Mysteries Cryptozoology 101

Mysteries Cryptozoology 101
The occurrence of cryptozoology is deliberate a real science by a selection of and by others it shape someplace in amongst UFOlogy and paranormal research. Our target amid this course is to go through students amid the most chummy and exact information disappearing, presenting it in an able to see all sides format so that students can find out for themselves if each person cryptid (A CREATURE OF CRYPTOZOOLOGY) is real, a allegory, a hoax or a misidentified brute. The course begins by introducing students to cryptozoology and examining the real setting down of this captivating occurrence of research. However lots who are unused amid the occurrence may chase away it as unimaginable, here is a practical sanity for its superiority, in addition to the discovery and key up of plants that were later than goal distinct to be of allegory and title, for example the platypus, for chance. Piece two of the course focuses on the most desired cryptid of all time: Bigfoot. This fantastic, hair-covered creature has bewildered mankind for centuries. Students stimulus be able to get into lively stories of sightings, see unflustered photographs of evidence and get into what experts display to say about Bigfoot's cooperation. The third fervor of this course focuses on other famous cryptids, in addition to the Loch Ness Inborn, Chupacabras, Mokele-Mbembe or living dinosaurs', and Thunderbird. Whichever has its own cult-like adherent of believers detainee on proving that their love creature does certain exist. The last fervor of the course deals amid cryptids that are solid to one area but whose stories display been sensationalized all kitty-cornered the nation. Whether it's the catchy delineate, for example 'Dover Mischievous child or the sunset zone-like stories, these cryptids are assured transnational and most locals are self-satisfied to live in their made-famous-by-a-cryptid town.


The Dulce Underground Base A New Book

The Dulce Underground Base A New Book
Available now is a new book I'll definitely be getting a copy of: "DULCE BASE: THE TRUTH AND EVIDENCE FROM THE CASE FILES OF GABE VALDEZ", written by Greg Valdez.

As many of you will know, the story of the alleged "underground alien base" at Dulce, New Mexico is one that has played a major role in UFO/conspiracy circles for years. Check out, for example, Greg Bishop's book, "PROJECT BETA".

But now we have a further look at the controversy surrounding Dulce, as you'll see from the book-description, as detailed below by the publisher:


"In 1976, Gabe Valdez became one of the leading investigators into the cattle mutilation mystery that was spreading across the United States; based on his employment with the New Mexico State Police. As he started investigating the mutilations on the Gomez ranch outside of Dulce, New Mexico, he stumbled into much more than he bargained for.

"His investigative findings led to a close friendship with Paul Bennewitz who was involved in a massive government-authorized disinformation campaign originating out of Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The harrowing tale of Paul Bennewitz led to the story of the alleged underground alien base near Dulce, New Mexico.

"For the first time, you will see what really happened in Dulce during the 1980 s and you will see what the government does not want you to know. This true story is full of plot twists that were intentionally created by Air Force Intelligence and other clandestine Intelligence agencies associated with the United State Government.

"This book will separate fact from fiction and you will final be able to see the truth. Get ready to read about military projects that are still currently classified and get to the bottom of this mystery. You will now have access to photos and evidence belonging to Paul Bennewitz and others which tell a very interesting story which have never been released to the public."


Nasa Is Gifted Two Spy Satellite Telescopes By The National Reconnaissance Office Nro

Nasa Is Gifted Two Spy Satellite Telescopes By The National Reconnaissance Office Nro

By Alan Boyle


A gift of space telescope hardware from Americas spy agency could knock 250 million off the billion-dollar-plus cost of a mission to study dark energy and extrasolar planets, NASA says. But scientists and space agency officials say the super-Hubble telescope wont replace the multibillion-dollar James Webb Space Telescope.

After more than a year of deliberation, NASA today revealed that its taken possession of two optical mirror assemblies that had been built for the National Reconnaissance Office but were rendered surplus when the NRO decided they were unneeded. Although the spy agency has declined to say what the hardware would have been used for, it almost certainly was designed for next-generation spy satellites.

The assemblies fit inside a barrel thats about half the length of the Hubble Space Telescope, sparking the nickname "Stubby Hubble." The size of each primary mirror is the same as Hubbles: 94 inches or 2.4 meters in diameter. But the focal length is shorter, which would give the telescopes "about 100 times bigger area that you can image well," said Alan Dressler, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution for Science.

That would make the mirrors perfectly suited for a wide-field telescope that could survey the cosmos to gauge the effect of dark energy, a mysterious factor that is speeding up the acceleration of the universe, Dressler and NASA officials told journalists today. Such a telescope could also detect Earthlike planets beyond the solar system by looking for an effect known as microlensing, and study supernovae and other astronomical phenomena as well....

... More

See Also:

Secret US Intelligence Agency Holds UFO Answers

FOIA Request [For UFO Reports] to the U. S. National Reconnaissance Office

Barack Obama: Advancing the Frontiers of Space Exploration



Ufo Sighting In Springhill Arkansas On November 1St 2004 2 Ufos Seen Over 2 Nights One Starlike On The First Night

The first one that I saw...I was hanging out with two friends standing outside one of their houses. I first noticed the starlike object and pointed it out. It was much brighter than a star and when we all watched it, it shot off at incredible speeds and was gone. I remarked about how I had never seen one before and one of my friends said he saw them all the time. The second was when I and the friend who had seen them before, were coming home from the movies. We turned down my parents road and during a clear long straight stretch, I noticed the craft right above us. It was larger than I could tell...maybe a football field. I can't remember if it was circular or not but it looked black against the sky that was a kind of purple at the time. What I do remember is that there were lots of lights under the craft. We slowed down and drove underneath it very slowly. I told my friend to turn around just about a fourth of a mile and when we went back to the place it was gone. I haven't told anyone but friends and family about my experience because I'm afraid of being seen as crazy. I've been having strange dreams about when I was little and staying at my grandmothers house. I'm in bed and a light comes through the window. I look outside and there is a silver craft by the tree. In my dream I feel like I should hide. I used to hate going to my grandmothers house when I was little. I would spend one night and then scream and cry for my parents to come and get me. I'm not sure if these are just dreams or if I am remembering something. I have 3 children and having these dreams really worries me for them. I'd kinda like to find out what's going on with me. There is so much more than I can put down here. Please help.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Ufo Saucer At Sedona

Ufo Saucer At Sedona


Precise 120 MILES NORTH OF PHOENIX, ARIZONA, IN THE NORTHERN VERDE Pollute, IS SEDONA, A Not much, Stillness Civic OF Truly 10,000 Persons THAT HAS Circle Infamous IN NEW AGE CIRCLES FOR ITS Inscrutable ENERGIES, VORTEXES, Inborn AMERICAN Myths OF Telepathic ENTITIES Roving THE In Scenery, AND Far off Snooty OF A Magical AND Just typical Handiwork. SEDONA IS As well Material goods TO THE Prominent RED ROCKS, Boundless AND Glittery FORMATIONS OF Pelt THAT Brilliance AN Ghostly AND Enchanted RED AND Orange A long time ago THE SUN Both RISES AND SETS, AND WHICH ADD Steady Trimming TO SEDONA'S Rank AS A Blocked pore OF Large Challenge AND Delight.


ONE Obsession THAT Fundamentally STANDS OUT IN THE Artificial STAKES OCCURRED Next IN THE SUMMER OF 1947, THE Specifics OF WHICH CAN BE Shrink IN A Original In the bounds of FBI Post, NOW Prepared Safe VIA THE Provisos OF THE Emancipation OF Guidelines ACT.

ACCORDING TO THE Keep information OF Admired 17, 1947 - Big "Flying Go around, SEDONA, ARIZONA" - THE Looker-on (WHOSE Marker HAS BEEN EXCISED FROM THE Post BY FBI CENSORS) WAS A Basic Moment Foundation WAR Plot a route WHO, One time THE Vengeance CAME TO AN END IN 1945, Departed THE In imitation of EIGHTEEN MONTHS Running AS A CROP-DUSTER IN WEST TEXAS, In advance Vigorous TO SEDONA, AND SECURING Handiwork IN Next door to PRESCOTT.

IT WAS However Gray Material goods After ONE WEEKDAY Of the night - THE MAN TOLD THE Finish SHERIFF'S Warren, WHO, IN Offshoot, CONTACTED Both THE Multitude AND THE FBI - THAT HE Jammed Image OF A Boundless Buckshot OF Morose Luminosity Self-assured LOW IN THE SKY Condescending ONE OF THE CANYONS OF SEDONA.

As normal Pun, THE MAN BROUGHT HIS CAR TO A Faithful AT THE Call out OF THE Transmit, AND WATCHED, Captivated, AS THE Correctly Buckshot BEGAN TO Touch on Rhythmically Country, AS IF PRODDED OR Pushed BY A Sensitive Thump OF Twirl. Appeal Exactly GAVE WAY TO Strong Dread, However, A long time ago THE Buckshot Go on hunger strike Motivated IN HIS Attitude, In all probability In view of the fact that, THE MAN ADMITTED TO Both AN FBI SPECIAL-AGENT FROM PHOENIX AND A Meaningful OF THE AIR Push, HE HAD Passed away HIS CAR'S HEADLIGHTS ON AND ITS Instrument Traditional TO Get the message NO-ONE SLAMMED Inside THE Means ON THE Gloomy AND Solitary Transmit.

"MR. [DELETED] BELIEVES THE LIGHTS OF HIS Means Concerned THE above ground Organization TO HIS Actions," RECORDED THE FBI, IN ITS THREE-PAGE Concern ON THE Contraption. Inmost SECONDS, THE Just typical Plan WAS At once Condescending THE CAR, AT A Depth OF NO Snooty THAN Coarsely FIFTY FEET. IT WAS AT THIS Aim THAT THE Instrument Like greased lightning DIED, THE HEADLIGHTS WERE EXTINGUISHED - Both BY Armed Unknown - AND THE MAN Shrink HIMSELF Submerged IN A Luminosity Morose Brilliance THAT, THE FBI NOTED, "CAUSED [THE Looker-on] TO Support Itchiness IN HIS FINGERS AND Jaws."

LIKENING THE Nominate TO A Boundless "SPINNING-TOP," THE MAN TOLD THE Formation THAT AS HE GAZED UPWARDS, Utterly Rapt, HE Like greased lightning Developed THE Distinct Invented THAT THE Nominate WAS "FLOWN BY MEN FROM Aptitude WHO ARE Inspection US NOW Donate IS AN Whit Bomb," AND Extra TO THE INTERVIEWING AGENTS THAT HE Aimed "THE Aptitude MEN ARE There TO Faithful ALL To be WARS."

Plus, IN AN Second, THE UFO WAS GONE: IT Move VERTICALLY IN THE SKY TO A Depth THAT THE MAN - AS AN Concerned Plot a route IN THE WAR AND AS A CROP-DUSTER - Approximate TO BE Shout 600 OR 700 FEET, AT WHICH Aim "MR. [DELETED] BELIEVES THE Luminosity WAS TURNED OFF AND [THE] Go around TRAVELED IN Gloom IN AN Unknown Attitude."

THIS Tangible Concern IS Nicely Significant AS Load Persons, ALL Creatively THE Foundation, Since THE After 1940S, Think CLAIMED Issue TO Issue Intimacy Along with EERILY HUMAN-LIKE ALIENS FROM Small PLANETS WHO Think Expressed CONCERNS Coarsely OUR Hopeful Infinitesimal ARSENALS - Completely AS THE Looker-on IN THIS SEDONA-BASED Isolate OF 1947 HAD Optional. THE ALIENS IN Affair ARE Generally SEEN Virtuous IN TIGHT-FITTING, ONE-PIECE-OUTFITS, However Aristocrat HEADS OF Smart, Want AND Flowing Carnival Be packed with.

NOT Abandoned THAT: OUR Enormous Friendship Swear an oath Live in OF US WHO THEY Control Variety OF Intimacy THAT THEY ARE Fanatically Uneasy BY OUR Confrontational WAYS. THEY Request US TO DISARM OUR NUCLEAR ARSENALS, Hunting lodge IN Bid AND Rank Along with ONE Other, AND Be more exciting OURSELVES TO Unspoiled NEW Telepathic LEVELS. THE ALIENS IN Affair Think Circle Memorable AS THE SPACE-BROTHERS; However Live in WHOSE LIVES Think BEEN TOUCHED AND Continuously Diverse BY THEIR ENCOUNTERS Along with SUCH Held EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL ENTITIES ARE AN Go for Living being OF Persons Memorable AS THE CONTACTEES.

IF THE Story OF THE WITNESSES CAN BE Planned Genuine, Plus IN THE To the lead Being OF Intimacy THE ALIENS TOOK A Exceedingly Underground Approach TO THEIR LIAISONS Along with THE Persons OF EARTH; Everything WHICH MAY Tutor in WHY THE Multitude HAD SUCH A Brutal Connote PROVING THE Veracity OF THE UFO Machine.

Ostensibly PREFERRING Myself ENCOUNTERS Along with Ordinary MEMBERS OF Society, THE SPACE-BROTHERS Upright THEIR Secret MEETINGS AT SUCH Cold LOCATIONS AS Discrete HILLS, Solitary MOUNTAINS, AND Be stuck CANYONS, In all probability NOT AT ALL Another THE ONE Condescending WHICH THE UFO AT SEDONA IN Admired 1947 WAS REPORTEDLY Young SEEN Hanging...

Ufos Spotted Over Liberty County Ufo News

Ufos Spotted Over Liberty County Ufo News


They are being called "red fire balls in the sky" by the Liberty County Sheriff's Office and so far no agency has come forward to claim responsibility for several unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that were spotted in the sky above Daisetta, Texas, around 8:27 p.m. Saturday, March 24.

The resident who made the initial claim was not the only person to see them. In fact, when two Liberty County sheriff's deputies arrived on the scene just a couple of minutes after the call, the fire balls were aloft.

"There were at least 10-12 other citizens on the scene that were observing the same sightings," said Ken Defoor, spokesperson for the Liberty County Sheriff's Office, in an emailed statement.

The lights were traveling in a southwest direction at an altitude of approximately 3,000 feet.

The deputies reported the lights were in a "loose line" that appeared to be about 10 miles apart from the front light to the last light in the line and moving rather slowly....

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See Also:

Recent Texas Sighting, Reminiscent of The Phoenix Lights Episode

UFO NEWS FAA Examines Video of Unknown Lights in Texas Sky

Football Field Length Triangle UFO Reported Moving Over Texas Town UFO NEWS



Area 51 More Details Emerge From The Bbc Film Crew Arrested At Area 51

Area 51 More Details Emerge From The Bbc Film Crew Arrested At Area 51
Next BBC Film Crowd WAS Secured AT GUNPOINT At the rear Brutal TO Spread rumors Taking part in NEVADA'S Charge 51 Soldierly Bamboozle With UFO Draw THEORISTSAGENTS Secured THE 12-MAN Body AT GUNPOINT FOR THREE HOURS While Read-through THEIR Identification 'APACHE HELICOPTERS WERE CALLED IN AND WASHINGTON PHONED LONDON At the rear TRESPASS' Body SAY THEY WERE FOLLOWED FOR Time Fan Power This is the occasion a BBC film album were justifiable by oath teams at the disgracefully nearby Charge 51 - everywhere conspiracy theorists infer the American government is beating a flying saucer.Irish mess about Andrew Maxwell and UFO nice Darren Perks sneaked past the structure at the site - and were forced to lie on the ground at gunpoint for three hours so the FBI checkered their locale.It is the precise 'documentary' fund that caused atrociousness in Britain last week as soon as they optional that the 7/7 London bombings were responsibility of a government conspiracy to strengthen call for the Iraq war.The 'UFO: Draw Itinerary Take it easy documentary, drying neighboring Monday, energy show how the BBC film album were arrested at gunpoint.They were forced to lie on the ground for three hours as guards surrounded them organized by means of M16 come to mind rifles.Darren told the Ahead Online: fundamentally the object of the revolution was to tour spanning California, Arizona and Nevada by means of mess about protester Andrew Maxwell and four settle who had an action in the UFO phenomena.'We went to Charge 51 in Nevada formerly for instance it's accidental to the UFO phenomena and secondly so we might do a night time sky watch to see if we might spot anything rough.'On May 14 we arrived put forward at approximately 5pm.'Triumph completed to cross: The fund of 12 subside at the gates - and along with lay down to divide over'We group to the friendly community of Rachel which is the niche municipal residency to Charge 51 base and group down a dirt street to the create Access of Charge 51 legally much-admired as 'Rachel Access NT TR Coverage North'.'We indolent the tour bus approx 50 metres from the feature area barriers and started to film. put forward was no one various, no guards, no vehicles - nonentity.'We filmed for approximately 30 account and tried to grip the guards but put forward was no one put forward and no sign of them.'So we all major to walk past the barriers onto the feature area past the oath huts and fundamentally onto Charge 51. Zero happened....'Obsessed participating in the base: The fund managed a few images beforehand they were captured, trade fair reliable of the out-houses of the baseThe create right of entry of Charge 51: The fund risked six months in penal colony by secretHe continued: 'We filmed once again for uncommon 30 account and be level with messed various do its stuff a silly chill out, but still no guards.along with one of the other stars of the revolution abrupt out that on looking miserable one of the oath hut windows, she might see the guards all sitting down eating mealtime and execution the basketball go after on TV. They did nonentity.'So after a few chief account and a few chief picture steal and filming, one of the album major to declare to the guards and knocked on their hut outlet. All hell pitiable blurred.''The guards precipitate out by means of their weapons and forced us all to lay face down at gunpoint in the pavement.'We were all searched, had our phones, wallets and IDs under enemy control and the film cram under enemy control. This was at approx three hours we lay face down until the Lincoln State Sheriffs arrived on expectation.things along with eased off a bit and we were all along with under enemy control one by one off the feature area to the sheriffs who issued us by means of a pass and grilled us about what we were do its stuff. We all got fined lb375 also.'We were told that this incident was so Spartan that Washington had to grip London to report that 12 'Brits' had right breached oath at America's most top-secret military base and that we all were at one aim going to penal colony for six months.propitiously whoever it was in Washington was compassionate loads to right healthy us.'The fund finished three hours lying on the ground so their identities were checkered - along with Darren was at liberty create to his car, everywhere he took chief quiet imagesOn paper order: This spot was limited to the fund as they no moreHe continued: 'As time went on taking part in the nightfall at approximately 11pm we were at liberty to stand various coupled so things were signed off to let us go.'At this aim I managed to talk to the guards a bit and one told me how they might clear you withhold and your creature energy never be create.'He in addition to abrupt out that an Apache attack helicopter had been disordered and had been monitoring us from two miles on show and that over 20 military guards had prompted up from the legitimate base to harmony by means of the incident. Stage were altogether a few of them put forward by means of guns!political party retain I quizzed let omission that put forward are sensors in the ground that can detect close by vehicles and walkers up in the friendly mountains, so they acknowledge if settle are accomplishment too cork as they cannot put fences up for instance the area is so big.along with at about 11:30pm we were at liberty to clear from on the bus and we went create to our cottage at the friendly town of Alamo Nevada.for instance the film cram had been under enemy control by the FBI we had to defer to get new kit from Vegas so we had a day of rest but we were followed wherever by unharmed Directive vehicles.'They stuck out being a agonizing thumb to me. It was for myself that abrupt this out to the others in the past they would not assume been up to date of being followed.'The following night I conducted a sky watch at the famous 'mailbox' which is in effect cork to the Charge 51 descent and base, to see if we might see anything rough or UFOs.'I hand-me-down a night vision useful from a group called Scott Home Worldwide and we were able to fuss the training area and friendly mountains.'It was it would seem the most messed-up day of my life so far - but I don't misgiving it at all.'The evil silver letter-box: This select is recurrently unhappy on tourist guides as a sign that you are participating in 20 miles of the evil baseMake clear more: HTTP://WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK/NEWS/ARTICLE-2216077/BBC-FILM-CREW-HELD-GUNPOINT-TRYING-FAILING-SNEAK-U-S-AREA-51-MILITARY-BASE.HTML#IXZZ295S4PKBV

Just The Facts Space Crystals Chemical Mind Control Search For Lunar Alien Evidence

Just The Facts Space Crystals Chemical Mind Control Search For Lunar Alien Evidence
Impossible CRYSTALS ARE 'FROM SPACE'Examples of a semiprecious stone previously inspection to be on sale in location may convey make it from space, a investigation shows.Quasicrystals convey an innovative create - in in the middle of inhabit of crystals and glasses.Until two existence ago, quasicrystals had completely been created in the lab - after that geologists found them in rocks from Russia's Koryak mountains.In PNAS record, a company says the chemistry of the Russian crystals suggests they inside in meteorites.Quasicrystals were first described in the 1980s by Israeli campaigner Daniel Schechtman, who was awarded last year's Nobel Acclamation in Chemistry for the discovery.Schechtman's pertinent were elementary treated afterward be in awe or knock by several of his peers, who inspection the structures were "on sale".Quasicrystals break several of the policy of uniformity that pay out to armed crystalline structures. They in addition make plain incongruent crude and electrical properties.In 2009, Luca Bindi, from the University of Florence, Italy, and his generation reported shrewdness quasicrystals in kernel samples from the Koryak mountains in Russia's far east.The kernel - an alloy of aluminium, copper, and velvety - showed that quasicrystals possibly will form and rack level under computerized terms. But the computerized setup that created the structures remained an open back copy.Now, Dr Bindi, Paul Steinhardt from Princeton University and others justified that tests bend to an extra-terrestrial genesis for the Russian minerals.They cast-off the method of envelop spectrometry to measure incongruent forms - or isotopes - of the mention oxygen unspoken in parts of the rock sample.The topic of oxygen isotopes was separate any familiar minerals that originated on World. It was noticeably nearer to that sometimes found in a type of meteorite familiar as a carbonaceous chondrite.The samples in addition unspoken a type of silica which completely forms at very high pressures. This suggests it either twisted in the Earth's veil, or was twisted in a high-velocity corollary, such as that which occurs having the status of a meteorite hits the Earth's quality."Our evidence indicates that quasicrystals can form usually under planetary terms and rack level over incalculable timescales," the company writes in PNAS. - BBCNOTE: AS A Uncommon Gem / Pit Collector, I'D A short time ago Imagine TO Meet A SPECIMEN OF ONE OF THESE QUASICRYSTALS TO Learn THE Beat Accomplish. Highest Fall foul of Grounds MINERALS, EITHER End OR Comprehensive Counting World MINERALS, Pageant Large Clout TRAITS (EX. TEKTITES, Be stuck Windowpane, ETC) AND ARE Costly AS METAPHYSICAL Gear...LON CHEMICAL Be concerned DecisivenessNeuroscientists at MIT convey found a chemical way to comprehensible lice let pass bad looking back.By deactivating a safeguard gene - Npas 4 - they found that lice would let pass their start of a lair everyplace they had previously been particular stimulating shocks.The scientists touch they possibly will be certain in' on the areas of the brain everyplace continuing looking back are stored - and a method for brawny these looking back.The researchers picture that the gene possibly will be central for all types of safeguard.The expertise would be a revolutionary in our hint of the brain - and nation open up new avenues of expertise such as altering or quiet creating safeguard.To warren the transmissible mechanisms of safeguard formation, researchers gave lice a gain stimulating shock having the status of they entered a certain lair.Inward bound report, the lice take notice of to start the lair, and the gone time they enter it, they anesthetized.The gene - Npas4 - activates passionately having the status of this happens.Later the researchers knocked out the gene for Npas4, they found that lice possibly will not revive their fearful conditioning.The research possibly will in addition conduct to hint everyplace looking back are stored in the brain - apposite down to which personal cells store any one.The Npas 4 gene turns on having the status of looking back are 'stored' in your brain - and picture that this possibly will be the start of a chemical trace that leads to the gift of the brain everyplace looking back are stored, and quiet to personal brain cells - familiar as neurons - which store branch out looking back.'We're hunting for the safeguard, and we picture we can us this gene to motion everyplace it is,' Ramamoorthi says.Later you give birth to a new individual, your brain encodes a safeguard of it by altering the roads in the middle of neurons.Later that happens, many genes clatter. But one of them seems to be conspicuously critical - a 'master gene for safeguard.The gene is conspicuously hostile in the hippocampus, a brain create familiar to be chief in forming continuing looking back.'This is a gene that can connect from give birth to to the decisive ill at ease of the leg,' says Lin, the Frederick and Carole Middleton Plunge Originate Partner in crime Coach of Come up with and Cognitive Sciences.The MIT company in addition policy to warren whether the exact neurons that frank having the status of looking back are twisted in addition frank it on having the status of looking back are retrieved.This possibly will assist them categorize the pull up neurons that are storing weird looking back. - dailymailUndermine Conspiracy: LSD, JFK, the CIA, Liberty 51 and UFOs (Be concerned Decisiveness and Interest Hard)Be concerned Programming: From Persuasion and Indoctrination, to Self-Help and Official Metaphysics"
Bulge THE Hideaway FOR MOON ALIENSAmerican scientists unkind to call up online volunteers to name language of alien life in moon images poised by NASA's Cosmological Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).Physicists Paul Davies and Robert Wagner of Arizona Territory University touch offer may be language of extra terrestrial life in the form of messages, numerical instruments, maltreat or evidence of mining that possibly will be spotted by human telescopes and orbiting spacecraft.In their paper published online in the record Acta Astronautica, the double act wrote: "Save for offer is completely a a small amount probability that alien technology would convey gone traces on the moon in the form of an artefact or quality lift of lunar scenery, this series has the virtue of being sweltering, and of preserving traces for an grown-up generation."If it contract little to float data for language of astute utilize, little is lost in play-act so, quiet though the probability of detecting alien technology at work may be exceedingly low."The paper adds: "Peculiar civilizations may convey sent probes to our region of the galaxy. Any designation to the solar system would probably convey occurred a very crave time ago."The lunar area possibly will watch over artefacts for millions of existence."The LRO has been loot pictures of the moon's quality equally 2009, afterward senior than 340,000 images poised so far.According to Davies and Wagner, it would be on sale for one company to explore the ever-growing body of images, suitably their signal to signify position enthusiasts in what they justified would comprehensible "an senior inspiring project".They in addition list household mortal software that possibly will recognise irregularities on the moon's quality.The proposals would augment other hunts for alien life, plus the Hideaway For Creature from outer space Signification (SETI), which uses data from radiotelescopes. - THP Tier Short-lived OF Plenty OF HERRING OFF NORTHERN NORWAY PUZZLES LOCALSThousands of dead herring convey been bare washed up on a north Norwegian shoreline - prompting Doomsday predictors to mizzle it as special sign the world is set to end. On top than 20 loads of the acquaintance is in half a shake carpeting the shoreline of Kvaenes, in Nordreisa, afterward experts views reverse on how they convey make it to be offer.One thing is for sure, it will dedicate welcoming ammunition to inhabit believing the Mayan idea that 2012 will take on the end of World. Jan-Petter Jorgensen, 44, was walking afterward his dog Molly having the status of he found the stinky transfer.He said: line say that everything similar happened in the 80s. Doubtless the acquaintance convey been at a complete loss in a bankrupt oxygen area, and after that died of untrained water?' Experts convey expected the academy possibly will convey been stuck by tidal waters after greedy acquaintance - such as coalfish - chased them towards the seaside.Special theory is that the acquaintance were washed stuck featuring in a recent hurricane, or stuck in break the surface waters and affected by freshwater from a spill that flows during the bay. Jens Christian Holst, of the Guild of Seafaring Inspect, expected innumerable factors possibly will convey make it together at on one occasion. And he expected he hoped they would be able to clasp tests on the dead acquaintance to see if they had died of a melanoma. - dailymail SOVIETS TARGETED MARGARET THATCHER FOR HomicideMargaret Thatcher was the target of a Russian -assassination plan at the crowning of the Detached War, secret documents convey revealed.The Flat Peer of the realm was targeted by the Spetsnaz - the Soviet special armed - who in the individual of feud breaking out -wanted to buff her in the past she possibly will toss a nuclear wallop.The PM was warned of the chance in 1981 by intelligence first Sir Antony Acland in a report publicly merely -released from the -National -Archives under the 30-year tenet. He is thought to convey been tipped off by a Russian military deserter smuggled during Britain by MI6.Peer of the realm Thatcher, who had been First Priest for less than two existence at the time, was the prime target of a special unit of 500 -selected to penetrate the UK in the past feud reduced out.Their designation was to oust Britain's supremacy for firing nuclear warheads at Russia in the individual of open -hostilities or an invasion.The deserter expected a unit of the Spetsnaz - the Soviet equal of the SAS - had ahead of been in Britain on -reconnaissance.Sir Antony expected the unit would sort diversions afterward attacks on railways, telephone lines and capability stations, as well as unleashing chemical or unprocessed weapons in the past realistic at their precise objectives.As the PM was the completely get-together afterward -the stress to route a nuke wallop on -Moscow she was the No1 -target.The report came to Downing Path in December 1981.No information is particular about Peer of the realm Thatcher's -response or -measures to lag her. - think aboutSpetsnaz: The Core Stay of the Soviet Superior ForcesKGB Alpha Person Education Manual: How The Soviets Expert For Type Combat, Homicide, And Betrayal"Offerings can be recurring in PayPal - devote buttons are located underside or on the blog or go to the PayPal homepage and dispatch the consent to to my user email - "".HOW Outlying DO YOU Advantage Acceptance 'PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS'? IS IT Enjoy AN At hand OF A FEW DOLLARS FOR A Term paper Sort out OF THE Peculiar AND Fitful OCCURRENCES IN OUR WORLD?BTW, I am everlastingly open to blog exultant suggestions and well-detailed submissions of your experiences. Status again...LonStatus for learn 'Phantoms and Monsters'YOUR Raid IS APPRECIATED!Paypal ID - lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.comLon Strickler'Phantoms and Monsters'26 Coachman Ct.Randallstown, MD 21133USAAdvantage Numerous Respected MUSIC FROM 'OH BROTHER, Somewhere ART THOU?"

Latest Los Angeles Ufo 17 July 2008 Look Similar To Stephenville Ufo

Latest Los Angeles Ufo 17 July 2008 Look Similar To Stephenville Ufo
hi guys,latest Los Angeles UFO, 17 July, 2008 be seen similar to Stephenville UFO. According to the guy & his sister who watched ">A insufficient object appeared as a star,but as we looked nearer, it did not act or be seen expensive one in fact this type of ufo was a "rat" type of u.f.o, i recorded this peculiar object for about 47 report, but it has been on the air for about 3 hours. I started noticing this object in the opposite direction at 11:30, and for that reason i stopped veiwing this object at 3:10 what it sun-bleached in a different place, it was awe-inspiring, and it became redder [in exposed eye]His Sister's stakeout :At first sight it looked expensive a star, but i looked and it was rental out an heretical light so i conflict it sway be a gov spy plane. but as i looked, it well stayed in one spot for the most pull out unrelated spy planes. it was fierce and for that reason all of a brief it dimmed and stirred upwards in a slanting way. This was weird to me. all of a brief it stopped and got fierce again. the light seemed to bicycle surrounding the object. the weirdest thing is that at one magnitude the light twisted a parallel with the ground line for that reason form help again all the rage the object. this was weird!Hip is the video of Los Angeles UFO, 17 July, 2008:- But done intriguingly this latest 17 july Los Angeles UFO be seen similar to Stephenville.Texas UFO.Hip is the video of Stephenville,Texas UFO :-So what you guys see about this Los Angeles UFO, 17 July, 2008 ufo?


Endless Pg Debate Yeah But There Just One Thing

Endless Pg Debate Yeah But There Just One Thing
For some perverse reason, I found myself once again lurking on the JREF message board in the surreal and "looooooooooooooooonnnngggg" (oh, so very long) thread CALLING ALL SKEPTICS! HELP KITAKAZE END PGF CONTROVERSY - PITCH TO DISCOVERY CHANNEL. As usual, I was struck by the bizarre and pathological - obsession of skeptics and debunkers to discuss, mock, and argue the non-existence of Sasquatch. And in particular, as on the above mentioned thread, the Patterson-Gimlin footage. "Kitakaze," as we know, has been on that hobby horse for some time; his crusade has been, well, interesting, as well as unnerving. (For example, see MELISSA HOVEY'S COMMENTS ABOUT THIS ON HER BLOG THE SEARCH FOR BIGFOOT.)So, reading the last couple of pages in this thread, the sheer number of which boggles the mind -- it's what, around elevenity-million or something -- I had the idle thought that it doesn't matter if the P-G footage is a hoax or not, because, because, "because:" people have seen Bigfoot! Very simple.Of course it does matter if the P-G film is of a real Sasquatch; my point is, in the great scheme of things, proving the P-G film is a hoax doesn't prove at all that Bigfoot does not "not" exist.MY QUESTION (RHETORICAL; PLEASE, IF YOU'RE A SKEPTOID DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ENGAGE) IS: IF IT'S PROVEN THE P-G FILM IS A HOAX, WILL THE DISCUSSION OF BIGFOOT'S EXISTENCE END FOR YOU ALL? I DOUBT IT; LOOK AT HOW MANY THREADS ON THE JREF THERE ARE ABOUT BIGFOOT. A FEW "DOZEN," EASILY. NOT THE FIRST TIME I'VE ASKED THIS BUT I AM INTRIGUED: WHY SPEND SO MUCH TIME ON SOMETHING YOU BELIEVE DOESN'T EXIST? THAT YOU BELIEVE "COULDN'T POSSIBLY EXIST," DESPITE THE NUMBER OF WITNESS ACCOUNTS?


Cassiopeias Echo Mars Aurora And The Astrobiology Roadmap

Cassiopeias Echo Mars Aurora And The Astrobiology Roadmap
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g STARS - An echo has been detected around a star whose death was witnessed 325 years ago. The reverberation - emanating out in light, not sound waves - implies that the stellar remnant let out a burst of energy some 50 years ago. The dead star in question is Cassiopeia A, whose explosion or supernova was witnessed by Tycho Brahe in 1572. Situated 10,000 light years away, astronomers believe a dense neutron star is all that is left of the original star. See article.

g ABODES - Mars has an aurora, and it's like none other in the solar system. The European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter detected the unique phenomenon with its ultraviolet instrument. French, U.S. and Russian scientists were reporting the discovery Wednesday. See article.

g LIFE - The questions posed by astrobiology are deep and enduring, but for the first time, much of historical speculation can now be scientifically tested. A user's guide to good experiments is offered as part of the update to the Astrobiology Roadmap. For "doers," this roadmap is drivable. See article.

g INTELLIGENCE - People whose ancestors came from where dairy herds could be raised safely can digest milk as adults. Most people in extreme climates or where deadly cattle diseases were historically present can't digest milk, finds a Cornell University study in a forthcoming issue of Evolution and Human Behavior. See article.

g MESSAGE - Anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can join a worldwide search for intelligent life in space. Download Seti@home.

g COSMICUS - As the ever-increasing power of computer chips brings us closer and closer to the limits of silicon technology, many researchers are betting that the future will belong to "spintronics": a nanoscale technology in which information is carried not by the electron's charge, as it is in conventional microchips, but by the electron's intrinsic spin. See article.

g LEARNING - When Charles Darwin introduced the theory of evolution through natural selection 143 years ago, the scientists of the day argued over it fiercely, but the massing evidence from paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology and other fields gradually established evolution's truth beyond reasonable doubt. Today that battle has been won everywhere - except in the public imagination. Embarrassingly, in the 21st century, in the most scientifically advanced nation the world has ever known, creationists can still persuade politicians, judges and ordinary citizens that evolution is a flawed, poorly supported fantasy. They lobby for creationist ideas such as "intelligent design" to be taught as alternatives to evolution in science classrooms. As this article goes to press, the Ohio Board of Education is debating whether to mandate such a change. Some antievolutionists, such as Philip E. Johnson, a law professor at the University of California at Berkeley and author of "Darwin on Trial," admit that they intend for intelligent-design theory to serve as a "wedge" for reopening science classrooms to discussions of God. See article.

g IMAGINING - Watch the film "Alien vs. Predator"and you might feel there was little left to lose in seeing "Exorcist: The Beginning". As it happens, both movies, although undeniably bad, are thought provoking. Humans have a longstanding fascination with powerful, malevolent entities, whether extraterrestrial or supernatural, and the existence of such entities, however farfetched in its cinematic presentation, is a fair topic for inquiry and speculation. See article.

g AFTERMATH - Within the scientific community, the question is no longer whether extraterrestrial life exists, but if ET is smart enough to do long division - and the U.S. and other world governments already have detailed secret plans for first contact. My apologies in advanced for Popular Mechanic's lurid title, but the reporting is sound; see article. Note: This article is from 2004.

Read this blogger's books

Theoretical Crankology

Theoretical Crankology
The biggest problem with being interested in anomalous phenomena is that people assume you're a crank. There's good reason for this, since many of the most vocal proponents of the subject really are cranks. But just what is a crank, and how do you tell the difference between a crank and a serious researcher? For a long time I thought this was one of those grey, subjective questions that it's impossible to answer, but it's just occurred to me that there might be an objective, black-and-white criterion after all. It all comes down to what a person finds interesting, and what they find boring. Anomalies don't exist in isolation, but they can only really be understood in a wider context (for example, cryptozoology in the context of mainstream zoology, ancient aliens in the context of ancient history, etc). My theory is that serious researchers will be as interested in the broader context as they are in the anomalies, while cranks are bored to tears by the context -- which to them is just an irrelevant waste of time.To be honest, I didn't really come up with this idea myself, but I got it from a recent blog post by Nick Redfern. He was talking about some of the more annoying traits of ufologists, and one of these was the fact they never "turn off the ufologist switch". Well, I think serious ufologists do, but the cranks certainly don't.There are plenty of really interesting things to see in the sky besides UFOs. A ufologist who wants to be taken seriously ought to be a half-way decent plane spotter and a half-way decent amateur astronomer -- at least to the point of knowing where to look for Venus, Mars and Jupiter on a particular night. Many of them do, of course... but not the cranks. I'm suspicious of anyone who thinks planes and planets and re-entering space junk are simply "boring" things that debunkers use to explain away UFO sightings.There's a similar situation in cryptozoology. One of the reasons I have so much time for Jon Downes and his colleagues at the CFZ is that they're as happy talking about insects and spiders and amphibians as they are about monsters. These are real creatures, which may be rare or outside their natural habitats -- but they're not cryptids by any definition. Yet it's only by understanding the behaviour and ecology of known species that you can have a hope of understanding the unknown ones. In a recent article, Jon described himself as a "naturalist, cryptozoologist and journalist", in that order: he put naturalist before cryptozoologist. Now, that's my kind of anomalist -- and there's nothing remotely cranky about it. A crank is someone who thinks there are only two species of creature in the woods: (a) Bigfoot, and (b) everything else, which is simply a distraction and a waste of time.I often get accused of being a skeptic, but that's not true (well, I suppose it's true from the point of view of the sort of cranks I'm talking about, but it's not true from any rational point of view). I'm interested in physics (in fact I'm reasonably well qualified in it) and I'm convinced there are major discoveries waiting to be made in areas like gravitational control and inertialess propulsion. But I've got no time for the countless internet cranks who claim to have proved Einstein wrong, yet can't even get the units on each side of an algebraic equation to agree -- let alone understand the finer points of tensor calculus.I'm also a believer in ancient aliens. Well, perhaps not ancient aliens, but certainly an advanced level of technology (or paranormal equivalent ther) in certain ancient civilizations. But that comes from a wider interest in ancient history -- trying to understand it in its own context, identifying where there are apparent anomalies, and looking for an explanation of the anomalies. That's quite different from a crank's approach, which is the other way around altogether -- starting with the assumption that extraterrestrial visitation is an indisputable fact, then looking for evidence of it and dismissing everything else as an irrelevant waste of time.[For anyone who is wondering, the photograph above-which die-hard ufologists will find utterly uninteresting-shows the re-entry and breakup of an ATV unmanned resupply craft. Perfectly explicable, therefore only of interest to non-cranks!]

15 Questions With Nick Redfern

15 Questions With Nick Redfern
I'm hoping to make this a pretty regular thing, interviews with authors and hunters of all things strange, particularly unusual beasts.No better way than starting this feature by interviewing Nick Redfern, author of such fine books as Three Men Seeking Monsters, There's Something In The Woods and Man-Monkey.Let us begin...1) Nick, many thanks for doing the interview. Can you tell me your earliest memory of becoming so interested in monsters, and was there also a particular film or book which in a sense, changed your life ?ANSWER: My earliest crypto-memory was when I was about five, and my parents took me to Loch Ness. We were in Scotland for a week's holiday, and spent a day at the loch. I can still just recall a few fragmentary memories - of my dad telling me the story of the monster, of staring out at the loch while we stood near the shore, and my dad chatting about the monster with an old couple who had driven up in a big old volkswagen van. And that's what really got my attention and imagination. From around 7 or 8, I began reading books on the subject, and it went from there. As for films: it's not strictly crypto (but it does contain a few Fortean and crypto elements), but the 1957 film "Night of the Demon" is probably my all time favourite film - very atmospheric, creepy, and a great story. 2) You've written several books on subjects ranging from UFO's to monsters. Can you remember your reaction when you're first book was published, and what it meant ?ANSWER: Yes, I've written 13 books so far, with 4 more to follow in the near future. I think every author remembers their first book, the sense of achievment, the idea that you are now an author, and getting that first copy in the post, and seeing it and holding it. Not that I'd know, but maybe it's like having a baby! Almost! LOL. 3) Of all your books, which has been the most exciting and pleasurable to write?ANSWER: I'd actually say Man-Monkey: In Search of the British Bigfoot, because it allowed me to dig up all my old notes, files, and memories, and remember one of my very early investigations (it began in the 80s), and finally get the story out there for people. There is very little written about Bigfoot in Britain, so I think I probably enjoyed doing that one most. 4) Your book THREE MEN SEEKING MONSTERS, weren't there rumours going round that it might be made into a film ?ANSWER: Yes, the rights were optioned to Universal a couple of years ago. Actually, several of my books have been optioned over the years, but nothing ever developed with the other books beyond the actual option. 5) If a film was made about your life, who would play you and what would it be called ?ANSWER: LOL, I have no idea. You have put me on the spot! I don't know! What would it be called? "It's a Bizarre Life" maybe! I actually have no real idea re who and/or what! It would be very surreal, though, to sit in a cinema seeing someone acting out your life, I think! 6) You've travelled the world pursuing the unknown. Have you had any strange experiences ?ANSWER: Yes, a few. I have spent quite a bit of time on Bigfoot quests in a large area of Texas forest called the Big Thicket. It's a weird place with "ghost-lights" having been seen in the woods a lot, too. I have actually seen several of the lights late at night: small, football-sized, zipping in the trees. I've also come across a number of so-called "Bigfoot Teepees" in areas where Bigfoot has been seen. And each time I have been to Puerto Rico looking for the Chupacabras, that has always been strange - but adventurous too, trekking through the rain-forest etc. 7) Have you ever been truly frightened whilst on a monster-hunt ?ANSWER: No, for me it's more about the excitement, intrigue and adventure that has an effect on me. So, I look at it all in a positive way - it pushes me to dig further, rather than back away. 8) You moved to Texas from Staffordshire, an area which consistently harbours high levels of strangeness, particularly in the Cannock Chase area. Why do you think the Chase produces such high weirdness ?ANSWER: There's no doubt in my mind that the Chase is a classic window area: in other words, a place that is an absolute beacon for high-strangeness. Now, some of the things seen on the Chase are just out-of-place animals: I have several reports of wild-boar and wallabies, for example. But, when you get into the realm of Bigfoot and werewolves, then it all gets very strange and dark. But, of course, the big question is how we define what a window area is, and how and why it works. 9) As part of the CFZ series of MYSTERY ANIMALS OF THE BRITISH ISLES, you are covering Staffordshire. What kind of monsters and mysterious creatures will be in the book ?ANSWER: Big-Cats, Werewolves, Bigfoot, Wallabies, Wild-Boar, large snakes, exotic dumped pets like snapping turtles, large mystery birds, ghostly black dogs, and a few others. 10) Monster mysteries such as Bigfoot, the Chupacabra, etc, have been covered in your book. Do you think the day will come when these so-called monsters are proven to be real, flesh and blood creatures, or will they forever lead us round in circles without an answer ?ANSWER: Well, some of them, I am certain are not flesh-and-blood, in the way we generally understand the term. I would put the black dogs, the Goat-Men, and definitely werewolves and the British Bigfoot into this category. There are a lot of weird Bigfoot reports over here too, that make me think the creature is paranormal - however we might define that term. So, if some of these things aren't flesh-and-blood, as we understand it, it may very well be extremely difficult to try and prove their literal existence. 11) You've written about UFOs for many years. So, the 64,000 question is, what do you think they are ?ANSWER: I don't think there is one answer to the UFO puzzle. I think some are classified military vehicles. Others could be poorly understood natural phenomena. I'm firmly convinced some are Tulpa-type entities. And some could be genuinely extraterrestrial - however, the further I go into the subject, the more I veer away from literal aliens. I like the Trevor Constable ideas about sky-beasts; as well as Mac Tonnies Cryptoterrestrial" angle. I wish we could have an answer that unifies everything, but I think that it will almost certainly be a combination of things. 12) Which other monsters from across the world would you like to go in pursuit of ? ANSWER: Well, it's not really a monster; but I would love to go on an expedition to South America to try and resolve these "Giant Sloth" reports that surface from time to time. In search of Australia's Megalania, too: that would be a good expedition. 13) What other books do you have in the pipeline ?ANSWER: I have a book coming out this year titled "Sci-Fi Secrets," which is a study of how the worlds of sci-fi and real, government conspiracies and secrets have crossed paths and converged. I also have a book coming out which is a definitive, 300-plus-page study of Bigfoot in Britain, and which covers all the known stories - dating back more than 1,000 years ago the present day. And, the aforementioned "Mystery Animals of Staffordshire" too. 14) They say the key to being a successful man, is having a good woman behind you. What does Dana, you're wife, think of your forays in search of monsters ?ANSWER: Well, she could not care less about either the UFO subject or cryptozoology! They both bore her rigid! LOL. But she's pleased that I do something I enjoy, rather than a job I would hate. She's into the paranormal - but more along the lines of psychic stuff. 15) How high in the league is Texas, when it comes to monsters and other mysteries ?ANSWER: There are a lot of mystery animal stories from Texas: a surprisingly large number of werewolves. A lot of Bigfoot reports in the Big Thicket forest near Houston. Numerous big-bird and pterodactyl-type reports from the Texas-Mexico border. Giant Fish, too.

The Ufo Entities

The Ufo Entities
Instant offer relay been a plethora of metaphors of extraterrestrial troupe debarking from UFOs over the days, a lot of them relay out of so not including apparatuses popular to reside Earth's air.Abductees (experiencers), personally, suggest the "beings" spoils them incarcerated are not including extra kit, au tangible seemingly.The creatures look as if acclimated to the Earth's ambiance.This either indicates that the "aliens" land from seats with the exceptionally chemical make-up as Earth, or are from Earth itself (as the Tonnie's belief says), or the recounted visitations are hallucinations or made-up.UFOs are real, of course, frequent stemming from misinterpreted military craft accusation voguish on Earth.Several are psychologically or physiologically induced.Several may perpetual be craft from Away from or Fundamental Get around.But the UFO beings are special thing severe. Seen forthcoming out of UFOs, or sneaking voguish bedrooms and cars to seize human beings, introduce somebody to an area entities methodically do so with no wicked affects, wearing their sojourns of in imitation of, as H. G. Wells predetermined in War of the Worlds, where the intruders' immune systems were not decide for Earth's germs.(If alien troupe were artificial, or had been, by Earths' microbes, they wouldn't tell untruths vetting up in the facts reported.)And wouldn't evident alien force from other planets (or form) take with them evident knock together of medical condition or infection mysterious to Earth's inhabitants? Maybe they relay. (AIDS?)UFO investigators haven't out of a long way away with what we've about voguish, but they haven't out of a long way away with anything ufological, for example the UFO mystery goes on unabated, and seems intended to do so for a at the same time as, perhaps never to be regular.Meanwhile, we'll see if qualities can mode a UFO visitor, sharply or by camera. But we're not holding our amass breaths.


Maybe We Are Alone In The Universe

Maybe We Are Alone In The Universe




UPDATED 7/25/2011 6:24:32 PM ET

Scientists engaged in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) work under the assumption that there is, in fact, intelligent life out there to be found. A new analysis may crush their optimism.

To calculate the likelihood that they'll make radio contact with extraterrestrials, SETI scientists use what's known as the Drake Equation. Formulated in the 1960s by Frank Drake of the SETI Institute in California, it approximates the number of radio-transmitting civilizations in our galaxy at any one time by multiplying a string of factors: the number of stars, the fraction that have planets, the fraction of those that are habitable, the probability of life arising on such planets, its likelihood of becoming intelligent and so on.

The values of almost all these factors are highly speculative. Nonetheless, Drake and others have plugged in their best guesses, and estimate that there are about 10,000 tech-savvy civilizations in the galaxy currently sending signals our way - a number that has led some scientists to predict that we'll detect alien signals within two decades.

Their optimism relies on one factor in particular: In the equation, the probability of life arising on suitably habitable planets (ones with water, rocky surfaces and atmospheres) is almost always taken to be 100 percent. As the reasoning goes, the same fundamental laws apply to the entire universe, and because those laws engendered the genesis of life on Earth - and relatively early in its history at that - they must readily spawn life elsewhere, too. As the Russian astrobiologist Andrei Finkelstein put it at a recent SETI press conference, "the genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms."

But in a new paper published on, astrophysicist David Spiegel at Princeton University and physicist Edwin Turner at the University of Tokyo argue that this thinking is dead wrong. Using a statistical method called Bayesian reasoning, they argue that the life here on Earth could be common, or it could be extremely rare - there's no reason to prefer one conclusion over the other. With their new analysis, Spiegel and Turner say they have erased the one Drake factor scientists felt confident about and replaced it with a question mark.

While it's true that life arose quickly on Earth (within the planet's first few hundred million years), the researchers point out that if it hadn't done so, there wouldn't have been enough time for intelligent life - humans - to have evolved. So, in effect, we're biased. It took at least 3.5 billion years for intelligent life to evolve on Earth, and the only reason we're able to contemplate the likelihood of life today is that its evolution happened to get started early. This requisite good luck is entirely independent of the actual probability of life emerging on a habitable planet.

"Although life began on this planet fairly soon after the Earth became habitable, this fact is consistent with... life being arbitrarily rare in the Universe," the authors state. In the paper, they prove this statement mathematically.

Their result doesn't mean we're alone - only that there's no reason to think otherwise. "(A) Bayesian enthusiast of extraterrestrial life should be significantly encouraged by the rapid appearance of life on the early Earth but cannot be highly confident on that basis," the authors conclude. Our own existence implies very little about how many other times life has arisen.

Two data points rather than just one would make all the difference, the researchers say. If life is found to have arisen independently on Mars, then scientists would be in a much better position to assert that, under the right conditions, the genesis of life is inevitable.

"(c) 2011 All rights reserved"

"**"The article reproduced here is only for educational purposes."

Ex Marine Looks At Ufo In Hanger And Ongoing Fascinating Ufoalien Encounters

Ex Marine Looks At Ufo In Hanger And Ongoing Fascinating Ufoalien Encounters

"At the end of this report, expound are two links that hand down stance you to Ability 1 and Ability 2 of the acoustic test before this gentleman I did for my radio show called the Vike Revision."

"THE VIKE Conscript NOTE:" I (Brian Vike) tease to this release on the call on today (November 5, 2007) for I have space for 2 hours and I hand down be aptitude him improve tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. to unite up a hard talk and appeal test which hand down be aired opportunity up on the "Vike Revision radio show". The interview/show hand down be a special on a rotate night first than my agree Sunday radio show. Of course a new show hand down be aired every one Sunday night's as agree.

This really is an exciting story, from being incarcerated a UFO at the age of 7 lifetime old, afterward a lot end in life in the function of in office as a Sea in the United States military before the top of gap was profound before others in a bus before blacked out windows, black the end mortar the windows to allot on-lookers and most unaffected the military go fast who were on the bus worldly wise somewhere it was they were departure. Having the status of they popular at a hang, (their destination) they got off the bus, were resolution a severe despair that what they were about to see at this hang was not to be pertinent in fount, or to anyone !

The beneath report is quite good the tip of the story and I acquaint with you won't call for to miss this approach special show. More to the point which is very important, in the function of populace translate what is in print beneath, and if it ornaments a bell and you may shoulder been at this base/hanger or on the bus would you enchant contact me, "Brian Vike at The Vike Conscript" and gossip any details you strength shoulder on this hard case. Your particular information hand down be detached "personal".

"Nest Digest"

1. 1953 at 7 lifetime of age, I'm resolution a air-mechanics consumerist flashlight as a gift from my mothers call, whom she is allowance move to new location somewhere her husband has quite good found service in the Burbank Ca., as airplane mechanic.

2. Voguish the night time move I end the consumerist intensity flashlight towards the Hansen Dam built by the Military Organization of Engineers and I hustle a signal at a light I see on the Dams improved rim, to my dawn, the light returns a signal hustle, I initiated, hustle per flash! My mother seeing this is nervous the light strength be a plane and tells me to come about, but in reality it is a UFO inactive on the dams improved rim!

3. In imitation of (day) I notice a UFO composed over about a tiny hill by our government billet apartment, the UFO is in oscillating will, I need this to tending of my old brother, two manly cousins who afterward live in government billet project and other babyish.

4. UFO covertly moves from hill towards apartments and stops, in person, brother, cousins, we authority at UFO occupants who return the exceedingly, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, reports this to (MUFON) in 1973/75. Deceit follows billet units put back into working order drive and fly's over low-grade square and comes to rest in 45 tone angle at the base of the Hansen Dam. (write down) government billet, national dam mechanism, and military in end lifetime play as a group in which I have space for is feasible unhappy support.

5. I laterally before babyish go to square area were craft comes to rest, babyish produce terrify and return to government units. I approach the UFO, and lift up strong take pleasure in come to stash severe, I stance touch on craft, craft is neither hot or indifferent as I lift up and I jostle the side of the UFO and on the lack concession side of the craft I notice blinking lights, of magenta, new, gold, etc. I fall overpower fashionable craft, and definitely lift up walking improve to apartment units all over 45 minutes end. The babyish are now playing smokescreen and delve into, a pursue of the 50's and 60's.

6. I enter my apartment unit, and I am puzzled as I don't allow my sister and ask my mother if she is Chinese also! as in (prolonged eyes) my family is Hispanic, but the late Dr. Hynek feels and I ready that I was puzzled and in reality I was forcible to dub the alien beings as best as a 7 meeting old child may possibly, upholding in watch over I'm not fixed sure if the term UFO was fixed coined in 1953?

7. Brian, well levitation takes stance somewhere I am floated increasing in my room as reported to the late Dr. Hynek, expound is a return of the UFO/craft that night, which disdainful that 15 to 25 an approx: magnitude of go fast adults included, who release the return of the craft and subsequently the early life UFO abductions stance stance.

8. The being conquered to a location in a nautical bus before blacked out windows which are dyed black, before black the end on top of that, 10 lifetime end in the function of I provide in the Sea Organization, somewhere expound is a UFO craft. Next, I most recently shoulder found out expound is afterward dissimilar Sea who has had the exceedingly suspect, of being conquered to a location somewhere expound is a UFO craft as reported in "UFO over California" in print in 2006 by Preston Dennett.

Brian this is proof lots for me, I'm not preoccupied and expound have to be assorted disdainful earlier military function who shoulder sophisticated the exceedingly as in person. Not to lift the dumpy fixed evidence that I and the other Sea were both resolution crypto gap, being in the military. Wholly, I emailed you on or about Aug.27 and Aug.29th during the recent 4 to 5 UFO's witnessed by my babyish, before a black UFO which turns in to a black helicopter, unreasonable case!

Brian, I'm 60 lifetime of age, being of the other Sea that has had the specialized exceedingly thing conquered stance laterally before crypto gap, exceedingly base, Military camp Pendleton Sea Leg, exceedingly meeting 1967. I don't obligation to be cap over the head, something is up.

Brian you now shoulder my call on magnitude, lets lock in a date in the function of the children are in college or at night. You don't acquaint with how calmed I am to God for the sympathetic work you do, not to assorted sympathetic investigators out expound any disdainful.

Thank you to the release for the report, and for take steps an test before me for "The Vike Revision radio show" and for drinking the time before Jeff Rense and I on the "Jeff Rense radio show".

"Rationalized INFORMATION:"

"Ruben's Ongoing Charismatic UFO/Alien Encounters"

Hi Brian, If you would be so enter as to set up a short-lived draft of what I told you during my case which travel in 1953, at age 7, at the foothills of the Angeles Dwelling Wood, the Tujunga mountains, which were dense to the Hansen Dam Pond Works Display. I saw a UFO before brothers, cousins, family, etc. The craft lands approach to the Dam, and I enter it, and we hurried forward to 1964, I pin the Sea Organization, conquered aboard the nautical bus, before blacked out windows, and end up in a jet hangar before blue resplendent UFO, and aliens in hangar.

2. 1954, my family was sent to dissimilar government billet unit, which may advantage put on view the time set of breaking down the what I kind the UFO test site, billet project. The other government billet units composed stand to this date and was positioned about downtown Los Angeles. At this location as in the Hansen Dam location, my flinch becomes disdainful full of life before the goings on, especially as it pertained before the blue lights. At the Estrada location government billet units, my younger brother went to get a tiny bench from the boys bedroom to watch TV in the be alive room, in the function of the family hears his screams of there's a "blue light in the bedroom". I run to the lobby and my younger brother is frozen in unease, incapable to move, but definitely able to cry out. This is in the function of I see the adroit blue light, that would afterward play an important fall open in my life in the lifetime to come, as a United States Sea.

3. I sent Brian Vike, an email during Ann Druffels book, "the Tujunga Canyon Associations", 1953 the exceedingly meeting of my early life UFO abductions. Ann starts her case history, during two (2) women UFO abductees, and the book starts before, "the absurd blue lights" in the bedroom. The blue light I release before my brother, encompassed the complete bedroom and lobby. And I before my complete family witnessed from lower than than a 1/4 mile estrange, a blue lit UFO light comply with our (SUV) to the forerunner of our habitation.

4. From age 7 to 17, the UFO sightings took on a disdainful hands on approach, that is to say the UFO abductions started anew, definitely this time from my snobbish parents habitation, in Laton, CA in the north central fall open of the state. Laton is 30 miles south of Fresno, CA and 8 miles north of Handford, Ca. The stance of my flinch. My grandparents had a affable element of land, and my grandfather was a planter, and a carry on foreman for the curious growers, of fruit, grapes, cotton, hard skin, etc.

5. As cousins sometimes do, I had a fight before one of my manly cousins at age 15, I walked to another place to swelter off quite a few mist. I humorless to tranquillity outer layer under my grandfathers big 100 meeting old Oak tree, as the abductions had started up anew. To this day I can't examine why I tranquillity outer layer in a air force cot under the tree, but I display looking at the stars in the black of night.

6. This specialized night in the function of I roll out frozen on the cot I lift up seeing my cousin's family opportunity habitation encircling 12:30am from the definitely drive-in movie 8 miles to another place in Handford, CA. I raised up to see the car and roll out improve frozen. Approximately I would say 3:00am to the simply of the oak tree, I saw the UFO for the first time that had been abducting me from my grandparents house. It was on the simply side of the oak tree in the normal of a tiny feeder respect and I saw the aliens problematic up for the first time outer layer of the craft, one approach to the oak tree and feeder respect and one approach to the air force cot under the tree which I was frozen on.

I subsequently notice all over 3 alien beings diaphanous towards my grandfathers shooting lodge reasoning house in which he had a large garden of tomato, cucumbers, hard skin, etc. I looked at them from the cot but was incapable to move, as I was in the of a nature station this time on my convey. The aliens were loot samples of the position and vegetables, and impecunious the position very dangerously. As my aunt and uncle, cousins saw me frozen on the cot opportunity in from the drive-in, I was held responsible for the assault to the garden and subsequently the after transpired.

7. I was held responsible for the assault to the garden by my cousin who I had fought before the day ahead, so I humorless to walk to a channel which fed water to the farmers for expound fruit trees, cotton, etc. This channel was about 1 and 1/2 miles from my grandparents land. The channel interminably had water in it and expound was a big oak tree on the sharpness of the channel itself. The sharpness was barely big lots to put doubtless to bikes on it if we rested the bikes on the tree itself.

Next, we had rigged a streak on the oak tree to swing straddling the channel and improve to the sharpness of the channel. It was disdainful fun to drop fashionable the hurried manipulation put up with water and swim improve to the oak tree. As I was take steps this a hook of become old, lets say 3 swings, as I came improve to the improved sharpness I was astounded to see a satiated big scaffold black desire sports car, something come to what you see secret put back into working order drive, involving a tiny limo and a black put back into working order car.

Next, 2 men were position approach to the car. They wore crisp black suits and I shoulder a hard remember of a Boater type hat on at smallest one of the tall men, but the alarming thing is I don't examine how they were able to stay the car approach to the tree as we children had a conventional time inactive our bikes there!

The men who looked involving Oriental/Russian, shrouded in mystery unripe pigmentation. From the improve manage of the car they brought a caped suppose, I took to be a female as I was 15 lifetime of age I alleged to in person, oh my rise day. On a record look as if, this suppose was the most horrid, hideously basic being I shoulder perpetually seen. I complete to run, but have to shoulder roll out down the river/canal sharpness, so I started to jostle on my hands and touch until I reached a tiny bridge for tractor group. I subsequently ran improve to my grandparents habitation.

Brian, I don't acquaint with if you shoulder 2 computers doubtless a lap top and a stand top, so you can examine both fall open (2) emails, if not you can interminably push a conventional hunt down. Stop 1 to 7 of fall open (2) gives a generally draft of what seem after the in advance UFO/abduction, and the nautical bus ride before blacked out windows, to location somewhere UFO is housed, and alien beings approach, the Sea kitty.

8. At the back being conquered to the UFO location, I was sent to Vietnam somewhere I was on the record ship to land in Vietnam in April 10, 1965. Prior to my 13 month tour of trustworthiness in Vietnam my unit was finished up as a exercise unit for the assorted battalions of Marines to come after us, I was assigned to a grunt unit and reassigned to an intelligence unit, being in the grunt unit I was to report of any air activity that is enemy jet planes, but this was not forcefully the case, but I did see what I sympathy was UFOs which give the impression of being to comply with both grunt units I was before, in my hearts of hearts I interminably felt that this was a concerted occupation on the fall open of the UFO's/aliens, to allot tab, on in person and other Marines who may of had the exceedingly suspect as in person, come to the UFO in the jet hangar.

Having the status of I was assigned to the intelligence officers, I considered necessary to report what I was seeing as it pertained to the UFOs that give the impression of being to comply with the patrols I found in person conquered fall open in. On one patrol, I noticed a silver/disk UFO, which give the impression of being to comply with the patrol for 2 or 3 generation, I did not report this to the intelligence officers, as I didn't acquaint with who I may possibly nest egg, (Inflection Added!). While we were on stripe end of the stronghold one day I was position before about 5 of the officers, in the function of out of acquaint with somewhere, anew the blue lights came on, but this time it was azure blue, which bounded all 6 of us before electrical bolts of light that was I would say 20 yards all encircling us!

9. I subsequently rejoined dissimilar grunt unit, and was subsequently medevac'd out of Vietnam, to Yokuska Seafaring Hospital in Japan, somewhere I met a chaplains celebrate, and the most unreasonable thing seem, during his kindness of my synopsis case as it pertains to UFOs.

10. The big picture/and most recent UFO activity, after the Japan occasion, UFO activity has inspired forward at a hurried pace, hence I contacted Brian to report, the blue UFO after my (SUV) habitation at night, afterward after in the same way as anew iridescent a consumerist from my current habitation to a UFO lower than than a 1/4 mile from my habitation, the supports in my dryer test out produce buds and repair as a group in the function of the dryer was off, and 15 minutes end the report control in my bedroom test out produce buds after I be on fire the light at the UFO.

An a UFO follows habitation the 3rd. week of march, and my daughter thoughts of a UFO on Aug. 27 TH. by our improve works, and on Aug. 29 4 UFOs gain recognition to us, and a 5th black UFO comes halfway the 4 UFO subsequently action changes to a black helicopter, it goes on and on, at this end I grasp I have to nest egg the chaplains celebrate of what he told me in 1965. Brian I hand down add a dumpy disdainful as time permits, on the show, Ruben.

Thank you to Ruben for supply his intimidating suspect before us all.

"YOU CAN Rut TO THE TWO Ability Cross-examination BY Going TO THE Ensuing Links."

"Ability 1" - " report/specials/vr-special.071109-p1.mp3"

"Ability 2" - " report/specials/vr-special.071109-p2.mp3"

"FROM THE VIKE Conscript Archives (BRIAN VIKE)"

If you shoulder seen anything come to this in the exceedingly area enchant be enter lots to contact Brian Vike at: "" before the details of your sighting. "ALL Personal Bits and pieces IS Diffident Contained by."