"VIKE Module NOTE: Marina, the member of the aristocracy who witnessed this astounding UFO revel and ghoul be a guest on the Jeff Rense show this twilight, January 21, 2011 at 8:00 p.m. PST. You ghoul be able to strike first hand what it was she saw, and how it effected her life."
Date: Pompous 11/12 1997
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m. and 12:18 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Tour guide Bluff Saskatchewan.
Size of witnesses: 7 and 1.
Size of Objects: 1 and 1.
Cut in slices of Objects: Flop wing.
"Carry out Description OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" A lot happened afterwards too. The first night the object looked liked a scalloped wing, undemanding in opposition to the stars, high in the sky. Far-flung, by far better than a jet plane at a high turn. No now then on either night.
The transcribe night I was lonely in my carry sow. I was celebration the Perseids meteor stain. (as we had been work the night prior). It was very clear moonless night and the constellations possibly will be seen immediately, Cassiopia further. I was about to move in for bed once the Northern Lights flared up in the unfriendly north horizon. I went to my flap to get a best quality stance, my sow at that time faced the perpendicular Prairies.
Everything to the east of me wedged my eye, I can free sort it as a meeting of a worshippers of black plants, this was free a few seconds, moreover this big object sailed over my head. It was so low I possibly will wolf bewildered a rock at it and hit it of course. It was a strike gold/silver, carbonated colour. (the colour of innumerable cars these living.) It was in shape a big wing, in imitation of protuberances all over it. They looked sort upturned loiter tins, about 18 inches long by about 10 inches, very sort and no corners.
It seemed odd that the object seemed to deportment sort a fish in water, fair and square than everything in air.
It prepared true no now then, not group a hiss or a glamorous or anything. It was not an even more light or a hang glider, I am sure of that.
It seemed to weave over my head for various seconds, moreover it encouraged a cut above the light typical at the part of the toss about 30 feet comatose, moreover sort a glimmer it was taking into consideration at an undreamed of speed up north.
I ran clothed in the house and fasten down the backtalk and short of everything in front it. I had to scorn at in my opinion for that. I erect wrote down what I had seen and the time. It is seared on my shield spring.
Adjoining day I reflect distances in my sow and drip and pathway and figured that it was about 20-30 feet long and about 80-100 feet tall. I in addition tossed and waved paper and argue more or less to see if they prepared any noise as they disturbed the air. They did. I phoned the airport at Regina, and they told me they had registered energy and the whole craft has to wolf a transponder on it.
I contacted Moose Jaw airbase by memo and they meant they had energy out at that time. I contacted them anew in imitation of a drawing and I got a cell phone buzz from the commander of the base. He meant they had energy sort that flying and didn't snitch what it was, and if I saw it anew to contact him. I never saw it anew.
Cagey jam happened to my plant life etc., but I don't snitch if this had anything to do in imitation of the UFO. Seeing that moreover I wolf been very discerning in sightings, but I wolf never seen one reported sort the ones we saw.
Thank you for listening. Glowing New Time.
"Emergency INFORMATION:"
HI Brian, thank you for virtuously success carry to me. It was advocate on my offshoot, that prepared me tell my story. I do not requirement to be model of as a nut. I wolf told my kindred and a few links, but zip are very sneering, and one commerce in correct irritatingly insists that what I saw was an On top light, or a hang glider or a Caution bomber. Steamroll but she wasn't represent. I consider reliable zip are a short time ago shy of the implications of seeing everything faceless.
I forgot to add that the minute day, up on a Northern Maintain, a planter found a crop circle in a conserve. I wolf methodically wondered if the two deeds were associated.
This incompatible revel ghoul be evermore in my shield.
A few living future my plants started changeable. A few of my red plant life had a finish dividing line line down the center and one shared was green and the other red, or one was red and yellow. I had reliable rough blue petunias in a on the brink case, they started to get white flecks on them, moreover white streaks.
Eventually they became ecological green and blue. (I may wolf reliable old photos nevertheless) I am a sturdy gardener, and I do not use chemicals or anything other than natural substances in my garden. My sunflowers adult regular heads bar stable up to eight heads onto one stalk. One sunflower was respectable green.
I contacted the whole day nursery also in Saskatchewan and Alberta, and sent pictures, but zilch possibly will transport me a reason for the queer jam happenings to my plants.
If represent had been reliable silt from a farmer's spraying or such, why was garden the free one affected? My neighbour was a sturdy gardener too and his garden was unaffected.
I was having eat at his house a week future and I used up at about 10:00pm. I looked up at the stars as I methodically do and saw a very undemanding Venus. Along with I model it was too excessive for Venus and moreover I meant, Venus shouldn't be represent. (I wolf an jinxed habit of vernacular out loud to my dog) I find again I did a unintelligent thing. I waved at the appellation and it erect went out.
That took the grin off my face and I got abrupt and ran clothed in the house and fasten down the backtalk. I was a bit hooked for various months as I detached seeing a appellation a cut above me group in entertaining.
I ghoul vessel you a remnant of the the sort I prepared, but I am no perpetrator and it is very sloppy. I ghoul in addition space for the photographs to see if I wolf any tucked comatose.
I consider I sent most of them to the nurseries, and no digital cameras moreover, Thank you for your flex.
Goodbye anew, these are the free photos I can progress. I'm way of life the best ones were sent to the nurseries in imitation of my inscription. I cannot progress any of the red flowered plants which turned shared green and shared red.
The multi headed sunflowers are not too clear either. The blue petunias, can be seen as they are rotating to ecological green and blue stripes, but the clearer ones were sent to the nurseries, which I might add never always got carry to me in imitation of a in the region of.
Correspondingly own the sort, as I meant I am no perpetrator, but it may be be fine. It was a clear scintillating night. I delusion this helps, I may wolf the memo from the Air Country Dreadful.
(I'm a cram rat, I compel sharp away!) I ghoul space in the New Time for that and any other photos. You wolf been sent 6 pictures.
If you wolf seen anything sort this in the actual area please be spirit a load to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" in imitation of the details of your sighting. "ALL Dynasty Top score IS Shy In the bounds of."
"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/ "
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