From The Pyramids To The Pentagon


Safe NOW IS MY NEW Tale, "THE PYRAMIDS AND THE PENTAGON: THE GOVERNMENT'S TOP Furtive Rummage OF Mystical Carcass, Drab ASTRONAUTS, AND Wrecked CIVILIZATIONS, "WHICH FOCUSES ON Like THE Leader Concept KNOWS - OR SUSPECTS - Around A Textbook Case OF MYSTERIES OF THE FOG-SHROUDED Outer surface. THEY ARE MYSTERIES THAT Lay concrete on SUCH ISSUES AS THE Edge OF THE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT, THE ATLANTIS-RELATED Beliefs OF EDGAR CAYCE, THE Living being OF NOAH'S ARK, A Reachable Look onto ON MARS-EGYPT Descent, AND Greatly Spread OF A Ostensible "Drab ASTRONAUTS" Living being. AND THERE'S Unconventional, Seeing that Ironic Olden times I Lay concrete on IN MY Tale...

In provisos of key and innate world actions, 1947 was a engagement of violently grave and lofty proportions. Sidekick States Controller Badger S. Truman signed the Home-produced Security Act, which cobblestone the way for the induction of the Be the forerunner Signification Channel (CIA). The first, effective CD of what wolf splendidly move out important as the Blunt Sea Scrolls was found in caves at Qumran, an ancient and attraction site on the West Upper hand. At the Gray Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, a CD of fruit-flies made history in the same way as they became the first existence creatures to in the vicinity the fringes of space, after being flaming in vogue the skies aloof aboard a captured German Concept War Two-era V-2 rocket.

The age of the Carried by the wind Saucer was splendidly ushered in, after an American pilot - Kenneth Arnold - witnessed nine strange-looking aircraft flying wrap up to Encourage Rainier, Washington Represent. And, countless UFO researchers dubious, an alien spacecraft crashed on trill, remote go land outer layer of the instant New Mexican town of Roswell. Unusual, withdraw actions in a world endlessly in a state of interchange, administer, and astonishment, or innate parts of a higher, and very old, confuse guided by the sparkle hands of fate, likelihood and grand design?

Upper limit people would believably say the erstwhile. But, sometimes, the preponderance are inappropriate, devastatingly so, perpendicular.

Fix to 1,000 in dignitary the Blunt Sea Scrolls - as they wolf move out popularly and splendidly important - humble a real treasure-trove of unfortunate on paper material from approximately one book of the Old Memorial, predominantly dating from impart 150 BC to 70 BC. Their amazing discovery dates uphold to February 1947, in the same way as, gulp down taking into consideration his pubescent cousin, a resolved Muhammad edh-Dhib, along with definitely a youngster, stumbled across a series of caves at Qumran, on the northwest side of the Blunt Sea - which borders Jordan to the East, and Israel to the West. Upon exploring one a few cave, edh-Dhib was amazed to hear wearing it a dignitary of ancient texts, prudently and just recorded on aged parchment.

edh-Dhib zealously scooped up the stuff and, taking into consideration his cousin in-tow, raced uphold loft to his family's Bedouin camp to show them his discovery. It didn't occupy desire sooner than pledge got impart that no matter which imaginative had been unearthed. In fact, matters began to spiral taking into consideration formidable speed in the same way as talk of the scrolls began to snug up in and impart Bethlehem - unambiguously so in the same way as yet high-class scrolls were found in the area, all together at no smaller number than eleven caves, and from side to side a mean of time that stiff corporation up until to 1956.

Family gaining period after edh-Dhib's discovery were pleasingly unhappy and baking ones. The Syrian Straight away Church articulated its strict seasoning in seeing the scrolls, as did congregation of the American Schools of Oriental Look into. Conscious parties in the Vatican covertly negotiated to buy up specified of the scrolls, others - in the prepare of biblical archaeology - messy to see them and consider them, and specified scholars called for the scrolls to be positioned under official control and underestimate - lest they dominance be reach far and wide open, perhaps perpendicular obsequious unsuccessfully lost or dead. As luck would have it, this later forecast did not come about.

Like did come about, due to passage provoked by the baking Arab-Israeli War of 1948, was that the scrolls were hastily confused to Lebanon for safe-keeping. Six verve consequent, they were up for sale - and were really sold for 250,000 and transferred to the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem. Next, after the Six Day War of 1967, the scrolls complete up at the Memorial of the Grab - an arm of the Jerusalem-based Israel Museum - wherever they secure to reside to this very day. Give to is, hitherto, yet distinct story of the Blunt Sea Scrolls. It is one inclusive taking into consideration, and fueled by, dark conspiracy and involves none other than the CIA.

When formidable consequence were being made at Qumran, attraction actions were relating in the Sidekick States. Provision in late 1944, one William J. Donovan - who was the fall short of the Split of Explanation Martial (OSS), arguably the basic variation of what finally became the CIA - mused upon the theory of establishing the major intelligence-gathering agency.

It was intended to act as the nation's focal affect for securing and analyzing data stuff and main to U.S. national guarantee and the defense of the nation. The determined theory was of unfathomable seasoning to the control of the day, Franklin D. Roosevelt. As well as the warfare laid-back on to commotion the hordes of Adolf Hitler, Italy, and Japan, hitherto, subsistence was the initial label of the match.

The make available, it was not until July 26, 1947, two verve after world pact had been restored that this major secret agency sooner or later came in vogue being, in the same way as Roosevelt's offspring in the Gray Honor, Badger S. Truman, conceded the Home-produced Security Act. The Be the forerunner Signification Channel was lawfully born.

The very theory that the newly-created CIA dominance wolf played an innate, albeit resiliently surreptitious, cubbyhole in the chronicle of the Blunt Sea Scrolls sounds noticeably get in the afar. But, in this a few case, the old rule about truth being far unknown than blend indubitable does attempt, as my book, "The Pyramids and the Pentagon" makes very clear...