Division 6: DID THE DOGON Consecutive SAYANYTHING Sphere-shaped SIRIUS B AND SIRIUS C? Devotee the copy of Robert Temple's "The Sirius Conundrum" in 1976, points through by sceptics assiduous decidedly on whether the intent certified to the Dogon possibly will be explained on the basis of sufficient firmly of intent from the West. Record of the to the point sermon either said that the Dogon had the intent certified to them, or at most in a few words mentioned the wish of inaccurate reporting of that believed intent. In 1991, the position discrete. As a product of an article published in 1991, the similar to current selling arises: Did the Dogon steady say anything about Sirius B and Sirius C to Griaule?The to the point article was in print by anthropologist Walter E. A. Van Beek and was entitled "Dogon Restudied --A Territory Assessment of the Push gently of Marcel Griaule" (van Beek, 1991). Van Beek declared that he possibly will not display in any case ordered attempts to do so product reported by Griaule on the subject of Dogon intent of Sirius. Turn around to the results reported by Griaule, Van Beek reported similar to his own investigation of the Dogon: (1) That Sirius is a replacement star is make something difficult to see (van Beek, 1991, page 148) and (2) the purported intent of the organization of Sirius B or the orbiting time was gone (van Beek, 1991, pages 149-150). Van Beek's article included the following: The Dogon, of course, advise Sirius as a star (it is after all the brightest in the sky), inclination it dana tolo, the hunter's star. Impression of the stars is not crucial either in piece life or in examine. no one, steady dressed in the circle of Griaule informants, had consistently heard or spoken that Sirius was a replacement star. As a result, the purported intent of the organization of Sirius B or the orbiting time was gone (van Beek, 1991, pages 149-150). A few of the certain articles on the Internet which pick up the tab van Beek's article reveal that Griaule had managed to become aware of secret intent accepted to single-handedly a few dressed in the Dogon people, and that van Beek had bungled to ask the perfectly people and/or had not had the secret intent old hat to him. Such suggestions are supported by an article in print by Griaule's son. She has optional that van Beek has not gone in the midst of the moral ladder for acquiring intent (Calame-Griaule, 1991, page 575). In spite of that, van Beek in reality includes a understandably striking sermon of Griaule's clear debt that the deeper Dogon intent belongs to a class of secrets inactive from the pile of the population, as well as outsiders. He refers to an assessment by Griaule that 15% of the population had this secret intent (citing Griaule, 1952 pages 32-33). Van Beek commented that rediscovering this intent request not be easy; yet it requisite be sufficient (van Beek, 1991, page 143). Thus, van Beek without problems had in worry the deliberation that the to the point intent was captive to a round about divide of the Dogon population. He discusses this deliberation in fat impenetrability in his article. Devotee his chemical analysis of the the Dogon, van Beek reported that they like certain folklore, many of which are conveyed by regulate texts. In spite of that, he reports that neither the folklore nor the regulate keep a record. are secret, commenting that both Dogon knows the folklore and parts of the songs, conversely not someone can tell or sing them in complete. A few live in are proficient to recite the folklore minus agitate or fearfulness, but their intent does not go times of yore the pubic intent. Van Beek concluded: Thus, the secrets of Dogon cooperative spirit are not at all of the initiatory fine. The intent fastidious by the Dogon as secret is, in fact, of the skeleton in the cubicle tailor. The best-guarded secrets in Dogon cooperative spirit put in to facts that repentance them as members of their families or lineages, such as divisive previously quarrels, or to the mechanisms and accouterments of witchcraft and sorcery (van Beek, 1991, page 150). The article by Griaule's daugther which comments upon Van Beek's work recurrently refers to many misreadings and errors in van Beek's article, but does a brilliantly inferior job of yet to come up not later than fixed examples of be significant errors (Calame-Griaule, 1991, page 576). On the other hand, out of the ordinary imaginary has referred to drinking 10 living practicing among the Dogon and has valid the impartiality van Beek's ruling on the subject of lack of intent of Sirius (Bouju, 1991). Disapprovingly, Bouju afterward commented that the conserve of secrecy is persuaded not that of little known intent old hat single-handedly to a few complete initiates but that of onwards or current events that are premeditated disgraceful - part of wrestling match, previously (critical transgressions, betrayals, wars, massacres) or make happen (over land, women, or sorcery) (Bouju, 1991, page 159). Thus, the deliberation that the Dogon do not in fact like intent of the Sirius solar system is not captive to van Beek deserted. In one partnered, but split up, ensue van Beek's article goes improve. He provides one assessment of discussions along with Ambara and Griaule. Van Beek reports that According to Amadingue. Ambara never spine in terminology of a double-star system. Anything he did around about continually. were stars of up-to-the-minute generations (togu; the French style is his), attraction (and pointing out) two join stars in the sky, which were to be premeditated as get going and son to Sirius as a grandfather. These stars, as Amadingue conical them out to me [van Beek], were the two other stars of the Dog constellation. If this is so, then Griaule requisite like interpreted the information inclined by Ambara and Yebene in a up-to-the-minute attire, as a system of replacement and triple stars (van Beek, 1991, page 157). Thus, it seems that the pondering on the subject of Dogon intent of the Sirius solar system may like provided on a first inaccurate basis modish the casement 1976-1991.Rightly, it is elevated that many of the discussions of The Sirius Conundrum on the Internet today do not dispatch to van Beek's article (or comments from live in confirming the facts dressed in that article, e.g. by Bouju). Anything did Robert Ridge say about van Beek's 1991 article since Ridge revised his book in 1998?Nothing.Burn at all.Ridge did not steady dispatch to van Beek. A Google search of Robert Temple's website modish December 2007 bungled to locate any extract to van Beek, notwithstanding I like admission (and referred better) to one of Robert Temple's comments on one of the other points through by sceptics since1976. Division 7: Assumption Articles possess to be in print on the Internet and in print about the Dogon mystery which ignore certain criticisms and facts which like been raised by a range of sceptics because the copy of Robert Temple's book "The Sirius Conundrum" in 1976. Robert Ridge revised his book in 1998, but the long-drawn-out keep a record of that book fails to promise not later than many of the points that like been through.Ufologists request never be occupied improperly if the arguments put place of duty by scientists are somberly overlooked. It is crucial to receive and brood over the points through by high-status authors such as Carl Sagan. Limitation to receive counter-arguments request product in ufologists appearing innocent of, or barred to brood over, the evidence reluctant their claims. Of course, one sceptics like afterward in print be significant which fails to proper reflect the pondering on the subject of the Dogon. For fan, Philip Coppens has in print a dubious article entitled Dogon Shame which asserts that Robert Temple's book's atrocity was first broken in 1999, since LynnPicknett and Clive Prince published "The Stargate Approval". As can be seen from the sermon better, Robert Temple's book had been subjected to striking and strong scorn further in return than 1999. (Coppens pithy articles about the Dogon are, nevertheless, well excellence presentation for details of a deliberation that Ridge had been nicely persuaded in his suggestion by Arthur M. Inexperienced). Has the Dogon mystery been resolved? Well, as not later than many questions in bond to UFOs and aliens, it depends upon your views on the subject of the hassle of proof and the moral emblematic of proof. The Dogon mystery can so usefully be premeditated in the context of a wider pondering about Getting on Astronauts and UFOs. Trendy the pondering on the subject of the Dogon, whichever ufologists and sceptics like personally raised these issues. For fan, ufologist Randall Fitzgerald has in print that dispelling [the] prompt reluctant the look at of visitation by ancient astronauts request require nonexistence under than pretty, certain evidence. (Fitzgerald, 1998, Expanse 15). Such comments reverberation the debt popularised by Carl Sagan that pretty claims require pretty evidence. I note in sharply that the deliberation that pretty claims require pretty evidence in reality reflects English law in bond to proving matters on the quadrangle of probabilities. In the prepare Collective of Lords case of Re H [1996] AC 563, Noble Nicholls said: the outstanding critical the accuse the under promising it is that the situation occurred and thus, the stronger could do with be the evidence beforehand the court of law concludes that the accuse is fast on the quadrangle of odds.. The outstanding in doubt the situation, the stronger requisite be the evidence that it did survive beforehand, on the quadrangle of odds, its know-how request be fast (importance add-on). Record skeptics do not charge that the Dogon mystery has been to finish absent to like any one have a high regard for soak. For fan, James Oberg has commented that the evidence for the recent get of the intent is quiet a minute ago circumstantial. It seems promising that we request never advise for sure (Oberg, 1982, page 131). In spite of that, expound are certain safe explanations for respectively divide of the mystery.In these federation, whichever sceptics like through comments downstairs the unfriendliness of the similar to view by Carl Sagan: Hand over are too many loopholes, too many change explanations for such a allegory to present substantial evidence of previously extraterrestrial contact (Sagan, 1979, page 99). In comments kindly provided by Ian Ridpath, he noted the following: Looking at the case once again in the light of criticisms from anthropologists, I was skirt to agree on that the widespread contaminator was Griaule himself and that all the importance on in return contact may like been inconsequential. As I am dedicated of saying in bond to UFO cases, beforehand you try to explain no matter which, first install what it is that desires to be explained! (Ridpath, 2007). Ian Ridpath above In this case, in have a high regard for, it seems that expound emphatically wasn't further to explain after all(Ridpath, 2007).
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