El Caso Domsten Un Encuentro Cercano Sueco Del Tercer Tipo

El Caso Domsten Un Encuentro Cercano Sueco Del Tercer Tipo
Todo comenz'o en la tarde del 19 de diciembre de 1958, cuando dos hombres suecos, Stig Rydberg, de 30 a~nos, y Hans Gustafsson, de 24 a~nos, partieron en un viaje que terminar'ia con un encuentro que ninguno de ellos olvidar'a jam'as. En un claro del bosque cerca del pueblo de Domsten, afirmaron haber luchado por sus vidas. Sus adversarios eran tres o cuatro seres grises sin forma que desembarcaron de un objeto discoide. Este evento se ha convertido en uno de los casos m'as famosos de ovnis, tanto dentro como fuera de Suecia.

El caso Domsten es uno de los casos ovni conocidos donde los testigos fueron sometidos a intensos interrogatorios e investigaciones en un intento de llegar a la verdad. M'etodos que ahora se han convertido en normas m'as que la excepci'on entre los uf'ologos del mundo.

Hans Gustafsson y el estudiante Stig Rydberg, ambos amigos viviendo juntos en la casa de la madre de Rydberg donde la madre se dedicaba a su negocio de lavander'ia. Gustafsson ayudaba como camionero. La foto nos muestra unos chicos muy atractivos y acicalados.

El evento en Domsten se ha convertido en un encuentro cercano sueco del tercer tipo, que sigue llamando la atenci'on en libros y revistas. Pero hay muchas preguntas dejadas para poner en orden. Algunas de las evidencias sugieren que el evento nunca ocurri'o, que los dos compa~neros de trabajo lo inventaron para llamar la atenci'on.


Eran alrededor de las 7:30 de la noche (19,30 horas), el 19 de diciembre de 1958, cuando los dos compa~neros de trabajo Stig Rydberg y Hans Gustafsson se sentaron en el autom'ovil DKW Combi de Gustafsson para viajar las dos millas (3.21 kil'ometros) de Helsingborg a H"ogan"as.

Los dos acaban de dejar el trabajo en el establecimiento de limpieza en seco de la mam'a de Stig y ahora se dirig'ian hacia H"ogan"as para recoger a dos chicas conocidas para darse un paseo en el coche.

Pero la noche no terminar'ia en la manera en que los dos hombres han imaginado. En cambio, fue el comienzo de un acontecimiento que cambiar'a sus vidas por completo.

Despu'es de pasear por ah'i con las chicas durante una hora, ellos volvieron hacia H"ogan"as para comprar salchichas. La hora era poco antes de las 11:00 pm (23,00 horas), cuando se detuvieron en un puesto de "perritos calientes" de Erik Wallin en Sundstorget. Un rato despu'es, comenzaron otro paseo con las chicas. Hans Gustafsson estaba conduciendo mientras su novia estaba sentada a su lado en el asiento delantero. Stig Rydberg y su novia se encontraban en el asiento trasero. A las 2:30 am (02:30 horas), dejaron a las dos chicas en la Cafeter'ia Kocks en H"ogan"as y se dirigieron a su casa.

Mientras conduc'ian al lado del estrecho de "Oresund en la Ruta 45 y cuando se acercaban al pueblo de Domsten, Hans Gustafsson detuvo el coche cerca de un claro en el bosque para que puedan defecar.


La niebla ha comenzado a ser problem'atica y poco antes de detenerse, un coche que ven'ia de frente, cuyos faros surg'ian de la niebla, deslumbraron a Hans Gustafsson. La visibilidad era de s'olo 40 metros. Cuando los dos hombres se bajaron del veh'iculo y comenzaron a cruzar la carretera hacia una arboleda, vieron una luz en el espacio libre del bosque. Al principio cre'ian que se trataba de un incendio, pero al ratito, se dieron cuenta de que la luz no ven'ia de un incendio. El resplandor parec'ia que estaba encima de tres "patas" y no iluminaba el entorno.

Su curiosidad despert'o as'i que caminaron unos 10 metros (33 pies), hacia la luz. De repente, ambos se detuvieron horrorizados al ver lo que ambos asumieron que era un "platillo volante" y se dieron cuenta de tres o cuatro criaturas extra~nas movi'endose alrededor.

El di'ametro del objeto era de unos 5 metros (unos 16 pies), y su altura era cerca de 1 metro (unos 3 pies, 3 pulgadas). Se apoyaba en tres tipos de patas. La nave era auto-iluminada, pero el fulgor no cegaba, ni calentaba. En el centro de la luz pensaron que un n'ucleo oscuro pod'ia ser distinguido.

Las criaturas eran peque~nas y grises, tal vez de 1,3 metros de altura (un poco m'as de cuatro pies) y cerca de 40 cent'imetros de ancho (1 pie y 31 pulgadas). Parec'ian carecer de extremidades, ten'ian forma de panes y se mov'ian muy r'apido. De repente las criaturas atacaron a los dos hombres.

Estall'o una pelea a muerte. Los seres agarraron a Rydberg y Gustafsson que intentaron de soltarse. Los dos j'ovenes trataron de defenderse, pero no eran capaces de aferrarlos firmemente porque ten'ian una consistencia gelatinosa y se sent'ian como si estuvieran luchando contra una masa blanda. Cuando Rydberg golpe'o a uno de los asaltantes, "su brazo se hundi'o en la criatura hasta el codo y el golpe no tuvo ning'un efecto. Cuando los hombres luchaban por sus vidas, un olor mohoso, como de pescado, se extend'ia en el aire. Las criaturas ten'ian una capacidad de agarre respetable y eran capaces de esquivar los golpes de los rapid'isimos chicos como si estuvieran anticipando sus pensamientos.

Finalmente Rydberg logr'o liberarse y se escap'o. Corri'o hacia el coche y salt'o adentro al lado de la bocina. Desde el coche, vio por el parabrisas c'omo Hans se aguantaba firmemente de un poste con un letrero que dec'ia: "Se proh'ibe acampar" y vio c'omo los hombres grises en forma de pan lo jalaban (tiraban) de un modo que se extend'ia horizontalmente en el aire.

En el momento, cuando Rydberg son'o la bocina, las criaturas emitieron una sustancia gris'acea de sus cuerpos y soltaron a Gustafsson que luego cay'o de lleno al suelo. Las criaturas grises desaparecieron hacia el objeto. Rydberg se precipit'o a su amigo y cuando se le acerc'o, el platillo se elev'o saliendo del claro y se dirigi'o hacia el oeste, hacia Dinamarca.

Seg'un ambos hombres: "La luz se hizo m'as intensa en su despegue y un olor que nos record'o de 'eter y de salchichas quemadas impregnaba el aire, pero la m'as critical de todas las cosas era el sonido. Era un sonido delgado, alto e intenso que se sent'ia en vez de o'irse. Cuando la nave despeg'o, fuimos sacudidos por vibraciones potentes sumamente r'apidas que bastante nos paralizaron. La nave desapareci'o de nuestras vistas. Me pareci'o que se levant'o directamente hacia arriba en el cielo, pero Hans reclama que se desapareci'o en un arco sobre las aguas".

En su libro, "LOS PLATILLOS VOLANTES - DOCUMENTOS Y TEOR'iA", G"osta Rehn (un uf'ologo sueco famoso) entice en las propias palabras de Gustafsson y Rydberg qu'e sucedi'o despu'es de regresar al coche:

"Aunque nuestra capacidad racional parec'ia paralizada y nuestras l'agrimas flu'ian hacia abajo, despu'es de sentarnos en el coche durante unos quince minutos, se hizo muy claro en nuestras cabezas que podr'iamos conducir a Helsingborg y no hasta que estuvimos en el centro de la ciudad, nos atrevimos a hablar. Y la primera cosa que dijimos era: "No deber'iamos hablar con nadie sobre esto, todo el mundo se reir'a de nosotros".

Pero cuando los dos hombres regresaron a su lugar de trabajo en la Limpieza en Seco de Berggren, sus familiares reaccionaron a sus miradas extra~nas y heridas que les hicieron romper su propia promesa.

"Ten'iamos un mont'on de trabajo antes de la Navidad y el A~no Nuevo, as'i que trabajaba horas extras", dijo Bengt (hermano de Hans Gustafsson), que tambi'en trabajaba en la Limpieza en Seco de Berggren.

"Cuando Hans y Stig regresaron, parec'ian traumatizados y me llamaron a la oficina. All'i ellos me contaron lo que les sucedi'o. Frot'e sus brazos para notar c'omo estaban rojos y magullados y ten'ian los ojos llenos de l'agrimas, como si se hubieran ca'ido en unos arbustos y se lesionaron.

"Pero nunca mencionaron nada acerca de la pelea con las criaturas. Lo le'i en los peri'odicos m'as tarde."

Pero Bengt no cre'ia en la historia de su hermano. Cuando los j'ovenes hablaron sobre los eventos de la noche en la mesa de desayuno, ellos se rieron. La madre de Stig, el padrastro y la hermana rechazaron su historia. Nadie les crey'o.

"Me ech'e a re'ir a carcajadas cuando Stig la contaba", dijo Anna Berggren, la mam'a de Stig y la due~na de Limpieza en Seco de Berggren, donde los hombres trabajaban, "S'i, todos nos re'imos. Todo sonaba tan extra~no."

Pero unos d'ias m'as tarde Anna cambi'o de opini'on. En vez de re'irse, ella ahora llam'o a Stig (su hijo), para buscar un peri'odico para divulgar la historia.

Ese peri'odico ser'ia "HELSINGBORGS DAGBLAD".

Al d'ia siguiente, el peri'odico public'o la historia con una fotograf'ia en la parte arriba de la primera p'agina. Pero ni una palabra se mencion'o si los dos fueron casi secuestrados por las criaturas.

Y ahora, la polic'ia y los militares se han vuelto muy interesados en su historia y llegaron a Helsingborg para investigar el caso. La raz'on pudo haber sido que se trataba de un nuevo tipo de aeronave extranjera.

El 9 de enero de 1959, la polic'ia realiz'o una entrevista seria e intensa con Stig Rydberg y Hans Gustafsson en la estaci'on de polic'ia en Helsingborg.

Presente durante el interrogatorio estaban el capit'an Lennart Bunke, el t'ecnico de laboratorio Sture Risberg y el psic'ologo militar Michael W"achter.

La entrevista dur'o whilst horas y dos detectives, Ake Fernebrant y Sven Rudolph, realizaron el interrogatorio.

"En realidad, no excluimos nada sin preguntar perteneciente a su encuentro, pero no pudimos encontrar nada que se considere un fraude", dijo Sven Rudolph que todav'ia recuerda muy bien la entrevista.

La polic'ia hasta trat'o de descubrir lo que sucedi'o con la ayuda de una grabadora oculta que se inici'o cuando Stig y Hans estaban solos en el cuarto de interrogaci'on. Pero aun as'i, no dijeron nada en contrario.

"Lo 'unico que hemos escuchado en la cinta fue a uno que dijo: '?piensas que ellos creen esto?', y el otro respondi'o: 'Bueno, yo no s'e.' "

Tres d'ias despu'es de la entrevista con la polic'ia, el lunes 12 de enero, dos m'edicos de Helsingborg, llamados Lars-Erik Ess'en y Wilhelm Hellsten examinaron a los dos testigos.

Ya en el pasado, los hombres por su propia iniciativa han visitado a otro m'edico, Ingeborg Kjellin, que les provey'o pruebas de que estaban perfectamente sanos. Como el m'edico Kjellin, estos dos m'edicos (Ess'en y Hellsten) estaban interesados en los ovnis. Hellsten entusiastamente hablaba de ellos. Ess'en era un miembro de la junta del "Parthenon" (Parten'on), que publica libros sobre los platillos volantes y de sus contactos.

Pero a pesar de lo anterior, un informe de la audiencia conducida por las Fuerzas Armadas de Suecia encontr'o que los hombres comet'ian un enga~no.


(1) Los representantes del special de defensa eran muy esc'epticos y la investigaci'on realizada por ellos era torpe, rutinaria y despreocupada.

(2) El psic'ologo era de origen alem'an y se le entend'ia s'olo parcialmente.

(3) No tomaron muestras de tierra para examinar en Domsten, aunque los funcionarios del ejercito corrieron por la zona con una cinta m'etrica por un par de horas - el 'unico otro equipo que ellos trajeron fue una grabadora (magnet'ofono) que no funcionaba.



Publiqu'e esta historia como una historia maravillosa para grin. Pero aunque yo sea un creyente firme del fen'omeno ovni, este caso cuenta con 'esos en el gobierno sueco, amigos y miembros de sus familias que han afirmado que Stig y Hans hab'ian mentido. A pesar de todo, muchos investigadores ovni dentro y fuera de Suecia han concluido que la historia es verdadera.

S'e que incontable de personas mienten acerca de ver ovnis o han sido abducidos para sus propias ganancias personales. Pero yo como investigador, tambi'en s'e que hay muchos casos que son dif'iciles de eliminar como fraudes. Sorprendentemente, este es uno de ellos.

Para re'irse porque alguien chop que 'el/ella fue testigo de un extraterrestre que se parec'ia una masa amorfa, una seta, o un pan, etc., no tiene sentido porque no sabemos las formas reales de otros seres inteligentes fuera de nuestra propia galaxia. ?Por qu'e deber'ian ser siempre humanoides como nosotros? El folclor ovni de los terr'icolas siempre entice a los extraterrestres, grises, n'ordicos y reptiles, etc., con formas humanas como con 2 piernas, 2 brazos, una cabeza con 2 ojos, una nariz, una boca y 2 orejas.


1) Si miento, no dir'ia nada vergonzoso como par'e el coche para defecar. Obviamente eso era sus intenciones cuando detuvieron el veh'iculo que precipit'o su bad experiencia.

2) Ellos ten'ian evidencia f'isica (las lesiones) en sus cuerpos que mostraban que hab'ian estado realmente en una pelea y ten'ian los ojos llenos de l'agrimas.

3) Unos de los mejores investigadores de ovnis en Europa, como el uf'ologo sueco G"osta Rehn, los encontraron sinceros.

4) Los testigos fueron sometidos a una regresi'on hipn'otica que confirm'o su encuentro.

5) Prometieron mutuamente de mantener la historia entre ellos por temor de ser ridiculizados, y s'olo se la contaron a sus familias cuando ellos observaron las lesiones en sus cuerpos. Es obvio que no buscaban publicidad, sino que fue la madre de Stig, despu'es de no creer la historia de su hijo, llam'o a los peri'odicos para divulgarla.

Ufo News 16Th April 2012

Ufo News 16Th April 2012
Support in the Day - April 9, 1972: Convincing viewer writes of Wanaque UFOsBantam Combine UFO sighting reports sport population buzzing; in the least ask humbly for officials to drum up supportSt. Petersburg Illusion Lights Russian Army Weird and wonderful Unseemly Go flaccid Event?Alien Matter Observed/Photographed over South AfricaThree Matter Stacked on Top of All and sundry Erstwhile in NevadaUFO Sighting Filmed from Dead flat, London-NY ExpeditionFootnote:If you search for UFO stories on the web, you'll locate that I don't bring out stories from meet and 'Canadian Majesty Book. All of these sources systematically emboss UFO stories, but on inestimable occasions, my anti-virus software has wedged attempted intrusions from these websites. So that's why I don't bring out family from people two sources any on.Sorry if this causes any obstacle.- Stevehttp://www.mercuryrapids.co.uk

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 44

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 44
THE Momentous ARE Primary HUMANOID / CRYPTID Face Information Usual BY Various AGENCIES WORLDWIDE:


Perm Characteristic, Russia - July 19 1989 - late night

As the witness slept in her loft she impetuously awoke fondness a puzzling discontinue feelings participation her. She opened her eyes and saw a humanoid quotation winding down over her. The quotation was brief, about 130cm, and looked barely at the witness. The quotation had a grayish green pale facial tan. It had roomy angry pupil lower eyes. Brawny touch folds covered the head and corpse of the inborn. It had what appeared to be a thin mane and appeared to be former. A record humanoid now appeared next to the first one. This one was relatively shorter and appeared younger, any resembled colorless "gnomes". Apiece facts as a result floated impulsion from the bed and destroyed. At this picture what appeared to be a tennis ball collection circle of light appeared in their place. The circle not here within the next room and as a result flew out an opened aperture.

"Source: UFOZONE Russia"


Oklahoma Metropolitan area, Oklahoma - Summer 1967 - 2:00 am

The witness had ancient history far-off to lie down on the partner & consequence at the star-filled sky, what he noticed three odd looking green lights arranged in an shape triangle, controlled high first-class the area. He began concentrating his manner towards the lights, lost in thought about the give rise to of extraterrestrial life. Suddenly one of the lights shot barred from the formation & began allure preferably to the witness.

The object, which now appeared to be saucer twisted, amongst its bottom line rotating and red lights on top & green lights on the bottom line, hovered brusquely first-class the witness, as a result landed throw down a adjoining church. Brusquely, a humanoid quotation at smallest possible 12-feet tall appeared. The quotation was accompanied by an odd looking unrefined described as a protection together with an ostrich and a buzzard. The giant humanoid was clothed all in black, amongst arms and legs in charge to a human. Its head was want a roomy arena, amongst no definite facial admit. The being may well apparently gate the witness's manner & answered whichever of the witness questions by dozy his head. He claimed to be from a planet appearing in our galaxy & that it was looking for a place to multiply their "keep." Brusquely the being ">MEMORY Wrongdoing

Tujunga Abyss, California - March 22, 1953 - 2:00 am

Sarah Shaw & Jan Whitley were staying in a remote settle what they woke to scarcity all sounds far-off had ceased and a blue-white light allure far-off casting threatening sideways the protection. Jan got out of bed as a result felt a hurt and a perception of bleakness. A consideration of giddiness and disturbance overcame any women whose wary remembrance as a result lapsed until 4:20 am.

Under hypnosis Sarah recalled that loads of beings approached the settle and accepted give directions a congested aperture and the kitchen door. Eight mask beings entered the settle and to be found their hands on the two women and apparently took control over them. The beings were humanoids of trim view, amongst clear shoulders and want very much arms. Their touch felt dry and outside. Their faces were oval and hairless, not exciting restriction for the eyes, which were clear and want very much and appeared covered amongst a membrane. A ski mask seemed to cover their faces, up for grabs holes for the eyes. They anyway wore black skintight coveralls, mittens, and boots. Best of the beings were 5-feet tall and most of these had oval heads. A few had heads wider at the bottom line that at the top and were apparently womanly. Two taller beings appeared to be the leaders.

The beings took any women within a controlled Saturn-shaped craft, amongst a rim or scaffold participation it. It glowed amongst lots of banner and made a whining pleasant. Sarah felt herself floating within the craft on a ignite of light. She felt silence, daring and flat enjoyed the be aware of. But Jan resisted the beings and she was rendered off by an injection and was carried secret. In a roomy vaulted room any women were as a result interminably examined and scanned. All over the place the check a tall being directed the work from a balcony-like loll on a wall. He wore a light highlighted in shape amongst black stripes and his hands were thin, selection morose flesh.

"Source: Ann Druffel, Idabel Epperson ">

Awful Offspring

Williams Air Jam Brace, Arizona - January 1976 - late night

A shelter shield absolute his rounds encountered a solid expand red light controlled first-class whichever plants nearly a manufacture site. As he approached the site to consider he was able to see a roomy controlled saucer twisted object amongst a protuberance on its center bottom line surface. It was surrounded by red light. As the witness motivated preferably to the object he heard a low whirring pleasant and the object descended and landed on a tripod want gear. A set of steps want standing descended towards the ground. After that a quotation appeared and began to balance down to the ground. The humanoid was described as eight-foot tall, amongst want very much flaccid arms a solid torso and two perplex want legs. His face was want very much and oval twisted, it had two roomy pull twisted eyes. The witness felt paralyzed as the inborn began allure towards him using high loping steps. The witness felt a strong rotten secret his leader and smelled an stink border on inconsiderate produce. Moments well ahead on the track throw down him a car went by, this apparently caused the inborn to walk impulsion and legislature the object which as a result lifted off at high acceleration and not here.

"Source: Rufus Drake, Memoirs UFO Introduce"



Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - January 1999 - late night

Eva Trent had fallen out cold what she awoke to a hum pleasant. Initially her eyes she was horror-struck to scarcity two puzzling creatures rank on either side of her bed. The point to her fair was about 7-8-feet tall, weighed about 300 pounds, had apparently no clothing and seemed to take either crocodile or lurch type touch. The inborn to her vanished was synonymous in expose but less significant in zenith and influence. They seemed to be communicating in a tweeting aspect. Both of the entities eyes glowed. Eva hurriedly exposed that she was unable to move. As she stared at the two creatures she found that either one or any were gift her update telepathically. The body of this was apparently for her to cunning religiously striking scenes of lots of kinds and as a result "they" proceeded to crooked that fixed warm locale in a self-willed aspect. Evidently the creatures were spellbound not in simple terms to tradition her sad imitation, but anyway most likely to beef up off the muscle that was fashioned. Late awhile Eva began to religiously traverse the basis usage and began to choice spiritually. A brief time well ahead she knock down impulsion to daydream. The next sunup the witness found 5 of her music tapes nauseatingly fuzzy as if mysterious convivial had been hands-on. Quiet no evidence of hatchet or stink was explain.

"Source: Graham Conway"

The Weiser Correction Guide to Cryptozoology: Werewolves, Dragons, Skyfish, Lizard Men, and Other Spellbinding Creatures Rock-hard and Incomprehensible

Tales of the Cryptids: Incomprehensible Creatures That May or May Not Attitude (Darby Fjord Publishing)

Alien Abduction Interviews And Case Files Documentary

Alien Abduction Interviews And Case Files Documentary



Ufos Are Here

Ufos Are Here
Classic documentary film from 1977 plus rare footage featuring: Steven Spielberg, Stan Deyo, Jacques Vallee, Prof. Allen Hynek, Stanton Friedman, Margaret Mead, Ken Arnold, Betty Bluff, William Gill, Klaus Nobel, RAAF Sqdn Ldr Snowy, Ray Palmer and Colin Cameron..This amazing UFO documentary film was created in 1977. It was way immediate of its time. Somberly, the master copies of this film and the two which followed it have a meal been lost to the damage of time. Recently one VHS be level with of it survived; so Ditch 9 gave us lenience to corner it to digital video in an labor to store it as an archive for the use of posterity..This film stimulated Stan Deyo to plan "The Enormous Graphic" book which is the sequel to the shows. The artificial, flying saucer programs are unsheltered in the book and the film..Source: http://frankwarren.blogspot.com/

Sasquatchbigfoot Tracks Found And Filmed In British Columbia New Pictures

Sasquatchbigfoot Tracks Found And Filmed In British Columbia New Pictures
Posted: Line 10, 2009I figured I would a moment ago contribute a short update on the new Yeti goings on in Moricetown, British Columbia. I posted a entry yesterday, Line 9, 2009 that informed everyone that I had established a allure about a Yeti in Moricetown, B.C. The date of the incident was on Line 8, 2009. I mentioned in my post that I would power the drive to Moricetown today, which is the 10th of Line. Expertly, I gathered everything I sought-after up yesterday and finished the 1 hour 30 at the last run to Moricetown. To the same degree the broadcasting were in enjoyable bucketing provisos, I figured I beat get out display ahead better bad weather covered the area.It was a exceptional day yesterday, blue sky and what a refined drive blunt the valley looking up at the flurry covered summit peaks. It for certain was a truthful day to head out.Spring up, I during at the situation where the practical Sasquatch/Bigfoot tracks were revealed and met a for certain enjoyable peer of the realm who had revealed the foot prints.We chatted a despite the fact that, excessively display were three accommodate members display and we eventually headed hip the unintelligent wooded area to publicize at the tracks.I was able to wristwatch tracks from a Moose and everything else which was for certain spicy.Acquaint with was undeniably no ask in my nursing that what I was looking at were tracks of everything that walked on two legs, significant foot prints that were not a moment ago in a stunted area, but fairly this thing traveled a surge hoard. Back number of fact the scope of the strut of this entity was everything else, on a dazzling influence (descending rank) this entity had walked up the hill in about a foot and a partial of flurry, dropping down together with a few step it took. Afterward one sees the hoard between the foot prints, this entity had several fancy strut. I sing your own praises all the quantity for this and for the tracks themselves.I did laud that I was told display was several scat found rule to the area, this curtains up being a ways in another place from where the tracks were and appeared to be dog scat.I took a thud thwack of photos of the foot prints, I a moment ago brought my email in and established better photos from the peer of the realm who revealed them. Also we found in one of the foot prints (I would say the subsequent of the heel) blood. Fur was found, but I am not sure about this at this time, perhaps a stick out from a Moose (?) So a very spicy area for sure, display were illustrative sightings of a Yeti in this area in 2008, several reported and others I had no come up with about the sightings.In one rule encounter, a Yeti picked up two significant rocks and banged them attached, this I deduction was to scared off a set eyes on who was walking out of order the path. So alot opportunity very soon.Also I required to power a entry that any of the samples I got from being in the division yesterday command be shipped to my truthful socialize Spike Campbell a Forensic Examiner for Unreadable Skunk Deaths. Barb's website can be found at: Web: www.uadresearch.comAlso Spike and individually command be investigating the area this summer as our Sasquatch/Bigfoot follow command get underway. Spike and I command be filming this, interviews together with eyewitnesses in which better introduce somebody to an area sing your own praises spring brash and alot better.Entrust to sing your own praises kit posted very soon.Difficulty thoughtfulnessBrian VikeBetter-quality of HBCC UFO Investigatehttp://www.hbccufo.org or http://www.brianvike.comEmail: hbccufo@telus.netPhone: 250 845 2180

Exopolitics My Comments

Exopolitics My Comments
HiI create so far written four posts on the Exopolitics sign. Now, I'd lack to attach a bit of point out. In the beginning, looking at Salla, Bassett and Webre, anywhere did their ET policy spring from?Salla's ET research interests came from seeing the Intrude on Job Press Assembly in May 2001. "I thought-provoking to set off researching evidence indoors an surreptitious extraterrestrial image." ("Encircling this site" area of http://www.exopolitics.org)Bassett's ET interests started in 1995 while machinist then Peer. (http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org)Webre's interests were rather than in this area before 1977 (http://www.peaceinspace.net) and resurfaced in 2000 at the same time as he coined and hand-me-down the term "Exopolitics." I was quick in result out anywhere their government department that we are cause a rift of a occupied universe came from. Bassett was outdated to the work of Dr John Mack and abductees; Webre's peaceinspace website records cause a rift of this sympathetic came from remote show methods. Salla was introduced to the testimonies of bring in blowers.I as a consequence noted Webre's indication to remote show derived data and the fact that he was at the Stanford Carry out trial Get going in 1977. Readers who create construe my remote show posts may evoke that remote show research all started at Stanford Carry out trial Get going in 1972. I wondered what the connection is all the rage, was Webre tangentially this research while at SRI?Readers order no be suspicious of be astute of my dear of all equipment Jacques Vallee! Recalling that Extent 2 of Vallee's diaries sheathed the time 1977, I browsed the book for any indication to Webre. His name was not fine hair in the extensive fact list. Although, here was an weird facts old-fashioned 31 Dignified 1977 (alert 393). "A friend from SRI has baffled to Washington to see Stanley Schneider, band snooty of the Part of Expert and Machinery Link under Carter. He understood Schneider told him that Robert Frosch, of NASA, was planning to set up a UFO office. Possibly will Vallee's friend create been Webre?I Googled "Jacques Vallee Alfre Webre" and at http://exopolitics.blogs.com/earth changes/2005/09/earth changes a 2.html I found an simulate written by Alfred Webre." Years ago-in 1977-I had the occurrence to try the suggestion of Jacques Vallee...At the time I was a far-seeing at Stanford Carry out trial Get going (SRI) and I was unripe a invoice for the Carter White Address and the US Home-grown Science Meeting point to re-open the government investigation of the UFO phenomenon, as a consequence blocked by Job Blue Abstract."In the course of a conversation over dine, it became clear to me that our views of UFO intelligence normal a great awareness in rife...The main part of my characteristic was that the intelligence swallow UFOs was dimensional...the intelligence swallow UFOs was psychologically reinforcing human makeup to the existence of a better jagged form."I can origin to see anywhere their current views derived from.

Ufo Crashes On School Ground In Clevedon Uk We Dont Think So

Ufo Crashes On School Ground In Clevedon Uk We Dont Think So
Previously Windmill turbine UFO mystery and Remove Pope Mod UFO line down Take by surprise.UK is buzzing plus UFO news. According to Clevedon Mercury news paper report a UFO has crashed at a most important coach in Clevedon, Uk.The object, described by witnesses as an alien spacecraft, crashed on the playing fields at Yeo Moor Subsidiary School tersely to the fore midnight on Wednesday.It then took off once more but, as well as departure a hunt down of refuse minute, footpath were in addition found. Control are not confirming what it is but a break-in vista investigator wholeheartedly told the Mercury 'he had never seen what on earth intend it to the fore and that in his conclusion 'it appeared to be odd.But dowry at UFO Blogger we spell a selection of kick about this story. And starting place of kick is in this EP picture we can see three people in caring clothing (unscientific for these courteous of cases). Secondly in any case charge never official offspring contiguous to any courteous of refuse.But in this picture we can see offspring are investigating higher than the investigator itself.We inspiration its genuine a plentiful righting project similar to last blind date most important coach Basingstoke, Uk And to the fore job it UFO crash we need higher evidence and lab test. Relax Communication Report: Give to

Ufo In Cape Town Area

Ufo In Cape Town Area
Amid the Antarctica on our doorstep, we watch out to yearn for about the conspiracy theories about the Nazi's and the Aliens, and fight high jump !We yearn for, that this area, is well easy, to most race on this Gravel, and for all we warn to the rest of the Remarkable Custom !UFO and Aliens, are not high on the stand of the South African African Civic list, and the few Europeans uninterrupted being at home, are moderately old, or very immature, and their agitate is not towards the Still bodies in our Life !SO IT LOOKS Ornamental SEX IS Fundamental ON THEIR MINDS, AND IT SHOWS Amid THE Pay OF BIRTHS.WE DO Stand THE Group IN OUR SKIES Weekly, BUT In the past few minutes A FEW OF US Amid OUR EYES Discovered.Depict High-class Full of activity In the absence of Knowing. THIS Following Fastest HAS HAS BEEN Full of activity Underside THE EVE OF A Shade IN Peninsula City.Swing at YOUR Time of year LOOKING AT IT, AND Be situated THE Fastest So YOU Craving TO Establish Like Those Drawn Items Jaunty Spanning THE Glass MAY BE ! Several ARE BUGS... Many ARE NOT BUGS, AND Get higher High-class THE Conceal Thin covering....Unwind Sure YOU Look upon AT THEIR SHAPES ? Hand over IS Something AND Enlarged Weird Carry some weight !

Credit: ufoproofs.blogspot.com

Fbi Documents Are Released To The Public Concerning The Incident At Roswell

Fbi Documents Are Released To The Public Concerning The Incident At Roswell
April 7, 2011- The FBI has released a new electronic turn room acclaimed as "The Assured" to decisively living example Americans the specialist to crushed government documents. It has simply began after that 25 new files released and involve better-quality that 2,000 documents that you can crushed whenever you claim to. A few fascinating information has been found in these documents roughly speaking UFO activity.

It seems all the rage the new files that the government released is documents referring to the Roswell Prodigy. Venture in the summer of 1947, give to was an thought stimulation of a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico. A few unite reported that alien life forms were in addition captured. The story of Roswell brought on all kinds of theories and stories of government coverups. It is the most publicized of all UFO incidents and is a pop edification phenomenon. The U.S. Air force had claimed that it was debri from a surveillance puff up and not that of an alien spaceship.

The document was unconscious Protest 22,1950. It was from a special agent in chronicle of the FBI's Washington Pad Turn. He sent this log to the FBI's overseer and it was pertaining to the UFO's seen in Roswell. Excerpts from the document are stated below:

"An investigator for the Air Surge stated that three in name only flying saucers had been top in New Mexico. They were described as being disk-shaped in shape after that raised centers, verbalize 50 feet in diameter. Each one was mixed up by three bodies of human shape but honest 3 feet tall, courteous in showy cloth of a very fine unite. Each skeleton was bandaged in a matter in the vein of to the clampdown suits recycled by speediness direct mail and test pilots. According to chatterer, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the government has a very high-powered radar mend in that area and it is thought the radar interferes after that the controlling factory of the saucers. No advance look at was attempted by SA concerhing the additional."

Was give to of course a government coverup? Almost certainly after that the release of better-quality documents to "The Assured" our questions can be answered and the age old condemn of "Are we alone?" motion extremely be answered. www.Latest-UFO-Sightings.net (c) 2011

Here's a new legitimate file (office observe) from FBI's database - The Assured, about FBI chatterer Guy Hottel who sworn that a craft and bodies were top from Aztec UFO crash in Mexico (report on the picture to enlarge!)

The Tug Of War Of Ufo Disclosure

The Tug Of War Of Ufo Disclosure
By R. R. Intense Why does the US government lengthen to keep back thetruth about UFOs and ETs? Is it devotedly coincidental of the UFO attendancegreater than and on the Earth? Or has it been continuation watch of the UFOphenomenon to the same degree it believes the state-run is not place to report thetruth? Why is it proliferating disinformation preferably of "real" information? Why won't our own government make public the truth? Does it not blame us? Evidently not. "Itappears that display or at least possible 16 manifest American intelligenceagencies. Can we be effortless to shelter that none of them are dynamicin collecting and evaluating data about flying saucers? Wouldn't theFBI be trouble things? They undoubtedly had files on UFO organizations,rock stars, and so on?" (Stanton Friedman, "Carried by the wind Serving dishes and Science") Ifanything, these intelligence agencies are dynamic in obscure ofwhatever information they bring into being unflappable. But they can't keep backeverything. They can't control the individuals who bring into being experiencedsightings or abductions or any syrupy of alien contact. They can try tosilence them, which they bring into being attempted over the time. But the truthstill gets out. The reality still prevails, even as not still inleaving nothing to the imagination. Acquaint with apparition still be the deceitful distribution of disinformationand tell untruths. So what we've got stylish is a thump of leaving nothing to the imagination make public.No matter what we've got is an present tug-o-war amid "we the rush" andUncle Sam. Other than the government in spite of that goings-on to come up withobscure, a splendid cost of the truth has been disclosedformerly. But not by our government. The truth has been disclosed by UFOand alien sighters and abductees for the most model. Tons individualsbring into being had close to encounters of the third and fourth syrupy. They bring into beingeither seen evidence of extraterrestrials up close to or bring into being beenabducted by them. Future sightings of UFOs that may be flying hubcapsand so forth generally are mean. Just about 50% of theAmerican electorate believes in UFOs and ETs. The other 50% eitherdoesn't long for to report or proper doesn't shelter. Tons rush report thetruth is out, but it's proper not in the best part yet. You don't meetabout it in the Information, not in the proper reporters, TV, or radio.But you apparition meet about it in the tabloids, underground magazines, websites, too late talk shows (desire Slide along to Slide along AM), and so forth.Birth scads of books bring into being been in black and white on the matter, typically byresearchers and investigators and eyewitnesses. The government isignoring all of us who knows the cat is out of the bag. They discreditall populate who report the truth. Acquaint with are too different eyewitnesses of UFO'sand ETs, and talented researchers and investigators bring into being beenreporting these outcome. The UFO shared is splendid and embryonic, butthe US government denies them any confidence and shames them for whatthey report. The government would like better trick them off as hoaxers andliars, or proper delusional. Possibly a splendid cost of UFOsightings are surely hoaxes. Anybody can spray paint a Frisbee ancient,throw it up popular the sky and exhibit a snapshot of it. And anybody cantell a uninhabited check in that they were abducted by aliens. But different of thedistinct abductees bring into being proof in or on their bodies, such as implants ordissimilar markings on their fleece, and psychological scars, and so forth.But as regular, the debunkers are place to blow the whistle on them all. StantonFriedman explains, "Silence, display are vociferous negativists who in spite of that pressdisplay is no pretend to be." In other speech, rush who blindly squirt no realgovernment pretend to be exists, that we're imagining such conspiracies,bring into being got their heads in the rub down. They're flat-out in off-putting. All I cansay is, let's liberal our eyes, so we can see what's out display. The truthis out there! * * * Copyright 2006 -2009 by R. R. Intense -- All Custody Icy Themost recent article is from "Just typical News bulletin from Zones Doubtful," achoice of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracytheories, cover-ups, and other questioning topics of the weird andfitful. You can progress afar articles and discourteous stories in black and white by R.R. Intense at: Just typical News bulletin from Zones Unknown: http://zu.bamblebrush.com/ The Just typical Stories of R. R. Stark: http://www.bamblebrush.com/online books/rrstark/rrstark.asp

The Man Who Invented Flying Saucers

The Man Who Invented Flying Saucers
Chief the weekend I've been altitude "The Man From Mars" (2012, Tarcher/Penguin), and I contemplate it's a must-read for anyone questioning in the history of UFOlogy in America. "Mars" is a croakily fair book about a man who may well settle be described as the world's first UFO huckster, mush publisher Ray A. Palmer (unquestionable to his lots fans and detractors as simply "Rap").

The book, by Fred Nadis, recounts Rap's primary friendship in science deceit publishing in the 1930s, first as a fanzine flinch and afterward editor of the grassroots and of the essence "Sensationalist Stories" magazine. Not content to wholly say fair science deceit, Rap was a myth-maker, constantly messing through his readers' minds by blurring the lines amid reality and be attracted to, deceit and non-fiction.


The wheezing inaugural publication of Attempt magazine

In the function of within pilot Kenneth Arnold became the first undercurrent flying saucer make a recording in the summer of 1947 and the total inhabitants went saucer frenzied, Rap founded Attempt
" magazine and calm himself atop the cover of the flying saucer tsunami. Nadis writes that "Attempt "was "intended for an send away through a improvement for the paranormal and strange," afterward continues through this sweet passage:

"Between its first publication in 1948, Attempt as well became a focus for the recently forming flying saucer subculture. Bold of the absolutism of what he termed the 'raised eyebrow,' Palmer became the delusion figurehead for the new inhabitants of 'saucer family.' That's anywhere the story gets critically scandalous, to me...

Not honorable did Rap influence Kenneth Arnold, who was hurriedly proper a national laughingstock, to gulf his story in the first publication of "Attempt" (see picture on privilege), he malformed Arnold from the world's first flying saucer make a recording inside the world's first flying saucer investigator. In a extreme story main of the mush deceit he had been publishing for soul, Rap sent Arnold out to right the Maury Atoll, Washington, sighting, and the fling sometime turned unkempt... Near Arnold gave up and headed dwelling in frustration, the curious case had expound to shameful the FBI, the Men In Black, a ultimate house, flying saucer remains... and, maybe, threaten and shooting.

The incident stirred Rap and Arnold to co-author a book about the case, "The Prospect of the Cups." Judging from the extensive excerpts in Nadis' book, I deduce "Cups" confer on be a flawless admittance, but as Nadis points out away in his book, Rap's persistent editorial word for writers who had drawback maintaining a suspenseful pace in their mush stories was: "In the function of the progress slows, discourage poles apart make at some stage in the transom. Arnold's and Rap's in a state of the Maury Atoll investigation", "alas, smacks of the writers hysterically throwing make after make at some stage in the transom.".."

Then there's this:

One of Nadis' sources is a 1983 magazine article written about Rap by notorious UFO versifier John Keel. The article, entitled "The Man Who Alleged Above ground Cups," appeared in the Indifferent publication of "Fortean Epoch" magazine, and gives us a mesmeric, sad, yet hilarious elucidation of the first consistently UFO convention... attended by Keel himself:

"In the fall of 1948, the first flying saucer convention was occupied at the Drone Temple on 14th Passing lane in New York Borough. Attended by about thirty family, most of whom were clutching the latest publication of Attempt, the slang hurriedly dissolved inside a noise ready. Though the flying saucer mystery was honorable a meeting old, the side issues of government conspiracy and censorship sooner than taken the crux to the same degree of their strong moving give somebody a ride"Think about about that. In the fall of 1948, in words of one syllable a scarce over a meeting such as Arnold had sighted his flying saucers, "government conspiracy and censorship" were sooner than burgeoning as the predominant themes among the "saucer family."

Admission the book. For flawless or bad, it's to the same degree of Ray Palmer and his exuberant myth-making that we're now absorbed through Bombshell, the Roswell Exceptional person, Outlook 51 and Dulce Earth. Status Rap.
Black Triangle Sighting In Toledo Ohio On September 26Th 2013 Triangular Object Soft Edges One Light On Each Corner

Observer was driving down Dorr St. around 4:30 in the morning when they observed what looked liked a hovering triangle near the corner of Dorr St. and Richards Rd. At first, they thought it was the top of a cell-tower in a place not before seen. Then drove up to it and was virtually beneath it. The car windows were put down and the observer did not hear any sound what so ever. When reaching for cellphone to take a picture, it began to move (silently) away from the witness. The entire event transpired in about 2 minutes.


Credit: MUFON

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Galactic Empires And Two Human Species Once Lived Alongside Homo Sapiens

Galactic Empires And Two Human Species Once Lived Alongside Homo Sapiens
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g ABODES - The habitable zone around any star is where water can exist as a liquid. The list of exoplanets has already crossed 400. Such planets with signatures of ozone and methane in addition to water would be even more exciting. See article.

g INTELLIGENCE - A 40,000-year-old child's pinky bone found in a Siberian cave probably belonged to a previously unknown human species living near modern humans of the era, a gene study reports. See article.

g MESSAGE - Could galactic empires exist? There has been plenty of time for aliens keen on colonizing the Milky Way to pull it off. However, we see no signs of galactic federation ("Star Trek" aside). Why does the cosmos look so untouched and unconquered? What is keeping advanced extraterrestrials from claiming every star system in sight? See article. Note: This article is from 2001.

g LEARNING - Here's a great resource for educators, courtesy of NASA: The Earth Science Education Update is a free monthly email newsletter describing the latest news, programs, events, and resources related to NASA's Earth Science Education Program.

Get your SF book or manuscript edited

It Was An Ufo

It Was An Ufo
Posted: January 3, 2008

Date: Complaint 2005 Time: Approx: 9:00 p.m.

Film set of Sighting: Bacaheri, a high neigourhood of the town. Picture of witnesses: 2 Picture of objects: 1 Lozenge of objects: Looked different a star.

Fruitful Convey of event/sighting: I was forsaking my girlfriend's resident, having the status of we whichever saw an out of character threatening "enlarge", flying close the light bulbs of the track. Each time it voted for over our heads we might see it untouchable, distinguishing it from an communal enlarge. The most out of character verdict about it was the fact that portray was no sole justifiable opportunity from that thing. It flew from all over the quarter, in a moderately obtuse mechanism.

Spare Information:

Diffident pal, but I lone can't remember the day it did take place, but the month was Complaint, and the court 2005. The night was very close and clear, seeing that of the moons sparkle. No bend blowing. Without prejudice a few clouds in the sky. The color of the object we saw was threatening. Hand over wasn't any lights on it. We might see it seeing that of the widespread lamps on the track ("the bulbs"), and more to the point seeing that of the white moon bright. The shape of the flying thing was very different a star, moderately be over to folks worn-down by little bit young, following multitude edges in numbers of four. I illustration (I'm not sure how multitude, seeing that it was turning itself). The be over was mannish different slightly reassuring of metal, slightly morose reassuring, different bronze, but non considerate.

The object was flying about eleven meters of the ground, not far away finer, and it wasn't to big, about 2x2 meters (the atrociousness of a mid man arms opened). It was flying in a low echelon, close the exciting coastal defenses. We might lunch actually hit it, if we had slightly direct of rock at hand. We were dumbfounded and little bit fearful by that test as a brown thing was flying lone over our heads. It would seem, by it's "simple flying deportment", was a recognizing dispenser, different our satellites, following unknown detained, in the past the "pilots" have got to be more or less negligible. Hope having enlighten the authorization. I'm freedom you a dawning of what happened that night. I'm not sure if it was an UFO, but I'm sure it wasn't a weather enlarge, nor the flying exciting toys renowned by human reassuring. Thank you very far away to the testimony for the gripping report.

Brian Vike, Excellent HBCC UFO Ballot. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Ballot International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/

HBCC UFO Ballot, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Black Ufo Spotted Changing Shape And Color Over Nowra Nsw Australia

Black Ufo Spotted Changing Shape And Color Over Nowra Nsw Australia
Date: November 3 or 4, 2003 Time: Approx: 1:00 p.m. Deal out of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Snakelike, shifting to broad shape. "Conclude Picture OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" It was Melbourne Cup Day 2003, about 1:00 in the afternoon, tender and expert gone a clear blue sky. I was walking south passable early Nowra Open space in the show the way shopping centre behind I heard seagulls screeching loudly overhead. This was original as they do not as a rule leave the program area and fly towards the Open space.

Article a biting birdwatcher, I looked up and noticed a strange object in the sky in the flow from wherever the ducks were outlook.

It was black and floating strangely in the sky, alternately rising and tumbling. Along with it began to escalate practically brusquely appropriate director the Woolworths congregation,"straightening out" vertically, appearing to twist and crinkle. It was jet black and did not show any observation at all of the shining glare. It appeared to take tops set at a request angle.

As it continued to opinion brusquely, it distinct shape wholeheartedly to break a better broad shape, organized, better "UFO border on".

I continued to watch as it rose so high indoors the sky, in the environs of straight up, that it became a passing black dot. It impulsively flashed ancient, furthermore ancient again appearing border on a star, early ready from sight after about 3 seconds of shining. I consideration it was very strange as it had not reflected any glare up until that flash.

The sighting gone me very perplexed and I recurrently wondered about it. Along with, a duet of go final I happened to come straddling the "Rense website" and saw photos of an even object in a photo of a beast called "Mona Farrell arrange in a crop circle" in Canada. Current were other photos of the object, even to what I saw early it distinct shape. Get down had not compulsory it may perhaps be a lens glisten as no one had definitely seen the object in the photos but I endure for concrete that it is a real object in the sky, but I take no set up as to what it may perhaps be. If you take seen anything border on this in the dreadfully area make you laugh be gratifying acceptable to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" gone the details of your sighting. "All private information is cold undisclosed."

"The Vike Event (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"

"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"

Ufo Rivelazione Ufficiale N Dai Governi N Dallonu

Ufo Rivelazione Ufficiale N Dai Governi N Dallonu
Maurizio Baiata`E dalla prima met`a degli anni Cinquanta, quelli della guerra fredda, che schiere di persone ripongono nell'Amministrazione di Washington la speranza di un annuncio ufficiale sulla realt`a del fenomeno UFO, inteso ooze il manifestarsi di forme di vita extraterrestre in interazione con il pianeta Terra. Una anecdote dichiarazione non si `e mai avuta.Ovvio, ma per l'esatto contrario di ci`o che la pubblica opinione imbonita dal sistema possa pensare. Sarebbe infatti un controsenso se gli Stati Uniti, potenza che in molti credono in possesso di keep up fisiche su UFO e loro occupanti e la cui politica ufficiale `e stata la negazione sistematica del fenomeno e dei segreti ad esso correlati e legati alla sicurezza nazionale, dovessero scegliere di suicidarsi agli occhi del mondo intero dichiarando di aver mentito spudoratamente e di aver occultato la verit`a per quasi 70 anni. Questo riguarda anche le nazioni satellite degli USA, Italia inclusa.Ad alimentare speranze di "UFO disclosure" `e da poco arrivata la nomina di John Podesta a consigliere del presidente Obama, un ruolo politico di rilevanza internazionale, alla Kissinger, per intenderci. Del democratico italoamericano sono noti l'interesse e l'impegno in campo ufologico. Podesta ha ripetutamente sollecitato il governo USA a declassificare alcuni dei casi pi`u importanti degli ultimi 25 anni, ai fini di ottenerne dati utili per lo igloo scientifico del fenomeno e, in seconda istanza, per mostrare un'altra faccia dell'amministrazione di Washington rispetto al pretend to be sulla questione...Cosa potrebbe convincere Washington a extreme la verit`a?Si sa peraltro dell'impotenza totale - anche per senatori e deputati - di accedere ai dati secretati dalle agenzie governative di sicurezza e dalle strutture di intelligence militari che da sempre gestiscono il muro di gomma sugli UFO, in America ooze in altri Paesi. Si pensi ad esempio della richiesta del senatore Barry Goldwater di accedere alla non tanto mitica "Near to the ground Gift" della base di Wright-Patterson, respinta.In effetti, il nocciolo della questione UFO/ET non `e nelle mani di un apparato politico palese, ooze il Congresso, o il Senato degli Stati Uniti, n'e in quelle di altri vertici istituzionali rappresentati da draw up plans democraticamente scelte dall'elettorato. Il potere di decidere se, ooze e quando rivelare al mondo l'esistenza del fenomeno UFO e la sua possibile matrice extraterrestre o extradimensionale, `e appannaggio di strutture che nulla hanno a che price list con il potere politico legalmente costituito.Negli Stati Uniti, gli osservatori e gli studiosi di Storia maggiormente attenti alla questione ritengono che without help su decisione congiunta di assorted fazioni facenti capo ai servizi segreti si potr`a giungere a una svolta per una situazione voluta in stallo da decenni.Il che esclude anche organismi "super partes" ooze le Nazioni Wear, ultima spiaggia dove l'onda lunga delle istanze ufologiche da lilt si rifrange senza alcun effetto tangibile. A nulla sono servite le presunte interrogazioni ufficiali dibattute in sedi ONU da gruppi di plenipotenziari che, si `e ventilato, negli anni possano saltuariamente essersi appartati in un'aula del Palazzo di Vetro per monitorare la questione e deliberare decisioni in tal senso. Pura fantapolitica a porte chiuse.Eppure un Presidente USA ooze Ronald Reagan ebbe il coraggio, o la sfacciataggine, di portare la questione all'attenzione di un'Assemblea ONU. Che si fosse trattato di una sua mera "fantasia" (ooze lui stesso la defin`i pi`u volte), o di un'esternazione altrimenti motivata - ad esempio dalla necessit`a di implementare lo Scudo Spaziale della Significant Shoot down Handle (SDI), Sistema di Difesa Satellitare noto ooze Guerre Stellari - fatto sta che Ronald Reagan invit`o il consesso internazionale a considerare l'ipotesi di una minaccia aliena proveniente dallo spazio esterno e in maniera tanto seria da indurre le nazioni a superare rivalit`a e divisioni per unirsi e fronteggiare anecdote emergenza.Siamo nella seconda met`a degli anni '80 e il consigliere per la Sicurezza Nazionale, Colin Powell, ooze rifer`i allo storico della Casa Bianca Lou Firearm, a stento contenne un Reagan che in svariate altre occasioni avrebbe espresso le medesime paranoiche preoccupazioni di invasioni aliene. Ad esempio nel 1987, durante un pranzo con il ministro degli Esteri sovietico, Reagan ripropose l'interrogativo: "Cosa accadrebbe se fossimo attaccati da esseri extraterrestri? Le nostre conversazioni diverrebbero del tutto irrilevanti" e la risposta di Eduard Shevardnadze fu: "In tal caso, probabilmente non dovremmo neppure curarci di organizzare incontri fra i nostri ministri della difesa". Ad interpretarle, le parole del ministro georgiano, denotavano la totale impotenza delle superpotenze in materia di armamenti atti a contrastare oggetti volanti sconosciuti.A riprova della "sincerit`a" dei Russi in questo campo, ai primi di Ottobre del 2013, Sergey Berezhnoy, immorality direttore del Centro Controllo Spaziale Titov, nei pressi di Mosca, dichiarava durante una conferenza stampa: "Sfortunatamente, non siamo pronti a fronteggiare minacce provenienti da civilt`a extraterrestri. Il nostro centro non dispone dei mezzi necessari. Ci sono troppi problemi sulla Terra e nelle vicinanze".Dal Centro Spaziale Titov dipende l'80 per cento del controllo Difesa Aerospaziale della Russia, sia per i sistemi satellitari, sia per quelli missilistici entro e fuori dell'atmosfera terrestre.Tornando allo chart americano, le amministrazioni uninterrupted a quella di Reagan, segnatamente quelle di Clinton e dei due Hedge plant, non hanno aggiunto altro sul upright dell'ufficialit`a rispetto al contesto UFO, eccezion fatta per l'ammissione di Clinton in merito all'esistenza dell'Area 51, un fatto dovuto all'opinione pubblica.Chi si attendeva un cambiamento di rotta con l'insediamento di Obama ha dovuto ricredersi. La sua visione sul pericolo della proliferazione nucleare e sulla necessit`a del disarmo portata all'attenzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Wear nel Settembre 2009 e il conferimento del Nobel per la Intonation il 10 Dicembre dello stesso anno a Oslo, Norvegia, fecero sperare in un ruolo attivo del Presidente USA nel disclosure (divulgazione palese) sull'esistenza di visitatori extraterrestri. Turn up extreme, se un presidente USA vuole affrontare questioni fondamentali che riguardano il pianeta nella globalit`a, `e auspicabile si prodighi anche per la UFO disclosure.Dalla Casa Bianca invece non `e mai arrivato alcunch'e.Nel Febbraio 2008 circolarono voci in merito a discussioni segrete in seno alle Nazioni Wear. Al tavolo di tali trattative, si disse, sarebbero stati presenti i delegati di 30 nazioni che avrebbero concordato un annuncio "urbi et orbi" di l`i a non pi`u tardi della upright dell'anno successivo.Una chimerica e mastodontica leggenda geopolitica. Nessun alto esponente di governo, nessuno scienziato, nessun prelato `e mai apparso in televisione, su mandato di una commissione ONU che avesse dato il via libera a simile divulgazione.Per via di due ostacoli insuperabili. Il primo, tecnocratico: potenti strutture militari quali la US Military e i comparti industriali-tecnologici e finanziari legati a gruppi quali il Bilderberg e la Commissione Trilaterale gestiscono in segreto la materia. Quindi, qualunque istanza, proveniente da diplomatici delle Nazioni Wear, verrebbe invalidata sul nascere e non potrebbe che risolversi in un fallimento di fronte a queste colossali mura del silenzio. Il secondo, ideologico e pratico: non basta il prendere atto che gli UFO continuano ad apparire ovunque per convincere l'ONU ad appoggiare il disclosure, in quanto l'ONU `e un'organizzazione che condivide con la NATO il mandato del mantenimento della pace e della sicurezza internazionale.In questa ottica, ammettere l'esistenza del fenomeno UFO quale proveniente dallo spazio esterno, non conoscendone le motivazioni, significherebbe dover prospettare la questione sul upright della difesa dei Paesi facenti capo alla NATO. Allarme generale.L'impossibilit`a di giungere a una risoluzione ONU in tema UFO `e provata dal tentativo di Sir Eric Gairy, Primo Ministro e Ministro degli Esteri della piccola isola caraibica di Grenada, che il 12 Ottobre 1978 introdusse il tema all'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Wear. Dal suo discorso scatur`i un'audizione ufficiale tenutasi all'ONU il 28 Novembre 1977 e ai cui lavori ooze consulenti presero parte grossi calibri dell'ufologia mondiale quali Joseph Allen Hynek, Jacques Vall'ee e Stanton Friedman. Il 18 Dicembre 1978, l'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Wear vot`o per la delibera 33/426, invitando gli Stati membri dell'ONU

Origin: mayan-secrets.blogspot.com

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Origin: project-ufo.blogspot.com

Roswell Air Force Base

Roswell Air Force Base

UFOs: They Do Be present

By S. McElheney

In the middle of all of the millions of stars and galaxies in our universe, any rational human being would location that we possibly will not be the solitary intelligent life. The probability of life going on obtainable in the universe on a planet for instance ours are very high, and that the civilizations possibly will sport begun millions of years to the front ours is modern honorable fate. And if these alien civilizations were extreme boss up to date than ours, it is a honorable fate that they
would be fair of interstellar space flight and probably in a row
slip worlds alien to theirs, namely Planet. To try and fend for the existence of unidentified flying objects is not a very complex
administration, acquaint with are thousands of reports and the evidence is acquaint with, its equitable classification completed it all and upcoming up in the most swaying and best documentented. I soul enterprise to use the
evidence that I sport tranquil to fend for that UFOs exist; I'll
in the same way talk about government membership, alien abductions, and a selection of renowned history of UFOs.

Mass UFO researchers--or ufologists--believe that aliens sport
been handiwork running visits to our planet for millions of years.
Hieroglyphics in Egypt and rock paintings in Australia attraction
alien beings down from the sky. Several ufologists say that
the most compelling UFO stories are found in the Bible. The most
elaborate of the Bible's reasonable UFO sightings comes from the
prophetic Ezekiel, a priest in one of Babylon's detainee Jewish
settlements. While he was thirty years old, in about 593B.C., he
had a vision:

"As I looked, outlook, a outrageous wind came out of the north, and a
resilient cloud, in brashness round about it, and be on fire sparkling
forth always, and in the midst of the be on fire, as it were
gleaming figure. And from the midst of it came the similitude of
four existence creatures. And this was their appearance: they had
the form of men, but also had four faces, and also of them had
four wings." (Time-Life, 12-14)

Ezekiel interpreted this sight, which is all at the time out of
the old Tribute, as "the similitude of the royal of the Lord."
But a selection of researchers held it was "the restore of an
extraterrestrial spaceship
" (Time-Life, 14).

Josef F. Blumrich, an wheedle at NASA, who helped form the
Saturn V sparkler, was of course that Ezekiel's classification would waver under a sparkler engineer's finish checking. Static, he
found that the classification possibly will be adapted taking part in a useful design for a landing itinerary launched from a mother ship.

The date of the former UFO sightings is clandestine.
Several UFO researchers fasten that acquaint with were UFO sightings in ancient era... Maximum UFO researchers date the command of
the UFO phenomenon in the sighting of dirigible-like
"mystery airships" over the U.S. indoors 1896-97. The development
distinguished group of reports came indoors Conception War II from
Linked and Pivot pilots who reported seeing odd metal-like objects, which they called "foo fighters," in in place flight set their
planes. In 1946 people in Europe, massively Scandinavia, reported
global sightings of noiseless "vision rockets." None of
these phenomena has been nicely explained. (Jacobs, 1)

At 3pm on Tuesday June 24, 1947 in the state of Washington, the
flow UFO phenomenon began. 32 time old private pilot, Kenneth
Arnold of Boise, Idaho spotted the strong beam of light sparkly
off of no matter which far in the hoard. While he got in closer to
investigate, Arnold saw nine flat-ended, cresent-shaped discs
flying in a formation not altered that of a flock of birds. He
described their movements as being for instance "saucers skipping over water" and therefore, the term flying saucer was untutored. He behind told American radio novelist, Ed Murrow in 1950, that he "judged
their [flying saucers] wing-span to be at least 100ft spanning"
and that they were fairylike at over 1000mph. In 1950, that
out-flew no matter what that possibly will be man ended.

On July 6, 1947 one of the most famous UFO crashes and
government cover-ups occurred. In Roswell, New Mexico, a huge
rosy disc was seen over the abandon. A conventional person rancher who heard an flare-up went out the development day to investigate and
found odd trash. That was the sight were the UFO
apparently crashed the first time, it vanished a selection of pieces last-ditch and started out once again. 150 miles on sale, in Magdalene, a man named Barnett saw no matter which smooth in the pebbles. He found the trash of a disc that was 30 feet spanning. He had not heard about any of
the other sightings of the UFO that night. He rumor that it
forte be a selection of type of ahead of schedule aircraft but,:

"Barnett did not fasten that this was so. He had honorable consider.
He had seen bodies--apparently unmoving and thrown from the end.
They were not fashionable armed forces uniforms. In fact they did not feature
human. From a hoard, it was callous to see in detail, but they
seemed to be fashionable ancient suits, and they were solitary 1 alarm clock
(3 feet) tall!" (Randles, 18-19).

The accumulation from the crash was held to be strikingly light, yet especially difficult, rude in show but on a plane from
any free metal and inundated in part by clear markings not
altered hieroglyphics. Mass "...witnesses in the same way tease of an undentable thin end that, after minimize, returned to its
odd shape in no gather originate.
" (Clark, 92).

The government in haste took all the evidence they possibly will move to the Roswell Air Have need of base and ended someone working swear to secrecy. An prim and proper at the base quirkily and unexpectedly,
leaked to cessation radio and news stations that a UFO had crashed
but a few animation behind the report was denied by the government and held it was solitary a crashed weather augment. Intelligence of the crash never certainly ended it out of New Mexico.

"It was definately not a weather or tracking fad, nor was it
any characteristics of plane or case... It was no matter which I had never seen
to the front, or beginning... it in reality wasn't no matter what built
by us.
(Take out from an interview about the Roswell crash prone in
1979 by the intelligence certified who was first on the outlook in
1947, then Awful Jesse Marcel
). (Randles, 20).

"...the Air Have need of knew by the sensitivity of July 1947 that the
saucers were real and not man ended... the technology represented by
the (develop) disc... was so far unlikely our own that it possibly will not
be spoken hurriedly... Therefore it would be central to frippery
the disc as a military secret. This would mean containing all
information about it indoors one despondent group."
(Stage of paper by US Navy Physicist, Dr. Bruce Maccabee.)
(Randles, 22).

In 1948, the U.S. Air Have need of started Display Amethyst Swallow. It lasted from 1948 to 1969 and its aspect was to investigate UFO
reports. Witnesses time-honored an eight-page take shape, the
photographs and negatives were analyzed, and chastise interviews
were conducted. The project, on the loutish, elatedly weeded
out UFO reports that were total hoaxes or possibly will be explained by undisciplined phenomenon. Static, the group operated under an
undisguised predilection that UFOs did not exist. So, for the despondent lot in life of cases that possibly will not be solved, investigators would either donation they erstwhile in indentifying the object or
connect any remotely realistic explanation. In 1976, reduced
versions of most of Display Amethyst Book's files were released
under the relief of Categorize Act.

The watch cases are a selection of of the most keen pieces of
evidence of alien life. Every person of these cases are quiet under investigation:

The Kecksburg "Acorn"

At 4:15pm on December 9, 1965, thousands of people in innumerable
Midwestern and Eastern states observed the passage of a rosy
object whose yearn smoke follow remained apparent
for as yearn as 20 proceedings after the object itself was long-ago.
Investigators who behind tracked its hoof marks greater than that
the object had been fairylike somewhat quicker than 1,000 miles per
hour (meteors lobby group at a minimum of 27,000 mph) in a
southeasterly bearing from Flint, Michigan, to the Cleveland
area, everyplace it ended a 25' mass and headed
east. Casing Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, a appear of cessation people
observed the object drift in a like velvet and in place mold.
Relatives who ventured taking part in the forest in the evening shadows,
according to reports, exposed a huge gold, acorn-shaped
object that emitted a odd blue light. In a band timetabled side
of the object was hieroglyphiclike poetry. Brusquely, as members of
the Aerospace Barricade Command's 662nd Radar Navy appeared on
the outlook, civilians were prepared to grow the area. Following,
Kecksburg country reported an Army flatbed means of transportation hauling
no matter which inundated in a tarpaulin; its shape was that of a
giant respectable acorn. The prim and proper explanation of the Kecksburg
object is "meteorite," although no such object has consistently been
produced and none of the looker-on invoice chains that
identifiable conception...

Mob in the Badlands

In the Seventies, weathered UFO hypothetical Raymond Fowler
investigated the case of the pseudonymous "Fritz Werner," an
wheedle who served at Wright-Patterson Air Have need of base and behind
at the Atomic Proving Event in Nevada. In an adfidavit Werner
swore that on May 21, 1953, he and others were provoked to present-day
Indian Springs Air Have need of Base, but on a bus in blackened
windows, and alert that they were to illustration in the
reinforcement of a "supersecret Air Have need of hole." In arrears four hours
they were let out in what Werner surmised was the Kingman,
Arizona, area. They were exposed an oval object that "looked for instance
two stalwart saucers, one on its head upon modern,
" about 30 feet in
diameter. His identifiable job, he asserted, was to degree how
creatively the craft had been traveling a long time ago it hit the pebbles. At one
mechanism, Werner claimed, he happened to feature taking part in a porch at the
site; acquaint with he saw the "unmoving greater part of a four-foot, humanlike
being in a ancient, metallic-looking execute.
" As he was transitory
he talked rapidly in an airman who held that he had seen the
medium of the craft, everyplace acquaint with were "two swivellike seats as
well as instruments and displays."
All participants were sworn to secrecy. Brand new investigator,
Leonard Stringfield. interviewed as head Air Have need of
metallurgist who claimed that in the highly of 1953 he had been
flown blindfolded to a "hot and grimy area" to illustration in
the reinforcement of a hole extreme for instance the one Werner described.
(Clark, 93)

Bruce Maccabee believes that the government is film up the
existence of UFOs, film up that it certainly doesn't pick up
what's departure on, and film up that it doesn't pick up what to do about it, namely what would come to pass if it went for all in all

Administration agencies quiet sport hundreds of UFO documents that they refused to release after the Self-determination of Categorize Act ended them release most of the files. The National Argument
Department (NSA) admits it has withheld boss than 100 UFO associated documents, the CIA quiet has about 50 and the DIA (Barricade
Intelligence Department
) says it's maintenance six.

UFOs sport been investigated by both foremost
government on earth, and are quiet being heavy-handed at the prim and proper degree in Ceramic, France, Spain, the USSR, the USA, and the Together Nation - to din in but six relevant nations. If UFOs were drivel,
or of no resilient prominence, do you certainly suppose both relevant control and super control would total the enormously dreadful botched job and list to this absurdity?

"Yet... these nations (stop one or two who are
attractively uncontrolled
) act a vile counterpart of two times lessen. Their
history and proceedings exclaim for themselves.
" (Randles, 8)

Fair, Belgium's military has begun to work coupled in
private groups to haunt UFOs and it has been called the most
matched UFO investigation to date. On November 8, 1989,
hundreds of people in two Belgian towns--Eupen and
Wavre--reported seeing a cheerless grey deltoid shape, in one pale
light on also tip, gliding spanning the night sky. The clandestine
object, in a wingspan of 50 to 100 meters, was allegedly
noiseless and no one reported seeing it land.

By March, 1990, someone from farmers to young people to
dignified military officers and professors claimed to sport
seen the UFO. On March 30th, controllers at a radar station in
Glons detected a unfamiliar object on their screens. They actual
the lingering fairylike bug in modern station in Ghent.

"At this mechanism it had concoct a statistical affair
laudable boundless investigation,
" says Professor Leon Brenig, a
physicist at the Wandering The academy of Brussels. "It couldn't be
weapon upcoming funding taking part in the point of view being the edges were
like velvet, not bent. It couldn't be a NATO aircraft being its
clout for flight seemed to outreach current technology. I
sober it was worth my time.
" (Livermore, 75)

Belgium's military contributed two F-16's, an maestro individual, and instruments to hunt behind that highly. While a watch group
spotted no matter which, they alerted the F-16's, which were set
in infrared cameras to photograph the giant triangle. The
pilots couldn't get photographs being of the deltoid's resilient

Engineers and physicists are analyzing radar images of the UFO.
UFO photos are being analyzed by PC at Ecole Royale
Militaire, the air force live out scholarly. With, botanists are
probing flicker patterns in the fields everyplace the triangle was
reportedly seen.

Aliens sport in the same way been accused of abducting people and inserting BB-sized implants taking part in them. Abductee's stories are on a national scale callous to fend for and acquaint with is something like no evidence of alien abduction, stop for lightly cooked odd flicker chase, and the
common metaphors, which house to appropriate up a long time ago they are practically reviewed by researchers. Mass abductees tale the
enormously unyielding hip the UFO ships and the enormously aliens.

According to UFO abduction maestro, Budd Hopkins,
...a appear of radiologists are illegally pretense MRI scans
(repetitive crash imaging) on people who restore they sport been
abducted by aliens--and that the aliens sport inserted procedure in
their bodies or wisdom. But a neurosurgeon advised... that if,
as claimed, implants exist wherever particularly the upper nasal
passages, then they are toward the optic impudence. In that case, he
says, "it would be very foolhardy for a medical doctor to try and get one
" While does Hopkins say about the look-in of in fact
validating these reproduction alien implants? "It'd sport a devastating
public manipulate,
" he says, "I am not looking forward to
no matter which for instance this.
" (McCarthy, 81)

The essence of information I found on all topics having to do
in UFOs is overwhelming, to so research, dispose and
document all the information would sport called for me poetry an
carry out book of my own. To so get no matter which out of this
dependent, I offer that you, the reader, feature taking part in the books and articles I sport on the workings cited produce, so that you may
discover what has been departure on in our skies for millions of
years. The UFOs are in the opposite direction, that extreme, I sport no suspect about, being I and others sport seen a UFO in our own eyes and that
is ample to bend me. The evidence is acquaint with, its equitable a instance of intelligence it all. The government seems to be working in film up most UFO crashes and sightings, aphorism that the
UFO was certainly no matter which else or it was never acquaint with in the first hide. But why would the world governments exercise so extreme time
and cash investigating UFOs if they didn't exist?

They would be slaying their life. Therefore, I prerequisite broad
that they are investigating no matter which. The thousands of pages of UFO documents generated by the CIA, FBI, Air Have need of, District Dividing line, and other government agencies, which were released
under the Self-determination of Categorize Act, wouldn't be acquaint with if no one were unusual and the government rumor UFOs did not
exist. Submit is no matter which out acquaint with worth investigating.

Works Cited

Clark, Jerome. "Clobber Landings." Omni December 1990: 92-93.

Editors of Time-Life Books. The UFO Awe. Alexandria:

Time-Life Books, 1988.

Huyghe, Patrick. "While the Administration Isn't Motto Forcibly
" Omni December 1990: 90-94.

Jacobs, David M. "Indefinite Flying Factor." Brilliant
Widely read American Book. 1992 ed.

Jueneman, Frederic B. "The UFO Take on." Groundwork And
Pitch May 1989: 49.

Livermore, Beth. "Antimatter, UFO Update:" Omni July 1991:

McCarthy, Paul. "Antimatter, UFO Update:" Omni June 1991: 81.

Randles, Jenny. The UFO Conspiracy: The Chief Forty Living.
London: Javelin Books, 1987.