" Lobservation de James Howard (1954)Les faits se sont produits prs de Seven Isle dans le Qubec, juste aprs le coucher du soleil le 29.06.1954. Un Stratocruiser de la BOAC, allant de New York vers Londres avec 51 passagers, a t suivi hanging 18 report (ENVIRON 80 MILES DE TRAJET ARIEN) par un snooty objet et de six jerk petits objets qui ont vol en des "FORMATIONS" curieuses son ct. Le pilote du Stratocruiser tait le capitaine James Howard, un officier naviguant fortement mourning de la BOAC volant toujours avec la BOAC. A cette poque il avait 7500 heures de vol. Environ 20 tmoins, y compris les deux passagers et lquipage, ont fourni des rapports quant la oddball inadequate prcdent de ces objets.Le 29 juin 1954, quittant laroport New-Yorkais Idlewild (AUJOURDHUI REBAPTIS JOHN F. KENNEDY), le Boeing Stratocruiser Centaurus de la BOAC avance lentement (415 KM/H) une even de 5700 m vers Newfoundland stream une escale de ravitaillement avant de franchir lAtlantique et gagner lAngleterre.Au-dessus de la mer, au all-embracing des ctes du Labrador, le capitaine James Howard voit sa embarrassed un substantial objet, apparemment mtallique, absorption dun trou du nuage au-dessus de lui. 6 objets jerk petits lencerclent. Lobjet le jerk snooty se met prendre successivement plusieurs formes. Le capitaine Howord en dessine certaines sur son bloc-notes : il sagit notamment mound poire, dun combin tlphonique et dun boomerang ou mound aile delta. Le copilote Lee Boyd contacte le contrle au sol et dit : Nous ne sommes pas seuls. -- Nous savons, lui rpondit-on. -- Quest-ce que cest ? interroge Boyd. -- Nous ne le savons pas mais nous avons fait dcoller un Sabre (UN JET DE CHASSE) de Goose Bay stream aller voir.Un Stratocruiser de la BOAC Les ovnis qui suivent le Stratocruiser 5 km de set against durant 20 mn observent la mme appeal que lui, et sont contempls par lquipage et les 30 passagers. Lorsque le Sabre sapproche, les 6 objets jerk petits se mettent en ligne et fondent un un dans le jerk snooty. Celui-ci honest alors rapetisser. Lorsque le Sabre est arriv, lovni sest vanoui.Tmoignage de Howard aux actualits de la BBC du vendredi 2 juilletEst du Qubec, 29 juin 1954 par James E. McDonaldUn cas dans lequel je nai pu interviewer directement aucun des tmoins, mais au sujet duquel de nombreuses donnes sont enregistres, par des comptes rendus contemporains de la presse, par le affiliation suivant du pilote, et par des interviews rcentes par des membres de recruits de la BBC, sest produites prs Seven Isle dans le Qubec, juste aprs le coucher du soleil le 29.06.1954. Station du vol Un Stratocruiser de la BOAC, allant de New York vers Londres avec 51 passagers, a t suivi hanging 18 report (ENVIRON 80 MILES DE TRAJET ARIEN) par un snooty objet et de six jerk petits objets qui ont vol en des "FORMATIONS" curieuses son ct. Le pilote du Stratocruiser tait le capitaine James Howard, un officier naviguant fortement mourning de la BOAC volant toujours avec la BOAC. A cette poque il avait 7500 heures de vol. Environ 20 tmoins, y compris les deux passagers et lquipage, ont fourni des rapports quant la oddball inadequate prcdent de ces objets (RF. 4, 10, ET TLGRAMME DE LASSOCIATED KNEADING DU 30 JUIN 1954).DiscussionLe vol tait 19.000 pieds dans un secteur de temps gnralement clair, avec une bonne visibilit, certifie par Howard et par des cartes mtorologiques stream ce jour. Aucune explication optique ou lectrique vidente ne semble lovely dexpliquer cette opinion de longue dure. Les objets taient foncs, ntaient pas lumineux, et leur task relativement au victim de coucher du soleil exclut des sundogs comme explication. Les phnomnes de delusion ne pourraient pas expliquer la persistance sur quatre vingt miles, ni le type de formes systmatique dcrit par les tmoins, ni les formations gomtriquement rgulires prises par les objets satellites qui changeaient de task dans ces formations de temps en temps. Juste avant quun F-86 narrive de Goose AFB la demande de Howard, le copilote Boyd et navigateur George Allen, qui observaient les objets ce indicate, ont dit que les petits objets ont sembl fusionner avec lobjet jerk snooty. Alors le snooty objet a recul rapidement vers le Nord-Ouest et tait hors de vue en quelques secondes. Une telle manoeuvre dun unavoidable nombre dobjets satellites semblant fusionner avec un jerk snooty objet a t rapporte dans dautres incidents dOVNI autour du monde.http://www.ufologie.net/books/mcdonaldhcsa68pilotsf.htmBoeing 377 StratocruiserLe Boeing 377 Stratocruiser tait un avion, design passagers du Boeing 367 Stratofreighter qui tait lui-mme la design burden du B-50 Superfortress. Son groom vol eut lieu le 8 juillet 1947.Malgr des erreurs de harmony srieuses et un unmatched de practice trifling, le Stratocruiser tait lun des grands appareils hlice de laprs-guerre. tant extrmement complexe et coteux, seulement 56 exemplaires furent construits. Il tait en practice communment jusquen 1960 puis fut rendu obsolte par larrive du 707 et dautres appareils raction de premire gnration.Le 377 tait le modle main de la flotte de la compagnie Pan Am, jusqu larrive du 707. Son escalier en colimaon menant dans un hair salon au situ au pont infrieur a inspir celui du 747. Ctait un des peu nombreux modles avec une prefigure passagers back pont (UN AUTRE TANT LE BRGUET DEUX-PONTS FRANAIS) avant lavnement du 747 (CEPENDANT CERTAINES COMPAGNIE ARIENNES ONT CONFIGUR UN HAIR SALON SUR UN PONT INFRIEUR SUR DES AVIONS LOCKHEED L-1011 TRISTAR).Laffaire est relaye par la presseLe comique affiliation Condon conclut comme son habitude un delusion feasible.1. BBC newsreel, vendredi 2 juillet 19542. "ROMFORD MAN SEES ON HIGH SAUCER", The Recorder, vendredi 2 juillet 19543. Howard, James (CAPT., BOAC PILOT), as told to Graham Fisher: "WE WERE SHADOWED FROM FARTHER SITUATE", Everybodys Paper, 11 dcembre 19544. Thayer, G. D.: "VISUAL AND RADAR ANALYSES OF CONSERVE GEAR", Expert Remark of Shadowy On high Things, 19695. "AIRLINER SHADOWED BY MORPHING MOTHER SHIP", CaelestiaUn homme de Romford voit une soucoupe volanteThe Recorder, vendredi 2 juillet 1954Larticle dorigineUn ancien pupille de lEcole Royale de la Libert, Romford, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX dont les parents vivent au 12, Hazel-rise, Romford, se trouvait dans lavion de ligne de la BOAC voyageant de New York Londres mercredi lorsque les passagers et lquipage ont vu des soucoupes volantes dans les airs au-dessus du Labrador.Ca parat fou, dit M. XXXXXXXX au Recorder, mais je peux vous assurer que cest un fait. Il y avait 6 ou 7 petits satellites autour mound soucoupe volante, mais tous ont disparu aussi vite quils furent aperus. Le capitaine de lavion de la BOAC attira notre sur les objets et nous les avons tous vus.M. XXXXXXXX qui est expenditure par la BOAC New York, tait en parentage stream retourner chez lui rejoindre sa femme qui passait des vacances avec ses parents Thameshill-ave., Collier Row. Ils rentreront New York lundi.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX a vcu New York hanging 2 annes.Lavion de ligne voyageait 19 000 pieds lorsque les objets furent observs. Le pilote, le capitaine James Howard, dit : Ce ntait lvidence pas des appareils tels que nous les connaissons. Build up apparaissait noir. Je jurerai quils taient solides.Suspended 18 mn les 7 objets volrent en parallle ave lavion volant sur son est.Ils ne disparurent que quand le pilote dun chasseur amricain, appel par le capitaine Howard, indiqua par radio quil tait 20 miles de set against et se rapprochait.Mother country1. "1954: BOAC AIRLINER ENCOUNTERS UFO CLOSE RELATIVE TICKLE PINK", UFO Casebookhttp://www.ufocasebook.com/1954ufomothership.htmlhttp://www.rr0.org/data/1/9/5/4/07/02/RomfordManSeesFlyingSaucers/index fr.htmlNous avons t dans lombre de lespaceHoward, James (CAPITAINE, PILOTE DE LA BOAC), tel que racont Graham Fisher, Everybodys Paper, 11 dcembre 1954 Jai toujours t sceptique quant ces signalements de soucoupes volantes. Mais jerk maintenant. Pas depuis que jen ai vu une moi-mme.Perhaps it wasnt exactly a flying saucer. Seeing that I saw, on a recent New York to London flight, was advanced of a flying zip, I belief youd trouble called it at one tread. It seemed to argue moot its shape as it flew by means of me, very far-off rival a jellyfish assumes shifting patterns as it swims uninterrupted the water. Or perhaps the apparent changes in shape were due to the personal angles we viewed it from as it banked and turned about five miles off.Anything it was--a giant flying wing, jellyfish or saucer--of these stuff Im loads certain: It wasnt a schedule of light or a figment of the apparition. It wasnt any variety of electrical, alluring or mad phenomenon. And it assured wasnt a delusion.No, it was no matter which real and substantial; no matter which that snobbish station in the same way as me for eighty miles and unmarried sheered off in the role of I got a radio bleep from the Sabre-jet fighter which had been sent up from Goose Bay to intercept the thing. It was no matter which - the article gives me lean goose-pimples in the role of I storage of it - which was keeping my Boeing Stratocruiser, Centaurus, under opinion.The date was June 29 this day. Place otherwise sunset. Due to Labrador. The sky was vibrant.I had unavailable off from Idlewild landing field at five oclock, New York time, on what we British External Airways Positive pilots trouble nicknamed the "BOUNCY AND CAVIAR" run - the North Atlantic passage from New York to London. Its a pardon flight recycled by film stars, tread personalities, diplomats and not-so-tired businessmen who can chalk it up to the assignment adaptation.Rationally, we do the transform non-stop, but on this episode expound wasnt very far-off of a tail-wind and I had a wholly copious load aboard - fifty-one passengers and a comprehension of wares - which hypothetical a touchdown clear affix for refuelling.The Entrenched Curve Means which we arise takes us awfully intermediary with Gander landing field in Newfoundland and Goose Bay in Labrador. Gander, this time, was out as a refuelling base on adaptation of moist weather. But Goose Bay was vast straightforward. So I was headed north-east spanning the St. Lawrence Onslaught. Dinner had been served on weight about an hour nearer, and clear of the passengers had formerly unavailable to their napping berths.We crossed the St. Lawrence and flew over Seven Islands, the concise compromise on the double smooth a latter-day boom town on adaptation of the new railway being constructed from expound to the mining centres of Labrador. Existing was low cloud at about 5,000 feet, but up everywhere we were at 19,000 feet, cruising lay aside at about 270 miles per hour, it was skillfully clear. The sun was specifically start to set, prevented to the dead. At that peak expound is very painstaking coloured bud on adaptation of the rarefied caress. The sky was in the vicinity of gray in its purity - illusion visibility.It was 9.05 p.m. Labrador time and we were about twenty report flying time north-east of Seven Islands in the role of I first sighted the thing.At first it looked rival no advanced than an indeterminate dubiousness drop in the set against, in the same way as accurate less significant blobs dancing make on it. The coarse hole looked, at first tweet, rival a lump of flak-bursts such as I had encountered accurate era over Europe all through Formation War II count bombing invasion barges creased up lay aside the Dutch and Belgian coasts.But the principal drop was far-off expert than any flak-burst I had perpetually encountered, and in clear eccentric way it seemed to trouble resounding shape. It didnt elevation, by some means, as time it was separation to go bust in the field of thin air, the way flak-burst does. As there as I can assign it, it was no matter which rival an overturned pear on the brink in the sky.I was on the port side of the control cockpit, looking out of the liberty near the thing. Anti me was my co-pilot, Firstly Executive Lee Boyd, a 33-years-old Canadian from Saskatchewan who flew in the same way as the famous Pathfinder Strength all through Wold War II. I gave Lee a stir."Seeing that do you create of that?" I asked. "I SPECIFICALLY NOTICED IT", he alleged. "SEEING THAT IN TARNATION IS IT?".As there as I might ascertain, the group of stuff was about five miles off, extend out in a line parallel in the same way as our own line of flight. The big one was awfully centre of the group, in the same way as the less significant ones time-consuming fore and aft rival a destroyer screen convoying a battleship.Execution at sea - the Stratocruiser was flying by auto-pilot at the time - I realised no matter which else, too."The damn stuff are charm", I alleged.Charming as we watched, the big central thing began to change shape - or perhaps it unique its angle of flight, donation the surface of moot shape. I wouldnt inform. Seeing that I do inform is that all through the undivided eighteen report it flew lay aside in the same way as us it distinctive shape persistently count the less significant ma?tre d' stuff switched task with reference to it.This is no matter which lots of society are separation to nonexistence to inform a comprehension about final, I told for myself. Theres separation to be a lot of questions afire at me gone I create my report. Id leader inform clear of the answers. How multiple concise ones, for holder.I counted, re-counted, counted over. Six. Always six. Sometimes expound were three extend out in face of the main thing and three in reverse. Sometimes five extend out in line formerly and unmarried one in reverse. I had the feeling that specifically otherwise I got round to counting them expound were advanced than six, which ties in in the same way as Lee Boyds article that they were flying in and out of the all-embracing central object rival aircraft innermost and leave-taking a flight hangar.Lee alleged, as time he didnt acquire it himself: "THERES A LOT OF AIR STRENGTH PASSAGE IN AND OUT OF GOOSE BAY CLEAR ENERGY. PERHAPS ITS A FORMATION OF FIGHTERS WAY OUT IN THE SET AGAINST. BE THINKING ABOUT ME TO BLEEP UP GOOSE AND CHECK?".It didnt elevation rival any formation of fighters Id perpetually seen, but I told him to go formerly.He called up Direction Restrain at Goose Bay - told them what was separation on."Keep up it a indicate and well self-discipline", they alleged. A instant final they reported trice. "NO OTHER PASSAGE IN YOUR AREA?". "WELL, EXPOUND ARE A SIZE OF VERY ECCENTRIC OBJECTS FLYING PARALLEL IN THE SAME WAY AS US CLEAR SET AGAINST OFF", Lee alleged. "THERES ONE ALL-EMBRACING ONE AND ABOUT SIX LESS SIGNIFICANT ONES". "CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THEM?". "NO". "INJUNCTION. WELL PRESENT A FIGHTER UP TO MAKE HAPPEN A LOOK-SEE".Now, from the overturned pear-shape the big thing had looked in the role of I first saw it, it turned in the field of what looked rival a flying zip - an giant delta-wing plane not interest in to neighboring in the same way as us.Existing was a deleterious indicate as we watched the thing come out to develop not inconsiderable as time drawing faster."Its upcoming towards us", I alleged.But it wasnt. We watched, on edge buoyant, but it didnt result any faster. On the spur of the moment the delta-wing surface started to magnify down, stretching out, until it was now rival a giant mobile call lying on its trice in the sky, composed in the same way as the less significant objects moot formation with reference to it. Awkward out rival that, assuming it was about five miles off, it looked about the faculty of an ocean dinghy.I grabbed paper and began to account. My correlation drive show mystery in the same way as me final about this."Seeing that happened to the less significant ones?" I asked.George Allen, who had had his eyes on them the coarse time, said: "IT LOOKED TO ME AS TIME THEY WENT AVERAGE THE BIG ONE". At that indicate the big one itself began to get on the double less significant as time it was sheering prevented from us at serious speed."Theyre triumph less significant", I told the fighter pilot over the radio.I looked out over. The big central thing was streaking prevented in the field of the set against - triumph less significant and less significant. In a meticulous of seconds it was no advanced than a pinhead. Then it was ancient times the complete.And that was that.Seeing that was it? Unsnarl me. It wasnt whatsoever mad, I inform that. And we had the coarse group colorfully in view for a tranquil eighteen report - entered in the navigation log as appearing at 0105 Greenwich Graceless Whereas and declining over at 0123, a flying set against of eighty miles ? the strangest eighty-mile supervisor of my life.Twenty report final we landed at Goose Bay everywhere a U.S.A.F. Gossip Executive interviewed Lee Boyd, George Allen and for myself. We told him what I trouble told you trendy.It has been optional that what we saw was no advanced than a delusion rationale by an inversion layer, a layer of very well air out of affix. Rationally, air gets colder the best quality you growth. But now and again you learn a very well layer on top of a cold layer. This acts as a concerned of reflecting reproduce and produces the variety of mirages you get in the wilderness in early morning.But at 19,000 feet, a delusion of what? Our own aircraft? No, that would be a reflected shadow. A shadow need fall on no matter which to be visible--and expound was go fast. Positively, the light from the picture sun couldnt feasibly carry on a shadow towards itself. No, I dont acquire that one.Adequate of pilots trouble been flying longer that I trouble, but in the same way as 7,500 flying hours and 265 Atlantic crossings chalked up, Ive never seen whatsoever rival it wherever otherwise. Nor has any member of my assortment, all weathered direct mail in the same way as a accurate multiple thousand hours with them.I inform, too, that the stuff, at all they were, were not picked up on the radar screen at Goose Bay. Theres no opening why they ought to trouble been. My own Stratocruiser wasnt picked up on the screen in the role of the stuff first at a complete loss up in the same way as us.Yes, Ive gate all the theories put look after to adaptation for what twenty-two of us--eight assortment and fourteen passengers--saw that night. None of them add up.It was a synchronize thing. Im sure of that. Manoeuvrable and banned intelligently--a variety of base ship coupled by some means in the same way as persons less significant ma?tre d' satellites.Existing is no forceful explanation--except on the circumstances of space ships and flying saucers. On that circumstances, it need trouble been clear witty form of space ship from out of the ordinary world.If so, as a result out of the ordinary world was surveillance the Centaurus as it flew over Labrador that night in June--watching, waiting perhaps, for what? One day we shall inform and that day, Im sure, ghost be wholly great for the human twinkle. I target Im trendy to see it.http://rr0.org/data/1/9/5/4/12/11/WeWereShadowedFromOuterSpace/index fr.html
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