Press Release Future World Publishing International
Futureworld Publishing International, LLC P O Box 141, Horn Lake, MS 38637-- PRESS RELEASE UPDATE --Contact: Jaysen Q. Rand, Ph.D.662-280-2181 Cell (901) 336-9660skipper.2012@hotmail.comFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Exciting Announcement of a new joint "Russian-American Planet-X Research Project" revealing whether this theoretical Brown Dwarf Star's 'Close-Pass' to Earth in 2009 and 2012 could terrorize our planet-thus bringing about massive Earth changes and a possible 180-degree 'global pole shift'... If not "Planet-X"-then what's soon coming our way?HORN LAKE, MS, October 26, 2007: Futureworld Publishing International is promoting the release of Dr. Jaysen Q. Rand's new best-selling book, The Return of Planet-X and Its Effects on Mother Earth: A Natural Disaster Survivor's Manual, his alarming eye-opening tome. Dr. Rand will soon announce he will be joining professional forces with Retired Soviet Air Force Lt. Col. Marina L. Popovitch and the EnergyInformative Division of The Russian Academy Of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. This top-echelon study group will formulate a high-level scientific research effort to either prove or disprove the reality/actuality of the existence of Planet-X (believed to be the Biblical Book of Revelation's reference to "Wormwood" -Chap. 8, Vrs. 11).Jaysen Rand and his close friend and UFO/ET research colleague, Marina Popovitch, Ph.D., are both working members of the EnergyInformative Division. Dr. Popovitch and her former husband, Army General Pavel (Paul) Popovitch--have been top UFO/ET paranormal researchers and this unique research and development group devotes itself to investigating alternative sciences, the paranormal realm, metaphysical realities, the existence of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence/communications/origins, the surrogate formats of energy, healing, medical research, alternative sciences/astronomy/mathematics and dynamism as topical examples.Dr. Rand will assemble an American team of scientists, researchers and authors (on topic) who will link up and coordinate their research efforts with their Russian counterparts headed by Dr. Marina Popovitch, in an attempt to affirm or deny the truth, validity and controversy surrounding the subject of this mysterious and arcane Planet-X-related phenomenon. "X" is presently capturing the imagination/interest/debate spread across the many thousands of Internet sites, radio-TV talk shows, lectures, books, magazines, feature films, documentaries, religious sermons and simple person-to-person communications around the world every day.In order to keep the general public up-to-date and informed about their ongoing planning, research, development and the scientific conclusions reached by this distinguished group, Dr. Rand has chosen the 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show and 'X' Chronicles Newspaper publication to become its official media outlet presenting regular reports and the most-current news updates about this unique scientific ground-breaking project as it moves forward.Additionally, Rob McConnell, host of the 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show recently launched a special "Name This Research Project" audience contest to help select an official name for this scientific inquiry and to date-more than 40 unique, creative, thought provoking "Project Names" are being considered. The top five "Project Research Names" selected for final determination-will each receive a signed/dated 'collectors edition' of Dr. Rand's new book. The five top-named suggestions and the ultimate winning "Project Name" will be announced in November and a special "letter of recognition" accompanied by a "winners' certificate" (signed by both Dr. Rand and Dr. Popovitch), will be awarded to the top-picked winning entry. In order to achieve a well-balanced approach to this project-the relatively arcane approach of using scientific 'Remote Viewing' techniques, the arts of astronomy, planetary observatory research, scientific inquiries, noted authors/professors (on topic), individual UFO/ET researchers (all experts in their fields) handling cases of contactees/abductees, with a cadre of global UFOlogists and scientific colleagues and additional support personnel-will be carefully assembled creating the schematic design format for implementing this fascinating and timely Russian/American joint-venture research project.According to Dr. Rand's research in his book: The most current working hypothesis we have to examine concerning the expected return date of Planet-X coursing through the solar system centers around the prime fact that X's extended orbit (approximately every 3,600-4,000 years - first passing through the solar system in 'phase-one' -then back out again in 'phase-two') -now suggests that X's 'destructive cycle'- may occur in two separate cosmic events.This 'first-phase' begins with X's 'initial pass-through' (possibly in 2009) then separated by approximately three years until its 'second-phase' -wherein "X" makes its 'second pass' through the solar system (expected in 2012). This second passage marks X's return leg back again into deep space beginning anew its 3,600 year trek through the heavens. Dr. Rand believes that Planet-X's last return visit most likely coincided with the Hebrew exodus from Egypt under Moses and Pharaoh in 1447 B.C.E, roughly 3,454 years ago. Question: Did God somehow come to Moses' aid by staging a cosmic event that no one today understands?The best-researched dates include late summer (September 2009) for X's first phase pass-through and in early winter (December 2012) for X's second-phase pass through the solar system. Major earth changes may occur during both phases of X's passage with the most damage resulting in a possible 'pole flip' (a tipping of Earth on its axis of rotation 180 degrees) in X's second phase. Rand states in his book: "It's also possible that a complete 'pole shift' will not occur, however, planet Earth may still suffer major planetary upheavals from X's passage through the solar system."There are a series of unanswered questions and major challenges to the global "X" theory posed by professional and amateur astronomers alike that we haven't seen any reliable scientific evidence or sightings of this rogue celestial body including if "X" even exists at all. Could it be that the world's major governments are reluctant to announce this potentially disastrous global event? These and many other critical/timely Planet-X questions will be carefully examined and discussed by this joint Russian/American panel being assembled.Quoting from page 307 in Dr. Rand's book: "Whatever fate awaits us-Mother Earth is about to reveal her secrets regarding the reality of Planet-X coming in 2009/2012. One thing is absolutely certain! Something 'BIG' is radically wrong with the normal functioning of planet Earth's global operating systems and mankind's ability to either control or understand these cosmic forces dynamics... And time we rapidly running out in the landscape of human life as we are presently living it here on the Earth in 2007." -- END --