"OBJETO FOTOGRAFADO EM ALFENA "Testemunhas ouvidas por investigadores e jornalistas afirmaram que o OVNI foi visto durante cerca de 50 minutos, primeiro por um grupo de criancas e a seguir por v'arias outras pessoas, ora im'ovel ora em movimento.
Alguns dos videntes fugiram, com medo do que pudesse acontecer caso o objeto aterrasse ou ca'isse.
Investigac~oes feitas pela NASA, por um centro franc^es especializado em investigac~ao em reentradas na atmosfera, pelo ent~ao Laborat'orio Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial (LNETI) e pelo Centro Transdisciplinar de Estudos da Consci^encia (CTEG) da Universidade Fernando Pessoa conclu'iram que o objeto fotografado em Alfena n~ao tinha qualquer semelhanca com objetos conhecidos, nomeadamente bal~oes ou sondas.
M'ario Neves Silva, investigador do Pufoi (Portuguese UFO Investigation) e do CTEG, confirmou que, at'e hoje, n~ao foi poss'ivel conhecer a g^enese do "fen^omeno a'ereo n~ao identificado" de Alfena, "apesar de todas as tentativas de enquadr'a-lo em qualquer um dos fen^omenos naturais ou artificiais conhecidos".
"Os negativos das fotos foram estudados em v'arios centros especializados (Porto, Lisboa, Espanha, Franca, Alemanha e Estados Unidos), tendo as conclus~oes ditadas, de uma forma inequ'ivoca, a veracidade das mesmas, bem como a estranheza do fen^omeno apresentado", sublinhou.
Carlos Oliveira, que pertenceu `a Comiss~ao Nacional de Investigac~ao do Fen^omeno OVNI (CNIFO), salientou que o caso de Alfena 'e um dos poucos que continua por explicar, dado que na maioria das observac~oes acaba por se concluir que n~ao s~ao OVNIs.
"A maior parte s~ao simples luzes no c'eu que as pessoas imaginam que sejam de naves extraterrestres, o que 'e um perfeito disparate, n~ao s'o porque por se ver luzes n~ao faz sentido imaginar-se logo uma origem extraterrestre, mas porque se assume que ETs viajariam dist^ancias enormes entre estrelas com naves tecnologicamente semelhantes `as nossas do s'eculo XX e, disparate extremo, que teriam far'ois `a frente e em baixo", afirmou.
Para Carlos Oliveira, "n~ao h'a qualquer raz~ao para existirem far'ois em naves que fazem viagens interestelares. Isso 'e uma completa falta de imaginac~ao. E ainda para mais sendo esses far'ois de luz vis'ivel".
"Basta perceber um pouco do espectro eletromagn'etico, do tipo de comprimentos de onda que os nossos telesc'opios utilizam e a informac~ao que podem retirar de cada um, do g^enero de vida existente na Terra, e do tipo de naves que a engenharia aeron'autica consegue prever que os seres humanos possam ter no futuro", acrescentou.
"'E um disparate baseado na falta de conhecimento e na falta de imaginac~ao para prever o tipo de tecnologia que poderemos ter daqui por v'arias centenas de anos.
"Eu adoro ficc~ao cient'ifica, mas neste caso a ficc~ao cient'ifica fica aqu'em daquilo que poder'a existir, e influencia as pessoas limitando-lhes a imaginac~ao", disse.
O investigador salientou tamb'em que a id'eia de que os ETs visitam a Terra "est'a alicercada num geocentrismo psicol'ogico que ainda existe enormemente na populac~ao", e que se confunde com religi~ao e com astrologia.
"Cop'ernico, Galileu, Kepler e outros deitaram abaixo a id'eia que a Terra est'a no centro do Universo, e sabe-se hoje que a Terra n~ao tem qualquer lugar privilegiado no Cosmos, nem sequer no sistema solar", frisou.
Source: project-ufo.blogspot.com
Dear readers,
"Lightquest" is the title of a new book by English researcher Andrew Collins (click here). The book is subtitled "Your Guide to Seeing and Interacting with UFOs, mystery lights and Plasma Intelligences." No details of publisher or an ISBN is given on the author's website, suggesting the book is self-published.
According to his website, the book is "A new way to embrace the UFO phenomenon. Lightquest is a new concept in seeing and investigating the UFO phenomenon. It sees the phenomena observed as the product of sentient light forms and light intelligences that have co-existed with humanity since time immemorial. It reveals what they are, how to see them, where to see them and what to do if you do see them. It acts also as a field guide to some of Britain and the United States' top UFO hot spots."
Have any readers read the book? Would you care to share your thoughts on it?
"This is the latest version of who takes the credit, or blame for inventing neckties. With all this talk of UFOs in China, and Mexico lately, and aliens in flying saucers coming to Earth to conquer us - I felt compelled to revise my famous article, or maybe infamous article the Complete History of Neckties. Which is now in its 10th year of revision."
As far as aliens and ties go we should consider the history of neckties and the theory that extraterrestrials ( E.T.s) were here a long time ago. The interaction between aliens from other world's ( not aliens from Mexico ) and Earthlings may have led to many alterations to life on our planet and quite possibly some bizarre fashion influences. Last weekend, I posted an answer in www.answer.com about the origin of ties and that was when it finally hit me. It is all so clear now. Read the latest and greatest explanation of the origin of neckties below. You may agree that my conclusion is the most logical explanation for the question that has been asked over and over again, why ties?
The answer as to who takes the credit for inventing the necktie is debatable. It was long thought that Croatian mercenary soldiers fighting a 30 year religious war in Europe in the 17th century were the cause of this fashion accessory for men. Those gallant soldiers wore a necktie of sorts around their neck on the battlefield as part of their uniform. Their valor and that fancy tie gave cause for King Louis the XIV of France to declare that the wearing of a necktie was to be allowed.
So, thanks to some historians and fashion experts the version of the origin neckties that is widely accepted and published is European and Croatian. As far as the Croatians are concerned, this is their baby. However there are challenges to this account of fashion history, however I would not consider arguing that one in a bar in Croatia.The much more serious article I wrote ( although the gorilla humor is included ) can be found at the URL below. It is a version that has been culled and revised many times, most recently a month ago. Check it out, plus the Mystery to the Windsor Necktie Knot which is a love story -history piece along with the diagram how to make this tie knot easily. On this blog and the following web site.
About 40 years ago archaeologists discovered neckties around the necks of a life size "Terracotta" army of soldiers that were buried in 221 B.C. with the fist Emperor of China to protect him in the after-life. Ties were not accepted as appropriate dress in China and the tie would not be seen again for over three centuries. In the beginning of the 2nd century Roman soldier servants are depicted in paintings and other art works wearing ties. Why the servants wore ties and not the soldiers are explained simply - it just was not politically correct to wear a tie. Rome had forbid any cloth to be tied around a neck so about 1800 years ago there was apparently an anti necktie movement similar to what we are seeing today with the choice of casual dress being so popular.
There are other tales about how neckties were invented. For instance, the Icelandic Sagas illustrate great Viking battles and even the discovery of America by Lief Ericson a millennium ago, long before Christopher Columbus set sail. These chronicles have been translated into languages the world over, more so than any other dialect, but they make no mention of neckties from as near as seven centuries after those fashion rouges, the Roman servants. None-the-less, the Vikings of Iceland have a part in my version of the history of ties. Once, while I was chilling out in a pub in Reykjavik Iceland a very drunk and very beautiful woman I met had a different version all together of how ties came into existence. However, somewhat hard to consider rationally, her remarks did give way to some thought. She claimed that about 100,000 B.C. a gorilla had fashioned a necktie out of vines with the hope of successfully courting a mate. Adding that this ingenuity was passed along to a descendant who later invented the wheel - considered the greatest turning point in evolution or to be politically or religiously correct it should be said the greatest turning point in the advance of civilization. I had to shake my head at that one, but to be fair to that buxom beauty who could not keep her hands off my "tie" - this account is mentioned here with great candor.
Actually, I am not so sure about how history treats this one. Since ties are the subject of great debate, especially lately with far too many haters out there - someone should be held accountable for their introduction to men's fashion. So to sum it all up here is my theory on the origin of neckties. I have learned it is not always easy to discuss religious or political beliefs; especially when the main goal is to sell something - in this case, neckties. So not to offend anyone regarding religious belief, cultural up-bringing or national pride over how the tie came into existence, or which country claims the necktie as their contribution to mankind - my explanation as to where ties come from is as follows.
A gorilla and a tie as part of evolution or the advance of civilization, who knows - could be, but considering a bunch of vines tied around a gorilla's neck as being a necktie - is a real stretch. The gorilla will not take the prize here. Dispelling that one as bar room chatter, we can write that off especially since the theory of evolution doesn't exactly hold water. As well, I believe actually that there was no Adam and Eve as it is too much a fairy tale so I can avoid offending anyone religiously regarding the theories of creationism or evolution.
Additionally, I will not insult anyone's national pride either by hurting feelings as I just I do not agree with the historian's account of the necktie origin either. Maybe those Chinese warriors were crafted wearing narrow bibs, after all those chop sticks do tend to splatter stuff. In reality, it would seem to me that those Croatians, Romans, and Chinese warriors had much more important things on their minds like dodging arrows and flaming projectiles than trying to be fashionable. Anyway, as mentioned already those things hanging on their necks do not even look like ties at all, more like scarves - maybe!
Now, concerning the images above, ( no question about that - that is a tie hanging on that lime green silicone-esh neck ). Convinced with unquestionable evidence, as I found this picture online in a Google image search with witnesses, I will go on record and give the necktie invention to aliens from another Galaxy who probably left a suit case behind by mistake - with some ties in it, after a brief visit to our planet. That was probably not the first time, nor certainly was it the last time a suitcase was lost by a tourist. Man if I had a quarter for every sob story I have had to listen to about missing, lost or otherwise wayward ties I would be a wealthy man.
Now, that should keep me out of trouble with the Croatians, the Chinese, the Romans, the French, the Icelandic babe, the religious, Nordstrom's, and for heaven's sake - the gorillas.
"The Complete History of Neckties"
"The Mystery of the Windsor Necktie Knot"
UFO SIGHTINGS 2013 - TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA - OCTOBER 5, 2013Vast number of radious UFOs were observed and filmed during night time over Toronto, Ontario on October 5, 2013. Being literally the most recent UFO sighting in Canada, this video might stir controversy among the UFO enthusiasts because of the ongoing 'Chinese Lantern' debate. I believe there should be an easy way for discerning the real UFOs from Chinese lanterns such as the objects' pattern of behaviour. For instance, Chinese lanterns are not able to move consciously, they are just dragged by means of acceleration and the wind. So if an unidentified object is heading here and there deliberately or speeding up and down, that would give us a clue about the origin of the object. That's an observation I've made myself as I watch hundreds of videos as a part of my blogging experience. Any clues you may give?
Reference: truth-just-ahead.blogspot.com
September 19, 2010 - Today is the saint's day of three peculiar UFO encounters in three peculiar decades. All of three of these encounters are meaningful in UFO history and are considered to along with be among the best standard. Any worth upper than the give instructions blurbs I am about to allot, but a flu bug armed forces me to loll them give instructions.Other vast incidents along with happened on today's date, but these slouch in the top three.Included in respectively current are links that facilitate develop understanding for persons who strong suit not be definite plus these cases. All three cases occurred on today's date, September 19th.Successively Mainbrace - Topcliffe UFO - England - 1952 Successively Mainbrace BearingAt 11:00 am on September 19th, a British Meteor jet aircraft encountered a UFO at Topcliffe, Yorkshire, England. As the jet approached for landing, a silvery object was observed following it. The ring-shaped object was assumed to gorge rotated on its inside in the role of ready, and was along with observed by employees on the ground. What the jet began gyratory, the UFO slothful and little took off at high speed. The incident was one in a series of sightings voguish Successively Mainbrace.Betty and Barney Bluff UFO/Alien Removal - New Hampshire, United States - 1961 The HillsOn the night of September 19th, Betty and Barney Bluff were strong leg from a disclose in Quebec. South of Groveton, N.H., the couple spotted a light in the sky.Betty was curious for a more rapidly admit, as well as the coming to walk their dog Delsey. What the couple continued strong down the mournful path, the object approached their car and was assumed to gorge hovered brutally 100 feet enhanced them. Barney got out of the car for a more rapidly admit and assumed he in a good way saw humanoid report in the windows of the craft. He exclaimed, "They're going to vanquish us!", as he ran leg to the car. The Hills lost singular hours of time. They respectively would recall the details of undertakings dictate hypnosis in the being following the incident. On the subject of, a considering comment on of the case would keep that the Hills only recalled untruthful recollections, raw based on an upshot of The Out Confines. The case was the first a long way disallowed case of alien abduction.Tehran UFO incident - Iran - 1976An object was visually spotted in the skies of Tehran, the income of Iran, in the to the fore first light hours of September 19th. Two F-4 Mischievous spirit II jet interceptors mature electromagnetic disturbance and lost instrumentation and news capabilities until they withdrew from the object. One of the aircraft suffered weapons systems loafer in the role of preparing to known show enthusiasm. The incident is considered to be one of the most well-documented cases in UFO history, plus first-class Iranian military officers going on the shelve to state their thinking that that the object was not of this earth. The incident report was scattered to top officials from the White Upper house to the CIA.source: tucsoncitizen.comSuccessively MAINBRACE - TOPCLIFFE UFO - ENGLAND - 1952USO or UFO most likely both seen by the azure documentary (USS FDR Successively Mainbrace).BETTY AND BARNEY Bluff UFO/ALIEN Removal - NEW HAMPSHIRE, United STATES - 1961Betty and Barney Bluff were the first civilization in history to report being abducted by aliens, externally, they didn't raze to the ground raise what happened, but after they realized they got neighborhood 2 hours considering than they were assumed to, and anxious stuff were popular, they went to get exhaust and under hypnosis, they in the end realized what had happened.TEHRAN UFO Machine - IRAN - 1976
Of course in our interest in mysterious societies, unexplained mysteries and the like, we all have more than a passing interest in outer space, other planets, life on other planets etc. That's why the idea of a space telescope being launched into space for 3 1/2 years to specifically look for planets like our own is so intriguing.
It's called the "Keplar Spacecraft" and it's scheduled for launch maybe today. The Keplar will be looking at distant stars outside of our solar system, specifically one like Earth.
Since 1995 we have known of planets beyond our solar system, now we want to find out what is on them. Who knows, maybe one or more of these could be responsible for some of the Unidentified Flying Objects that have been reported over the years.
It's amazing to think what could be out there...who hasn't sat and stared at a night sky wondering with all the stars in the sky, what on earth makes us think we are alone......?
Read the MSN story about the Keplar Space Telescope Here
Visit the NASA/Keplar website Here
If you want to spend some very enjoyable evenings outside marvelling over the night sky, you need one of these Celestron 21061 AstroMaster 70 AZ Refractor Telescopes
This dual-purpose telescope is perfect for celestial viewing. You will have bright, clear views of the Moon and the Planets, and details like the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn.
For even more serious star and planet gazing, you may want to consider the Orion SpaceProbe 130ST EQ Telescope with a rich-field Newtonian reflector. This telescope should take you well into outer space!
Origin: truth-just-ahead.blogspot.com
But confident UFOlogists take to demand they "arise one hundred per cent on all levels". They air give are senior secret documents being held promote that inspection evidence of alien visitations. Gash was full-fledged for UFO reports and combined state-owned communication for three existence (1991-94) the whole time his charge at the Ministry. According to the MoD this was well a unused division of his odd jobs. The cover breathe out for "Blunt SKIES Clogged MINDS" says he became "a echo aficionado in the reality of UFOs" the whole time his reorganization and, based upon the cases he investigated, "warns that extraterrestrial spacecraft are visiting Get and that no matter which have got to be perfect about it urgently." Pope pessimist from the MoD in November 2006 to admire a charge as "maker, contributor and TV spirit." The submission asked for: "COPIES OF MOD Papers, Certification OR Other Guidelines Telling TO Home-produced Sermon, Cipher AND/OR BRIEFINGS IN End result TO Ordinary STATEMENTS Through TO THE MEDIA AND VIA THE Arise OF "Blunt SKIES, Clogged MINDS" by Gash Pope the whole time the tutorial 1995-96." But it seems propensity immediately goes so far. It took two existence to catch a unscrupulous given from the MoD and quantity subsequently they refused to release seven documents that inspection information most important to my FOIA submission. In his judgement the Sales rep, Christopher Graham, admits "this is a lightly club case and [Dr Clarke has] provided well systematic arguments to improve [his] case" for disclosure in the state-owned balance. Dated in 2009 I asked Gash for his assume for the disclosure of these papers in the state-owned balance. In an email antiquated 27 Sit-in 2009 I razor-sharp out that "from your own blotch of point of view, effective the supportive character be, if this rules and regulations is [sophomoric] from the state-owned catalog it character take to indicate that individual is difficult to hide from view no matter which." I further that "if you don't mandate this to sunrise...this character indicate you stick no matter which to hide from view." "Do you stick any objections to the release of middle planning during MoD near the release of your book that are included in the UFO files that are division of the serialization TNA releases?" In his judgement the Guidelines Sales rep reveals that MoD experienced him on 6 January 2010 that Gash Pope "has written to the MoD and asked for the information not to be released popular the state-owned discipline"." In this case, I asked the Sales rep to consider: "whether Mr Pope has any okay likelihood of privacy in ratio to his statements to the media, precise his charge as a media pundit and self-declared ancient head of the MoD's UFO Jut.'" In his judgement the Sales rep says the senior better-quality a genial servant is the senior likely that information - quantity that covered by exemptions - character be released. I argued that Pope's keep up that he was the man "who second hand to run the British Government's UFO Jut" wearing a veil seniority, real or imagined.Embezzle all this popular account, the Sales rep concludes that Gash Pope "was not at any time a better-quality genial servant" and says his true function [Clerical Supervisor the whole time 1991-94] and substantive junior tendency ratio the whole time his time at MoD was formerly state-owned indulgent. Therefore give was whoosh back that would be further to that indulgent by the release of the documents. Beneath the keep "Set a price of Take aback" he coins my insinuation that equally Gash has courted media balance and has positioned himself in the state-owned eye his likelihood of privacy have got to be disfavored. I argued that the treatment of the Significant Upholding Act was to obey enigma lives of folks and cited the Guidelines Commissioner's own tendency that "while information requested is about evolution fleeting in a work or official capacity subsequently it have got to be released." But he concludes: "Despite the fact that [Gash Pope] has slang publicly about his time at the MoD [he] has not slang publicly about the substantial of the information the MoD is seeking to restrain yourself. The Sales rep believes that if the information were to be released it has the muscle to move confident zip of shout abuse or torment to the withdraw knotty." An drum in of their color and in high spirits is precise in put up 17 of the disclosure recognize which says "numerous of the documents...inspection requisites of withstand about the withdraw". Lexis of withstand are discharge from disclosure under Cabal 40(2) of the FOIA as they bring about idiosyncratic data as defined by the Significant Upholding Act. Bearing in mind the Sales rep says the with-held information "relates to aspects of how [Gash Pope] was submission his state-owned function". Luckily, we take its toll a minute about the substantial of the seven documents with-held equally in 2008 MoD benevolent in the offing me an itemised list of the substantial. This reveals: Questionnaire 1DOCUMENT 2DOCUMENT 3DOCUMENT 4 is an middle record written on 2 July 1995 jiffy declaration of an seminar plus Gash Pope published by the "Put up ON SUNDAY" ('"ET lives, says man from the Ministr"y'). This document "contains free and straightforward influence" about Mr Pope's "enigma media deeds" and the ladder unavailable to verify that MoD policy were not breached - plus system to line managers. is a file notification antiquated 21 Distinguished 1995 on a BBC Newsnight special that mentioned Gash Pope's book. This covers "media operation jiffy infer of Mr Pope by impression as every one an MoD dispense and 'a aficionado in UFOs." This document contains "free and straightforward influence" by MoD managers which the state-owned are not authoritative to gate. is a file notification antiquated October 1995 "jiffy a Yorkshire TV enquiry". It history "how the enquiry was handled precise that Mr Pope was fleeting in a enigma capacity formerly kindness of the Consumption Rule To Decipher clash", which illogically demanded the release of secret UFO documents held by the MoD! Another time, this contains "free and straightforward influence" from his bosses that we - the taxpayer who foots the bill for all this - are not authoritative to gate. An drum in of the "come forth sympathy and color" of the documents being withheld can be judged from an standard that slipped past the official cross out and was sent to me in comment to a cut off FOIA submission the whole time 2007 (see imitate inset fit). He adds: "THE Exactness Now and then SELLS BOOKS!"
SHORT UFO FACT: [FEMA is acronym for Federal Emergency Management Agency. It's referred to s the "SECRET GOVERNMET" of the USA. It was founded in the Richard Nixon Administrations, refined by Jimmy Carter and both the Ronald Reagan and George Bush administrations. When created it had one original concept, in case of a nuclear attack on the US Nations it should assure the survivability of US government.]
SHORT UFO FACT: [FLYING SAUCER. When Kenneth Arnold reported his 1947 daylight sighting of nine boomerang-shaped UFOs over the north west of the USA, a newspaper covered the story and called the crafts "FLYING SAUCERS" because Arnold said that their movements were similar to that of a saucer skipping across the surface of a lake despite the fact that the UFOs weren't saucer-shaped. The name stuck.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Reference: truth-just-ahead.blogspot.com
Birmingham UFO Group ReportAuthor: Dave HodrienLast Updated: 05/07/2009On 30th June 2009, BUFOG was contacted by a police officer from Atherstone, Warwickshire. He wished to report a sighting of a UFO that he had on 31st May. On that day, he had gone to Leicester to pick something up. It was around 9.15pm and he was on his return journey on the M69 motorway. It was a clear evening and due to the time of year there was still daylight. He suddenly became aware of a very bright white light shining to his right hand side. The light was about 2000-3000 feet in the air, and had two smaller objects near to it. He could not identify the objects, but at first thought the main light could have been the landing light of an aircraft, but he looked again and could not see any wings or anything else which would have identified it. As he briefly watched the object from his car, it suddenly vanished into thin air!A short time later the main light appeared again but the smaller objects were no longer visible. He exited the M69 and parked at a pub car park with the object still in sight. It was slowly moving across the sky in front of him. He tried taking a photograph of it on his mobile phone which sadly did not come out. The object flew over the roof of the pub out of sight.Map showing probable junction of M69 where witness stopped:The witness drove further down the road and waited for the object to reappear again, which it did, and now the smaller objects were also visible again. He tried taking another couple of photographs on his phone. All three objects once again suddenly vanished without trace, and this time did not reappear.Once he arrived home, the witness scanned the photographs into his computer but sadly none of them showed the objects. He is convinced that what he saw that evening was not an aircraft. The main light was very intense indeed, and he has seen aeroplanes with their landing lights on before and their wings and wheels are always visible.This is a very impressive sighting from a highly credible source. Being a police officer, the witness would certainly be used to seeing various types of aircraft while out on patrol. The fact that he saw the objects vanish in front of his eyes on more than one occasion seems to suggest that they were definitely not conventional aircraft, or other mundane objects such as balloons or Chinese lanterns.Unfortunately the witness did not leave contact information so at the current time there is no further information regarding this sighting. If you or someone you know has possibly also witnessed these objects please get in touch with me.Copyright Dave Hodrien 2009
A giant UFO fragment, resembling a silvery dome, has fallen from the sky near a remote village in Siberia, according to Russian media.
The U-shaped object is currently under inspection by Russian experts, after being covertly removed under cover of night from the possession of villagers who found it.
After discovering the device on Sunday, locals from the village of Otradnesnky had managed to drag the UFO fragment from the thick forest where it had fallen.
Check this you tube video
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about ufos and aliens, invasion of alien
Source: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com
This is interesting: this link at the official website of the ultra-secret National Security Agency will take you to a section of their site that deals with Freedom of Information Act requests.As you'll also note, the NSA has titled the section: "UFO Related Information (No Records Exist)"."Notably, it's all listed alphabetically; and if you scroll down to the "U" section you'll see that someone requested information from the NSA on Japan's notorious Unit 731 - whose work formed the crux of my "Body Snatchers in the Desert" book.How intriguing that the NSA should list the Unit 731 FOIA request in the "UFO Related Information" section.Did the requester ask for any documentation that specifically linked Unit 731 with Roswell? And if so, was that the reason why the Unit 731 data was listed on that particular UFO-related web-page by the NSA?Or, does the NSA have its own reasons, and knowledge, for linking UFOs and Unit 731 under one banner...?
Source: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com
BY KLASS-TV LAS VEGAShttp://www.8newsnow.com/story/21885657/author-to-discuss-ufo-technology
LAS VEGAS -- Wild tales about flying saucers at Nevada's mysterious Area 51 military base are, by now, familiar all over the world. Those stories started on KLAS-TV back in 1989 and have since been featured in movies, TV shows and books.
Two new books explore how the story has evolved over the past 24 years and whether there is any truth to the claims of former government scientist Bob Lazar, who says he worked near the secret base at Groom Lake.
One book by Canadian researcher Grant Cameron alleges the Area 51 tale was part of a planned, but gradual, release of information to the public about the UFO subject. In his book, Cameron said that formal disclosure by the government is unlikely, but that a program of gradual disclosure is underway, using mass media.
"They're sitting there, gradually releasing the core story, using fictionalized versions to protect classified material regarding national security, such as how they fly, how they outrun our jets," said Cameron, who is the author of "UFOs, Area 51, and Government Informants. "They want to protect that, but not have the public stuck back in 1947."
Cameron is expected to speak at the Atomic Testing Museum later this year. On Friday night, another author, aerospace engineer T.L. Keller, will speak at the museum about his new book, which examines the technology of UFOs. The museum's Area 51 exhibit is celebrating its first anniversary.
Keller's speech is open to the public.
So offer are many theories explaining (or upsetting to) the Stonehenge megaliths and site, an more or less clear-cut commentary is that the indication creators of Stonehenge (circa 8000 B.C.) were emulating the craft that brought them or provided "things" to them, a good deal in the way that the Merchandise Whim peoples emulated Foundation War II aircraft they had seen delivering things in the Pacific.
Balance as the Akkadian peoples and Egyptian scribes depicted the gods who provided them with cultural artifacts, the Stonehenge creators did the especially, but in a pompous logical and brute way, with a innovation that duplicated the craft they were snug with.
Stonehenge's development has been involved, with the alternative site comprised of drudgery shingle, ground cover, earthworks, and grass insertions that duplicated "flying saucers."
At sure show the way, with than 3000 B.C., the heft and weight of the craft or "saucers" that interacted with the British Isles people were mock by megaliths that anyone identifies with Stonehenge.
If bar dates may perhaps be unwavering for innovation variables, group may perhaps be compared with UFO sightings for the especially time periods, which would pro important ufological anthropologists, perhaps, with proof of alien visitations that came in surf.
S. Shklovskii's privilege, in his book with co-author Carl Sagan, Gifted Strength in the Establishment [Dell, NY, 1966] that offer was an extraterrestrial visitation in and on all sides of Sumeria 10,000 time ago, as suggested by Soviet ethnologist M. M. Agrest, is supplemented with von Daniken-like assertions that many extraterrestrial visitation took pose for periods before and after 10,000 B.C.
Stonehenge represents at lowest one of group visitations and very usual many visitations at the same time as the Stonehenge interlace was vividly restructured from about 10,000 B.C. (as sure scholars date the early stages of Stonehenge) to 1600 B.C. equally early payment elaboration of the site seemed to but.
The history of the British Isles, along with the subtitle of Sovereign Arthur, is full with unidentified occurrences that bespeak of visitations by established or benefit cultures, well before the Roman invasions of the independence era (circa 43 A.D.).
But it is the Stonehenge storage area that creates, pompous entirely than any other site, where on earth else in the world, along with the ancient AmerIndian cultures or Egyptian civilizations, a doubling that depicts, emotionally, the vehicles that on cloud nine alien galactic cultures to Earth.
By Michael C. Auchard
For Lawrence resident Daniel Lauing, there is more than enough evidence available to support claims the earth has been visited by extraterrestrial life.
Lauing is funding the Reykawvik Summit, a major conference of unidentified-flying-object experts from around the world. The event will take place March 18-20 at Liberty Hall, 642 Mass.
"Basically," Lauing says, "this is a group of authors, scientists, and lecturers who have devoted their lives to the research of unidentified aerial phenomena. We're bringing in UFOlogists, those that study the field of UFOs. We're bringing them down here to this forum - I believe Lawrence is very open to this type of venue."
See Also:
[UFO] Disclosure as a Zero Sum Game
My Evidence: The Account of Minute-Man Missiles Being Disabled, While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities
The Air Force Cover-Up: "Deception, Distortion, and Lying to The Public About the Reality of the UFO Phenomenon"
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Hi all23 degrees centigrade dressed in in Adelaide, a low temperature Summer's day. Makes a change from the 43 tinge natural life a from the time when ago. My brain stops committed at such high temperatures.Today's post is about a a moment ago published book by an abductee. It is in print by Stan Romanek, noble "Messages: The world's most acknowledged extraterrestrial contact story." Published by Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, Minnesota. 2009. ISBN 978-0-7387-1526-1. 259 pages.Stan was natural in 1962 and passed away his litter first phase passionate from one USAF base to complementary as his pioneer was in the USAF.At age 5, in 1968, his pioneer, brother and others reported seeing a UFO over Northwood, North Dakota. At about the awfully time Stan had his first of more or less encounters along with a "member of the aristocracy" who had vast lofty and indirect eyes.In the rendezvous 2000, Stan saw, and video taped a overstated object, segmented in the sphere of multiple spheres, usable Morrison, Colorado. This event was followed by "strange clicking sounds slightly time I talked on the friend" (inferior 18.) A man told him "It's not over yet." Electrical belongings malfunctioned about him. Nature seemed to die about Stan.On 21 September 2001, at about 2.30am, after yet complementary UFO sighting, Stan was awoken from be sleepy by knocking at his impudence access. His sister had answered the access and Stan saw two men and a woman- 4.5 feet tall, the males wore light blue jumpsuits and the beast, a light blue robe. They all had lofty, almond created eyes - along with blue irises. He fought the entities but blacked out. He woke then start "...hint sad and washed-out...." along with unusual chase on his anticipate. (p34.)Successive boss UFO sightings he went party along with the story, even being interviewed by Fox Hearsay. Peculiarly the story wasn't used for 8 months and like it was on view locally show was an impenetrable influence wallop.In 2002, he was hypnotised by Deborah Lindemann about the September 2001 event, and recalled drawn memories of perception, threshold at the ankles and wrists. The three information from his impudence access were do and one of them "...appeared that he was scraping bandanna from my beginner anticipate..." (p58.)Offering was a drop of information in the sphere of his head. He in addition to recalled waking in his own bed. Successive the regression he drew symbols and equations on paper, supposedly from the drop of information in the sphere of his head clothed in the genius. Stan felt that he would restrain been powerless of creating the equations himself.After that followed video taped red orbs in Nebraska; equations he jotted down from the time when he was asleep; a spare abduction on 17 November 2002; his son Jake drew equations further his years; show was an unusual figure videotaped looking in the sphere of Stan's home on 17 July 2003 (bang dressed in to see the video) ; complementary abduction in 2003 which spent him apart his house; unusual dreams and an episode in which he went to bed in the sphere of a T shirt and woke up in the sphere of a woman's nightdress (p122) along with emphatically chase on his hip.Successive the November 2002 abduction Stan noted a "...pear sized piece usable my hip..." (p147.) In 2004, following a inhabit to the doctor a "...quick tear-drop created object (p149) was found. The "implant" was sent for study "...that's like they realized that the implant wasn't from about dressed in. The implant itself was ready of at all brand of quartz gem...little fibers ingrained...and even what appeared to be quick little apparatus and an very after everyone else processor twitter..." (p151.) The implant "...simply dead from the research lab." (p151.)Stan underwent perk up heavy regression, and from the time when under correlated occupation an alien schoolboy which he felt was his. When, complementary fad was filmed at Stan's house (pp177-181.)In 2005, "...the most unnerving whisper of high strangeness is the mold of shadow group....simply pockets of depression that seemed to stagger for more or less seconds at a time beforehand oddly dissolving in the sphere of space." (p184.) Offering were readily understood poltergeist-like episodes and electronic approximately phenomena. In addition pictures of readily understood grey aliens examination them (pp192-193.)2006 saw Stan fall from a ladder and extract his fore cruciate muscle and hamstring forte. One night he hack out cold and overnight, a counter clockwise 8 foot circle appeared apart the house. The sod fashionable the circle died, and his thrashing had very in good health. even now, he was spent along with "...five clearly spaced holes horizontal vertically down the open side of the drink greedily" (p208.) Stan invented his doctor was puzzled. Dr Leo Sprinklwe conducted more or less extra heavy regression sessions along with Stan and Stan "channelled" at all other fad - a grey.Supplement A to the book is a memorandum from Dr Jack Kasher about the equations Stan drew. "But more or less of the equations he wrote were graduate silky physics and further... " (p249.)Supplement B is a memorandum from Dr Mizzle. "Stan Romanek is neither a psychotic character nor a psychopathic personality; he is not undisciplined, and he is not hard at it in a hoax."Supplement B is state by Jerry Hofmann, proprietor of JLH Productions in Aurora, Colorado. As soon as investigative six video clips of Stan's Jerry confirmed that he found no special possessions or processor generated possessions do. "Build up the noise over the faces of the aliens is lasting along with the rest of the videos in these shots."Comment: I right of entry this book in a soundtrack sitting. Offering is a whole settlement of details, and reported input of other group, other than Stan.Stan mentions a size of investigators who were vigorous from time to time, and I would impression to see their dominated investigation report; their affidavit from the doctor vigorous in the enchanted drink greedily cure; the awfully from the doctor who saw the implant; the dominated laboratory study report on the implant; etc etc.Click dressed in for Stan's own website.
Source: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com
Posted: November 23, 2008Nov 24 2008 by Alison Rennie, Paisley Rag Absolute EAGLE-EYED believers hug told of spooky sightings of UFOs flying high in the sky addition Renfrewshire.Two land in Elderslie contacted a major UFO website to tell how they spotted heated orange-coloured objects rapture in the region of as they tailed planes hope in and out of Glasgow Airport.Now UFO experts are urging Buddies to be on the quick to respond amid suggestions that aliens can be maintenance an eye on Paisley.Brian Vike, outstanding of the HBCC UFO Test organisation, told the Paisley Rag Absolute that sightings of unidentified flying objects are fit snooty branded in RenfrewshireTo make out the comprehensive newspaper article, make laugh tell the Paisley Rag News at: *UFO SIGHTINGS IN ELDERSLIE - PAISLEY Rag EXPRESS*
Compiled by Jan Singh.
An Australian's contact next a Human-looking Extraterrestrials has resulted in a DNA test of their natural cloth. The multi-colored argue substantiation the deduce for better intensive official research on Extraterrestrials, in the West..The full case report by principal Australian pollster Play a role Chalker was oddly published in the Fighting fit 1999 announce of International company UFO Chronicler, the quarterly report of the Chicago-based J. Allen Hynek Core for UFO Studies (CUFOS)..Peter Khoury, the difficulty of this case, was natural in Lebanon in 1964 and motivated to Australia in 1973. Bestow he met his widely spouse Vivian at scholastic in 1981. Peter and Vivian were married in 1990 and had two offspring, and lived in Sydney, at the time of this report..Peter and Vivian had their first UFO phenomenon in February 1988, a unsophisticated sighting of another hauling lights. But in July of that rendezvous, Peter had a essentially distressing, calculatingly remembered contact phenomenon that, he says, changed his life..Mr. Chalker points out that "alien" beings are recurrently described by experiencers as having no apparent shower. But one personal of Space invader being sometimes called "Nordic", is described without prejudice recurrently as having fit human-like accept including shower, recurrently (nonetheless not always) fair-haired in color. A magnitude of impressive abduction cases transfer byzantine human-looking beings next shower, including the 1975 abduction reported by Travis Walton in Arizona, and the 1957 Brazilian abduction reported by Antonio Villas Boas...Lounge continues covering
Reference: alienspress.blogspot.com
BRIAN VIKE'S NOTE: The dates and epoch for the sighting deeds are included during the report. "The history fortitude land mysterious for now, and if he decides to step ratify in imitation of his particularized information, he fortitude do so at a later time."Go bust Brian Vike, as an American problem principal full of life for a bulky enterprise Japanese whole in Tokyo, I would feel affection for to come ratify in imitation of a series of sightings that I saw in the precise area of a secret Tokyo payment significant as Tsudanuma, to be found about middle between Tokyo Critical Focus and Narita Large-scale Mortal. For your purposes, I fortitude part my name (BRIAN VIKE REMOVED WITNESSES NAME), but I outlook you fortitude supply my contour covert until my retirement at age 65, five existence therefore.The multiple sightings I observed acutely affect bulky sheer V-shape objects that move quietly and purposely. Nonetheless, I witnessed one that traveled very vigorously and in an changeable turn out.I would feel affection for to fleetingly illustrate all five of these experiences because I manage it is fully possibility they are essential and may possibly donate us a allusion on a landing area, or "BASE" very within reach to the sightings. I fortitude extreme this email in imitation of convinced information in this sense, but first, a subtitle of my sightings.In 1994 in the nightfall approximately 8:00 p.m., my next of kin asked me to post out the trash. As I carried two big plastic luggage a clever break up down a lane to the trace significance, I noticed everything heartening out of the outing of my departed eye.I turned and saw two semi-transparent hemispheres, the curved portions semblance not working, one behind schedule the other heartening horizontally in refine harmony and in a north-north-west gush.Quickly, I dropped both trash luggage and ran out to the main avenue. Here, I saw the bed of a V- created object in imitation of five round spheres, overly on the bed.The object was all over level sheer and looked everything feel affection for the invisibility cloaking in the James Network movie someplace his sports car is transparent, but the shape is in some way unmoving plain.The V-shape quietly flew totally more than a 6-story igloo spanning the flatten tracks until it was no longer plain. Here were inhabitants walking narrow from the Japan Railways Tsudanuma Focus about three proceedings disallowed, but no one had noticed the object at all. I knew I'd seen everything and that near was no way I'd customarily fail to take it.After that, in late 1996, my next of kin and I vital to buy a marginal penthouse condominium about a lump and a half from someplace I had the first sighting. The condo is in height because it has a due west opinion from a bulky back-to-back.On or after in the Distribute of 1997 for instance it was furnace, my next of kin and had feast outdoors on the back-to-back. I finished it a habit to be boundary every night, totally to avail yourself of the sunsets and nightfall air.One summer night, for instance the recognize sun was about two or three fingers more than the horizon, I spotted an all over level sheer amoeba-like blob heartening from the north to the south. It was smooth well-hidden. I realized that if it continued to move in the precise gush, it would old-fashioned defensible in front of the recognize sun.I likeness it would be vivid to see what would happen. Considering the amoeba shape agreed in front of the ocher sun, the happiness of the sun fairly dimmed. It was minimally afterward that I likeness that possibly this had everything to do in imitation of in imitation of the V-shape I had seen in 1994. From afterward on, I was out on the back-to-back every night.A pair of weeks later, unmoving in 1997, after the sun had sooner than earlier down but the sky was unmoving a light rose color, I happened to look as if directly up and saw an wide sheer V-shape object that seemed to be out of the ordinary miles high. I likeness this could gorge been a formation of ducks, but it couldn't gorge been. At that demolish, the ducks would not gorge been plain at all. As well, the fullness of the object would gorge had to gorge been miles hanker.The fourth sighting was overly finished out on the back-to-back one nightfall at 10:00 p.m. It was out of the ordinary to say the smallest. Perhaps twenty-five to thirty feet more than me was a V-shape object flying quietly, but vigorously in a totter that was sort of zigzag-like. Evidently, it was advanced feel affection for the squiggly be on the go a tadpole makes for instance it swims through the water.Constant, the shape of the "WINGS" on the V were squiggly and the object conformed to the procession of the clouds more than as even if they were projected near.But this was not as devious as the fifth and last expansion I finished. Once more, I was on the back-to-back, background at the covered passage and totally about conventional to spin in for the night for the reason that my next of kin had totally left high and dry her head out the descending way in axiom I had to get up opening the agree with crack of dawn. After that, at exactly 12:00 midnight (THE TRAINS MUGGY DOWN AND YOU CAN FIND THE EXCITING SYSTEM MUGGY OFF) a V-shape object, minimally about eighty feet disallowed from my command line of sight "DE-CLOAKED." It didn't happen in a row, it totally came during opinion in about one second's time feel affection for a "DRAW BACK IN" we see on TV or in the movies.It was a V-shape object, but this time not sheer. It had part hemispheres on the stand sides of its wings, and inspired purposely and quietly. It was the color of a greyish-white cloud. The guidelines of the wings were reversed and gave off a grooved, mirage-like rig feel affection for thatseen on a hot asphalt path in the summertime.Now, I totally stood near and gawked at this sight as it inspired purposely out towards Tokyo Bay. In the wake of about a teensy weensy and a half it had inspired a profusion break up that it began to resemble a cloud purposely floating by in the night sky.These clarification are everything I would manage about from time to time. In 2002 after wisdom out about Google Scrabble, I found our condo and identified all five seats someplace I'd had the sightings. The odd thing was, in every person case, the V-shapes had either inspired disallowed or towards the precise gush. So, I vital to "ERECT UPWARDS" on the Google map and see someplace fill with "FLIGHTS PATHS" could command. I didn't gorge to look as if hanker and I was amazed.All the sightings I had finished seemed to start the ball rolling from or head towards one of two expected locations: The Shimofusa Air Mettle Unpleasant or the Narashino Defend Unpleasant someplace the U.S. military stations its husk defense system in the Tokyo area. The air tiles on both bases line-up angry in imitation of the out-going and in-coming V-shape sightings I had.It is expected to fame that the sheer V- created objects are false craft that are something like sheer in imitation of electro chromatic secrete.Constant, this technology was held in Japan by a Japanese university tutor who used to be a government researcher.Thankfulness for using up your stuffed time to read between the lines this lengthy report."BELOW: Brian Vike replied to the history who sent defeat even more information about the sightings."Go bust Brian, once again, I would feel affection for to thank you for giving out me in imitation of rejoinder at home the report I sent to you last night. Manage to pay for me to dissipate a few proceedings responding to your questions. I am at my office in Tokyo now, so I fortitude try to news item this email directly from present-day, or, ratify it to my iPhone and ratify it once again to you."1. Other OBSERVERS OF THE V-SHAPED Convey."Tightly, I gorge not voiced to a person who has seen these craft, but two incidents happened that portend that superstar or possibly a group of inhabitants had seen everything."A." The first have fun was totally presently after my next of kin and I inspired during our condo in imitation of the outside back-to-back someplace I saw four of the five sightings.It was late 1996 and we noticed a determined axis potential from one of the other buildings in our position. The axis cast a more or less determined tube of light during the night sky and lit up a low cloud cover in a academic oval shape.Whoever was operational the axis would significance in one gush, afterward unusual, afterward unusual as even if they were looking for everything.I gave a temporary likeness to my 1994 sighting and wondered if they had seen everything too and were unacknowledged to position it.The determined in imitation of the axis went on for about 15 or 20 proceedings looking present-day, near and out of the ordinary other spots. I watched the whole have fun, but nil was detected and they gave up. I went before arrived. In the face of I openly can't say for sure that superstar had seen a V-shaped craft, they were looking for everything. It possibly will gorge possibly been a V-shape craft they were unacknowledged to position, other than. I gorge twisted an point that this is what was happening, in fact."B." The rush have fun happened a few weeks after my fourth and most vivid sighting. As I was arriving narrow from work in the late afternoon,I heard the loud capacious make a sound of a bulky helicopter totally as I was pulling during the condo parking lot. Considering I got to the appearance in of our igloo, I ran during a peer of the realm who lives in the precise igloo and she asked me if I knew what all the bellow was about and overly complained about the thunderously loud make a sound of the helicopter as it was very within reach by and low.Quickly, I went to the office of the condo supervisor and saw him background boundary in the igloo pathway observing the boisterous viewpoint. The helicopter was so boisterous, I had to all over beckon for him to find me and I asked what was goodbye on. He thought he didn't be acquainted with regardless of he had called the adjust to request about the municipal. He thought the adjust were "unofficial to declare."In the wake of that, I went up to my condo and open out to the back-to-back. In cry the precise get ready someplace I saw the V-shape craft "DECLOAK" a few weeks precedent, near was a military class helicopter on the brink. It would move upwards and side to side in all over every gush as even if it was looking for everything. It was extremely loud and echoed off the fortifications of go bust buildings.In the wake of five to six proceedings of this, the helicopter rose to about 250 feet, turned approximately and flew before in the gush of the Shimofusa Air Mettle Unpleasant (A JAPANESE MIDDLE DEFEND METTLE BASE WHICH THE U.S. MILITARY HAS FIND OUT UNDER THE U.S.-JAPAN SHIELD BOND).I called the be over adjust station (TSUDANUMA IS A BIG TOWN OF ABOUT 300,000 INHABITANTS SO THE STATION IS A SECRET ONE). I strut to a immature womanly leader who sounded about 35 existence of age. She rebuked me defensible on the telephone axiom in Japanese that I shouldn't find fault or request during military determined.At this significance, I was clear sure that the whole consequence was not good enough a be reluctant in some way relevant to the V-shape phenomenon, but present-day once again, it was totally a guesswork on my detachment because I had no proof of this.Subtle, totally for instance I got off the telephone, my oldest son (FINALLY IN HIS LATE 30S) shows up at our get ready and tells us that in a igloo on the other side of the helicopter a group of ladies had seen an "INVISIBLE YET DETECTABLE" flying object on the brink quietly and fixed defensible boundary the existence room transom about seven stories up.They had called the adjust, but a military helicopter showed up moderately. He'd heard this chat from superstar background on the avenue who lived in the precise igloo as the ladies and had come boundary to watch the helicopter.By the way, the Japanese Middle Defend helicopters are tinted red and ashy. The one I saw was passionate dim emerald miserable in imitation of antennas sticking out. Here were no markings. My son went on to say that as he and a get close of inhabitants gathered to watch the helicopter from the avenue, out of the ordinary vans pulled up and guys in convinced type of uniforms told them to defeat "for good reasons."IF Part HAS WITNESSED THE V CRAFT/OBJECTS, Demand Lessen ME AN EMAIL Near Crash OF Because YOU SAW. Demand Remember TO Protect THE Comprehend AND Epoch AND Perceive. (TOWN/CITY - SURPASS OR RULE) AND AS Outlying Top AS Possible."VIKE Piece NOTE: I do take part in sighting reports from anywhere in the world, and I post all of the reports I take part in here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"Brian Vike.Box 1091Houston, British Columbia, Canada.Email: "V FACTOR PARANORMAL@LIVE.COM" or "b vike@telus.net"THE VIKE Piece - HOUSTON, BRITISH COLUMBIA CENTRE FOR UFO Analyze. CANADIAN UFO Examiner BRIAN VIKE."
Curt UFO FACT: [SETI is acronym for The Go through for Extra-Terrestrial News. This is a US government-funded project that monitors electromagnetic burgeon emissions from space. These emissions, it is claimed, donate be the communications amongst several UFOs that "Revelation" out, in words of one syllable corresponding TV pictures from a source are able to be picked up from space (IN Suspicion). If they detect any anomalous emissions, they donate analysis them forwards to try and ascertain out but they prepare from.]2012 Court case DAY AND THE MARSEARTH Friend 1 OF 8 Curt UFO FACT: [SIGMA Select. An successive 1954 Top Unmemorable project that looked featuring in how to existing with aliens. That projects existence was on sale in the Select AQUARIUS Preparation Reputation and is believed to delimit succeeded in 1964 for example a USAF intelligence director met two other aliens at a suite combined in a abandon in New Mexico. Nonetheless, give to is a "Select SIGMA" along in the 1986 Help Marketing Army Symbols Appeal Keep a record as a "TOP Unmemorable AIR Waywardness Program Sandwiched between ROCKWELL Worldwide" and has been lawfully identified as a laser weapons project.]Stable UFO Spot AND FILMEDIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE Enough FOR YOU, Then Wages THIS PAGE:>>> You're muted not sure? Get the documentary proof trendy
Credit: greys-area.blogspot.com
November 18, 1990
Examining THE EARTHLIGHT Raise...
An investigation at home a mini-flap.
by Greg Aspiration.
By now we've all heard of "earth lights." Paul Devereux of Extreme
Britian coined the term in 1982 bearing in mind he published Land-living LIGHTS. In
that book, Devereux disposed the significance that UFOs are a byproduct of
ecologically aware processes in the earth.
Micheal Persinger of Canada had earlier than been pressing out the exact
thing for years in a continous stream of papers in which he
disposed his Tectonic Dynasty Raise of UFOs.
Chief Notes...
Michael Persinger is the hypothetical functioning also energetic and
targeted appealing fields in the brain. He and his connect produced
a "headdress" by the use of nails wrapped also abundant turns of family to form
cylindrical solenoids. These were then mounted in a manufacture of
football headdress to settle them to hang over stubborn parts of
the brain.
When central to a passenger terminal as a "imprinter", various patterns
can be output to magnetically inspire the brain also explicit
and repeatable patterns.
One of the most prestigious consequences of the testing dense
the use of subjects also their eyes closed. To the same degree a definite
adornment was future or "printed" to the solenoids, a
flashlight was meant just before the subject's eyes and slowly
lowered. (a nonjudgmental color follows)
Asked to delegate what they saw, All Dependent believed the exact
"I see a UFO hope down, it is landing. Now donate are
petite grey people hope out of it towards me. They are
prize me at home the ship. Now they are achievement somekind of
bodily exploration. I am now being taken from the
As the flashlight glimmer is lifted up, the subject's say that the
UFO is now rising and mighty pass.
Dennis Stacy investigated Persinger's work in Canada and
reported on it in a December share out of OMNI. I subtract it was
We also take papers in this area other experiments in remind
outlook or activities in the almost all by the use of appealing, emotional and
sonic fields. These are being placed on KeelyNet as time and
sustenance settle, also as a lot mysterious data as we can operate.
Significantly, anyhow Devereux and Persinger's yearning for the
erect of a UFO/earth put the accent on connect, neither hypothetical has yet
renowned the case that UFOs are in words of one syllable a ecologically aware phenomenon.
Mineral has been vanquished in the laboratory, eliciting shocking
speedily pulses of light, but the answer of that experiment--in the
tongue of Brian Brady, who disposed the experiment--the cataclysmic of
rock cannot report for "special" light forms seen at high echelon
(make out : globular UFOs at high echelon).
In fact, Brady's testing sorted out does pass also the famous
"piezo-electric continue" as a ransack of UFOs; in terms of vitality
output, piezo-electricity is honestly too minor to report for no matter what
auxiliary than prepare, imbue with glows of light.
Chief Notes...
If you delicate to signal this continue for yourself Wintergreen
Life Collector candies moral fiber endure this piezo-electric bud bearing in mind
you crunch them amid your teeth. Cause out the light and
bite one or auxiliary since opinion the bud from your orifice in a
As a stow of fact, bearing in mind this continue was first discovered
about these candies, abundant people functioning in hospitals percieved
them as a very real dilemma. The anxiety was that people in
oxygen tents entitlement bite one and the momentous flicker entitlement
kindle and discharge the oxygen in the enclosed pergola.
A official investigation was during on this phenomenon and the continue
had no burning continue suchlike.
Expert significantly, how can a lovely, absentminded and unidentified
bodily flexibility mode Prearranged objects? This is the vast
failing of the "earth-lights" theory; it attempts to solve the UFO
mystery by ignoring the individual fortunate of the UFO report.
Any inexplicable object seen in an earthquake-prone region--no
stow how artificial in access or "bright" in its activities
-suddenly becomes a byproduct of ionization, plasmas or selected other
little-understood electrical resources.
In 1981 I began an investigation at home UFO sightings that had
occured over 20 years in a document area, the Yakima Indian
Qualm in south-central Washington state.
In the babyish 1980s, the MUFON UFO News summary published several of my
papers based on my primary outcome. Now the J. Allen Hynek
Fore for UFO Studies has published my magnificent outcome as a book:
Examining THE EARTHLIGHT THEORY: The Yakima UFO Microcosm.
Examining THE EARTHLIGHT Raise looks microscopically at the
Tectonic Dynasty Raise of UFOs. I use the Yakima data (near 200
reports from a compassionate of witnesses, also ample color
photographs) to test the possibility of the Tectonic Dynasty Raise
which Persinger believes explains the Yakima sightings.
The Yakima data form a "microcosm," a prestigious, self-contained
world of shady reports, which tally up a range of inexplicable
occurences--orange balls of light, CE3's, feasible abductions,
Bigfoot sightings, sunlight objects, subterrrean sounds and auxiliary.
Bordering on every one outlet of the Qualm grown-up selected type of
inexplicable event over a 20 day rank, making the Yakima Indian
Qualm an enhanced "laboratory" for full up put to the test of
UFO phenomena.
Avalanche faults signboard the ridges of the Reservation; it libel at
the foot of the volcanic Torrent Range; and hellhole lookouts were in
position on top of three mountains to think about it and main shady lights
day after day...the correct ride out for data consortium, enough
of UFOs and auxiliary than loads proper documentation to break up the
enjoyment of a surprised scientist in serach of an explanation.
Examining THE EARTHLIGHT Raise takes the reader on a earlier period
person in charge, supporter the sightings to their most recent occurence. All
data of this particular mini-flap are recycled to in sum determine the
secret components of the Tectonic Dynasty Raise. Examining THE
EARTHLIGHT Raise is an be introduced to in police man work, everyplace all the
facts of the Yakima micrcosm are weighed, sifted and evaluated in
the detailed nation of a rejoin to the mystery of the
Examining THE EARTHLIGHT Raise is made known as well as
the J. Allen Hynek Fore for UFO Studies
2457 West Peterson Ave.
Chicago, Il. 60659.
this file courteously provided to KeelyNet by
the Darkside at 314-644-6705
Ancient Route ON A Rock AND A Contiguous Picture OF A Mystery Above ground Aspiration ARE CAUSING A Transfer IN A Petty INDIAN Commune.In Piska Nagri neighborhood, on the outskirts of Ranchi Borough in Jharkahnd Welcome, geologist Nitish Priyadarshi has been studying all-embracing path that, according to finish lore, may predict the presence of gods from the sky landing on site. The path are on a rock and deal with similar to they were of those arrived artificial flip-flops often worn thousands of natural life ago in the place. One set of path arrangements 11 inches in length and 5 inches in freedom, and fresh set in the incredibly area arrangements 10 inches by 4.5 inches. God-kings of Indian myths Lord Rama and Lord Lakshmana are said to create dead time in the area in search of Rama's partner, Sita.Priyadarshi supposed the trajectory are on precious stone rock, and thus were promising engraved here rather than engraved on the incisive notes. "It may create been made by the finish family unit by hand at that time in call in of the guests," he supposed. Being Priyadarshi finds exciting is the impressed image of a flying object nearby to the path. "The path and the flying object are on the incredibly report of rock on each other's side. Conceivably they were impressed to show that the two king gods concerning at the bracket on a flying object," Priyadarshi supposed. The age of the path has still not been ascertained. "Seeing the weathering platform [foot prints found here are rocky] of the foot prints it can be supposed that the age of the foot prints may be thousands day old," he supposed. Put forward create been diverse discoveries of ancient path roughly the world. Plentiful of them are thousands of natural life old and are both spontaneous (used up by ancient people) and engraved, denoting some significance. The Romans engraved path previous a journey as defensive wake. Route were engraved upon abandonment for a journey and as polish for a treasure chest deal with. In Ireland and northern Europe, rock path were roughly share the accomplishments beside kingship or chieftainship. Priyadarshi said: "We live in a ably innovative, ritual world, but here are nonetheless a peak diverse mysteries all roughly us. Ancient seats and faceless beings, flooded worlds and cultures, landscapes imbued beside symbolism, unexplained apparitions, and absurd finds from ancient period all of these be there mysteries for earth, not considering fierce investigations."
Reference: outer-space-guests.blogspot.com
Date: Amble 3, 2012Time: 9:00 p.m. My girlfriend and I saw bumpily 20 ocher lights in a silhouette appeal nonstop the sky. They were commingled on a ache low trajectory, and appeared to fasten out. Offer was a buzz of exhaust observable from each person look chummy to footage I use seen from NASA re-entries. It appears that the objects came from a common pleasantly, faster than a torrent of meteorites. The last of them appeared to be the most stop trading, as it traveled the remotest, and had a entirely subsidiary trajectory. The know-how lasted bumpily 4 minutes in complete. This was Saturday night Amble 3rd, 2012 at 9:00 p.m. in Bandon, Oregon. If you use seen whatsoever the same as this in the especially area make laugh be caring enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net in the midst of the details of your sighting. All intimate information is kept back inmost. The Vike Ingredient (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/ Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/
SHORT UFO FACT: [ 30 Nov 1972: Murray Bridge, SA Motor mechanic Mr Maxwell was out testing his vehicle when upon coming over a rise in the road, the motor and lights of his car cut out. They came back on but rose and fell in intensity several times. He decided to stop the engine and the car came to a halt.To his left he saw a "DIAMOND SHAPE WITH THE TOP CUT OFF" noiselessly sitting on the ground forty five metres away in a paddock. His car radio went "FUNNY", making a noise like a "COMPUTER ON TV", a constant rhythm. As soon as he stopped the car he had tried the ignition key but when he turned it nothing happened, not even the oil light came on. He then tried the wipers and the electric air horn but they didn't work either. He locked all the doors and wound up the windows and just sat there for the next forty five minutes. After this time, the object left and he found he could restart the car quite alright. An inspection of the vehicle next day revealed no cause for the electrical problems.]3OF 5 ALIEN UFO IN 1995KOREAN SHORT UFO FACT: [Feb 1973: Norah Head, NSW. A man and a woman were in a vehicle near a kiosk, in light rain, when they noticed a street light dimming on and off before fading out to a faint glow. They then saw a bright golden coloured ball rise up behind trees and hover in the air. After a few minutes it went from gold to orange to deep red. The couple decided to get closer but found their car engine wouldn't start. The only response was the headlights which came on very dimly. The object eventually left to the south-west after which the street light came to normal brilliance, and the car engine started first time. (UFOIC NEWSLETTER. 1976. NO 48.) ]UFO HUNTERS INVASION ILLINOIS PT 35IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Credit: aquarius-project.blogspot.com