I apologise for not position on in attendance, what the end of June, but many possessions intervened, but i am back anew, to blog about all possessions UFO important. Thanks for the e-mails that have flesh out in, and i concede that many have not been replied too..ashamed. Thanks anyway for all folks enquiring like i momentum be blogging anew.and no i have not been abducted, or subjected to MIB interrogation.emm, yet. I am not sure how i momentum try to territory up, from July up until now. Maybe put up blog posts for the months anxious, and add too them, like i can. I momentum i'm nervous have to tumor UK and Construction sightings coupled The most large thing to throw what i've been given away, is above UK UFO Store being released..in Dignified see in attendance for the file download details. They now charge for them, but you can, if you have missed the downloads (like they were free) go in attendance and download for free. You can anyway download the other UFO files from the older releases toovery helpful. I progress you between a few videos i have stumbled upon as i have been given away, that can be of entail. Regards. The Halt Movie recordings- Rendlesham Forest Britain's secure encounters Percentage 1 Britain's secure encounter Percentage 2 UFO Out of the blue (not stumbled upon moral, but a copy)Posted in are we alone?, IFO, MOD UFO files, news, out of the blue, out of this world, ufo, ufo updates, ufo video, ufo's
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