Here's a new book I was sent a review copy of last week: "MEN OF MYSTERY: NIKOLA TESLA AND OTIS T. CARR" by Tim Beckley and Tim Swartz.One of the things that fascinates me about Forteana is not just the phenomenon, but the people in it. Yeah, most of us are" relatively" normal (in varying degrees! LOL), but there are always those for who the term "eccentric" was made. And I don't mean that as a bad thing at all: eccentricity can be a very positive thing in a world that expects us all to conform more and more as each day passes.And two people who certainly fit the bill in the weird stakes are Tesla and Carr, whose lives and careers the Two-Tims do a fine job of addressing, studying and revealing.As far as the former is concerned, we get a reprint of Michael X's "TESLA: MAN OF MYSTERY", which was originally published in 1992 and offers a good, solid and insightful look at the man, his life, career, patents, inventions and the mystique and mystery that dominates his legend to this very day.We are also treated to Tesla's very own autobiography which provides a massive amount of data not just on his work, but his childhood, upbringing and much more.Then there is Otis T. Carr...A definitive "character" who I wrote about in my "CONTACTEES" book, he was a man who fitted perfectly in the domain of 1950s Saucerology. Eccentric and controversial (he championed the whole "Free Energy Technology" field of the day) Carr ended up in the slammer for his troubles and left a legacy filled with questions, debate and much more.And if you want to find out more about Carr, then "MEN OF MYSTERY" is the perfect place to find it, as we get treated to such hard-to-find items as an article on the man from a 1958 issue of "FATE"; an extract on Carr from Margaret Storm's "RETURN OF THE DOVE"; a priceless - and at times unintentionally hilarious - transcript of an interview with Carr on the "LONG JOHN NEBEL SHOW"; and some cool, old photos and artwork.Of course, in view of the above, what "MEN OF MYSTERY" does is not just inform us on the lives of Tesla and Carr, but massively entertain us in the process, too.Modern day Ufology is never this much fun!
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