Posted: January 22, 2008Message: See you later, I decently saw an article of yours amid pictures of a man, he had triangle markings on his prod and foot.I am contacting you like I imprison been having these markings for a diagram of get-up-and-go now, 3 pinpricks forming a triangle, regularly in the actual depart, on my hip/pelvis area. My equal band in addition to for myself sighted a yellow triangular UFO free my resident as soon as I was about 10 (14 get-up-and-go ago). My mum says she has sighted the actual thing a few mature since, in the actual depart free our resident. It regularly seems to road the electricity cables. Advantageously slightly now and anew I resources up amid these markings. They outgoing tide after about a day or so. I imprison no recollection of any 'abductions'. Oh and I live in Mid Glamorgan, Wales, UK. Any information you might show me on this would be appreciably pleasant, I imprison been looking for answers for heaps get-up-and-go now and seeing these pictures has mature as a exorbitant shock to me.Thank you to the diagram for input this information amid me.Brian Vike, Officer HBCC UFO Dig. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Dig International: UFO Dig, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Mid Glamorgan Wales Uk A Yellow Triangular Ufo And Marks On Body
Author: Unknown Posted under:
ufo evidence 2010
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