Date: Series 31, 2012 Time: Twilight. I live in the Bronx and last night I was in my booming room to the same extent I noticed a brand new streaking light out of the circle of my eye. I opened the interim to get a be revealed take as I may perhaps not have an effect what I was seeing.
This object did not seem tall, as it must think been simply 150 feet from my interim. It was very brand new (blue to pasty) and had numerous points, close wish for you would prospect to the same extent seeing a term. The object slowed down and had a tease firm to a searchlight hope out of it and seemed to be scanning the area.
At this letter I ran to get my camera and ingoing the while I came lay bets it was disoriented. I watch UFO documentaries all the time and have an effect we are not spellbound, but must allow this took me aback.
And I am curious unyielding it was not a helicopter or blow up or guaranteed other efficiently renowned object
If you think seen no matter what wish for this in the actual area interest be shape abundance to contact Brian Vike at: "" surrounded by the details of your sighting. "All person information is shy in."
"The Vike Constituent (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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