After my first UFO sighting in 1978 I soon forgot all about it. In 1995 I had a relative short encounter with aliens. I had my nightlight on as I fell to sleep facing my open window. At around 1:30 AM I became aware of myself lightly dreaming seeing gray clouds. I then opened my eyes and realized I could not move my toes or anything else, except for my eyes and head. Managing to rool over on my back I saw up against my closet an Orange grey, and 3' from it an alien I later found out to be called, "God Mars". I kept staring at the Orange grey in disbelief as how it could be orange noticing its eyes were a lighter shade orange. When I first looked at "God Mars" being all pure white with radiation moving on its body it projected a 6" white aura onto my bedroom door for 3 seconds then the aura went back into him. Both entities were perfectly still, as they each had a round foot long 3/8ths of an inch white enamel stick in front of them. Neither one touched the sticks. The sticks were upright on a foot wide wooden counter that stretched out in front of them. The counter was waist high to the entities. "God Mars" had a small head with small round eyes, and huge rounded shoulders. When I looked away from the entities I became aware of one inch long lines hooked on to the backs of my head near my ears. Then I realized the lines being thinner than a hair was the source of why I could not move. And then I realized the sides of my head feeling bloated. Then looking back at the entities I soon heard a loud motor sound coming from them, and towards my bed. In panic I screamed as loud as I could three times. When I screamed the third time, with my eyes closed, moving my head from side-to-side I noticed everything was gone when I opened my eyes. At this time I was kicking my legs and moving my arms. I went right to sleep. 9 months later I found a website that mentioned Orange grey. Otherwise I never heard of one, and years later I bought 2 DVDs that show the entity I encountered called, "God Mars". It is engraged on a boulder in a foriegn country and said to have great knowledge. I recognized the small head a huge rounded shoulders. Attached are all my UFO sightings and alien abduction, encounter experiences. I might have sent you the document before, but just to make sure. You might find it beneficial in your research. Thank you.UFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You
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