This file contains the complete text of the "Air Force Information Policy Letter" cited by Maj. Donald E. Kehoe (USMC Ret.) in his book" from Space; The Real Story of Unidentified Flying "1973, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York., page 138-139. Also includes text of Air Force response letter to Dale Goudie releasing the policy letter.
DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON DC 20330-1000 AUG 3 1992OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Dale Goudie Dear Mr. Goudie: In response to your May 18, 1992 Freedom of Information Act request, we are sending the attached documents. Sincerely, /s/ Earlene F. Dixon EARLENE F. DIXON Acting Freedom of Information Manager 1 Atch Releasable records 92-0776
AIR FORCE INFORMATION POLICY LETTER * FOR COMMANDERS FROM OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCEVol. XIV, No. 12 Washington, D.C., 15 August 1960 AIR FORCE MEMBERS MUST KEEP THEMSELVES INFORMED about all kinds ofweapon systems in the U.S. arsenal. In order to fulfill our responsi-bility to the American people we must understand and be able to explainthe capabilities of the various systems. No weapon system -- even thenewest -- is the complete answer to our defense problems. For this be-lief to gain currency would be harmful, and this fact has been specifi-cally recognized by Navy and Air Force leaders. Admiral Burke andGeneral White have commented in this respect about the Polaris. Navy CNO, Adm. Arleigh Burke told a Senate subcommittee on 1961 DODappropriations: "We have always contended in the Navy never to rely upona single weapon system even a weapon system as good as Polaris, becausethat would mean that the enemy could concentrate on the countermeasuresfor that single weapon system.... As you know, the Navy's mission iscontrol of the seas, and now and for the foreseeable future the meanswith which to accomplish this mission are surface ships, submarines,and aircraft. The carrier is simply one of our tools, but the mostimportant one we have." And General White told a House subcommittee; "I am in favor of thePolaris weapon system. I think that it will contribute significantly toour overall retaliatory capability; while I would equally stress that itis not the whole answer by any means. It is one of several systems which promise to be effective and will complicate the enemy's defenses." * * * * * THE 1960 USAF SPEAKERS TEAM, made up of outstanding graduates of theAir University War College and Command and Staff College, will move intoaction after a briefing at Hq USAF this month. Each team member has beenassigned six Air Force installations. A total of 72 installations arescheduled to be visited -- seven more than last year. Based on 1959figures, this year's program should involve about 280 presentations be-fore approximately 100,000 persons. Commanders have been advised ofitineraries. * * * * * NEW "PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE" STUDY provides overseas commanders and theirIOs with assistance in evaluating and planning this vital community rela-tions activity. It is based on responses of officers and airmen to the29 February 1960 Trianuual Sample Survey. The study gives insight into attitudes and opinions of Air Forcepersonnel toward the nationals of the country served in; the effective-ness of overseas orientation; and the contribution of the Armed ForcesRadio and Television Service to command mission accomplishment. The study, to be published annually, is classified Confidential. Itwill enable commanders and information officers to have a continuous feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of programs accomplished in the pastyears to understand the effect on attitudes of significant events (e.g.recent rioting in Japan; and to assist in planning future programsdesigned to fill specific needs indicated by survey findings. Copies of the study are being distributed to commanders and IOs. Ifquantity is insufficient at major command level, a limited number are avail-able directly from SAFOI-5, Department of the Air Force, Wash. 25, D.C. * * * * * AF KEEPING WATCHFUL EYE ON AEROSPACE. Among the Air Force's manymajor contributions to the Nation's scientific progress and militarysecurity is its operation of the National Space Surveillance Control Cen-ter at Laurence G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Mass. The Control Center catalogues for defense surveillance purposes allartificial satellites launched by this country or other nations. It collectsdata on these vehicles, computes their motions, and distributes this infor-mation to a large number of government, military and scientific agencies.It provides around-the-clock coverage. Dedicated last February, the Control Center is located on the groundsof the Air Force Command and Control Development Division of Air Researchand Development Command. The Geophysics Research Directorate, workingunder the Air Force Cambridge Research Center at Hanscom Field, operatedthis tracking activity as "Project Space Track" from November 1957 untilthe activity came under the National Space Surveillance Control Centerin 1960. Over 100 sensor stations provide data for the Control Center. Stationsinclude those of U.S. Government agencies, cooperating foreign and domesticobservatories, and various visual observing teams. A control room has aluminous map of the world upon which selected satellite positions can bedisplayed in the form of moving spots of light. The Control Center maintains a computer "catalogue" of all spacevehicles in orbit, arranged so the position of all known satellites canbe determined for any particular instant. The catalogue also keeps trackof orbiting booster rockets, rocket shells, or other launch componentsaccompanying a satellite. Sightings are communicated to this catalogue, and the computer auto-matically compares the reports with data on known space vehicles foridentification. The new information is then used either to improve thesatellite's orbit formula or to establish an equation for the new vehicle. There is a relationship between the Air Force's interest in spacesurveillance and its continuous surveillance of the atmosphere near Earthfor unidentified flying objects -- "UFO's". As the Service with the pri-mary responsibility of providing forces for aerospace defense of the UnitedStates, the Air Force has been, since 1947, studying and analyzing reportedsightings of UFO's, including astronomical objects. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Head of the Department of Astronomy and Directorof the Observatory at Northwestern University, is the Chief ScientificConsultant to the Air Force on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects. A selected scientific group under the supervision of the Air Force,plus the facilities of the Air Force's Aerospace Technical IntelligenceCenter, and the entire facilities of the Nation's scientific and techni-cal community, as well as the National Space Surveillance Control Center,keep watch on objects of all kinds in the vast reaches of sky surroundingour planet. * * * * * QUOTES FOR YOUR SPEECHES. From a report on Soviet espionage preparedby the FBI in May 196O "Today, the rallying cry of world communism is'peaceful coexistence.' However, on May 5, 1960, Premier Khrushchev, ad-dressing the Supreme Soviet in Moscow, paid tribute to V.I. Lenin andstated 'The Soviet people are proud to know that the cause of our greatleader and teacher live and triumphs and that Lenin's dreams are beingtranslated into reality by hundreds and millions of people -- buildersof socialism and communism -- and that Lenin's cause is winning all upright men on earth.' Referring to the triumph of the ideas of Marx,Engels, and Lenin, Khrushchev went on to reaffirm 'Marxist-Leninist ideas'as the guide to the ultimate triumph of world communism. "Thus, the fact remains that the basic principles of Marxist-LeninistPhilosophy, demanding the use of force and violence, represent the guidesfor communism to achieve world conquest. The extensive espionage activitiesdirected against the United States which, in the past, have utilized Com-munists and Communist sympathizers in this country as well as other individuals who could be subverted can be better understood when regardedas essential tools in the relentless and fanatical drive of internationalcommunism to conquer the world." Related quotable quotes -- J. Stalin as expressed in his Problems ofLeninism: "We are living, says Lenin, not merely in a state, but in a system ofstates and the existence of the Soviet Republic side by side with imperial-ist states for a long time is unthinkable. One or the other must triumphin the end. And before that end supervenes, a series of frightful collisionsbetween the Soviet Republic and the bourgeois states will be inevitable."V.I. Lenin: "But as soon as we are strong enought to defeat capitalism as a whole,we shall immediately take it by the scruff of the neck."Joseph Stalin: "Who will conquer who? -- That is the whole question....The worldis divided into two camps -- the capitalist camp, headed by Anglo-Americancapital, and the socialist camp, headed by the Soviet Union. The inter-national situation, therefore, will be more and more determined by thecorrespondence of forces between these two camps..."Nikita S. Khrushchev: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!" It is clear that when the Communists say "peaceful coexistence" theyactually mean "protracted conflict." (See Co@d War article in 1 February1960 issue of this letter.) * * * * * FIVE MORE AEROSPACE TALKS will be distributed soon to information officers. They are: "The Air Force in Space"; "Air Force Contributions to Science"; "What Makes an Aerospace Force?" (mission of USAF; "How the Air Force Stretches Your Dollar") and "Training Men for the Aerospace Force." /s/ Arlo H. Luehman ARLO H. LUEHMAN Major General, USAF Director of InformationDEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE POSTAGE AND FEES PAID DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCEHEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE (SAFOI-5) WASHINGTON 25, D. C. OFFICIAL BUSINESSForm 3547 Requested


Computer UFO Network Seattle Washington, USA (206) 776-0382 8 Data Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit 300/1200/2400 bps. SYSOP - Jim Klotz Information Director - Dale Goudie UFO Reporting and Information Service Voice Line - (206) 721-5035 P.O.Box 832, Mercer Island, WA 98040, USA - Please credit CUFON as the source of this material -