Ufo Sightings Ufo Lights Appear In Triangular Pattern Over San Francisco October 31 2013
NOVEMBER 02, 2013 - UNITED STATES - These UFO lights were seen flying over San Francisco in California on the 31st of October, 2013. The objects appeared to hover in a triangular pattern.


My husband and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie when I noticed three orbs in my peripheral in the night sky at 10:00 pm on Halloween, 2013.

The blinds on the southeastern facing window were drawn shut and I noticed them through the cracks of the blinds, which is how bright they actually appear in person. The video and still image do not do justice to these sightings as the orbs are very bright orange and of solid color, hence I've dismissed the probability of Chinese lanterns.

When viewed with my binoculars, these orbs are solid spheres of lurid hue. This is the third time we've seen them in the night sky, relatively the same spot in the sky each time, except this time there were three altogether, which I managed to photograph. By the time I began filming them, one had already vanished.

As always during a sighting of similar orbs, there were no aircraft in the sky during the sighting and no aircraft sound emitting from these objects. The orbs were visible for at least two minutes and disappeared one by one, dimming out as they remained stationary in the sky. It was very eerie to say the least.

I've been stargazing since my childhood and have never seen anything like these until November 2011 and again in January of this year, in addition to this sighting. This is the third time both my husband and I have witnessed these lights over San Francisco and each time, we feel as though we have seen something that we cannot identify as a manned aircraft or Chinese lantern, or other familiar night sky object. It is very mysterious, and since this third sighting, I will undoubtedly keep my eyes peeled for further activity. [EDITED FOR CLARITY]

WATCH: UFO lights over San Francisco.

Reference: alienspress.blogspot.com