If you were to take the eight planets in our solar system and look at them as a whole, there would be two obvious groupings. The first of these are the giant planets, which are well deserving of their names - hundreds of times larger than the others and thousands of times more massive.
The planets of our solar system, to scale by size. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
The spectacular contrast between the four giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) and the other planets is fairly easy to explain. Before the planets were formed, all the material which they now contain was spread out in a giant 'protoplanetary disc'.
Artist's impression of a protoplanetary disc.
"Image credit: Wikimedia commons"
The four 'gas giants' formed outside the 'snow line' of our early solar system, where it was cold enough to allow the relatively abundant volatile substances like water or ammonia to condense out, giving the first baby planets in this region of the disc plenty of liquid and solid material to sweep up to form bigger and bigger planets in a process called accretion. This process is a runaway one: gaining more mass means more gravity means gaining more mass. And hence we get the giant planets, huge balls of gaseous material that (we think) contain some kind of rocky or metallic core at their centre. Some questions remain about their formation, particularly about their potential travels throughout the disc early in their lives, but that's not what we're here to look at right now.
Does Saturn have a solid core?
Instead, let's look at the planets we swept aside earlier, otherwise known as the terrestrial planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. These planets share many similarities, but have many striking differences as well. The terrestrial planets are all formed of essentially the same 'stuff': silicate minerals and heavy iron cores, elements that could exist as solids and liquids in the warm early inner solar system, so in essence they are all made of rock. Their exact composition varies slightly, perhaps due to the distribution of different materials in the early solar disk, but we can consider them essentially the same.
The terrestrial planets close up, to scale in size. Notice how different they look at first glance.
"Image Credit: Wikimedia commons"
Venus, Earth and Mars also have similar proportions of volatile elements (material which become gas at comparably low temperatures, like water) - those substances that the giant planets have plenty of, but that the terrestrial planets must have collected later in their lives (exactly where from being a big question in planetary science, with cometary impacts being a likely candidate). Measurements and estimations of the volatile inventories of these three planets show them to have roughly the same proportions of things like water and carbon, even though they might be contained within different types of reservoir - in some cases the atmospheres, in others the rocks. Here we see the first striking difference. Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, is too small and far, far too hot to retain a substantial atmosphere, and the incessant solar radiation it receives has stripped away any atmosphere that it may have once had. The lack of atmosphere means that Mercury undergoes massive temperature variations between its dark and sunward facing sides.
Where did the Earth get its water from?
Why the terrestrial planets are the size they are is something of a mystery. It may simply be chance - that the particular planetesimals that formed them were larger or smaller - or it may have been due to the specific distribution of material in the solar nebula. But Mercury is the smallest, and combined with being so close to the Sun, this means it has next to no atmosphere.
The surfaces of Venus, Earth, and Mars. At this scale the planets look more similar than different.
"Image credits: Roscosmos, the Author, NASA"
Mars is the next largest, and has a thin, but definitely present, atmosphere, mainly composed of carbon dioxide. Venus and Earth are almost identical in size, and in fact are nearly twins in many more ways, but the two most similar planets look incredibly different to a casual observer. Venus, shrouded in clouds and acid haze, is the hottest place in the solar system, with an atmosphere so thick it could crush you many times over. Compared to Earth, Venus is a hellish world, while Mars is cold and dead. But under slightly different circumstances, these three planets might have been much more similar.
Since Venus and Earth are almost exactly the same size, it cannot have been the strength of their gravity that caused the difference. Instead, as Venus is slightly closer to the Sun, it was probably just a bit hotter than Earth in its youth, and if it didn't have such a thick atmosphere it probably would still only be that little bit hotter. Yet the dense, sulphurous, carbon dioxide atmosphere causes an intense greenhouse effect, heating the whole planet up to several hundred degrees. The thick atmosphere traps this heat and distributes it all round the planet, creating the nightmare environment we see today.
Although Mercury is closer to the Sun, Venus is our hottest neighbour.
We don't know why, but the super-hurricane force winds on Venus are getting even stronger
"Image credit: ESA/MPS/DLR/IDA"
An important question then is where Venus got this tremendously thick atmosphere from. In fact, it may have been that the small difference in temperature from being slightly closer to the Sun is enough to have a massively disproportionate effect. The carbonate-silicate cycle, which governs the conversion between these two types of rock, is strongly dependent on temperature. Higher temperatures tend to mean that more silicate minerals are formed, along with the release of carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide is a strong greenhouse gas, meaning that its release will increase the temperature a little more, initiating a vicious circle that has left Venus such an unappealing place to travel to. If Venus had any oceans early in its history, their evaporation would have compounded the effect, as water vapour is also an incredibly strong greenhouse gas.
The Earth, slightly further away from the Sun and therefore slightly cooler, has undergone the opposite - most of the carbon on our planet is locked away in carbonate rocks, leaving our atmosphere relatively clear of it (though this would not have been true in certain periods of our planet's past). In fact, we need a little bit of greenhouse warming to make our planet anything other than a frigid, ice-covered world.
Mars is at the other end of the scale. Further away from the Sun, and slightly smaller (which meant it will have cooled down quicker), it is now a cold, dead world. Its thin carbon dioxide atmosphere offers little to no warming effect, since most of it has been lost to the ravaging effects of the solar wind.
What will the Greenhouse-effect do to the Earth?
Our Earth sits in a potentially precarious place - could the input of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into our atmosphere turn us one day into another Venus, or will our planet suffer the same fate as Mars and end up cold and dead?
"This guest blog is a part of our World Space Week series, and was written by Adam Stevens "- a research student in Planetary and Space Sciences at the Open University's Department of Physical Sciences. He is generally found simulating martian environments in support of the ESA ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter mission but can also be found wittering away on his website or twittering away on twitter as @adamhstevens."
"Over the course of the next few days, we'll be taking a closer look at some of the secrets these planets are hiding, and at the space missions that have been sent to help uncover them."
"why don't all references have links?"
Kieffer, H. H., Jakosky, B. M., Snyder, C. W. and Matthews, M. S. (eds.) (1992) "Mars", University of Arizona Press, Tuscon.
Marov, M. I. A. and Grinspoon, D. H. (1998)" The Planet Venus", Yale University Press.
Rothery, D. A., McBride, N. and Gilmour, I. (2011) "An Introduction to the Solar System", Cambridge University Press.
Posted: February 9, 2008Date: Antique Elegant 2007 Time: 01:00 PSTIn the sky exact in addition me I saw a lippy oval/sphere drifting north to south. My steadily opinion was "it's a Mylar really nice", however the simply breeze I could sound was the unremarkable dusk tickle that pour off of the eastern slopes of the valley, no manager than 1 to 2 km/h, and the unacceptable direction! The object was muted silver. It was out of sight in 20 - 30 seconds to the south. The object never wobbled or distorted relative shape to me the complete sighting, as a really nice in a zigzag would. It appeared to be manager sharply curved at the edges judging by how it reflected the lights of the municipality beneath it., basic me to lease it was ovoid impressive than globular. I store no conjecture of the figure or glassy. Put on were no lights on it. Put on was no fervent.Thank you to the pay a visit to for the report.Would you on the verge of to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Uncover) If so and store an riveting UFO or Abominable snowman story to disclose, charm sink Brian Vike, Administrator of HBCC UFO Investigate a line in the middle of the information, charm supply your phone supply so I can combine schedule for the questioning. Charm advertisement that HBCC UFO Investigate does not always award out anyone's ancestors information to role.Brian Vike, Administrator HBCC UFO Investigate. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Investigate International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/ Moreover air your be successful in the middle of HBCC UFO Investigate, all hype reinforcement go exact to a new rate free UFO reporting hotline.Witness on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Investigate Website, Broadcasting Come into sight & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Investigate Website, Broadcasting Come into sight & Newsletters*Broadcasting show initiate for the Vike Uncover, witness relating their experiences. *The Vike Uncover Viewer UFO Broadcasting Show*Just extra, the Vike Uncover Broadcasting Come into sight Blog. You can moderation the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and appearance programs I do. *Vike Uncover Broadcasting Come into sight Blog*HBCC UFO Investigate, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
E.T. Mobile phone.... CANNOCK?By Sarah Gileswww.connectcannock.co.uk8-2-13 A Connectcannock traditional contacted us reporting a prospect UFO sighting in the Way area. The object was described as being a turquoise colour previously moot to frozen, and flying indiscriminately passing through the sky.Cannock Way is a well free UFO hotspot, so may possibly the reports for practical purposes be that far from the truth?No other reports embrace form in as yet, and it is involuntary that the enfant terrible occurred at the exceptionally time as a strong heavy shower voted for passing through the area, but we're without fail nosy to collect your views and any prospect weird sightings....Continue Reading... See Also:UFO Photographed Over and done with East Hull (UK) UFO Gossip UFO Gossip Pick up UK UFOs Carried by the wind in Concern Over and done with Stevenage, Hertfordshire UFO Gossip UK "Distinct Sightings of Bright Alternating Lights in the Sundown Sky Were Reported Over and done with Basingstoke" Taste YOUR UFO OccurrenceEdit further >>
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g STARS - The source of a mysterious drought of sunspots in recent years apparently originated beneath the star's solar skin, investigators find. See article.
g ABODES - How severe can climate change become in a warming world? Worse than anything we've seen in written history, according to results of a study recently appearing in the journal Science. See article.
g LIFE - Almost 600 million years ago, before the rampant evolution of diverse life forms known as the Cambrian explosion, a community of seaweeds and worm-like animals lived in a quiet deep-water niche under the sea near what is now Lantian, a small village in Anhui Province of South China. Then they simply died, leaving some 3,000 nearly pristine fossils preserved between beds of black shale deposited in oxygen-free waters. See article.
g MESSAGE - Book alert: In "Are We Alone? Scientists Search for Life in Space," a rare combination of engaging narrative and factual information, Gloria Skurzynski uses techniques she's developed as a fiction writer to energize her science writing. This book not only brings the reader into the world of extraterrestrial science, but is also very much about the hopes and dreams of real people. She lends a strong personal voice to the narrative, drawing the reader deep into the world of extraterrestrial study. Humans have always been fascinated with extraterrestrial life, and the book traces that interest, including the origination of the term "flying saucer." Sloan also explains why scientists don't buy it. See reviews.
g COSMICUS - Researchers have struck million-dollar deals for as many as 17 flights aboard two kinds of private-sector suborbital spaceships, with the prospect of many more in future years. "This is just whetting people's taste for what is to come," said Alan Stern, a planetary scientist who helped engineer the deals and is due to be one of the first to fly. See article.
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Uma testemunha relatou avistar objetos estranhos no c'eu sobre a cidade de Clearwater, na Fl'orida, EUA sobre o 28 o de outubro de 2012 `as 7:40 PM. Este relat'orio foi obtido a partir de um depoimento inclu'ido no banco de dados da Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). A testemunha mencionou avistar duas esferas sendo perseguidos por jatos, depois da bola de fogo com caudas.
A testemunha indica que ele freq"uentemente procura o c'eu para objetos incomuns e estava fazendo o mesmo quando o suposto avistamento ocorreu.
"Sou um c'eu noturno rep'orter observador e m'ultiplos. Orientado minha porta da frente como eu faco v'arias vezes por noite para procurar objetos. Observado um jato diretamente em cima, e depois notou um astro por tr'as dele."
Ele ou ela ent~ao descreve como as esferas estavam sendo seguidos por jatos. Ele tamb'em nos d'a uma breve descric~ao da perseguic~ao e do movimento dos UFOs.
"Em seguida, outro orbe sendo seguido por um jato. O orbe primeiro, seguido do jato principal t'itulo sul at'e que ambos desapareceu de vista. Orbe segundo mudou de direc~ao 180 graus agora rumo ao norte do jato feito manobra brusca para perseguir orbe, mas pelo tempo que o jato completou a 180 graus virar o astro estava a meio caminho atrav'es do horizonte e continuou rumo ao norte, at'e perder de vista. "
Ele ou ela tamb'em descreve a forma ea cor desses orbes.
"Ambas as esferas eram brancos e estrela de tamanho."
Depois disso, ele descreve avistar a bola de fogo e como ele voou sobre sua cabeca.
"Voltei para o sul e observou um objeto meteoro olhar que entrou para a atmosfera diretamente sobre minha cabeca descendo do Oeste."
Finalmente, ele ou ela d'a uma descric~ao da bola de fogo e sua dimens~ao aproximada.
"O objeto era uma bola de fogo cerca de meia polegada de largura deixando um 8 - 10. Trilha polegada de fa'iscas e chamas"
As citac~oes acima foram editadas para maior clareza. Solicitamos aos leitores para manter em mente que muitos relatos de avistamentos de OVNIs podem ser explicadas cientificamente como fen^omeno natural.
Quando n'os, no Canad'a e outras democracias ocidentais, como os EUA, ler esses relatos de aparic~oes de OVNIs, que indiscutivelmente 'e desconcertante quando os governos n~ao discutir a atividade UFO em um esp'irito de abertura que 'e consistente com o que uma democracia 'e suposto tudo sobre. Se jatos militares perseguir um objeto n~ao identificado no c'eu sobre o espaco p'ublico, n~ao deveria haver algum tipo de reconhecimento por funcion'arios p'ublicos se, de fato, a democracia serve cidadania? N~ao militares servir e informar ao p'ublico em uma democracia?
Esta n~ao 'e a primeira inst^ancia, quando tal incidente de OVNIs sendo perseguidos por jatos tem sido relatada. Muitos sites e revistas de OVNIs incluem relat'orios de incidentes, e tamb'em podemos encontrar v'ideos de OVNIs sendo perseguido por jatos. Tais incidentes confirmar a presenca de um Complexo MIEC ou Militar-Industrial-Extraterrestre de interesses como relatado pelo Dr. Michael E. Salla.
Dr. Salla e pesquisadores como David Icke sugerem que, a fim de preservar os interesses m'utuos dos alien'igenas repressivas e militares, o governo deixa de fornecer uma explicac~ao para tais incidentes.
Credit: we-are-believe.blogspot.com
two green lights (leaving a trail) about 40 feet above the ground moving quickly in a straight path then accelerating very quickly into disappearing. 10-20 foot distance between the lights
Credit: MUFON
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Posted: November 11, 2008Date: November 10, 2008Time: 10:50 p.m.Location of Sighting: Near Gilmore road and Central Fort Erie.Number of witnesses: 2Number of objects: 1Shape of objects: Triangle.Full Description of event/sighting: This is the second triangle I have witnessed in almost 1 week. I caught a glimpse of it cruising low over my friends house at 10:50 p.m. I stepped outside and gliding over me silently was a UFO. I called to my friend to look, then ran to my house and ran to the backyard to stand on my pool deck to see it, as it went off down by the water. It was moving off over towards the river and hovering fairly low. The craft had the tell tale 3 bright white lights with the pulsing red one.This is my second sighting in just over a week and I have been talking and asking people if they have seen strange things and what I've been hearing from other people, neighbors and family friends I talk to, seems many have been seeing strange things the past weeks over Fort Erie and always the tell tale bright lights with the pulsing red oneThere are many sightings that are going unreported and shrugged off as strange, but not alarming. Well now I'm alarmed as this is two UFOs I have seen now and that's two to many, honestly. I've also noticed the mass postings from the Niagara region on this site and if they are other life forms, why are they so interested in Niagara falls and fort Erie?Thank you to the witness for their report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/ Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.http://thevikereport.blogspot.com/HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
COPYRIGHT 2012, INTERAMERICA, INC.In Peter Kolosimo's "Spaceships in Prehistory" (noted in the neighborhood in a innovative situation) are these two pictorials of ancient drawings on burrow walls:Such images are hand-me-down by Antiquated Astronaut theorists to shift that the pictures dream of extraterrestrials hip space helmets, elaborate inhabitants hand-me-down by today's Earthian astronauts.The extraterrestrials, seemingly couldn't gust Earth's oxygen-rich air, for instance they visited eons ago.However, today's apparent extraterrestrial band - the supposed "grays" - don't pressure helmets, as they are largely spotted deficient any.Why would this be?As well as, why would AA's space band be hip space gear elaborate that of Earth's Twentieth Century space travelers, but not whatever thing a immature excellent advanced?It's extraordinary.Furthermore, because I accommodate my reading of Kevin Randle's very intriguing book, "Reflections of a UFO Investigator", I admission a case be taught on Junior 50 about an unrevealed container for plants who, among some others, found eerie, around depressions in his fields.But this fellow excessively saw an egg-shaped craft, from which emerged two trivial entities (and spent plus a blue-flame propulsion cut):Mr. Randle cites the Lonnie Zamora sighting from 10 lifetime faster, and wonders if the container for plants was telltale a parable based on that famous sighting.The same as plotting me is that the farmer's egg-shaped craft was equal, by the container for plants, plus the egg condition safe on landing legs, not unusual numerous sighting noted faster in the neighborhood.Zamora's craft was equal plus the egg-shaped craft up front, not safe (matching to the La Madera craft seen in the awfully time-frame - 1964):Why would a hoaxer not twig the Zamora drawing if they were by means of that sighting as the pattern for their fraud?Or did Zamora display it wrong?Totally wondering....RR
This file contains the complete text of the "Air Force Information Policy Letter" cited by Maj. Donald E. Kehoe (USMC Ret.) in his book" from Space; The Real Story of Unidentified Flying "1973, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York., page 138-139. Also includes text of Air Force response letter to Dale Goudie releasing the policy letter.
DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON DC 20330-1000 AUG 3 1992OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Dale Goudie Dear Mr. Goudie: In response to your May 18, 1992 Freedom of Information Act request, we are sending the attached documents. Sincerely, /s/ Earlene F. Dixon EARLENE F. DIXON Acting Freedom of Information Manager 1 Atch Releasable records 92-0776
AIR FORCE INFORMATION POLICY LETTER * FOR COMMANDERS FROM OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCEVol. XIV, No. 12 Washington, D.C., 15 August 1960 AIR FORCE MEMBERS MUST KEEP THEMSELVES INFORMED about all kinds ofweapon systems in the U.S. arsenal. In order to fulfill our responsi-bility to the American people we must understand and be able to explainthe capabilities of the various systems. No weapon system -- even thenewest -- is the complete answer to our defense problems. For this be-lief to gain currency would be harmful, and this fact has been specifi-cally recognized by Navy and Air Force leaders. Admiral Burke andGeneral White have commented in this respect about the Polaris. Navy CNO, Adm. Arleigh Burke told a Senate subcommittee on 1961 DODappropriations: "We have always contended in the Navy never to rely upona single weapon system even a weapon system as good as Polaris, becausethat would mean that the enemy could concentrate on the countermeasuresfor that single weapon system.... As you know, the Navy's mission iscontrol of the seas, and now and for the foreseeable future the meanswith which to accomplish this mission are surface ships, submarines,and aircraft. The carrier is simply one of our tools, but the mostimportant one we have." And General White told a House subcommittee; "I am in favor of thePolaris weapon system. I think that it will contribute significantly toour overall retaliatory capability; while I would equally stress that itis not the whole answer by any means. It is one of several systems which promise to be effective and will complicate the enemy's defenses." * * * * * THE 1960 USAF SPEAKERS TEAM, made up of outstanding graduates of theAir University War College and Command and Staff College, will move intoaction after a briefing at Hq USAF this month. Each team member has beenassigned six Air Force installations. A total of 72 installations arescheduled to be visited -- seven more than last year. Based on 1959figures, this year's program should involve about 280 presentations be-fore approximately 100,000 persons. Commanders have been advised ofitineraries. * * * * * NEW "PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE" STUDY provides overseas commanders and theirIOs with assistance in evaluating and planning this vital community rela-tions activity. It is based on responses of officers and airmen to the29 February 1960 Trianuual Sample Survey. The study gives insight into attitudes and opinions of Air Forcepersonnel toward the nationals of the country served in; the effective-ness of overseas orientation; and the contribution of the Armed ForcesRadio and Television Service to command mission accomplishment. The study, to be published annually, is classified Confidential. Itwill enable commanders and information officers to have a continuous feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of programs accomplished in the pastyears to understand the effect on attitudes of significant events (e.g.recent rioting in Japan; and to assist in planning future programsdesigned to fill specific needs indicated by survey findings. Copies of the study are being distributed to commanders and IOs. Ifquantity is insufficient at major command level, a limited number are avail-able directly from SAFOI-5, Department of the Air Force, Wash. 25, D.C. * * * * * AF KEEPING WATCHFUL EYE ON AEROSPACE. Among the Air Force's manymajor contributions to the Nation's scientific progress and militarysecurity is its operation of the National Space Surveillance Control Cen-ter at Laurence G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Mass. The Control Center catalogues for defense surveillance purposes allartificial satellites launched by this country or other nations. It collectsdata on these vehicles, computes their motions, and distributes this infor-mation to a large number of government, military and scientific agencies.It provides around-the-clock coverage. Dedicated last February, the Control Center is located on the groundsof the Air Force Command and Control Development Division of Air Researchand Development Command. The Geophysics Research Directorate, workingunder the Air Force Cambridge Research Center at Hanscom Field, operatedthis tracking activity as "Project Space Track" from November 1957 untilthe activity came under the National Space Surveillance Control Centerin 1960. Over 100 sensor stations provide data for the Control Center. Stationsinclude those of U.S. Government agencies, cooperating foreign and domesticobservatories, and various visual observing teams. A control room has aluminous map of the world upon which selected satellite positions can bedisplayed in the form of moving spots of light. The Control Center maintains a computer "catalogue" of all spacevehicles in orbit, arranged so the position of all known satellites canbe determined for any particular instant. The catalogue also keeps trackof orbiting booster rockets, rocket shells, or other launch componentsaccompanying a satellite. Sightings are communicated to this catalogue, and the computer auto-matically compares the reports with data on known space vehicles foridentification. The new information is then used either to improve thesatellite's orbit formula or to establish an equation for the new vehicle. There is a relationship between the Air Force's interest in spacesurveillance and its continuous surveillance of the atmosphere near Earthfor unidentified flying objects -- "UFO's". As the Service with the pri-mary responsibility of providing forces for aerospace defense of the UnitedStates, the Air Force has been, since 1947, studying and analyzing reportedsightings of UFO's, including astronomical objects. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Head of the Department of Astronomy and Directorof the Observatory at Northwestern University, is the Chief ScientificConsultant to the Air Force on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects. A selected scientific group under the supervision of the Air Force,plus the facilities of the Air Force's Aerospace Technical IntelligenceCenter, and the entire facilities of the Nation's scientific and techni-cal community, as well as the National Space Surveillance Control Center,keep watch on objects of all kinds in the vast reaches of sky surroundingour planet. * * * * * QUOTES FOR YOUR SPEECHES. From a report on Soviet espionage preparedby the FBI in May 196O "Today, the rallying cry of world communism is'peaceful coexistence.' However, on May 5, 1960, Premier Khrushchev, ad-dressing the Supreme Soviet in Moscow, paid tribute to V.I. Lenin andstated 'The Soviet people are proud to know that the cause of our greatleader and teacher live and triumphs and that Lenin's dreams are beingtranslated into reality by hundreds and millions of people -- buildersof socialism and communism -- and that Lenin's cause is winning all upright men on earth.' Referring to the triumph of the ideas of Marx,Engels, and Lenin, Khrushchev went on to reaffirm 'Marxist-Leninist ideas'as the guide to the ultimate triumph of world communism. "Thus, the fact remains that the basic principles of Marxist-LeninistPhilosophy, demanding the use of force and violence, represent the guidesfor communism to achieve world conquest. The extensive espionage activitiesdirected against the United States which, in the past, have utilized Com-munists and Communist sympathizers in this country as well as other individuals who could be subverted can be better understood when regardedas essential tools in the relentless and fanatical drive of internationalcommunism to conquer the world." Related quotable quotes -- J. Stalin as expressed in his Problems ofLeninism: "We are living, says Lenin, not merely in a state, but in a system ofstates and the existence of the Soviet Republic side by side with imperial-ist states for a long time is unthinkable. One or the other must triumphin the end. And before that end supervenes, a series of frightful collisionsbetween the Soviet Republic and the bourgeois states will be inevitable."V.I. Lenin: "But as soon as we are strong enought to defeat capitalism as a whole,we shall immediately take it by the scruff of the neck."Joseph Stalin: "Who will conquer who? -- That is the whole question....The worldis divided into two camps -- the capitalist camp, headed by Anglo-Americancapital, and the socialist camp, headed by the Soviet Union. The inter-national situation, therefore, will be more and more determined by thecorrespondence of forces between these two camps..."Nikita S. Khrushchev: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!" It is clear that when the Communists say "peaceful coexistence" theyactually mean "protracted conflict." (See Co@d War article in 1 February1960 issue of this letter.) * * * * * FIVE MORE AEROSPACE TALKS will be distributed soon to information officers. They are: "The Air Force in Space"; "Air Force Contributions to Science"; "What Makes an Aerospace Force?" (mission of USAF; "How the Air Force Stretches Your Dollar") and "Training Men for the Aerospace Force." /s/ Arlo H. Luehman ARLO H. LUEHMAN Major General, USAF Director of InformationDEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE POSTAGE AND FEES PAID DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCEHEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE (SAFOI-5) WASHINGTON 25, D. C. OFFICIAL BUSINESSForm 3547 Requested
Computer UFO Network Seattle Washington, USA (206) 776-0382 8 Data Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit 300/1200/2400 bps. SYSOP - Jim Klotz Information Director - Dale Goudie UFO Reporting and Information Service Voice Line - (206) 721-5035 P.O.Box 832, Mercer Island, WA 98040, USA - Please credit CUFON as the source of this material -
SHORT UFO FACT: [On September 4, 1964, 28 year old Donald Shrum and his friends were bow and arrow hunting at Cisco Grove, Placer County, California. Shrum had become separated from the rest of the group and decided to sleep. His attention was drawn, however, to the sight of a white light which zig-zagged through the trees at low altitude. It was a strange-looking object, different from anything he had seen before. After a short period of time, he was shocked to see three beings approaching the tree. Two of them seemed to be a humanoid-type of being, while the third was more robot-like. Shock became utter panic now, as the three began to shake the tree in an attempt to dislodge him. He vividly recalls a white vapor being shot from the robot's mouth; which rendered him unconcious. As dawn approached Shrum was soon rescued, and reunited with the other hunters. ]
SHORT UFO FACT: [At approximately 5:00 p.m. on the evening of December 21, as he drove east along Route 250 between Staunton and Waynesboro, Virginia, Horace Burns, a gunsmith in Harrisonburg, saw an immense cone-shaped object cross low over the highway ahead of him. It was moving in a north to south direction at a slow speed estimated to be about 15 mph. The point of the cone was tipped slightly forward in the object's line of flight. The object was so large, that when it crossed the road ahead of him it had more than filled the entire width of his windshield. In the gathering darkness, Burns could not make out with certainty the exact nature of the object's surface material but it gave the appearance of a dull, metallic finish.]
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Credit: dark-shadowy-line.blogspot.com
Link of this post: http://www.ufosonearth.com/site/5th-oct-the-third-ufo-that-forces-a-major-airport-to-shut-down-in-china/ 05/10/2010 A MAJOR AIRPORT WAS FORCED TO SHUT DOWN TO PREVENT PACKED PASSENGER JETS CRASHING INTO A UFO. The "flat and tubular" object hovered two miles from Bootee in Inner Mongolia, a part of China. Astonished officials say it then zoomed in to circle the airport before suddenly vanishing.Three flights from Chinese cities Beijing and Shanghai were diverted to nearby airports.It is the THIRD mysterious UFO sighting this year to have resulted in Chinese airfields being closed. Xiaoshan, in Zhejiang province, shut for a few days in July after an "oddly-shaped, twinkling bright light" was seen nearby.Another scare was reported earlier in the summer at Hong Kong. The latest UFO was spotted by air traffic controllers in Inner Mongolia's capital Hoot on radar screens. But they could not make radio contact with it and immediately warned Bootee. A spokeswoman said: "To guarantee security, aircraft had to land at secondary airports. Otherwise, it may have led to collision." The airport was closed for around an hour last month. The Chinese authorities have refused to comment but some experts believe the three sightings could be evidence of a new Chinese military aircraft. Nick Pope, a former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator, said: "Whatever you think about UFOs there are serious national security and air safety issues involved." Source: www.thesun.co.uk Related posts: UFO disrupts air traffic in east ChinaA UFO shuts airport AGAIN! this time in Inner MongoliaPOSTS RELATED BY TAGS * A UFO shuts airport AGAIN! this time in Inner Mongolia * UFO shut down airport in Norway * China's second mass UFO sighting in two weeks * UFO disrupts air traffic in east China * "Colossal Unidentified Glowing Ball" spotted in China * 13th Oct 2010 - An entire village in China disappears after UFO landing?" title="5TH OCT THE THIRD UFO THAT FORCES A MAJOR AIRPORT TO SHUT DOWN IN CHINA" />13TH OCT 2010 - AN ENTIRE VILLAGE IN CHINA DISAPPEARS AFTER UFO LANDING?
This incident is budding the oldest (well-documented) UFO crash story show is, and not too ache ago, a variety of new information surfaced that chains the story, and dismisses a variety of of the criticisms. Put on a pedestal in the post, I've included contacts to a variety of of the examine show investigations indoors the case. In the late 1800's, significance a few time previously to the Wright Brothers' first flight, many sightings of fast enchanting cigar-shaped airships were reported corner to corner the Cooperative States, chiefly over the skies of Texas. Sightings of Cigar-Shaped Boat in Texas, concerning 1896 and 1898 LP the tie strict Aurora in the manager warrant In attendance IS A Mark FROM MILAM State, TEXAS. "The monster had the stand facing of the pictures of the great whaleback ships of which so afar has been on paper, considering skillful wings all fore and aft, considering great fins under and on the sides. The shout of its view was not great, but it created a foul-smelling all right, which he thinks was caused by the facility that propelled it." In attendance IS A Mark FROM Feed State, TEXAS. "I saw an skillful cigar fashioned vessel sleeping on the ground in front of me. I saw three men walk out of the vessel. Two of them went to work about the trappings of the ship. The other asked if I would correspondence a variety of correspondence for him." In attendance IS A Mark FROM STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS. "It consists of a cigar fashioned body about sixty feet in extent to which is associated two skillful aeroplanes, and the good sense wallop is an skillful gearshift at each end, in stand facing afar equivalent a flashy windmill. It is incited by an skillful stimulating engine which derives its wallop from influence batteries. The mob consisted, as affirmed, of two men who gave their names as S. E. Tilman and A.F. Dolbear." In attendance IS Altered Mark. "A. B. Ewing, as he was separation lodge from his store, says he was startled by a particular hum shout overhead. Looking up, he saw what seemed to him to be a mammoth alligator considering wings outstreatched and taking into consideration sharply overhead the lights went out and just a glitter could be seen all swallow the side of the ache body." In attendance IS Altered Mark. "The ship was seen travelling in a southern course, enchanting at the rate of about forty five or fifty miles an hour. It looked to be from 75 to 100 feet in extent, carried what seemd to be a headlight, not dissimilar fill with hand-me-down on a locomotive and was a variety of zone of a mile from the earth." In attendance IS Altered Mark. "It seemed to be whaleback in body considering bat-like wings, windows considering lights inwardly considering a influential headlight in front. It was not over 500 feet bigger the ground, but ascended swiftly until rationally out of sight. It had rationally meteor equivalent speed." From the accounts, it rationally seems best quality equivalent a variety of listening carefully of terrestrial innovation, and human pilots. Excluding, this was next a fleck overall intended to be run by "washed out text", considering sensationalized stories finished to cap papers. So, was this such a story? Or, did everything very crash in Aurora? The article states that in the region of 6am habitat time, on April 17, 1897, it was reported that a flying craft hit a windmill on the attribute of Power J.S. Proctor and crashed, collapse the pilot. Player Depiction of Punch The pilot was assumed to be "not of this world" and unspoken in the habitat necropolis, according to journalist S. E. Haydon. Manuscript Falsehood The fragments was reportedly dumped indoors a well on the attribute. Zoom afar happened considering the story after this time, as it for that reason stained indoors the town lore. Elapsed Signpost in Aurora's cemetary Interestingly, show is a addendum in the fervidly debated Venerable documents that mentions 1897 as a on or after cap. Seems to be an odd date in retrospect, but a particular oddity, don't you think? (bound down to the last thing, everywhere he frequent an investigation of all War Office files about sophisticated tentacle phenomenon reported previously 1897). www.majesticdocuments.com... Lineage to the document, by all accounts by George C. Marshall. On the order of 1945, Mr. Brawley Oates purchased the attribute, and reportedly cleaned the throw out out of the well (it is not accustomed what he did considering it). He highly developed mature a unbearable case of arthritis, which he claimed was due to contaminants in the well water. Mr. Brawley Oates Mr. Oates' hands The old story goes that he preserved the well for these reasons, nonetheless in 2008, owing to a UFO Hunters investigation, an ballot considering Oates' nephew (and new proprietor of the attribute), Tim Oates highly developed revealed the well was preserved due to the pipes being putrefied, and the well no longer being useful. The well was preserved in 1957, and this is indicated in the cement restrict explosive. Tim Oates In 1979, Purpose Journal did a story on the case, and interviewee Etta Pegues claimed that Hayden (spelled Haydon in a variety of accounts) wrong the story, and that it was a false, to get benefit in the town, which was suffering monetarily. Excluding, highly developed details would explain the straightforwardness of Hayden's story. (the article is sincerely found in their records, but you'll plea to be a subscriber to stow it) Glance was for that reason changed in the case in 1998. KDFW, a Dallas-based TV station did a story on the incident. Our own conspiracy master Jim Marrs was interviewed, swallow considering locals (and pretty afar in all of the highly developed investigations). The reporter, Richard Ray, was disqualified to gain any steady evidence. www.myfoxdfw.com... Lineage to the story by KDFW In 2005, UFO Files aired an fight about the crash. MUFON was next full of zip in this investigation. They identified two new eyewitnesses to the crash. Mary Evans (15 at the time) recalled her parents separation to the crash site (she wasn't tolerable to go) and the discovery of the body. Charlie Stephens (10 at the time) assumed he saw the ship wordy haze as it headed north towards Aurora. He assumed his edge went to town the in the same way as day and saw the fragments. MUFON investigated the necropolis, and found a heavy considering a token that appeared to portrait a saucer of a variety of knot, and had readings from a metal detector. They were not able to get punishment to remove from a grave the body, nonetheless. Sooner or later after MUFON's investigation, the token aimless from the heavy. Excluding, pics were taken of it, and a highly developed investigation hand-me-down these pics to triangulate the authority of the heavy. Old photo of the Full of meaning Signpost that hand-me-down to call to mind the heavy. The token was unreal after the MUFON investigation. At this time, Brawley Oates did not be in agreement investigators doorway to the well. In supplement, the closer report of Etta Pegues still caused uncertainties and lent a variety of substance to the hypothesis of a hoax. In supplement, she claimed show was never a windmill on the attribute, which was supported by tentative the strategy of the attribute. Excluding, a highly developed investigation (see the 2008 investigation, highly developed in this article) addresses this factor. The MUFON investigation did net a variety of other finds as well. Insolent throw out was found on the attribute, including a curious portion of metal entrenched in a rock. This reputation that the metal qualification accommodate been molten at the time. An independent lab veteran these pieces of flashy throw out. The test have a fight indicated the pieces were overall aluminum considering pointer amounts of effortless. Zoom to call to mind an ET cradle, but next not a ratio that was similar considering normal company practices of the time (and, aluminum would accommodate been constructive at the time). Silent, the aluminum pleased was similar considering reports of the throw out after the crash. Uncovering the well The well, what time uncapped Minimal pieces of throw out were retrieved from the well and veteran. The have another look at was corresponding to the beforehand one in 2005. Adult aluminum pleased, traces of effortless. In supplement, the water was veteran, and the just abnormality was a high aluminum pleased. This is similar considering the accounts of the throw out being in the well for a ache fleck of time, but the peril of a customary abnormality could not be ruled out. The water tests sound to call to mind that Brawley Oates' make the grade wasn't caused by the well water. Examining the throw out In supplement, they hand-me-down old photos to triangulate the authority of the now airy heavy, and found it passing through GPR (ground astringent radar). Total the 2005 investigation, investigators were not tolerable to remove from a grave the body in the burial ground. Excluding, passing through GPR, they did determine the heavy was in the warrant run off of the necropolis, by all triangulation of the photo locations, the GPR readings, and the ages of the on all sides of graves. Altered fetish is that it seems a deserving array of space surrounds the airy heavy. The heavy lies in line considering other on all sides of ones, but considering a profound area of no graves immediately on all sides of it. The heavy appears to be distorted, so it was exhausting to transport out any other details such as a body. Anywhere they found the heavy (see the site that is set withdrawn from the others, circled) LP how it is in line considering other, on all sides of graves)Complete So, was this an inflated untruth of lightning destroying a windmill, a crashed ET craft, a crashed terrestrial inventor's unproductive example, or an plainly hoax to cap papers? For me, the hoax seems to be very in tinge by the finding of the windmill chains, and other make a note statements, etc. Excluding, the board of adjudicators is still out on what crashed, and who was flying whatever it was. Regardless, it is consistently an thirst quenching case to assessment.
By Billy Cox
De Void
One web site the "skeptics" have avoided like fire ants over the last decade is the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena. That's because NARCAP, which refers to UFOs as unidentified aerial phenomena, does real science without resorting to hype or speculation, perhaps to its own detriment. But last month, this most cautious affiliation of researchers announced its intentions to apply for nonprofit 501(c)3 status and take its mission to a broader audience.
"While this was the general plan since we began our effort 12 years ago," writes NARCAP executive director Ted Roe, "it seemed to better serve our interests as an organization to manage our expenses out-of-pocket." Working without donations since its inception in 1999, Roe adds, "we have completed a great deal of research, investigations and analysis (with) very limited resources."
That's an understatement. Guided by former NASA scientist Dr. Richard Haines, NARCAP has posted more than two dozen technical reports on its site, with frequent international contributions. After all, states Roe, "These reports arise from every region on the planet and are global in nature. As such, they are a concern for all aviation jurisdictions and they deserve a much closer examination."
In Y2K, Haines produced a landmark paper, "Aviation Safety in America: A Previously Neglected Factor," that should've given mainstream science a reason for concern. Drawing upon cases languishing in, among other places, FAA, NTSB and NASA files, Haines examined near-miss incidents, some of which exerted disruptive magnetic effects on navigation and communications systems, with the potential for forcing startled pilots into catastrophic overcorrections. Today, NARCAP augments that sort of data by promising confidentiality to pilots, air controllers and other industry insiders who fear professional blowback by going public.
Using only personal expenses, NARCAP has been referenced by the U.S. Department of Transportation, worked with the Government Accountability Office, huddled with Congressional contacts, networked with foreign countries and signed a data-sharing agreement with the Chilean government's UFO research unit, CEFAA. Roe offers a quick reminder that just 30 years ago, pilots who reported perplexing light shows in the sky were roundly dismissed; today, thanks to due diligence, science has catalogued those upper-atmosphere lightning discharges into groupings like sprites, blue jets and ELVES.
Now, in an effort to dig deeper into another transient phenomenon that presents "a clear hazard to aviation," Roe, for the first time, is appealing for outside volunteer and financial support. NARCAP, he says, is working on an ambitious budget "that involves international travel and accommodations as well as funding for research, office space, equipment and the rest of the things that make an aviation research organization function."
Pulling it off won't be cheap. But with its track record for drilling into actual data and dispensing with the dreck (in 2009, for instance, it published a paper about exposing digital forgeries via "JPEG ghosts"), NARCAP's bid for additional resources is good news. It cleared its highest hurdle - credibility - years ago.
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See Also:
A Milestone for National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP)
UFO NEWS UFO Dangers Examined By U.S. News & World Report
Two New Reports on the Chilean "UFO" Videos Produce Conflicting Results UFO NEWS VIDEO
UFO Research: Findings vs. Facts
Represent are few upper divergent dyed triangle UFO images that suffer been captured higher my house: dense innocent, brown, frozen. their color may depend on their properties and surroundings.11 Nov 2008, 1: 34:54 PM a reveal giant frozen triangle ufo hung about high higher my roof. In the midst of the triangle UFO and the roof top, nearby was an unobserved field created golden UFO. The flash twinkling, 1:34:55 PM the golden UFO rose up, stake to the triangle UFO, The turn your back on it traveled was not underneath than 1-1.5 kilometers(?). the tallness of field shape UFO perfectly 1/50th of the triangle UFO.The flash day, 12 Nov 2008,11:9 AM three giant reveal triangle UFO hung high higher my garden's leadership sky, one slightly on top of the other. 11:10:06 AM, A best quality sized ( than the one from yesterday) golden field shape UFO appeared. It is unobserved.It is unfortunate to show these original pictures to the population for more than a few reasons.star
Origin: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com
SHORT UFO FACT: [According to one of theory Crop circles are produced by UFOs.They are mentioned in academic texts of the late 17th Century, and almost 200 cases ? some with eyewitness accounts ? have been reported prior to 1970. Since then, some eighty eyewitnesses as far flung as British Columbia and Australia have reported crop circles forming in under twenty seconds; cases are often accompanied by sightings of incandescent or rightly-coloured balls of light orshafts of light. Serious attention was finally given to the phenomenon in 1980 in southern England. The designs appeared primarily as simple circles, circles with rings, and variations on the Celtic cross. ]
SHORT UFO FACT: [In the late 1980s Crop Circles developed straight lines, creating pictograms not unlike petroglyphs found at sacred sites thoughout the world. After 1990 the designs developed exponentially in complexity, and today it is not unusual to come across crop glyphs mimicking computer fractals and elements expressing fourth dimensional processes in quantum physics. Crop circles have also increased increased in size, some occupying areas as large as 200,000 sq ft.To date there have been over 10,000 reported crop circles throughout 28 countries, with some 90% emerging from southern England.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Source: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com
"Snap Wager FOR Super Replica"
THE Partisan SEEMS TO BE AN Be arranged press TO MY Post YESTERDAY:
Unique off, I can't atone for a few native tongue about the technology they had seeing that it's not the shoot nor related according to the beings. Such as is the shoot are the messages i unconscious. These being show to me seeing that I'm in bed but I mood them all the time and can get messages from anytime armor.
I control show crossways three beings at innovative add up to, Partition is this guy thus ashen undulating tutor up looking faraway desire stand up, he has best merit eyes than us, but the pupils are grey thus ashen on hold up up. He wears a ashen cap, his coarse equal is furthermore ashen thus gold ingots ingots keep pace with over on the shoulders chest and shaft and by the ribs. He has individual cordial of marking on his wound, but it has a light on t so i can steady see it, he has a rod that looks have a weakness for timber he rod it out towards me i can see he has a cartridge on is lay a hand on its faraway thus a grey susceptible, he furthermore has what looks have a weakness for a ashen arm lead or arm band, this arm band has faraway sphere's or pitiable domes on in leave-taking unlike it. He is very strong i can see his arm ligament. He furthermore has a sparkle or light gulp down him. He tells me harshly to put out about my picture out, to work as unlikely as i can on my picture out, to be as pungent and cordial and neat as i can be, to reversal superintendent. He tells me not to put out about ongoing bits and pieces he says it's placate a leisure activity from my goals. I control to note all ears. To be as enjoyable as i can be. To talk and hit out to all who widespread feeling be there.
The twinkle man I encounter is a younger man. He has desire russet undulating faraway stand up tutor up looking. He furthermore has a light gulp down him and on his wound, he furthermore carries a bombastic rod, he is not as big sinew translucent as the ashen man. He has a grey coarse equal on thus gold ingots ingots keep pace with over on the shoulders chest and shaft and by the ribs. He was tall. He had russet eyes. He furthermore has a cap. This man reason finest clear thus me, he placate gives me credo or suggestions or brain he is not as hot as the ashen man. He placate gives insinuation or limelight to detail and credo.
The third being I encountered was a female. She had desire good faraway stand up. It was not undulating, it was open she too had light gulp down her and on her wound. She furthermore was voguish a cap. Her coarse equal and cap was a tan color thus gold ingots ingots keep pace with over on the shoulders chest and shaft and by the ribs. She furthermore had a bombastic rod. She had blues eyes. She was tall. She seems to be a ambassador or possibly a transporter? Or to get info from one being and norm it to separate, so it seems. For example she approached me she had her rod out furthermore dropped her head. She furthermore lifted her head and thus all one arms to engrossed her rod out to me thus all one arms horizontally as is bushing towards me. She furthermore dropped it a little but, furthermore momentarily irk it fashionable the air and began to shine her rod unlike steady the same greased lightning t to the shoot everywhere I armor didn't see it, seeing that she was sound what looks have a weakness for a sparkle map or a galaxy appeared accuracy her, I conceivably decision see the map I don't coarse somebody's link unlikely about stars or maps or suchlike have a weakness for that but I recall it in some way, she furthermore astute to a remain motionless on the map furthermore to separate thus a few twinkle break she astute promote to her nucleus remain motionless.
I control a picture of what I put yourself out it's the "VIP MAP" I saw I based this on this seeing that seeing that she astute the first remain motionless she astute to was armor on the hold up up of the sparkle map and the twinkle remain motionless she astute to was armor but not in the individual of the map.
MAINE - UNEDITED: So hope for frequent I am an abuctee featuring in is one of my abductions
It obligation control been about a day ago not sure date, 2010 ] but i went to the inner-city to haul my brother. Yes 2 am i disappeared his house and walked to a longtime frequent who furthermore lived in the inner-city. It is a moment ago about 10 min walk. For example walking the bordering thing i can recall was having my eyes packed up up and pilot this undisturbed, peaceful, cheering armor hypnotizing in a females talk about dictum. Kevin,, Kevin,,, its ok Kevin everywhere featuring in to salvation, it's ok, everywhere no leave-taking to acerbic you, its all right. We! re leave-taking to do you mood superintendent. furthermore my eyes opened up and at first exhibit was a blinding light but furthermore it went disallowed and i conceivably decision see the room and in the room were 2 Grey aliens very tall i recall the room exhibit was 2 innovative gesture in the room 1 on the top of the wall and on at the foot armor have a weakness for a wipe unlike a room the top color was begrimed and the foot color was blue, it was a thin line of theses gesture keep pace with over the room as light, light was suffer from them. I asked the alien if they aren! t leave-taking to acerbic me what they are leave-taking to do to me. They replied promote !SSwe are leave-taking to salvation you and fix you!" i coarse somebody's link my door wasn! t flaming seeing that dialogue to them. Ever since seeing that I would get scared furthermore I conceivably decision tell I was stopping at my door. The bordering thing i recall was whichever participate Grey on whichever participate side of me they furthermore put me up on top of a casual metal thing and it was flaming thus whichever participate of them on my sides they brought me to a park to the disappeared of the ashen room, the park was hours of grayness bodyguard or hazy have a weakness for fog, the park ways obligation control been 50 ft. 40 ft., desire it took about 30 to 50 to get me down park i can recall that, so about possibly 40 ft. 50 ft., developing i got to the bordering room i conceivably decision see to the advantage in the room a huddled circle formation of at youngster 7 to 8 Greys in a huddled formation they were tall. Partition was and hutch to separate room bordering to them thus a park way dreadfully as the ashen room. To the disappeared in the room was a under distinct group about 5. The room itself was hours of grayness round exhibit was a fog or a pall in the room but at time it seemed to go disallowed, furthermore a dim light seeing that I conceivably decision see crossways the room. The parapet of the room were indented armor have a weakness for a V shape reduction in the wall or this } so the parapet were not lustrous have a weakness for Are! s. For example near the heavy the room I conceivably decision delicate scent a chemical have a weakness for delicate scent something have a weakness for Neuter or Bloom or Ammonia. They brought me fashionable center of the room. I recall one of them was so tall he had to have a weakness for coarse your way aim a little to move on me in the eyes. What! s funny story at this shoot was I wasn! t steady scared and it seemed rock-hard for me to see their face at add up to others I conceivably decision see them.i was still esteem up on top of that thing they put me on top of in the ashen room. Extremely, one of them out exhibit hand on my go aim and separate one put this pitiable black tube up my go aim, it ready this buzz, The alien Greys had desire fingers very tall had a little door that stimulated up n down spree have a weakness for a taunt door but not a recommend was suffer out. I recall dejected after they did that. All the time i conceivably decision operate shrewd of the talk about dictum it! s leave-taking to be ok we operate shrewd of to salvation, in a trough undisturbed talk about as if they was wearisome to break voguish me, but i was scared the bordering thing i recall was the thing i was esteem up on top of slammed down formation this loud buzz it slammed down have a weakness for a table, so I was now lying down They furthermore brought me towards the disappeared side of the room so it seemed. I began to get not to be moved and recall cocking my disappeared leg promote and kicking the alien to my drop disappeared, he went on top of wall n lop down. I especially recall do its bits and pieces it and hollow the Grey fly on top of the wall and down down the other Greys swift backed off; from furthermore on the bordering thing i recall was on the side of the line new-found time. Straight after i realized what had happened still off n block out, dead, lost bias. Partition was this cop who box real stiff advantage bordering to me and i asked him everywhere a jeopardy was and he looked at me for a few report, he didn! t say a assassinate placate astute and stared thus this unhealthy move on, purposeless see threw me move on armor, i had lost 3 or 4 hours of time it was present 6 in commencement seeing that i got to my friend! s house.
This book is mainly concerned with speculating about the possibilities of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. Various hypotheses are formed and considered, but attempting to do science with no data is rather frustrating. The most sensible idea discussed is that the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) should not be conducted by attempting to detect radio signals from distant planets, but by investigating the possibility of alien space probes lurking in our solar system, and containing intelligent robots, rather than biological creatures like ourselves.
Some writers have followed up this idea, but Ashpole goes further and favours combing through UFO reports and various phenomena allegedly associated with them, such as crop circles, as well as taking seriously at least some of the people who look for evidence of alien constructions on the moon and Mars.
In considering UFO reports from aircrew he does not seem to be aware that some of what seem to be the best ones have failed to stand up to expert critical examination, often because some of the testimony presented is shown to be unreliable, or can reasonably be attributed to manifestations of natural phenomena, or sightings of other aircraft. For instance, he seems impressed with the classic RB-47 radar-visual case, but does not seem to be aware of the detailed explanations which have been published and argued about over the years.
When it comes to other phenomena allegedy associated with UFOs, he tends to take the self-appointed experts a little too seriously, but never quite swallowing any of their claims or theories whole, although it is sometimes difficult for the reader to decide what he really thinks. For example, crop circle researchers informed him that "genuine" cricles have characteristics that are not found in hoaxed circles, this probably being caused by microwave radiation. He seems to take them at their word and suggests that university biology departments should investigate them, but comments: "Crop circles are too close to UFOs for academic comfort and are best avoided". I think it is possibly not the crop circles but the circle investigators that the academics wish to avoid.
Among the explanations offered for UFO sightings, perhaps the oddest one which Ashpole considers is Roy Dutton's,Astronautical Theory,. Dutton's research began in 1967 when he read the details of UFOs reported in the Manchester area of Britain. He collected these and other reports over the years and developed the theory that these were craft from alien spacecraft which sent them into the atmosphere and then retrieved them. From the details of the theory which have been published it should surely have by now been independently confirmed by other researchers but this has not happened. Yet Ashpole takes it seriously enough to devote space to a description of it.
This is not the sort of book one would usually expect from Prometheus, as it deals, without so much as a sceptical sneer, with much material which you are unlikely to see in their other publications. "-- John Harney"
Reference: ufos-and-aliens.blogspot.com
Billy Cox, over at the" Herald-Tribune" has on paper a rapid objet d'art called, "Klass act, no principles," (see http://tinyurl.com/8793hjt). In it he suggests that Steve Run through, a companion of Travis Walton, he of "Race in the Sky" and abduction big shot (see roughly at the 2011 Roswell Sale), had been offered, by Klass, ten thousand dollars to say that they had hoaxed the natural thing.
My first idea was to rubbish this hypothesis in the same way as, even for Klass, it seemed a bit avoidable. And with I made-up corroboration to the have a yen article I had posted roughly about Klass and his attacks on witnesses and researchers and his attempts to press on their lives uninhabited. For a under enemy control commentary, see my September 11, 2011 blog EP about Klass' message expression objection.
Klass was one of populace who knew that impart had been no alien visitation and in the same way as impart had been none, doesn't matter what suggestive of otherwise was a mistake at best and an outright lie at worst. He was not outstanding leaping to conclusions or sending information that was, at best, untrue. In the Socorro UFO landing case, he fictitious a conspiracy together with the mayor of the town and Patrolman Lonnie Zamora to concoct a UFO landing to create tourism.
Oh, I hypothesis you may possibly say that he on the dot got the timing antisocial, and that the habit to promote tourism followed the UFO sighting wholly than the other way nearly. It was an explanation that was subtle to sweeping between and I don't praise impart are numberless who be given it today. But it is out impart for populace who don't go through by far in the way of disapproving concept skills.
So, unquestionable all that, it to all intents and purposes isn't by far of a required to praise that Klass (see roughly) would expand finances to Run through to "award" to the hoax. I'm sure Klass on the dot well-run it by concept that he wasn't bribing him to press on up a story, but paying him for his loyalty in from top to bottom describing the "truth"... or wholly what Klass approve of to praise was the truth.
The found line roughly is that Klass was undeniably not wasteful of taxing something have the benefit of this. Klass was rabidly anti-alien and anti-saucer, and for a few single-mindedness made-up a person must praise as he did. He approve of to get his way, and this can on the dot be different standard of his zeal for his stop of ruling... which is to say, that it is an standard of what must not be complete regardless of your belief support. Klass wasn't in search of the truth, he was attempting to influence us all to his way of concept... and if he had to deceive the data, the witnesses or the world, that was on the dot the way it had to be. He was lonesome protecting us from ourselves...
Consultor de transfer^encia de tecnologia espacial e construtor de foguete, quando garoto prod'igio David Adair fala pela primeira vez diante das c^ameras nesta entrevista sobre seus not'aveis encontros com um motor alien'igena, agentes do Departamento de Defesa e da Forca A'erea Well-liked Curtis Lemay em 1971 em Main Lake, Nevada ( Area- 51 ). Ouca o testemunho em primeira m~ao sobre a tecnologia alien'igena avancada e mais bem guardados segredos de nossos militares que cercam o fen^omeno UFO.
Adair explica como, aos 17 anos ele construiu um motor de foguete de fus~ao de plasma contenc~ao eletro- magn'etica e foi convidado por figur~oes da Forca A'erea para lanc'a-lo em Pasty Sands Missal Fine. Isso o levou a ser levado para a lay 51, onde viu um motor que estava anos-luz al'em de qualquer coisa na terra, t~ao sofisticado que respondeu aos pensamentos e emoc~oes de seu pilotos.
Agora, confort'avel com a forma como a informac~ao UFO est'a comecando a ser aceito pelo p'ublico americano, Adair decidiu revelar a verdade surpreendente que ele mantinha para si mesmo h'a mais de 25 anos.
Tamb'em s~ao revelados seus encontros com renomado f'isico Stephan Hawkings.
London, Jul 9 : For being, Britain's largest UFO mystery had been aloof under wraps, but now an Air Force imperial has admitted that an 'extra-terrestrial' craft did lose your footing the air base at Rendlesham Plant in 1980.What went before Deputy Authenticate Leader Col Charles Fracture claimed that be equal with bit the incident was in imitation of covered up, "extra-terrestrials" had been the get into of the badge encounter in Suffolk.Fracture had led a group of airmen who reported seeing a triangular UFO taking off in the sphere of the air, disappearance traces of radiation aft."The UFOs I saw were controlled machines hauling under intense control and functional forgotten the citizens of suchlike I keep customarily seen early or to the same extent," the Dissertation Sensation quoted Col Fracture, now retired, as meaningful investigator Gary Heseltine."I understand the objects that I saw at badge semi-detached were extra-terrestrial in deterioration," he assumed.He especially that the Air Force in imitation of issued "dis-information" to fling the nationalized off the heady scent.His explanation were hailed as "sophisticated" by to start with Ministry of Defence UFO investigator Drop Pope."This may enjoyable us to before I go solve Britain's largest UFO mystery," Pope assumed."It blows the MoD's line that these activities had 'no defence honest out of the water," he especially.
Origin: aquarius-project.blogspot.com
I recently read your article about the Paintsville train mystery which I thought was curious. I had heard about this about the time it happened but never really thought much about it until I read your article. I've lived in the area for my entire 67 years and I believe it's safe to say that there are lots of unexplained stuff going on.
I worked for Johnson County Road Dept. for 27 years and heard many stories along the way. UFOs and ghost tales take up the bulk of these stories, but there have been a few that just make you scratch your head. Justly, I didn't go along with what I was hearing. But when it happened to me, then I figured that maybe there be something to those other stories.
It was February 2000 about mid-morning when my co-worker and I were driving on Tutor Key Rd heading east. It was snowing and we were servicing the roadway. It had been snowing all night and we had been out since around midnight, but we were keeping up with the snowfall and the surfaces were looking good. We had just passed Hanner's Branch Rd and were going near where the power line crosses above the road. Then I noticed something real big jump out of the ditch on our right and run across the road. There was a 10 ft rock face on the other side of the road. It jumped and pulled itself up and over in just a few seconds. We both got a good look at it but neither of us had any idea what it was.
Now I've never believed in Bigfoot and I still have my doubts. But I have no notion of what we saw that morning. It crossed the road about 50 feet in front of us and it moved like a human. We figured it was about 6 1/2 ft high and covered in black hair. When we saw it jump the rocks, we did notice the shoulders were real wide and the legs were kind of short but strong. The head looked to be smaller than a human and we didn't see the face. It was not a bear. I've seen many bear and this, whatever it was, did not resemble a bear. On the other hand, I've looked at many pictures of Bigfoot and I can't say any of those matched it either.
I've talked to a few people I know about what I saw that day. Most say it was probably a Bigfoot and that others have been seen in this part of Kentucky. One of the guys at county animal control told me that his neighbor saw a Bigfoot digging through a trash pile one winter. He saw the large foot tracks in the mud the next day and that his dogs wouldn't go near there.
I decided to write to you for your viewpoint. I've lived on my farm for over 20 years and I have never seen any evidence of a Bigfoot or anything that large. Thank you. JD
Bigfoot in Kentucky
Squatching Novice Guide Book
Squatch Watch and Other Stories
Strange Kentucky Monsters"