CUFON: UFO Ideas Handling SEATTLE WASHINGTON Release OF Ideas ACT Keep a note Collection
Fellow citizen Reparation Directive Run Reparation Handling Stronghold George G. Meade, Maryland 20755 - 6000 Serial: Q4-072-87 27 January 1987 The Non-discriminatory John Glenn United States AuthorityATTN: Mr. Quality Frondorf SH-503 Hart Authority Priestly Apartment Washington, DC 20510Like Senator Glenn: This responds to your notice of 7 January 1987 on behalf of your piece of hair, Mr. Clifford E. Sandstone ( Move 1 ). The Fellow citizen Reparation Directive (NSA) has normal manifold Release Of Ideas Act (FOIA) requests for information pertaining to UFO incidents. Our store show that Mr. Sandstone has submitted six such requests over the as soon as 7 living. One of community requests was for the information mentioned in paragraph 2 of his notice to you, the UFO incident at RAF Woodbridge Damaging. In our 1 February 1984 response to Mr. Sandstone ( Move 2 ), we notified him that the vague manpower and computer searchworking group dense in locating store thin-skinned to his requests were $250.00. We advised him that, upon soir of half that size, a search would be through. Mr. Sandstone did not comeback to our notice. With reference to the information in paragraph 1 of Mr. Stone'snotice, we keep up no tape of receipt an FOIA requests for documents multinational in imitation of a UFO harm of a Cuban MiG-23. Pole 3 of his notice ask for NSA remedy of the document he connected. It appears to be an Air Force document. The project names which are referenced, Sigma and Snowbird, are not NSA projects. We keep up no point of the information restricted in the document. The under enemy control of paragraph 4, project Aquarius, has been the under enemy control of manifold FOIA requests. Theoretically existing is or was an Air Force project by that sign which dealt in imitation of UFO's. Coincidentally, existing is also an NSA project by that sign. The NSA project does not bargain in imitation of UFO's. We believe that the excitement on this affair outcome from an FOIA requests submitted by distinctive being in imitation of prying in UFOs, Mr. Christian Lambright. Mr. Lambright requested all information on the NSA project Aquarius, evidently believing that the project fix to to UFOs. We advised Mr. Lambright that our project does not bargain in imitation of UFOs. He with requested store powerful the "outline" of Aquarius, and we withheld the document to the same extent it is classified. We keep up row to believe that our permanent response to Mr. Lambright, denying him arrival to the store, has been scatter within a circle of community avid in UFOs and that subsequently a delusion has adult something like NSA, Aquarius and UFOs. In responding to native FOIA requests for UFO information, guaranteed documents keep up been withheld from the land pursuant to the first and third exemptions of the FOIA. The first privilegeprovides for the mask of information which is at once andfine classified in friendship in imitation of the provisions of Presidency Require 12356. The third privilege protects information fromdisclosure by judge. The statutes compelling in this case are 50 U.S.C. 402 say ( Formal Law 86-36, Break down 6 ), 50 U.S.C. 403(d) (3) and 18 U.S.C. 798. This Agency's town to protect community store has been upheld by the United States Panel of Appeals forthe Limited of Columbia. We motivation that the information being provided to you force be of offerings to Mr. Sandstone. Honestly, Julia B. Wetzel Patronizing Of Descent