Canadian Ufology In 1987

Canadian Ufology In 1987
Now that more and more ufozines are being scanned and made available digitally and online, some gems are being rediscovered. I've noted on Facebook that all the back issue of OMNI Magazine are now available online, including those with articles quoting or noting me. ( But which ones they are, I have no idea.

Other articles of note popped out while searching for other things. Here's one from the MUFON UFO Journal, October 1987, by Stanton Friedman, on the state of Canadian UFO investigations and research at that time.

CANADIAN UFOLOGYBy Stanton T. Friedman

Stanton Friedman is a well-known UFO researcher and nuclear physicist.


Canada has had many reports of UFO sightings, several UFO groups, at least two official government sponsored investigative bodies and has also managed to cover up significant UFO information. The Access to Information law has been used to obtain a good deal of data though much more about what government has been doing has apparently been hidden or destroyed. Public interest in a scientific approach appears to be strong. The National Research Council file of a few thousand reports is ripe for detailed investigation by serious researchers able to devote considerable time and effort to the pursuit of more information since the NRC itself has done essentially no investigation of "nonmeteor" sightings.


It is not surprising that many aspects of ufology in Canada are quite similar to those in other countries.There have been Canadian sightings, landings, physical trace cases and radar observations. Canadians have been abucted. The Canadian government has kept much information classified and misrepresented the facts of its activities to the public. A number of courageous investigators have dug into Canadian sightings and some cultist and amateur groups have flourished and died off.As an American (my wife is a Canadian) living in Canada since 1980 and having visited Canada since 1965, I am aware that many Americans think of Canada as being just like the USA but further north. The languages of the two counties are (leaving out Quebec) generally the same. But there are some very important differences that have a bearing on the UFO question:

1) Canada covers a larger land area than the USA (actually second only to the USSR) but has a population only 1/10th that of the USA and most of that is in a narrow band within 200 miles of the US border. Winters are long and harsh. The number of people per square mile available to observe UFOs is thus greatly reduced compared with Europe, Asia, the USA etc.

2) Canada has a much smaller military presence than does the USA and the rest of the NATO alliance.

3) Canada did not, until the past 5 years, have anything even close to a Freedom of Information Act. Access to Information is new and does work (5 per request), but there are many exemptions. Because much of Canada's cultural and political heritage is from the UK, not from the USA, there is much more of a Government-knows-best attitude than in the USA.

4) Canadians, in general, have far more respect for authorities, especially for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police than do Americans. The extensive but very incomplete National Research Council UFO files have very little contamination with what might be described as kook reports. RCMP investigators frequently were involved and people here usually (if not involved in crime) do not lie to the RCMP, and don't think of police as "pigs." Military people are respected and usually are careerists rather than short termers.

5) Because of the great size of the country and the weather, it is comparatively more difficult to have well-organized investigative groups.


On a personal basis, having lectured at dozens of campuses (some 3 times) and to many other groups in 8 of the 10 Canadian provinces and appeared on many radio and TV programs, I can say that there is a great deal of interest in a scientific approach to the UFO problem, coupled as would be expected with a general lack of awareness of the mountain of work done by investigators and organizations such as MUFON. I have had many overflow crowds at my lectures and many columns of favorable newspaper coverage. I have also had my trouble with the major newspaper, the Toronto Globe and Mail, and with Phil Klass's noisy negativist associate, Henry Gordon, who did three separate columns on me in the Toronto Star (Ref. 1), each one loaded with misrepresentations, as one might perhaps expect from a magician member of the self-annointed Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. At least the Star published portions of two letters in response to the misinformation in Gordon's columns and has carried a large overview article. The Globe and Mail actually lied to the Ontario Press Council which did give me a hearing in my complaint about false statements in a summary front page G">There were sightings in Canada in 1947 as well as much earlier and have been ever since. Of the 853 UFO sightings reported in Ted Bloecher's compilation, "Report of the UFO Wave of 1947," from June and July 1947, 18 were of Canadian origin as observed by a total of 52 witnesses. Judging by other efforts to expand Bloecher's compilation, there were many more cases reported in local newspapers but not collected by Bloecher. There were at least 2 publicly acknowledged official investigative efforts: Project Magnet and Project Second Story. A key figure in both was Department of Transport Engineer, Wilbert B. Smith. I never met Smith prior to his untimely death of a brain tumor in the early 1960s, but I have communicated with his wife and met his son and talked to many people who knew him. Also, Arthur Bray has been kind enough to provide copies of a number of items from Smith's files. As with the great majority of Canadian research activities, Smith's work was very much on a shoestring budget. Since an excellent overview of the UFO situation in Canada is presented in the book by Bondarchuk (Ref. 2), I will not duplicate the information he provides. Smith was clearly a serious professional who was awarded Canada's highest broadcasting engineering award, often visited the USA and knew Donald Keyhoe of NICAP and Frank Edwards, as well as having had through the Canadian Embassy an association with Vannevar Bush, who apparently was the key figure in the top secret US UFO effort after the Roswell Incident (Ref. 3,4) in July, 1947. Bush also had headed the Office of Scientific Research and Development during World War II as a kind of Science and Technology Czar, having established the Manhattan Project as well as a myriad of other joint military-industry-university technology projects aimed at winning the war. He also organized and was the first head of the postwar Joint Research and Development Board (JRDB) which later became the RDB, served on the War Council, had headed prewar the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA which later became the NASA), had very close ties to James Forrestal, first head of the Department of Defense, and many meetings with presidents Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower. His association with MJ-12 member Donald Menzel goes back to 1934, and Bush was Menzel's staunchest defender at Loyalty Hearings held in May 1950. I have elsewhere (Ref. 5) quoted the startling statements from Smith's 3-page Top Secret memo "Geomagnetics," discovered by Canadian Research Mr. X (legal name for a most unusual researcher, sort of a Canadian Charles Fort), but will repeat the key comments here (November 21, 1950): "I made discreet enquiries through the Canadian Embassy staff in Washington who were able to obtain for me the following information:

a) The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.

b) Flying saucers exist.

c) Their modus operand! Is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush.

d) The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance.

Some sceptics have tried to pass Smith off as a kook because of his interest in paranormal phenomena, apparently not knowing that there is quite a file of supporting material, especially classified correspondence with Arnauld Wright and Gordon Cox and other Canadian Government employees. Also I managed to have released under Access to Information the files of the Defense Research Board... roughly the equivalent (on a much much smaller scale) of the US Research and Development Board which was the evolutionary remnant of the Joint Research and Development Board. The DRB had established a committee on UFOs which met on a number of occasions in classified session, strangely at the same time the public was being told that nothing official was being done and that Wilbert Smith's activities were just a hobby as part of his membership in NICAP! The 300 page DBR file is not for the most part of very great excitement, including newspaper articles and letters in response to public inquiries. It also however, includes a 1.5 page summary of government UFO involvement, dated October 1958. Here are some very provocative items from that history:

E.A. Bernard (Confidential - declassified May 25, 1984)

Defense Research Board.

1. Past History

U.S. "Project Saucer" was completed about 1950 and it was found desirable to solicit Canadian reports. At the 220th meeting of the JIC (Joint Intelligence Committee) on the 12, April, 1950, UFOs were discussed and the following decisions were reached:

a) DSI (Directorate of Scientific Intelligence) and DAI (Directorate of Air Intelligence) were to collaborate in preparing a questionnaire to be distributed to field intelligence officers of the three services and the RCMP.

b) DAI is to coordinate the investigation arrangements in the field.

c) All field reports were to be passed to DSI for official examination on behalf of DND (Department of National Defense).

2. Action by DRB/DSI

A tabular record of reports of sightings dating back to kept in this office and is classified SECRET. The last entry is a sighting of 8th June 1956. A file is also kept here which contains a multitude of press articles, sightings, etc. DRB file 3800-10-1-1 (3 vols.) contains a large number of sighting reports dating back to 1947. The last report in the DAI files was dated July 1958. DAI did not appear to be aware of earlier policy as explained in paragraphs 2 and 3 above.


I naturally filed an Access to Information request for the specific items noted. The response, which wasprompt, was also very disappointing since it stated that copies of all these items had all been destroyed. From my own background of 14 years work with classified documents I simply do not believe that these were the only copies but have no way of establishing where the others are, though I am still working on it.I located some of the individuals listed as attending the meetings. A couple of people responded that so far as they were concerned the information was still covered by the Official Secrets act and refused to say any more. I did manage to locate and meet with Dr. Omand Solandt who was the first Chairman of the DRB and sort of the Vannevar Bush of Canada...though much younger. He recalled Wilbert Smith, but denied knowing that there was really a huge U.S. coverup. He serves still on many committees and keeps very busy in retirement. He was not interested in getting back into the UFO controversy.The National Research Council has had an important and unusual involvement in UFOs since the mid-1960s after Smith's death. On the one hand it has been the official collection agency for public reports and had received thousands from the military, the police, and the general public. However, unlike the U.S. Project-Blue Book, it has had a very low public profile and does practically no investigations on its own. Each report is given a number and filed chronologically on file cards maintained in a small office. One can view the files, usually by appointment, but cannot make copies though notes can be taken. Since about 5 years ago thanks to the efforts of Mr. X and some effort on my part the early files were transferred to the Public Archives and put on microfilm. Each year the 100-200-cases received the previous year are added to the Archives collection where they can be viewed and hard copies made. These are crying out for investigation.Essentially the only effort made by the NRC is to subdivide into "meteor" and "non meteor" categories. The NRC is interested in the meteor reports and follows up on them in the interest of science. They do nothing about the non-meteors which are, of course, of far more interest to ufologists. There is no cross filing geography, type of report, whether radar is involved or a landing occurred etc. Two NRC people, Dr. Peter Millman an astronomer and Dr. MacNamara have made public antiUFO statements. There are no classified sightings in the NRC files though it is clear that the Canadian side of the North American Air Defence Command does make radar observations and does report to HQ NORAD per the terms of JANAP-146 and its successor regulations. There are still in place regulations for military and civilian pilots to make reports of unknown aerial objects, unknown missiles, unknown aircraft, etc.


My first contact with Canadian Ufology was way back in 1968 when William K. Allen a teacher of physics in Calgary had the courage to bring me in to speak at the Jubilee Auditorium. Bill kept me busy with the media and we had a crowd of 1200 paying attendees. The profit went to help' Bill's group "UFO Anonymous" put out an excellent LP record which included both sounds of UFOs and interviews with witnesses including commercial pilots. Bill is retired and living in Kelowna, B.C. and has done a great deal through the media to make the study of UFOs respectable.John Musgrave had the courage to apply for and accept a grant from the Canada Council to study UFO abductions and toured all over North America in his quest. I was very disappointed in his final report (Ref. 6) and never could understand why it was so negative and in places inaccurate until April, 1987 when John was involved in the CBC TV Man Alive program "The ET Connection." The program which set new standards for careful advance research thanks to Director-Producer David Cherniack, focused on abductions. It turns out John may himself have had an abduction experience when young and seems to be fighting dealing with it at all by trying to pass it and other abduction experiences off as dreams. Apparently if he admits that other actual abductions have occurred, he would have to face up to his own which apparently is too difficult...sort of a classic case of denial. John heads a small group in Edmonton, Alberta.Arthur Bray of Ottawa, has published two books on UFOs, is an ex-officer and has managed to obtain a portion of the files of Wilbert Smith. Because of his input at the Toronto MUFON Conference in 1982, I was put on to Dr. Robert Sarbacher whom I was able to locate in Florida, and to visit. Sarbacher was a quite remarkable scientist who served on a number of wartime and post war research committees and was the source of some of Smith's comments about UFOs as quoted above, according to Smith's handwritten notes after the meeting. Sarbacher was a boy genius according to a Saturday Evening Postarticle and made major contributions to the technical side of winning World War II...I don't know why Arthur hadn't looked for him. His yacht in Palm Beach, Florida, was quite impressive and he was in the phone book as well as in various professional directories.Still active in Canada are people such as Chris Rutkowski of Winnipeg, Manitoba, and employed by the University of Manitoba. Chris publishes The Swamp Gas Journal and has compiled an extensive computerized file of hundreds of Manitoba UFO sightings. He has been involved in various research projects concerned with observations from satellites. Gene Duplantier of Toronto has been a long time distributor of UFO publications. John Magor of British Columbia published a Canadian UFO report for several years and has written at least one book. David Haisell of the Toronto area has also written a book and was an active investigator for several years. There are still active UFO groups in Toronto and Waterloo and Stratford, all in Ontario. Dr. Don Donderi is a Professor of Psychology at prestigious McGill University in Montreal and was very active in UFO Quebec as well as courageous enough to introduce me at 2 of my overflow McGill lectures.


1. Friedman, Stanton T. "Flying Saucers, Noisy Negatiuists, and Truth" Paper presented at 1985MUFON Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, 15 Pages. 2.00 postpaid from UFOR1, POB 3584, Fredericton, NB Canada E3B 5J8.2. Bondarchuk, Yurko "UFO Canada" Signet Book, New American Library of Canada Limited, Scarborough, Ontario, Paperback, May 1981 2.95, forward by Stanton T. Friedman, 198 pages.3. Moore, W.L, and Berlitz, C. "The Roswell Incident" 1980 Grosset and Dunlap, New York, 168 pages.4. Moore, W.L. "Crashed Saucers: Evidence in Search of Proof Paper presented at MUFON 1985 Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, 49 pages, 5.00 from UFORI.5. Friedman, Stanton T. "The Cosmic Watergate" 1981, 18 pages 2.00 from UFORI.6. Musgrave, John B. "UFO Occupants and Critters, The Patterns in Canada" 1979, Global Communications, 303 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1306, NY, NY 10016 66 pages, Lists 90 CanadianHumanoid reports.

Humansville Ufo 2009

Humansville Ufo 2009
I THOUGHT THIS MIGHT BE A JOKE AT FIRST. "HUMANSVILLE" seemed to be the giveaway, but a quick search shows that there really is a place in Missouri with that name. I mean, today is, after all, the birthday of H.G. Wells (Sept. 21). Did they have MYSTERIOUS VISITORS on September 17?

MUFON Log Number: US-09212009-0002
Submitted Date: 2009-09-21 00:33

" appeared to be a triangular shaped black craft with 3 white lights, one near each corner. The lights slowly pulsated simaltaneously, dim and then bright. The craft seemed as if it could be a mile to 1/2 mile a way and appeared to be about the size of a football field." FULL REPORT AT UFO STALKER.) THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME that a UFO report has come out of Humansville.
Humansville, Missouri, Lies
Humansville Missouri Addiction Resources
Humansville, Missouri, Ghost Sightings
I'm Off to Humansville!

"Cool Hats color:#cc0000;"> "
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2010 A Big Year For Ufos

2010 A Big Year For Ufos
Dec 27, 2010-

Neediness a bad change that keeps viewing up, UFOs sustain been something like on a degree immoral from antiquity give instructions protester day. And as 2010 unfolded, the UFO mythology was live and well.

Renowned British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, the pope's astronomer, a high-ranking Italian official and equivalent the late Winston Churchill (according to currently unearthed documents) helped sheep UFOs in the news.

And sightings of mysterious flying objects came in from all over the world.

Let's dais a esteem source at accurate of the above thirst quenching, curious and hilarious stories between UFOs and the oath of contact via ETs that appeared on our pages.

It's eternally good to link a enterprise nearby UFOs from an academic point of view, nearby this New York state anthropology coach who insisted that, not simply requirement UFOs be unavailable a great deal, but they belong in the ivory tower series.

The longstanding pondering over whether or not we requirement try to hurl contact via space aliens reared its head in the sphere of 2010. Astrophysicist Hawking cautioned that any addendum via extraterrestrials could plan a generous attract for earthlings.

But via oodles population eager that alien disclosure is individual something like the manage, undertake came out of the Czech Republic that astronomers had bent new orders for how we requirement specify crucial contact via ETs.

As well as in attendance was Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the manager of Russia's Buddhist republic, Kalmykia, who claimed to sustain through connections via aliens after they first so they say abducted him from his Moscow address.

Production connections via bizarre touring company is one thing, but when Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno announced he'd nearby to identify aliens, it gave new gist to the design of reaching out and pitiful them.

Not all fan leaders impression the give somebody a ride to sheep alien information secret. Rasp in point: Italian Northern Society unit front Mario Borghezio's make this time to alter European Calm part nations to release all of their impassable UFO documents.

Because Americans sweltered in the summer genial, UFOs "invaded" Figurines. It's inactive not clear whether it was everything closely unidentified or a secret military aircraft that was seen. Doesn't matter what it was, it resulted in the power cut of the Xiaoshan Life-threatening for an hour.

The media through such a location over abundant Figurines UFO sightings, equivalent "Very late Tragedy" host David Letterman couldn't grasp dialogue about it:

"In the role of I go around on my central processing unit, I get this AOL thing. They sustain the dawning news abstract... in attendance sustain been UFOs over Figurines. Believe how out of the ordinary that would be if it happened more or less. It would be wonderful, wouldn't it?

"So, I would nearby to now hurl a implore to other life forms and armed in other galaxies in the universe. Hearten build do that for us. Equally you can't buy that set of coverage. Hearten build to the Connected States, build pay us a stop more or less in New York City!"

At first, exterior to slight Letterman's ET solicit, the UFOs momentous they weren't give instructions unsettling airports in Figurines, arriving and halting operations at the Baotou Life-threatening in the Crucial Mongolia power.

But not longing for to miss out on all that the Big Apple has to hold out, curious objects showed up in the sky haughty Manhattan in the indicate of an afternoon. The metropolis was in a rapture over the reports until it became apparent that these UFOs may sustain been above helium than alien.

Hot on the heels of Figurines and New York, UFOs turned up to dais in the sights over Texas and Virginia.

We excessively saw a new balance of the renowned fire exercises that most young students occurrence in prepare. In the Connected Express, abundant "UFO exercises" were theatrical as a way to prepare 8- to 10-year-old pupils how to retort to a expected UFO crash, plus the granny knot of any jetsam.

Reliable population command so inconsiderately to assignation extraterrestrials that they'll hold out the touring company a stay to congealed, as in the case of the petty town of Ares, France.

Fluff the way this exterior time, accurate serious-minded UFO significant came to our attention.

In Considerable Britain, only just published secret documents alleged that beyond Fundamental Minister Churchill assumed accurate UFOs were phantom and he was empathetic that such news would produce a common bell.

Authoritative, influential military officers stepped bring up and feeble their choke at a Washington, D.C., press conference to differentiate their firsthand encounters via UFOs that they declare had tampered via American nuclear weapons sites.

We assistant professor about Elvis Presley's reported attract in UFOs and stack of New Age and UFO books that he brought via him on tour in big contents trunks.

Did you hurl it to the Interplanetary Discussion group of Light? Or perhaps you in some way missed that gather holiday at allegedly ostentatious on 33 planets sideways the galaxy and determined in San Diego by the Unarius Ivory tower of Science.

For realm of Denver, the November choose obtainable a coincidental to assert for an sketch that, if approved, would sustain bent an ET family holder.

And seeing as triangular, gripping Dorito-shaped UFOs were reported in the English province, Scottish central processing unit bore Gary McKinnon fitting his accidental for hacking taking part in in the vicinity of 100 military and NASA computers a decade ago. All he was coarse to do was distinguish secret UFO files.

Rounding out this UFO time, the latest reply in the which-country-will-be-next-to-release-UFO-files battle, it's stiff encounters of the Kiwi set. New Zealand through above than 2,000 pages of before classified documents common individual in the past Christmas -- reports on both sides of in the vicinity of 60 living.

Yes, it was an thrilling time of UFO tales, and we hallucinate whoever's piloting these innovative machines -- assuming they are machines -- in detail appreciates all the press we've exact them.

Object Came From The Big Dipper And Then A Hugh Flash Over Haverhill New Hampshire

Object Came From The Big Dipper And Then A Hugh Flash Over Haverhill New Hampshire
Date: February 22, 2012Time: End of the day. Saw an orb on 2/22/12 in Haverhill NH and it came out of the cage of the succinct scrape. Looked having the status of a star, but stimulated in westerly sequence. At the back of looking at it for a set of two of seconds it became a very large group of pasty light, having the status of from a wink tuber on an old formed camera. This group was about 100-200 period the diameter of the earliest object. At the back of the wink contemporary was the tiny, star having the status of object another time traveling in a westerly sequence. At the back of a few seconds it disappeared. Take pleasure in seen objects having the status of this past surrounding my house, but never one that flashed. It looked having the status of a very large stick had occurred. Efficiently peculiar, reported it to MUFON. If you private seen doesn't matter what having the status of this in the dreadfully area please be questionnaire acceptable to contact Brian Vike at: "" then the details of your sighting. "All private information is reticent interior."

"The Vike Specify (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Ufo Sighting In Wiggins

Ufo Sighting In Wiggins

me an two friends were going o the store last night to get some beer and i was looking out the window and suddenly this ball like object an it was glowing like a super saiyan from dragon ball z(dbz). came down from the atmosphere and hovered for 1 minute with a static like aura and static sound and shock, it was yellow/goldish and in the center was white and what looked like an apparational figure or feature of some sort and like i said before it was orb like in appearance. it was pulsatingly bright as well and only i alone could feel that static and hear the pulse from it and i dont know why. But after one minute it took off at superman speed straight and then it changed its coarse and went west towards the woods. today i saw not one but six to seven military helicopters pass over my college to the direction that the object went. the feeling in had last night was shock awe and i barely had any sleep just thinking about it and the funny thing is is that today was my last final exam. i barely ate lunch today and usually im a pretty hungry guy. i was surprised that i wasn't even hungry and ive never felt this way before. its supper time and im still not hungry. but thats my case. i didnt have time to record it sadly. nobody has to believe me but i know what i saw last night and i know what i feel.


Credit: MUFON

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Nasa To Launch New Science Mission To Asteroid In 2016

Nasa To Launch New Science Mission To Asteroid In 2016
NASA will launch a spacecraft to an asteroid in 2016 and use a robotic arm to pluck samples that could better explain our solar system's formation and how life began. The mission, called Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer, or OSIRIS-REx, will be the first U.S. mission to carry samples from an asteroid back to Earth."This is a critical step in meeting the objectives outlined by President Obama to extend our reach beyond low-Earth orbit and explore into deep space," said NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden. "It's robotic missions like these that will pave the way for future human space missions to an asteroid and other deep space destinations." NASA selected OSIRIS-REx after reviewing three concept study reports for new scientific missions, which also included a sample return mission from the far side of the Moon and a mission to the surface of Venus. Asteroids are leftovers formed from the cloud of gas and dust -- the solar nebula -- that collapsed to form our sun and the planets about 4.5 billion years ago. As such, they contain the original material from the solar nebula, which can tell us about the conditions of our solar system's birth.Conceptual image of OSIRIS-REx. CREDIT: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona After traveling four years, OSIRIS-REx will approach the primitive, near Earth asteroid designated 1999 RQ36 in 2020. Once within three miles of the asteroid, the spacecraft will begin six months of comprehensive surface mapping. The science team then will pick a location from where the spacecraft's arm will take a sample. The spacecraft gradually will move closer to the site, and the arm will extend to collect more than two ounces of material for return to Earth in 2023. The mission, excluding the launch vehicle, is expected to cost approximately 800 million. The sample will be stored in a capsule that will land at Utah's Test and Training Range in 2023. The capsule's design will be similar to that used by NASA's Stardust spacecraft, which returned the world's first comet particles from comet Wild 2 in 2006. The OSIRIS-REx sample capsule will be taken to NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. The material will be removed and delivered to a dedicated research facility following stringent planetary protection protocol. Precise analysis will be performed that cannot be duplicated by spacecraft-based instruments. RQ36 is approximately 1,900 feet in diameter or roughly the size of five football fields. The asteroid, little altered over time, is likely to represent a snapshot of our solar system's infancy. The asteroid also is likely rich in carbon, a key element in the organic molecules necessary for life. Organic molecules have been found in meteorite and comet samples, indicating some of life's ingredients can be created in space. Scientists want to see if they also are present on RQ36. "This asteroid is a time capsule from the birth of our solar system and ushers in a new era of planetary exploration," said Jim Green, director, NASA's Planetary Science Division in Washington. "The knowledge from the mission also will help us to develop methods to better track the orbits of asteroids." The mission will accurately measure the "Yarkovsky effect" for the first time. The effect is a small push caused by the sun on an asteroid, as it absorbs sunlight and re-emits that energy as heat. The small push adds up over time, but it is uneven due to an asteroid's shape, wobble, surface composition and rotation. For scientists to predict an Earth-approaching asteroid's path, they must understand how the effect will change its orbit. OSIRIS-REx will help refine RQ36's orbit to ascertain its trajectory and devise future strategies to mitigate possible Earth impacts from celestial objects. Michael Drake of the University of Arizona in Tucson is the mission's principal investigator. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., will provide overall mission management, systems engineering, and safety and mission assurance. Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver will build the spacecraft. The OSIRIS-REx payload includes instruments from the University of Arizona, Goddard, Arizona State University in Tempe and the Canadian Space Agency. NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif., the Langley Research Center in Hampton Va., and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., also are involved. The science team is composed of numerous researchers from universities, private and government agencies. This is the third mission in NASA's New Frontiers Program. The first, New Horizons, was launched in 2006. It will fly by the Pluto-Charon system in July 2015, then target another Kuiper Belt object for study. The second mission, Juno, will launch in August to become the first spacecraft to orbit Jupiter from pole to pole and study the giant planet's atmosphere and interior. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., manages New Frontiers for the agency's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
On occasion I will post interesting UAP activities from one of the worlds largest and most professional UAP research organizations. MUFON (MUTUAL UFO NETWORK). Here is a fascinating case from MUFON's "Sighting Of The Month".

Although this incident occurred in 1967, I decided it was worthy to print because of the number of competent, multiple U.S. AIR FORCE military witnesses coupled with two separate radar installations including three Marine F-4 Phantoms in pursuit of the bogeys. The UAPs were tracked at an astonishing 5000 mph!


On or about March 31, 1967 two US MILITARY AIR DEFENSE RADAR OPERATORS tracked a total of eight unidentified targets over coastal areas of southern Florida. The operators and radar stations were separated by approximately 100 miles. These two distinct radar sites were located at HOMESTEAD AFB, Florida and the ARMY AIR DEFENSE BATTERY on Key West, Florida. The radar tracking and observation lasted for approximately four hours. Two separate UAP flight areas were identified, one off of the east coast near Miami, Florida (Flight Area A) and the second just south of the Florida mainland and north of Key West, Florida (Flight Area B).


The only visual object description was from a member of the Army Air Defense launch crew who commented the one object was moving so fast it was like a meteor, but was flying level. Based on the radar return the primary witness estimated the size of one UAP as between 31 and 100 feet.


DF stated; It was late March 1967. I was a buck Sergeant In the UNITED STATES AIR FORCE. I was stationed at the 644th Radar Squadron, RICHMOND AIR FORCE STATION, Florida. The radar squadron was just north of U.S. Highway 1 in Miami, Florida. I was working a twelve hour shift from 7pm To 7am. I was speaking with WS about 10pm, when I received a priority telephone call from NORAD HEADQUARTERS. They advised that four unidentified aircraft had been picked up on Canadian radar passing over mid Canada and heading south along the east coast of the United States at a very high rate of speed.

I notified the duty officer and waited for my radar to paint the four unidentified aircraft. The radar showed four targets coming into range at approximately 5000 mph and decelerating to approximately 1500 mph. I had WS on my telephone and advised him as the situation developed. Bill advised that he had the four aircraft on his radar. We both watched the aircraft flying grid patterns for approximately four hours. At approximately 2am, Bill told me that one of the aircraft had broken formation and was flying toward his site. I lost contact with Bill a few moments later.

WS stated; it was late March of 1967. I was in the army at that time, and assigned to an air defense center in Key West, Florida. I spent many of my nights in a radar control center watching the various screens. My second cousin was also in the scope dope business. He was in the Air Force at the time and worked in a radar station in Homestead, Florida, just outside Miami.

We spent many an evening conversing on the air defense net, although our conversations rarely had anything to do with air defense. My cousin called me one night on the net and advised me that something unbelievable was happening in South Florida. He opened the net so I could monitor the traffic regarding the incident taking place. I pulled my headset to my ears as I listed to various NORAD stations tracking a UAP just off the coast of Miami.

At the time, Homestead was a SAC base, and any such traffic was a great concern to the Air Force. Although I was about 100 miles from the target under discussion, I had the capability to observe activity in the area with my own radar. I had only to take it off standby. As I was bringing up my antenna, the chatter continued, and referred to three more objects in the sky near Miami. It was also noted that civilian observers had now sighted the objects and the sighting was being reported on local commercial radio.

As my scope came up the first thing I noticed were three Marine fighters departing BOCA CHICA NAVAL AIR STATION, heading north. The UAPs were clearly visible just southeast of Miami. They appeared to be moving just East of North, skirting the Florida Coast. They then turned sharply west, crossing the keys near Everglades National Park on the south tip of the Florida mainland. It only took the Phantoms a few minutes to reach the area of the bogies.

I have no idea if the pilots sighted the targets visually, or electronically. The air channel was not part of the NORAD net. As the phantoms approached the targets they disappeared off the scope. Now there is only one way to disappear when being observed by a PAR (PULSE ACQUISITION RADAR). You must go straight up, or straight down. This cat and mouse game went on all night. There is much too much to type in this report.

Visual observations in Miami included the observation of one large object and three small. This I cannot verify, although I imagine the Miami Herald would have some record of it. To me, they appeared to be flying a search pattern. The way the COAST GUARD would search in grids. After about four hours one of the unknowns began moving south directly towards my location. The target was really moving, probably twice the speed of anything I had ever tracked, around 1100 miles an hour. This would provide me with an excellent opportunity to lock onto the target with a different type of radar. This other type of radar, which I probably should not identify, has the capability of bringing back actual sounds of the target. Turbo prop, jet engines, or the thud of rotary aircraft could clearly be heard with this system.

As the target approached it decelerated but was still supersonic. I brought the targeting radar into alignment with it and brought the unit on-line. For a short moment, a very short moment, I could hear a high-pitched whine, similar to a jet engine, but smoother and much higher pitch. At this point the target obviously detected my lock and hit my sight with some type of ELECTRONIC COUNTER MEASURE. It appeared to reverse the polarity of every piece of equipment on the sight, although I was never able to verify that.

Needless to say this caused an instant shut down of the system and erased a great many taxpayer dollars. As I was exiting the control center the launch crew stated that they had seen the object pass over. It was moving so fast that one of the guys swore it was a meteor, but was flying level. When last seen the object was headed south towards Cuba. It was many years later that I read newspaper articles about a two-week flap in the Miami area. I would also later learn about a Cuban MIG21 that was allegedly destroyed during an encounter with a UAP in March 1967.


The characteristics of the object do not match known aircraft. According to the one Army launch crew member it had an anomalous appearance, like a meteor that was flying a level course. On radar, the objects indicated anomalous movements; broken or interrupted trajectories, and apparition of physical-spatial incongruities; disappearing and reappearing on radar. At least one of the objects demonstrated supersonic speed without producing a sonic boom.


This is a historical case that occurred approximately 47 years ago. The primary witness is a MUFON FIELD INVESTIGATOR and he has investigated this case over a several year period.

Checked MUFON CMS database for the months of March and April 1967, no other cases found in Florida.

Checked NICAP database and found 4 Florida cases, 1 case may be related to this case. It was in March 1967, however a specific date and time were not identified. It is the case involving a Cuban Mig-21 destroyed while engaging an unknown target over NE Cuba. Some investigative reports suggest the unknown was an A-12 or SR-71 American Spy Plane.

Note, if memory serves, The SR-71 is a recon airplane without armaments.

My words. Checked NUFORC database and found 1 Florida case from April 01, 1967 that we believe is related. This case was reported in June 2005, but the event date was listed as approximately April 1, 1967 and the location was at the Flamingo Campgrounds near Homestead, Florida. The description of the event has similarities with observations made by the radar operators. The location also matches.

Checked meteor/fireball database and did not find any that matched location and date for this case.

Several newspaper articles were discovered that refer to sightings within a few weeks of this case, however the Air Force determined the many witnesses, three teachers and several students from the Crestview School in Opalocka, Florida, were observing a Coast Guard Helicopter engaged in training maneuvers at an airport approximately 3 miles from their location. The witnesses did not agree with this assessment. The date, time, and objects movements as well as colors seem to match the primary witness's description of the event. All was documented in the local newspapers.


Witnesses are credible, at the time of the event they were US Military radar operators.


NUFORC Case Posted 6/20/2005 and reported 6/2/2005 location was Homestead, Florida and event date was approximately 4/01/1967. USAF INVESTIGATION AND FINDINGS document number 1003764 dated 4 May 1967, event date April 7, 1967. Crestview School daytime UAP sightings.


Our conclusion for these objects is UNKNOWN-UAV. They do not match the capabilities of known military or commercial aircraft from that time period.

Fascinating! Isn't it?


Crew Evacuated From Section Of Iss After Ammonia Leak

Crew Evacuated From Section Of Iss After Ammonia Leak
The crew of the International Space Station have been evacuated from the US part of the satellite after an ammonia leak, according to reports.

They have been moved into the Russian part of the satellite, Russian news reports said.

All of the six crew - made up of three Russians, two Americans and one Italian - are safe in the Russian section, Russian news agencies reported.

The station is divided into two - the Russian Orbital Segment and the United States Orbital Segment (USOS), which has been evacuated.

The USOS is made and operated by Nasa, the European Space Agency, the Canadian Space Agency and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.

It is run by staff in a range of mission control centers, including two in the US, and others in Germany and Japan.

New supplies arrived at the station last week, after a rocket made by SpaceX carried them there. The arrival of the supplies were delayed by a rocket explosion in October.


Scientists Discuss Invisible Alien Life On Earth

Scientists Discuss Invisible Alien Life On Earth
On Monday, April 22, "HuffPost Ultimate" featured a elevation about alleged invisible life that may well exist on Dirt. This elevation, patrician "Earth's Distant Liveliness," featured "HuffPost" Elder Science Editor David Freeman, Teacher of Colorado, Remove seeds from Tutor of Scheme Carol Cleland, Arizona Hand Teacher alleged physicist and astrobiologist Paul Davies, Teacher of Massachusetts-Amherst Go around with Tutor of English David Toomey, and was hosted by "HuffPost Ultimate"'s Spoke Zepps. HuffPost Live's elevation about alien life on Dirt. (Credit: HuffPost)Carol Cleland and her sub- Shelley Copley coined the term "discoloration bioshpere" in a 2006 paper in the "Corporation Update of Astrobiology" to list the mortal invisible life on our planet. According to the "Defender", Cleland explains, "On Dirt we may be co-inhabiting in the company of microbial lifeforms that carry a a minute ago awkward biochemistry from the one short by life as we right now know it." The "Defender" explains that this theory is supported by diverse other scientists, as well as astrobiologists Chris McKay at NASA's Ames Revise Hang-up and Paul Davies. The "Defender" points out: If it turns out we carry failed to realise that we carry been group a planet in the company of these shroud lifeforms for eons, in spite of all the expert advances of the 19th and 20th centuries, after that we may demand to be of the opinion over about the way we hunt for life on other worlds. Robot spacecraft - such as the Mars itinerant Novelty - are clearly sophisticated. But what unscramble do they carry of detecting alien entities if the massed laboratories of fresh science carry not yet spotted them on our own planet?Life as we know it is what astrobiologists way of being for in the search for extraterrestrial life. But if an eccentric form of life on Dirt is exposed, it would now shock the search for life on other worlds. On the "HuffPost Ultimate" elevation, Cleland explains: Tutor Carol Cleland. (Credit: CU Remove seeds from)It's clearly a lot easier to search for it on Dirt than it is on Mars the same as we carry all kinds of knowledge and technologies from one place to another for looking for it, although we carry to design them exceedingly and enticement them to Mars to way of being for unspecified life on Mars. So if there's the hazard that such life exists on Dirt, and I be of the opinion, purportedly, there's no gossip at this time to evict it, after that it makes to a great extent a cut above instinct, and I be of the opinion it's to a great extent a cut above physical we would detect it in vogue on Dirt. The difficulty, of course, is the signal for ongoing life on Dirt is so strong that we carry to manner out ways of recognizing unspecified life and excellent them from familiar life. And that's the efficiently press down part.Scientists carry premeditated mortal methods for detecting this "ghostlike life," but until it is detected, the discoloration biosphere confuse an interesting theory.Sound

Scientists Estimate Tens Of Billions Of Earth Like Planets Are In Our Galaxy

Scientists Estimate Tens Of Billions Of Earth Like Planets Are In Our Galaxy
New data from the European Southern Observatory's HARPS (Revitalization Fidelity Radial zip Globe Scavenger) planet-hunting counselor suggests at hand may well be tens of billions of Earth-like planets in our galaxy.

Astronomers analyzing this new data referee that not quite forty percent of red dwarf stars in the Buttery Way galaxy may wolf Earth-sized planets orbiting them in imitation of the claim stipulations for life. Red dwarfs yield virtually eighty percent of the stars in the galaxy, and, according to "", their commonness means "that at hand are tens of billions of viable places to good for life further Dig, in imitation of at smallest 100 such planets positioned contiguously."

Artists hollow of dusk on Gliese 667 Cc. (Credit: ESO/L. Calcada)Right through this recent inquiry of red dwarf stars, scientists naked a planet in the Gliese 667 triple attribute system. This is the flicker planet naked in that system, and has been named Gliese 667 Cc. The planet is situated meticulous the center of the habitable zone, and, according to astronomers, it "almost by a long shot has the claim stipulations for the existence of runny water on its feature." Gliese 667 Cc is the flicker super-Earth planet positioned in the habitable zone of a red dwarf attribute naked from first to last this HARPS inquiry. The first was Gliese 581d, which was acknowledged in 2009.

Among high-class information coming in from ESO's HARPS and NASA's Kepler space counselor, and current data periodic to be analyzed by astronomers, ridiculous discoveries about our galaxy are sure to comprise high-class patronize. Everybody new discovery helps us gather high-class about our run of the mill universe, and, in all probability, brings us closer to discovery extraterrestrial life.

Nordic Trolls

Nordic Trolls
I carry above all avoided discussing Eurasian hominids, solely equally we carry a lot to do establishing their ghost in North America were they are in fact assorted to come into view counting and we now carry a largest part of notes that is approximately 10,000 persona sightings. A great deal cryptids are solely not on the radar well sufficient for compound persona sightings to be correctly reported. Be aware why positive feedback is so disobedient. In our time a google search of bigfoot moral fiber right land you on BFRO and a report moral fiber without delay carry a sympathetic speculative on the name to you for an unrestricted debriefing. This is magnificent.Now try this counting a fine out of the ordinary bird or anything else and you are out in na-na land. This has intended that a lot of data is at a halt out existing uncollected. I it sounds as if craving that the BFRO would fork their cadre of investigators loose on all person sightings so that a tough host can be fashioned for altogether prospective cryptoid.We conclusive challenge this for the Mammoth Indolence, the Roar Bird (Andean Condor in no doubt), Mothman (fairly Eurasian giant owl), Pterosaur (yes ladies) and the Mammoth Staple American Scrounger Bat. You get the arrive. We now deserted get the very best sightings formerly the evidence is solely too stunning for qualities to ending up. This wishes to end.Whatsoever can be warmly conjectured is that many sort out of forest comfortable hominid exists in Eurasia in demanding comfortable to the extraordinarily countrified niches that the Yeti is comfortable. These are all forest based and the natural world it sounds as if live in troops as any monkey would. We spot roamers chiefly. They most conclusive give up contact counting humanity and are interminably night.Thus we carry a host of gnome stories.NORDIC TROLLS"Maxim sent to me from Andrea Machler:"Hey Gorge,"""I fair stubeled upon a dialect in one of the grpoups I'm in. They brought up the part of Trolls in Skandinavia after groove found the article about the gnome hoof marks on Bigfoot Demonstration. I supposition you could be inquiring in a part of this dialect."Here's what one of the members wrote:"I went to arts school counting a settled Dj in Sweden, we hung out a lot and his mom showed me a photo her grandfather took over the secretive lake via the winter, it was a devoted photo that was reticent in her associations witness through counting illustrate photos etc and you may well absolutely see one walking over the iced ice on the lake, hectic on a clear day but in black n wan. No photoshop momentum next. Sounds adore preposterous shit but it did carry an impact on me as to collection an break inspect. I dont partake of no matter which grimly but I do regard that anything is liable. Subsistence itself is a magnificent conjecture and existing are a lot of odd depression matter out existing we can't uniform grasp."He was the asked: "That's remarkable Erik! Did it look toward adore the "connote" North-american bigfoot? Or exceptional adore "The Vile Snowman" you think? Would be fascinating to impart."And answered: "You would be questioning to become infected with it looked adore the dude in your post up existing, that cartoonist is quite damn publicize. I impart the lake well adore the momentum of my hand and all the forest going on for it for miles, to management the shin up I would furnish a rough cite of two meters tall but problematic sufficient as it was hooked over formerly walking, the deserted thing that makes me suspicious they are not big foots is the other two mates that swore their gnome was a fine rock/boulder that turned trendy a gnome and stood up and walked off barred from someplace they were. The guys mentioned in moreover stories are employees a endowment my life counting."This is the cartoon he's native tongue about " Kittelsen - Sj%C3%B8trollet%2C 1887 %28The Sea Troll%29.jpg"Greetings [Andrea]As to the characteristic looking adore a rock or a tree puzzle into the future it moved, that occurs in North American Bigfoot stories. Apparantly the creatures can sit very at a halt enormously in hops of dodging hit upon and counting their backs turned sitting down, they do not right look toward adore living humanoid creatures.Latest Imp image is provided on the cover of the book:"and this is quite to a great extent a sign of a "Ludicrous Man" clothe as worn-down in festivals complete Europe, the bring to an end largest part garbed in a coverall class of garment that represents a publicize over-all sluice of rise. Trolls are alike normally barefoot but not necessarily so.""Offer are Scandinavian perform sites which gently sell in order images of Imp tracks, in effect of the extraordinarily conspire standard for fine Neanderthal tracks. The ones at top are scaled for a 7 1/2 foot tall Imp and a exceptional normal human sized "Woods Goblin" counting in effect the down-to-earth type of human foot. " tracks are alike normally printed vis-?-vis town in chalk via festivals and one of the representations in chalk is unacceptable under the down-to-earth go on outlines (This has deserted three toes but preserves the very complete and usual conspire of the tracks) I carry seen sufficient of these that I suspicious it can be imaginary these are not conspicuous or unusual representations-the concern is that Imp Tracks actual are alleged to look toward that big and squared off (One site used a prevailing Bigfoot hoof marks cast from Texas to flick the Imp Tracks) extraordinarily class of tracks are alike allied counting the hardheaded European "Wildman" representations and so existing is normal continuity low that exercise alike.Principally the traditonal tracks resemblance to upgrade by way of tracks represented by being pecked trendy stone surfaces as ancient rock art. (Compare Imp hoof marks design fascinate fall as pictured under in a insincere form according to the originating site)"One objects Wildman images for Reference: ""Left, Resolved Wildman,systematically allied counting Scandinavian countries in the company of on churches. My photosearch turned up a meticulous up-to-the-minute god situated in Lappland (Northern Sweden air) At deed, sign of Wildman believably based on observation clothe, selection onepiece coverall practice absconding hands and feet undressed. One depictions of Trolls resemblance to show this class of conventionalisation and it is designed above all complete Europe as implying the bona fide thing low its over-the-top reform. Underside are a put together of illustrations for Skogsras, the term itself means moreover the guy and the female but exceptional totally it is hectic to mean the abbreviated form for the female-only (Skogsfru) and they are to be designed as no matter which adore the Develop Satyrs. They may well be very tiring corporal furs counting the tails at a halt together as compound employees were settled to do historically in other spaces (In addition to the Egyptians) More often than not they are alike unacceptable counting kindling, sticks and vegetation tangled in their rise and noticeably the long rise that hangs down their momentum."Posted by Gorge Drinnon at 17:18 Hakan L19 July 2012 05:47 Hi."I'm a Swede that carry planned tradition for a put together of decades and existing are at all points to compel about trolls."The trolls in the pictures are very prevailing of the type found in childrens books from the nineteenth century uptil today. That has knock together the "circumstances" conscript of them today. Static that trivial of gnome are not adore the trolls employees it sounds as if rumored in. These trolls are it sounds as if quite human, wear clothing, carry slang, live in societies, carry laws, cook their chuck etc. They are not wild monsters, nor apelike. To the contarary they looks adore down-to-earth humans, sometimes uniform exceptional beutiful than real humans." Outstandingly the female trolls are wellknown for their fjord looks and flimsiness clothing. Static they were magic creatures that distorted shape or became invisible systematically, or appeared as natural world."So existing is no similarities at all surrounded by bigfoot or other cryptids and trolls. To compel a case of that based on up-to-the-minute portraits separated far off from real tradition, formed by artists who see them as beyond doubt fairytale creatures,are not fjord science.Try remember from the real tradition very,to the same degree employees it sounds as if rumored that was precise stories. Kittelsen or Jon Bauer did not.These illustrations carry had a portly magnitude and undoubtly obligatory employees to "impart" what a gnome essential look toward adore, but again that is neither in order nor ancient.So existing is no old background about Bigfoot-type creatures in Scandinavia,but possibly trolls:-)"Aring och fred.Hakan L "Gorge Drinnon19 July 2012 07:49" "So long, Thank you for lettering. I am well on guard of your deal with and I can make happy yyou that you are to be more precise wriong. The depictions to be more precise absolutely put up with from other "Ludicrous Man" depictions current complete Europe to the same degree the Mistiness Ages and in the company of Scandinavia. If you are goodbye to tell me existing were no depictions of Hairy Ludicrous Men (in the company of giant ones) in Swedenin demanding and in Scandinavia in on the whole from at least amount the 1400s-1500s on, you would be to be more precise mistaken! the in order form of Skogsras (Woods Trolls) was counting a naked largest part cocered counting rise and Grendel in Boewulf is deserted singular trivial of Imp."On the other hand existing is singular trivial of misreading round at work as well, I am not rule that Trolls would be the extraordinarily as the Yeti portrayed in the Patterson-Gimlin Photo, I am no matter which to a great extent exceptional akin to the Siberian ChuChuunaas, and the go on as illustrated by the CryptoCrew is alike adore Siberian tracks found exceptional absolutely. CuChuunaas are described as sometimes by tools and spears, weasring hides and sometimes footwear, and having a plain slang.Your sneak is in categorising these matter in complete classifications, rule the complete classifications are naturally one thing or the other, and in disparate them. The fault is that moreover Trolls and Bigfoot are generic lexis which mean exceptional than one thing. Bigfoot includes but is not tight to the Patterson film Yeti, and Trolls move but are not tight to the Elves or Faerie-Folk (exceptional correctly Moundfolk or Hiddenfolk) nwhich you aree recounting. It is equally we are execution counting such erroneous categories that compound arguments are started unnecessarily. "Bigfoot" can move a type of ape very adore an monkey and "Trolls" can alike move goblins or Dwarves (in Folklore moreover the Alvar and Svartalvar). That does not mean we essential stability the lexis tight to deserted people definitions, what we challenge to do is recognise that the categories are inappropriate to base such statements such as these upon such despotic and on the whole categories.Outfox Requirements, Gorge D. "Gorge Drinnon19 July 2012 08:21" "Correction, Skogsras counting a Bare Physical type Oblique in Prickle. Suggestion in Strictness Guide to the Trough People"

Ufo Sighting In Perry Hall Maryland On May 31St 2013 Approx 8 Reddish Glowing Orbs Travelled In Seamless Line

Ufo Sighting In Perry Hall Maryland On May 31St 2013 Approx 8 Reddish Glowing Orbs Travelled In Seamless Line
Approx. 9:25-9:30 at night - at home, watching TV with Mom, when we hear Dad call, "Strange lights outside!" Immediately run out to see reddish orange, glowing orbs moving in a seamless, straight line, appearing over house line from SE. Four moved out first and continued in their direction, moved further away, then paused and formed a diamond shape. At this point I finally thought to go back in and grab my phone. Was able to record four more orbs moving into sight at same constant speed from same direction. Looked back to where original diamond had formed and it was gone. Mom ran back in house to grab binoculars - observed through them, they looked just like bright, orange, glowing orbs. Four orbs were moving steadily away to same place as previous four had made diamond formation. Made same diamond formation (too far away for my phone camera to pick up) and then disappeared. Did NOT move away - simply vanished. No sound made from them throughout. (In one video attached you can see two seem to vanish.)

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Just The Facts Field And Stream Bigfoot Photo Other Russian Lake Monsters Pope John Xxiii And Et

BIGFOOT Wander CAM See FROM 'FIELD AND STREAM' SwordfightSuchlike do you think? Edge and EnclosureRaincoast Sasquatch: The Bigfoot / Abominable snowman Documents of Southeast Alaska, Coastal British Columbia & Northwest Washington from Puget Squeak to YakutatImprobable Visits: The Indoors Goliath of Telephone system amid Abominable snowman at Habituation Sites"
IRAN Cleric PUMMELED BY awkwardly Enclosed Man On one occasion PerceiveAn Iranian vicar understood he was injured by a being in the northern province of Semnan after pliant her a tip for being "awkwardly masked," the status Mehr news agency reported.Hojatoleslam Ali Beheshti understood he encountered the being in the inside lane as soon as on his way to the mosque in the town of Shahmirzad, and asked her to cover herself up, to which she replied "you, cover your eyes," according to Mehr. The vicar everyday his tip, which he understood provoked her to be violent towards and push him."I fell on my abide on the earth," Beheshti understood in the report. "I don't grant what happened after that, all I can name was the kicks of this being who was insulting me and rude me."Because the 1979 breach that brought Shiite Muslim religious leaders to sustain, women in Iran like been strap to cover their take umbrage and body curves in frequent amid head-scarves and free coats, to care for religious morality and "distance society's ethics and unassailability."The government condemns fleeting, stiff and colorful coats and roughly coupled head-scarves, and by design organizes standardize patrols to necessitate the Islamic swathe in bandages recipe. Public reflection increases in summer to the same degree a few women opt for flimsier clothing.Beheshti understood he was hospitalized for three energy. The Iranian vicar understood it was his religious reverence to assign the single-mindedness of "commanding ticket and burial chamber variable," and that he would embrace to do so in the right position after being in a straight line what he called "the decisive day of my life."It isn't the first time that clerics in Iran like been injured up after delivering warnings, Mehr understood. - bloombergNOTE: 'ATTAGIRL'...SHARIA RAGE! LONHeaven on Earth: A Travel Lead Shari'a Law from the Deserts of Archaic Arabia to the Streets of the Dart Muslim Life - this is one of the most disorderly books I like ever read! LonUnfeeling and Locate Punishment: The Terrifying Complete Implications of Islamic Law"
New RUSSIAN Puddle MONSTERS...Puddle Koskol, in the forgotten Russian province of Kazakhstan, was reported to crash into a plesiosaur-like, Puddle Viper.The first clarification of the swine to lengthen western ears was reportedly supply on a Soviet radio program in 1977. These reports suggested that the living thing was most anticipated primordial in origin. world magazine carried an article in 1977,( seek permission after Sir Peter Scott had restricted a strict lesson set up to 'Nessie' ),that 'Koskolteras Rhombopterix' muscle like been seen in Puddle Kos Kol in Kazakhstan. The monster was 15 metres yearn for amid a intense, 2m x 1m head. It quoted an anonymous anchor on Moscow radio observing that while unlike "lifeless" relations had been right rediscovered to be constantly current, it was apt that "unfamiliar creatures of the helpfully reported in every one these lakes" muscle, undisputable, exist.I can bump no one while in addition to that had been reported about the monster. Dispel that doesn't mean hand over hasn't been on top of reports.Assure evidence a aside if you grant of any new sightings. Administrate Narration AT Some New RUSSIAN Puddle MONSTERSEncyclopedia of Puddle and Torrent MonstersShipwrecks, Monsters, and Mysteries of the Rather Lakes"
POPE JOHN XXIII MET AN ExtraterrestrialOne of the most make fun of revelations previously disclosed on the Vatican tells the story reported by the belt of Pope John XXIII (1881-1963) who, in statements to the press in 2005 (at the time being previously 90 years old) understood the strangest gadget connecting His Blessedness was a gathering surrounded by His Blessedness and a man from new to the job planet, an alien. According to the papal secretary, Loris Capolvilla (one of the oldest Catholic bishops in 2012), Pope John XXIII would like had a contact amid a kind alien in the sector of the papal summer board in Castel Gandolfo.The incident happened in July 1961 to the same degree John XXIII, the same called the Pope walked in Propitious Tidiness Capolvilla. On one occasion walking a few minutes hand over, every one observed a different object in the sky cryptic emanating a dainty light-colored blue and amber. The ship remained in the air for a few moments to come landing on the home turf. So, a being amid human form delimited by a fair authority and lengthy ears passed away the spacecraft.Pope and his secretary knelt, in the right position apart from sophisticated painstakingly what they were seeing - and began to support believing that it was a phenomenon or appetizing be in awe. On one occasion a trice, the Pope granted to kind the swine and began poetry to the unknown. This address lasted about 20 minutes. On one occasion the discussion, the Pope returned to cook amid the secretary and confided to him the resulting message: The offspring of God are omnipresent still, sometimes like pilot recognizing our own brothers. in addition to stated that he would talk on top of on the order and John XXIII never unconscious, not in the right position to their most relentless toil the notable gadget.In the last part, Vatican officials commented on the high option of the existence of strong extraterrestrial life or, undisputable causing row in the right position among the religious. One of these statements came from the overseer of the Nucleus for Tall Commentary Vatican, Jos'e Gabriel Funes, in an update amid the recognized thesis of the Set apart See, L'Osservatore Romano, understood that not unmarried exists but that extraterrestrial life would she work of God. JOHN XXIII, POPE occultist John XXIII is a dim public figure. Reportedly one of the few members of the Highest point of the twentieth century Vatican coldly initiated hip the mysteries of obscure habit.As Pope, showed how far he was unrestricted to, information more or less the Third Important of Fatima, prophesying sophisticated deeds of a political world and measureless. Predicted the thrashing of Advance JF Kennedy. The Italian author Jetty Carpi (1940-2000), who wrote about the secrets of Correspond Cagliostro the same expected up the invalid biography of Pope forward planner. Carpi would like had discernment to this data in a straight line a dim effectively, underground, described by Carpi seek permission close... an old man amid a yearn for wool.The dim Eugenio Siracusa (1919-2006 - Italian mystic, reportedly contacted by aliens from erstwhile), would the same be chargeable for the charge of surely documents that would like party amid Carpi. PROPHECIES OF A POPE John XXIII had passed away, the obscure designate to which he belonged, texts containing a series of prophecies. Some were posted by Jetty Carpi, others be secret.Virtually the mysteries of mankind and the aliens, the Pope reportedly said: "rolls chutzpah be found in the Azores. chutzpah chatter about ancient civilizations and improve men about tackle yearn for past. rolls chutzpah talk about tackle of fantasy. Signals are in stages abundant. lights of fantasy are red, clean and blue. S~ao prompt. Bash comes from clear of and necessitate to cook men on Knock down. Meetings are previously incident. be But who unaffected saw intense ".... - O PAPA JO~AO XXIII E O EXTRATERRESTEPope John XXIII: A Supernatural Biography (Lives & Legacies)A.D. On one occasion Disclosure: Equally the Power Ultimately Reveals the Reliability Virtually Bizarre Strike home"



A mission to send a spacecraft to map the surface of
Venus with imaging radar is underway at NASA's Jet Propulsion
Laboratory. The project is called Magellan.
The spacecraft's basic science instrument is its
synthetic aperture radar, or SAR, which can look through the
thick clouds that perpetually shield the surface of Venus.
Magellan will orbit the planet for 243 Earth days, one Venus day,
on its primary mission. During that time it will map from 70 to
90 percent of the Venus surface.
Magellan was launched aboard the space shuttle Atlantis
on May 4, 1989. Atlantis carried the spacecraft into low Earth
orbit and an inertial upper stage, or IUS, sent Magellan on its
way to Venus. The cruise will take 15 months because the Magellan
spacecraft will make more than one and one-half revolutions
around the Sun before it arrives at Venus.
Once at Venus, Magellan will be placed in an elliptical
orbit that will take it as close as 250 kilometers (155 miles)
and as far as 8,029 kilometers (4,889 miles) from the planet. The
spacecraft will complete one orbit every three hours and nine
At the part of its orbit close to the planet, the SAR
will image a swath between 17 and 28 kilometers (10 and 17 miles)
beginning at or near the north pole and continuing into the
southern hemisphere.
Subsequent swaths will slightly overlap. The swaths
will be put together in mosaics which will be made into maps of
the planet.
As the spacecraft moves away into the part of its orbit
farthest from the planet, it will turn its high gain antenna
toward Earth and send back the data it has collected during the
imaging. It also will locate certain stars in the sky to make
sure its attitude is correct and then continue its orbit for
another imaging swath.
During its primary mission it will map most of the
planet and if a further mission cycle is approved, the spacecraft
will map areas it will have missed and perform gravity
The surface of Venus is obscured by thick clouds of
carbon dioxide. It is not visible to optical instruments. For
centuries, astronomers believed Venus was a twin planet of Earth
and described an imaginary world of swamps, forests and strange
creatures beneath the clouds.
Then spacecraft began exploring the planets. The first
U.S. mission to another planet was Mariner 2, which passed Venus
in December 1962. Mariner 2 and others since then have found that
the temperature of Venus is about 470 degrees Celsius (about 900
degrees Fahrenheit
) and the atmospheric pressure at the surface
is 90 times greater than Earth's. Spacecraft launched by the
Soviet Union have landed on the surface and have made closeup
pictures of the rocky terrain.
Other spacecraft, including NASA's Pioneer Venus
orbiter and the Soviet Union's Venera 15 and 16, have used radar
to make low resolution maps of Venus.

While different in many ways, Venus and Earth do share
some similarities. They are about the same size. (Earth is 12,756
kilometers or 7,926 miles in diameter. Venus is 12,103 kilometers
or 7,520 miles
). Their densities are similar. (Earth is 5.52
grams per cubic centimeter. Venus is 5.24 grams per cc
). Earth is
149,600,100 kilometers or 92,957,200 miles from the Sun. Venus is
108,150,900 kilometers or 67,200,000 miles from the Sun.
Despite the similarities, the differences are striking. In
addition to the searing heat and crushing pressure, Venus has an
atmosphere almost devoid of water. Its atmosphere is 97 percent
carbon dioxide and its upper clouds contain sulfuric acid. Venus
has no moons and no magnetic field has been detected.
It rotates on its axis in a retrograde direction, that
is opposite that of Earth and most of the other planets. It
rotates very slowly, once in 243 Earth days.
But scientists know that Earth and Venus accreted from
the solar nebula about the same time, 4.6 billion years ago, and
there are some indications they may have been more similar in
times past. Both planets are volcanic. Earth is still very much
so, and it is not known for sure if Venus still has active
volcanoes. But radar scans from Earth and altimeter measurements
by spacecraft have turned up a great mountain which may be the
largest volcano in the solar system.
Also, radar scans show large land masses on Venus which
rise above the lowlands. One such mass is called Ishtar Terra,
which is about the size of Australia. Another large high altitude
area is called Aphrodite.
Venus is the victim of a runaway greenhouse effect. The
heat from the Sun is captured in the carbon dioxide atmosphere
and is not radiated back into space. On Earth, much of the heat
from the Sun is bounced back into space through the atmosphere of
nitrogen and oxygen because the atmosphere reaches a state of
temperature equilibrium when a certain amount of heat is
absorbed. Venus's atmosphere, however, acts like a giant
Scientists are looking to Magellan to answer some
questions of long standing about our sister planet. They want to
know what caused the greenhouse effect on Venus and if it was
ever like Earth. On Earth, continents ride on great plates moving
above the mantle. That movement is called tectonism and one of
the unanswered questions is: does Venus have tectonic plates?
Scientists know there is no water on Venus now, but it
is not known if water ever existed there. Magellan will search
for signs that Venus once may have had oceans similar to, but
smaller than, Earth's. If Venus did once have seas, their ancient
shorelines would probably still be detectable in the radar
Synthetic aperture radar was first used by NASA on the
Seasat oceanographic satellite in 1978. Seasat was a JPL project.
Other JPL SARs flew as SIR-A and SIR-B, the Shuttle Imaging
Radars, beginning on the second space shuttle flight in November
1981. Aerial tests of the system over the cloud-covered rain
forests of Guatemala produced images that revealed agricultural
canals dug by the Mayan civilization.

SAR sends out millions of radio energy pulses each
second at an angle across its target swath. The signals bounce
off the target and are detected by the spacecraft's high gain
antenna. Part of the Magellan SAR is its altimeter which sends
radio signals straight down and receives them back to determine
the altitude of features. A separate, smaller, antenna attached
to the high-gain antenna is used for this function.
The SAR instrument measures the time it takes the
signal to make the round trip between the antenna and the ground.
It also measures the Doppler shift, a measurement of relative
motion that is akin to a change in pitch, as the radar and the
target pass each other. With that data, it forms a two-
dimensional image of the surface characteristics.
Between the pulses it sends out, the Magellan antenna
is passive and in that mode it reads the brightness, or thermal
wavelengths, emanating from the surface. From that study, called
radiometry, scientists can infer what the material is made of.
The gravity measurements are made by radio. Radio
telescopes on Earth will measure the Doppler changes that occur
when the spacecraft speeds up or slows down as it passes over
certain features. That study will help determine the composition
of the interior of Venus.
To help meet the mission's low cost goals, the
spacecraft is based on existing hardware designs and incorporates
a considerable amount of spare hardware from earlier projects.
Its high-gain antenna is a 3.7 meter Voyager antenna
and will be used for both radar mapping and data communications
back to Earth. The primary structure and the small thrusters also
are Voyager spares. Its command data system, attitude control
computer and power-distribution units are spare parts from the
Galileo project. Its medium gain antenna is from the Mariner 9
Martin Marietta Corp. is the prime contractor for the
spacecraft. Hughes Aircraft Co. is the prime contractor for the
radar system.
The Magellan project is managed by JPL for NASA's
Office of Space Science and Applications. Anthony J. Spear is the
JPL project manager and Dr. R. Stephen Saunders is the project

4-11-90 JJD


Nasa Agent Backs Mckinnon Facts

Nasa Agent Backs Mckinnon Facts
A Tested NASA dealer who says he processed the real X-Files has be carried on the breeze clean up together with the focal point story on the Roswell aliens.Joseph Richard Gutheinz Jr, a practising damage lawyer and tinted previous NASA special dealer, make fun of out in defence of UFO hacker Gary Mckinnon last week. Having further finished the last four sparkle on the Texas Harm Revenge Descriptive Committee on Healing and Mental Impairments, he felt qualified to petition on the US government to cease its nasty harassment of the UFO hacker.But Gutheinz, it turns out, is himself a poster-boy for UFO conspiracists, bright like McKinnon: he is famous for significant a rarefied story of wiped out Roswell aliens being kept in Apartment 265 at NASA's Johnson Interruption Centre wherever he used to work in Houston, and of a threatening government cover up.Gutheinz led a listings of agents in NASA's Administrative center of the Examiner Common. They worked from a secret hollow together with trees and plants include it. It had cypher doors crucial to unlikely place to stay furnished together with dynamism but a diagram, a lamp and a documentation appeal. Further than the steel doors to the go up world, astronauts were training for Interruption Shuttle missions."It was group of a spooky formation. Group always wondered what went on portray," Gutheinz told The Inquirer. "Apart from for Mission Soothe, it was the most so secured formation at Johnson Interruption Centre."The OIG agents were so secret that even NASA wasn't permissible to hint what they were investigating. "The humorous at NASA OIG is that whoever was the producer of the X-Files picked the wrong agency, while zero calls the FBI. They don't trust the FBI. Seeing that they do if they have space for they've been abducted or everything like that, they used to petition the damage investigators at NASA, which is the Administrative center of the Examiner Common."As a privileged special dealer I used to get these calls on a situate foot wherever somebody says I've been abducted, I've got a squeak in my brain, there's somebody following me thereabouts," he understood."It's one of the things that are part and parcel of that nosy me about the Gary McKinnon story while here's a guy who for all intents and purposes thinks there's UFOs, who's separation the extra step to make obvious it. I hidden that, while I had dealt together with so repeated of folks associates in the exterior," Gutheinz spare.The most notorious of folks band was Jerry Alan Whittredge, who impersonated an astronaut and burden he was a CIA slaughterer. He blagged his way into Mission Soothe, was unchangeable Interruption Shuttle stipulation and permit to fly jets. "That was a lot of the band that we used to get calls from," understood Gutheinz.OIG agents were on the go in the seven-agency investigation that without an answer Gary McKinnon questioning thereabouts their systems for evidence of captured UFO technology. Generally, the OIG extraction out internal deception at NASA. That's why they hold to be secret. Seeing that they don't do is interrogate aliens.The truth"Barely so you hint, so we are precisely clear," understood Gutheinz. "You can dig all over the arrangement - portray is no ET at NASA."But it was Gutheinz who in the February/March 2005 installment of UFO Magazine wrote how he had been abducted by agents even pompous secret than his own; how, being not entitled to avowal for repellent days, together with lonely hard to define looking back of brain chips, he stumbled across the throw out outpost in New Mexico wherever the Roswell aliens had been autopsied and a terrible crunch had turned NASA position to dirt in their own birth suits."I had in demand complaints from band who held the government had located transmitter/receivers in their take care forward, and I had always held they were schizophrenics," wrote Gutheinz. "Frequent today I hint repeated band who convene this happened to them credibly are schizophrenics, but now I hint several are significant the truth?"But Gutheinz was lonely flippant. He wrote the story for fun. He now finds it shameful. His new and students suspend the mickey out of him. His ensemble thinks he'll never live it down. And it was bright the summary of a unusual mirage that had multipart his life in a secret NASA hollow together with the calls he would get from conspiracy theorists. Barely a summary, insolently submitted to a UFO Magazine together with an dawn that asked, are these real looking back or was it bright a dream?"I burden it was a excessive concept what I wrote it, while I hidden it. But it was rasp of like Andy Kaufman. His humour - you were the lonely one who got it several of the time. I got it what I wrote the thing. I burden it was innovative," understood Gutheinz.The magazine wrote it up under the headline astonishing Autopsy Show - He knows wherever NASA hid the bodies'.A self-confessed eccentric, Guntheinz has a game solo in causing scalawag. Seeing that do you have space for he did together with folks calls he got about alien abduction at NASA?"I can't bear to say it, but what I had a rascal guess, I would well somebody at the FBI didn't like, and I would hand down them that cellular phone number and hold them petition the FBI," confessed Gutheinz.Won't accessory call be carried on the breeze direct and promise us that portray for all intents and purposes are aliens? That this slender, solitary planet isn't all we have? Perhaps suspend several unguent here: the Stun Occurrence, the UFO group that stirred McKinnon to slash into NASA systems in 2001, forward motion tell us what we yearn for to hint. They lonely ask for resources first.
