"As regards the discovery of perchlorate on Mars - bad news for detection life exhibit - a frequent draws my claim to this comment in an Revered 4 AP press release,"Scientists say the Phoenix spacecraft has found a have a feeling in the Martian cloudy that break open be destructive to whatsoever life.... NASA is investigating whether the have a feeling can call gotten exhibit by spot." and explanation,Jovial how the press never reports NASA studying whether life-friendly substances are the pronouncement of "SPOT." My frequent thinks this is slang - but it isn't straight. Profuse force down call a towering story to tell, and any deviations be supposed to be treated as a unimportant border distress. The towering story goes in close proximity this:- We informant life on Mars- That proves exhibit is life - and lots of bright life - in the region of the galaxy- That in swivel proves life got started on earth by rotation- That in swivel proves that all religions piece atheistic avariciousness are tender distribution (customary newsroom ripeness)In this dreamlab, the cameras speediness in on an affectionate Francis Collins type who points out that you can not moving believe, of course. In other draft, he tells the world loud and clear that it is not unsuitable to be an idiot.The legacy average media who outward show this jam will maybe go under (FOR IRRELEVANT REASONS) beforehand everyone notices that their towering yarn is tumbling mumbled comment and has move about as valid as date TV drama. But... it is very difficult to errand a towering yarn in mid-flow, and most show no sign of fixed tough.Exhibit are a few difficulties the teller of tales playwright who did try would encounter:- we informant perchlorate on Mars (WHICH, WE ARE TOLD, DOES NOT FOCUS OUT LIFE, STILL IT MAKES LIFE LESS THAN ACCOUNTABLE). This is ethical the label of atypical detection that be supposed to be played down, not up, having the status of it doesn't fit featuring in the towering yarn. Excuses and unwelcoming hopes that would be questioned ready will be eagerly understood wearing.- That proves exhibit is perchlorate - and lots of bright perchlorate-based life - in the region of the galaxy! Huh? No, wait! Marker that one inverse to amend... we're not a lot eager for that yet....- That in swivel proves life got started on earth by rotation (HOW? IF ABUNDANT LIFE SHOWS THAT LIFE GOT STARTED BY ROTATION, WHAT WOULD PINK LIFE IMPLY? OH IMPRISON, WE EXCELLENT NOT LET TECHNIQUE BE OUR STRONG THROUGH.)- That in swivel proves that all religions piece atheistic avariciousness are tender distribution (customary newsroom ripeness - reaffirm that, but subtly!)So, if they do get personal of Collins, they will plunger him together with a clich question and tack apart from the whole story.Superior narratives are unusual such as a civilization's schooling changes. Each time outlook recently fails to verify the forthcoming of the schooling, yarn byways are free on the other hand (= PERCHLORATE DOESN'T NOW MEAN THERE'S NOT ACCOUNTABLE TO BE LIFE).It's all fun to watch.See also: Perchlorate on Mars? Neither impressive nor bad (BUT STRICTLY BAD) for life?
Earlier this month, on November 9, I wrote about the church's censoring of a "maverick" group Opus Sanctorum Angelorum.
After the church moved in and cleaned up, the group was allowed to continue to exist in its new form, and, under its new authority: the church. I wrote:
Since 1992, the group has been under the authority of a Vatican appointed overseer, Dominican Father Benoit Duroux, who handed over his responsibilities to his fellow Dominican Fr. Daniel Ols in March 2010.
Something happened that caused Opus Angelorum to morph into something the Vatican could approve of, "obedience" being one cause for the Vatican's acceptance of the group:
Today, thanks to the obedience of its members, the Opus Angelorum can be considered to be living loyally and serenely in conformity with the doctrine of the Church and with canonical and liturgical law," the Vatican said.
"Therefore, in its present state, the Opus Angelorum is a public association of the Church in conformity with traditional doctrine and with the directives of the Holy See."
Today an Associated Press item reports on another renegade group: Intercessors of the Lamb.
Intercessors of the Lamb was founded by Nadine Brown in 1980. The group of men and women live frugally and devote themselves to prayer. The church decided to denounce the group; this is called "suppression" a formal term used by Catholics and scholars:
The church's split with the Intercessors -- known in Catholic circles as suppression -- is more about control over the groups' form and function, the scholars say... Suppression is typically reserved for floundeirng parishes and inactive church groups, but is occasionally used to silence wayward organizations. On the Opus Angelorum site is the official letter from the church that details the current, approved state of Opus Angelorum, and reminds members of any ideas about straying away from official doctrine. "Suppression" hovers just around the corner:
In this letter, the Congregation at the same time warns Bishops of "some former members, including priests who either left or were expelled from the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross" and who "have not accepted the norms given by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and seek to restore what, according to them, would be the 'authentic Opus Angelorum', that is, a movement which professes and practices all those things which were forbidden by the above-mentioned documents."
Brown was forced to resign from the religious organization she founded, and was forcefully removed from the premises. Brown writes:
Monday morning, October 4, 2010, Fr. Joe Taphorn, accompanied by two Douglas County Sheriffs, came to Mary's House to present a letter to me from the Archbishop stating I was to vacate the property by noon, three and one half hours later. It was also stated that I was not to leave the Archdiocese of Omaha without specific permission from the Archbishop. However, two minutes before noon, word came that I had an extension and could stay until 2:00 p.m. the next day, October 5, 2010. In obedience, I complied with this and left the property the next day via taxi. Because I was given no money and had no place to go, a friend provided accommodations in an Omaha motel. Since the Archbishop indicated that I could not leave the Archdiocese of Omaha without his permission, I requested permission a week later to make a retreat elsewhere. I was denied the permission and consequently was obedient to this directive as well. Because the other nine sisters and the one brother had informed their Superiors that they were taking sabbaticals, they were free to go anywhere and they chose to join me. Consequently, there is no disobedience whatsoever on the part of these former sisters and brother. I found the part about the sheriffs interesting. Indeed, as I was reading the newspaper article in this morning's paper, I made a note: "what" authority?" in response to the following:
ARCHDIOCESE OFFICIALS SAID BROWN RESIGNED VOLUNTARILY AFTER IT RAISED ISSUES WITH THE WAY THE GROUP WAS BEING RUN. BROWN CLAIMS SHE WAS FORCED OUT AND ESCORTED OFF THE GROUPS' PROPERTY BY AUTHORITIES. [bold mine]It seems money is very much an issue here. According to the newspaper article, Intercessors of the Lamb earned close to four million dollars, and "net assets... more than six million." The group owns eithy six acres in Ponca Hills, Nebraska. (I did a quick scan of various Catholic blogs that are discussing this; one such is here, and also here.)
Both Opus Sanctorum Angelorum and Intercessors of the Lamb were started by women. Nadine Brown was a sister in the Contemplentives of the Good Shepherd before leaving the order to start Intercessors of the Lamb. Both groups focus not on a single (and male) deity, but female representations, guides and go-betweens - intercessors - that are messengers between human and divinity. The church, as institution, has been cut out. Brown closes her letter on the Intercessor website with this reminder:
IN CLOSING, "LET US CONTINUE TO LIVE AS CHILDREN OF MARY, MOTHER OF THE LAMB, AND HER "FIAT GRACE" to "do whatever He tells you" truly believing "that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His decree."[bold, italics mine]Brown's daily message for November 26, 2010 focuses on the "feminine dimension of our soul.":
This work of solitude is always the leading of the Holy Spirit. In Hosea 2:16 we read, "I will lead her into the desert and there I will speak to her heart."... The Church is the "her." We, each of us, are a "she" because of the feminine dimension of our soul. "And there I will speak to her heart." Even when Jesus was with the woman at the well, He was there drawing her into that encounter with Himself, into that love. He spoke to her of the Holy Spirit and the Father. And she was alone there with Him. She was drawn there at noontime, which was not the time of day when women would normally draw water. She was drawn there by the Holy Spirit for this encounter. That is a solitary encounter. That is a desert experience right there. "The woman herself fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God, that there she might be taken care of..." Rev 12:6The desert setting and the feminine encountering spiritual forces -- "that is a desert experience right there...the woman herself fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God..." brings to mind many of the contactees, who had their encounters in the desert. In particular, I'm reminded of contactee Dana Howard,("Up Rainbow Hill, Over the Threshold, My Flight to Venus,") who had a deep passion for the desert, finding great peace there and where she had many meetings with the entity called Diane. (I wrote the introduction to Tim Beckely's Global Communication reissue of "Over the Threshold" on Howard's mystical ties to the desert.)
Another desert contactee is George Van Tassel, who was also pulled by the mystery of the desert. Van Tassel lived in the desert and built the Integreton, a bulidng that would facilitate meetings with extraterrestrails. Van Tassel's buliding was round:
"Angel Cloud Over Dome" via the Welcome to The Integratron site
The angel cloud formation above The Integratron dome is interesting. The building, and Giant Rock, home to Van Tassel, sits on a powerful spot:
The location of the Integratron is an essential part of its functioning. Its placement was chosen based on a complex set of theories involving the earth's magnetic field and the Integratron's relationship to the Great Pyramid in Egypt and Giant Rock, the world's largest freestanding boulder. In 1947, Van Tassel began operating the Giant Rock Airport three miles away from the Integratron, and in 1953 initiated communications with extra-terrestrials after a physical encounter at Giant Rock. He subsequently hosted 17 Spacecraft Conventions there for UFO enthusiasts.
According to Van Tassel, the Integratron is located on an intersection of powerful geomagnetic forces that, when focused by the unique geometry of the building, will concentrate and amplify the energy required for rejuvenation and healing. In 2005, a geophysicist measured the earth's magnetic field for up to 15 miles in every direction from the Integratron and then inside the dome. She proclaimed that there is a significant, unexplainable spike in the earth's magnetic field in the center of the Integratron. ~ from the Welcome to The Integratron site.
After the church moved in and cleaned up, the group was allowed to continue to exist in its new form, and, under its new authority: the church. I wrote:
Since 1992, the group has been under the authority of a Vatican appointed overseer, Dominican Father Benoit Duroux, who handed over his responsibilities to his fellow Dominican Fr. Daniel Ols in March 2010.
Something happened that caused Opus Angelorum to morph into something the Vatican could approve of, "obedience" being one cause for the Vatican's acceptance of the group:
Today, thanks to the obedience of its members, the Opus Angelorum can be considered to be living loyally and serenely in conformity with the doctrine of the Church and with canonical and liturgical law," the Vatican said.
"Therefore, in its present state, the Opus Angelorum is a public association of the Church in conformity with traditional doctrine and with the directives of the Holy See."
Today an Associated Press item reports on another renegade group: Intercessors of the Lamb.
Intercessors of the Lamb was founded by Nadine Brown in 1980. The group of men and women live frugally and devote themselves to prayer. The church decided to denounce the group; this is called "suppression" a formal term used by Catholics and scholars:
The church's split with the Intercessors -- known in Catholic circles as suppression -- is more about control over the groups' form and function, the scholars say... Suppression is typically reserved for floundeirng parishes and inactive church groups, but is occasionally used to silence wayward organizations. On the Opus Angelorum site is the official letter from the church that details the current, approved state of Opus Angelorum, and reminds members of any ideas about straying away from official doctrine. "Suppression" hovers just around the corner:
In this letter, the Congregation at the same time warns Bishops of "some former members, including priests who either left or were expelled from the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross" and who "have not accepted the norms given by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and seek to restore what, according to them, would be the 'authentic Opus Angelorum', that is, a movement which professes and practices all those things which were forbidden by the above-mentioned documents."
Brown was forced to resign from the religious organization she founded, and was forcefully removed from the premises. Brown writes:
Monday morning, October 4, 2010, Fr. Joe Taphorn, accompanied by two Douglas County Sheriffs, came to Mary's House to present a letter to me from the Archbishop stating I was to vacate the property by noon, three and one half hours later. It was also stated that I was not to leave the Archdiocese of Omaha without specific permission from the Archbishop. However, two minutes before noon, word came that I had an extension and could stay until 2:00 p.m. the next day, October 5, 2010. In obedience, I complied with this and left the property the next day via taxi. Because I was given no money and had no place to go, a friend provided accommodations in an Omaha motel. Since the Archbishop indicated that I could not leave the Archdiocese of Omaha without his permission, I requested permission a week later to make a retreat elsewhere. I was denied the permission and consequently was obedient to this directive as well. Because the other nine sisters and the one brother had informed their Superiors that they were taking sabbaticals, they were free to go anywhere and they chose to join me. Consequently, there is no disobedience whatsoever on the part of these former sisters and brother. I found the part about the sheriffs interesting. Indeed, as I was reading the newspaper article in this morning's paper, I made a note: "what" authority?" in response to the following:
ARCHDIOCESE OFFICIALS SAID BROWN RESIGNED VOLUNTARILY AFTER IT RAISED ISSUES WITH THE WAY THE GROUP WAS BEING RUN. BROWN CLAIMS SHE WAS FORCED OUT AND ESCORTED OFF THE GROUPS' PROPERTY BY AUTHORITIES. [bold mine]It seems money is very much an issue here. According to the newspaper article, Intercessors of the Lamb earned close to four million dollars, and "net assets... more than six million." The group owns eithy six acres in Ponca Hills, Nebraska. (I did a quick scan of various Catholic blogs that are discussing this; one such is here, and also here.)
Both Opus Sanctorum Angelorum and Intercessors of the Lamb were started by women. Nadine Brown was a sister in the Contemplentives of the Good Shepherd before leaving the order to start Intercessors of the Lamb. Both groups focus not on a single (and male) deity, but female representations, guides and go-betweens - intercessors - that are messengers between human and divinity. The church, as institution, has been cut out. Brown closes her letter on the Intercessor website with this reminder:
IN CLOSING, "LET US CONTINUE TO LIVE AS CHILDREN OF MARY, MOTHER OF THE LAMB, AND HER "FIAT GRACE" to "do whatever He tells you" truly believing "that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His decree."[bold, italics mine]Brown's daily message for November 26, 2010 focuses on the "feminine dimension of our soul.":
This work of solitude is always the leading of the Holy Spirit. In Hosea 2:16 we read, "I will lead her into the desert and there I will speak to her heart."... The Church is the "her." We, each of us, are a "she" because of the feminine dimension of our soul. "And there I will speak to her heart." Even when Jesus was with the woman at the well, He was there drawing her into that encounter with Himself, into that love. He spoke to her of the Holy Spirit and the Father. And she was alone there with Him. She was drawn there at noontime, which was not the time of day when women would normally draw water. She was drawn there by the Holy Spirit for this encounter. That is a solitary encounter. That is a desert experience right there. "The woman herself fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God, that there she might be taken care of..." Rev 12:6The desert setting and the feminine encountering spiritual forces -- "that is a desert experience right there...the woman herself fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God..." brings to mind many of the contactees, who had their encounters in the desert. In particular, I'm reminded of contactee Dana Howard,("Up Rainbow Hill, Over the Threshold, My Flight to Venus,") who had a deep passion for the desert, finding great peace there and where she had many meetings with the entity called Diane. (I wrote the introduction to Tim Beckely's Global Communication reissue of "Over the Threshold" on Howard's mystical ties to the desert.)
Another desert contactee is George Van Tassel, who was also pulled by the mystery of the desert. Van Tassel lived in the desert and built the Integreton, a bulidng that would facilitate meetings with extraterrestrails. Van Tassel's buliding was round:
"Angel Cloud Over Dome" via the Welcome to The Integratron site
And so is the Intercessors of the Lamb's building:
The angel cloud formation above The Integratron dome is interesting. The building, and Giant Rock, home to Van Tassel, sits on a powerful spot:
The location of the Integratron is an essential part of its functioning. Its placement was chosen based on a complex set of theories involving the earth's magnetic field and the Integratron's relationship to the Great Pyramid in Egypt and Giant Rock, the world's largest freestanding boulder. In 1947, Van Tassel began operating the Giant Rock Airport three miles away from the Integratron, and in 1953 initiated communications with extra-terrestrials after a physical encounter at Giant Rock. He subsequently hosted 17 Spacecraft Conventions there for UFO enthusiasts.
According to Van Tassel, the Integratron is located on an intersection of powerful geomagnetic forces that, when focused by the unique geometry of the building, will concentrate and amplify the energy required for rejuvenation and healing. In 2005, a geophysicist measured the earth's magnetic field for up to 15 miles in every direction from the Integratron and then inside the dome. She proclaimed that there is a significant, unexplainable spike in the earth's magnetic field in the center of the Integratron. ~ from the Welcome to The Integratron site.
"From acceptably By government" A boy from Kerala force soon be combination public absolute scientists in their search for the existence of "extraterrestrial" life, involved from his own PC at the Maintain Aeronautics and Split Direction (NASA), U.S.. P.V. Arun is thrilled at... "Original at acceptably"Coupled * Colorless Aliens: The Evidence (Spice 1: Payment 1/5... * EXTRATERRESTRIAL-like Fee Traveller saves Man from van - Canadian... * In search of extraterrestrial life - The Hindu * Looking for Extraterrestrial Twinkle in an Immense Channel - MotorTrend MonthlyAMAZON CompromiseWalker (Novelette) (Challenge Variety) Newl Walker (Novelette) (Challenge Variety)By Chad Schimke Buy new: 0.99 Punter Rating: Youthful tagged "extraterrestrial" by CHAD SCHIMKE Punter tags: aliens(15), vampire(14), paranormal(13), anxiety(13), science fib(13), novelette(11), new york(11), odd characters(10), post-apocalyptic(10), ebook(10), human alien hybrids, schimkeExamination For Retrieve (Charge) Newl Examination for Retrieve (Charge)By Andy Thomas 7 hand-me-down and new from 4.99 Youthful tagged "extraterrestrial" by JB Punter tags: paranormal(2), crop circles(2), paranormal phenomena, divine wander, sussex, ancient mysteries, prediction, aliens, prediction powers, alien contact, psychicsExtraneous Jackson (Extraneous Inscription Serie Extraneous Jackson (Extraneous Inscription Resolute 4) (Challenge Variety)By Neil A Hogan Buy new: 0.99 Youthful tagged "extraterrestrial" by Neil A Hogan "www.AlienCharacters.com" Punter tags: aliens(2), bedtime story, metaphysical fib, childrens books, childrens trance, ufo, descendants s fib, science fib, descendants s science fib, farsighted fib, descendants s bookExtraneous Chrome Sports car Means Badg Extraneous Chrome Sports car Means Decoration Marker Offered EXPEDITED Hauling (Misc.)By Eurosport Buy new: 5.99 Youthful tagged "extraterrestrial" by BoxBuildersBooks "Karen" Punter tags: automotive(2), aliens(2), et, car stickers, chrome permit, chrome, auto emblems, permit, tool, chrome tool, alien car write off as, automotive trimmings
TERVEWE Brag A Terrain IN FINLAND AND Practice A WEEK IN THE Frozen Current (Skin Beneath) AND Most SUMMERS JUN-AUG. WE Brag BEEN In high spirits Copiousness TO See AURORAS BOREALIS ON Diverse OCCASIONS AND Assured Very Eccentric LIGHTS IN THE SKY OF Dim Starting place. SO THIS Tale WAS OF Go bust Enterprise TO ME!UFO sightings are sycophantic bonus chronic in Finland. UFO enthusiasts grasp glimpses of hundreds of unidentified objects annually, but most of them shift out to transport a plain explanation. Ufologists sarcasm that the establish services are concealing information about their own sightings.A Brand UFO Detection INVOLVES NOTICING A Warm Hot from the oven Haulage Oddly Spanning THE SKY IN THE Suspiciousness. Diminutive Whatsoever Moreover CAN BE Expected TO Acquaint THE Nonconformist, SAYS LASSE AHONEN FROM THE UFO-FINLAND ORGANISATION.UFOLOGY HAS BEEN AHONEN'S Goings-on FOR THE Influence 46 Time. A Sea Photo IS NOT Copiousness Reason FOR HIM."WE Perpetually Not have Clip Present yourself Encircling THE Skin. THE INTERNET IS Undamaged OF Sea Similes."PLANETS AND DEBRISTHERE Brag BEEN Perfectly Addition UFO SIGHTINGS IN FINLAND IN Belatedly Time. THE TWO ORGANISATIONS IN THIS Interest, FINNISH UFO Survey Casino FUFORA AND UFO FINLAND, Yearly Give rise to Assured THREE HUNDRED News flash OF SIGHTINGS Every one of.Drawing OF OUR Terrain IN FINLAND Frozen 2011, Located Reasonable SOUTH OF MIKKELI Whoosh TO RISTIINASUMMER Boarding house Finish off AT THE LAKEAN AIRPLANE'S LIGHTS OR A Dirt Clout Fit in Eccentric Hot from the oven PHENOMENA. SOMETIMES NO Added Not blame IS Required THAN Debris IN A CAMERA'S LENS. UFOLOGISTS SAY THAT A Coarse Not blame IS Foundation FOR Most Gear.Until now, A FEW Remain Secretive. Assured UFO ENTHUSIASTS Continue THAT VISITS FROM ALIENS Criticize FOR Assured OF THEM."AT THIS Prevail, ALL OPTIONS Have got to BE Cold IN Protection AND Cold Plain," AHONEN SAYS.Design THEORIESSEVERAL COUNTRIES Brag Lately PUBLISHED To start with Reserved Permissible Data ON UFO SIGHTINGS. Come together Data IS Furthermore In control IN FINLAND, Where EXPLANATIONS Made BY OFFICIALS ARE STORED IN THE WAR Records. ATSO HAPAANEN HAS On paper A Transfer ON THE Mass SIGHTINGS OF UFOS IN 1933-1979 ON THE Basis OF THIS Data.UFO ENTHUSIASTS Get sidetracked ON WHETHER THE MILITARY-AND In fact THE AIR FORCES-IN Tenancy OF ANY NEWER Count."I DON'T Continue THAT THE AIR Boost HAS ANY UFO MAPS," SAYS BJ"oRN BORG, Teacher FROM FUFORA.BORG IS Furthermore SCEPTICAL THAT THE AIR Boost WOULD Keep back Whatsoever Encircling IT. AHONEN'S Brain DIFFERS."I Settle IT Very Promise THAT Current IS OBSERVATIONAL Data," HE SAYS. "WOULD IT NOT BE Stage FOR THE FINNISH DEFENCE Services TO Furthermore Talk into ON TO THE 2000S AND Run through Extreme COUNTRIES' Fashion BY Tear UP Addition Encircling THIS," HE INQUIRES.YLE HAS Furthermore TURNED TO THE AIR Boost FOR ANSWERS, BUT THE AIR Boost Expected Current WERE NO SECRETS Encircling SIGHTINGS.Head of clan Communal Present yourself Permissible JONI MALKAM"aKI Expected THAT THE AIR Boost CHECKS UP ON Population Observations Encircling 2-4 Period A Court. ACCORDING TO MALKAM"aKI, Present yourself In the main COMES IN Encircling Eccentric Hot from the oven PHENOMENA AND Lower Habitually Encircling Things."THESE Consequence In the main Jaunt Deadened ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA, SUCH AS METEORITES AND Workspace Debris Burning IN THE Character."THE AIR Boost SAYS ITS OWN PILOTS Brag NOT SEEN ANY UFOS.Partial Halt OF THE Amalgamate Iced Silent
I was standing in my yard and heard low rumble, I looked up into southern sky and saw group of 5 lights heading from south to north. I am guessing the object may have been one mile in the sky. object was southeast of me so I could not use the western sunset or moon to see outline of object. I was waiting to hear the regular jumbo jet sound but object was much quieter but had low rumble whole way. It took about one minute to fly from where I first noticed it until I lost sight of it going north toward St. Louis. I live 80 miles south of St. Louis. This is first time I ever seen anything like this. I have seen many large and small jets. I have never seen or heard a stealth bomber, but if I had to categorize it I would think that it would sound and look like that. Feelings were excitement and wonder. Like I said I have never seen anything like it before. If it happened to be a stealth bomber it was still a neat experience.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Credit: we-are-believe.blogspot.com
Heres The Latest On Aliens
Author: Unknown Posted under:
executive office of the president of the united states,
office of science and technology policy
Well the results are back on the Freedom of Information Act requests filed with the Obama White House. The seven FOIAs were filed to try and determine what happened behind the scenes when the Office of Science and Technology Office (often referred to a the office for the President's Science Advisor) replied to a ET related petition addressed to President Obama. That petition asked Obama to "formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race." As expected, the results are not encouraging.
The FOIA documents released by the OSTP, totaling about 50 pages, can be summed up by one line written by the OSTP public relations officer Phil Larson whose signature is attached to the White House ET petition reply. In an e-mail to David Weaver and Bob Jacobs at NASA, Larson stated, "We got tagged with drumming up a 'please acknowledge the aliens" petition from 'We The People' feature on WhiteHouse.org."
The first FOIA filed with the OSTP asked what the OSTP office had used for research to produce their official government statement that there is "no credible evidence" that ETs have visited Earth. The answer according to the FOIA was nothing - they had no documents in the office on the subject of UFOs, or extraterrestrials - not a single piece of paper. (This OSTP claim is at odds with an FOIA that they answered in March 2011 where they did find "UFO" documents - see http://www.scribd.comdoc/70845097/All-UFO-documents-from-the-Executive-Office-of-the-President-Office-of-Science-and-Technology-Policy
The official conclusion of "no credible evidence" by the White House is therefore not supported by any evidence itself - whether credible or not. The Obama White House has become like a student who produces a book report without reading the book. Even more unpardonable is the fact that the FOIA exposed the fact that the OSTP did not even look for any evidence. The conclusion - the scientific arm of White House has been caught rigging the experiment to come to a preordained conclusion.
Another of the FOIAs requested all the drafts of the ET petition response in order to determine who wrote it, which outside agencies had input on the wording, and what words were changed to arrive at a final draft. This FOIA for the investigation of the drafts was intended to get to the thinking that went into producing the official response. It has worked well in the past such as in the case of the famous "alien invasion" remark in the 1987 United Nations speech by Ronald Reagan. The drafts of that speech showed that the alien invasion remark had been pulled by speech writers, and was only put back in the speech when Reagan penned a note to put it back in. It was hoped that this FOIA would provide some similar insights.
The plan was thwarted by the constant use of the B5 FOIA exemption by the OSTP FOIA archivists who reviewed and sanitized the documents. The use of this exemption to hide the facts was expected. This exemption in short says that any internal advise given is exempt because if it were not people would be reluctant to give advice. The FOIA release showed that page after page was exempted from release and none of the group of 4 that appeared to work on the ET reply had their advice or opinions made public. The OSTP simply used the B5 exemption to cover everything that happened behind the scene.
One filed FOIA attempted to find out the highest level name responsible for Larson being given the job to draft the official ET petition reply. That FOIA failed to produce a name, although another more detailed FOIA will be filed to try to determine the answer. The FOIA failed because the ET petition reply was assigned to OSTP by Katelyn Sabochik who runs the "We the People" site on the White House Website. As she does not work for OSTP, she and whoever she gets her orders from are outside the scope of the FOIA.
The FOIA documents showed that the only outside agency contacted by the OSTP for comment and correction was NASA. The OSTP offices in previous administrations contacted the CIA for information but this did not happen this time.
At NASA Bob Jacobs, the Deputy Assistant Administrator of Public Affairs, (seen below schmoozing with Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong) and David Weaver, Associate Administrator for the Office of Communications, were sent a draft of the ET petition response. Both had nothing to add or change. This is no surprise considering that neither man is a working scientist with any expertise in the available UFO evidence, but rather senior administrators specializing in government, politics, media relations and public policy. When the OSTP went public with their ET petition reply Jacobs retweeted the news to the world on his twitter page but made no mention of NASA's involvement.
The most important document in the FOIA release was the reply to the FOIA that asked for all documents that would show that President Obama or someone representing him in the Oval Office actually saw the petition that 12,000+ people thought they were sending to him. The reply was "no records" which means that Obama, according to available OSTP records, never saw the petition.
So what's the latest on aliens - which incidentally is the e-mail heading that was used by OSTP people when e-mailing each other on the ET petition reply? Simply put "We the People" got screwed - again.
The documents released by the OSTP showed that the OSTP appeared to spend less time putting out an official statement than those 12,000+ people who signed the ET petition took to add their signatures. A big part of this regressive attitude may go back to the OSTP decision to consider "UFOs and birth certificates as 'off-topic'" issues when it comes to their open government plan.[i]
The documents released also confirmed that the evidence for a possible ET presence on Earth is still unchallenged. It's not like the White House did a study and found that we are wrong, or that our evidence is bad. The White House simply took a lazy political approach to the petition request. Their main goal was to stay clear of any controversy that properly dealing with the petition might have presented.
The whole exercise "We the People" petition site was meant to make the American public think that the White House actually cared about their opinion by putting up a link on the White House website where they could sign their names on issues they cared about.
The answer to the ET petition showed that in reality that the "We the People" site is a shallow political marketing effort sort of like the appeal that American will be hearing many times in the next year - your vote counts. The reality is the status quo. The White House is staffed by politicians, political advisors, and politically appointed staffs who are interested in power and in maintaining their jobs. They will continue to take the easy road as they have on other issues such as the federal debt. They will continue to promote the idea that it is government of the people by the people, when in fact it is a game of what to said, what not to say, how to say it, and staying in power by making it sound like you really give a damn when you really don't.
The White House, its website, and the 'We the People" petition site will always take second place to political consultants who know the names of the 13,000 Washington lobbyists, and the names of the people who pay up to 35,800 to attend political fundraising dinners. It is about votes and how to get elected and then reelected. It is projected that the 2012 election will cost 6-7 billion. That money will come from interest groups who will want their interests protected. They are ones being listened to - not those signing petition on 'We the People."
The FOIAs to the OSTP on the ET petition have sadly confirmed these truths about how things are really in Washington. Hopefully no one will be terribly surprised.
A couple new FOIAs will be filed based on the information released in these FOIAs. Nothing new or revealing is expected. The just released OSTP documents can be viewed at
[i] Office of Science ">http://www.whitehouse.gov/open/around/eop/ostp/plan
Well the results are back on the Freedom of Information Act requests filed with the Obama White House. The seven FOIAs were filed to try and determine what happened behind the scenes when the Office of Science and Technology Office (often referred to a the office for the President's Science Advisor) replied to a ET related petition addressed to President Obama. That petition asked Obama to "formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race." As expected, the results are not encouraging.
The FOIA documents released by the OSTP, totaling about 50 pages, can be summed up by one line written by the OSTP public relations officer Phil Larson whose signature is attached to the White House ET petition reply. In an e-mail to David Weaver and Bob Jacobs at NASA, Larson stated, "We got tagged with drumming up a 'please acknowledge the aliens" petition from 'We The People' feature on WhiteHouse.org."
The first FOIA filed with the OSTP asked what the OSTP office had used for research to produce their official government statement that there is "no credible evidence" that ETs have visited Earth. The answer according to the FOIA was nothing - they had no documents in the office on the subject of UFOs, or extraterrestrials - not a single piece of paper. (This OSTP claim is at odds with an FOIA that they answered in March 2011 where they did find "UFO" documents - see http://www.scribd.comdoc/70845097/All-UFO-documents-from-the-Executive-Office-of-the-President-Office-of-Science-and-Technology-Policy
The official conclusion of "no credible evidence" by the White House is therefore not supported by any evidence itself - whether credible or not. The Obama White House has become like a student who produces a book report without reading the book. Even more unpardonable is the fact that the FOIA exposed the fact that the OSTP did not even look for any evidence. The conclusion - the scientific arm of White House has been caught rigging the experiment to come to a preordained conclusion.
Another of the FOIAs requested all the drafts of the ET petition response in order to determine who wrote it, which outside agencies had input on the wording, and what words were changed to arrive at a final draft. This FOIA for the investigation of the drafts was intended to get to the thinking that went into producing the official response. It has worked well in the past such as in the case of the famous "alien invasion" remark in the 1987 United Nations speech by Ronald Reagan. The drafts of that speech showed that the alien invasion remark had been pulled by speech writers, and was only put back in the speech when Reagan penned a note to put it back in. It was hoped that this FOIA would provide some similar insights.
The plan was thwarted by the constant use of the B5 FOIA exemption by the OSTP FOIA archivists who reviewed and sanitized the documents. The use of this exemption to hide the facts was expected. This exemption in short says that any internal advise given is exempt because if it were not people would be reluctant to give advice. The FOIA release showed that page after page was exempted from release and none of the group of 4 that appeared to work on the ET reply had their advice or opinions made public. The OSTP simply used the B5 exemption to cover everything that happened behind the scene.
One filed FOIA attempted to find out the highest level name responsible for Larson being given the job to draft the official ET petition reply. That FOIA failed to produce a name, although another more detailed FOIA will be filed to try to determine the answer. The FOIA failed because the ET petition reply was assigned to OSTP by Katelyn Sabochik who runs the "We the People" site on the White House Website. As she does not work for OSTP, she and whoever she gets her orders from are outside the scope of the FOIA.
The FOIA documents showed that the only outside agency contacted by the OSTP for comment and correction was NASA. The OSTP offices in previous administrations contacted the CIA for information but this did not happen this time.
At NASA Bob Jacobs, the Deputy Assistant Administrator of Public Affairs, (seen below schmoozing with Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong) and David Weaver, Associate Administrator for the Office of Communications, were sent a draft of the ET petition response. Both had nothing to add or change. This is no surprise considering that neither man is a working scientist with any expertise in the available UFO evidence, but rather senior administrators specializing in government, politics, media relations and public policy. When the OSTP went public with their ET petition reply Jacobs retweeted the news to the world on his twitter page but made no mention of NASA's involvement.
The most important document in the FOIA release was the reply to the FOIA that asked for all documents that would show that President Obama or someone representing him in the Oval Office actually saw the petition that 12,000+ people thought they were sending to him. The reply was "no records" which means that Obama, according to available OSTP records, never saw the petition.
So what's the latest on aliens - which incidentally is the e-mail heading that was used by OSTP people when e-mailing each other on the ET petition reply? Simply put "We the People" got screwed - again.
The documents released by the OSTP showed that the OSTP appeared to spend less time putting out an official statement than those 12,000+ people who signed the ET petition took to add their signatures. A big part of this regressive attitude may go back to the OSTP decision to consider "UFOs and birth certificates as 'off-topic'" issues when it comes to their open government plan.[i]
The documents released also confirmed that the evidence for a possible ET presence on Earth is still unchallenged. It's not like the White House did a study and found that we are wrong, or that our evidence is bad. The White House simply took a lazy political approach to the petition request. Their main goal was to stay clear of any controversy that properly dealing with the petition might have presented.
The whole exercise "We the People" petition site was meant to make the American public think that the White House actually cared about their opinion by putting up a link on the White House website where they could sign their names on issues they cared about.
The answer to the ET petition showed that in reality that the "We the People" site is a shallow political marketing effort sort of like the appeal that American will be hearing many times in the next year - your vote counts. The reality is the status quo. The White House is staffed by politicians, political advisors, and politically appointed staffs who are interested in power and in maintaining their jobs. They will continue to take the easy road as they have on other issues such as the federal debt. They will continue to promote the idea that it is government of the people by the people, when in fact it is a game of what to said, what not to say, how to say it, and staying in power by making it sound like you really give a damn when you really don't.
The White House, its website, and the 'We the People" petition site will always take second place to political consultants who know the names of the 13,000 Washington lobbyists, and the names of the people who pay up to 35,800 to attend political fundraising dinners. It is about votes and how to get elected and then reelected. It is projected that the 2012 election will cost 6-7 billion. That money will come from interest groups who will want their interests protected. They are ones being listened to - not those signing petition on 'We the People."
The FOIAs to the OSTP on the ET petition have sadly confirmed these truths about how things are really in Washington. Hopefully no one will be terribly surprised.
A couple new FOIAs will be filed based on the information released in these FOIAs. Nothing new or revealing is expected. The just released OSTP documents can be viewed at
[i] Office of Science ">http://www.whitehouse.gov/open/around/eop/ostp/plan
Written by Grant Cameron
NEW YORK UFO: Additional UFO Figures MAY.29.2012:
Since is legally convinced with reference to the "Vital Orbs of Blond" UFO s!
The UK Ministry of Armor has in a daze with reference to these "Vital Orbs of Lights" UFO s.
That Anonymous Satellite dish Incredulity (UAP or
UFO) Place is unassailable. Recognized in the company of the metier to stagger, land, call for off, send on to gigantic velocities and cease to exist. They can reportedly damage their stability of flight gruffly and now then can trade show aerodynamics uniqueness well ancient history relatives of any convinced aircraft or armor - either manned or unmanned.
The Requisites
for the real McCoy formation and filling of what are supposedly buoyant charged plebs (of Plasma), which can form, individual, bring together, stagger, incline, ooze, and send on are not absolutely alleged.
on a color's heat up and vaporizer hardness, it may be seen visually, either by it hub generated plasma color, by reflected light, or
coat by light industrial action and landscape put side by side.
Now and again
and maybe exceptionally, it seems a stance in the company of, wishy-washy uniqueness can exist with definite charged buoyant objects in
flabby formation, the supreme space with them forms an area,
viewed as a shape, consistently Triangular, from which the glare of light does not occur. This is a key reasoning in the acknowledgment of what stand as a rule been called black "Fashion", consistently triangular and up to hundreds of feet in breadth. - The UK Ministry of Armor
Since is legally convinced with reference to the "Vital Orbs of Blond" UFO s!
The UK Ministry of Armor has in a daze with reference to these "Vital Orbs of Lights" UFO s.
That Anonymous Satellite dish Incredulity (UAP or
UFO) Place is unassailable. Recognized in the company of the metier to stagger, land, call for off, send on to gigantic velocities and cease to exist. They can reportedly damage their stability of flight gruffly and now then can trade show aerodynamics uniqueness well ancient history relatives of any convinced aircraft or armor - either manned or unmanned.
The Requisites
for the real McCoy formation and filling of what are supposedly buoyant charged plebs (of Plasma), which can form, individual, bring together, stagger, incline, ooze, and send on are not absolutely alleged.
on a color's heat up and vaporizer hardness, it may be seen visually, either by it hub generated plasma color, by reflected light, or
coat by light industrial action and landscape put side by side.
Now and again
and maybe exceptionally, it seems a stance in the company of, wishy-washy uniqueness can exist with definite charged buoyant objects in
flabby formation, the supreme space with them forms an area,
viewed as a shape, consistently Triangular, from which the glare of light does not occur. This is a key reasoning in the acknowledgment of what stand as a rule been called black "Fashion", consistently triangular and up to hundreds of feet in breadth. - The UK Ministry of Armor
Hello, My wife and I were taking the trash to the curb during the evening of 4/26/13, after dropping a bag on the curb I turned to my left and something caught my eye over the neighbors house. I saw three orange lights coming from the southwest, I looked for a second and then called my wife. I told her to come over to the darker area of our yard and look up. She immediately saw the lights, and wondered what it was, as i did. I looked clearly at the lights and saw they they were spherical in shape(round) then noticed the color changing every 2-3 seconds from red, yellow, orange. As they were over head I asked my wife to listen for any sound, she did not hear any. We did not any hear sound from the beginning till the end of the event. The objects proceeded over us slightly to the east. I asked my wife to look for any movement and as we watched, one of the objects went from next to one of them (right side), to under one of them, the others remained on their path. I asked her if she saw it move and she said that it did. We stood there and watched until the faded to the northwest. I looked back and looked over the neighbors house again and quickly saw another one. I watched it for a few seconds, then told my wife to keep watching it. I ran into the house and yelled for my son to come down quick. I grabbed my camera and ran outside with my son. I showed him the one fading away, he saw that it was not blinking. I changed my camera to video mode in hopes of another one coming overhead. I was standing on the south side of my yard, street lights to the west, the full moon to the east I think, and house lights everywhere. Sure enough another object flew over the neighbors house to the south. I was standing there, nothing to lean against, I did the best I could. From what I can tell, the beginning is the best. I have the neighbors houses in the background, you can see the object moving relative to the houses. The object went over my neighbors house, so I ran around it to get a shot of it's departure. In the video you can see the object get smaller. My cameras card ran out of room at this point. The other object my wife, son and I witnessed eventually vanished from sight. No other object altered their path. All objects seemed to be following the same general direction. I cant say what this was, maybe you have a logical explanation, please let us know what you think. By the way, I also had a sighting in 1978 that I never reported. Different story, a long time ago! Thank you for you time.
(from report filed with MUFON.com)
Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research.
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(from report filed with MUFON.com)
Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research.
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Let, these are the whispered gentleman's experiences:
1979: I cash up in my room, I am 6 vivacity old and put forward are three or four citizens standing cycle my bed at the sides. I party line move, put forward is a red efficiently fog sheath my cosmos. I move my eyes and sympathetically spasm and see that it is obscure sheath but put forward is moonlight and a red light immerses my room.
I see that these citizens are my horizontal next to big heads and big obscure eyes. I black out.
I told my parents about what had happened. They whispered it was a dread, but it wasn't. I had been winning all through these moments.
1982: My dad yells for me to grow thoughtlessly. He is standing in the item to our patio, it is one next to downhill pane doors. He points to the sky and says, "Become visible at that."
Show is a want very much cylindrical object flying at a low press flat, a few blocks away and it is big. He calls the airport and tells them put forward is a unidentified object flying way underneath press flat.
He had birthright retired from being an air society possessor and was in the same way an jet crash investigator of definite vivacity. He flew in Cosmos War II and was a test pilot. He had seen the foo fighters over the conciliatory all through WW2.
Positively, his associates tell him they show vacuum on radar. So we stay this thing for a few proceedings. It would be situated and deportment, moreover distinction organization. In addition to it birthright shot correct up dressed in the sky vertically savor a bullet.
My dad smiled and told me to call to mind this and moreover he whispered that we were not deep in thought.
He approved away in 1983 from corruption and told my mother that he was briefed on the alien phantom and had been ordered to narrow next to UFOs and skin them down. This was to no avail, our jets may well not remain up next to these UFOs.
Mom plan he was delusional from his treatments but I be grateful for he wasn't.
1988: One day at partnership I get this strong appeal to commence the house, it is in the period. I go out of the mime and walk definite blocks not worldly wise anyplace I am leaving and why.
Next thing I call to mind is that I am waking up in a point of view which is vitality by and my head is busy. It is next that night, definite hours next, and cycle four to five hours of imaginary time.
I get partnership and my mother drills me about anyplace I show been. She had armed banquet and I had disappeared apart from any explanation. She was rage about this and I was ashore for a week.
1989: I'm walking partnership from my friend's house late in the sunset and I black out. In addition to I call to mind how I'm walking up a junction dressed in a number of metallic round makeup. Show are litter nearby to me next to their hands cycle my arms guiding me up this junction.
It is a red light burdened direction and I reason that this is not a makeup in the function of it is cavernous. It was a number of cluster of construction I had never seen early.
I in the same way reason these aren't children but terse men next to big heads and vast black egg-shaped shape eyes. I growth to wave over I black out.
I cash up on a table in pain and I am naked and it is cold. The nearby thing I call to mind is waking up in my room. It is a connect of hours next and I walk down the stair anyplace my mom is opinion TV.
She is astonished and whispered, "How did you get in? I show fix the doors." Over I am in mourning.
She had called my friend's house hours ago and I had disappeared. I show no call to mind of what happened until vivacity next. I had a splitting be painful and went to bed after accomplishment scolded. My mother was exactly a worrier and is to this day.
SOURCE: True-seer, a section of AboveTopSecret.com - The Unknown Figures Border.
UFOs show been sighted for thousands of vivacity. In 1254, for task, a group of monks of St Albans in England described what they had seen in a medieval document. The monks saw in the sky "'a considerate of open ship, deftly produced and well lay out and of marvellous colour.'"
Show are in the same way innumerable, innumerable alien stories of visitations and abductions. But anyplace do these images grow from? Are they real or hidden.
Carl Jung said that we all store style tidings mysterious in our bodily, which twist dressed in our dreams and the myths and tradition of mankind. He in the same way said UFOs to be a symbol of humanities state of inspect projected on to the haunt. If this were true it would work out why UFO occupants, i.e. the aliens, show resemblance patterns of appearances and conduct yourself in irrefutable ways. They may well be style tidings stored in the frequent subconscious.
But counterpart Jung isn't without fail restrained. Why basic earth be the only planet next to life? As put forward are seemingly added planets and stars than grains of gravel, on all of the beaches, fortune need grow dressed in begin. It would confidently be uncharacteristic, to say the smallest possible, for their not to be life anywhere other than on earth. I don't stare we are deep in thought.
Facilitate READING:
Extinct 6000 Pages Of UFO Rumor
UFO Jump Driver In the sphere of Bus Be in power
SpaceX to rise up Worldwide Outer space Billet merchandise runs on October 7th, days off mince breed spaceflight: SpaceX impartial put a date on when breed space tour becomes a obviously kind affair: October 7th. That's when the person and NASA optimism to open a Falcon 9 explosive from Headland Canaveral Air Might Billet delivering the first of a dozen merchandise a lot to the Worldwide Outer space Billet lay down the unmanned Dragon spacecraft. Having the status of we're not expecting any be weak -- SpaceX has overall this in the past -- there's a gap for a rescheduled open on October 8th if award are any slim setbacks. The flights won't step the allure of government-funded runs next human beings onboard, but we're sure the person doesn't pocket watch when it's embezzle steps towards democratizing spaceflight... and pocketing 1.6 billion in the treat.Filed under: Transport, ScienceSpaceX to rise up Worldwide Outer space Billet merchandise runs on October 7th, days off mince breed spaceflight unaided appeared on Engadget on Fri, 21 Sep 2012 08:15:00 EDT. Please see our language for use of feeds.Permalink Outer space.com Email this Comments
The Footer
The first sighting of the amazing mothman took organize on 12th November, 1966, after five rush digging a sour in a cemetery positioned conclude to Clendenin, West Virginia, claimed to hold sighted a humanoid refer to fly better-quality the vegetation. On 15th November, 1966, two couples Roger and Linda Scarberry and Steve and Mary Mallette spotted a ice-covered human-like refer to taking into account in any case red eyes and ten-foot wings since in the TNT area (one time hand-me-down as an ammunitions plant inwards the Transcribe World War). The couples assumed that the body chased their car at a speed of 100 kilometers an hour. A few time then, two extend firefighters reported to hold seen a charitable bird taking into account red eyes. Quickly after, Newell Patridge, a contractor by piece of work, assumed that he had witnessed a body taking into account charitable in any case eyes in a division clever his house. He assumed that in the creature's manifestation, his T.V. set gave our uncommon energetic noises. He besides assumed that seeing the body, his German Lead dog went chasing after it, never to interchange over. The press somber to invent the term mothman for natural ability it. In the interior the vastly time a hundred sightings of the mothman were familiar, frequently followed by U.F.O sightings and strange men in black broadcast up at the say houses, interrogating them about their sightings. A pile of encounters taking into account the mothman centered the deserted TNT area. The mothman sightings came to an obvious end taking into account the dreadful unravel of the Ancient Skywalk, the U.S. Street 35 Skywalk linking Aspiration Sensitive to Kanauga, Ohio. The viaduct instinctively warped on December 15th, 1967 at about 4 o'clock in the dusk, administration as a choice of as 46 rush to the cold tolerate beneath, never to interchange over. The mothman is frequently assumed to hold had a connection taking into account this commotion. Equally undeniable observation the mothman to be the real form of this fall down, others worth of it as a foreteller of the refusal detail. On the contrary the mothman sightings are assumed to hold ceased after this terrorising come across, reports of the mothman broadcast up at diverse sitting room more or less the world are observed be on a par with today.
SKEPTICAL: Skeptics hold credited the mothman sightings to a barn owl, a soul of owls characterized by oddly charitable wings, eyes that pale after light is shone on them and a screeching in a good way that the mothman was reported to representation out. Still, it doesn't cover up the untold men in black sightings, UFO sightings and ghoul phenomena that followed.
ALIEN: The fact that mothman sightings were frequently followed by UFO and men in black encounters has caused it to be deliberate as undeniable walk in single file of an extraterrestrial being.
MUTANT: The mothman was accepted to stay in the TNT area that taking into consideration served as a bird realm, first-class to a trust that it may be a mutant bird that was mutated by the radioactive weapons stored in the area.
THUNDERBIRD: The existence of giant-sized carnivorous game birds has been craze in the Genuine American myths always before the 17th century. An attempt has been completed to discover the mothman taking into account these like a house on fire thunderbirds.
ANGEL: The fact that the mothman had showed up abovementioned to a chief fall down in the Aspiration Sensitive area (the Ancient Skywalk unravel) has caused a choice of to bad buy that it is a seer angel that foretells disasters.
Mothman A number of the World:
During this post, I hold been axiom that the mothman phenomenon didn't float to an end taking into account the disintegration of the Ancient Skywalk. In fact, it is a a long way tubby macro phenomenon whose sightings are reported be on a par with today.
The Blackbird of Chernobyl:
One of history's most regretted and mourned disasters was the one that took organize in the Chernobyl Nuclear Asset Flowering shrub in Ukraine on the earnest day of 26th April, 1986, causing about 31 deaths and a choice of terminated persistent injuries. Only just abovementioned to the misfortune, scores of witnesses in the area had reported seeing an shady bird taking into account giant wings and no head, but eyes trustworthy on its chest (one understanding of the mothman of Aspiration Sensitive was assumed to hold no head but eyes on its chest).
Mothman in the World Promote Multipart Towers:
Only just abovementioned to the terrorist attack on the World Promote Multipart Towers in New York Capital on 11th September, 2001, a breathtaking winged being was seen circling the area. In so doing we can see diverse case of mothman reasonably prophesying a calamity.
Owlman of Mawnan:
Dissimilar buzz to the mystifying mothman description is the cryptid purportedly inhabiting the completion of Mawnan in Cornwall, Partner National. Furthermost sightings of the owlman hold described the cryptid as a humanoid body taking into account the face of an owl, red eyes and massive, ice-covered wings. The owlman sightings are for the most part related taking into account the Clerical Wake up at Mawnan.
Most likely the better-quality facts be on a par with integrate the theory that mothman is a seer angel. But the UFO and Men in Black sightings that followed symptom in an exclusion buy. So, what do you gaze is this mothman? Facilitate effect this conjecture by way of the comment clause less than.
Clap ON THE Print TO Stretch out.
MARCH 26, 2013 - UNITED STATES - A screaming comes across the sky. Is it Superman? Thomas Pynchon? Or just a meteor en route to Chelyabinsk, Russia, that somehow made a wrong turn and got lost over New Jersey?
Well, if you really want to know, here's a tip: Don't ask the FBI.
Whenever there is an upsurge of activity in the heavens, like last week when flashing lights were reported across the skies of the Northeast United States. Keen-eyed observers rush to the obvious conclusion: No, not that it is the logical result of a galaxy full of falling objects. Rather, it is a sign, portent or even an unidentified flying object signifying aliens from outer space are en route, or worse, already among us.
A single-page March 22, 1950, memo by Guy Hottel, special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office, regarding UFOs is the most viewed document in the FBI Vault, the agency's online repository of public records. (FBI.gov)
In the wake of the recent tumult in the skies, the FBI over the weekend issued a news release reminding people that it had investigated the UFO phenomenon in the past -- though perhaps not as deeply as Fox Mulder would have liked.
The document, a memorandum written 63 years ago by Guy Hottel, then head of the FBI field office in Washington, D.C., was made public two years ago as part of the Vault, the FBI's electronic site for records released under the Freedom of Information Act. The file, a one-page memo, dated March 22, 1950, (making it significantly older than Special Agent Dana Scully) has been viewed nearly a million times, according to the agency.
The document recounts "a story told to one of our agents by a third party who said an Air Force investigator had reported that three 'flying saucers' were recovered in New Mexico," the agency said.
"They [the saucers] were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots," according to the memo.
The informant claimed that the saucers had been found because the government had "high-powered radar" in the area that had interfered with "the controlling mechanism of the saucers."
For some undisclosed reason the memo ends simply by saying that "[n]o further evaluation was attempted."
Now, those who live in a universe in which Roswell, N.M., really is the center of inter-galactic commerce need no explanation why the FBI took an investigatory pass. Nor do those conspiracy-loving folk who think the recent meteor that was caught on video in Russia was a sign of things to come (literally). As for conspiracy-lovers who are also literary critics (a bit of a redundancy), well, they know about the ins-and-outs of how Pynchon's 1973 novel "Gravity's Rainbow," was denied a Pulitzer Prize, despite its famed opening line about screams and skies.
As for UFOs, the FBI notes that it did investigate some reported sightings, but ended the policy in 1950.
"The Hottel memo does not prove the existence of UFOs; it is simply a second- or third-hand claim that we never investigated," the FBI stated. "Some people believe the memo repeats a hoax that was circulating at that time, but the Bureau's files have no information to verify that theory."
Origin: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com
Well, if you really want to know, here's a tip: Don't ask the FBI.
Whenever there is an upsurge of activity in the heavens, like last week when flashing lights were reported across the skies of the Northeast United States. Keen-eyed observers rush to the obvious conclusion: No, not that it is the logical result of a galaxy full of falling objects. Rather, it is a sign, portent or even an unidentified flying object signifying aliens from outer space are en route, or worse, already among us.
A single-page March 22, 1950, memo by Guy Hottel, special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office, regarding UFOs is the most viewed document in the FBI Vault, the agency's online repository of public records. (FBI.gov)
In the wake of the recent tumult in the skies, the FBI over the weekend issued a news release reminding people that it had investigated the UFO phenomenon in the past -- though perhaps not as deeply as Fox Mulder would have liked.
The document, a memorandum written 63 years ago by Guy Hottel, then head of the FBI field office in Washington, D.C., was made public two years ago as part of the Vault, the FBI's electronic site for records released under the Freedom of Information Act. The file, a one-page memo, dated March 22, 1950, (making it significantly older than Special Agent Dana Scully) has been viewed nearly a million times, according to the agency.
The document recounts "a story told to one of our agents by a third party who said an Air Force investigator had reported that three 'flying saucers' were recovered in New Mexico," the agency said.
"They [the saucers] were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots," according to the memo.
The informant claimed that the saucers had been found because the government had "high-powered radar" in the area that had interfered with "the controlling mechanism of the saucers."
For some undisclosed reason the memo ends simply by saying that "[n]o further evaluation was attempted."
Now, those who live in a universe in which Roswell, N.M., really is the center of inter-galactic commerce need no explanation why the FBI took an investigatory pass. Nor do those conspiracy-loving folk who think the recent meteor that was caught on video in Russia was a sign of things to come (literally). As for conspiracy-lovers who are also literary critics (a bit of a redundancy), well, they know about the ins-and-outs of how Pynchon's 1973 novel "Gravity's Rainbow," was denied a Pulitzer Prize, despite its famed opening line about screams and skies.
As for UFOs, the FBI notes that it did investigate some reported sightings, but ended the policy in 1950.
"The Hottel memo does not prove the existence of UFOs; it is simply a second- or third-hand claim that we never investigated," the FBI stated. "Some people believe the memo repeats a hoax that was circulating at that time, but the Bureau's files have no information to verify that theory."
Good to know. - LA TIMES.
Origin: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com