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Aliens on several occasions been in contact with people, but the government concealed the truth about this 60 years, said Edgar Mitchell - 6 th astronaut landed on the moon.Dr. Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut from the Apollo 14 spacecraft, said that during his tenure at NASA was aware of many UFO visits to Earth, but each of them carefully concealed.
In the radio interview, Mitchell, who is now 77 years old, reported that NASA employees who come into contact with the aliens, described them as "little people, strangely similar to us. "
According to him, these aliens are not much different from their traditional way: they have a small body and large eyes and head. No matter how awful, "he said, our technology" developed not as good as them ", and" if they are hostile, "he warned," then we are lost".
Dr Mitchell, along with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard holds the record for the longest walk on the moon - 9 hours 17 minutes, it was during the landing on the moon in 1971.
"I was lucky enough to touch the fact that our planet have visited and that a UFO - a reality - said Mitchell. - The last 60 years or so our government is carefully concealed, but gradually the information leaked out and some of us were lucky enough to know a bit about it. I have spoken with representatives of the military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of the mass of knowledge lies the answer - yes, we were visited by aliens. If, however, read the newspapers lately, it becomes clear that this is happening often enough".
Dr. Mitchell, who has a bachelor of science degree in aeronautical construction and a Ph.D. in aeronautics and astronautics, said that the sensational story in 1947 with aliens allegedly appeared, near the U.S. city of Roswell was true and what is now being investigated similar stories of visits.
"Now all the truth really comes out. I think we're going to this opening, and some serious organizations are already moving in this direction, "- said he was astonished leading radio Kerrang! Nick Margerrison.
"I thought I stumbled on some kind of humor astronauts, but he seems to have seriously believed that space aliens really live and it is not negotiable", - said about this Margerrison.
Official representatives of NASA, immediately tried to refute such claims.
In a statement, NASA representative, said: "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA has no relation to any information about extraterrestrial life on this planet or anywhere else in the cosmos. Dr. Mitchell - a great American, but in this matter we do not share his opinion ".
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