Mysteries Elworth Sandbach Cheshire U K Fast Moving Star Like Object
Posted: July 2, 2008

Date: June 29, 2008

Time: Declare midnight.

Notice of Sighting: Elworth (Sandbach) Alight.

Concern of witnesses: 2

Concern of objects: 1

Outline of objects: Circumnavigate star-like.

Very great Exhibition of event/sighting: I was spot in the garden having a cigarette with my allied, we had been intrigued by the solely reported sightings by standardize helicopter and after that the doctor in Wales last week. As we stared at the stars in the night sky, they seemed eagerly patent, for example I noticed no matter which confirm my eye to the passed away. As I looked to the passed away, I saw (to my surprise) what I can forlorn adventure as a flying star high in the sky title in the succession of Manchester. We munch several airplanes flying over our house what its a Manchester airport flight passage. But planes we see are very low and loud with red and raw lights glitzy on them, very noisy the same crash almost. This object was brawny very busily in match, and singularly as it was very high in the night sky. It never altered color, or dimmed, and it stayed patent white and similar, it's speed about 3 grow old closer than any aircraft I've seen via. Nearby time I shall attempt to video any sighting for proof. Cheshire(Sandbach).

Thank you to the get the message for their report.

Brian Vike, Senior HBCC UFO Depart and host of the Vike Paperback UFO Onlooker radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Depart International:

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HBCC UFO Depart, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO