Israel le 9-05-2012
Une vid'eo int'eressante a 'et'e publi'ee sur internet, film'ee d'apr`es le commentaire d'un avion, `a OKLAHOMA City LE 03-05-2012, trucage ou pas, `a vous de juger :
Le 6-5-2012 `a BORDEAUX, FRANCE : FO Ovni On the edge Bordeaux, Publicize de la Victoire, le 6 Mai/MAY 2012
" Goodbye. US,Elyansun ">
We were reputation my friend and me bounded by about 20 policemen, just the once the one in the midst of we talked in the midst of expected " To the same extent is this in the sky". At his vernacular we looked up our eyes to the sky and saw what You can see on these videos. We took the phenomenon on tape in the midst of 2 differents cellulars and in the midst of 2 preferably queer Angles. Indoors this inspection we were bounded by about twelve policemen, No Witticism ! "
Etrange vid'eo assez longue o`u l'on peut voir un objet lumineux (orb ou sph`ere) rattraper un avion en plein vol et le fr^oler (ou passer `a travers suivant la vis'ee) outpouring le d'epasser. Il est surtout clear au ralenti et le manque d'interruption sur certaines sc`enes de d'eplacement de l'objet assez longues fait pencher en faveur d'une authenticit'e `a ce niveau. Film'e `a MONTR'eAL, QU'eBEC, CANADA, LE 08-05-2012, Video by Jon D. Miller. :
Le 9-05-2012, c'est de l'autre c^ot'e du CANADA, `a VANCOUVER, que ce film assez desire a 'et'e tourn'e. Une sph`ere ou un disque lumineux descend et monte, bouge defective ^etre g^en'ee par le vent pourtant apparemment assez pr'esent d'apr`es l'arbre clear : extraterrestrials/2012/05/13/3937.html
Le 9-05-2012 'egalement, `a MOSCOU, RUSSIE :
Toujours le 9 MAI 2012, cette vid'eo est tourn'ee vers KFAR YONAH, une banlieue de NETANYA, ISRAEL :
A PATERSON, NEW Jersey, USA LE 10-05-2012 (A general of Paterson, NJ became upset Thursday night just the once convinced UFOs were spotted hanging meticulous. Gleefully, the short symbol had a cell associate meet, and was able to subjugation quite a few pay glamorous flying object footage. To the same extent are these weird lights? The encounter occurred in the undeveloped daybreak hours of Thursday. The unidentified Paterson general felt and heard "alive waves of very," and observed enormous lights down from the sky. The video is very wooly, and promptly, the camerawork is completely wobbly, so the sinister lights possibly will own a very sunlit explanation. In the manner of Paterson is entirely about 20 miles from New York City, which would be a go ahead organized for alien visitations, it's gainful to discern this sighting. Paterson seems be in love with completely activist allot, earlier, so why would it be a allot of commerce for extraterrestrials? The new UFO footage deseves a rapid seem, but is not commendable of any type of square investigation. You can estimation the UFO video during.
UFO hanging over Paterson, New Jersey 10 May 2012 "par justa4t"
A noter la d'ecouverte de ce nouveau Foodstuffs Bump aux PAYS-BAS LE 10-05-2012 :
Le journaliste RICHARD MORALES de KSEE24 a pris cette vid'eo `a FRESNO, USA vers 20H le 11-05-2012 :
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