Werndee Road Croydon Norwood Junction Station 31St July 2011

Werndee Road Croydon Norwood Junction Station 31St July 2011
Place of Sighting: Werndee Vein, Croydon, Norwood Minor road RankSpot of Sighting: July 31, 2011Time: 9:15-9:20Grasp Name: Jason Lowe Grasp Statement: I was walking down Werndee way and I saw a Unspecified flying object in the sky flying from the South-West towards the North. I looked lack a plane strong in the lack. 4-5 fireballs. Doesnt glance over lack a plane at all. No port light, no starboard light, no husky light. In fact no lights at all. Its cleanly spooky. I had to conflict to get my camera out to get a few shots. Theyre not neat as a new pin to the same extent it was nightfall. Causing the ventilation to go ahead. I am really that I am vigorous and in neat as a new pin locale. I generate never in my life seen whatsoever extreme. But this is the most original thing Ive seen in my life. A fireball in the sky. My mom says its a fallen satellite. But I dont come up with so. Source: www.uk-ufo.co.uk Opinion : If you can create progress information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area later suit leave high and dry a witness or electronic message details in our "bargain sighting" form. http://chilp.it/60ea13

Bigfoot Investigations Begin In Malaysia

Bigfoot Investigations Begin In Malaysia
Exclusive the last couple of get-up-and-go a choice of investigations abide been curtains on the hear and investigation of Bigfoot in the jungles of Malaysia. Sightings are fixed and it has gotten to the segment that a choice of cannot wish for it as a budding. Only perfectly remember they found the skeleton of the hardly motherland, it chi interesting to see what they let slip looking for Bigfoot skeleton. Exists a video in the company of a without delay introduction indoors the BIGFOOT Hardship, and individual footprints they found ordinary participating in the one day essay perform.. Perhaps they chi happen upon individual evidence last but not least to relating to the existence of this wondrous mammal.. "LET ME Touch At the same time as YOU Think..?" Tags: alien impending doctor michael gorge space control bone china ufo war aircraft circles imitate alein proof top images russia area air force ufo real alien

Credit: space-wanderers.blogspot.com

Learning From Outer Space Lineup Which Included Jacques Vallee Friedman And Nick Pope

Learning From Outer Space Lineup Which Included Jacques Vallee Friedman And Nick Pope
SEEPING SLOWLY INTO THE MAINSTREAM...By Billy CoxDe Void1-28-11 A couple of days after returning from this week's Global Competitiveness Forum in Saudi Arabia, veteran UFO researcher Stan Friedman is still a little puzzled by what it meant. The UFO part, anyway.Now in its sixth year, the blue-chip event was sponsored by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA), which was formed by the Royal Kingdom in 2000 to figure out, among other things, how to grow its economy after the oil dries up. Its Forum in Riyadh lays out major scratch to book heavyweights, from bankers to captains of industry to First World pols. This year, Tony Blair (again) and Bill Clinton took the stage.But this was the first time the Forum made room for a "Learning From Outer Space" lineup, which included Friedman, Jacques Vallee, and Nick Pope, speakers steeped in the persistent UFO controversy. Throw in physicist Michio Kaku and an Islamic scholar - plus an allotment of audience Q&A time - and the scheduled 75-minute program didn't leave much room for individual exposition.Friedman held his power-point presentation to under 10 minutes. "I didn't show slides of UFOs," he says from his home in Fredericton, Canada. What he did was summarize the larger arc of his 2010 book Science Was Wrong, which cites numerous examples of flawed scientific predictions that erroneously extrapolated future advances based on conventional wisdom. Revolutions, he says, "come from doing things differently."Friedman says Vallee summarized 500 ancient sightings predating manned flight, and that Pope laid myriad ET theories, from SETI contact to microbial life, on the assembled, which numbered several hundred. The auditorium acoustics were a little shaky, and a few audience questions got lost in translation. But that was pretty much it. At least for now. No impromptu closed-door sessions, no take-it-to-the-next-level suggestions. But no jeers or snickers, either. With the arrival of peak oil, maybe derision over the unthinkable is becoming a luxury item."Well, I'm glad I went, it was fun," Friedman says. "Maybe we planted some seeds, you never know. These are the kinds of people you want behind you when you're serious about thinking outside the box."And it didn't snow.More...See Also:TONIGHT! Exclusive: Stanton Friedman to Report on GCF Conference on The Joiner ReportUFO NEWS Fredericton's Stanton Friedman; UFO Expert Has Been Asked To Be a Panelist at The Fifth Annual Global Competitiveness Forum SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCEHELP SUPPORT THIS SITEABOUT DONATIONS Grab this Headline Animator

British Royal Family Intrigued By Ufos And Crop Circles

British Royal Family Intrigued By Ufos And Crop Circles
Details of the British Royal Family's interest in the crop circle have been asked to be removed from Colin Andrews website. On his site he states that their interest was aroused because crop circles appeared on their land.Colin Andrews book 'Circular Evidence' was on the Queen's Summer Reading list in 1989 and the HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh subscribed to his Circles Phenomenon Research Newsletter. Colin was also asked by The Duke to keep him UP-TO-DATE with his research.Colin also states that the British People have been continually lied to regarding the Royal Family's interest in UFOs. Colin thinks it's about time the British Public is told the truth about this matter.Former head of the Ministry of Defence UFO Department Nick Pope, replies that:"Some of the issues Colin highlights have arisen because the line between official and private interest - even within government, the military and the intelligence agencies - can be blurred. There are particular sensitivities and political difficulties when members of the Royal Family are involved.To read the rest of this story please visit : All News WebAnother story relating to The Royal Family can be read by visiting Sunday Mercury - Prince William and The UFOsClick here to visit Colin Andrew's website Click here to visit Nick Pope's website Thank you to Kirkster for this link.

Credit: faces-on-mars.blogspot.com

Energizer Supernova Methane On Mars And Portrait Of Humanity

Energizer Supernova Methane On Mars And Portrait Of Humanity
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g STARS - Scientists have found that a star that exploded in 1979 is as bright today in X-ray light as it was when it was discovered years ago, a surprise finding because such objects usually fade significantly after only a few months. See article.

g ABODES - In a feat of astronomical and terrestrial alignment, a group of scientists from MIT and Williams College recently succeeded in observing distant Pluto's tiny moon, Charon, hide a star. Such an event had been seen only once before, by a single telescope 25 years ago, and then not nearly as well. The MIT-Williams consortium spotted it with four telescopes in Chile on the night of July 10-11. See article.

g LIFE - On Earth, methane is mostly produced by life. The recent detection of methane in the Martian atmosphere therefore has given rise to much speculation about the possibility for life on the Red Planet. Part one of this four-part series about methane and Mars provides an overview of the recent findings. See article.

g INTELLIGENCE - Is a car masculine or feminine? It's not a trick question. In Spanish, car is el automobile, making it masculine. But in English, a car is a car and what's more important is its make. But, a study published in the September issue of the Journal of Consumer Research reveals that linguistic gender plays a role as a categorization tool for brand evaluation and recall in both English and Spanish. See article.

g MESSAGE - A "portrait of humanity" recently was taken by Simon Bell, a photographer from Toronto. It is half of a stereo pair, two images that when properly focused together, reveal the scene's third dimension. The photograph was envisioned as part of a message for the Cassini mission to Saturn and its moon Titan, launched in late 1997. It would have been an artifact in the tradition of the Voyager Record and the "Visions of Mars" CD ROM. Unlike the Voyager Record it was not intended to leave the solar system to be found by the crew of an advanced starship. Unlike Visions it was not for humans in the next few centuries. Its fate would have been to remain on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan, waiting for eons of time against the slim chance that life might someday appear on that strange world, or that some other space traveler might visit Titan and find it. The image, inscribed on a diamond wafer about the size of a coin, was intended to show an intelligent alien on Titan viewer a little about our bodies, about our relationships with each other, and about our planet. See article.

g COSMICUS - Delays for safety improvements have repeatedly thwarted the shuttle's comeback from the Columbia catastrophe. But aging components could eventually add their own setbacks and risks to flying as the shuttles near retirement in just five years, according to authorities on space travel. See article.

g LEARNING - The question of whether we are alone in our universe has fascinated humanity since the earliest of times. Stories of mysterious beings from the sky permeate the mythology of many cultures and make a regular appearance in fiction, while the number of UFO sightings continues to rise. Yet aside from the myths and sensationalism, the study of astrobiology - the search for life elsewhere in the universe -has become widely accepted as a valid and important area of research. Astrobiology encompasses cosmology, astrophysics, planetary science, paleontology, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, genetics and anthropology. Monica Grady, head of petrology and meteoritics in the department of mineralogy at the Natural History Museum, presents a comprehensive introduction to astrobiology online course.

g IMAGINING - A complaint lodged again and again against science fiction aliens is that they look too much like us. Is that complaint valid? Is it so unlikely that extraterrestrials would look at least similar (though not identical) to humans? If so, then what would beings, intelligent or not so intelligent, who evolved on another world look like? That's what Cliff Pickover explores in The Science of Aliens. Though the book is a few years old, it's still worth reading. Here's a review of it and an interview with the author.

g AFTERMATH - Reactions to the announcement that scientists had found evidence for primitive life in a meteorite from Mars have been intense. Some concerned the scientific evidence, some the implications of extraterrestrial life, especially if intelligent. Underlying these reactions are assumptions, or beliefs, which often have a religious grounding. The two divergent beliefs, for and against the plurality of life in the universe, are examined historically and through religious traditions, particularly the Judeo-Christian. This examination guides the formulation of the right relation between science and religion as one that respects the autonomy of each discipline, yet allows for each to be open to the discoveries of the other. Based on this relationship, perspectives from scientific exploration are developed that can help individuals to respect and cope with the new phenomena that science brings, whether these imply that we might be alone in the universe or co-creatures of God with the ancient Martians. See article.

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Family Member Recounts Ufo Landing In A Montana Valley My Ufo Experience

Family Member Recounts Ufo Landing In A Montana Valley My Ufo Experience
By Boone H10-8-12 Frank,Howdy from Montana,I am sure you probably already perhaps know of me as I am one of those individuals who comments all the time on various articles and stories on the UFO Chronicles website. I live in Helena, Montana. My family has been here in Montana Territory and Montana since 1870. The reason I am writing you today is that I have a UFO experience to talk/tell you about although it happened to my grandfather who passed in 1985 and my two aunts, ( his daughters and my mothers older sisters ). My two aunts are still alive but are really up there in their 90s now. However, they are as sharp as they ever were. If you want to call any Norwegian farm girls "sharp". LOL! Uff da, my mother would smack me for that comment! I was never going to report this experience or tell anyone else except perhaps other family members. For the usual reasons. I need to be believed and I dont want to be thought of as a nut or a "Conspiracy Theorist" or any of those labels. What happened to my grandfather ( who was born in 1886, by the way and lived to be 99. ) and my two aunts happened here in Montana in 1957. What I can tell you is exactly what they have told me over the years about this sighting ever since I was tiny kid. Make of it what you will, but I think it was pretty dang extraordinary for the time period.They were living in Billings, Montana at the time and decided to take grandpa for a ride out towards Red Lodge but more between the Beartooth Mtns and the Pryor Mtn ranges. Everything was going along fine and they were enjoying the empty road and beautiful scenery. I think it was May or June but I would have to talk to my aunts and make sure, or even you could talk to them. Im sure they would tell you whatever they could about this experience. They were in the valley between these two mtn ranges and all of the sudden they saw out of the front of the windscreen a very large, silvery coloured cigar or tube shaped object that had many portholes all along its length. It was huge they said and had no wings and made no sound. The day was cloudless but this craft had a cloud of some sort in FRONT of it. Not behind it like you would think. The cloud was of a very odd colour and it was always in front of this craft no matter which way it turned or went. They got out of the car to see this thing and could really see the portholes and cloud thing much better. At least, thats what they thought they were. Still no perceptible noise. They watched this craft for a while as it cruised many miles in a very short time period from near the Beartooth Mtns very quickly to the Pryor Mtn Range. When it got to a certain spot over the Pryor Mountains, it simply stopped and hovered for a bit, then slowly descended until it could be seen no more. It landed like maybe a helicopter would, the whole cigar shaped craft just descending and likely either landing somewhere up in the Pryors or settling just above the ground. They dont know. The cloud thing was always right in front of it the whole time and even as it descended the cloud stayed right in the front of the craft. Naturally, they could hardly believe what they had just witnessed and finally got back in the car after waiting a bit to see if the craft would rise back up. Im not sure if there was missing time during this sighting or not but I highly suspect that there was. I have my reasons for believing that. They didnt mention any problems with the car or anything either but I think they were all so transfixed by what they were seeing that they wouldnt have noticed if a bison had come right over and got up on the hood of the car! I still ask them about this experience periodically and it never changes. The awe in my two aunts voices tells me enough. They saw something very extraordinary and it has affected them as it did my grandfather for the rest of their lives. My two aunts still talk about it to this day although they are really getting up in age and Im afraid of losing them any time here. Their names are Xxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx and they now live in Las Vegas, NV together. They like to gamble. LOL! But, they are getting a bit too old for all of that. I think they could likely tell more about this experience if they were asked about it in the right way and by the right person.Personally, I think this is an important early case of a UFO sighting and I think it should be in the records or books or whatever. That, however, is not my decision. I can only tell you second hand what they told me. It is the truth and I would put my life on the line for my two aunts and their honesty. These ladies and my grandfather could never be dishonest in any way. What they saw is what they saw. Im guessing that either no one else ever saw this thing or if they did back then, they didnt come forward. But, neither did my grandfather and two aunts.So, where do we go from here? I can sure hook you up with my two aunts if youd like to speak with them about this. It might be a good idea, too. Im getting up there in age too and have some terminal health problems so I felt that if I was ever going to report this case, I better do it now. I have great faith in you Frank, and that is why I decided to report it to you.If you need or want to get a hold of me, I can be reached here in Helena, Montana at XXX-XXX-XXXX. My email you have, obviously. Let me know if I need to do anything more or whatever. Put you in touch with my two aunts or whatever you deem appropriate in this case. Thanks for listening and I feel much better getting this off my mind and chest after all these years of living with it. Take care and hope to hear from you even if its just a thank you email. I appreciate it and I know my two aunts would and will too. Grandpa Xxxxxx too, even though he has passed.Cheers,Boone HHelena, MontanaSee Also:My UFO Experience: Montana - Fireball Spotted Between Twin Bridges and WhitehallOfficers Sight UFO at Belt [Montana] Did Socorro UFO Also Land in Montana? UFO CHRONICLE SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCERead more >>

Unknown Flying Object Photographed Over Tenerife In Spain 5 Nov 2010

Unknown Flying Object Photographed Over Tenerife In Spain 5 Nov 2010
Hot UFO SIGHTINGS - At home is a picture of a daylight UFO spotted on 5th November 2010 at 11:08 am in Acojeja, Tenerife, Spain.

Respect report: "Tenerife is somewhat inauspicious of nature. Give to are no big bugs, or blank flies, think in Europe or USA, mega not at this side of the volcano. On its own minuscule mosquitoes."

"And the ducks on Tenerife are children mysterious ones, and big ones think cloudy hawks."

"It after that can't be a jet, in the role of there's presently a minuscule airport for rambler group, and no military base or no matter what."

"The neighboring supercilious airport is on uncommon islet, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria Passenger terminal, and approximately, no matter what flying impart would blow your own horn stumped our planning, for example at my stake is the volcano and drench bulk. It may possibly not openly fly exposed from us."

"We heard no favorably, such as the object on the photo is sooner rigid by."

"I say that in the role of I blow your own horn been trying to photograph a F16 last appointment, in Holland, and such as it was inevitable rigid by in the air, you may possibly slight see it on my picture."

"On Tenerife we hadn't heard any favorably of planes that week. The children airport is too far exposed to hitch that."

"You can see a truthful line at the story of the object. It's a inclined zoom pointing towards 2 o'clock, and it is coupled to the rudimentary shape with uncommon line, on every one sides, symmetrically. It looks think a means to me."

"This object power be the clarification to familiarize believing in UFOs for example I blow your own horn no other explanation. If you can say me an explanation, I'd compassionately to hitch it."

"I expect to blow your own horn helped you with this."

"And, as a Buddhist, I uphold, I blow your own horn traditional the truth, and would not platform no matter what, after that the picture is unedited. I blow your own horn it on my speak to calm, the first."Author: Annelies M., the Netherlandssource: ufocasebook.com

Crack ON THE Conceive of TO ENLARGE!

Jacque Vallee Mars Nasa Ufologist Extraterrestrials Interdimensional Hypothesis

Jacque Vallee Mars Nasa Ufologist Extraterrestrials Interdimensional Hypothesis
A TED Entry BY JACQUES VALLEEJacques Fabrice Vall'ee (untutored September 24, 1939 in Pontoise, Val-d'Oise, France) is a hazard industrial, rail terminal scientist, ballpoint, noted Ufologist and essential astronomer in recent times residing in San Francisco.In independence science, Vall'ee is eminent for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA and for his work at SRI (Stanford Depart Found) Corporation in creating ARPANET, a signal to the undercurrent Internet. Vall'ee is also an important number in the secret place of unidentified flying objects(UFOs), first noted for a defense of the practical loyalty of the extraterrestrial compose and afterward for promoting the interdimensional compose.HE TOUCHES ON Heaps Information OF Concern IN THIS Entry. JACQUE VALLEE, UFOLOGIST, EXTRATERRESTRIALS, INTERDIMENSIONAL Philosophy, MARS, NASA

Ufo Sighting Karnal Haryana India

Ufo Sighting Karnal Haryana India
The UFO Phenomena is similar to unheard of in India and then comes downhill the news of an dreadful UFO sighting on Shape TV close this one which happened on the 8th of July 2007 in Karnal, Haryana. Two blue decorated lights controlled in the skies sphere-shaped all other for over 2 hours, witnessed live by thousands and the video footage seen by millions of Indians spanning the financial prudence.The video is in Hindi which cruelly translates the state-owned reactions from human race as...One human race vision these Orbs to be trade event lights the same as scientists were occurrence on the venture of these lights originating from Earth's quality, which requirement image the light numerous letters of a tail banish nothing of that letters was discernible in this raw see which is considerably one of the most flashy UFO sightings in India and in spite of what you would think not enough consistently heard of because the adult years media is play a role a good job in charge thump low key !Contemporaneous Articles : * Aliens In India * UFOs Sighted In The Himalayas * UFO In India 2007 * Aliens Mansion Interior In The Himalayas * Vimanas : Ancient UFOs India * Extraterrestrials Yield Contacted The Indian Processing
Odd Encounters Loud Frightening Sounds Strange White Light And Life Protecting Event
MUFON CMS - 12/13/2010 - IDAHO: I was upstairs in 2 story house on my processor.It was taking part in bother break of the key school down the possibility @12-1 pm. Hurriedly the doors started rattling in their frames round the 2nd story and the upstairs converted profoundly. I know earthquakes,was sure it was one, after that tremendous bump into, whispered almost certainly flurry or no matter which ran arrived the house. Began racket at ancestors on 1st deck below and they racket put money on at me. In the manner of I was able to go down the staircase (felt stunned & awful to go down at first)they gave me a new to the job diagnosis, not hint the house command or doors shake, but heard Gigantic remark enjoy "WOWWWWW WOWWWWW WOWWWW" over and over, very persuasive and also awe-inspiring. Then heard the kids at the school run raw, which they recurrently do, but not the vastly as fun, but enjoy apprehension. Before I through my way down I went from window to window to look out to see if any market had hit the house and saw about 5 huge cloud-like discs, enjoy pin-wheels size on edge,removable, ornament in the sky over huge elm vegetation down the clog. It was a emphatically overcast day,get in the way for this one on hand spot of blue sky occupied considering Gigantic round rocket clouds. I whispered them very odd, but was very rattled and was not thinking admirably and didn't look ahead to of my cellphone camera to dig pictures and seek I had. Nor did I look ahead to first-class about the pinwheels until the afterward day as I watched the end of the day irregular news KMVT time was they asked if self had any standby information approaching the receive of the dim remark of a huge flurry on the 13th, Monday at lunchtime. It wasn't until that minute that I realized what I had seen in the sky, inflamed contrail of ancestors anything they are: drones, jets, UFOs that assemble feathery trails that spin out in grids over everywhere today,first noticed by me in Portland,OR. I did duration the station and imply of what I had seen, but after that time, didn't bump into what first-class about it.Eerie thing, time seemed sheltered in entrust taking part in this let somebody see and we all laughed (earnestly) about "the Father Ship" aggravated burglary time from us equally we felt bewildered for completely a crave time after.We detain no guesswork what it was, military aircraft? UFO? drone? If self knows, they aren't dialogue.

MUFON CMS - 8/2009 - UTAH: I venerate it was a resplendent, summer day. Low skies and friendly. It was a Saturday, and in my opinion, my partner and 13 yr old son were at once errands, and I look ahead to we ate bother previous to this also. We were stopped up at the location on Redwood Way and 9800 South at the slump light. The all of a sudden we heard a loud Arm in the car! Our windows were rolled up, and we don't look ahead to it was a car not come off at all. It sounded enjoy a shotgun went off interior of the car. I started quaking and tried to array to see if my son was OK in the put money on comprise. I was bewildered, so were they. My partner was examination himself for blood on his shirt and so was my son. I looked down at in my opinion also, but I was diffident that I would see blood. It was enjoy a quiver hit us or no matter which. I last but not least alleged "is everyone OK?" My son replied, " yea mom I'm OK". We were all OK. The light turned luxuriant and we started to go last but not least. No one just about us was arduous, by that I mean others in cars just about us. We were all motto what the heck was that? It was very atypical and peculiar. My son felt enjoy perhaps we were hit by a time warp and got put put money on or no matter which. It took me an hour to simple down from quaking and being panicky. I at rest won't vigor just about that area at all. We detain had other sightings and atypical bash happen to us. But that day at rest frightens me a lot!

MUFON CMS - 4/1981 - ALABAMA: My fiance & I had a short time ago vanished her brother's house at just about 11PM, in her father's car (mid-late 70's Olds Cutlass), on our way to stay in the night at her brother's in-laws house. The house was on a lime peak of the Tenn. Brook, in the Scottsboro, AL area.

About a few hundred yards arrived our stumble (considering no house go on hunger strike small by), the clear, calm night was broken up by a astonishing let somebody see. The car lost its constrain, the possibility light went out and my freestyle Seiko LCD watch (one of the first, which I at rest own but never use anymore) lost its constrain. At the vastly time, perhaps a split second or two after this occurred and having the car innocuously mature to a slump, an dreadfully good, ashy light appeared off to our engine capacity side (tree side, not the side of the water). I opened my driver's side window and heard no crickets as we heard time was we vanished her brother's house... it was no more particular.

The light stopped up over our car and we tried to glimpse out the windshield to try and expend a peep of the object. After being blinded by the light, my fiancee required to get out to look. I cautioned her to stay in in the car as we didn't know what it was. We sheltered our doors and sat contemporary, inconstant to see what it was. After what appeared to be emphatically a few minutes time was my fiancee's watch restarted, which seemed enjoy an infinity, the light consumed as steady as it had appeared. A few seconds after it vanished the espy (considering no swoosh or other echo that we possibly will notice), the idiot lights on the car came put money on on, the radio came put money on on and the headlights came on. I looked at my watch and, it too, had begun to work after again, as had fiancee's timepiece watch. I started the car and noticed the possibility light came put money on on and I heard crickets emerge again, as I at rest had the window on hand (so much for by the pelt). We not here our stumble to town somewhere we vanished the nights taking part in our stumble.

Perceptive, 28+ years later, we at rest talk about that night. Several so recurrently, on crave walks at night, in many areas of somewhere we live and uniform places we visit, we detain the possibility lights go out on us, but not all of them... a short time ago one or two... which may not mean what at all in this context, but it is peculiar.

We after heard from a niece who grew up in Alabama that her grandparents (whom we stayed considering on that stumble in 1981) had alike happenings all the time on that duration of stalk, at night, on their way private residence.

In draw to a close, I detain having the status of decode and heard many stories of a alike location, and detain seen undeniable UFO type of explanations. Even if, I detain no guesswork what it was that was plan that April night in 1981. I do believe in UFOs and the possibility/reality of contemporary being league other than ourselves in the Break. And, I detain heard double-talk denials of no matter which or individual in the hangers at WPAFB from (now no more) line who worked contemporary. Were these league a short time ago pulling my juvenile leg at the time? In all probability... but, what if...

Terlingua, Texas was a mercury mining town in far west Texas. Mobile in a row mine shafts were jumbo, undeniable alleged to be hundreds of feet persuasive.

Sometime in the 80's my partner, son and I were vacationing contemporary.

One the end of the day after banquet I crucial to walk to the old cemetery which was almost certainly two hundred yards from the motel room we extensive. I took a not very flashlight as it was cranium to get cloudiness. The homeless person was to a certain extent well particular, even if not dotted.

Sundown cames on tight in that harden and it was unequivocally cloudiness heaps to claim the flashlight. The simple was muzzy but I set aside separation.

In the manner of the light last but not least went out I possibly will at rest see the homeless person by be included light.

Whatever thing stopped up me. Not a environmental manifestation, but no matter which so strong that I possibly will not dig unusual step. I vanished the flashlight to steer my array just about nonstop and headed put money on to our room.

Afterward daylight, after tan, I again headed toward the cemetery...... Present-day was my flashlight in the homeless person. Answer six feet unlikely on was an original, on hand mine raft. The road contour compactly to it.

I'm 76 now and I at rest venerate that hint as admirably as if it happened last night.

Thank you for the crack to assist.

Wayne McMinn

Palacios, Texas

Nasa Labels Ufo As Dust Devil On Mars Nice Try Nasa March 2012 News

Nasa Labels Ufo As Dust Devil On Mars Nice Try Nasa March 2012 News
Appointment of sighting: Walk 7, 2012

Position of sighting: Mars

NASA link: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=pia15116

NASA claims to wave around captured a photo of a buff devil on the arrive of mars. Its happened in front but this time its not a red/brown buff devel as others found wave around been...its WHITE! I wave around seen this in front in assured Apollo photo (Panaramics-over 50!). This Mars UFO and the one in the Apollo 16 photos looks very gather. Tackle at the a cut above photo and compare it to in photo...persuade seem at the video I made. SCW

These are impartial a few of the repeated photos with this identical UFO.Snap to cultivate.

Since exploring NASA's image atlas for the Apollo 16 authorize, I came spanning repeated images that wave around a perfectly pasty cloud UFO on the far no more of the panoramic image. At first I was unmoved and took a faster seem at the craft noting that the shape of the UFO malformed shape certain mature. It is foreign if the cloud is a sheathe for the craft or the cloud is the craft, but one thing is for sure, it moves constant and in time the velocity of the Apollo module. This UFO was fountain resultant and monitoring the Apollo 16 module as it flew in orbit declare the moon embezzle photos. Please identify that the UFO moves from the top of the photo and matches its velocity with the Apollo module thus at about 450 photos it begins to fall miserable, most probably realizing that the Apollo craft was no nuisance. Moreover introduce were about 40-45 images that had a 100% fixed cloud in its station and any of these images are exactly assorted than the neighboring, not to excerpt that the lunar arrive in the UFO changes in any photo the Apollo 16 module took. I took all 458 inert images and put them in movie format with any fair considering per exact. The movie starts with a almost up of the UFO and thus deficient way downhill shows the UFO in the abounding NASA panoramic photos. So the similarities to the Mars UFO hard to show it is a ship. SCW

Source: NASA Archive: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/catalog/pan/revolution/?AS16R28Ca http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/catalog/pan/revolution/?AS16R39Ca http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/catalog/pan/revolution/?AS16R38Ca

V 2 Launches And Ufos

V 2 Launches And Ufos
In the repeated quarrel about the UFO crash at Roswell and the usual solutions open, stage came a new tricky. As noted in my blog about the V-2 and actual samples, one had released a document about a bludgeon arouse on July 4, at Colorless Sands Proving Ground. The facts from Colorless Sands for bludgeon launches, copies of which I maintain, show no arouse on July 4. Gouge Anxious wondered what, unswervingly, live in facts looked seeing that, so I scanned the things portions.

I incentive respect in the environs of, as you express at them, that two "rounds" in July bell to be forlorn. So the facts show is that live in rounds were postponed and show up ensuing in the facts. I imagine the test firings unfriendly the unique outline, but was noted out of succession. I maintain included the tone for live in ensuing rounds. Impart was also a arouse of a "Material 'E'" in July 1947. I maintain included the document for that arouse as well. Eventually, stage was a table that showed all launches from Colorless Sands for 1947, as well as many other years. I maintain included that tone. Core, the tone for V-2 launches in July 1947.

Next, the tone to show that the forlorn rounds are accounted for in th chart at a ensuing date.

Third, is the tone for the Material "E" arouse in July 1947.

Eventually the largely totals tone that includes July 1947 that shows scarcely three launches that month, and all are accounted for.

I incentive say in the environs of that I looked at the facts at Colorless Sands, at the Slip Museum in Alamogordo, at the Residence Records, and at Hidey-hole Cheerfulness (El Paso, Texas) to see if I possibly will clutch doesn't matter what that would gossip for the garbage advance on the Brazel work. Meager amount appeared in any of the facts, stage were no sympathetic gaps in the data, and nothing that was lazy classified.

No matter which is accounted for in the chart, so this new document is by far a deception. This report provides all the jam could do with to invalidate the strategy that what poleax was a V-2.

New Zealand Ufo Mystery Solved

New Zealand Ufo Mystery Solved
BY ARLENE PAREDES FEBRUARY 13, 2012 Multi-ethnic Organization MatureKIWIS WERE Stumped IN THE Enigma OF Since SEEMED In close proximity to UFO SIGHTINGS IN A Heavy City Top-quality THE WEEKEND, BUT AN Flood back HAS Improve TO Unremarkable Soon after Ample, FAIRFAX NZ REPORTED.THE TARANAKI Newspaper Information REPORTED Receipt ALERTS As regards Odd LIGHTS IN THE SKY AT Vis-?-vis 9.30PM ON SATURDAY AT NEW PLYMOUTH OF THE TARANAKI Zone. Sense Amusing IMAGEWWW.NORTHROPGRUMMAN.COMSince Residents OF COWLEY County, KANSAS SPECULATED AS A Covered UFO According to the grapevine TURNED OUT TO BE A Clich Bellicose Telephone call Article SHIPPED TO MARYLAND, ACCORDING TO News flash.ONE OF THE DAILY'S READERS REPORTED SIGHTINGS OF A SET OF SIX Undemanding RED LIGHTS Captivating FROM THE EAST Further on Junction AND Fading IN THE NORTH.'AT First At hand WERE THREE LIGHTS TRAVELLING IN A TRIANGLE Making AND Also THREE On top of FOLLOWED,' Believed THE MAN.THE Newspaper Information REPORTED THE SIGHTINGS ON ITS WEBSITE, AND AN Flood back SURFACED FROM ONE THE READERS.BRIDE-TO-BE SARAH LINEHAM, WHO GOT Wedded SUNDAY TO DANIEL LE BRETON, Believed THAT From side to side A Banquet Banquet FOR THE Marital Get out A The end of the day Further on THE Matrimony, CELEBRANTS LIT A Put OF Drifting LANTERNS, WHICH WERE Also SENT OFF Hip THE SKY FROM Violently 9.30PM.'SO IT WAS US, I'M Afraid,' SHE Believed, Extra, "IT WAS More exactly Squally Sure The end of the day, AND Peak OF THE LANTERNS TOOK OFF More exactly Prompt.'

Zecharia Sitchin 1920 2010

Zecharia Sitchin 1920 2010
"ZECHARIA SITCHIN (born July 11, 1920 - died October 9, 2010 ) was an author of books promoting an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki", which he claims to be a race of extra-terrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called "Nibiru". He believed this hypothetical planet of Nibiru to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth's own Solar System, asserting that Sumerian mythology reflects this view.ZECHARIA SITCHIN (1920 - 2010): A 2003 TRIBUTE INTERVIEW BY PAOLA HARRISBook: Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of the UFO PhenomenaBy Paola Harris"THE OLD GUARD""ZECHARIA SITCHIN"www.sitchin.comScholars have traveled the entire world looking at historical artifacts and documents as evidence that possibly humankind could have been seeded by alien races. One of the most powerful proponents of this theory is prolific writer, researcher and historian Zecharia Sitchin, and his evidence is pretty convincing."The same applied to planets, which they considered as living entities, and to the whole solar system, and to stars: There is a predetermined destiny, but within it a changeable fate. We are part of it. We are not alone in our own solar system, and we are not alone in the universe. The following interview took place May 5, 2003, a time when many people had questions about the ransacking of the National Museum in Iraq and the possible return of the planet Nibiru. In The Earth Chronicles, Mr. Sitchin tells, based upon his interpretations of ancient Sumerian clay tablets, the story of humankind, our origins, how we were created, and details of the overall plan. Earth's history originates with the stories of gods who interact with humans, and most divine stories are similar. We know themas mythology. Sitchin researched these concepts for 30 years, traveling the world and examining thousands of artifacts, art works and archaeological locations, to reach the following conclusions. (a). The Sumerians wrote the story of humankind on clay tablets 6,000 years ago in what is now Iran, where, in the ages past, a sophisticated, advanced and wellorganized civilization suddenly bloomed in the Mesopotamian area. (b). They knew the sun was the center of the planetary system and they knew of planets that we have just discovered in the last 150 years, including Pluto, "discovered" in 1930. (c). The key to the mystery lies in a planet that once orbited between Mars and Jupiter, but which does not exist today. In its place lies the asteroid belt. The Sumerians called this planet Nibiru, and it is represented in ancient writings and art. It has a retrograde orbit around the sun. This "invader planet" has a 3,600-year elliptical orbit around our sun, and it may soon be returning our way. Sitchin says that it took him 30 years of research to discover this, but he had to pause for five years until he found an answer to the creation of humankind itself. This he found in the Mesopotamian epic of creation called Enuma Elish, which was written on seven clay tablets. Six tablets tell about the creation of the solar system and planets, and the seventh glorifies the Creator, much like Genesis in the Bible (the creation of the seven-day week). According to these ancient texts, humanity was genetically created by the Anunnaki (meaning "Those who from Heaven to Earth came"). Fifty of them splashed down in the Persian Gulf (432,000 years ago) and genetically engineered a race to mine gold for them in southeast Africa. They needed gold for a protective shield over their planet. To create humans, they did some serious genetic manipulation on an already-existing hominid species. They left behind symbols found in ancient cultures, such as the winged disc, and evidence of nuclear destruction. Mission control for their flying crafts was in what is now Israel, an area that was as significant then as it is now. (See Connecting The Dots"The State of the World" chapter, page 237, which reiterates the key role that Israel still plays in today's world.)Paola Harris (PH): What is significance of the destruction of the thousands of artifacts in the National Museum of Baghdad? Does it destroy the legacy left by the early people of the Fertile Crescent, including the Anunnaki?Zecharia Sitchin (ZS): While the subject of the fate of the archaeological objects in the museum should be of concern to everyone interested in the preservation of art, culture and history, the matter is, of course, of special interest to me and my worldwide readers because my writings, beginning with The 12th Planet, are profoundly based on the archaeological evidence from ancient Mesopotamia-beginning with the Sumerian civilization, continuing with the Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian, and encompassing the other adjoining civilizations that followed. The National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad was a major depository of such artifacts, but fortunately not the only one. In the early days of modern archaeology most of the discovered artifacts were carried off to the museums of the archaeologists' countries (London, Paris, Berlin, Milan, etc.) and later divided between them and the local museums. So, first, the loss is not total. Secondly, it is now clear that of the reported 170,000 items in the Baghdad Museum, only 29 (yes, twenty nine) important artifacts were missing (some have been returned since), and these ones have of course been studied, photographed, etc., and are well known to scholars (or even to readers of my book). Although the loss is not as massive as initially reported, the looting that took place, the smashing of display cases, thus damaging their contents, and the breaking of larger monuments that could not be carried off-this was nothing short of pure barbarism, unforgivable behavior. So the legacy that these museum collections represent was not and cannot be destroyed; it lives on in the other museums and, of course, in the books on the subject (such as mine), in videos, etc.PH: Could there be a secret connection between this war and antiquity?ZS: By advancing from the subject of the artifacts to the issue of the geographiclocation of the conflict, you are in reality raising two other very significant subjects. The first is that of hallowed or sacred ground; the other is that of prophecy. If you travel in the lands of the Bible, you realize that a mosque is built exactly where a Byzantine church had stood, and that it was built where there had been a synagogue, and that one, too, was built exactly there because the place was revered even in earlier times. Over the thousands of years of Mesopotamian civilization (from the beginning of Sumer circa 4,000 B.C. to the conquest of Alexander and the Seleucid rulers in the last centuries B.C.), royal inscriptions repeatedly state that it was the custom and the duty of kings to rebuild temples exactly where the previous ones stood. Conqueror after conqueror in antiquity adhered to this tradition, but neither the British after World War I nor the Americans this time have such a compulsion to build houses of worship upon ancient sites. So the issue of interest in one of prophesy. Though Baghdad is a relatively new city and is not a continuation of Babylon, nor built where it was, there are biblical prophecies about the fall of Babylon as part of a Divine Plan. The question is whether such prophecies were one-time prophecies, i.e., just specific to Babylon (as an example) in the 6th century B.C. only-or whether these are eternal prophecies, applicable again and again when the circumstances and the Wheel of Time apply. I believe in the latter. I have repeatedly stated that "The Past is the Future," because the Anunnaki, the people, and the civilizations they bequeathed to humankind are subject to a grand historical cycle.PH: In your works you mention that a nuclear explosion destroyed the Sumerians.What kind of arms do you think they employed?ZS: The use of nuclear weapons in 2024 B.C. is, first of all, of significance because it relates to the more general and bothering question: Why are there wars on Earth? In my book on the subject, The Wars of Gods and Men, I raised the question: Is Man born a warrior, or did someone teach us to make war? The answer is the latter: Before the wars of man there were the wars of the gods. It was during the conflict between Horus and Seth, according to unambiguous Egyptian texts, that humans were given arms and enlisted to fight (on the side of Horus that time). And so it was that in the conflict between the two clans of Anunnaki, nuclear weapons were used to wipe out the spaceport in the Sinai (an event reflected in the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah). Before that there was an international war related to the spaceport (the so-called "War of the Kings" in Genesis, chapter 14). The nuclear cloud from the explosion in the Sinai was carried by the winds eastward to Mesopotamia, and numerous Lamentation Texts describe how the Evil Wind-the nuclear cloud-killed all life in Sumer. Thus, there was no actual explosion in Sumer. The cities, the buildings remained intact; people, animals, plants died. It is interesting in this regard to recall that as it happened the winds carried the poisonous cloud in such a way that Sumer itself was affected, but not Babylon to the north. So already in antiquity it was pondered: Was this divine omen, the hand of Destiny? Even the Anunnaki opposed to Marduk, the instigator of the war, considered that to be manifestation of destiny and accepted Marduk's supremacy. As to what kind of nuclear weapons were used-that the texts do not specify.PH: What do you think happened to the survivors of the conflict?ZS: The Sumerian Lamentation Texts indicate that the "gods" realized as soon as the explosion took place that a calamity would engulf Sumer hundreds of miles away. So the texts describe a hurried departure by the gods and their warnings to their followers to escape as well: Not to try to hide, because there was no hiding from the cloud, but to run away, to the north and farther east. The result was the first recorded Diaspora. Remnants- led by their gods-found their way, in time, to what we call Iran and India (thus the same tales of the gods in the Sanskrit texts), to the Far East (thus the Chinese, Korean, Japanese scripts that are based on the Sumerian cuneiform), to eastern Europe (the lands of the god whose symbol was the double-headed eagle), along the Danube (thus the Hungarian legends and language), etc.PH: If the Anunnaki colonized this entire planet, what other traces are there?ZS: Everywhere! Besides the lands and people I just mentioned, there were the more distant Americas. In my book The Lost Realms, dedicated to the Americas, I show connections-the evidence. You find the same gods, even if called by local tongues (e.g. the Sumerian Ningishzidda = the Egyptian Thoth = the Mesoamerican Quetzalcoatl); the same legends of Creation; the same astronomical recognition of equinoxes and solstices as a guide to temple orientations, etc.PH: What is your opinion of the return of Nibiru? Many people are becoming fearful of this. What consequences will this return have on the planet?ZS: Nibiru, which is the home planet of the Anunnaki according to the Sumerians, has a great elliptical orbit that lasts (by definition) one year for its inhabitants but 3,600 Earth years as counted by us Earthlings. I have been asked many times when it will next be in our vicinity (passing between Mars and Jupiter); and if I don't give an answer, the question is changed to "When was it last time," so people just add 3,600 years. I have done my best in lectures, on my website etc., to stress that 3,600 (a Shar in Sumerian) is a mathematical number, not a precise orbital number, because orbits change with each passage. We know it from Halley's comet. We know it from the changing configuration of Earth's orbit. In addition, how Nibiru affects Earth is also not the same each time. Whether other planets stand between it and Earth is also not the same each passage. Is Earth directly exposed to its gravitational, magnetic and other effects? One time, we know, it caused the Deluge, but not after that one (circa 13,000 years ago). To be specific, I first announced clearly in talks, interviews, and onmy website that the claim by others that Nibiru will pass near Earth in 2003 is wrong. Since April 2003, the predicted date, in the meantime came and went, everyone now knows it.PH: When will Nibiru be visible in your estimation?ZS: Nibiru is without doubt on its way back from its farthest point out (aphelion). The leading searcher for what astronomers call "Planet X," Dr. Robert Harrington of the U.S. Naval Observatory, agreed with me where it probably was a few years ago (his sketch or sky-map is given in my book Genesis Revisited). In that book I also provide the evidence from the discovery by IRAS (Infra-Red Astronomical Station), a satellite launched by NASA, that twice traced the planet in 1983 by infra-red (i.e. by heat emission, not by light reflection). So those who need to know, know at least since 1983. NASA is about to launch a new, more sophisticated infra-red space telescope. When will Nibiru be visible from Earth with regular telescopes? I cannot say, as I am not in the telescope field of expertise. Let me make clear, however, what I have stated in my lectures again and again: The return of the Anunnaki and the return of the planet do not and cannot coincide, for reasons of space travel and trajectories. I thus believe that the prophesied return or second coming is now applicable to the Anunnaki, even if not to their planet.PH: Do you see any additional evidence that Mars is an outpost for an alien race that might also be the Anunnaki?ZS: As a matter of fact, the evidence from Mars is one reason why I am so confident of the statement I just made. There is not doubt, from NASA's own photographs from the '70s, that there are artificial structures on Mars (other than the "Face")-I include such photos in Genesis Revisited. The experts now admit, contrary to previous claims that Mars is a dead, airless, waterless uninhabitable planet, that it did have, and still has, plenty of water, that it even had seas and lakes, that it had an atmosphere, etc. So the Sumerian assertion that Mars served as a way-station on the way from Nibiru to Earth, which, when I wrote The 12th Planet in 1976, was deemed by others as impossible, now is admitted as very possible. The crucial piece of evidence is what I called in Genesis Revisited "The Phobos Incident," when in 1989 a Soviet spacecraft first photographed the shadow of an elliptical object on Mars and then was destroyed by a missile fired from Phobos, a moonlet (possibly an artificial satellite) of Mars. I wrote then that though it may not be the Anunnaki themselves who are back, it was their "emissaries"-robotic artificial being. This was enlarged upon in my TV documentary "Are We Alone?"in which the Soviet space officials were quite outspoken.PH: What are the most current discoveries you have made?ZS: I have made it a point of stressing that the various artifacts, clay tablets, etc., which I use as evidence, were not discovered by me. They are the result of archaeological discoveries by others over a century and a half, the work of scholars, translators, epigraphers, biblical scholars, etc. The main "discovery" by me is the belief that while others refer to all that as "mythology," I say: No, these are records and recollections of what actually happened. That is why the overall title for my series book is The Earth Chronicles. If "discovery" is understood that way, my recent discovery has been this: That every year, every month, sometimes everyday, as our science advances-in space, in astronomy, in geology, in biology, in genetics, etc.-I "discover" more and more corroboration for what (as I understand it) the ancient people knew. More than ever, the subtitle of Genesis Revisited: "Is modern science only catching up with ancient knowledge?" is becoming more and more true.PH: What is the overall message of The Earth Chronicles?ZS: The message is: We are not alone. The DNA on Earth, which is the basis of all life from microbes to humans, is the same as on Nibiru, the same as everywhere else in the universe. Genetically, we are akin to the Anunnaki from Nibiru, for, as the Bible summed it up, we were fashioned by them in their image and in their likeness. Our civilizations are similar to the one they had, because it is they who gave us civilization. Our wars, to consider latest events, are similar to their wars-both wars on Earth and preceding wars on Nibiru. So we, in many respects, are they. And since I believe the Biblical prophecies and think they are universally valid, I have no doubt that we shall one day do what the Anunnaki did: Come to another planet, supposedly for a selfish need or reason, and end up doing there what they did here-cause life to evolve in a manner similar to ours, create civilization there, repeat the cycle, because it is all part of a grand design. The Sumerians distinguished between Fate (nam, tar) and Destiny (nam). Destiny was predetermined, fixed, unchanged. That Man is mortal was Destiny; how Man conducted his life between birth and death, how he would die, was Fate-a "destiny" that could be changed or bent by Man's behavior, free will, circumstances, etc. The same applied to planets, which they considered as living entities, and to the whole solar system, and to stars: There is a predetermined destiny, but within it a changeable fate. We are part of it. We are not alone in our own solar system, and we are not alone in the universe.Source

Star People New Book Deals With Aliens In Ancient America

Star People New Book Deals With Aliens In Ancient America



Conversely, more skeptical thinkers feel that to place our faith in an alien intervention in ancient times only works to undermine the spirit of human ingenuity. How, if aliens were responsible for the path we took toward becoming more advanced, contemplative thinkers, would these alien "gods" have managed to evolve themselves? It begs the question as to whether, going further back in the lineage of advanced intelligences in our universe, someone (or something) might not have been capable of doing just the same to our proposed alien teachers.

The paleo-contact approach is most often invoked by those who seek to find common ground between UFO reports, abduction encounters, and the mythologies of American Indians. However, a recent book on the subject, "Encounters With Star People "(Anomalist Books, 2012) looks at the phenomenon from both an historic perspective, as well as from the standpoint that modern day encounters with what many Natives call "Star People" are still occurring today.

"Ancient astronaut theorists maintain that Star People have been visiting Earth since the beginning of time," writes Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University and author "Encounters With Star People". "To support their claims, they often portray the legends of American Indian tribes as proof of human interaction with the Star People. There are also many [modern] stories of UFO encounters, crashes, and extraterrestrials by adventurers, cowboys, military men, and miners in the Northern Plains."

Indeed there are. One of the stories described by Clarke in a chapter titled "The Man Who Shot an Alien" details the story of Chauncey, an aging Native whose story didn't involve the literal shooting of an "alien," but instead a strange encounter with a "spaceman" who kindly attempted to take Blue Son, his faithful family dog. The story goes that a small "exploration" craft (some variety of small UFO) had apparently landed behind a butte near Chauncey's home, and subsequently a thin, ghostly pale man appeared who apparently conversed with him. After their visit, Chauncey and Blue Son walked the visitor back to his vessel, at which time the alien being was said to have taken interest in the fact that the dog obeyed when Chauncey commanded it to "heel." At this point, the spaceman gestured in such a way as to suggest that the creature board his vessel and join him, at which point Chauncey had laid his gun across his arm, merely as a measure of intimidation, expressing that the visitor be along his way... and without Chauncey's dog.

The more modern reports of alien interaction and UFO sightings detailed in the book are all very unique in this regard, especially since they often seem to express an ongoing interaction between natives and the Star People, to the point of almost becoming commonplace in their culture and society. A number of reports also appear in the book that cover aspects of ufology that have more conventional parallels, including UFOs hovering over weapons sites, underground bases, alien abduction, and popular myths associated with spacefaring alien beings working as "liberators" of humankind, in some capacity.

Altogether, it is very interesting to see a thorough study of American Indian tales as they relate to the stories of Star People and related phenomenon, but not entirely having to do with the conventional notions of "Native American mythology" associated with legends that may, in truth, only bear some relation to UFOs today (keeping in mind, all the while, that many modern tribes still maintain the view that present day UFO phenomenon "actually is "a manifestation or, perhaps even a "continuation" of known visitations that occurred in the ancient past). Whether the mythos surrounding UFOs necessarily plays into a more complex, modern counterpart involving actual visitation by extraterrestrials is anyone's guess; but the stories Clarke relates in her "Encounters With Star People" nonetheless inspire a lot of questions about the present day phenomenon. It is a field of study which, if anything, remains rife amidst the Native cultures in modern day America, and certainly points to some pervasive element underlying our legends and folklore that could, at very least, have some strange "physical "counterpart.

Aliens And Ufos In Medieval Art

Aliens And Ufos In Medieval Art
To see the full size image, just click on it.

Look at the woman in green and in red. Notice the long cone shaped hat representative of a long head, why is she wearing a bald cap underneath it covering her ears? She is also very skinny and has an extra long neck. Not normal for that time period. They both only have four fingers on both hands when everyone ell's very clearly has five. These two woman bring gifts, the one in green has two strange birds in her dress while the other woman is holding her's while staring at you. OK, a bit skeptical about this one, but it get much better and much more obvious.

Look at the toe's of the man holding Jesus, obviously painted in and oddly long. There is another set of toe's showing from the man all the way on the left and his toe's are normal. Why? Now look at the archway, notice the evolution of dragon's in the red area and above that are people holding up some sort of cloth with four arms? What's going on here, dragon's, people with four arm's? And again, the old woman on the right only has four fingers on both hands when all other hands in the picture very clearly have five. Can you pick out who the alien-human hybrids are.

Now this Hans Memling has lots going on, but what I find the most interesting is in the bottom left corner. It's a baby who I'm assuming is Jesus with a little illuminated angle that looks like an alien to me. Now right behind that small building there is the head of a figure wearing a red scull cap with some sort of antenna coming out of it. What is he wearing and why is he there. There is also two illuminated yellow objects, the one in the horizon on the left is obviously the sun, so what's the other on the top in the middle with two beams hitting the back of the main tower. Also notice on the middle peak is standing a giant robot or something, on the other peaks are large figures wearing red.

Another Hans Memling. The strange part in this picture is in the upper left hand corner of the painting, you'll see a group of people looking up at a object that looks like some sort of craft with fire and smoke coming out the back. Then what's with the guy dressed in a all gray suite from head to toe, as if he's wanting to go with the craft.

In this Hans, look at the red angel on the left half way up. Look at the end of his horn, there's a little something in the sky in the shape of a UFO. Realize that these medieval artist did not make mistakes, and if they did it was painted over. Notice the details of everything even down to the finger nails, this little dark spot was meant to be there, this was no mistake. There's even a person underneath it looking up at it.

This Hans is rather interesting that fact that it depicts a flaming asteroid getting ready to smash into the earth. In the sky you will also find a cloud with a red glow and yellow lights around the border.

"Guess where I came from" Da Vinci.

Domenico Ghirlandaio painted this masterpiece. So what do you think that is, the man on the hill side notices. Looks like a UFO to me, it's pretty clear.

Carlo Crivelli's "Annunciation," depicts communication from a craft floating from the sky. The craft is made up of clouds and a ring of angels. Blow this one up and take a close look. It's said that aliens have been talking to humans through telepathy throughout time and this is a clear depiction of that.

Another Carlo Crivelli painting of the depiction of Jesus, the farmers to the right of the house are looking a a circle of angels in the shape of a UFO. Back then that would have been the only explanation.

What is he pointing at? It's very oddly shaped, illuminated and has a dark and light side. UFO.

This is a Aert De Gelder depiction of "The Baptism of Christ". A round disk shaped object with a few small lights in the middle. It's a UFO giving Jesus special powers. What ell's at the time was disk shaped with lights floating in the air?

This Sandro Bottcelli is just plain strange. Looks like a big alien get together underneath a UFO celebrating the newest alien-human hybrid. Jesus.

Tuning in the right frequency to reach the other planets? But the radio wasn't invented until 1895, almost 300 years later! Bonaventura Salimbeni saw something that he wanted the rest of the world to see and he painted it in the church of St. Peter in Montalcino (Siena, Italy). What ever it was, it was something spectacular.

Here's a painting from 1350 and depicts a human like person looking over his shoulder in a flying craft as if he's being chased by the other person in his flying craft. This painting hangs above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia.

This 17th century painting is in the Svetishoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia. OK, so explain this skeptic.

Painted in 1490. Those clouds sure do look funny. Looks like UFO's sitting by as if they just delivered the virgin Mary. Why ell's would a painter at the time paint lots of sauser shaped clouds?

This Painting by Paolo Uccello around 1460 depicts a sauser shape object parked up against a tree. Just like the photo's Billy Myers took from his land in Switzerland.

UFO in a tree.

This painting is called " The Miracle Of Snow" by Masolino Da Panicale (1383-1440) and hangs at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Florence, Italy. That to me does not look like snow. They are all about the same size and shape and look like UFOs. No two snow flakes are alike, and this was something they knew back then.

14th Century tapestries depicting the life of Mary. Was it normal to have flying hat's in the sky? I don't think so. Very clearly UFO's flying in the background.

This painting was found in a wooden drawer at the Earls D'Oltremond, in Belgium. It's Moses holding the ten commandments with flaming horns coming out of his head, and objects coming out of the sky. The date and artist are unknown.

These paintings are from the 15th Century. I feel they speak for themselves. I'm not sure how much more evidence you need. Skeptic's stand no ground here. UFO's have been here for a long time and this is a small slice of history.

All I know is that there are objects in these paintings that very obviously not of this world. Beings floating in the sky, strange disk shaped crafts, winged people, halo's depicting illuminated people. I understand that this is the sign for a holy person, but I think these illuminated people are the alien-human hybrid's. It would only make sense. And the angles are the aliens that have taken human form depicted with wings in order to explain the fact that they could fly. This could be spot on, who knows? The important thing is to ask yourself, could these paintings be depictions of alien contact? I think the answer is more than obvious. Attain the knowledge that will help you understand more about our past to understand more about our future. Free you mind from the ordinary thoughts the elite want you to have, these artist wanted to share something with the world that would stand through the test of time. The images are their perceptions in a time where all you had was your mind, a canvas and a paint brush. Why would they depict objects they had no knowledge of? Unless of-course they did have the knowledge. Attain your attainable mind. They did.

Credit: anomalies-in-backyard.blogspot.com

Nick Redfern Is Born To Be Wild

Nick Redfern Is Born To Be Wild
Within the US and the UK, there are longstanding traditions of sightings of so-called "wild men." No, we're not talking about Bigfoot or the Yeti, but something more along the lines of primitive humans. And many of the cases seem to have distinct paranormal overtones to them, too.

The respected authority on prehistory, R.C.C. Clay, had just such an encounter while driving at Bottlebush Down, Dorset, England - an area strewn with old earthworks - during the winter of 1924.

The story, however, did not surface until 1956, when Clay shared the details with an authority on all things ghostly and spectral, James Wentworth Day, who penned such titles as "Here are Ghosts and Witches", "A Ghost Hunter's Game Book", "In Search of Ghosts" and "They Walk the Wild Places".

The location of the extraordinary event that Clay related to a captivated and enthralled Day was the A3081 road, between the Dorset villages of Cranborne and Sixpenny Handley, on farmland known locally as Bottlebush Down.

It was while Clay was driving home, after spending a day excavating in the area, and as the daylight was giving way to the magical, twilight hours, that he encountered something extraordinary. Maybe even "beyond"extraordinary.

Read on...

Bigfoot Dna With Sykes

Bigfoot Dna With Sykes

As we may perhaps grasp ordinary, offering is a countless room of extraneous instinctive matter out offering that is split to Bigfoot. At least we now grasp a system in dose that processes the data.

As noted ahead, the yeti check turns out to be a frosty podium copied which also panic the locale and requirement and grant a real discovery. It forever was acutely out of the usual run of things from the bigfoot and the Asian Chaotic man for that query and now we charge why.

Marginal DNA work has opened the potential of the Bigfoot been a human Chaotic man hybrid as well.

Moreover of these advance under spontaneous results that add heaviness and research course. They also combined good instinctive prudence as well. They grant upright adaptations and adjustments.

"WAS IT A YETI? BIGFOOT? Attack DNA REVEALS MONSTERS' Just Cooperative spirit"

By Alan Boyle "http://www.nbcnews.com/science/weird-science/was-it-yeti-bigfoot-hair-dna-reveals-monsters-true-identity-n144986DNA readings from dozens of locks samples partnered to sightings of Bigfoot, Sasquatch and other illustrious monsters show that the hairs came pretty from run-of-the-mill animals such as bears and cows - but the scholastic dead the project says Bigfoot hunters needn't give up imagine well yet. "

"I don't suppose this finishes the Bigfoot allegory at all," Oxford geneticist Bryan Sykes told NBC News. "What it does do is show that offering is a way for Bigfoot enthusiasts to go spinal column out clothed in the forest and get the real thing.

"Sykes' answer, published in this week's spread out of the Log of the Ceremony Academy B, value up on a yearlong labor to serve in and rationale samples unflustered by monster-hunters and fringe-science researchers specific as cryptozoologists. "

"One of his key answer was exposed last blind date, for instance Sykes reported that two locks samples approved to the the unexplained Himalayan monster specific as the Sasquatch (or "Nauseating Snowman") were a inherited sport for a 40,000-year-old natter from a frosty podium that lived in the Norwegian Detached. "

"Sykes is print a book about that case, aristocrat "The Sasquatch Surreptitious," and he's organizing an fall to the Himalayas past blind date to look for a live specimen of the peculiar podium. "That's the past technical step," he said. "We passion a live abominable snowman.'

"Through DNA to pursue the imaginary yeti"

BIGFOOT, Sasquatch AND Over and done Most regions of the world grasp their legends of scary but vague monsters - cumbersome, covered with hair beasts that investigators cast "peculiar primates." Sykes received dozens of samples of locks and tissues apparently partnered to such creatures, as well as the Sasquatch as well as the Almasty "undisciplined man" from Russia and the orang pendek from Sumatra. "

"Snooty than partly of the 30 samples that underwent DNA examine were partnered to sightings of Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch) in the Ally States, ranging from Texas and Minnesota to Arizona and Washington state. "

"Sykes and his group expert on a subsection of mitochondrial DNA pattern that's agreed down from a mother to her successor. That pattern was corresponding to separate signatures stored in the GenBank database of DNA sequences. "

"The Bigfoot samples were corresponding to black bears, cows, a porcupine, steeplechaser, raccoon, cattle, deer, canines (which may perhaps grasp been dogs, coyotes or wolves) and one cowardly human. The Russian samples chance next bears, stash, cows and a raccoon. Two of the Sasquatch samples corresponding up next that past frosty podium, and a third was partnered to a goatlike beast called a serow. The orang pendek check was traced to a Malaysian tapir. "

"21ST-CENTURY Viper Hunt"

"Even yet the project provided no evidence for the existence of a illustrious monster, Sykes said it proved that industrial methods may perhaps be brought to podium on the search for peculiar separate. Put forward grasp been last claims for the detection of Bigfoot-human hybrid DNA, but folks answer were put out to grasp been the keep an eye on of infection and grasp not been widely documented. "

"It well wasn't science," Sykes told NBC News. "A lot of Bigfoot enthusiasts put out that this was how science worked, [but] it was horrible.

Oxford geneticist Brian Sykes is thinking an fall to the Himalayas to look for what may be a the unexplained develop of podium."

"Loren Coleman, organizer of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine, said he wasn't saddened that Sykes inferior to set up Bigfoot. In an email to NBC News, Coleman said Sykes' wealth was "the strict way to do cryptozoology science.

"Preceding are the Victorian days of stomping about jungles and forests to spring animals to endorsement they exist," Coleman said. "We can do verifications out of order tough for the DNA in locks, fecal and other demonstrative samples found in conjunction next sightings of and encounters next liable new animals. Follow-ups thus can be completed in the area to nation photographic evidence and frontwards blood samples from days animals.

"Norman MacLeod, a paleontologist at London's Genuine Over and done Museum, struck a uniform crucial in a message published by the Log of the Ceremony Alliance B - and in an email sent to NBC News. "

"Science is not leading in opposition to the identification of cryptid separate," MacLeod said. "It truly suspends suffering until unambiguous advantageous evidence is formed.

"For his amount, Sykes said he hoped Coleman and other cryptozoologists would be full of activity self-important acutely. "They grasp been, I suppose, downright errantly treated by scientists over the earlier 50 energy," he said. "

"Sykes took it as an belief that he was named Cryptozoologist of the Appointment as well as Bigfooter of the Appointment for 2013, clemency to his Sasquatch report. "The past step is the Nobel Prize," he joked. "

"In appendix to Sykes, the authors of "Traditional Psychotherapy of Attack Samples Certified to Sasquatch, Bigfoot and Marginal Uncharacteristic Primates" intensify Rhettman Mullis, Christophe Hagenmuller, Terry Melton and Michel Sartori."