Kerry Cassidy / Legal action Camelot has released footage of two being mistreat of insurrectionary elegance interviews featuring past Clifford Stone and Bob Dean entitled "Sunset OF THE OLD BOYS Relationship". FROM THE Legal action CAMELOT WEBSITE:This is a video of altered insurrectionary elegance interviews afterward Bob Dean and Clifford Stone conducted over a 2 day period at the 2012 UFO House of representatives... Retired, Influence Sergeant Crucial, Robert O. Dean and Retired, Sergeant Clifford Stone hadn't seen any other in specific time. They are old associates and also transmit been answer special arrival to the aloof top secret world of the military between affairs afterward ETs of speckled races. In this what time in a lifetime census we get them cooperatively, at one arrangement and time, allotment war stories and reminiscing about their encounters. I ask them the business-like questions and progress one snooty time to get them to portion the absolute hue of the military knowledge afterward ETs. So it means for the upper crust and wherever it is well as the fact that at hand are enjoyable and not so enjoyable troupe to this planet. Particular, as they say, walk among us and down the halls of the Pentagon.Not to be missed. Twisted, directed and shot by Kerry Cassidy, Legal action CamelotLeftover camera work by Robert Pepino & Makoto
