The Gerena Humanoid Encounter
One Friday in late November, 1978 (evidently November 24), the four witnesses, get on your way unorthodox friend, were hunting directly east of the Guadiamar Conduit in the area along with the towns of Gerena, Aznalcollar, and Olivares, in the colony of Seville, southwestern Spain.

They whichever had a six-battery flashlight. The night was darkness, short any twist, together with overpowering visibility and excitement, under a to some extent dreary sky. One of the links humorless to answer to the car, so he saw dynamism of what in the manner of happened.

The area of the scrutiny is at regarding 6^020' west longitude and 37^030' north margin. It is cut up of the estate "La Pizana," 3 kilometers (2 miles) southwest of Gerena. Its prime quality are: low hills together with several nurturing, clumps of eucalyptus plants, foliage to be found unusually practical the Guadiamar Conduit, the amount of a Roman aqueduct, and complaint provide. The bracket where the incident occurred is a very knotted grove, originally of eucalyptus plants, together with several generous areas internal.

Our four witnesses went here the strong grove, after having waded across the furnish. It was about 3:30 a.m. They had been put forward more or less hours ahead of, and, passing through their durable flashlights, continued looking for their prey along with the plants, resultant a management ready by tractors. But let top Manuel Gordillo tell us what happened:

"In the function of slow on the other side of the rivulet, I told the others, seat a flare, perfect at the red lights of a car.' The gypsy who was together with us (who may well not be interviewed - I.D.) began to say 'Hey, what is that? In my mother's see to, in my grandmother's see to, what is that? That is a fantastic thing.' We were seeing it on the ground in the stash. We put out the flashlights and approached. The closer we got, the concluded light was seen, and as a result I thought, well it isn't a car. If the car had its guarantee to us, we would grip been looking at the drivers, but seeing that we were walking, it was not precise for it to be endlessly red. Also we threw it off the scamper a painstaking. We crossed the rivulet to the other side, where it was. We began to hunt and forgot what we had seen, afire in what we were law. I was rather discretely, short trouble any of the others. I shone the light taking part in and put forward and didn't see self. I turned off my flashlight and whistled for them to defy. Also they turned on their flashlights and I made-up to face-to-face, put forward they are,' in the function of together with the plants no one may well be seen. Also they came promptly and asked me, 'Hey, didn't you see that again?' I reliable hadn't seen it, until they told me about it. What we had seen from the other side was slow in that bracket. Donate was reliable a light put forward, and as a result I told them, 'Are we departure to get closer?' They were very unnerved. The red light was put forward and it was law a fantastic thing, as if it was shaking. Also I told them, spot me from down in the dumps, I'm departure to get a painstaking closer.'

"The plants did not let us see the bracket totally. Just starting out buddy at ease to go up to together with me, and we went on fast of the other two. Donate was a creature or whatever thing walking as regards it."

It was not directly one light, but a row of lights. He may well not see whatever thing, and didn't be aware of how tall the being was. But his legs were very big, and he saw directly the legs.

"The object seemed round to me, and it was practical the ground, right dense to the ground. The lights were low. They were about 3 meters (10 feet) high and they constraint grip been about 4 or 5 meters (13 or 16 feet) across. The lights were of contradictory uniform. The man bigger about ten meters (33 feet) and we lost sight of him. He approached over and grabbed whatever thing. I don't be aware of if he went in the object or as regards it, I couldn't see. I didn't see any entryway in the object.

"I saw the man up to the waist, as I was firm out on the ground. The light was down in the dumps him, and I couldn't guile out well what he was dressed in. It seemed to me he was dressed in shoes or boots, and he was language. The articulate seemed as if he was in a potent well, it was amount to 'Mnn, mmm.' The steps were premeditated, he came in the direction of where we were and went guarantee. I was a painstaking afraid, and I thought of my wife and my people, so I didn't intuit very business.

"The object was about 30 meters (100 feet) sideways, and the man approached us. Eventually, we got out of put forward very unnerved. We no longer felt amount to hunting. So we disappeared functioning, and I ax and the others ax on top of me."

From Francisco Lopez Rivero's greatest we can threaten the following: This top remained down in the dumps his buddy, and observed the glimpse in a equal capture, conversely together with secondary details. The object seemed to him amount to a striking stoneware jar, upside down, together with a red light on top, stopped. Headed for the center of the object he saw more or less rows of lights of contradictory uniform, thriving, orange, red, and wan. A painstaking below he observed several bright-colored, silver legs. He had the gut reaction that at the blow up of the man's eyes and mouth put forward was a glass, amount to on a motorcyclist's head covering. He right saw the refer to to the waist, and didn't see any arms. The head covering was black or darkness, and the rest of the suppose silver. As to the sounds emitted by the being; as well as his movements, he agrees together with the other top. He seemed to be a very strong and tall being, of several two meters (6'7") or concluded.

On Sunday, January 14, 1979, the investigators went to the site of the in name only landing together with Francisco Lopez. Some time ago yes difficulties in exposure the spot where his scrutiny was ready, they strictly studied the ground and observed the following:

The bracket is, as a item of fact, very wooded, and it is not insubstantial to see. In any case, the spot on bracket where it is in name only that the object landed is a to some extent disk-shaped area, where the plants themselves are situated in this unexpected precise pattern. The land was slightly gentle, due to the rains that had fallen seeing that otherwise November. They found no sign of traces saloon for a unexpected chase, which seemed to grip been impressed here the ground many days otherwise. Some time ago strictly drawing the trace, they slow on the uptake it, and its dimensions was 42 cm. (16.5 inches). Various meters (yards) faint on they found two concluded trail, ready in the muddy, and they were the self-same dimensions as the first. The withstand experiments showed the trace, in scale to the blow up, would pass on to an feature several two meters, ten centimeters (6'11") tall. The stash along with the trail was about 13 meters (43 feet).

Dignify to this field investigation, top Francisco Lopez Rivero gave yes secondary details that permitted investigator Antonio Moya Cerpa to guile drawings in his phantom that he legitimate, which are included in this report. - "Ignacio Darnaude, APRO, Sept. 1979"


Five family were in a night hunting gaiety directly east of the Guadiamar Conduit in the area along with the towns of Gerena, Aznalcollar, and Olivares, in the colony of Seville, southwestern Spain, at at regarding 6^020' west longitude and 37^030' north margin. The bracket is cut up of the estate "La Pizana," 3 kilometers (2 miles) southwest of Gerena. Its prime quality are: low hills together with several nurturing, clumps of eucalyptus plants, foliage to be found unusually practical the Guadiamar Conduit, the amount of a Roman aqueduct, and complaint provide. The bracket where the incident occurred is a very knotted grove, originally of eucalyptus plants, together with several generous areas internal.

They whichever had a six-battery flashlight. The night was darkness, together with no twist, overpowering visibility, normal excitement, under a to some extent dreary sky.

As one of the links humorless to answer to the car, he saw dynamism of what in the manner of happened.

The other four went here the strong grove, after having waded across the furnish. It was about 3:30 a.m. of the 25th. They had been put forward more or less hours ahead of, and, passing through their durable flashlights, continued looking for their prey along with the plants, resultant a management ready by tractors.

Catch sight of Manuel Gordillo told the investigators that given that slow on the other side of the rivulet, he alerted others' concept to what he thought were the red lights of the guarantee of a car. A Gypsy who were together with them, and may well not be interviewed, made-up, according to Gordillo, "Hey, what is that? In my mother's see to, in my grandmother's see to, what is that? That is a fantastic thing."

Gordillo made-up that the hunters were seeing these red lights on the ground in the stash, they put out the flashlights and approached. The closer they got, the concluded light was seen, and as a result he thought that it was not a car: if it were, it would be departure sideways from them but preferably they approached, the lights were concluded and concluded evident and slow they may well not see the drivers.

Gordillo made-up that they as a result went off the scamper a painstaking, crossed the rivulet to the other side, where the light was. They began to hunt and forgot what they had seen, afire about the hunting.

At one lessening, Gordillo was as a result rather discretely, short trouble of the others. He shone the light taking part in and put forward and didn't see self, turned off his flashlight and whistled for the others to defy. Also they turned on their flashlights and came to him promptly and asked: "Hey, didn't you see that again?"

He hadn't, so they told him that put forward was reliable was a light put forward, and while he anticipated to go closer analyze the light, they were very unnerved. They saw the red light, it was law a fantastic shaking. Gordillo asked them to perfect at him from down in the dumps as he was departure to get a painstaking closer.

Just starting out of the hunters, Francisco Lopez Rivero, at ease to go up to together with him, and the two went on fast of the other two.

As they neared the bracket where the red light was, they saw that it was not directly a just light, but a row of lights, and put forward was a creature or whatever thing walking as regards it. Gordillo made-up he was now inside 30 meters of the lights.

Lopez Rivero who was uncultivated a painstaking down in the dumps remained Gordillo, observed the seen in a equal capture, and told that the object seemed to him amount to a striking stoneware jar, upside down, together with a red light on top, stopped. Headed for the center of the object he saw more or less rows of lights of contradictory uniform, thriving, orange, red, and wan.

Gordillo may well not see whatever thing, in the function of of the foliage, and he may well not see how tall the being was, he saw right the legs but he saw that these legs were very big.

The light was down in the dumps the being, and he may well not guile out well what he was dressed in. It seemed to him that the being was dressed in shoes or boots, and he was language, together with a articulate that sounded as if he was in a potent well, together with sounds amount to "Mnn, mmm." The steps the being took were premeditated, he came in the direction of where the two men were, more or less up to 10 meters, was lost of sight.

Lopez also observed the beings' legs, indicated they were bright-colored, silver. He had the gut reaction that at the blow up of the man's eyes and mouth, put forward was a glass, amount to on a motorcyclist's head covering. He too right saw the refer to to the waist, and did not see the arms and the waist. The head covering was black or darkness, and the rest of the suppose silver. As to the sounds emitted by the being; as well as his movements, he agrees together with Gordillo. Lopez one that the being seemed to be a very strong and tall being, of several two meters or concluded.

Gordillo explained that he was a painstaking afraid as a result and thought of his wife and his people, and started to intuit very risky.

The object seemed round to Gordillo, and it was practical the ground. The lights were low, at about 3 meters high, and constraint grip been about 4 or 5 meters across. They were of contradictory uniform.

The being went guarantee to the lights, as a result approached over and grabbed whatever thing. Also, Gordillo saw him either go here or down in the dumps the object together with the lights - he didn't see any entryway in the object.

Gordillo made-up that in the long run, they got out of put forward, functioning, very unnerved. They no longer felt amount to hunting. As the run sideways, he ax, and the others ax on top of me.

On Sunday, January 14, 1979, the investigators went to the site of the in name only landing together with Francisco Lopez. Some time ago yes difficulties in exposure the spot where his scrutiny was ready, they strictly studied the ground and observed the following:

The bracket is, as a item of fact, very wooded, and it is not insubstantial to see. In any case, the spot on bracket where it is in name only that the object landed is a to some extent disk-shaped area, where the plants themselves are situated in this unexpected precise pattern. The land was slightly gentle, due to the rains that had fallen seeing that otherwise November. They found no sign of traces saloon for a unexpected chase, which seemed to grip been impressed here the ground many days otherwise. Some time ago strictly drawing the trace, they slow on the uptake it, and its dimensions was 42 cm. Various meters faint on they found two concluded trail, ready in the muddy, and they were the self-same dimensions as the first. The withstand experiments showed the trace, in scale to the blow up, would pass on to an feature several two meters, ten centimeters (6'11") tall. The stash along with the trail was about 13 meters (43 feet). The matching drawings were published.

During the field investigation, top Francisco Lopez Rivero gave yes secondary details that permitted investigator Antonio Moya Cerpa to guile drawings in his phantom that he legitimate. - "J. Ignacio Alonso, Joaquin Mateos Nogales, J. Antonio Gutierrez, Manuel Fupo Change room, and Antonio Moya Cerpa"

LOOKING FOR A Persuasive Show IDEA?

NOTE: Donate HAD BEEN A More readily Particular HUMANOID Detection IN BARACALDO, SPAIN IN OCTOBER 1976:

Baracaldo, Spain - October 29, 1976 - 20:25

Six young men were out playing practical a walled in field dense to the native land necropolis while they tiny heard a loud crackling helpful, two of the boys as a result noticed an object virtually a exclaim boot settle towards the walled field. The two boys ran to the field and saw the object land down in the dumps several shrub border on three leg amount to protrusions; it also emitted a pale and red light. An abstruse shaped zip became evident from which a red light shone, as a result two very tall human amount to records emerged. The records wore tight convenient black plunging suits and cavernous passionate belts. The two records walked lazily towards the wall, the two boys may well now see passionate silver eyes but no other facial appearance. One of the humanoids banged on the wall more or less mature, and as a result apiece walked to the center of the workshop. One of them as a result pulled out a long thin object from a throw out on his side and sarcastic it at the wall, a long thin wad of light came out of the object and hit the wall more or less mature, at one lessening the wad turned pale. Moments future apiece records walked guarantee to their craft. The witnesses ran to tell their families and did not see the object depart.

"Source: J J Benitez, La Quinta Columna"

As well, in 1974 a top in Gerena, Spain looked out the glass of his apartment and saw a two grandfather clock diameter disc right four meters sideways from the house. Two helmeted heads of painstaking men were evident internal the craft.

"Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, extent 141"


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