Military Officers Speak Out About Alien Visits To American Nuclear Sites
Exciting news came out in Washington D.C. on September 28, 2010 when six military officers held a press conference at the National Press Club. The retired soldiers spoke out about witnessing numerous alien UFOs near American nuclear sites. In fact, numerous people have witnessed aliens deactivating weapons located on United States bases.

What is absolutely incredible is that there aren't just one or two people speaking out about these alien sightings. These officers have over 120 former or retired military personnel with testimonies of their own individual alien encounter stories and observations of alien activity.

When asked whether these former soldiers reported their sightings to their commanding officers, a few said they were sworn to secrecy and told to never discuss with anyone including their families. Others said they never brought the issue up as it was a sure fire way to be discharged from service. Those commanding officers who were informed enabled the continual cover-up to keep the public unaware.

Our government certainly has some explaining to do. While we're worried about issues such as illegal aliens crossing the border, creating jobs for the millions of unemployed and Islamic extremists potentially funding projects in this country, these aliens are potentially tampering with our weapons while the public is completely unaware.

The implications that aliens are frequenting locations near our most dangerous weapons is quite scary and clearly a threat to public safety. Our government needs to fully disclose what's going on and make sure that our nuclear facilities are secure.

Of course, I guess if these aliens were really hostile they could already have shot them all off around the world numerous times. If their objective of visiting these nuclear sites is to prevent human kind from destroying itself with these weapons, then I'm hoping there's a whole brigade of them standing watch over Iran.

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