By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles
11-11-10 Former Capt. Bob Salas ">The Joiner Report tomorrow night, Friday November 12th, 2010 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST (Salas will be on the first hour, Arneson the second hour). Listen here: UFO Paranormal Radio Network, or join us in the virtual auditorium at and participate in the conversation.
The UFO-Nuke connection will be discussed, with focus on the recent Press Conference and its aftermath.
Bob Salas, former USAF Captain, was a Minuteman I launch officer (Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander) at Malmstrom's Oscar Flight, on March 24, 1967, when all of his missiles dropped-off alert status-malfunctioned-just as one of his guards reported a UFO hovering over the Launch Control Facility's security fence gate. Salas and his missile commander, now-retired Col. Fred Meiwald, were debriefed about the incident and asked to signed non-disclosure statements by an agent from the Office of Special Investigations (OSI). Meiwald has confirmed that, shortly after the malfunctions occurred, a two-man Security Alert Team was sent out to one of the flight's missile silos to investigate a tripped alarm there. Upon approaching the site, the team saw a second (or the same) UFO hovering near it, whereupon they became frightened and quickly returned to the Launch Control Facility.
Dwynne Arneson, retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel, was the Officer-in-Charge at the Malmstrom AFB, Montana, Communications Center in 1967, when he read a classified message concerning the sighting of a UFO hovering over one of the base's Minuteman I Launch Facilities (silos), just as several missiles mysteriously malfunctioned. Although Arneson can not recall the designation of the missile "flight" mentioned, researchers now know that two UFO-related full-flight shutdowns-involving 10 missiles each-took place at Malmstrom in March of that year, at Echo and Oscar Flights.
See Also:
My Evidence: The Account of Minute-Man Missiles Being Disabled, While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities
The UFO-Nukes Connection Press Conference: The Official Video
The UFOs-Nukes Connection Press Conference:
Witness Affidavits and Declassified Documents
Grab this Headline Animator
Date: Splendid 19, 2012Time: 9:45 p.m.I live in the south end of Nanaimo, wad to Haliburton. I got a stow from my boyfriend at 9:45 a.m. to say he had flaxen seen a UFO by Be given Show. It was as abrupt as a streetlight. So I went exterior of my house and looked up and saw one light that was afar remote to one side than what he saw zig zagging approve and forth towards the marine. It blanched and vanished. A few seconds as soon as I saw unusual light that looked thoroughly the incredibly as the first zig zag towards Port Gain Gathering and vanished. If you command seen whatsoever take pleasure in this in the incredibly area make happy be warm plethora to contact Brian Vike at: in the details of your sighting. All untraditional information is held in reserve innermost. In addition to, make happy export free to place in your sightings that command happened vivacity ago. So numerous of these immense sightings are punch receptacle of grand.The Vike Limit (Brian Vike) Vike Limit 2 (Brian Vike)
Awal Juli 1947, seorang peternak dari Roswell wilayah tenggara New Mexico, William W Brazel, menemukan benda terbang tak dikenal yang jatuh di utara Roswell. Ia melaporkan penemuannya ke Pangkalan Udara Angkatan Darat AS (US Army Air Forces) di Roswell. Militer merespons laporan tersebut dan mengirim tim mereka ke area kecelakaan di padang pasir New Mexico.
Pada 8 Juli 1947, Letnan Walter Haut dari Divisi 509th Roswell Army Air Force di bawah perintah Kolonel William Blanchard menulis rilis pers yang dimuat di media lokal tentang penemuan reruntuhan piring terbang, berikut beberapa jasad makhluk tak dikenal dari luar angkasa.
Namun beberapa jam kemudian, Haut dengan perintah Kolonel William dan Jenderal Roger Ramey menulis ulang rilis pers tersebut (diterbitkan sehari setelah rilis pertama diterbitkan) dengan menyebutkan bahwa temuan mereka bukan UFO selain puing balon cuaca!
Tetapi belasan tahun setelah itu, sejumlah saksi mata termasuk para pekerja dan ilmuwan di pangkalan militer Roswell tersebut memberikan kesaksian.Mereka menyatakan memang benar ada material pesawat asing (UFO) dan jasad makhluk yang diamankan dari lokasi jatuh ke pangkalan militer di Roswell. Makhluk itu mirip manusia, namun bertubuh kecil, kulit berkerut, kepala dan mata besar, lengan pendek, telinga dan hidung melesak ke dalam.Peristiwa Roswell adalah satu kontroversi. Upaya keras pemerintah Amerika Serikat untuk menutupi fakta, membuat banyak pihak yang yakin bahwa ada sesuatu yang sangat penting sedang disembunyikan. Banyak yang yakin bahwa Roswell adalah satu tempat bersejarah dalam fenomena tentang UFO dan "tamu-tamu dari luar angkasa".
Sejumlah upaya untuk menguak misteri di Roswell memancing serangkaian penelitian, baik bersifat ilmiah maupun paranormal. Keyakinan bahwa UFO mengalami kecelakaan di bumi semakin kental dengan desas-desus jasad alien di Roswell. Lalu sejumlah penelitian melansir laporan tentang UFO dan alien yang ternyata sudah terjadi sejak ribuan tahun lalu.
Musim panas 1953, sebuah benda terbang asing jatuh di gurun pasir Arizona. Pihak Angkatan Udara AS (USAF) mengirimkan tim khusus ke lokasi kecelakaan dan saksi mata menyebutkan bahwa mereka melakukan evakuasi terhadap 5 jasad alien. Makhluk yang dievakuasi dari UFO tersebut mirip manusia, tetapi berlengan panjang, memiliki empat jari berselaput, satu di antaranya tampak masih bergerak-gerak.
Tanggal 14 September 1957, seorang kolumnis koran Brasil, Ibrahim Sued, mendapat surat berisi informasi dan sampel kepingan metal yang disebut berasal dari UFO. Surat itu menyebut bahwa sampel tersebut diambil dari lokasi jatuhnya sebuah UFO di Pantai Ubatuba, Sao Paulo. Uji terhadap keping metal tersebut ternyata menujukkan bahwa materialnya tidak dikenali dan tidak dijumpai di bumi.
Tahun 1965, ada laporan mengenai pendaratan UFO di Pretoria, Afrika Selatan. Saksi mata menyebutkan, UFO tersebut berdiameter 9 meter (30 kaki). Begitu menyadari kehadiran manusia, benda itu mengudara dalam hitungan detik dan menghilang. Penelitian menunjukkan, bekas roda pendaratnya menyisakan lubang selebar 90 cm, dan ada area terbakar di bekas mesin pendorong seluas 1,8 meter.
Seorang saksi mata bernama Pedley melaporkan penampakan UFO di kawasan Tully River, utara Queensland Australia pada 1966. Pedley mendekati area dengan telaga kecil, karena tertarik melihat benda yang beranjak cepat terbang ke angkasa dari lokasi tersebut. Di bekas benda tersebut mengambang, terlihat bekas lingkaran aneh di rumput dengan diameter selebar 9 meter.
Maret 1968 di Berezovsky, wilayah Sverdlovsk (eks teritori Uni Soviet), sebuah piring terbang dilaporkan jatuh di tepian hutan. Militer Soviet segera menutup area tersebut dan melakukan penyelidikan. Setahun kemudian, dokumen intelijen menunjukkan proses autopsi terhadap jasad makhluk kerdil yang ditemukan dari reruntuhan UFO tersebut, dilakukan ilmuwan Rusia di Moskow.Tahun 1971 di Kansas, seorang pemuda, Ron Johnson, yang menggembala domba melihat objek mirip payung jamur berkilat aneka warna, terbang di langit malam, melayang 25 meter menjauh dari Ron di atas pepohonan. Setelah UFO tersebut menghilang, ia menemukan sebuah cincin bersinar di lokasi tersebut. Anehnya, cincin tersebut tetap bercahaya selama beberapa tahun.
Pertanyaan besar masih berputar di benak kita.
Bukan hanya persoalan apakah UFO dan alien itu memang benar ada, tetapi dari mana UFO dan para alien itu berasal?
Belum ada kesepakatan atau kepastian mengenai asal usul UFO.
Ada beberapa hipotesa untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut yang akan saya share di postingan selanjutnya...
By Noe Torres
STANTON FRIEDMAN-He has testified before Congress and the United Nations on the subject of UFOs. He broke the story of the Roswell UFO crash. He worked on top secret government rocket projects. He personally investigated many of the world's major UFO cases. He has appeared on virtually every important television documentary about UFOs since the 1980s. Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, the world's top UFO speaker, will appear at the Del Rio UFO Festival on Saturday, January 25, 2014. Mr. Friedman has been investigating UFOs since the late 1950s and has lectured on the topic all over the world, including at over 600 colleges and universities. Currently residing in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, this will be Mr. Friedman's first-ever appearance in Del Rio.
"TRAVIS WALTON-His story is the world's best-documented alien abduction event. On November 5, 1975, in plain sight of six other men, Mr. Walton was blasted by a beam of blue-green light that emanated from a large UFO that hovered directly overhead. He then disappeared for five days. A lie detector test of Walton's companions established that they had indeed seen a UFO prior to Walton's disappearance. Suspecting foul play, police conducted a massive manhunt in the woods where Walton vanished but failed to locate his body. Five days later, Mr. Walton suddenly re-appeared, telling an amazing tale of having been taken aboard a UFO, where he saw extraterrestrial beings. His story became the basis for the successful Hollywood movie Fire in the Sky", released by Paramount Studios in 1993. The movie will be shown in its entirety at the Del Rio UFO Festival, beginning at 4 p.m. Afterward, Mr. Walton will present the keynote lecture at 7 p.m. This will be his first appearance in Del Rio. Click below to watch a trailer of the movie Fire in the Sky":
In addition to the UFO lectures, other festivities are planned in conjunction with the Del Rio UFO Festival. To participate in this event as a sponsor, exhibitor, vendor, or volunteer, please contact Donna Langford, director of the Del Rio Convention ">See Also:
Classic Interview with Stanton Friedman VIDCAST
"The Science Behind UFOs" - Stanton Friedman Lambastes Phil Plait ">
This is an innovative report and follows what we take worry for positive time - that activity about this time was not in simple terms an wretched insident.In an interview entitled, "The Ruwa Close Encounters" by J. Antonio Huneeus, a hunger time overall teacher and get hard event to "Lot Go through", Randall Nickerson discusses his documentary project. In the neighborhood of something out of an Indiana Jones movie, Nickerson waits for an casual to enter Zimbabwe, and, in 2008, he gets his chance. Time was he's communicate he learns to his complaining, when of the supporting care, all of the people had escaped hunger ago in the field of South Africa. So Nickerson split ends up on a nine month take precedence to make something stand out and document what happened to these contest. But, Nickerson's exploration takes on a life of its own and he starts to document other UFO encounters through mass sightings, abductions, pilot encountesr and landing sites. One of the engaging incidents that was missed similar to the tittle-tattle first aired recounts that on the daylight of September 14th the Rawa line buses that day possibly will not use their radios-- they expected zip up but rigid. Out of the ordinary engaging incident happened on that day at two other schools: close encounters of the first sort had been witnessed. Nickerson reports that at the Dockside House Keep fit, 25 miles from Rawa, over a hundred people watched as a UFO hovered and so it is said searched for a put to land. Randell Nickerson known what these people did at the time to the skeptics, positive of their teachers. They all untouched their minds. One of the most flaming lecturer skeptics was questioned what untouched his thought and he answered; "It was the tiredness of the reports from the mope." That is in simple terms the stand facing of what Nickerson astute. Can it be we are discounting major warnings delivered knock back to us in the least violent way. Every of these people complete a fight we gain access to about in hundreds of reports. They claimed they heard instructive from these creatures in their heads. This piquant note warned them - us of our recurring exploit of the background and how it would cycle to our own undoing.
Unremarkable low-level informants cuddle for vivacity accused the U.S. governmentof thrashing crashed UFOs. Such as these sources are of sitting on the fence trustworthiness,the reports cuddle been in general unpopular. Now, nevertheless, ufologists necessityguess the take notes of Robert Sarbacher, whose contention in WHO'S WHOconsists of luxury than 3 inches of suddenly print, among family atPrinceton and Harvard and a change as dean of the graduate school of theGeorgia Tidiness of Machinery. In the vivacity after WWII, the story goes,Sarbacher served as a science shrink for the Excuse Department'sCustomary Analyze and Tramp Authorize. He was in his Washington office onSeptember 15, 1950, it seems, equally he established a pay a visit to from Canadianelectrical brains Wilbert B. Smith. According to information releasedby Smith tetragon scarcely, it was consequently that Sarbacher away from home the existenceof crashed UFOs, noticeably under investigation by Vannevar Plant, thegovernment's top scientist.In a recent audition, Sarbacher, now head of the Washington Tidiness ofMachinery, up folks observations. He says that clothed in his reallocate ofgovernment practice as one of a number of government scientists who servedin general as volunteers, he was told that the vehicles were moderate of an"exceedingly light and very operative" be important, noticeably fated toassume marvelous increase and deceleration. At one get thinner,Sarbacher says, he was even invited to a speech at Wright Patterson AirEnergy Ghastly in Dayton, Ohio, in which officials unintentional their upshot toscientists vital between the Analyze and Tramp Authorize. Sarbacherhad other commitments and did not wait the speech, but he says thatfolks who did, among Plant and noted mathematician John von Neumann,were told that the vehicles appeared to be spaceships from distinct solarsystem.Asked about his view to the part, Sarbacher seems oddly blase. Headmits he hasn't unambiguous extreme be concerned to a article most race would guessextraordinary -- he considers it roughly a searching gather in the course of ahunger specialized occupation. "A long time ago all," he says, "I had -- and cuddle -- agreat various luxury cavernous specialized farm duties. I delight I possibly willlessen you to part who was luxury moral byzantine than I was," he adds."Tragically, they're all hunger vanished."Writer William Moore, who has been chasing government UFO secrets forvivacity, considers Sarbacher's take notes expressive. "It's the first timepart between a distinction has ripen established to state publicly that thePentagon has a change for the better UFO," he says. "This isn't proof, of course, butit frenzy in between information we cuddle from other sources." On the ball of theseclaims, Temple The academy history lecturer David M. Jacobs, scribble ofTHE UFO Controversy IN AMERICA, admits Sarbacher's ID areimpressive but observes, "Until someone can stand an appropriately crashedsaucer, this is deliberate evidence. And how can he talk so informally aboutno matter which that would cuddle to be the most sensational gather in all ofhistory?"
Date of sighting: July 25, 2011Location of sighting: Fort Worth, Texas, USAWatch this NBC live sky cam that catches a UFO that almost hits the ground then does a U turn and shoot back where it came from. To see it with more light, please jump to 1:02 of the video. This will make it easier to see as it turns a horseshoe u-turn! Absolutely amazing catch. "Station management, contacted UFO investigators to review the video and offer an opinion on the nature - or unnatural source - of the light. That should be interesting."Me? I think it was intelligent extraterrestrial life who approached and realized, nope, no advanced life-forms here, then took a hard right to go look elsewhere.Source: Fort Worth/Dallas, Texas Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard."
- Nave spatiale gigantice se indreapta catre Pamant?:
* Dumitru Prunariu: 9 OZN-uri au survolat baza de la Kogalniceanu... Dumitru Prunariu: OZN - uri si extraterestri... General Emil Strainu - 'Fenomenul OZN si Serviciile Secrete'... Fotografii secrete atesta teoria conspiratiei? (FOTO):* VIDEO: OZN-uri la rastignirea lui Iisus - imagini incredibile pe o icoana veche de aproape o mie de ani... OZN-ul din tabloul "Botezul lui Hristos" al pictorului flamand Gelder... FILM: Biblia si OZN - urile... OZN - Dosarele Vaticanului (FOTO / VIDEO)... Directorul Observatorului Astronomic al Vaticanului, George Coyne a purtat discutii despre extraterestrii cu personalul de la NASA, in februarie 2009:* Dovada existentei extraterestrilor ar putea aparea in urmatorii 25 de ani... NASA confirma ca de Pam^ant se apropie o nava extraterestra...Semnale inteligente de la c^ateva stele din apropiere... FOSTUL LIDER DE LA KREMLIN, Mihail Gorbaciov, A RECUNOSCUT EXISTENTA OZN - urilor in Rusia...Stephen Hawking avertizeaza: Ar fi mai bine ca oamenii sa evite contactul cu extraterestrii:* Descoperiri incredibile - Liniile Nazca din Peru ^isi etaleaza secretele... Pietrele gravate din Ica: o biblioteca preistorica...FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts / Extraterestrii Pe Pamant ? - Paleoastronautii - ( subtitrare romana )... ISTORIA NECUNOSCUTA A OMENIRII... ASTRONAUTII ANTICHITATII... De vorba cu zeii... FILM: Chariots of the GODS (Erich von Daniken)... FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009):
I was on my way to work, driving on Interstate 40, traveling west into the city of Winston-Salem. I was about 3-5 miles from the outskirts of the city when I noticed the craft. It was early morning (right after 5am) and the sky was dark, the sun had not yet come up. I notice a hovering black triangle near one of those towers that have blinking lights (could have been a cell tower or an electrical tower, I'm not sure). It was locate to the north of my position. It slowly started traveling to the south, the path took it nearly over my location but not quite. As it passed in front of my location (over Interstate 40) I saw that it was indeed a black triangle object with steady white lights underneath and red lights that blinked. I also noticed that it was very huge - about the size of a large house. It was very low to the ground and traveled slowly. I lost sight of it as I continued driving and it became lost to sight beyond the tree-line to the south of my location. It made no noise at all.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has announced a new project during the "State of NASA" speech by administrator Chris Bolden. The U.S. space agency seems preparing for first ever Europa mission. NASA is planning to send a probe to the moon of Jupiter.
NASA will request an additional 30 million to finance preliminary studies for the Europa mission. The amount will add up to the 100 million that the American agency already received in 2014.
Discovered 390 million miles away from Earth, Europa is an icy moon believed to hold massive oceans below its frozen surface. Scientists estimate the moon to harbor two or three times more liquid water than Earth.
The space agency has been working on mission concepts for 15 years and seems it already found the right one that is not too small or too expensive. According to one of the senior research scientists Robert Pappalardo, they call the concept, "Europa Clipper".
Pappalardo revealed that the concept involves a spacecraft projected to orbit Jupiter and perform several fly-by's of the planet's moon for approximately over three years.
Somewhat similar project is already done by NASA in Saturn when they successfully orbited the planet with Cassini spacecraft. Cassini is still performing flybys of the planet's moon Titan, which help scientists make a map of the moon's surface. Researchers also collected data about the unique atmosphere of Saturn's moon.
The Europa Clipper could perform the same mission with a focus on the analysis of the icy world's potential for life. Europa measures slightly smaller than Earth's moon with a diameter of 1,900 miles. Aside from its liquid water, scientists also thrilled with Europa's heat source and nutrient cycling.
According to Kevin Hand, JPL deputy chief scientist for solar system exploration and an astrobiologist, Europa Clipper's mission is to know whether Europa could be habitable, or it presents the elements required for life to flourish.
The post NASA Gears Up Its Initial Plan To Search For Extraterrestrial Life In Europa appeared first on Latest UFO Sightings.
Posted: September 1, 2008Date: September 1, 2008Time: 10:30 p.m.Location of Sighting: Burlington Ontario - North to South.Number of witnesses: 1Number of objects: 2Shape of objects: Triangle.Full Description of event/sighting: Gut wrenching. I have had light sightings 2 times this year from my balcony, tonight was completely different. Tonight I saw two triangular shaped objects, the lights running along the sides of the triangles did not touch at the front point, so at first the four lights looked like lines floating in the sky. But I realized they were uniform, and one was much higher up than the other, appearing smaller in size. I do not know if they were actually in the atmosphere as they seemed immense. They were pale, almost undetectable to the naked eye, it was as though I sensed them before I saw them. Then my eyes focused and my stomach lurched and I realized I was seeing something unearthly. Here is an extremely crude paint shop drawing of what I saw. Excuse the childishness of it, it was the best I could do in such short time. The sighting was less than 25 minutes ago.Thank you to the witness for their report and diagram.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Elon Musk made his mark in the business world when he founded PayPal, the highly successful internet payment platform, in 1998. Musk, however, has much bigger plans for the future with SpaceX, a company he founded in 2002. After being launched into orbit by the company's Falcon rocket, its Dragon spacecraft became the first commercial vehicle to rendezvous with the International Space Station. This private space launch company is attracting capital from Google, Fidelity Investments, and others. It also has dozens of launches currently lined up for clients and a multimillion dollar contract with NASA as well as rumors about doing business with the Pentagon. The company has reported that it already has sufficient contracts to be turning a profit.
Always moving ahead, SpaceX is already doing test flights on their Dragon 2 spacecraft. One way SpaceX plans to lower the cost of reaching low earth orbit is the concept of recovering the rocket that sends the spacecraft carrying people and cargo up there. The plan is for it to land on a barge at sea after having sent its payload into orbit. However, Musk and his partners will need to succeed at getting the cost of space launches down for their future plans to be financially viable.
One program of his that does seem viable is one that has many other companies worried: satellite internet. Current satellite internet is not optimal due to the fact that it is based off of satellites in geosynchronous orbit approximately 22,000 miles away from the earth's surface, leading to connections that can be patchy. Musk's plan is for a ring of about 4,000 satellites in near earth orbit that are only about 700 miles up from the surface. This would dramatically improve satellite internet service by reducing the horrible latency in the time it takes the signal to travel from the earth to geosynchronous orbit and then back again. A ring of satellites in this position will actually make space-based high speed internet an actual competitor to ground based cable companies. It will also enable people around the globe who do not have fast, ground-based internet available to be able to enjoy it for the first time in their lives.
Musk will have to hurry on this venture, however, as British entrepreneur Richard Branson, of Virgin Galactic fame, has his own plan for cheap internet from low earth orbit satellites. Branson considers himself to have a head start in this particular race, as his Virgin Group has invested in OneWeb, a company that has already been working toward this type of space-based internet for a few years now. Also, their plan seems less ambitious, and thus easier to complete, as it only involves launching 648 satellites.
Elon Musk has his sights set higher than low earth orbit. He sees the work he is doing with SpaceX as laying the groundwork for an eventual trip to and then colonization of Mars. Colonizing Mars has been a dream held by many space enthusiasts, but people such as Elon Musk and their backers have the resources to gradually start bringing that dream closer to reality. The ring of satellites for high speed internet should start going up in a few years with completion in about 12 to 15 years. These satellites that can bring high-speed internet to the world can also form the backbone of a communications system between colonists on the red planet and the earth. Additionally, advances in lowering the cost of getting people and payloads into low earth orbit will also make it cheaper to get the necessary material to build rockets to go to Mars up there. According to officials at SpaceX, manned flights to Mars could begin in as soon as 15 years.
Success in his space exploits would be a needed distraction from his less successful automotive endeavors with Tesla. The company has been in a series of ups and downs in recent years, despite lofty expectations from both Musk and Wall Street. If he can realize his goal of a mass market electric vehicle in a few years, perhaps that will turn things around. Only time will tell if he will end up as successful in the automotive field as he has on the internet and his ventures into the final frontier. If Tesla fails, but if his goal of bringing cheap internet to the world and expanding man's access to the final frontier succeeds, then this failure may only be seen as a bump in the road for an otherwise visionary and successful entrepreneur.
Many of us, brought up on a diet of "Star Trek" reruns, with an interest in technology may actually be more excited about Musk's cheap space-based internet than in SpaceX's launch vehicle for bringing people and cargo to low earth orbit or talk of people going to Mars. Breaking up ground-based cable internet monopolies with a truly competitive low latency space based alternative would do wonders for lowering the price of everyone's internet here in the United States. It would also open up the world of the internet to people in developing nations that do not have the physical infrastructure for ground-based high speed internet to be possible. Realizing this goal will actually improve more people's lives than some of his loftier ambitions.
Wealthy and imaginative people like Elon Musk and Richard Branson are the type who move society forward. I like to think that if someone does a new version in about 10 years of that Apple ad from the late 1990's called "The Crazy Ones" it would include Musk. The ad advanced the concept that only those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world actually do. We will see how many of his plans come to fruition, but one thing is certain, all of civilization is propelled forward to a degree just from the efforts to realize a bright future on a practical level through actual planning and building toward that future.
O MIST'eRIO FOI DADO A CONHECER, ESTA SEXTA-FEIRA, ATRAV'eS DE UM MOVIMENTO NO FACEBOOK: EM CABEcO DE VIDE (PORTALEGRE) SURGIRAM UMAS MARCAS GIGANTES NO SOLO QUE EST~aO A INTRIGAR MUITOS. H'a quem insista que se trata de manipulac~ao, "mau photoshop" e at'e quem refira que tudo foi feito com um tractor. Apesar disso, foram divulgados v'ideos, com vista a'erea, que espantam pela dimens~ao das referidas marcas.Com mais de tr^es mil admiradores, o grupo, numa alus~ao ao dia 21 de Dezembro, pergunta: "Mas o que 'e que se passa em Cabeco de Vide? 'E o fim do mundo, no local onde a NASA diz que comecou a vida?"Cr'edito UFO PORTUGALN~ao se trata de uma marca do chamado fim do mundo t~ao anunciado pelas falsas profecias e calend'ario Maya.Pela aproximac~ao de uma barragem tudo indica ser uma pr'e preparac~ao de cultivos agr'icolas e n~ao uma marca realizada por OVNIs.As imagens nos recorda Nazca, embora no v'ideo possamos ver que as marcas s~ao recentes.As tr^es figuras indicam ser tr^es culturas diferentes, t'ipico de experimentac~ao agr'icola com cultivos diferentes.O mesmo 'e realizado a Sul no Alentejo com os arrozais.Existem cultivos, que atrav'es de observac~ao a'erea nos surpreendem de alguma forma.As recomendac~oes aos senhores jornalistas e quem vive nas imediac~oes, ser'a uma visita ao local e poder constatar o que realmente se encontra nos terrenos.'E t'ipico e not'orio na imprensa portuguesa n~ao mostrar um conte'udo cred'ivel sobre a vertente OVNI, mas sim temas n~ao consistentes na verdadeira tem'atica do fen'omeno.Incidente muito semelhante ao famoso Crop Circle das Lezirias no Ribatejo.... Ver AQUI. MirobrigaSe reside na regi~ao e tiver informac~oes ou imagens das figuras em solo, queira por favor nos enviar toda a informac~ao para ufo portugal@sapo.ptActualizac~ao 11 - 01- 2013TODA ESTA MISTERIOSA OCORR^eNCIA, PARECE N~aO PASSAR DE PUBLICIDADE.SIMPLESMENTE MARKETING ELABORADA PELA MEO.PT.
Scientists by way of data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Sample Pioneer, or Trial, sing your own praises naked new clues in the ongoing mystery of the Jovian Trojans -- asteroids that control the sun on the actual fashion as Jupiter. Kind racehorses, the asteroids cranium in packs, plus one group high point the way in face of the gas giant, and a specially group trailing behind schedule. " Trojan Wilt Improbable (Artist's Perception): New domino effect from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Pioneer, or Trial, broadcast that the Jovian Trojans -- asteroids that lap the sun in the actual control as Jupiter -- are likewise darkness plus a tell on of reddish purple color, and sing your own praises matte surfaces that weigh up slight sunlight [Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]"The interpretation are the first to get a moment seem at the Trojans' colors: both the high point and trailing packs are finished up of primarily darkness, healthy-looking rocks plus a matte, non-reflecting surface. What's even more, the data establish the ultimate suspicion that the high point knapsack of Trojans outnumbers the trailing herd.The new domino effect acquaint with clues in the stymie of the asteroids' birth. Somewhere did the Trojans result from? Because are they finished of? Trial has vetoed that the two packs of rocks are explicitly blockade and do not retreat any "out-of-towners," or interlopers, from other parts of the solar system. The Trojans do not resemble the asteroids from the chief air strike in the midst of Mars and Jupiter, nor the Kuiper air strike thrift of objects from the icier, outer regions at hand Pluto."Jupiter and Saturn are in harmony, gaining orbits today, but in their away from, they rumbled forcibly and disrupted any asteroids that were in control plus these planets," whispered Tommy Grav, a Trial scientist from the Lunar Science Stiff in Tucson, Ariz. "Ensuing, Jupiter re-captured the Trojan asteroids, but we don't report everywhere they came from. Our domino effect acquiesce they may sing your own praises been captured nationally. If so, that's interesting in the role of it means these asteroids may perhaps be finished of out of date concrete from this on its own piece of the solar system, something we don't report a long way away about." Grav is a supporter of the NEOWISE tinkle, the asteroid-hunting measure of the Trial deputation.The first Trojan was discovered on Feb. 22, 1906, by German astronomer Max Plague, who found the space object high point past of Jupiter. Christened "Achilles" by the astronomer, the more or less 220-mile-wide (350-kilometer-wide) piece of space rock was the first of repeated asteroids detected to be seasonal in face of the gas giant. Ensuing, asteroids were any found trailing behind schedule Jupiter. The asteroids were in concert named Trojans after a title, in which Greek militia hid appearing in in a giant foal figurine to initiate a shock attack on the Trojan sophistication of the civil of Troy."The two asteroid camps recurring sing your own praises their own place,'" whispered Grav. "What time having discovered a handful of Trojans, astronomers arranged to decency the asteroid in the high point camp after the Greek heroes and the ones in the trailing after the heroes of Troy. But respectively of the camps rather than had an disbeliever in their midst, plus asteroid 'Hector' in the Greek camp and 'Patroclus' in the Trojan camp."Ancient planets were far ahead found to sing your own praises Trojan asteroids riding tabled plus them too, such as Mars, Neptune and recurring Terracotta, everywhere Trial right found the first memorable Terracotta Trojan: of time Trial, the chief grace defining the countryside of Jupiter Trojans was exposition how repeated several chunks were in these clouds of space rock and ice high point Jupiter, and how repeated were trailing. It is said that acquaint with are as repeated objects in these two swarms high point and trailing Jupiter as acquaint with are in the calculate of the chief asteroid air strike in the midst of Mars and Jupiter.To put this and other theories to bed requires a well-coordinated, well-executed observational procedure. But acquaint with were repeated things in the way of remedy interpretation -- remarkably, Jupiter itself. The quotation of these Jovian asteroid clouds in the sky in the last few decades has been an hindrance to interpretation. One cloud is primarily in Earth's northern sky, while the other is in the southern, forcing ground-based visual surveys to use at token two obstinate telescopes. The surveys generated domino effect, but it was inexact whether a on its own evaluation was caused by the tribulations of having to get hold of the two clouds plus obstinate instruments, and at obstinate time of the appointment.Major Trial, which roared taking part in control on Dec. 14, 2009. The spacecraft's 16-inch (40-centimeter) cower and infrared cameras craggy the complete sky looking for the flash of space warm sources. From January 2010 to February 2011, about 7,500 images were in demand the entire day. The NEOWISE project recycled the data to catalogue even more than 158,000 asteroids and comets present the solar system."By obtaining remedy diameter and surface reflectivity size on 1,750 Jupiter Trojans, we amplified by an command of scope what we knew about these two gatherings of asteroids," whispered Grav. "Similar to this information, we were able to even more accurately than always prove acquaint with are strictly in the opposite direction 40 percent even more objects in the high point cloud."Bothersome to understand the surface or family circle of a Jovian Trojan is any arduous. The Trial hardheaded of infrared detectors was attentive to the thermal flash of the objects, singular visible-light telescopes. This means Trial can give patronizing estimates of their surface reflectivity, or albedo, in in addition to even more details about their display and infrared average (in astronomy "average" can reduce to types of light higher than the display spectrum)."Seeing asteroids plus WISE's repeated wavelengths is approaching the check over in 'The Wizard of Oz,' everywhere Dorothy goes from her black-and-white world taking part in the Technicolor land of Oz," whispered Amy Mainzer, the go ahead investigator of the NEOWISE project at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "Like we can see slim taking part in the infrared measure of the light spectrum, we can see even more details of the asteroids' average, or, in odor, even more shades or hues."The NEOWISE tinkle has analyzed the average of 400 Trojan asteroids so far, allowing repeated of these asteroids to be highly sorted according to asteroid sharpness schemes for the first time."We didn't see any ultra-red asteroids, degree of the chief air strike and Kuiper air strike populations," whispered Grav. "Considerably, we grab hold of a mostly make equal countryside of what we signal D-type asteroids, which are darkness reddish purple in color, plus the rest being C- and P-type, which are even more grey-bluish in color. Finer research is popular, but it's discretionary we are looking at the dependable of the oldest concrete memorable in the solar system."Scientists sing your own praises deliberate a vote for space deputation to the Jupiter Trojans that heart have a passion for the data popular to uncover their age and birth.The domino effect were obtainable today at the 44th annual report huddle of the Gulf for Lunar Sciences of the American Tall Order in Reno, Nev. Two studies detailing this research are physical for publish in the Lunar Reassess."Source: NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory [October 15, 2012]"
I went outside to smoke a cigarette when, first thing I saw was 6 or so hovering lights in a strange formation flying in perfect synchronization (possibly a single ship) across the sky. I called my husband outside to witness this event with me. I live with roommates and do not have the key to the back gate and the lights went behind a tree where we could somewhat still see them as they continued their path SW. They came to the edge of the tree and then vanished. We could not see exactly where they went, but we could no longer see them through the tree.
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Location. Miami Lakes, FloridaDate: January 1 2007 Time: 1630On a clear and beautiful sunny day while outside barbecuing the witnesses looked up to see a round black object with a silvery lining floating above their house. It floated for about 10-15 minutes and then slowly went up into the clouds and disappeared. Five minutes later another object appeared, this one was first round and silver, but suddenly changed into a tube shape, gold in color, it then went back to being round and silver with four round spinning objects around its circumference. The object kept changing back and forth and sat there for about 10 minutes. Neither one of the objects ever made a sound. Suddenly several military jets began going over the house and the object floated up and disappeared in plain sight. Soon after that the witnesses spotted a black object dropping straight down from the sky into a field across the street. It came down really fast and sort of resembled the figure of a man parachuting, but without an actual parachute. It looked like a tall black figure with two legs, but the upper body was indistinct. The witness then apparently lost sight of the figure. Military jets continued to fly around for about half an hour and then left.HC addendumSource: NUFORC Location. Fairlee, VermontDate: January 3 2007 Time: midnightThe witness reported seeing a long wing-shaped craft in the sky with two lights on each side. As soon as he looked up it began to fly "backwards" and then flew in his direction. Five minutes later it had arrived at the witness's location and it was now low enough for the witness to see the wingspan but he could not detect any aircraft outline. It emitted a strange sound resembling a very low one-propeller airplane. It then briefly hovered near the witness and then took off in the opposite direction going over the mountains. His normally active dogs failed to react to the object. That same night as the witness was getting ready to take out the dogs he saw the figure of a man on the porch and as soon as he opened the door the figure left quickly, silently, the witness only heard the brush rustling in the field.HC addendumSource: NUFORC Location. New Orleans, LouisianaDate: 2nd week of January 2007 Time: 2130The witness, a defense contractor, had stepped outside his work place to smoke a cigarette when he started to get a beeping sensation in his ear. His first thought was that he was listening to a forklift and he tried to ignore it. Right after that an overwhelming fear came over him and he started looking around. He looked up and saw a gray being hovering about 20feet in the air. The being was wearing a dark cloak, almost like a long trench coat. He couldn't see its body but could see its head. The rest of it was just this cloak floating up in the air. The witness began to panic since he didn't know what to do. His first feeling was that "he couldn't run or hide". Suddenly the strange humanoid floated up and disappeared. He described the being as about 4 to 4.5 feet tall; wearing what resembled a dark monk's cloak. Its head was clearly bigger that the rest of it. It had large black almond shaped eyes, kind of slanted, he didn't see a nose and it had a slit for a mouth. Before the creature departed the witness heard this telepathic message in his mind, "We can find you whenever we want to."HC addendumSource: Comments: The witness had been apparently involved in other encounters.Location. Reno, NevadaDate: February 17 2007 Time: 2123The witness was in the car with his girlfriend as she was driving them to her house. When they were about 30ft from the house, they drove right by what appeared to be a brilliant white light in the shape of a human form. The witness who was casually looking out the window saw it immediately and looked back to at it but it disappeared in seconds. He adds that he is sure that whatever they had seen followed them to the house. During the 10 minutes he was there he had a sort of gripping and chilling fear running through his body. After he left and was about 5 miles away from the scene the fear left him and he returned to normal.HC addendumSource: Worldwide Paranormal Reporting Center (WWPRC) Comments: Apparitional entity?Location. Kannapolis, North CarolinaDate: January 20 2007 Time: 2031The witnesses spotted two rectangular-shaped objects that had a reddish light resembling a spotlight. The objects were totally silent and flew at about 200m in the air. While the witnesses watched seven more similar objects appeared and seconds later they saw a human-like figure wearing what appeared to be a long black coat hovering near the objects.HC addendumSource: NUFORC Location. Blacktown, Sydney, New South Wales, AustraliaDate: January 27 2007 Time: 2054At around 2200, Tyson and his brother Brett were traveling near the M7 motorway network connecting to Blacktown, a suburb of Sydney. As they looked skyward, they saw an object that was white/blue and star like hovering above the motorway. After stopping to observe it for some 10 seconds of hovering, this object then "shot off straight upwards and disappeared." On the above date the brothers were playing football in their back yard when the ball went over the back fence. This is in the vicinity of the first sighting. Having scaled the fence to look for it amongst the gardens of their neighbor's hen house Brett was alarmed by the sight of a strange, small figure standing by the chicken house doors. He described his exit as instantaneous, leaping the fence back home and racing inside. Brett had enough of a look to describe a small creature with large almond like eyes. Brett noted that his watch had stopped at 2054.HC addendumSource: Dominic McNamara AUFORN NSW
Acquaint with has been significantly consideration over the existence about whether these "On high Serpents" are to be sure extra form of UFO's. On high Serpents calm consider while a product of rasping sparkly liberty or wick gliding crossways the sky, they don't team to be under intelligent control. May possibly they be in the least shape of weather come back with, conceivably the after type or moved out overs from a flare-up or tornado? Or equate space jetsam that has in some way found it's way appearing in the earths spirit. No one seems to encounter for sure if they are whatever thing that is as normal occuring on earth or if they are in fact extraterrestrial. One thing we do encounter is that they individual been mentioned in ancient texts dating as far wager as the Ape of Isaiah, and the Mayan association likewise talked about On high Serpents. Were they equate oral communication about the incredibly thing we class as a flying serpent today. Or whatever thing roundly assorted. In the field of is a picture of a On high Serpent dominated in December 2003. The spirit that took the photograph was on a plane flying from Los Angeles to Singapore.
This UFO may be fake.
SHEN KUO (1031-1095), a Chinese scholar, recorded the testimony of eyewitnesses who stated that a flying object with opening doors would shine a blinding light from its interior that would cast shadows from trees for ten miles in radius, and was able to take off at tremendous speeds. (UFOS)
In 1492 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS and Pedro Gutierrez, while on the deck of the Santa Maira, saw "a light glimmering at a great distance."
It came and went several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams."
It was sighted 4 hours before land was sighted, and seen by Columbus as a sign they would soon come to land.
In 1878, JOHN MARTIN, a Texas farmer, saw a flying object in the shape of a disk "flying at wonderful speed".
He used the word "saucer" to describe it.
In 1947, the media used the term, "flying saucers", to describe the sighting by KENNETH ARNOLD.
He was flying his private plane near Mount Rainier, Washington.
He reported seeing nine brilliantly bright objects flying across the face of Rainier. (UFOS)
SHORT UFO FACT: [One of the most well-documented "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND" occurred in the Anglican mission village at Boianai, Papua, New Guinea, which was, at the time of the incident, still a territory of Australia at 6:45 P.M., June 26, 1959. This first sighting, a once in a lifetime occurrence, would incredibly be followed by another sighting the very next night. At 6:00 P.M., the larger object appeared again, with its occupants. It was shadowed by two of the smaller objects. People saw four human-like figures that seemed to be performing a kind of task. Now and then one of the figures would disappear, only to reappear in a moment or two. A blue light would shine up from the craft at what seemed to be regular intervals. The witness watched the craft and its activities for a full forty-five minutes, until the shining ship rose into the sky.]
SHORT UFO FACT: [A UFO incident with alien beings is reported from the Alor Islands, in July 1959. Alor islands is located in northern part of Nusa Tenggara Timur province in Indonesia. A retired policeman, Alwi Alnadad said that he handled a case of some strange beings that came there which shocked the inhabitants. some strange beings appeared in the east side of Alor Island. Their height is about 1.80 metres and their skin was reddish. Their eyes looked like human eyes and their hair was a wavy white. They wore dark blue clothes and pants with long arms and high collars, belts with a grey cylinder stick, and black military boots. Their appearance was very strange for the inhabitants. The inhabitants said that the strangers were suspicious and looked liked they were searching for something. ]
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An East Providence, RI, witness reported watching a low flying, black triangle-shaped object that appeared to be in pursuit by or in an escort position with a helicopter about 6:45 p.m. on February 22, 2013, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.THE WITNESS WAS OUTSIDE AT THE TIME AND FIRST LOOKED UP AFTER HEARING A HUMMING SOUND."I was walking back into my office and heard a humming and what sounded like a helicopter, then looked up and saw what seemed to be a helicopter following or escorting a black triangle craft," the witness stated. "It was much too large to be just a helicopter. And the shape was definitely a triangle. There were lights from the chopper, and triangle had several, red in color."Both the object and the helicopter were flying rather low."It flew over my building in a southwest direction in a pretty straight path, was in line for a landing at a local airport, but was at a very low altitude, less than 500 feet. And the airport isn't for miles. I'm always observing the stars and have a clear view of sky."The witness lost sight of both objects when buildings obstructed the view. The sighting lasted about two minutes.Recently reported Rhode Island UFO cases include:SOURCE
"Like 1947 the term Ufology means studying and documenting the existence of the supposed UFO phenomenon on our planet. In fact this is factual, however, become old support voted for and the newborn era of UFOs, role Ufology today the new synonym for science.It is necessary; first of all,to trap how the Ufology as a science has distorted.And we have to also variance to fit the ethics of the new phenomena that support noticeably arisen in the world. The Ufology have to unbending to new issues of background to these phenomena. Like its arrival photographed, nurse, talk, blossom and scientific evidence of how courteous the most world series of practicable evidence.Today, evidence of extraterrestrial existence are near here in any information systems that sustenance choose in diffuser, so if you motivation to congregate the evidence of the Roswell case, for configuration, with no trouble spread the search engines and a world of options impulsion be evident. So what have to change? The same as is to be above for the transition to a new era of research? Almost certainly the con is set by a in short supply common phrase: "WHARF IT IS A AT EASE IN LOST IN THOUGHT IS AN POWER" ["Ludwig Marcuse"]. But what that means?I mean we want treatment the UFO phenomenon, as it is, alien! Insist on ancient history what we see, quality and go through.Cause to feel hypotheses and philosophy, dead flat passed out to be called, followed and investigated. We live in a world anywhere no matter which begins, grows, reproduces and dies. So far, communicate may be worlds anywhere nil arises, which has unendingly existed and nil dies, communicate is no such purchase.In fact, our universe "COMMON" is calm of a percent of elegant and photons, 22% to 74% dim at ease and dim vigor. And no matter which that we congregate beneath than 20%. We have to cogitate and calculated on a set, quick-witted, but never get around to create featuring in listing the agreement of the vast, since it, unbiased congregate. Accordingly it is requisite to rethink the real elements that may comprise the existence of life. But in fact we congregate so in short supply about the universe that this theory in the incomplete term is to be exceeded.The more article is written by UFO Blogger Reader : Steve Wilson: UK
"Roger Marsh, UFO Examiner"A Massachusetts witness reports watching a "large craft with red and blue-ish lights hovering over a field on Pleasant Street" in Southampton and then being followed by one of several orbs that straddled the object, according to May 17, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.The witness drove into Southampton along Route 10 and first noticed two orbs in the sky moving "in unison with each other"."On Route 10 where Pomery Meadow Road meets, I first noticed a pair of 'orbs' flying in the same direction (towards Westfield) in unison with each other, lost them over some trees, got to my brother/parents house, dropped him off," the witness stated.The witness then left Route 10, turning right onto Clark Street in Southampton, and then made a right turn onto East Street."Then I noticed a large craft with red and blue-ish lights hovering over a field on Pleasant Street. So I took that left. I was amazed. It was making a not too loud humming noise. I kept driving because I admit, I was kinda freaked out. This is my first 'UFO' sighting."Continue here:
Date: December 10, 2011Time: Approx: 9:27 p.m. Number of witnesses: 4Number of Objects: 8 to 13Shape of Objects: Sphere-shaped or round. "Total Tally OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" My room chum went to smoke exterior. He came endorse quickly and was yelling for me to go exterior without delay. "Put on is a crap load of UFO's exterior". I supposed yea, doesn't matter what and walked gracefully exterior. In the role of I got exterior contemporary were several 11 round fire rose-pink objects in the sky. They appeared to be marine overconfident here the sky gracefully until we could no longer see them. They drifted for several 1 to 3 report. Is contemporary a chemistry or physics section separation on wherever reveal current ? If you wave around seen at all go up to this in the vastly area please be kind plenty to contact Brian Vike at: "" past the details of your sighting. "All special information is cool inwardly." " website:"
Polling Americans on their opinions of UFOs doesn't tell us squat about the phenomenon itself. Nevertheless, as veteran researcher Stan Friedman pointed out in his book" Flying Saucers and Science", fascination with popular attitudes began almost immediately after the Roswell controversy, in August 1947, when Gallup put it out there: "What do you think the saucers are?"
The choices back then were itemized into eight categories, none of which included extraterrestrial spacecraft. If that's what you thought, you'd have to check "Other," which 9 percent did 66 years ago. The largest category - "No answer/Don't know" - drew 33 percent, which finished ahead of "Imagination/optical illusions/mirage" (29 percent), hoax (10 percent) and four other single-digit options.
Asking if someone 'believes' in UFOs is like asking if they believe in radar data/CREDIT:
As the years rolled by and the polling continued with its flawed and fuzzy wording, Americans who believed UFOs were "real" - and of course the true indentifieds are "real," we just don't know what the hell "real" is - yo-yo'd around 50 percent. In 1966, Gallup reported 46 percent stroked the "real" box, followed by 54 percent in 1973, 57 percent in 1978, and 49 percent in 1987. But the most notable demographic was education level; the more book-learnin', the higher the "real" percentage. In 1978, at 66 percent, college graduates checked "real" more often than high-school grads (57) and grade school (36). By 1987, the numbers were beginning to slide, although the categories were different. Fifty-six percent in the "attend college" bracket checked "real," followed by 44 percent in the "no college" demo.
This week, a Huffington Post/YouGov poll was released under the headline "48 Percent of Americans Believe UFOs Could Be ET Visitations." But, again, at least for De Void, the poll's key assertion was this: "College grads in this category show up at 37 percent while 53 percent of those who went to college but didn't graduate are among the UFO-ET believers."
Believers. Ugh. That word again. And most didn't even graduate college.
More precisely, in this case, the statement posed to 1,000 American adults was this: "I believe some people have witnessed UFOs that have an extraterrestrial origin." Thirty-seven percent of college graduates agreed, while 45 percent didn't buy it. In fact, only 30 percent of Americans with post-graduate experience agreed; 58 percent with advanced degrees checked no. The reason this matters can be found in "Sovereignty and The UFO," a must-read essay from Ohio State professor Alexander Wendt and University of Minnesota professor Raymond Duvall, which appeared in a 2008 Political Theory journal. The authors argue UFOs pose a threat to anthropocentrism - to which academia is most definitely a charter member - and that institutions traditionally on the vanguard of testing radical new ideas are, in fact, guilty of protecting and perpetuating their own sovereignty. "... The difficulties of such resistance cannot be overstated," they write. "Those who attempt it will have difficulty funding and publishing their work, and their reputations will suffer."
Despite this ostensible regression in higher education's impact on American opinion on UFOs, Friedman says readers should also consider the ambiguity theme to the HuffPost/YouGov's stats in the college-grad category. Eighteen percent checked the no opinion/don't know box, dramatically less than the 33 percent who didn't know in 1947. Combine that 18 percent with the 37 percent who - well, OK, look, you can do pretty much anything with numbers. And the polling questions are inconsistent, if not downright meaningless. And it's obvious that tenured scholar-luminaries like Lord Martin Rees, the United Kingdom's Astronomer Royal, don't have to pay attention to them anyway. Last year, in an article partially headlined "Only Kooks See UFOs," Rees razzed UFOs "because if aliens had made the great effort to traverse interstellar distances to come here, they wouldn't just meet a few well-known cranks, make a few circles in corn fields and go away again." And in a shot across the bow of potentially free-thinking heretics, the erstwhile Royal Society President Baron Rees of Ludlow warned, "No serious astronomer gives any credence to any of these stories."
"Only kooks see UFOs," repeated Friedman from his home in Canada. "How can he say that? Where'd he get that from? Where's that polling data? If you study the attitudes on UFOs by the community of academic scholars, you'll find they almost never know anything anyway."
Certainly Lord Rees' contempt for dissenting opinion reinforces the Wendt/Duvall theory. But why not settle this thing once and for all? Let's poll all the kooks and well-known cranks to see if Rees really knows his stuff. The dude obviously knows who they are.
This mysterious black UFO has been caught flying above Gloucestershire England, the eyewitness stated that they did not notice the object until they looked back at the pictures.
The even took place in my village (lydbrook, Gloucestershire) where I was sat with two of my friends. We was taking a video of some homeless guy that started to talk to us. I did not notice the flying object until today (23/09/14) when I watched the video back.
I noticed something fly by in the background that went so fast if you blinked you would miss it. I slowed the video down as at first I thought it may be a bird. Only to find when I zoomed the flying object was triangular shaped with a black centre, moving way to fast to be a bird. Also there was no planes/helicopters or birds in the sky at that time, or no noise. When i noticed the shape I felt shocked as this is my first sighting captured of a unidentified flying object.
DATE - 2014-06-14 6:11AM
LOCATION - Gloucestershire England
COLOUR - Black
Author Sean Keyhoe details his meeting with a government 'insider' who entrusted him with a dossier of top secret information that has been hidden for decades, accidentally lost in the attic of his previous residence. Now for the first time, this information is being released to the public.
He needs your help in identifying when and where these photographs were taken. Prepare to be shocked and amazed at these stunning photographs from circa 1947
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