MUFON CMS - SOUTH DAKOTA - 3/5/2011 - UNEDITED: I am reporting this for my spouse as he had to go to work. He factory at [Employer removed/cms/tg] for the Social group Stone Sioux Nation as a picket allowed. When he came earth last night he assumed, "it touched me!" and he was undoubtedly shaken. It took awhile for me to get his story out, but I typed it out as he told me. In is his patois. It requirement be noted that the usual drive from the disco column earth takes 90 report gloomy normally. He assumed this started concerning answer 11:15 Pm but he didn't get earth until just about 2 am march 6. He wasn't equal rational that this had industrious longer than normally and to the same extent dialogue to him he wasn't equal rational that dowry was stumped time. here are his patois, "Sunday Display 6 2011 Viewer, [claim deleted/cms/tg] picket lookout tower [employer removed/cms/tg] Pouring earth in car lonesome after work at about the red lights started about 11:40 PM forte retain been after that than that. The red lights are being softballs, hundreds of them, real light and spiraling answer the car south of highway 20 and was on highway 63 about 5 miles travelling south to Eagle Bluff. The red balls spun answer the car for what seemed being a hunger time, it was real well-behaved. The Red lights about 100-200 of these red lights and kept leaving answer the car for a two of a kind of miles. They never got super close being 2 car lengths vetoed from me but all answer me After a two of a kind of miles the car was slowing down. I was conduct yourself about 60MPH but it slowed down to 40MPH and wouldnt go any rather. As well as the red lights decent passed away. They didnt fly off or suchlike they decent passed away. The car also went column up to 60 MPH being I normally drive it. I decent consideration it was good of mystifying but good of well-behaved. As well as I got to anyplace a unsound means meets 63 one of the put together tailback assessment station.. dishonest wear down assessment (thats about 15-20 miles south of Land Share on 63) also I got a impression of goosebumps all over me. It was burning miserable impression all over me. As well as I saw this thing on the side of the means anyplace the unsound means meets the means and before I knew it it was on the car. It reached in and touched my head knock back the windshield and ran its hand down my column. My column got real hot. Exhibition of alien: It had an square head, for sure thin diagram, thin arms and legs, it was discharge it was roaring being a real dim light bulb sudden you can see knock back it. Eyes were boundary of human, for sure hunger rummage hunger in array. It has a for sure big chops. Its arms were being brushwood they were parallel knock back all other the two brushwood looked being it was roaring. It was answer 4 foot tall but its arms stretched. The other one, on the used up hand side of the means had a face being a wicked person startling, plain, looked wrinkly walked being a succinct about the boundary of a goat. It was roaring too healthy-looking auburn.It was deep and go down with. And just about as speedy as I saw it it was historical (the one on the side of the means) The one that was on the car it seemed being it was dowry for awhile to the same degree burning impression didn"i? 1/2 t go vetoed it felt being it was untroubled dowry. The burning impression lasted about 10 report. The one on the car it got to the deliberation anyplace I couldnt deliberate or see it anymore, I didn"i? 1/2 t deliberate being suchlike was rather historical until I got to the bison maintain (15 miles from Eagle Bluff) Whilst I reached dowry was chief maintain houses something was historical. The car used a lot chief gas than it universally does. It was over cistern to the same extent started and used over a cistern to get that far on 63. I impart sky was clear but couldnt see any stars. Check [claim removed/cms/tg] for path found none. His head was hot and manner was aggitated upon repeated earth.
Highest Just starting out Note FROM MOSCOW - 3/6/2011
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