By Tom Dongo
There is nothing about the supernatural, high strangeness or paranormal worlds that is boring. It is an endlessly exciting subject.Doing the kind of research that I do, I constantly run across things that are extraordinarily unusual. Lately, for my book Unseen Beings, Unseen Worlds, I have been doing a bit of research into Fairies, Leprechauns, Elves, Gnomes, Banshees and Sidhes. All those and "ghosts" and UFO/alien activity are directly and indirectly connected. One thing often links to another by extremely curious threads or coincidences, as is the case in all paranormal activity.
A retired lady in Sacramento has graciously sent me several letters describing some of the out-of-the ordinary experiences she has had in her lifetime. She is obviously a very intelligent woman, judging by the tone of her letters, and she has had a number of odd occurrences happen to and around her. I always wonder why it is that certain people, for no discernible reason, seem to be singled out to experience or be shown highly paranormal activity.
One of this woman's first experiences was when she was a little girl. This is a slightly edited excerpt from one of her letters:
"...and when I was around five years old I captured a little man in a backyard tomato patch. The tomato patch belonged to our attic tenant, an old Italian woman. The little man looked very much like the Mickey Rooney of today. He was dressed in handsome, well-made clothes. He had on a white shirt, green vest, green knee-pants, white knee-length socks and shiny black shoes with silver buckles. I grabbed him. He struggled and cussed me out in gibberish. I carted him into the house where my father -- shaken to the core -- ordered me to let him go. The little man scampered out the door and was barely able to climb the few steps leading back down into the yard."
If you were a little man, maybe a foot and a half tall, door steps would seem like a series of three-foot cliffs.
The following account is of an episode with the Wee People that occurred nearly a hundred years ago. Notice the similarity to the Sacramento woman's encounter. This is excerpted from The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries by W. Y. Evans Wentz:
"There is some of this feeling too in that strange story reported by Lady Archibald Campbell in 1907, when she spoke with an old blind man and his wife living in an Irish glen who claimed to have (caught) a fairy and kept it captive for two weeks -- a little red-capped fellow, not two feet high, his hair reddish, his skin very clear but dark in color. The little red cap fitted neatly upon his head. His dress was green, soft to the touch, shorter than a kilt; his boots were as soft as moss over his naked legs. It was a Leprechaun - the fairy that might bring luck to a poor man, for he knows where the crocks of gold are hidden:
"I gripped him close in my arms and took him home. I called to the woman (his wife) to look at what I had got. "What doll is it you have there" she cried. "A living one," I said, and put it on the dresser. We feared to lose it; we kept the door locked. It talked and muttered to itself queer words... It might have been near on a fortnight since we had the fairy, where I said to the woman, "Sure, if we show it in the great city we will be made up." (i.e., become rich). So we put it in a cage. At night we would leave the cage door open, and we would hear it stirring through the house... we fed it on bread and rice and milk out of a cup at the end of a spoon...
"But finally it got away and they had had bad luck ever since, the old man said sadly: "For me, though I've lost my sight, the day I took the Leprechaun I thought no harm, only that we would be made up. I am thinking different now by the way things have gone. Sure we are among them in God's world who are born to be poor."
Getting back to another of the lady's letters... one night she was working a late shift in a hospital in California: "I was up late reading, again waiting for the nurses to come in. My door was locked and bolted to be safe, when I caught sight of a bunch of smoke that had gathered over near the door. I wondered how cigarette smoke could bunch up like that when the last cigarette was well out and the smoke gone. So I turned my head for a better look.
"The smoke seemed to be consolidating. Then a beautiful lady emerged. She had a great mop of golden hair that fell to her mid-back. Her skin was pearly white, her eyes of a pale blue or grey. She had an exquisite body, was about 5 feet 7 inches, and she was dressed in a chiffon-like garment of an ancient Grecian style -- one bare shoulder, a bodice, then three layers of flouncy pleats or gatherings. She may have been bare of foot. As she gracefully went by, she seemed to put a finger to her lips as if to say, 'Shhh, be quiet.'
"My heart pounded and shock waves went up and down my body. The lady went to the same window (where I had seen the UFO) and faded through it. Next, a big wave of sleep knocked me back into my pillows."
Out of the same window the apparition had gone through the woman had seen, just nights before, a very large UFO that had flown right over Redwood City, California. The UFO had emitted a machinelike vibration as it passed over the hospital, but only a few people reported the sighting because it was in the early hours of the morning. Were the two events connected? I believe they were.
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