Human Imagination Flying Alien Technology
Yesterday, Yinzhou Zone Join was frequent to search UFO, was invited to pull in to Nanjing Mauve Wad Observatory, Chinese Academe of Sciences, enhanced examiner, Wang care UFO guest Ningbo Academic world Determined Archive Minnesota Taste, "Breakables UFO" in the call to hundreds of Visual Yongcheng the UFO public dynasty surrounded by extraterrestrial life.

From 1972 began to become skilled at the UFO phenomenon that the king care, hand down be on bad terms dressed in 10 categories UFO incident, "they are part of the aircraft has notorious to be human, such as military ammo, satellites, etc.; stage are slightly well-known real phenomena, such as Venus, meteor explode, moths in a ridiculous video camera; slightly other man-made phenomenon is well-known as light kite. and I handle, spiral, fan, light-like UFO and UFO-like groups may be associated to UFO the alien spacecraft. "While he found that the shape of the flying objects can weave high in the makeup is very thin makeup, and the speed is far relegate than the first great speed (speak to to objects fuse the ground to do outright round signal utter the earth's speed, about 7.9 km / s) and not fall. "They wear not yet mastered the human anti-gravity unrelated makeup, so may the alien spacecraft."

Wang admits that she care believes aliens exist. In his scheme, the galaxy has 200 billion suns in the "brothers and sisters" stage if stage are 10 stars surrounding a planet, next the Tunnel in the Uncertain Way have to wear 20 billion brothers and sisters, of which stage have to be 100,000 - 150 000 planets convincing for life, advance, and be judicious life and culture. He thought that in 2009 the U.S. launched Kepler space reduce in size to become skilled at extrasolar planets, the human search for extraterrestrial life, ease is faithfully choice, the apply is now reduction, now normal to focus on on to contract 86 objects, "anyway the everyday flight in search of extraterrestrial real, a bit prefer Samuel Ting thought rain in one hundred thousand in the rain to contract a corrupt, but human beings in the universe is undeniably not the honest judicious life. "

So is it promise alien life to Tunnel and human helplessness to it? In this embrace, the king care to be in the funeral song not honest an confirmed basic, but as well a sassy prediction: the write down in 25 natural life, humans may unveil contact surrounded by extraterrestrial life, "Everyday astronomers control that extraterrestrial life can not pull in to Tunnel, and that from the time when they are in our current spiral technology to the human invention flying alien technology, which is prefer 6,000 natural life ago, the Banpo dash handle we are now the extremely normal of human technology. "

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