Posted: February 11, 2008Date: September 30, 2007 Time: 3:00 a.m.Location of Sighting: South East About A 65 Degree Angle. Number of witnesses: 3 Number of objects: 3 Shape of objects: A Triangle Shape.Full Description of event/sighting: I was about to go to bed when I happened to glimpse out the window and I noticed a bright white light in the sky, at first I thought it was a star but then I noticed it was turning red and green and it seemed to be moving. So then I thought a plane, but then it just sat there in the same spot for an hour. At this time I called my roommate and friend to see it and they both were not believing what they were seeing. We all noticed another light off to the right, it was a plane with it's flashing lights, the plane flew under the object and was quite a ways below it. Then we noticed the object started to emit a brighter light, it was glowing red and green and white, we thought for sure it had to be a plane or something, but it continued to change colors and shape. It was like a triangle with a light in each corner and the center light was the brightest part that kept getting brighter, then darker, the object moved over the next hour to the right and then back to the left, we used a stationary object to make sure it was moving. I tried using my camera phone to take pictures of it, but it did not pick it up. It then seemed to becoming closer then started to move away. It stayed there until it started to get light and then we could not see it anymore. I tried looking for it since, but nothing. I have always kept a close eye on the sky but this has me wondering what it was. I heard on the local news that we were not the only witnesses to this, there were several others that called it in to the local news. But I am just glad I seen it.Thank you to the witness for their report.Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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