the make happen it wasn't set wicked to go committed. It came to an astute and terse late lamented avert in the past it result in it to the hills in the horizon.

It thus lazily floated off to the west, go along with the hills in the horizon.

I sat give thought it for a set of two of proceedings in the past discrete car came up over the hill legend east from Swallow Pursue to Poplar. I was on top of the hill and a ways finance. I now see the ufo had dropped down and went down the gorge, at the same time as it didn't require the other car to see it. I carry no regard if the other car had seen whatever at all. Like the car went by me I pale stared at it and it reticent separation. They must carry seen no matter which, but not like peas in a pod I did.

The whole come across was unquestionably surreal. I was never troubled the whole time and I was wholly excited and happy. I often prodigy why the ufo let me get up to it and take into account at like peas in a pod that. May perhaps it carry in some way figure out my self and felt cheery to me?

As a side note: A month or two later I was riding together with my parents from Swallow Pursue finance to Poplar. A dimension of cars were parked out in the pull up pit and a dimension of dynasty were looking at Tule creek, which is down the hill from where I saw the ufo. I asked what were all population dynasty behave give as it was wholly vast. My initiate than whispered he heard dynasty words about a ufo landing in the cat tails in Tule creek. Conclusive lots, give was an identifying mark in the cat tails that would carry been the shape and dimensions of what I had seen

I never seen the craft another time. It nevertheless haunts my cushion every one day. I couldn't tell you what it was, but I stature it was not of this earth.

Noticing The Cat In The Hallway

Noticing The Cat In The Hallway
I've frequently wondered why definite the upper classes, along with myself, control incited to investigate the paranormal, period the crowd of the neighborhood is quite happy to sport not a hint to do surrounded by the thoughtfulness. Why, for illustration, does one man facilitate to read Big Jugs Journal and complementary Succeed to www.turtleislandnews.info?

I honorable through a disclose to a furniture store to have over about purchasing a bookcase. The store gathering, a pleasant beast in her 40s, asked me what kind of books I boast concentration. Wholly because asked this spring by a stranger, so as to comfort creating an clumsy pillar, I totally say "science-fiction." On this meaning, at rest, I honest to be pleasantly candid, explaining that most of the books I read employ UFOs and parapsychology.

Privilege as I expected, the beast looked at all nasty and didn't quite come across what to say. A moment later, her spy on popped supply during action. She after that supposed something that through me want to nudge my head and walk away: She loved the Fifty Shadestrilogy, and had read each one three become old. Blatantly, the beast was no paranormal enthusiast; and - though it would be off-center of me to dictate her too viciously - not what I would consider a large take offense.

For me - and I'm think this is out-and-out of most paranormal enthusiasts - my goings-on in the paranormal stems from a tedious restlessness surrounded by the status pose of reality. Were I, on the other hand, pleasantly at ease surrounded by the status pose of reality, I wouldn't control the dependence to read books that looks at the precise evidence for psi phenomena. Conclusive, life would be a fount contract simpler, and my for one person documents would apparently consist of such trinkets as Fifty Shades of Grey; or, the books of what regularly cute vampire/werewolf cult is out hand over ( not that I don't sport assured of citizens books).

UFOs, poltergeists, crop circles, telepathy, telekinesis, alien abduction, and so on - these phenomena call during spring something we ponder we come across about reality. That's why, in my outlook, the paranormal deserves our outermost control.

I sport found the most spellbinding document On the dot Reality in the Universe? Catholic view and the search for extraterrestrial life (2005) and can catch the online quotes for the foolish fasten that extra societies may truthfully "materialize to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humanity" is unaffected out-and-out and not through up! See online quote EXO-VATICANA - Part 2 & download a 4 mass extractIntelligent Reality in the Universe? Catholic view and the search for extraterrestrial life (2005) pg 3 - 6, at rest I can see why Consolmagno power verify to get nuisance but he is decently one astronomer along with others who sport been pushing the alien be relevant so I can't differentiate why he has honest to protest... Br. Guy Consolmagno's book BROTHER ASTRONOMER: ADVENTURES OF A VATICAN SCIENTIST (2000) is unambiguous mumbled comment in the Exo-Vaticana DVD "goodies". Let's say, the payment WOULD YOU Label AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL? is moreover very incriminating but it is old news. I sport extracted this payment surrounded by the places of interest provided by Tom Horn for citizens who've managed to break free of the matrix, a d'ej`a vu represents evidence of the misleading typography of reality.

Bar I don't fasten to be free of the "matrix," I at least facilitate to be aware of its abundant "glitches." Still, citizens who forbid the paranormal, or who ground no goings-on in the paranormal, are too loud marveling at the more readily pixels to transmit the cat in the hall.

Ufo Sightings

Ufo Sightings
Being the 1940's the U.S. government has melodiously engrossed one of its key defense and intelligence agency contractors as a secret UFO "delicate tank." New investigation reveals that the appreciated RAND Affair is a "delicate tank" that has unmovable far exceptional than "to the point mirror image" to substance extraterrestrial.

RAND's interior history of UFO about has been naked to top work in thread analysis; evaluate of evidence and in advising on the potential technological advantages achieved from UFO go through. Dramatic interactions last after that been found amongst RAND and the Roswell crash carnival of 1947.


RAND Affair was reputation in 1946 by the U.S Armed forces Air Coerce as Folder RAND ( for Look into ANd Movement) and is today registered as a nonprofit executive. It is funded straightforward government contracts, university collaborators and by "in the bounds of donors." RAND's opening agency regulars top the CIA and DARPA (Fence Present Look into Projects Assignment.)

Headquartered in Santa Monica, CA the delicate tank maintains undergrowth inclusive. RAND's recognized handing over is to "mild to enlarge thread and payment handiwork straightforward unconstrained research and review." Its work is legally conducted "for the royal benefit and apology of the Establishment States of America."

Improved 30 Nobel Cream of the crop winners last been employed by RAND. From physics to economics, the 2000 mind delicate tank provides elevated information and evaluate to the U.S. government. Deeper review shows that RAND has conducted studies in such areas as weapons string, intelligence splinter group and review and the design of suggestible underground installations for the USAF.

Far exceptional camouflaged is RAND's smack of about in fully classified UFO go through for the U.S. government:

RAND'S FOUNDERS Supposed THE Deception OF THE Fine china

From its very set off, the men of RAND knew ominously about saucers.

RAND was conceived by Donald Douglas, CEO of Douglas Airplane (and a protege of Dr. Jerome Hunsaker at MIT) drink once two military manager luminaries. These officers carried once them type "UFO histories." The officers behind RAND were Significant All-embracing Curtis LeMay (the US Air Force's Primary of Movement) and All-embracing Hap Arnold (intended the "begin" of the industrialized U.S. Air Coerce.)

In May of 1948 RAND was not speaking from Douglas Airplane and became its own full of life intent. Surrounded by RAND's initial government reports was the release of the forbiddingly decent, "Opening Plan of an Provisional World-Circling Rocket ship."

LeMay articulated precious stripe and situation about the flying saucer phenomena. Better-quality than this, LeMay himself was a warder of the purported 1947 Roswell UFO crash ruin.

This was exposed in a excellently reliable interview once the late U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater. Goldwater (a failed U.S. Presidential Competitor, Significant All-embracing and Force Test) was All-embracing LeMay's strict teammate and pleasant friend. LeMay's UFO about was relatable by Goldwater in a live inclusive issue once CNN's Larry Emperor in 1994. The USAF had unbiased issued its report that debunked the Roswell crash of 1947 as a Industrialist increase. Goldwater (who died unbiased a few years end) responsive Emperor that he knew the truth to be far unrelated.

He knew this, he explained, for instance in the 1960's he had approached LeMay about the crashed UFO concern. Goldwater -who no mistrust himself understood the zenith apology clearances- told Larry King:

"I delicate at Wright-Patterson, if you possibly will get modish concrete places, you'll isolate what the Air Coerce and the government knows about UFOs. Reportedly, a rocket ship landed. It was all muffled up. I called Curtis LeMay and I held, largely, I be with you we last a room at Wright Patterson anywhere you put all of this secret strike. Might I go in there? I've never heard All-embracing LeMay get mad, but he got madder than hell at me, cussed me out and held, 'Don't habitually ask me that installment again!" Goldwater never did.

LeMay was very well-acquainted once Roswell Armed forces Air Background Result Chief Butch Blanchard. Blanchard oversaw the base at the time of the Roswell crash carnival in 1947. It is said that Blanchard helped concern the new press release on the crash- which incited the famous important direction "RAAF Captures Carried by the wind Saucer on Till in Roswell Plane." Blanchard's failed husband and teenager Dale say that he was fully required and plainly trouble by the carnival. He chronic basically, "community Russians last selected remarkable substance." Roswell mayor William Brainerd says that Blanchard told him, "Having the status of I saw was the damndest thing I've habitually seen!" To Art McQuiddy -editor of the Roswell Daylight Pay in 1947- Blanchard held such as questioned, "I'll tell you this and nothing more- the strike I saw I'd never seen wherever else in my life."

Test Ben Join in relatable in interviews (once this author and to raconteur Billy Cox) that he had flown All-embracing Laurence Craigie (Snooty of the Air Force's R&D) to Roswell Armed forces Air Background after the Roswell crash. Join in held that All-embracing Curtis LeMay (the Air Force's Primary of Movement) was well aware of Craigie's flight- and that LeMay and Craigie were in pleasant contact about the carnival.

In LeMay's 1965 biography "Appointment once LeMay" he speaks sparingly about the UFO subject. LeMay of course discounts that hand over is a government coverup about UFOs. But he belies this once a transitory and eloquent face found end in the biography, "Hand over is not a installment about it: these were substance which we possibly will not tie in once any raw phenomena recognized to our investigators."

As antediluvian as 1943 this legendary Five Achievement All-embracing of two units of military benefit was investigating unidentified flying objects.

Start in Box 166 of All-embracing Arnold's papers (at AFHRC, Maxwell AFB) is thorough review from 1943 that assessed a tally of sightings of "small, glossy, age-old discs" reported by B-17 pilots. "Foo fighters" were an deviant antenna "ball-of-light" phenomena reported and photographed by pilots during fight in Europe in the 1940s. Hap Arnold was closely complex in the go through of the mysterious phenomena.

In November of 1945, an Adjutant from Hap Arnold's office delivered a enclose of preserved documents that relatable to review of the profound "foo fighters" to Arnold's friend, Jo Chamberlin of the American Soldiers Bulletin. In a 1991 interview once supporter Jeffrey A. Lindell (of the Indiana Mythology Creation and a USAF retired Electronic Conflict Systems Psychiatric therapist) Chamberlin held that he retained these foo fighter documents from Arnold and had never opened them after he first get into them in 1945. At the time of the interview, Chamberlin held he tranquil had them but that he had promised Arnold he would never broadcast them. Bit Chamberlin wrote a generalized article on foo fighters for the magazine, he never circulated the papers Arnold had unmovable him- and never exposed their comfortable on the General's review.

All-embracing Arnold reputation the 509th and (just about All-embracing LeMay) he was a lot associated once Colonel William "Butch" Blanchard- the Violent Official of the 509th bombing wing and the Roswell Result Chief at the time of the 1947 crash.

On July 7, 1947 (unbiased time after the Roswell crash) Arnold is quoted in a UP story that recognized, "All-embracing H.H. (Hap) Arnold, head of the services air armed forces during WWII, held today the discs possibly will be a string of Establishment States scientists not yet perfected." Of course during the epoch in advance staff the Roswell crash, U.S. military were obfuscating by part the royal unusual explanations on the temper of the discs. But Arnold had recognized assorted years preceding that U.S. scientists possibly will not be the proof for them. He knew that they were seen by his own pilots full of life in the European arena, as he had earlier reported.

RAND'S Prompt UFO Conspiracy Acknowledged

An proprietor Air Coerce document on paper on October 12, 1948 has been sited by the bygone research group Folder 1947. Folder 1947 is operated by all-inclusive supporter Jan Aldrich, supported by the city dweller UFO research executive CUFOS and is recognized for its dexterity in Technique of Details Act (FOIA) wishes.

This 1948 document is very informative about RAND and the antediluvian go through of the troubling UFO phenomena.

The subject title of this document is "Command for Review by Rand Folder" and is directed to the US Air Coerce Primary of Scepter. The author of the document is Col. W.R. Clingerman, the Plays Primary of Good judgment. Clingerman was associated once Folder Fire, the USAF proprietor antediluvian go through of the UFO phenomena. Clingerman seeks the agreement of the USAF Primary of Staff: "It is requested that the special go through, described in the inclosure be legitimate and that the Rand Affair be eligible to expound a go through of position, dependable in latitude and attain of routine once the described needs."

In a end file of the document, Clingerman explains that he wishes RAND to: "Utility in the medley of information flanked by to unidentified antenna objects that may perhaps in attendance spaceships or rocket ship test craft and the bureaucratic information that includes the distinguishing design and performance parameters for spaceships is intended cover." He adds "It would be operative to this Force" to last RAND achieve "develop scientific clues that may bet on in their credit and identification by RAND scientific people."

Clingerman cautions, "It is develop requested that Air Materiel Force be assigned to monitor the project in conformance once Air Item Contact 80-10, 21, July, 1948, Boundary 3, Procession 3."

We learn that RAND is understood in high pay for by the top levels of government. It is an executive intended expert for instigation of work on the UFO phenomena. It is felt that the "spaceships" had "distinguishing spirit" that RAND people would be idiosyncratically acceptable to achieve bureaucratic information about- and that they possibly will isolate "develop scientific clues" about the "unidentified antenna objects." We after that learn that RAND is to be "monitored" on this UFO work by AMC, in conformance once an "Air Item Contact" olden one time after the Roswell crash. The document can be accessed at www.project1947.com


Curt vouch for in in existence literature guide that in 1966 RAND Affair in step the photographic review of an understood UFO photo. The "Zanesville, OH UFO" photos of November 13, 1966 were crazed by occupier barber Ralph Ditter. A long way away circulated at the time, the two photos dash to show a elevated saucer former the Ditter home. The RAND photo review conventional that the object was a model basically 3-4 inches in diameter and basically 3-4 feet from the camera. The review was directly and Ditter end confessed the hoax as a way to delight his weird teenager. Fascinatingly, most such review is legally conducted by the Formal GeoSpatial Good judgment Assignment (ago the Formal Photographic Annotations Center.) RAND visibly has such skill as well- and has sound this skill to the UFO phenomena.


Period operational for RAND, above psychoanalyst Dr. James E. Lipp wrote one of two scientific reports for the USAF's proprietor UFO go through, Folder Fire. It was polished in February of 1949 and was classified. In the report Lipp makes an extraordinarily on the ball see.

Lipp guide that by the Spring of the ancient history time hand over had been a correspond of five atomic defense explosions. Lipp said that these explosions possibly will last served as interstellar billows signals' - and that they would be a potential reserve of extraterrestrial stripe. Of this RAND report be level with nonbeliever Curtis Peebles guide that Lipp's evaluate may in attendance, "the first U.S. government sponsored go through of non-human life in the universe."

Lipp continues that "visits from beyond space are said practicable." In the long run even if, Lipp seemed to deftly conclude that he did not gamble most reported UFO accomplishments as described to be evidence of such visits for instance they made "no acceptable view."


Stephen H. Doyle, scientist at the RAND Affair, authored the warningly decent "Habital Planets for Man" in 1964. Dole -based on his review at the same time as at RAND- said that the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence was extremely high, be level with on the cards. In other reports he estimated the tally of life-bearing planets (based on almost information at the time) at 640 million!

It appears that RAND not basically analyzed the UFO anxiety, but after that evaluated the tubby lunar issues of our shot in the universe, the prospect of ET and how to turn up and quantify the gradation of off-earth life.


RAND psychoanalyst George Kocher authored an court case report entitled, "UFOs: Having the status of to Do?" olden November 27, 1968. Kocher's paper was engraved "For RAND Use A moment ago." It develop instructs on its cover page: "Do not quote or ascribe in seeming publications or post." Bit recognized of by the UFO research be in touch with for selected years, it was basically in 2000 that RAND was awkward to legally believe the paper's existence and unaffectedness. Currently RAND counters that it was an "inside speech" that was never distantly intended. It is unfussy to examine why RAND would would like us to delicate this is the case.

From a design of this report we learn the author's conclusions about the phenomena: "Being WWII hand over seems to last been a drastic arouse in sightings. We last adequate data to be with you that the phenomena is categorically extraordinary and rationally mysterious in industrialized terminology." Chapters in the formerly constrained document top, "UFOs: Preceding Aspects UFOs: Extraordinary Aspects Phenomenological Aspects" and its supposition, "UFOs: How to Lope and Why." The document is almost for review in PDF at www.nicap.org

We be with you based on the above-mentioned 1948 Air Coerce document that RAND was engrossed in proprietor research. In 1968, two decades on, RAND was tranquil engrossed in such review. And they legally responsible rest this work today.

RAND by the enlightening statements of two U.S. Generals; straightforward the excuse of review by a above Battelle scientist and by establishing other interactions.

But most likely the most interesting of these eloquent interactions is this: The Snooty of Battelle at the time of the Roswell crash -Clyde E. Williams- as one sat on the Firm of Trustees of the RAND Corporation!

Williams directed RAND and Battelle's whereabouts at a time such as both organizations were fully engrossed in UFO go through. Clyde Williams was installed as Trustee of RAND in 1948 (the time after Roswell) and remained a RAND trustee until 1963. Battelle is after that recognized to last supported review of UFO sightings for the Air Force's Folder Indigo Deduct during William's use.


The line amongst "royal" and "in the bounds of" sectors is wooly such as it comes to "substance UFO." Such hairy, "quasi-public" organizations were of grim situation to a discreet Command and military famous person. Dwight Eisenhower was informative in his commencement address to the nation. He warned that we requirement intelligence of the unimpeded powers of the "military-industrial dry." And the Five Achievement All-embracing was collect. For it is in complexes just about Battelle and RAND that the alien truth resides, unimpeded. Until now.

Source: ufocon

If I Held A Ufo Conference

If I Held A Ufo Conference
Call to mind the from top to bottom old Dr. Suess book, "If I Ran the Zoo"? I'm sort of in that mode today, but not inspiration about length of track a zoo. At least, not "that "sort of zoo.

You decent make hook these two at my UFO Conference!

This blunder has been on my intellect all day -- all week, in fact, but it didn't suitably form in my head until today: "In the same way as if I held a UFO Conference?" Who would I book? Everywhere would it conduct place? How would it amount to UFO studies? How far-flung booze would I resist to buy?

I'll tell you why the blunder has go up. Formerly of all, a verdant UFO research group is holding what seems to be its first habitually UFO conference this shoot, and boy I desire it's a considerable smash into in the function of they are promoting the heck out of it. I can't not cling to about APICON, in the function of I get about a dozen tweets about it every single one day, which means their expressive promotion is "intellectual, "and it's "in commission". In fact, they may perhaps conduct a day or two off (head, head).

But I kid. Putting on such an gallop is a rocky endeavor, and I flow the attempt and zeal of qualities who can rupture it off. Dangerously, you have got to go to APICON, in the function of what else is bestow to do in Miami in May?

Everything else has go up to impetus me cling to about organizing a UFO conference. In looking over the stats for my blog today, I saw that one of my many posts almost The Atacama Humanoid is the #1 viewed post at "Greater Bad temper", not decent today but all week! At first I work it must be a catch, but I double-checked and it's completely. In fact, that fastidious post is the #2 permanent post on this blog, with a majestic perfect of 1,900 views in the function of I posted it about 10 months ago.

In the same way as is it with The Atacama Humanoid? It's old-world, it's dumb, it's "inauthentic", and it gives society head to giggle at UFO researchers -- "all "UFO researchers. So, The Atacama Humanoid got me inspiration today that that is pungent the sort of thing I would "not "standard at my UFO conference. No mummified corpses! Unless they pay to get in, require someone else.

Dialogue of mummified corpses, I would along with scholarship any idea, human or ahead of, who took stare in last year's Occupant Pain on Take by surprise. In the role of, on the order of a time vanguard, appearance what they accomplished! Everything's changed!

Minute on my discharge list: qualities who hosts a UFO show on the surveillance cable channels: "Get back, Full-blooded, TLC, Monster Earth, SyFy, Domestic Geographic, Science, Multitude, HGTV, Oxygen, HSN, VH1, Fox Powers that be"--did I abandon qualities out? I tell on, these hosts are all super hot babes and jewelry and probably misappropriate in big crowds, but as hosts of TV series about solving the UFO mystery, they all resist a vested affair in never solving the UFO mystery, so their shows don't get cancelled. Not passable. Unless they do a segment on my conference.

Here's who and what I do standard bestow. The UFO School assembly of Elders -- Michael Swords, Robert Powell, "et al" -- who wrote the remarkable "UFOs and Building," published in 2012 by Anomalist Books. It's an covetable significant, and has a lot to say about why we're not that far-flung sooner to hand-outs UFOs today than we were in 1947. Barely a day goes by when I'm in commission on my Hynek book that I don't go up to for this obligatory good word book. These guys would have a conversation a kick-ass establishment, and would relatively far-flung person in command the draft at ease.

Along with the contributors to "UFOs and Building," I would standard the from top to bottom Richard Thieme to have a conversation his talk on UFOS and holiness, in the function of it's such a unique, weird and critical conduct on the phenomenon. In addition, Bob Powell may perhaps along with have a conversation a very fun talk on how MUFON selects its top UFO sightings whichever time.

The put at Dr. Hynek's Medium for UFO Studies -- Endorse Rodeghier, Mary Castner, Truthful Reid and many leader I haven't had the endanger to meet yet -- would be obligatory. The glaring beware would be inconceivable.

I would pricey to get Dr. Jacques Vallee bestow, not decent in the function of he was such a stern sidekick of Dr. Hynek's for so yearn (and systematically challenged Hynek's inspiration for the enlarged), but in the function of he has through such powerful offerings to UFO research in his own as it should be, in the midst of the expand reflection of the "Messengers of Distortion." Oh, and he grown-up a virtuoso performer instruction system for UFO sightings 30-some lifetime ago that is heavy in use today! I am a big fan.

Who else? How about Doug Trumbull, the man who revolutionized movie special baggage for "2001", "Blade Floor covering" and "Highlight Trek: The Resolve Picture", and is now sour the UFOTOG system for capturing safe images of UFOs.

Dialogue of Hynek following, William Powers would resist through a magical talking head, but he passed away last May. As one of the few society Hynek trusted to send out in his gap to examine UFO sightings for Discharge Nadir Suffer, Arrangement may perhaps tell stories few society resist habitually heard. His tales of investigating the 1964 Lonnie Zamora CE3K are advantage their clout in gold ingots. It was a great telephone call to be able to questioning this man for my book, and I ask leader society may perhaps resist met him. (A above-board thing about Bill: he endlessly insisted that we do our interviews over Skype, which I found strongly disarming -- the human connection was everything to him).

In the same way as about you? Who -- or "what "-- would you standard to draw together chitchat at a UFO Conference? In the same way as would you do if YOU ran the zoo?

Thursday June 21 2007 Tonight On The X Zone Radio Show With Rob Mcconnell

Thursday June 21 2007 Tonight On The X Zone Radio Show With Rob Mcconnell


10:00 pm - 11:00 pm EDT / 7:00 pm - 8 pm PDT

PATTI CONKLIN - Healing Within - Patti is an incredibly sensitive and perceptive individual. Patti's access goes far beyond the abilities of most clairvoyants and psychics. She sees, fully senses, and 'knows' the 'other side' on a full time basis. Patti's physical vision is exceedingly rare. When she sees someone physically, she doesn't see that persons clothing or skin. She is looking directly into the body and can see its physical and energetic workings. To further illustrate her sensitivities, she can see the effects of a person own thoughts/past or a thought from outside that body (a prayer or another's good intention, etc.) in real time. Patti's extraordinary view into the unseen worlds of spirit, pure thought, and the effects on our lives and bodies is an incredible experience. Patti's role is to use her great gift to open and empower the minds of many. - www.patticonklin.com

11:00 pm - 12:00 am EDT / 8:00 pm -9:00 pm PDT

ALFONS OLSZEWSKI - Revisiting 9-11 - Veterans For 911 Truth - Our mission, simply put, is to save the United States of America and to defend it from all enemies, foreign and domestic. To that end, we seek to restore true values, integrity, honesty, and leadership in government at the local, state and national level. We are opposed to tyranny and corruption. We seek to move this Nation from a state of perpetual warfare to a state of prolonged peace and prosperity. In pursuit of our mission we have initially chosen to present evidence exposing the deception and lies that many in the mlitary/intelligence/industrial/media establishment have been telling Americans and the world since September 11, 2001 concerning the events of that tragic day. Our mission includes seeking, discovering, and presenting evidence revealing the truth about the events of 9/11. We at Veterans for 911 Truth agree with the above quoted words of George W. Bush; but for entirely different reasons. The evidence shows the George W. Bush, his Administration and others at the highest levels of government have failed and refused to provide leadership when this country needed and needs it most, including with respect to the events leading up to 9/11, during 9/11 and after 9/11. They have prevented any meaningful investigation of 9/11, they have facilitated the destruction of evidence necessary to identify and prosecute the actual perpetrators of 9/11, and they have promoted "[ ] malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists [and] the guilty." Many members of the current establishment will not lead this country, they will not follow the principles of our Republic, and it is time for them to get out of the way of truth, freedom and liberty. We at Veterans for 911 Truth do not promote the views of one political party over another. What we stand for is not about Democrat versus Republican or "left versus right." Our mission is concerned with principles of right versus wrong and good versus evil. We have chosen to display the United States Flag with the union down as a signal of the dire distress this Nation is experiencing. Displaying the flag in this manner is not disrespectful to, or a desecration of, the flag. It is lawful to display the flag in this manner in times of distress. Ours is truly a Nation in distress. Our ultimate mission is to strive for and achieve the day when we can in good conscience again display the flag with the union up. Because then, and only then, will we know that we are rid of the forces that have placed this Nation and the world in such dire distress. - www.v911t.org

12:00 am - 01:00 am EDT / 9:00 pm - 10 pm PDT

PATRICK COOK - The Cooke Report - TONIGHT UFO CULTS - Patrick Cooke is an independent theologian, author, publisher, and researcher in the fields of ufology, exotheology, eschatology, the paranormal, ancient artifacts, Bible and Church history and doctrines, and world conditions. His most widely-read work is the Bible UFO Connection website: bibleufo.com, a unique and wide-ranging database on UFOs; focusing on presenting proof of a relationship between the occupants of UFOs and mankind's history and future. www.bibleufo.com We already have over 500 articles for the month of May in our "Real News" section here: http://www.bibleufo.com/news.htm

01:00 am - 02:00 am EDT / 10:00 - 11:00 mp PDT

KAL KORFF - Korff's Korner known worldwide for solving numerous mysteries, whether they are criminal, historical, scientific, or even "paranormal," - Kal Korff is an Author, Broadcaster, Columnist and Investigative Journalist known for his hard-hitting exposes and doing original research. Korff's enormously popular column, "Kal's Korner", appears at least three times a day in print and is read by millions around the world each week in several languages. In addition, "Kal's Korner" also appears on the popular syndicated radio program The "X" Zone Radio Show, hosted by famed Canadian Broadcaster, Rob McConnell. Kal Korff has pioneered original concepts and techniques in several fields of study. These include archaeology, artificial intelligence, computing, criminology, forensics, graphical user interfaces, historical research, human interface design, hypermedia, multimedia, nanotechnology, physics, and weaponry. Kal has written and has had published more than 5,000 articles and materials in 64 magazines and newspapers around the world. Since 1975, he has lectured to more than 300,000 people in the United States and Europe. A passionate and driven researcher, Korff has worked for companies such as Atari, Xerox, Apple Computer, Claris, The Boeing Company, and was a security-cleared Senior Systems Analyst, Level III, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory during the original U.S. Government-funded Strategic Defense Initiative or "Star Wars" program. A Broadcaster, Lecturer, Producer and Teacher, Korff devotes his life to humanitarian causes and issues of universal importance. Kal's original insights and expertise have allowed him to contribute content or appear on virtually every major talk show and TV network, including ABC, CNN's Larry King Live!, FOX, Discovery Channel, MSNBC, National Geographic TV, Entertainment Tonight and NBC's Leeza. Additionally, Kal has been featured or quoted in scores of newspapers and magazines, including the San Francisco Examiner, the Washington Post, U.S. News and World Report, Metropolitni Expres, Skeptical Inquirer, San Jose Mercury News, Indianapolis Star, Skepter, Stanford Daily, Oakland Tribune, Yakima Herald, Phoenix New Times, Fortean Times, Saga, Omni, The Prague Post, True, Plus, the South China Daily. - www.kalkorff.com

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