Was stationed working outside at one of the job locations. My back was turned towards the 2 orbs at first but a co-worker noticed these two "star like" objects were moving. I looked up and saw that these objects almost appeared star like, having a white glow but had what looked like orange-ish red flashing lights. What made it not star like was how these lights stopped and moved in the sky. At first there were only 2 moving lights but a 3rd appeared out of no where. Eventually there was only one which eventually disappeared a few minutes later. Total sighting lasted what appeared 15-20 minutes. Orbs appeared to have energy field around them. Like a circle that surrounded the actual lights. Really weird. I've always believed that humans aren't the only intelligent life in this universe. After today I can say that I am 100% sure that what I saw was not a plane or anything from this world. Helicopters arent known to be hovering at heights where planes are leaving chem trails. It wasnt a plane because if a plane stopped moving in the air it would most likely would free-fall towards earth. I've always wanted to see UFO's and today this finally happened. I have a video I took. I need to upload it and edit the beginning to mute the exact location stated in the video. I don't want any problems with my job. Ill try to upload tomorrow or at a later time. Eyes up, ears open. Be safe everyone
Credit: MUFON
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