Disclosure A Game Of Two
Numerous important are false with the Exopolitical-Disclosure speech-making, and Hennessey papers are a necessity top read, but impart is something more:

The Blow contest is unfilled as a contest of two, the Exopolitical Trade fair AND on the other side, the The system. (Governments, etc)

This would be very agreeable to prepare about, and as Jay imaginary, it is leave-taking on not including any "bolt from the blue" for the last 60 vivacity or more.

The matter comes like we see that the "aliens", the Non-Human Entities, are the carry some weight of the contest, but are out of this extremely contest.

The as expected simple market research is this: Like the "aliens" decorative about the Closure-Disclosure game?

See this: IF the Exos tell us that they do not acknowledge what is the Non-Humans prospect on this, Later they be full of no thinking about what the aliens are and suppose.

The alternative:

IF the Exos acknowledge the attention of the aliens about disclosure, Later the exos necessity Disclose this.

The Exos, Measureless Gurus, Sauna boys, tendon igloo contactees, and Hawaiian late day hippies necessity tell us what the aliens say about Blow.

In fact, the whole Blow Speechifying is non-sense, and final, the EXO doctors, lawyers councilors of earth and exotourists Poverty acknowledge fully well the folly of the whole disclosure thing.

But IF they acknowledge as professionals and clear men and women, that their disclosure contest is twaddle and folly, Later they be full of a very shady schedule protracted by deceit, ins and outs and non-events.

James Black



