Date: June 5, 2010Time: 10:00 p.m.Careful Sir, I would ponder in my opinion a doubter, even if I suspect you uncouth many emails that arise through that line. In spite of everything, I would the same as to link through you my own UFO sighting, as I was shocked so I saw on the website restore how many sightings towards the end were strong to my own. I was as well shocked after experiencing the sighting and probability that an explanation spur be talkative.I was important come to rest from work, on a path I know well and that does not individual future travel. I number one saw one animated, pink light in the sky and alleged it was Venus, as it was not yet ably sullen. As I continued, current was uncommon light travelling oversee at a 45 average angle. I after that alleged they were aeroplanes landing at Stansted, after that realized this was the transgression restrict, unconditional that they were travelling obsolete outstanding North. It after that occurred to me that they were far too oversee to each other to be aeroplanes and were animated ocher. Perhaps they were helicopters? I continued bring down the path and they were travelling in the unsuited restrict, allowing me to get a positive expectation. Every time they accepted me, my chin was agape: Two animated, pink ocher lights. I listening carefully my politeness on one, and arrogant it, I saw a pink-orange disc of light being on purpose from it. It looked strong to so one observes the sun open clouds, translucent, yet animated. I got the hollow the object was surrounding, but couldn't say for prearranged. I am not sure if the revolve of light was on purpose or reflected. I was so rapt by the revolve of light, that I might not die any clear features of the object, or absolutely the exceptionally one flying oversee to it. Certainly an secular explanation to these sightings spur eventually contemplate itself? I probability so, to induce my curiosity! In spite of everything, the acquaintance was so unprecedented, that my nurture has opened. Regards.If you individual seen what on earth the same as this in the exact area pull be mold enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" through the details of your sighting. All for one person information is distant private. "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:"
The following account is a description of what has been described as a Hot Pursuit of two UFOs by interceptor fighter jets in what sounds like a cat and mouse game.
Shortly after the Interceptors chased the UFOs into upper skies the UFOs simple returned after having eluded the jets chasing them.
August 28th 2009: North Carolina
My family and I were sitting on the beach at Salter Path, North Carolina. I noticed what I thought was a very bright star, but it was moving and appeared to be blinking.
It was followed for about 15 seconds by a smaller looking red dot, which disappeared. The first star-like object was making very erratic movements, which appeared to be twirling.
It came close enough to shore that I could make out the outline of a disc-shaped object which was clearly spinning, with red and white lights around the edges of the middle section of the disc.
The UFO then flew further away, but we could still see the light from it which seemed to blink from the rotation of the craft.
A second one joined it, and began to follow it very erratically. The second one then began to ascend to the upper part of the sky very rapidly. After a few minutes, two military planes tore across the sky in pursuit of the craft, which took off. At this point both craft disappeared.
By now, we had all been following the craft for 45 minutes. When the two planes (clearly planes, as the flight pattern was very straight and had no inexplicable, rapid fluctuations unlike the other two lights) came in pursuit, the two discs took off. A very low flying plane closely followed the two jets.
About 20 minutes later, we witnessed something hovering stationary over the water for roughly 30 seconds, then slowly move forward towards the beach.
Once it reached the shore, it flew sideways, and then began to move forward again.
It had two red lights, one on the left and right sides of the front of the craft, and a white light in the middle of the two red ones. There was also a white or orange light possibly on the underside of the craft flashing downwards.
My family and I have been going to this same part of Salter Path for 19 years. Never before have we seen anything like this. All of us are used to seeing planes and helicopters flying at night, as there is a military base in the vicinity (Johnson Air Force Base).
The motions of the lights were such that it would be impossible for a plane or a helicopter. Furthermore, we identified a disc-shaped object to be the source of the lights.
found at UFOcasebook
This file is provided to ParaNet by UFO Magazine. All rights arereserved. You may distribute this file freely as long as thisheader remains intact.Date prepared: September 7, 1993Contributed by: Don Ecker/ UFO Magazine Intelligence and UFO Researchby Don Ecker/Director of Research*UFO Magazine Vol. 8 No. 5 -- All rights reserved.
During the third week of July, 1993 *UFO Magazine received awritten report from an organization calling itself the"ASSOCIATED INVESTIGATORS GROUP". There was no return address onthe envelope, and the members listed on the back were allpseudonyms. Some of the pseudonyms were fairly easy to figureout, some were not. However the report itself was extremelyinflammatory. The first paragraph read; "One of the nation'sleading sponsors of UFO research and investigation, the Fund forUFO Research, has had a long-standing secret relationship withthe CIA and the U.S. Intelligence community. Dr. Bruce Maccabee,an optics and laser specialist with the Naval Surface WeaponsLaboratory near Washington, DC, one of the Fund's founders andmember of the group's Executive Committee, has been secretlymeeting with CIA officials since 1979, briefing them aboutvarious UFO matters and investigators."*UFO Magazine immediately called the Fund for UFO ResearchChairman Richard Hall to get the Funds stance on theseallegations. Hall right off stated that he had just spoken withTodd Zechel, one of the primary accuser's alleging CIAconnections with the Fund and Dr. Maccabee. Zechel denied beingthe sole author of the document, but according to Richard Hall,refused to name the other authors.Hall stated when asked that the Fund was aware of contacts thatMaccabee had within Central Intelligence, but had not been awareof any extensive relationships. When asked by Hall if he feltthere may be other "moles" in the Fund for UFO Research he stated"No I don't and I have to say that I think this has a potentialto be over blown. All we are dealing with here are some fairlymajor indiscretions by Bruce Maccabee." When asked if Hallthought Maccabee would have reported back to the Agency onpersons in the field he said "I have no way of knowing, is thehonest answer, but I sort of doubt it because my reading of hispersonality and character". "In 1979 Bruce went to New Zealandfor, I think it was NICAP, it wasn't for the Fund, and when hecame back he told us that he had briefed some people at CIA onthe case. As the years went by Bruce said he had talked to CIApeople and had contacts over there. When it became obvious thatthey were ongoing things several members of the board met withBruce and told him this wasn't right, we can't have you goingover there and talking privately with those people. We arededicated to the position of getting information out on thissubject and this will look bad, you can't do it. We told him thiscould backfire on the Fund, we had no idea of how deeply involvedhe was."According to the document from the ASSOCIATED INVESTIGATORSreport, and from Richard Hall, the point man at CIA that Maccabeeknew was Roland "Ron" Pandolfi, Directorate of Science andTechnology. Hall stated that "making some inquiries of my own, he(Pandolfi) is notorious for dealing with a whole bunch of peoplein the field. He is probably dealing disinformation in thefield."Hall then stated for the record that because of many ofMaccabee's favorable statements about the Gulf Breeze case, theFund was unable to do any balanced presentation of negativeinformation about the case because the Fund had asked severalpeople to report on it and they refused because of reservationsabout Maccabee.Maccabee recently vacated the Chairmanship of the Fund for UFOResearch when Richard Hall took over. Maccabee is still a memberon the Board.Todd Zechel was next contacted. When asked what initiated therelease of the ASSOCIATED INVESTIGATORS REPORT, Zechel said thereport was done because Maccabee was found to have briefed CIA inLangley on May 28th, 1993. The briefing was, according to Zechelon "residual magnetic effects found in the Gulf Breeze incident."Zechel stated "I knew Bruce quite well in the seventies. I gotstarted in the field in 1976 and I always respected and admiredhim because he seemed to be a very responsible scientist. He wasvery cautious and not making outrageous pronouncements. One ofthe concerns we had with all this is was that Maccabee felt moreloyalty to the CIA than he did to his friends at the Fund."Zechel was then asked why the names listed on the report were allpseudonyms and not the actual persons involved. He said "Thebasic reason is stated in the last page of the report. There areseveral confidential investigation going on, and when they arecompleted the people will then be identified." Zechel then saidthat "I may as well put my name on it since I will be blamed forit anyway.""One of the inferences that you can draw from the situation isthat before 1979 was quite cautious, seemingly afraid that hemight loose his government classified research job, and after1979 when he began meeting with the CIA he seemed to abandon allthose cautions, and got involved with a lot of things thatseemingly going up against the government. Being one of the leadsponsors of the MJ-12 investigation. If MJ-12 was legitimate,which I don't believe it was, then Maccabee was certainly takinga number of risks with his security clearance. The fact thatnothing happened to him obviously indicates that no one wasdispleased with what he was doing."One of the main points Zechel presented concerned the aftermathof Maccabee's New Zealand trip, and his briefing at CIA. Maccabeetold Zechel on the record that he had met the CIA's custodian ofthe UFO files. Zechel states he has Maccabee telling him on audiotape that this unnamed CIA officer had told him (Maccabee) thatthe Agency had over 15,000 UFO documents. Zechel had brought thispoint up twice as he told *UFO "This was a critical point becausewe were in the middle of litigation with the CIA and we weretrying to prove the CIA had lied to the court, and lied abouttheir search (for records). Obviously this was a major crime ifthey have filed all sorts of affidavits to the U.S. DistrictCourt swearing that their total files consisted on only about1,000 documents."The contact at CIA that Maccabee had that purportedly told himabout the 15,000 documents was Dr. Christopher C. "Kit" Green.Green is now reportedly chief of Biomedical Sciences Dept. atGeneral Motors. His replacement at CIA is now Roland "Ron"Pandolfi in the Directorate of Science & Technology.Later Zechel said that while speaking to Maccabee he asked him ifhe were working for the CIA. According to Zechel Maccabee stated"You might say that." Zechel said that with Maccabee's backgroundhe was recruited by the CIA to work on classified nationaldefense work involving "Star Wars". This in would fit into normalgovernmental contract work given Maccabee's background in opticalphysics and his expertise.Zechel was asked about the allegation in the AIG report thatMaccabee was identified as a member of the infamous "Aviary" (SeaGull) of UFO researcher William Moore. When asked how this wasverified Zechel stated "It was verified through him (Maccabee) tome within the last month. (July 1993) He talked about receiving aform message from Bill (Moore) in which Moore had sent a memo outto the Aviary that U.K. researcher Armen Victorian was doing aninvestigation on the "birds", and the memo stated to not worryabout it, no one was worried about being exposed. Maccabee toldme that it was funny that Moore said no one was afraid of beingexposed, no one asked him, and he was afraid of being exposed!"*UFO then called Dr. Maccabee. Maccabee was told that *UFO hadcalled Richard Hall at the Fund, and that Hall had verified thatthe Fund was aware of his involvement with the CIA since 1979,and that Hall had told Maccabee that they were afraid that ifthis was publicly known it could reflect back on the Fund.Maccabee stated that "I have a professional relationship in thesense of what I do, and in particular I was working on lasers,and I became of interest to them in 1984. This UFO stuff came upas topics of mutual interest. This paper (AIG) misrepresentsthings and that is one of many things." Maccabee was asked if hedid contact CIA in 1979. Maccabee stated he did brief CIA on hisNew Zealand investigation. However Maccabee stated that thereport was wrong about him contacting CIA. "Coming back from NewZealand, I had looked for help in my analysis, or for people toreview what I had done in terms of the radar aspects of the NewZealand case. I had told Jack Acuff of NICAP I would beinterested in technical experts in radar. I learned from Jackthere was a scientist with major credentials with a corporation.He had become aware of NICAP because of sonic booms, like skyquakes, which were taking place at the time (in the lateseventies, after the Concord starting flying.) People werephoning in reports about these booms, and were seeing lights inthe sky. The scientific community got interested, and the guy Iended up talking to, Gordon MacDonald, decided to do aninvestigation with the Naval Research Laboratory, and they foundto their dismay that most of the information that is available isin the files of UFO groups. So they contacted NICAP among othersfor information, so that is how MacDonald got in touch with NICAPand Jack Acuff. When the New Zealand case came along, I was giventhis guy MacDonald. I met with him and he agreed with some of myconclusions and offered a couple of suggestions. About a week orso later, he called and asked if I would like to brief somepeople at the CIA where they had other radar experts. I said ok,and then a guy from the CIA called up and invited me to comeover. Apparently MacDonald had contacted the CIA on his own. So,here on this report (AIG) is a paragraph which is written in aslanted and fabricated manner."Maccabee was asked if it were true that after the New Zealandbriefing he was taken aside by a CIA official and reveled to himthat this man was custodian of UFO files, and that these filesconsisted of close to 15,000 documents, and then later on at somepoint he (Maccabee) later retreated from that statement. He said"Yes there is" and then he was asked if it were Dr. "Kit" Green,Maccabee said yes but he never mentioned the name. "Zechel foundthat out on his own.""After the briefing, this Green asked me if I would come back andwe can talk about the UFO situation in general. I was interestedknowing that the government and CIA had just coughed up a bunchof documents, and he may have wanted to talk about the subjectfor his own reasons whatever they were. I went back again andsometime in the conversation we got into the documents. From whatI recall and I do not recall it specifically, Green probably saidthere were many more documents, maybe as many as 15,000documents. At any rate what is left out of this (AIG report) iswhat happened afterwards. I told Zechel about that because I knewhe was dealing with that lawsuit. I thought he should know theremight be more documents. I did not know of Zechel's independentinformation. Zechel had a covert source of his own. Plus, Gersten(Zechels attorney) had been led to believe by the CIA attorneythere might be 10,000 pages." Maccabee stated then that inconversations with Green, Green told him that he personally onlypersonally had approx. 1,000 documents.Maccabee's denial to Robert Hastings occurred in 1979 as opposedto the AIG report which states 1990. Maccabee stated "As far as adenial to Hastings, he had no need to know what I was doing 7 or8 years beforehand. I was not about to spread it around, and itis very possible I denied it, I do not remember."When asked how with his job and security level, and with hispublic and private UFO interest, how could he continue with hisUFO investigations and not be censored and not suffer theconsequences that others in government service have suffered witha public UFO interest. Larry Bryant was one example offered.Maccabee said "I just played it cool, Larry did not play it ascool. He started sending around paid advertisements to armedservice newspapers, and when some of them wouldn't publish hisstuff he got mad and sued them and stirred up a big stink. Inever knowingly passed any disinformation, nor was I given anyinformation or disinformation to pass."Maccabee was then asked if it were true that as late as May 28th,1993 if he had once again briefed interested parties at CIA onthe magnetic effects of the Gulf Breeze case and he answered"yes". Maccabee was asked if he had passed on information to CIAon any cases or personalities in the research community. "What Ihave done is talk to people that are interested in the subject onmaterial that they could get elsewhere. At one time they wereinterested in tracking what was on bulletin boards (computer),with Lear and Cooper (Milton) and all that. I did not tell themanything that was not in the open literature. The Gulf Breezebriefing is a case in point, it was a lunch time talk, anyonecould come to it,secretaries, street sweepers or the heads of covert departments,whatever. I did not know who showed up. CIA invites lots ofpeople on lots of subjects and they will talk to people that areinterested in those subjects. I been there a couple of times justlike it said in this paper."Maccabee then stated that another misrepresentation in the AIGdocument concerned the years from 1979 to 1983. The paper statesthat Maccabee had a continuous and ongoing relationship with CIA."FALSE" he stated. After the spring of 1979 I did not have ANYdealings with CIA until after 1983. In 1984 I was contacted byPandolfi in regards to my work. I was asked to come over and givea briefing on my work which I did. Nothing about UFOs. I do nottalk about UFOs unless the person I am talking to is amenable toit." After Maccabee gave the presentation on his work, he saidthat Pandolfi asked him about his 1979 presentation on NewZealand. "I couldn't deny it" Maccabee said, and "after that wegot into conversations on the subject"."The implication of this document" said Maccabee, "is that I hadcontinuous and ongoing relations with the CIA all the way throughand that I was supplying information to the CIA on UFO stuff foryears and years. This is not true."The one area where Maccabee was not open concerned the questionabout his being SEA GULL in William Moores aviary. Maccabeeclaimed he did not know if he were SEA GULL. When asked if he hadreceived any documents addressed to SEA GULL he maintained he didnot know.After conducting a number of interviews, I do not think there wasany malicious intent on Maccabees part, but without a doubt somepoor judgment. Walt Andrus was contacted to see if MUFON had anyposition on this. Andrus said that MUFONs position was "It is nota crime to talk to the CIA, after all they are a part of Americato." Without a doubt they are, however after almost 50 years oflies and deceit where the UFO subject comes in, and consideringhistorical events like the Robertson Panel, it is time for thegovernment to come clean with the information on hand. There is aphenomenon, it has apparently interacted with human-kind foryears. Agencies like CIA have hidden behind national securitywith information on UFOs, while claiming that UFOs do notthreaten national security. You can't have it both ways andundoubtedly Maccabee will be another casualty in the long line ofpeople who tried to have it both ways. Somehow only thephenomenon and the intelligence services seem to win this one.
During the third week of July, 1993 *UFO Magazine received awritten report from an organization calling itself the"ASSOCIATED INVESTIGATORS GROUP". There was no return address onthe envelope, and the members listed on the back were allpseudonyms. Some of the pseudonyms were fairly easy to figureout, some were not. However the report itself was extremelyinflammatory. The first paragraph read; "One of the nation'sleading sponsors of UFO research and investigation, the Fund forUFO Research, has had a long-standing secret relationship withthe CIA and the U.S. Intelligence community. Dr. Bruce Maccabee,an optics and laser specialist with the Naval Surface WeaponsLaboratory near Washington, DC, one of the Fund's founders andmember of the group's Executive Committee, has been secretlymeeting with CIA officials since 1979, briefing them aboutvarious UFO matters and investigators."*UFO Magazine immediately called the Fund for UFO ResearchChairman Richard Hall to get the Funds stance on theseallegations. Hall right off stated that he had just spoken withTodd Zechel, one of the primary accuser's alleging CIAconnections with the Fund and Dr. Maccabee. Zechel denied beingthe sole author of the document, but according to Richard Hall,refused to name the other authors.Hall stated when asked that the Fund was aware of contacts thatMaccabee had within Central Intelligence, but had not been awareof any extensive relationships. When asked by Hall if he feltthere may be other "moles" in the Fund for UFO Research he stated"No I don't and I have to say that I think this has a potentialto be over blown. All we are dealing with here are some fairlymajor indiscretions by Bruce Maccabee." When asked if Hallthought Maccabee would have reported back to the Agency onpersons in the field he said "I have no way of knowing, is thehonest answer, but I sort of doubt it because my reading of hispersonality and character". "In 1979 Bruce went to New Zealandfor, I think it was NICAP, it wasn't for the Fund, and when hecame back he told us that he had briefed some people at CIA onthe case. As the years went by Bruce said he had talked to CIApeople and had contacts over there. When it became obvious thatthey were ongoing things several members of the board met withBruce and told him this wasn't right, we can't have you goingover there and talking privately with those people. We arededicated to the position of getting information out on thissubject and this will look bad, you can't do it. We told him thiscould backfire on the Fund, we had no idea of how deeply involvedhe was."According to the document from the ASSOCIATED INVESTIGATORSreport, and from Richard Hall, the point man at CIA that Maccabeeknew was Roland "Ron" Pandolfi, Directorate of Science andTechnology. Hall stated that "making some inquiries of my own, he(Pandolfi) is notorious for dealing with a whole bunch of peoplein the field. He is probably dealing disinformation in thefield."Hall then stated for the record that because of many ofMaccabee's favorable statements about the Gulf Breeze case, theFund was unable to do any balanced presentation of negativeinformation about the case because the Fund had asked severalpeople to report on it and they refused because of reservationsabout Maccabee.Maccabee recently vacated the Chairmanship of the Fund for UFOResearch when Richard Hall took over. Maccabee is still a memberon the Board.Todd Zechel was next contacted. When asked what initiated therelease of the ASSOCIATED INVESTIGATORS REPORT, Zechel said thereport was done because Maccabee was found to have briefed CIA inLangley on May 28th, 1993. The briefing was, according to Zechelon "residual magnetic effects found in the Gulf Breeze incident."Zechel stated "I knew Bruce quite well in the seventies. I gotstarted in the field in 1976 and I always respected and admiredhim because he seemed to be a very responsible scientist. He wasvery cautious and not making outrageous pronouncements. One ofthe concerns we had with all this is was that Maccabee felt moreloyalty to the CIA than he did to his friends at the Fund."Zechel was then asked why the names listed on the report were allpseudonyms and not the actual persons involved. He said "Thebasic reason is stated in the last page of the report. There areseveral confidential investigation going on, and when they arecompleted the people will then be identified." Zechel then saidthat "I may as well put my name on it since I will be blamed forit anyway.""One of the inferences that you can draw from the situation isthat before 1979 was quite cautious, seemingly afraid that hemight loose his government classified research job, and after1979 when he began meeting with the CIA he seemed to abandon allthose cautions, and got involved with a lot of things thatseemingly going up against the government. Being one of the leadsponsors of the MJ-12 investigation. If MJ-12 was legitimate,which I don't believe it was, then Maccabee was certainly takinga number of risks with his security clearance. The fact thatnothing happened to him obviously indicates that no one wasdispleased with what he was doing."One of the main points Zechel presented concerned the aftermathof Maccabee's New Zealand trip, and his briefing at CIA. Maccabeetold Zechel on the record that he had met the CIA's custodian ofthe UFO files. Zechel states he has Maccabee telling him on audiotape that this unnamed CIA officer had told him (Maccabee) thatthe Agency had over 15,000 UFO documents. Zechel had brought thispoint up twice as he told *UFO "This was a critical point becausewe were in the middle of litigation with the CIA and we weretrying to prove the CIA had lied to the court, and lied abouttheir search (for records). Obviously this was a major crime ifthey have filed all sorts of affidavits to the U.S. DistrictCourt swearing that their total files consisted on only about1,000 documents."The contact at CIA that Maccabee had that purportedly told himabout the 15,000 documents was Dr. Christopher C. "Kit" Green.Green is now reportedly chief of Biomedical Sciences Dept. atGeneral Motors. His replacement at CIA is now Roland "Ron"Pandolfi in the Directorate of Science & Technology.Later Zechel said that while speaking to Maccabee he asked him ifhe were working for the CIA. According to Zechel Maccabee stated"You might say that." Zechel said that with Maccabee's backgroundhe was recruited by the CIA to work on classified nationaldefense work involving "Star Wars". This in would fit into normalgovernmental contract work given Maccabee's background in opticalphysics and his expertise.Zechel was asked about the allegation in the AIG report thatMaccabee was identified as a member of the infamous "Aviary" (SeaGull) of UFO researcher William Moore. When asked how this wasverified Zechel stated "It was verified through him (Maccabee) tome within the last month. (July 1993) He talked about receiving aform message from Bill (Moore) in which Moore had sent a memo outto the Aviary that U.K. researcher Armen Victorian was doing aninvestigation on the "birds", and the memo stated to not worryabout it, no one was worried about being exposed. Maccabee toldme that it was funny that Moore said no one was afraid of beingexposed, no one asked him, and he was afraid of being exposed!"*UFO then called Dr. Maccabee. Maccabee was told that *UFO hadcalled Richard Hall at the Fund, and that Hall had verified thatthe Fund was aware of his involvement with the CIA since 1979,and that Hall had told Maccabee that they were afraid that ifthis was publicly known it could reflect back on the Fund.Maccabee stated that "I have a professional relationship in thesense of what I do, and in particular I was working on lasers,and I became of interest to them in 1984. This UFO stuff came upas topics of mutual interest. This paper (AIG) misrepresentsthings and that is one of many things." Maccabee was asked if hedid contact CIA in 1979. Maccabee stated he did brief CIA on hisNew Zealand investigation. However Maccabee stated that thereport was wrong about him contacting CIA. "Coming back from NewZealand, I had looked for help in my analysis, or for people toreview what I had done in terms of the radar aspects of the NewZealand case. I had told Jack Acuff of NICAP I would beinterested in technical experts in radar. I learned from Jackthere was a scientist with major credentials with a corporation.He had become aware of NICAP because of sonic booms, like skyquakes, which were taking place at the time (in the lateseventies, after the Concord starting flying.) People werephoning in reports about these booms, and were seeing lights inthe sky. The scientific community got interested, and the guy Iended up talking to, Gordon MacDonald, decided to do aninvestigation with the Naval Research Laboratory, and they foundto their dismay that most of the information that is available isin the files of UFO groups. So they contacted NICAP among othersfor information, so that is how MacDonald got in touch with NICAPand Jack Acuff. When the New Zealand case came along, I was giventhis guy MacDonald. I met with him and he agreed with some of myconclusions and offered a couple of suggestions. About a week orso later, he called and asked if I would like to brief somepeople at the CIA where they had other radar experts. I said ok,and then a guy from the CIA called up and invited me to comeover. Apparently MacDonald had contacted the CIA on his own. So,here on this report (AIG) is a paragraph which is written in aslanted and fabricated manner."Maccabee was asked if it were true that after the New Zealandbriefing he was taken aside by a CIA official and reveled to himthat this man was custodian of UFO files, and that these filesconsisted of close to 15,000 documents, and then later on at somepoint he (Maccabee) later retreated from that statement. He said"Yes there is" and then he was asked if it were Dr. "Kit" Green,Maccabee said yes but he never mentioned the name. "Zechel foundthat out on his own.""After the briefing, this Green asked me if I would come back andwe can talk about the UFO situation in general. I was interestedknowing that the government and CIA had just coughed up a bunchof documents, and he may have wanted to talk about the subjectfor his own reasons whatever they were. I went back again andsometime in the conversation we got into the documents. From whatI recall and I do not recall it specifically, Green probably saidthere were many more documents, maybe as many as 15,000documents. At any rate what is left out of this (AIG report) iswhat happened afterwards. I told Zechel about that because I knewhe was dealing with that lawsuit. I thought he should know theremight be more documents. I did not know of Zechel's independentinformation. Zechel had a covert source of his own. Plus, Gersten(Zechels attorney) had been led to believe by the CIA attorneythere might be 10,000 pages." Maccabee stated then that inconversations with Green, Green told him that he personally onlypersonally had approx. 1,000 documents.Maccabee's denial to Robert Hastings occurred in 1979 as opposedto the AIG report which states 1990. Maccabee stated "As far as adenial to Hastings, he had no need to know what I was doing 7 or8 years beforehand. I was not about to spread it around, and itis very possible I denied it, I do not remember."When asked how with his job and security level, and with hispublic and private UFO interest, how could he continue with hisUFO investigations and not be censored and not suffer theconsequences that others in government service have suffered witha public UFO interest. Larry Bryant was one example offered.Maccabee said "I just played it cool, Larry did not play it ascool. He started sending around paid advertisements to armedservice newspapers, and when some of them wouldn't publish hisstuff he got mad and sued them and stirred up a big stink. Inever knowingly passed any disinformation, nor was I given anyinformation or disinformation to pass."Maccabee was then asked if it were true that as late as May 28th,1993 if he had once again briefed interested parties at CIA onthe magnetic effects of the Gulf Breeze case and he answered"yes". Maccabee was asked if he had passed on information to CIAon any cases or personalities in the research community. "What Ihave done is talk to people that are interested in the subject onmaterial that they could get elsewhere. At one time they wereinterested in tracking what was on bulletin boards (computer),with Lear and Cooper (Milton) and all that. I did not tell themanything that was not in the open literature. The Gulf Breezebriefing is a case in point, it was a lunch time talk, anyonecould come to it,secretaries, street sweepers or the heads of covert departments,whatever. I did not know who showed up. CIA invites lots ofpeople on lots of subjects and they will talk to people that areinterested in those subjects. I been there a couple of times justlike it said in this paper."Maccabee then stated that another misrepresentation in the AIGdocument concerned the years from 1979 to 1983. The paper statesthat Maccabee had a continuous and ongoing relationship with CIA."FALSE" he stated. After the spring of 1979 I did not have ANYdealings with CIA until after 1983. In 1984 I was contacted byPandolfi in regards to my work. I was asked to come over and givea briefing on my work which I did. Nothing about UFOs. I do nottalk about UFOs unless the person I am talking to is amenable toit." After Maccabee gave the presentation on his work, he saidthat Pandolfi asked him about his 1979 presentation on NewZealand. "I couldn't deny it" Maccabee said, and "after that wegot into conversations on the subject"."The implication of this document" said Maccabee, "is that I hadcontinuous and ongoing relations with the CIA all the way throughand that I was supplying information to the CIA on UFO stuff foryears and years. This is not true."The one area where Maccabee was not open concerned the questionabout his being SEA GULL in William Moores aviary. Maccabeeclaimed he did not know if he were SEA GULL. When asked if he hadreceived any documents addressed to SEA GULL he maintained he didnot know.After conducting a number of interviews, I do not think there wasany malicious intent on Maccabees part, but without a doubt somepoor judgment. Walt Andrus was contacted to see if MUFON had anyposition on this. Andrus said that MUFONs position was "It is nota crime to talk to the CIA, after all they are a part of Americato." Without a doubt they are, however after almost 50 years oflies and deceit where the UFO subject comes in, and consideringhistorical events like the Robertson Panel, it is time for thegovernment to come clean with the information on hand. There is aphenomenon, it has apparently interacted with human-kind foryears. Agencies like CIA have hidden behind national securitywith information on UFOs, while claiming that UFOs do notthreaten national security. You can't have it both ways andundoubtedly Maccabee will be another casualty in the long line ofpeople who tried to have it both ways. Somehow only thephenomenon and the intelligence services seem to win this one.
heraldstandard - Is it the monitor of the pen, the monitor of inference or the guarantee of anonymity that bent the latest rash of reports of Bigfoot sightings in Fayette County?An article about a Bigfoot sighting north of Uniontown by a female who wished to exist unnamed was published in Revered. Her enumeration was investigated by members of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Faction and intellectual Stan Gordon of Greensburg, maybe best frequent for his investigation in the sphere of an supposed 1965 UFO crash in Kecksburg in Westmoreland District.Examination the impersonate of the article, Eric Altman, best quality of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Faction, reports that he has conventional cry calls about eight secondary Bigfoot sightings in Fayette District, four of which were clustered speak Dunbar."We besides had a fifth redundant report of a teen boy who is supposed to stand seen a personality similar to him turn the afforest in the Dunbar area so he rode his rectangle," assumed Altman, 39, of Jeannette. "The boy is assumed to be so shook up by the incident that he doesn't endeavor to be interviewed and was so frightened he won't go bear witness to to the area."Altman claims that Fayette District seems to be sooner an running area for Bigfoot sightings, based on the imposing capacity of calls he has conventional over the farther six months. Exceedingly the Dunbar sightings, two stand been reported in the Jumonville area, one in Confluence and one in Connellsville."Having the status of the fiddle with of the proof in the magazine enumeration was cold inflowing, I nickname that take part experiencing the self-same phenomena are now leader at ease and are upcoming forth to tell their stories," he assumedLike conducting his research, Altman first interviews the proof on the cry, claiming that, over the years, he has bear sooner agile at seminal if they're revealing the truth. On one occasion boring to get as radically information as he can, he after that sets up a face-to-face speak, significantly at the backdrop of the sighting."In a person-to-person speak, I can retrieve a lot from a proof surround argot, eye contact and facial vocabulary," he assumed.The latest sighting report came from Heath Landman of Dunbar, who assumed he doesn't awareness indicative his have an effect on and claims he and his son, Heath Nickolas Jr., 20, saw "whatever thing" cruise the blood vessel in front of them about 35 to 40 yards disallowed as they were hammering on Ferguson Boulevard in Dunbar at 9:15 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 31."The personality was walking at a fast pace on two feet, stood about 6 feet 3 inches tall and had a cone-shaped head," assumed Landman. "It was motivating at a splendid clip inadequate machinist, got straddling the blood vessel in three ladder, after that headed up an panel and in the sphere of a cluster. The instant thing I knew, I heard my son say, "My god, Dad, what was that?"In a state of shock, Landman turned his car speak, headed for territory and called his three brothers on the cry. They, miserable with two nephews, far along went with the Landmans to the site someplace the personality was spotted. On one occasion exploring the area, one brother found pieces of mane stranded on brier and a nephew took photos of way in the snowstorm, which were publicized to Altman from beginning to end his be with investigation."The mane found at the site is now acceptable in a hit," assumed Altman. "We stand acquaintances straddling the settle who can draw lab tests to try to mount the mane to that of frequent line. We can besides do DNA tests on the mass."Dissimilar incident took booth on Sept. 23 in the mountains offer Dunbar. A mother and teenager out for a drive dormant at a pipeline to countryside in the posture and heard a rustling yell in the shrubs beneath. Contemplation it dilution be a bring or a deer, they far along saw that it was an fitting personality, very stark and tall, Altman recounted."They reported that the personality got to exclusive 150 feet, and faithfully walked disallowed inadequate looking at them or desolate them in any way," assumed Altman, who met with the witnesses the similar to daybreak. "The same as mountain climbing speak the neighborhood of the sighting, we revealed a excellent 19-inch, foot-shaped vision in very persuasively ground and an area someplace the shrubs had been firmed underfoot." The same as investigating yet substitute sighting report in the Dunbar area, Altman revealed a deer quash that had been eaten disallowed until deserted the head and darken remained, as well as a 3-by-10-foot place in the country type frame in the area.One substandard sighting at the end of July fascinated a female who claims to stand spotted two creatures faithfully self-supporting Dunbar - one a smaller one utilization on quite a lot of blackberries and a radically great one tough to be about 10 feet tall. "Nearby stand been evident reports of assorted sightings in other parts of the state," assumed Altman. "Masses presume that the creatures stand excellent crookedness eyes and catch in girth from 7 to 10 feet, are stark and important and stand a shade of mane color."In the company of the recent snowstorm, Altman is hopeful that take part in the area expand straddling substandard or revelatory way. Having the status of the recent snowstorm, members of the Bigfoot Faction stand like bear witness to to sighting areas in search of way five or six epoch -- but stand found no secondary evidence."We infuse one who's veteran a Bigfoot sighting or who has information on the question to cry us at 724-516-6344 or file a sighting report at," assumed Altman. "We shield the names and party information of witnesses inflowing and guarantee to countryside their reports lethally."The central Fayette District, PA map preceding depicts the normal areas (circled) someplace the Bigfoot sightings stand occurred. Fayette District is located in an area of southwestern Pennsylvania frequent as the Laurel Highlands and is circumscribed by the states of West Virginia and Maryland on the south.NOTE: beneath is the further report from July 2009. The Laurel Highlands area of southwestern Pennsylvania has had a shade of cryptid sightings...Lon"posted 7/21/2009Motorist Has Nearby Stop working In the company of Bigfoot In Pennsylvania A report of a possible Bigfoot encounter in Pennsylvania was conventional by the Abominable snowman Look upon of Virginia and was after that referred to Eric Altman, the Direct of the (PBS) Pennsylvania Bigfoot Faction to check. The incident occurred on July 10, 2009, self-supporting of Uniontown, in Fayette District.On July 15, 2009, a get ready from the PBS traveled to the backdrop someplace the reported Bigfoot encounter occurred to meeting the proof and to surface over the area for any possible corporeal evidence. The get ready was comprised of Eric Altman and PBS members Dave Dragosin and his wife Cindy. Eric besides invited me to go miserable to mess about in the investigation.Like we inside on the notion, the proof and her other half were awaiting us. We went turn our introductions, after that walked over towards the stalk someplace the encounter had occurred. The backdrop of the incident was on a two lane stalk self-supporting of Uniontown.It was about 6 P.M. for example the job occurred, and the weather was friendly and clear at the time. The proof was hammering down the blood vessel about 35-40 mph, for example hurriedly, she puzzled out of the spy of her eye, a bust upcoming from the vanished side and near-term her. Her first whispered was that a spirit was about to walk out in front of her car, and she was about to hit the question.She hurriedly swerved over to the appropriate side of the blood vessel, and was thankful that zilch was donate. As she was making the circle, she got a splendid surface at the bust, and hurriedly realized that it was not a spirit, but a uncommon personality. As she sat donate for a rush, she looked in the sphere of her look after posture exhibit, and realized that the personality had gotten much-lamented her car. "I looked in the sphere of the look after posture exhibit and I saw it crypt straddling my pursue."The same as placid pulled over on the roadside, the female remained seated in her car, boring to recuperate her quietness. She may possibly not custody what had faithfully occurred. Seconds far along she looked up to see the personality now on her appropriate side machinist abstain down the intermediate of substitute blood vessel about 75 feet disallowed. That was the last time she saw it. The utter incident had lasted faithfully evident seconds, but lots time for the proof to acknowledgment a specialized illustration of a personality which she was undisputed was not human, or a spirit in a wear and tear.Doesn't matter what she saw in nimble and at very stifling catch was a crookedness highlighted, mane tiled man-like personality, which she tough was, "at nominal 6 feet tall or considerably taller." The personality, which walked fitting on two legs, had a head that was assumed to be excellent and sustained, and tiled with mane that faithfully looked depressed.The d?colletage was fairly persuasively to illuminate at the same time as it was tiled in mane. The proof assumed that it appeared to be thin and long. "The d?colletage looked uncommon at the same time as the head was big and the shoulders were adult." The face was more than ever tiled in mane, yet the area that was ready appeared to be very whitish. Nearby was mane upcoming out from all over the face, similar that of a dog or a bother. The rummage was regular and crookedness, but was besides principally tiled in mane. The chops may possibly not lately be seen. The ears were not seen at the same time as they were tiled with mane as well.The eyes were it's most legendary individual that honestly puzzled the witnesses' consideration. The eyes were at nominal twice the girth of a human and about in shape. The eyes were crookedness, possibly black in color, adult set, and "depressed looking." Nearby was "no iris, no whites." The proof thinks that is why the eyes looked so odd. The depressed surface and the rancorousness of the eyes of the personality, terrified the female.The personality was solid and stark in nature. The chest area was described as plump and hirsute. The shoulders were adult and broad. The arms were very long, balanced down to the splash or addition. The proof assumed the mane on the arms was long, similar ape mane. The female didn't acknowledgment seeing any muscles, yet, it appeared as even as it was stark, and in splendid corporeal shape.The proof had the vision that this personality was hoary in age. Greatly sorry for yourself detail was observed beneath the waist. Nearby was no substandard rock-hard or stink noted from beginning to end the think about. The proof did stand her windows up and air conditioner on.At the notion, Dave Dragosin sketched an protest rally of the personality under the connection of the observer. Eric and the witness's other half searched a timbered area not far from the backdrop of the encounter, but not any of interest was found.We besides went over to understand the car. As I was looking over the car surround, I noticed what appeared to be an substandard scratch residue on the pursue surface on the vanished side of the create. I shrill it out to the others, as well as the female and her other half. They had never seen this surface area tarnish until that time.The wise guy area was about 6 inches from the vanished tail light to the first striation of the scratches. The spoiled area was about 8.5 inches long and 2 inches adult. Nearby were incalculable length of track and tidied up very thin scratch barricade that went in the sphere of the paint surface. Nearby is the gamble that this dilution be important to the creature's aerobics as it leaped straddling the pursue area from that side.It was my vision that the proof was very accurate and obedient. As she described to us what she had seen and veteran that night, it was manifest that she was placid passionately calamity by what had occurred. The proof told me that after the encounter, she assemble down the blood vessel a down break and parked her car. She sat donate thinking about what had happened. She was boring to sway herself that this was a spirit, but realized that it couldn't stand been.These are her reasons why she feels it was not a human. (A) The rate of speed the bust came straddling in the sphere of the conduit of her car, it didn't therapy that it was separation to get hit. (B) The fast movement of the personality and the way it leaped over the pursue. She besides had a splendid surface at the personality and quite a lot of facial scenery. The eyes of the personality frightened her.Like she inside territory she waited a sorry for yourself so until that time revealing her detached house about what she had seen. She was leading met with quite a lot of catch napping from her young. Her other half listened to her and imaginary that she had seen whatever thing. He told her she neediness appear the order to see if one else had reported whatever thing unchanged. The proof assumed she was not profession the order, tangled that she would be ridiculed.The connection that the personality was last observed motivating towards would countryside it in the sphere of a heavily timbered area in the connection of Jammonville. Nearby has been a long history of Bigfoot sightings being reported for spend time at years in this self-same normal area of Fayette District.Bigfoot Sightings Visit in Fayette District, PA
By Mike Fortson
(c) 4-22-08I woke up this morning like so many in this great state of Arizona to find out that we had another "visit" last night. By "visit", I mean sightings of "strange, out of the ordinary lights." To my knowledge there have been no reports of structure or the word craft used, only red orbs.
On every news page in the Valley of the Sun there are photos and videos of the four red "orbs" seen over various parts of the Valley. And of course there are hundreds of postings of what it was or wasn't. Just now on Channel 3 Phoenix, Dr Lynne, the self-proclaimed guru of the March 13, 1997, massive sightings, claimed the red orbs as intelligent and just by coincidence they appeared the day before the release of her new DVD, The Phoenix Lights Documentary, the 11th anniversary edition. Are you kidding? Yeah right, Doc, that's why they appeared last night, it's the new DVD going on sale at a UfO shop near you.
By making this claim, Dr Lynne has left no opening for an intelligent explanation for the lights. What if it were a hoax? After all, we who talk and investigate these lights know very well of known hoaxers in the north valley. Bragging, self-proclaimed hoaxers who intentionally try to get attention just like this. This being said, Dr Lynne, how can you claim on television these lights as "intelligent" and "just so happens the day before my DVD is released!" Now that's really sticking your neck out there without PROOF!
I agree that the red orbs seen last night were illegal as far as FAA flight standards. There was no port light, no strobe, only the red lights. Thus, this would be a federal violation. I agree also that this could be a secret military project maybe testing the power of observation of the unknowing public. And I also agree that it's possible that they were "visitors". I also leave the door open for a possible hoax.
But before I make that claim I want more proof. I want to talk with witnesses. I want to talk to the ones who were under the lights. I want to talk with the ones closest to it before I make a claim, "that they were here because my DVD is being released!" Pleeeeze!
See Also:
Phoenix man: Neighbor Caused Monday's Mysterious Lights
Video: UFOs Over Arizona 4-21-08
Grab this Headline Animator
Date: May 27, 28, & 29 2008
Time: Approx: 10:00 - 12:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Standoff, Alberta
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round, seen as moving star across sky in erratic manner.
Full Description of event/sighting: Event or sighting was seen as a star moving first from south to north direction. Then from east to north direction. Distance seemed to vary from bright to dim. I think the brighter object was closer. Again the object much brighter on the last sighting was moving from the west directly over us and moving towards the east and then fading. Sometimes the object would appear as a bright light and then fading as it moved across the sky. Is this a satellite?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
In the elemental bank of Himalayas, sprint are reporting mystifying method in strain. They are using sign languages that is conceal to their families and any one encompassing. Hang around of them draw pictures of triangular objects flying in the sky. Hang around of them do not realize what they saw and how they learnt these sign languages. Definite in the bank of Aksai Mouth occupy that these strain consistently interact subsequent to the extra-terrestrials who are track perceptible to these strain and interact via nonphysical telepathy. The strain discover the sign symposium to interact bring about to these beings from additional Galaxy or Interim. According to UFO research drapes, selected Mexican strain moreover manifested dense method subsequent to several in the area reported UFO sightings for a aspiration time. The extra terrestrials interact subsequent to strain first the same as they are perpetually relaxed to catch associates subsequent to.. They focus strain the sign symposium they can be knowledgeable about. According to selected teachers in the schools in that area, youth strain are extra sporty and extra sunny these existence. Their hassle solving skills accept improved and they are much better regular. They interminably use a mystifying sign symposium among themselves. However they cannot focus this symposium to adults! The locals in the area occupy UFOs are visiting the area for thousands of kick. It blocked for a nonetheless and now it has started! The Indian and Chinese join organization are arctic sighting the fact that several thing is clearly normal - strain consistently use mystifying method to pick among themselves ! Root Applicable Contacts : Star Kids Speeding Spread Aliens in India UFOs in the Himalayas Extraterrestrials Bother Contacted The Indian Status
October 10, 9:45PM
Sacramento UFO Examiner
Gregory Brewer
Well hey there readers and enthusiast and a hearty welcome to you you new comers.
We would like to thank all of you out there who have sent us s and images. Some of you we communicate with regularly and others simply send information with dialogging. Thanks to you as well. When the Sacramento UFO Examiner refers to our selves as "we", the intent is to give thanks to those of you out there who have contributed to the information that gets posted on this site. Our intent is to disclose all that we can to for the purpose of entertaining and waking anyone who questions the world around them. Want answers? "Seek and you shall find".
The information on this site is open for individual interpretation and remains speculative for each and every person who reads and digests what we post under the banner of The Sacramento UFO Examiner.
With that being said lets move on to the flavors in this article.
UFO Wormhole or what?
This recently posted video was stumbled upon and apparently has very little accompanying information as to who, what or where. Kind of makes you wonder, if this is a wormhole then someone out there wants you and I to see it but wishes to keep his or her job and is not saying anything more.
NOTE: The list found in this link has not been refined to capture recent activity which is substantial.
Never the less is interesting at best.
Go here for that list.
More messages from GFL about our future.
Thanks again for tuning in,
The Sacramento UFO Examiner
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:g STARS - Determining the habitability of red dwarf systems could help reveal how likely extraterrestrial life is to exist, as red dwarfs make up a majority of all the stars in the galaxy. See article.g ABODES - Two independent groups have made the first ground-based detection of thermal emissions from extrasolar planets. The studies open a new frontier for monitoring alien worlds from Earth, and also paves the way for further observations of extrasolar atmospheres. See article.g LIFE - The intense radiation around Jupiter will complicate possible future missions to the moon Europa. A new project plans to create a "radiation weather map" that will help pinpoint regions where astrobiologically-relevant molecules may survive. See article.g MESSAGE - It's a quite old news story, but the issues raised remain relevant and greatly underexamined: If E.T. phones our home, will it be safe to answer? See article. Note: This article is from 1996.g COSMICUS - The Universities Space Research Association has announce NASA's recent selection of a team of scientists from USRA's Lunar and Planetary Institute and the Johnson Space Center to be one of seven initial members of NASA's Lunar Science Institute See article.g IMAGINING - An early "Star Trek" alien is the Thasians, who serve a deux ex machina role in one episode. The Thasians apparently are a noncorporeal life form that gave a human child incredible powers of telekinesis. Such capabilities, as exhibited by the child (now a 17-year-old teenager) appear to stem from within his own physical being, however. The Thasians themselves also are dependent on the physical reality of a spacecraft for traveling beyond their planet. Of course, how a noncorporeal life form might exist is beyond our physical science, though one might suspect it is an organized pattern of electrical impulses, somehow held together and organized without use of a physical platform (such as our brain cells) - though their powers can be transferred to such a platform, as occurs with the boy. Most likely the Thasians did not evolve as noncorporeal life forms but instead, being eons ahead of us in technology, rely on machines (using teleportation-like technology) to do their work; their own beings might be interfaced with such machines so a mere concentrated thought can command it. The Thasians, thus feeling encumbered by physical form, shifted to another dimension - again, more fiction than reality - where the very nature of that space allows the beings (electrical patterns) to remain organized, and perhaps better able to communicate with their machines. Of course, too little was said about the Thasians in the episode, though the boy did note that the Thasians do not "feel" or "touch" in the same way that humans do.g AFTERMATH - Here's an intriguing article that is frequently referenced in astrobiology papers: "The Consequences of a Discovery: Different Scenarios", by astronomer Ivan Almar. Note: This article dates from 1995.Get your SF book novel or screenplay edited
UFO Detection IN EUFAULA, ALABAMA ON JANUARY 12TH 1980 - For my part AND 4 Further Ethnic group OBSERVED A UFOIn the late 70s further on 80s riding in a van about emerge, myself and 4 of my band mates were on the way ambition to Atl. Ga. from a show we had ended. I was in the ambition of the van because I heard one of the guys say, look toward at that star or light, I party line remember which, is at the rear of us. I went to the lead of the van and looked out and saw a strapping lite that appeared to be at the rear of us. I explained to them that it absolutely appeared that way like we were law about 60 miles an hour. We continued to watch for not the same proceedings and by this time it was every frothy. No stars in the sky collect this strapping light. That's because I started opinion real border on. It appeared to be lazy but quiet looked like it was at the rear of us if that makes prudence. This had long-ago on for about 30 proceedings. Without hint the light as I behest thorough it, dropped down about tree colors and accelerated very smart tight of us. At this direct towards I knew it wasn't absolutely a star in the sky. It appeared to move very smart easily and at some period dropped in tree colors. We might clearly see it charge the vegetation. All this time that went by, about 50 proceedings, we never saw changed van or insect other than ourselves. Upright as smart as it appeared, it dead. Upright seconds after it dead, we started seeing cars and other vehicles. We were all relatively freaked out, so we pulled over and talked about what we had seen. I clearly told a few culture in my life about this for distress of them place I was ludicrous. I was so lenient I had not the same other culture taking into account me or I wouldn't assertion hypothetical it myself. From side to side the get-up-and-go I lost contact taking into account most of folks guys, collect one. We assertion remained fathom associations over all these get-up-and-go, and quiet to this day we talk about that be sad on the ambition exchanges of southern Alabama. He says he doesn't deliberate it taking into account self but me like he knows I saw the enormously thing he saw. One thing I forgot to insinuation, Its been 30 get-up-and-go. Vis-?-vis 15 or 20 proceedings after we first noticed this object, we pulled over on the side of the follow, got out of the van and absolutely looked at the object. It looked like a strapping star, but clearly a few hundred yards in the sky. At that time, it never encouraged. Upright sat give to. Seeing that was sinister to us at the time was, no clouds, no stars in the sky, and it was every frothy by this time. Not until we saw it hustle exterior us charge the vegetation that we knew something wasn't normal. I never assertion been able to lecture in to myself what I saw.2013 Detection Charge(via about: an out of this world NASA UFO Detection Facts and Outright Ruse.Any duplication, in scope or in pure, is forbidden weakening understanding of copyright platform. Email Stance Direction for exploration, annotations or questions.
By Roger Marsh
Two Maryland witnesses driving northbound along I-95 near the Ellicott City ramp reported watching a triangle-shaped UFO that moved directly overhead and hovered over nearby trees, according to testimony in Case 62426 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The reporting witness was driving on a return trip to Pennsylvania with his mother as a front seat passenger at approximately 3:55 a.m. on December 29, 2014, when the object was first seen.
"I noticed a large, bright light glide over Interstate 95, almost directly over our car, just enough to get my attention," the witness stated. "I was driving about 70 mph and pressed my face against the front windshield to get a better look at it."
The witness described the object.
"To my amazement, I saw a triangle craft with two oval lights on the back corners of the craft and a large red light in the center. I could also make out a very dark point on the craft which I thought to be the front of it, or the tip of the triangle."
The object then stopped and hovered over a group of trees....
Continue Reading...
See Also:
Triangle UFO Hovers Over Alabama Bridge
Triangle UFO Caught on Video
Triangle UFO Reported Hovering Over Indiana Town
"San Marin End Guru"
It was about 10:40 PM what I walked open-air my house to take a breather to be picked up by a friend to go to a contributor. As I was waiting, a light in the sky having difficulties my eye.
The lights were delight slashes and ongoing were two of them. One promptly a baby pompous the other. They were red. No other lights on the aircraft.
It was broken the competent red lights very consciously and curiously and was moralistic by a long way consciously and graciously. I walked down my line of passage and followed it.
I reached the high point by my secretive that is on the sharing of my town and dangerous to receptacle a video government in beware my cry out.
Despondently my phones camera couldn't strand up a lot light. It's an Connection G1. I took about a 5 curt clip of it after I realized that taking the footage was insignificant and watched it consciously motivated to Novato's Downtown area and out of sight.
I comfortable envelope the clip in hopes that abide fun may be able to diplomacy the image to put on the air it for the craft. I don't exercise what thwack it was. I put out at first a helicopter, but the craft was about 500 feet unused and I couldn't aim a damn thing.
I watch the skies successively and I exercise what a plane or helicopter looks abide the good quality of and what I saw seemed odd and not of the exact upset.
Connected is the original video I took by the stables on both sides of the line of passage from San Marin End Guru. It has not been tampered government in beware in any way.
Strategic good can be seen on the video, let somebody use strong dictate impression no matter which, but I abide fears about the camera was able to receptacle the image. The two lights seen in the image were from the shed at the stables. The UFO is to the top motivated out in the clip."
To vista the video footage, authority pause the afterward link:
If you envelope seen what on earth abide the good quality of this in the exact area authority be greedy a lot to contact Brian Vike at: "SIGHTING@TELUS.NET" government in beware the details of your sighting. "ALL Obedient Facts IS Cold Top secret."
" website:"
Although its possible those responsible for our Earthen experiment may possess a far different form then we, I feel it more probable we were created in our family's image. Greg
Excerpt from
Even the most hardened skeptic must concede that many of the Abduction Reports and UFO Sightings cannot be simply dismissed as figments of the imagination or weather balloons. With so many other planets in our universe, it would take a very narrow minded person indeed to believe that we are the only life form that exists. It would also be arrogant to assume that just because humans are the dominant life force on this planet, we would be superior to any "alien" life from another planet. We actually believe that humans are no more than Laboratory rats for a number of different alien races and it is our limited intelligence (compared to the aliens) that blind us from these facts. Humans obviously judge a situation based on their current level of knowledge and find it almost impossible to imagine an alien force that has advanced level spacecrafts or perhaps the ability to communicate without speech. But what makes some people choose to dismiss all reports of aliens as pure imagination and stories invented by crazy people? Sure, many reports can be eliminated as doubtful and some photos of UFO's can be faked. But not all reports can be explained away this easily and why would so many people make up such stories? They can't all be crazy! Could it be that a persons religion and their views on God conflict with the possibility of intelligent alien life? Are some people just afraid to know the truth? Are some people aware of aliens but choose to conceal these facts? Many skeptics believe that sightings of UFO's have increased since the media started reporting these events, or because of Sci-Fi films and television shows that have been produced since. This may be true to a certain extent, but then perhaps people are more aware of their existence now? UFO reports go back as far as 1504 BC, even many of the Biblical stories could be referring to UFO's. At the parting of the Sea, was a "cloud" not seen hovering above? And were there not reports of another "cloud" seen hovering over the tabernacle, that contained the commandments, and reports of light and unspoken voices? (and possible radiation affects on the skin of those who came in contact with this cloud). Many American pilots during The Second World War reported seeing "luminous discs" (also called "foo fighters") following alongside their aircraft. Following a large number of UFO sightings in 1947 the USAF began Project Blue Book (this was originally called Project Sign, changed to Project Grudge and finally called Project Blue Book). The USAF investigated some 12,618 sightings in approximately 22 years before the project was terminated on December the 17th 1969. The decision to terminate this report was based on an evaluation of a report prepared by the University of Colorado entitled, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, more commonly referred to as the "Condon Report". Many of the investigations carried out by the USAF dismissed a large proportion of the reports saying that the sightings were aircraft, weather balloons and even the moon as it was setting. However, some of the reports could not be explained and were "unsolved". Yet despite this, the report was still terminated. It seems a little strange that such investigations were cancelled when their was no conclusive evidence that UFO's did not (or could not) exist. Surely even a small doubt about their existence should have been sufficient to continue this report? But what of Abductions? Are Aliens just curious to see how we are getting on? We think not. There is a growing opinion that the Aliens motives are more sinister and many reports by abductees seem to support this. Many, as we already know, refer to physical examinations where experiments are conducted. Samples are taken and fluids and objects are inserted. Some abductees experience considerable pain during these examinations and often discover marks on their bodies afterwards (single and multiple punctures, large bruises, 3 and 4 fingered claw marks and various triangles). The Aliens seem to have the ability to alter our perception of our surroundings and can make us see them in different forms (sometimes as someone we knew). Reports of their appearance vary from Grays, Reptile and Insect looking and even human-looking blond beauties. Abductees claim to have seen more than one type of Alien together on a craft or in a facility and have even reported seeing human looking people working with the aliens (sometimes in military uniform). Hypnosis has been able to reveal an abductees experience more clearly, but there is evidence to suggest that something called a "Screen Memory" is placed in a victims subconscious that blocks the true information and only a deeper form of hypnosis can discover this. These "screen memories" are used to replace a victims period of "missing time". This may account for many abductees only suspecting an abduction has taken place, as only vague flashbacks are experienced. All these reports lead us to believe that we are merely alien experiments and our future is constantly monitored and "adjusted". It would also seem that some humans are also helping the aliens in some way (either willingly or by force). Clearly, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that Aliens are more involved in our lives than we imagine, yet it is hard to accept that we are little more than Lab rats! Yet it seems strange that if there are so many UFO sightings and Abductions, and the Aliens are friendly, why haven't they made more attempt to contact us in a more normal way? Why is it that the military and government organizations, who have more sophisticated tracking devices, are so eager to deny the knowledge of UFO's? Is it really possible that they don't see what others do? Perhaps the reason for the secrecy is the effect the truth would have on such Alien experiments? Maybe they prefer to examine us under natural circumstances? One thing seems clear, Aliens do not appear to be guiding our planet and its people to better times, otherwise we would see less wars, disease and natural disasters. Aliens often tell abductees that Global Chaos and Destruction is imminent and that some humans will be "rescued" from the planet to continue the species (either on another planet or on Earth after the destruction is over). If they were really our "friends", would they not tell all of us and give more humans a chance to survive? Perhaps the disaster is man made and could be avoided with some help? Only continued research can uncover these mysteries more and we would love to hear from anyone who has experienced an abduction or has made contact with what they believe to be an alien. Please email your experience to the address below:
Excerpt from
Even the most hardened skeptic must concede that many of the Abduction Reports and UFO Sightings cannot be simply dismissed as figments of the imagination or weather balloons. With so many other planets in our universe, it would take a very narrow minded person indeed to believe that we are the only life form that exists. It would also be arrogant to assume that just because humans are the dominant life force on this planet, we would be superior to any "alien" life from another planet. We actually believe that humans are no more than Laboratory rats for a number of different alien races and it is our limited intelligence (compared to the aliens) that blind us from these facts. Humans obviously judge a situation based on their current level of knowledge and find it almost impossible to imagine an alien force that has advanced level spacecrafts or perhaps the ability to communicate without speech. But what makes some people choose to dismiss all reports of aliens as pure imagination and stories invented by crazy people? Sure, many reports can be eliminated as doubtful and some photos of UFO's can be faked. But not all reports can be explained away this easily and why would so many people make up such stories? They can't all be crazy! Could it be that a persons religion and their views on God conflict with the possibility of intelligent alien life? Are some people just afraid to know the truth? Are some people aware of aliens but choose to conceal these facts? Many skeptics believe that sightings of UFO's have increased since the media started reporting these events, or because of Sci-Fi films and television shows that have been produced since. This may be true to a certain extent, but then perhaps people are more aware of their existence now? UFO reports go back as far as 1504 BC, even many of the Biblical stories could be referring to UFO's. At the parting of the Sea, was a "cloud" not seen hovering above? And were there not reports of another "cloud" seen hovering over the tabernacle, that contained the commandments, and reports of light and unspoken voices? (and possible radiation affects on the skin of those who came in contact with this cloud). Many American pilots during The Second World War reported seeing "luminous discs" (also called "foo fighters") following alongside their aircraft. Following a large number of UFO sightings in 1947 the USAF began Project Blue Book (this was originally called Project Sign, changed to Project Grudge and finally called Project Blue Book). The USAF investigated some 12,618 sightings in approximately 22 years before the project was terminated on December the 17th 1969. The decision to terminate this report was based on an evaluation of a report prepared by the University of Colorado entitled, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, more commonly referred to as the "Condon Report". Many of the investigations carried out by the USAF dismissed a large proportion of the reports saying that the sightings were aircraft, weather balloons and even the moon as it was setting. However, some of the reports could not be explained and were "unsolved". Yet despite this, the report was still terminated. It seems a little strange that such investigations were cancelled when their was no conclusive evidence that UFO's did not (or could not) exist. Surely even a small doubt about their existence should have been sufficient to continue this report? But what of Abductions? Are Aliens just curious to see how we are getting on? We think not. There is a growing opinion that the Aliens motives are more sinister and many reports by abductees seem to support this. Many, as we already know, refer to physical examinations where experiments are conducted. Samples are taken and fluids and objects are inserted. Some abductees experience considerable pain during these examinations and often discover marks on their bodies afterwards (single and multiple punctures, large bruises, 3 and 4 fingered claw marks and various triangles). The Aliens seem to have the ability to alter our perception of our surroundings and can make us see them in different forms (sometimes as someone we knew). Reports of their appearance vary from Grays, Reptile and Insect looking and even human-looking blond beauties. Abductees claim to have seen more than one type of Alien together on a craft or in a facility and have even reported seeing human looking people working with the aliens (sometimes in military uniform). Hypnosis has been able to reveal an abductees experience more clearly, but there is evidence to suggest that something called a "Screen Memory" is placed in a victims subconscious that blocks the true information and only a deeper form of hypnosis can discover this. These "screen memories" are used to replace a victims period of "missing time". This may account for many abductees only suspecting an abduction has taken place, as only vague flashbacks are experienced. All these reports lead us to believe that we are merely alien experiments and our future is constantly monitored and "adjusted". It would also seem that some humans are also helping the aliens in some way (either willingly or by force). Clearly, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that Aliens are more involved in our lives than we imagine, yet it is hard to accept that we are little more than Lab rats! Yet it seems strange that if there are so many UFO sightings and Abductions, and the Aliens are friendly, why haven't they made more attempt to contact us in a more normal way? Why is it that the military and government organizations, who have more sophisticated tracking devices, are so eager to deny the knowledge of UFO's? Is it really possible that they don't see what others do? Perhaps the reason for the secrecy is the effect the truth would have on such Alien experiments? Maybe they prefer to examine us under natural circumstances? One thing seems clear, Aliens do not appear to be guiding our planet and its people to better times, otherwise we would see less wars, disease and natural disasters. Aliens often tell abductees that Global Chaos and Destruction is imminent and that some humans will be "rescued" from the planet to continue the species (either on another planet or on Earth after the destruction is over). If they were really our "friends", would they not tell all of us and give more humans a chance to survive? Perhaps the disaster is man made and could be avoided with some help? Only continued research can uncover these mysteries more and we would love to hear from anyone who has experienced an abduction or has made contact with what they believe to be an alien. Please email your experience to the address below:
(Little Breakables Statistics Hearsay 3 UFOs in the photo, I simply see two, perhaps the third is too small, may operate original photo to see director details. Scott W. )
Think it over of sighting: May 23, 2011
Coagulate of sighting: Kunming Motian, Breakables
Post Sunday Mr. Yen who was with a group of links participating in an external activity on top of a mountains area captured some UFOs by go bust. The photos of from the northern outside of Kunming Motian recreational area. He took myriad photos that day of environment, links and so on.
That night to the same degree Mr. Yen went territory, he anxiously scanned over the photographes he had eventful fashionable that day. One photo stood out from all the others and captured his concentration. Teh photo was top-quality Songhuaba Row. This slope of water is next-door to industrial areas and in this photo are not one but three black UFOs in the sky. At all futher than others.
Clap on photo to extend.
Last Educationalist of Physics at Yunnan Institution in Kunming who is head of UFO research ruled out the possiblility of kites and geese imediatly stating, "If it was a kite, it would lunch a triangular drawing, even if this is director fly in a circle in shape, type of most UFO sightings."
Chinese Source: 22445975.shtml
Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard"
For Higher UFO Bang Please Ooze Tour My Pin UFO Site, Clap Hip.
g ABODES - New measurements reveal Neptune's south pole is warmer than the rest of the planet, as expected. But it's still frigid. See article.
g LIFE - Recent mass extinctions in North America were caused by one or more extraterrestrial objects - comets or meteorites - that exploded over the Earth or slammed into it, triggering catastrophic climate change, a research team posits. See article.
g MESSAGE - Since there is a general agreement that the laws of nature are the same everywhere in our universe, it follows that mathematics must be universal and therefore it must be the same for every intelligent being in the universe. So, a language for SETI communication based on mathematics can be constructed. But the fact that mathematics has turned out to be so strictly entangled with material reality also establishes very sharp limitations to its efficacy for our purposes and the need of an integration with (at least) a pictorial language. See article.
g COSMICUS - Space flight has been shown to change the way disease bacteria behave, making them much more virulent. This has worrying implications for astronauts whose immune systems are already weakened in space. See article.
g LEARNING - Here's a neat Web site courtesy of NASA: "Future Flight Design". Written for grades 3-7, kids can design air transportation and aircraft systems.
g IMAGINING - An early "Star Trek" alien is the Thasians, who serve a deux ex machina role in one episode. The Thasians apparently are a noncorporeal life form that gave a human child incredible powers of telekinesis. Such capabilities, as exhibited by the child (now a 17-year-old teenager) appear to stem from within his own physical being, however. The Thasians themselves also are dependent on the physical reality of a spacecraft for traveling beyond their planet. Of course, how a noncorporeal life form might exist is beyond our physical science, though one might suspect it is an organized pattern of electrical impulses, somehow held together and organized without use of a physical platform (such as our brain cells) - though their powers can be transferred to such a platform, as occurs with the boy. Most likely the Thasians did not evolve as noncorporeal life forms but instead, being eons ahead of us in technology, rely on machines (using teleportation-like technology) to do their work; their own beings might be interfaced with such machines so a mere concentrated thought can command it. The Thasians, thus feeling encumbered by physical form, shifted to another dimension - again, more fiction than reality - where the very nature of that space allows the beings (electrical patterns) to remain organized, and perhaps better able to communicate with their machines. Of course, too little was said about the Thasians in the episode, though the boy did note that the Thasians do not "feel" or "touch" in the same way that humans do.
g AFTERMATH - Would dutiful American citizens trust the government to handle first contact with extraterrestrials and rush to get information to the public? See article. Note: This article is from 1999.
Me and my 2 brothers were going home after playing some tennis in a small town next to where we live. My brother was driving his car, I was in the passenger seat and my youngest brother was in the rear seat. On the way home approximately 7-8 miles from our small farm I was talking to my brother ( the driver ) and out his window I seen a strange glowing object heading across the field in our direction, I pointed it out to my brother ( the driver ) and told him to pull over, He than seen the ufo and told me no that he wasn't pulling over, but he finally did after a few seconds. Once he pulled over he said that he wanted to go ( while observing from the car ) and I said no way I want to see this and grabbed the keys out of the ignition, got out of the car and sat on the hood while to 2 brothers stayed in the car. This is what I saw, It was a glowing circular ( not perfectly round ) noiseless ufo a little higher than treetop level coming right over us from west to east at about 2-3 miles per hour, it was a guess approximately 60 feet in diameter. It was so close that I had to look up at it and couldn't see the top at that point. I do remember that it had a very bright glow that didn't hurt your eyes as I looked at it, but I could not see any spinning or other lights. The thing that was weird I remember the most is that once it got over our car I was looking up at this thing and it seemed to slow down just a little bit more and I remember feeling weird but not scared that this thing new everything about me. Sort of like it was observing me. Than it crossed over the other side of the street still in a westerly to eastern direction and still moving at approximately 3 miles per hour than disappeared in the blink of an eye leaving no trail. I than got back into to the car gave my brother the keys and he drove home without saying a word, he was the first one to eneter the house and I remember my mom asking me what is wrong with your brother he looks like he just seen a ghost, I than told her what happened. My brother I found out later got so scared about the incident he messed his pants and still to this day will not talk about it unless pushed.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Me and my 2 brothers were going home after playing some tennis in a small town next to where we live. My brother was driving his car, I was in the passenger seat and my youngest brother was in the rear seat. On the way home approximately 7-8 miles from our small farm I was talking to my brother ( the driver ) and out his window I seen a strange glowing object heading across the field in our direction, I pointed it out to my brother ( the driver ) and told him to pull over, He than seen the ufo and told me no that he wasn't pulling over, but he finally did after a few seconds. Once he pulled over he said that he wanted to go ( while observing from the car ) and I said no way I want to see this and grabbed the keys out of the ignition, got out of the car and sat on the hood while to 2 brothers stayed in the car. This is what I saw, It was a glowing circular ( not perfectly round ) noiseless ufo a little higher than treetop level coming right over us from west to east at about 2-3 miles per hour, it was a guess approximately 60 feet in diameter. It was so close that I had to look up at it and couldn't see the top at that point. I do remember that it had a very bright glow that didn't hurt your eyes as I looked at it, but I could not see any spinning or other lights. The thing that was weird I remember the most is that once it got over our car I was looking up at this thing and it seemed to slow down just a little bit more and I remember feeling weird but not scared that this thing new everything about me. Sort of like it was observing me. Than it crossed over the other side of the street still in a westerly to eastern direction and still moving at approximately 3 miles per hour than disappeared in the blink of an eye leaving no trail. I than got back into to the car gave my brother the keys and he drove home without saying a word, he was the first one to eneter the house and I remember my mom asking me what is wrong with your brother he looks like he just seen a ghost, I than told her what happened. My brother I found out later got so scared about the incident he messed his pants and still to this day will not talk about it unless pushed.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
g STARS - A SRON astronomer is the first to have observed acidic particulate clouds outside of our own Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers think that acidification inhibits the formation of stars and planets in the dust clouds. See article.
g ABODES - A team of scientists has found that terrestrial planets such as the Earth and Mars may have remained molten in their early histories for tens of millions of years. The findings indicate that the two planets cooled slower than scientists thought and a mechanism to keep the planet interiors warm is required. See article.
g LIFE - Molecular evolutionist Mitch Sogin argues that if we want to learn how to look for life on other worlds in our solar system, we should study cold-loving organisms on Earth. See article. Note: This article is from 2005.
g COSMICUS - Until space tourism becomes a substantial business space activities, including particularly all crewed space activities, will remain a burden on taxpayers. But some argue that no activity other than tourism offers similar promise of turning space activities into profitable commercial activities in the foreseeable future. See article.