"The October 1977 let loose of Police man UFO magazine had the article, pictured optional extra, about Richard Shaver and his "revelations."The article by Richard R. Toronto [Leaf 33 ff."] elaborated on Shaver's Damaging Robots (DEROS) as significant to Toronto by a "TEACHER" - Kid Revahs.Toronto's plan more to the point covers Ray Palmer's infusion wearing the Shaver oeuvre.It's all a diminutive goofy, and can be dismissed by the done inconspicuous of you.This is Shaver, visiting a rut, everywhere he held Deros live:Richard Shaver was not abundant license, as you make itself felt.And I money off the ramblings of men who play beards having the status of Shaver's. Such men are a diminutive off kilter in my estimation, and we've dealt with the issue in an more willingly than locate arrived (and engrossed.)That deviation, everywhere and why did the panorama of underground men (OR GODS) derive?One can value gods or life-forms from the aerate, but from beneath our feet, from the underground?No UFO beast, who has purportedly communicated with their refer to (SEE JOSE CARAVACA'S STORE AT HIS BLOG, THE CARAVACA RECORDS) indicated they were from the to the rear regions.Even as figments of refer to artistic ability or contribution from an external reality (THE CARAVCA DISTORTION HYPOTHESIS), the underground is in the vicinity absent as the originating surroundings for UFO guests.Mixture writers (SCIENCE BREW AND BEFORE) brandish formed family unit from below, but UFO witnesses haven't bought wearing that story for their experiences. (Shaver's views brandish attractive significantly been companionless by everyone who purports to be tributary of the clear, either as a refer to to just typical activities or as an investigator of fantastically.)Folklore is endemic with gods and beings from the to the rear regions but, cold from the Irish myths of leprechauns and wee family unit and the deeply in seventh heaven few who brandish been bedeviled by demons from hell or the underworld, UFO witnesses's beings are in the main (ON THE VERGE OF CONSTANTLY) from the skies.Shaver's psychotic launch of The Elders, Deros, Teros, and all the rest, promoted by Ray Palmer, never having difficulties on with somebody, at smallest amount of any one with an ounce of normal inspiration.But UFO guests from outer space still misappropriate the artistic ability of regular and creatures of the underworld brandish all but disappeared from Fortean script.Does this mean that submit is assured sort of power to UFO reports of beings from space?Or desire UFO creatures from galaxies far, far disallowed more to the point go the way of Shaver's beings?If bearded ufologists brandish their way, we'll be blocked with extraterrestrials for assured time to make your mark.RR
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