The Mass Monster Mash
This coming Saturday night, I'll be lecturing on the subject of the Chupacabras at the annual "MONSTER MASH" gig at the Hibernian Hall in Watertown, Massachusetts. I'll be doing an illustrated presentation about (A) my various expeditions to Puerto Rico in search of the beast; and (B) explaining my views on the so-called "Texas Chupacabras."

And, if crashed UFOs are your thing too, the night before (also at the Hibernian Hall) I'll be talking about my studies into all-things of a Roswell-like nature at the "UFO SHOW". I spoke at both events last year, and a fine time was had by all.

Other speakers include Peter Robbins; Loren Coleman; John Horrigan; Jeff Belanger; and Chris Balzano. Also: Tim Binnall will be hosting a panel-discussion. Then, on the Sunday, there is a trip out to the Bridgewater Triangle - an area famed for its high-strangeness, including a wealth of weird beasts and unknown animals.

So, if you can get along, you're guaranteed a cool time!

Here's the site-link, where you'll find all the information on the event.
