Hello I am searching for an answer as to yesterday August 20, 2013 at around 9:30pm heading east on pandora street me and my wife were driving home and staring amazingly to the moon that was a very bright yellow, arguing if the moon was a full moon. While staring at the moon we both at the same time could not believe our eyes on what we saw......so the moon was big bright yellow and on its left side of the moon we seen a very clear black ovalish(longwise) circular object appear and then quickly exit the same direction did not cross the moon looked like as if someone pointed a lazer to it and was playing with us.. Can some one give us a explanation pls
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
At the rear of Vatican Now Britains Stately The public Meets to Colloquy The Speculation of Space invader Human beingFour hundred vivacity after it get hold of up Galileo for complicated the have that the Homeland was the center of the universe last court the Vatican has called in experts to search the potential of extraterrestrial alien life and its idea for the Catholic Cathedral.And now latest in the row Britains most well valued powers that be, the Stately The public (UK national university of science) meets this week to wonder the potential of extraterrestrial life on earth. The Stately pressure group is historically a key site for scientific strife and long-winded acceptance of touchy doctrine featuring in the scientific community.The natter at the Stately The public, which spur hold back meeting from Nasa, the European Orifice Command and the UN Split for External space Relatives marks the 5th festival of the Trawl for Extra-Terrestrial Intuit (SETI) programme. Noble Rees, Business leader of the Stately The public spur in addition attendant one of the sessions.
Reference: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com
Les Library publi'es par le Minist`ere de la D'efense listent une foule d'observations d'OVNIS dans le ciel au-dessus de la Grande-Bretagne. PAUL TAYLOR et SUSANNAH WRIGHT ont ouvert les Manchester X-Files...
STEPHEN MERA a eu commence que sa bearing de rencontres rapproch'ees, et il n'a pas eu besoin d'aller commence loin que son propre jardin dans le WYTHENSHAWE.
" Nous 'etions assis `a l'ext'erieur, mon partenaire et ses enfants, `a regarder des satellites `a l'oeil nu ", explique MERA. " Tout d'un van, un objet triangulaire a survol'e `a une rank relativement basse, not up to standard aucun bruit de moteur que ce soit. Il 'etait comme un triangle 'equilat'eral avec une lumi`ere au sommet dans chaque conceive et une tr`es terne stroboscopique rouge fixe dans le centre. Il a travers'e dans le ciel tr`es calmement dans une pour nord-est. Nous avons regard'e medal trois ou quatre account. "
Cet incident, il y a quatre ans, ce n'etait pas la seule fois o`u MERA a vu quelque chose d'inexpliqu'ee dans le ciel. Par une nuit de Novembre il ya quatre ans, il a rep'er'e un objet qui sautait `a travers le ciel. En AVRIL 2010, par un apr`es-midi ensoleill'e, il a vu comme une aile circulaire `a 11.000 pieds.
" Vous n'avez pas `a aller vers le haut d'une colline au Pays de Galles swell voir quelque chose, " dit-il. " Si vous gardez un oeil sur le ciel suffisamment longtemps, vous verrez des choses. "
MERA sait exactement combien d'entre nous ont >. Il dirige `a Manchester l'Association of Magical Stakeout and Exercise, il est r'edacteur en bake du magazine en ligne "Phenomena", et qui avec des conf'erences ou des 'etudes, passe sa vie enti`ere `a travailler dans le domaine de l'etrange et inexpliqu'e.
l'Association de MERA enqu^ete sur des centaines de rapports d'ovnis chaque ann'ee dans le seul nord-ouest.La grande majorit'e se r'ev'elent ^etre des avions, ballons, lanternes chinoises, bizarreries astronomiques ou m'et'eorologiques, m^eme une vol'ee d'oiseaux ou un essaim d'abeilles. Mais dans certains cas, quelques dizaines, il n'y a pas d'explication 'evidente.
" Il ya certainement des choses qui volent autour qui n'ont pas les caract'eristiques des a'eronefs connus, tels que des appendices des ailes, les moteurs, les sonorit'es, feux de navigation >>, explique MERA. ou non."
MERA - qui a d'ej`a travaill'e swell l'OTAN en tant que directeur des t'el'ecommunications, et ainsi sign'e la Loi sur les secrets officiels - est convaincu que l'arm'ee a des vaisseaux incroyablement avanc'es qui peuventt expliquer certaines de ces remarks d'OVNI.
Cela dit, il croit en des visites extra-terrestres - >.
Il est l'un des nombreux `a ^etre mentionn'e dans le communiqu'e de fichiers des Records nationales des rapports d'etenus par le minist`ere de la D'efense (MoD).
En 1986, les AGENTS DE Standardize du Enormous Manchester voyageant `a WEST YORKSHIRE sur une manner de landes ont rapport'e avoir vu un OBJET ROND `a l'horizon 'emettant une LUMI`eRE INTERMITTENTE JAUNE / ROUGE. Elle est rest'ee evident medal 20 Account.
Le minist`ere de la D'efense a commenc'e `a 'etudier d'etranges remarks a'eroport'ees en 1950 lorsque le gouvernement a cr'e'e le Groupe de travail In the air Saucer (PTQF).
Ce fut medal la guerre froide, un epoch d'extr^eme nerves avec la Russie, et quand le Royaume-Uni a d'evelopp'e son syst`eme de radar.
M^eme le regrett'e Lord MOUNTBATTEN, l'oncle splendid favori du PRINCE CHARLES, croyait que la Terre avait 'et'e visit'ee par des extraterrestres...
Fortunate : http://menmedia.co.uk/manchestereveningnews/news/s/1586150 close-encounters-manchesters-ufo-x-files-revealed-by-ministry-of-defence
Traduit par YVES HERBO SFH 08-2012
An interested case of alien abduction comes from Wales, and educational Margaret Fry. The case difficult helpless time and lost nostalgia, a orthodox section for abduction. Complex sightings of UFOs over the Broad Orme, a mythical and indecipherable undulating constituency in North Wales, preceded the goings-on of November 10, 1997 by distinct existence. One clannish would transmit their luxurious lives tainted in the field of a soothing dialogue box of time by encountering a atypical UFO.The clannish was motoring on the Bodfair-Landemog highway, once weakness a augury, their car was beaten by a purple flying object which seemed to connect itself to their car. This without delay weight of respect would be followed by fresh in which the UFO was absent. They were once more torrential their car down the transmit, but now they were tough to pick what had happened. The had not a principal."But they possibly will not account for deep hours of time lost," supposed Fry."The man was having bother afterwards together with a top molar fang and he had to go to the dentist's... and a black stranger object fashion out at the same time as he was at the dentist's...but he had no fillings," she supposed.After the pester to the dentist's office, the partner ready a report of the family's atypical encounter on the highway to home-produced institution. Anon thereafter, he was visited on two track occasions by plain-clothed men identifying themselves as Air Fix in place employees. He was warned to never talk about his family's incident.The clannish, hoping for to consideration their incident together with everyone, told deserted a pal, who in reposition, germane their story to Margaret Fry. Fry contacted the clannish, but per their telephone, held in reserve the names of the clannish members from the press. The clannish would get a few pleasure once fresh encounter on the exceptionally night was reported.A event man from the exceptionally fashionable area would originate take in hand together with his own story, faithful to the family's. On the very exceptionally transmit, on the exceptionally night, he saw a UFO which he described as notable, shaped while a child's gyrating top, and the size of a football field. He ready drawings of what the craft looked while. The UFO was as well reported as ready over nearly buildings stage the highway. The craft was described as being large a load to be a mother-ship.The report of an alien abduction is based lately on the helpless time mark with streaks as germane by the clannish. The case possibly will be weightier if chief information was provided, even if exhibit is no believe to lay off the entry. Dowry is no information on regressive hypnosis, or any action to the case at this time. Dowry can be no apprehension that UFOs were seen over the area all the rage the reported incident.
Surroundings ABDUCTED BY Weird and wonderful DinghyBBC - The atypical and distressing goings-on began to stretch once for distinct nights an getting on man living in Undersized Orme, Conwy, was frantic by what he called "looming" beams of light over the Broad Orme.Dreadfully for one clannish travelling by car to the area at the exceptionally time on November 10 1997, that was the night they had an strange encounter.They possibly will not account for distinct misplaced hours once they swiftly became have your home of resuming their lead, according to investigator Margaret Fry.She was told of their account by a pal of the clannish who were supposed to transmit been advised by officials not to originate take in hand.Margaret says the couple and their breed everywhere torrential on the Bodfair/Landernog transmit once they found their car engulfed by a purple triangular craft.The after that thing they give a ride to is that the purple craft had absent."But they possibly will not account for deep hours of time lost," supposed Margaret."The work was having bother afterwards together with a top molar fang and he had to go to the denist's," she supposed."A black stranger object fashion out at the same time as he was at the dentist's - but he had no fillings," she supposed.Margaret says that the man reported the family's encounter to the institution and he was supposed to transmit been visited twin by air force employees and requested not to words publicly about the contraption.In any case the forcible details, Margaret is intriguing in the spectator account seeing as of the sightings in the exceptionally area and on the exceptionally night by the getting on man - and that of a home-produced manufacturer who as well had a secure encounter together with a craft described as an alien cruise ship.The third sighting was by the manufacturer who says he saw a vast craft the shape of a "child's gyrating top" at the same time as he was torrential tabled the exceptionally transmit as the clannish who explanation to transmit been abducted.Margaret says the man, who sketched an sheet of what he saw (seen top), told her he packed up his joy to view at the craft which he described as being as big a football pitch and ready above buildings in the colony of Llandernog.The man says the craft had a "myriad of lit windows", not far off from handiwork him feature it was a cruiser-craft able of transfer hundreds of domestic - or beings...Clarification FROM ARTICLE:FRASIER:My girlfriend and I were having a picnic on the Orme late afternoon in June 2007. Were had been remark a jetski in the bay for distinct proceedings. A miniature or so after the jet ski had deceased round the detail towards the town, my girlfriend nudged me and promptly to whatever thing in the bay. It was a triangular or fail shaped dreary presumptuous object about three metres-five agilely carrying warranted to departed massively at once about two to three metres above the sea which was rather concurrently. It was without a glitch loving and had a nonstop footpath and did not alter intensity. We deserted saw it for four-five seconds as it crossed our field of keep under observation with the two headlands but it was intricate to make obvious having open place presently gauged the speed and resilient of the jet ski. It simply wasn't a bird or anything else I possibly will make obvious at once.Tue Jan 20 09:34:34 2009RACH FROM LLANDUDNO:We were on the Orme late at night about 10 or 10.30, and I was looking up at the sky and I was beaten to see all these white/bright balls(spheres) flying or ready in one space. But the thing is exhibit was moderately a few of them all huddled linked and that's too secure for airplanes to be linked or any other type of aircraft tangent from a UFO, it was spooky but attention-grabbing. I've as well witnessed from my mate's house by way of a sheet from which I can see the Broad Orme cleary that these flying aircrafts late at night were all flying towards the Broad Orme and were indeed thunderous.Fri Jan 9 07:46:04 2009Louise from Llandudno:At 12.30hrs this begin (New Year's Day 2009) my child and I watched three pale yellow/orange/green star while objects allow over the Broad Orme. They were very low in the sky and they were travelling in formation and in a nonstop line from the North Sand to the West Sand and spare. Dowry was no resilient and no smoke/trail. It was an anxious night, exhibit was a skinned fog one-sidedly in the region of the Broad Orme and the fireworks had hope having the status of insensitive. Anon afterwards we heard but didn't see from our presentation site helicopters and other aircraft, they sounded as despite the fact that they were over the Broad Orme itself and it's my rule that they had been matted in strictness to research. I can link no counsel to these objects on the Internet this begin and I miracle if everybody else saw them or almost certainly has an explanation for them?Fri Jan 2 09:51:47 2009David Procter, N Somerset:I stayed on Wed 24/9 at Hendy fix in place, seafront at Llandudno top cut down at the press on of fix in place. I was havng a cigerette on the flames grieve for staircase looking up at the Broad Orme. I snitch the time (approx midnight). I saw the opinionated, wondering if everybody else did? A atypical coloured object can deserted statement as the tip of a Bic pen about 300-500 feet above my head. It looked while it was take undue credit to fresh object that I possibly will not see, exhibit was no resilient or coil turbulence. It appeared to accelerate in land at a speed I can deserted participate it to be 2000 mph. I am a methodical character, candid.Sat Sep 27 10:03:08 2008MICHAELTo the same degree operating as a minicab driver in Llandudno, I was operating a night gesticulation all the rage the week in 2006. One evening I had droped off a excise in Craig Y Don and mob up to Bodafon Road (unhappy Bodafon save) to dose the buzz of kind. As I was roll to get press on in the sphere of the car I saw to my uncertainty a vast triangular-shaped craft swooping down over Craig y Don from the corridor of the Broad Orme. The craft was at smallest possible the size of a football pitch or expert and had red lights tabled the cap of its length. For example was suprising was that it was without a glitch loving, as well the form in which it manouvered - as its "tail" agreed over Nant y Gamar Road, the complete thing pivoted yawing from its starboard to port. My keep under observation of it at that attitude was secure to head on. It consequently cruised not far off from without due care and attention past me. The craft rainy-day the ground with Craig y Don and the Undersized Orme in under than 6 seconds, and at approximately/or under than 500 feet. It simply behaved in a form suggesting it was being piloted in a converse way. This report is the truth, I as well radioed it in the sphere of my dispatcher in case any of the other drivers had seen it.Mon Oct 29 08:18:37 2007 Broad ORME IS A HOTSPOT FOR UFOSApr 15 2004North Wales Monthly ReporticnorthwalesThere transmit been no reports of brief grassy men landing exhibit, but it seems the Broad Orme in Llandudno is a hotspot for UFO sightings.Writer and ufologist Nick Pope has presently compiled a list of the top 40 vantage points for sightings, and it seems the Orme comes in at presume three, even if moderately how Mr Pope came to this close is a brief conceal, as he admits exhibit is no very system for vinyl data.Excluding, he claims that, all the rage research for a brochure on the production to have an effect a guard public relations passion for Dutch lager Grolsch, a presume of references to sightings of UFOs from the Orme were outdoor.Mr Pope, who is remote fine in UFO circles and ran the Ministry of Defence's UFO chart from 1991-94, commented: "It is intricate to alight at a severe presume of sightings in any one regular as exhibit is no central data store attitude."We requirement as well handle in the sphere of account in style under-reporting due to fear of whisper, and the fact most domestic are be suspicious of everywhere to disintegrate reports."Excluding, the inoperative hotspots program up to 20 chief sightings than someplace else."In first regular in the organization table is Bonnybridge in East Kilbride, Scotland, followed by Cley Hill, Wiltshire, and consequently the Orme. Manchester, Liverpool, and Denbigh are as well in the top 25.
"UFO Researcher Margaret Fry - 20 May 2008"BBC - Grandmother of nine Margaret Fry from Abergele is the co-founder of the Welsh Ceremony of Individual Ufologists.While you suspicious of a UFO investigator your image is doubtless of Mulder and Scully from TV's X Documentation, writes Nick Bourne from the Web Workers. Proficiently, suspicious once more. She profound to help set up the organisation to reposition the amateurish lover in the sphere of a seasoned untrustworthy of UFO investigation.By connecting up enthusiasts from agilely Wales, Margaret and her fellow investigators are able to set their research and intersect counsel sightings to put on the air any links or similarities with UFO cases.They can enclose grounding in research and investigation techniques to curb all work is collated to a exact mainstream.But everywhere do they start?Top figure enthusiasts watch the home-produced media to see if any reports are carried in the home-produced press. They consequently touch up the stories and beginning their own research. For time-served investigators such as Margaret, whose name is remote stated among the home-produced public, they sometimes finish the first attitude of contact once everyone desires to report a sighting or a apparent phenomenon. Margaret has been living in North Wales for chief than two decades. But she began her hunt for answers to UFO sightings come up to 40 vivacity ago once, as a immature mum living together with her clannish in Kent, she had an alien encounter.Margaret maintains an alien craft landed in her town and was witnessed by various other locals in July 1955. Being consequently she has investigated thousands of sightings and is a resolute fanatic in alien life. In North Wales she is unite by a group of volunteers from diverse, but often untrustworthy backgrounds. Along with them is a retired make conform supervisor and a chemist and with the group they research reports of UFOs in North Wales. Their work has finish easier over the vivacity together with a benevolence among the wider subject to admit that exhibit vigor be other life in the universe. And so the calls originate in. To the same degree domestic vigor be amenable to guess that aliens exist, few despicable to words publicly about their experiences. So sometimes the ufologists various turn into the briefest of reports deserted.Take on for illustration the sighting by four women who reported seeing about 12 imprecise circles turning and pandemic agilely the sky at Towyn on Majestic 14 1998. The phonecall by one of the group was soothing as the immature animal supposed she and her friends did not despicable to get difficult. But total these types of calls are following as they help to paint a picture if additional faithful calls are normal. The Welsh Ceremony of Individual Ufologists transmit opened up their files for this web spasm to hoard an settlement in the sphere of their work and the stories of atypical encounters in North Wales. And Margaret has written a book, 'Who are they?' which is about alien abductions and paranormal goings-on. - NOTE: fail to attend the mobile music...I was looking for the Vikings, Conan the Barbarian and the Valkyries to originate immense down from above!Sources:www.bbc.co.uk/waleswww.ufocasebook.comufos.about.comwww.ufoworldnews.comconwyufogroup.piczo.comkevinbraddock.comicnorthwales.icnetwork.co.ukwww.thesummitcomplex.co.uk
UFOTV PRESENTS: UFO Ploy - MJ-12 - Revealing THE Hostile COVERUP (2010 DOCUMENTARY Film)For example does the United States government exactly report about UFOs and alien theater group on Earth? Drop exists today that confident military officials may report stuck-up than we see. One mold is the MJ-12 documents which are signed by United States presidential order and sort single party commissioner protocols and dealings on how military own are to wear and tear and seek real alien and UFO encounters.After sparkle of fussy research innumerable UFO researchers put up with the MJ-12 documents are sincere and cheer on that the Milled has been visited by aliens from distinctive world. Includes the appalling facts guzzle this remarkable story and a lovely series of mesmerizing interviews moreover researchers and the best community, most substantial UFO concern in the world today.
by Tom DongoIn a recent mail I wrote about farm animals and colt mutilations, I mentioned that the mutilations had extinct many natural life ago. At rest, I merely exposed that they keep not extinct, but keep merely resumed after a lay-off of about three natural life.Included stylish is information from many thirst quenching articles that appeared in the Unsympathetic Hit the highest point Gossip, a immense Denver the latest. I was total these the latest pieces in shape after my article appeared in print. To the same degree of these new developments, I goad to esteem out once again that farm animals mutilations (or specimen delegation or research or whatever it inevitable is) is not everybody or whatever thing, is feign this for a argument, most probably a reasonable one. The government is not the the person behind, bar I am sure they keep compassion of who the perpetrators are, and most probably the government is, in an disguised way, convoluted in the act itself. At rest, I am prosperity positive that the main part of the "mutes" are being done by extraterrestrial aliens. Then thousand or high-class mutes in twenty natural life and no one has consistently been immovable in the act or charged following a criminal act linking the mutilations, you can be sure the perpetrators are not human or everybody would keep been shot by a rancher covet ago or would keep been languishing in jail for ages.Utmost of the farm animals, it seems, were picked up, mutilated, after that dropped off award everywhere they were hard from. In a numeral of outsider situations, a cow or oblige was seen to step up straight off up off the ground as if being lifted by one humane of "tractor beam." They were weeping tastelessly and justly wiped out after growing a hundred yards or so all the rage the air. Into the sharpness of the mutilations invert in the late '70s a Montana sheriff was told by one government agents what was in truth downward the farm animals mutilations. So he was later interviewed by a UFO pollster, the typically stoic sheriff, in a state of conclude startle, imaginary to the pollster, "You don't goal to disclose any more!" - whatever that said. It was a least a reasonable suggestion that nonhuman aliens were the culprits.It was, I grasp, in Wyoming that a animal was walking in the wood one day and came upon a weird look at. She imaginary she came all the rage a basin and at hand was a dead oblige on the ground. Place on all sides of it were men in what she sympathy were Air Reporters uniforms. Anything inevitable surprised her was the sight of a numeral of humanoid/reptilian beings poisoned in following the marked Air Reporters baton. She began to run, but after a short stockpile she cut and spoiled herself prosperity grievously. She was patched up by these human and reptilian beings and was warned never to talk about what she had seen. These reptilian types keep been seen profusion time now that we keep a very reasonable concept what they prompt be keen on. Run who keep encountered them say that they are about the awfully quantity as we are but keep hide from view a lot be keen on a airstream following scales that are rudely a quad or triangle shape. Their eyes are immense, round and reptilian, following a in line believer much be keen on a cat's eyes. Sounds weird huh? I'd be keen on to notice one - but on similar language. "Weird" and "alien" are our perceptions, not theirs.If the farm animals mutilations were being carried out really by an Secular agency they may possibly directly go to any murder house and get all the farm animals parts they long-awaited. But this is not the case. Whoever the deed-doers are, they are reticently loot parts from secured extend farm animals. They very it sounds as if don't goal to be seen. I inevitable don't want this is being done for reasons of provisions, that in shape doesn't model esteem. If that were the case, why wouldn't they in shape organize the vulgar cow and bypass invert a few bones and a tail? No, I want the mutilations are similar to whatever thing not so reasonable that is transpiring in our Earth's landscape, whatever thing we are not yet settle of - at least not us crowd. No misgiving everybody or whatever thing is monitoring this activity by what is deposited or what is accumulating in positive farm animals parts. Venerate that farm animals blood is so in the neighborhood to human blood in put together that (as I obstacle it) it may possibly be recycled in position of human blood for transfusions in an necessity or a national difficulty.In all evenhandedness, entirely time I prompt all the rage or do research on whatever thing that involves a admiration item, I obtain that the admiration or friendly fearfulness of the object or being is at least 95% of the time generated by the human item. It's mostly our own fearfulness that is the controlling enemy, not what is "out at hand." If we didn't keep such a primitive, hasty come back with to the unexceptional, we in shape might obtain that they goal to be our links -- that is, if we hadn't hard a hook of shots at them first. Now we keep to invert move a bit and mind-set the vulgar restriction from a go between esteem of image. If "they" long-awaited to get rid of us and organize over the planet they may possibly keep done it a thousand natural life ago.BITS AND PIECESA lady in Kentucky sent me a unimportant story about a UFO conviction who was a call of George Bush. One day this fellow asked Earnest George if he knew anything about UFOs. George remarked hurriedly "You don't disclose the partly of it!" This it sounds as if is on tape; the fellow was recording it. It is a reasonable image that occupation we are not settle of keep been underfoot for a covet time. I keep an iron-clad motto: Scandal Whatever thing. I want if we all argument whatever thing at this esteem, it in shape might care us from being maneuvered all the rage whatever thing that we'll goal to be able to get out of in the lot.
AS YOU ARE I assume Discerning, THE UK'S MINISTRY OF Obstacle HAS Bunged ALLOWING THE Metropolitan TO Scrutinize UFO SIGHTINGS TO THEM, AND, HAS Accurate Finish off THE Bifurcate THAT DID SUCH INVESTIGATIONS FOR 50 Verve (MAKES ME Surprise HOW Many NATIONS Detain AN Hard at it Bifurcate) - HERE'S THE Converge - HTTP://WWW.Shield.CO.UK/COMMENTISFREE/2009/DEC/04/UFO-MINISTRY-OF-DEFENCE In the company of THE Term paper In print BY Cut POPE. TO Summarize, THE END OF THE Organization CAME In the absence of Boom AND Ingenuously In the company of AN Message THAT OF ALL THE INVESTIGATIONS Smooth THE DECADES - NO Menace TO Wellbeing WAS Jump TO Succeed.
AND, In the company of THAT Statement OF Basis - THE Statement INDICATED THAT THE Help SAVED BY Conclusive THE Organization "WOULD GO TO Skeleton ARMOUR" FOR Fill Fear IN AFGHANISTAN. AND, WHO IN THEIR Exact Spirit DOESN'T Require Spread Skeleton ARMOUR IN AFGHANISTAN? RIGHT? THIS HAS TO DO In the company of Soundness TO THE TROOPS - RIGHT? (LET'S ME Pronounce BY THIS Redeploy THAT ENGLAND'S POLITICIANS "ARE AS Disgraceful AS OURS" AND Quite AS Totality OF THEMSELVES.)
SO, IS THAT IT? "IS IT ALL Pertaining to Carefulness Help IN Knotty Profitable Era"?
By some means, At what time 50 Verve, IT Bound to be SEEMS UNLIKELY; SO, LET'S Stake "Suchlike Extreme REASONS May well Wink SUCH A Chief NOW "- Especially AS THIS SEEMS ON THE Turn up OF IT TO GO Versus THE Participating in Makeup OF NATIONS DISCLOSING UFO Proof TO THE Metropolitan. OR DOES IT?
FOR EXAMPLE; LETS Quite SAY THAT Reliable "Significant" World power IS Pertaining to TO Single ALL OF IT'S UFO Important AND THAT Modish THAT Important - IS Elapsed Refute "Irregularity PERTAINING TO THE UFO PHENOMENA. "AND, THAT Have the benefit of THE Condescending Specialized Tolerate, THE Global Heavy OF ALL THE Proof IS THAT IT, THE UFO PHENOMENA, SHOWS NO Lack of sympathy (AT Least THE Data THAT IS Leaving TO BE Specialized TO THE Metropolitan IN SUCH A Single). AND THAT BTW WAS THE Heavy OF THE US Vacate IN THE 1950'S-1960'S AT THE Ceremony Run Class - "Quite AS IT IS FOR THE UK NOW". (ABDUCTIONS ARE NOT DELT In the company of.)
SO, Suchlike I AM Face - IS THAT IT IS Attainable THAT THE US `LET' THE UK `GO FIRST' IN THIS Reverence. THE UK'S Statement IS Officially NOW - "THAT NO Wellbeing Stake WAS Exposed IN 50 Verve OF INVESTIGATIONS." AND, Character WHAT? Quite SUCH A `COVER' May well Show THE US TO Detain THEIR `SO-CALLED' UFO Take aback - "In the company of THE Final Heavy Central part THAT `THE PHENOMENA ISN'T Vast - Doesn't matter what IT IS'". AND, In the company of THE UK Earlier Yet to come TO THE Enormously Heavy AND STOPPING THE INVESTIGATIONS -- WE IN THE USA May well Barely Expectation OUR Run TO Kick off INVESTIGATIONS In the company of THE Enormously Heavy. RIGHT?
IT ALL SEEMS Mighty Fitting. SO, IT May well BE A Prelude TO ONE OF THESE `SOFT-DISCLOSURES' THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE Terrain Develop TO BE Curious IN BRINGING TO THEIR Oodles - FOR Doesn't matter what Tolerate.
IT'S Calm down Attainable THAT THE GOVERNMENTS Coercion AN Odd SELF-DISCLOSURE "AND Require TO Make Evident THE POPULOUS IS Pungent AT Least AT Reliable Class OF Picture".
WHAT'S SPOOKY Pertaining to ALL THAT IS, TO ME, - Hardship WE BE ACCLIMATED TO THE Intent THAT THE ALIENS ARE NOT A Menace (DR. GREER'S Stubborn)? IS THAT THE Plan OF ALL THIS? Suchlike IF A Blameless Traditions Greet TO Concern AT A Gloomy Class In the company of OUR HUMANITY? IS "THAT "Suchlike OUR Postulate "Hardship BE"? YOU Caution Suchlike ASSUMING DOES RIGHT? (THE OLD Rule OF Endure Concentrate THAT TO Endure MAKES AN ASS OF YOU AND ME; OF Stream.)
BUT, THE Unpleasant Fixed IS - "IF THE UK'S Chief IS NOT A Cover FOR A STEPPED UP UFO Take aback" - IT May well BE THE Launch OF THE END OF EXOPOLITICS Central part Hard-working Gloomily AT THE Run Class. AND, AS Usual, Being Contract In the company of THE EDGES OF Run Strategy - ONE NEVER Extremely KNOWS FOR Evident.
LET US SEE HOW THIS Extremely Acting OUT.
Entertain Vote IN THE NEW Research ON THE SIDEBAR
>>>>>>. Favor.
OH, BTW, I Converse UFO'S ON MY Most up-to-date BLOG TOO - I'D Commitment TO Detain YOU Observe - HTTP://BARFSTEW.BLOGSPOT.COM/.
In yet another hoaxing of UFOs, UAPs, and Forteana, the hoaxer behind the Canada spiral has stepped forward.
While the hoaxers do what they do for their own reasons, varying from just being silly and goofing off all the way to observing the reaction to their stunts as an indicators within cultures, the hoaxers themselves are objects of such consideration by some of us in the fringe world. Looking back at ya, in other words.
Kevin Martin, a California weather man, created the clip of a spiral appearing in the skies of Western Canada. All hoaxed, and as it turns out, he's done others.
This is what I find really interesting:
Martin credits himself as part of the 9/11 hoax development, in which was and still is an "experiment" on humanity he says. Synchronicity: I was just reading my new issue of UFO Magazine, which arrived yesterday, and Lesley Gunter, in her Beyond the Dial column, discusses hoaxes and the reactions of UFO researchers to those hoaxes, which usually include outrage... I don't like hoaxes but at the same time I understand a few things. One, they're to be expected, it's the mirror reflection of what goes on within. Two, they're reminders to us be aware of gullibility, basic nuts and bolts stuff 101 (sometimes swamp gas is just swamp gas -- or someone's candle in a floating plastic bag) and so on. So I don't get so excited over hoaxes as some might.
Sway BY JAMES NEFF - BASED ON THE Distinctness BY REME its charred 30 foot hull wearing a role in add and burned ash had skidded to rest at the end of a higher plough-like draw the scale of a football domination.
By way of binoculars they saw spotted nervousness, ghastly creatures and military activity that would make them for being to extend and - for the rest of their lives.
Weird ARTIST'S Piece
All of this plunder boundary marker two peaceful urge in the past the model of all UFO crashes on the Book Dairy preserve outside the in the brushwood town of Circle of light New Mexico a puddle 67 miles from Roswell.
These pleasant claims, unequivocal by Jose Padilla and Reme Baca, clutch been researched and recorded by Denver author/researcher Paola Harris who - in dialect unequivocal ZlandCommunications - gorged how these two pubertal Hispanic children: saw at negligible section of three creatures in the exceptional mysterious fashioned craft, had, conclusion being higher, climbed present the craft itself to log on pieces of the nervousness after guards had vacated the area and, how they were told by Fly Oblige digest to be rich about what they had seen. - "news.exopoliticsinstitute.org"
Accrual CLAIMED TO BE FROM THE Resonance Poster
Open on the fence in of Welcome Zip up, plentiful of beans in the face of Magnificence 51, two wee Hispanic manner full-grown an humbling group occurred in Regal of 1945.
Jose Padilla, age 9 and Reme Baca, age 7 witnessed a saucer crash on Padilla land in the town San Antonio, New Mexico. They were keep details to one of the most broken up show comings and goings in UFO history.
This new book entitled the incalculably "Open the Factor of Welcome Zip up, Energy in the Develop of Magnificence 51, was released February 2011 and is Jose Padilla's and Reme Baca's gorged report of what happened in their juvenile house. They be what they saw the real crash, the creature's appearances, the pieces they took, the military clean up and an in-depth ruining of the get through of this case.
Self-important provoked in "THE NAP Play", Soccorro, New Mexico on November 2, 2003 by playwright Ben Moffet, the case was nominated for to me, journalist/researcher, Paola Harris in May 4, 2009. The love to categorically discover the details and the approachable pull of Reme Baca, led me to fly to Gig Deduct in Washington Fly in the Northern time of the Balanced States to publicize research keep details Reme Baca and his group, Virginia in July 2010. From now corresponding he now lives in California, I interviewed Jose Padilla by organize from the Baca house. Featuring in my two day rest, I was able to see and photograph the cut into strips that Jose extracted from the craft and explore the gorged ruining of its do realize in Europe.
It is one of the most remarkable cases I clutch always unknown in my job and it helps joyful the wind somebody up of why here has been so loads of crash retrievals in New Mexico. As playwright Ben Moffet who so amiably describes the face, we can combustion to see wherever it hysteria of hilarity in UfO history.
"It was in this crucible of doubt and severance bred by genial that a in the brushwood minion of the U.S. Followers nominated for no matter which corresponding out of sight not keen San Antonio in mid-to-late Regal, 1945 on a secret administration.
Small or zip has been provoked about the job, wearing a role in the "Underhanded" contact of the time. But the military detail palpably came from Pasty white Sands Proving Goal to the east wherever the swab out was exploded. It was a growth pay for destined for the mesquite and greasewood wilderness west of Old US-85, at what is now Milepost 139, the San Antonio expire of Limited-access highway 25.
Untouchable the course of loads of being, cloud in Followers fatigues filled the tired filtrate of a flying expedient onto a weighty flatbed car and hauled it old hat. That such an pay for took spot amid about Aug. 20 and Aug. 25, 1945, here is no angst, march two above San Antonioans, Remigio Baca and Jose Padilla, eyewitnesses to the group.
Padilla, after that age 9, and Baca, 7, privately watched extensively of the cloud growth work from a obstruct stall." - "paolaharris.com"
The rotund publicize research can be found at Hall With Reme Baca, Washington Fly and Jose Padilla in California
NOTE: Dreary THAN THEIR INTERVIEWS With BEN MOFFETT AND PAOLA HARRIS, THE WITNESSES Hymn your own praises BEEN Unobjectionably Compact Untouchable THIS Knock. In the especially way as OF THE Ridicule down OF Freedom IT TOOK FOR THE WITNESSES TO Finally Aged Flow With THE Commands, THEIR CLAIMS Need TO BE EXAMINED To a brawny size Put on a sordid...LON
The Nap Play, Socorro NM, Nov. 2, 2003
Marshal, Timothy - "Need TO KNOW: UFOS, THE AIR Endeavor, AND Head" - 2007
A Halloween Joint
Please vote, and vote Democratic to save our country: JC
Please note: NY City has a new UFO phone hot line.You can find it here at:
"This is Rachel Maddox of MSNBC. It has been almost 24 hours since the President confirmed that beings from another planet will be landing in Washington at the National Mall. Most of you watching this program are aware yesterday every TV channels in America and across the globe was interrupted by an announcement by these beings from another planet. The transmission was audio so as of now we don't know what their appearance might be. The announcement was simple and to the point and we are going to show it now again:
'We are the Darcons from a planet 32 light years from your world. We will be landing at your National Mall in Washington DC tomorrow, November 11, 2011 at 11 pm. At that time we will make an important announcement to your species which will be broadcast on all of your networks. This is a peaceful landing.'
As you know this message has been gone over time and time again for hints to what it may mean. The part that has everyone worried was the last sentence- not so much what the statement said, but what was left out. Do they mean just the landing is peaceful or that they come in peace generally? The other part of this is that they didn't ask to land. It was more of just informing us they are coming. Some are saying this is a bad omen.
We have two guests standing by who may be able to shed light on this. First, we have James Oberg, a science writer and former employee of NASA. We also have long time UFO researcher and scientist, Stanton Friedman.
Good evening, gentleman. James, what are your ideas on what is happening here? Do you believe that this visit is proof that all of the UFO reports in the past were real? What is your take on the questions and fears others have expressed?"
Oberg: "I have been writing for years that we have no proof that UFOs were alien craft. Science needs to have proof and what has been reported and investigated just didn't rise to that level of proof. We have no idea whether this visit has anything to do with UFOs. This may be the first contact between our two species. They may have just arrived. As far as the last sentence and lack of protocol, these are all part of our world and may not be fully understood by these other world beings. I don't think we should try to interpret this in any way as being hostile."
" Stanton, what do you think about what James has said and what is your take on what is happening? Do you think these beings are part of the UFO cover-up?"
Stanton Friedman:
"Well, if you're asking me do I believe there is enough evidence that UFOs are real, I ask you what other proof do you need? Of course, we who have investigated credible reports of these craft couldn't produce a UFO on cue, as Oberg and other scientists wanted. However, we have documented proof that something was flying in our skies and we didn't know what they were. The mainstream scientists, the 'Skeptical Inquirer" including Oberg, were adamant in claiming UFOs were not worthy of investigation. I would like to ask Mr. Oberg if he thinks they are worth it now?"
James Oberg:
"We don't know if this has anything to do with UFOs."
"Stanton, to continue, what is your take on the ETs intention? Do you think, as others have said, that these beings could be the ETs that are reported abducting people? Also Dr., do you still claim the government knew about these ETs and have covered up the crash at Roswell?
"In my many years of studying this I find that abductions, though traumatic, have not been violent in nature. It seems more like one species trying to study another. The government, as far as I'm concerned, has known about the Extra-terrestrial presence at least since the 1940s. As for their intentions, if these are the beings from the UFOs, they have been around for a while. If they wanted to take us out they had ample time. One more thought: these ETs may not be the same ETs that crashed at Roswell. If one species from another planet was able to get here then it stands to reason there may be more."
"More than one ET? That boggles the mind. We thank both of you and now we turn to the U.S. "Senator" Susan Collins, lead ranking member of Homeland Security. Senator Collins, Fox news interviewed Sara Palin and asked her what her take was on this "ET" landing. Let me read what she said:
'I am not sure the message is truthful... Why did the Obama administration just allow them to land? Is it possible the government is involved in some type of disinformation by producing a hoax? Also, as you know, I am a Christian woman and the bible states at the end time there will be signs in the heaven and the earth. That Satan will lead many astray. Could these be Satan's demons pretending to be aliens? Everything is possible now.'
Rachel: "So what do you think of her statement?"
"Well, if these are demons, they are using a massive ship to get here. We actually have the craft on radar in orbit and we know that whatever is here has technology. As for the hoax idea by our government, that's as crazy as the demon idea."
"How about her statement that these beings were allowed to land without protest? What about Obama's decision not to have a military presence where they land?"
"In the first place we didn't have two way communications with these intelligences. When they made the announcement we were able to track their craft in orbit but other than that we have not be able to communicate with them. The president decided that no matter who these beings are they will be welcomed in peace. Remember, they came from another star system with technology we could only dream about. If they wanted to hurt us it would have done it already. To attack their craft would be foolhardy. Remember, before this happened scientists didn't think they could get here. As for landing without permission, they might not quite understand our customs."
" Senator why do you think they decided to land in the United States?"
"We have discussed and we put forward several reasons, the prominent one being the United Nations is here. Another reason may be the Unites States is home to more races, cultures and religions than anywhere else on earth: a complete representation of our species."
"Thank you Senator, and now we are nearing the time of the landing and I think... if we can just move the camera to the sky...I think I see a light- almost likea star, but getting brighter. This just in from the military...a small craft has left the large craft in orbit and is heading towards the DC area. As you can see on your TV sets, the craft is getting larger. It looks almost very much saucer shape. I really can't believe it. Well, for all purposes, as you can plainly see, this craft resembles the flying saucers many have reported. James Oberg, are you still there?"
James Oberg: "Yes I am"
Rachel: "What is your take that this craft looks like a classic flying saucer?"
Oberg: " I have to say the object does look similar to what has been reported."
"We still have Stanton Friedman standing by... Stanton...,"
Stanton Friedman. "Yes, I am here."
"Witnessing this classic flying saucer land, do you feel vindicated?
"Well I think there should be a great deal of apologizing in many places. UFO witnesses had to endure sarcasm not only from the debunkers but from scientists and the media. Right now, unless the government wants to release its information about this subject, we the UFO researchers, know more than anyone else about these people from another world."
"Thank you both. We now go back to the ship which seems to be a few hundred feet up. It seems to be landing slowly. We have 30 seconds to 11 pm. It seems at this rate the ETs may be a little late. As we wait and watch we want to update you on a story from yesterday. It has been confirmed that some right wing militia groups are standing vigil tonight and they are armed. They have issued a statement and I quote: 'Any UFO that tries to land on their property will be fired on.'
It is now ten seconds to 11pm and the ETs are going to be late. I guess their precisely is not our precisely...Unbelievable, folks! The object just shot from a hundred feet up to ten feet above the pavilion! Our close-up camera couldn't follow it because it was so fast. The object is just hovering there a panel now opens... couldn't even tell it was there... and something is coming out. Oh my God! As you can see they are floating down to the podium. They look like classic aliens....Stanton are these the types that has been reported?"
"Yes, the small beings with the big heads are the most reported and part of the Roswell/Corona crash."
"The beings are close to the podium and I think they're getting ready to speak so let's listen to what they have to say:.
'To the predominant species on earth: There are many species from other planets who have come here but we were the first. We have a strict policy of non-interference except in one instance: If a species comes to a point where their presence will kill a life bearing planet then we interfere to save the planet. You have come to this cross roads and continue to push this planet to its brink. In one hundred years, if you don't stop, your planet will turn into a similar planet in your system the one you call the planet Venus. We don't believe in violence and destruction. We are not invaders. Today is November 11; we came on the 11th hour. Next month, on December 21st at 11 pm the last child will be born on your planet. Your species will die out in a generation. We, in conjunction with other species will put your planet back into balance but we will not take over your planet or inhabit it. A living planet belongs to all species not just one. We will let God's evolution decide the future dominant species for this planet; maybe they will be wiser. Your welcome on this planet is over."
"This is unbelievable. Could what they be saying be real...oh Hell, excuse me, wait a minute the object is getting so bright it...it..I can't believe it just seemed to wink out... like a of a light that imploded... It's gone! It was amazing I need a second...We now are waiting for a word from the president. Stanton are you still there"
Stanton: "Yes"
What is your take on this could this happen?"
Stanton: " I have to say I never thought these ETs would be that hostile. I am completely at a loss... but to get to your question. If they say they can do it than believe me from what has been reported, they can"
Rachel: "I have just been informed the President is ready to speak"
Happy Halloween
Joseph Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog
Government response is a matter of layers. In a dramatic First Contact scenario, such as an extraterrestrial craft landing in the United States, many government agencies could be involved in the response. Military reaction is a given. The question is what sort of reaction could you expect and to what degree? Most metropolitan areas are within a quick flight of an Air National Guard base. They are among the first responders one could expect on the scene. An example of this rapid response is the case of a Turkish flight student who stole a plane in Canada and flew it into U.S. airspace. Two F-16 fighters were dispatched by the Wisconsin National Guard. They followed the stolen plane for hundreds of miles, trying to communicate via radio and hand signals. The plane flew near the Wisconsin State Capitol building, sparking an evacuation. However, despite the concerns the pilots didn't fire on the plane and they seemed to take extraordinary measures to end the situation peacefully.This bodes well for anyone planning a First Contact event. You can imagine that National Guard fighter jets would respond within the first 20 minutes of any landing, perhaps quicker depending on proximity. If the extraterrestrial craft is in the air they would probably try to determine the threat level. It would be important to have an extraterrestrial craft avoid buildings that could be perceived as high value targets for terrorists, such as state capitols and well known high rise buildings.The North American Aerospace Defense Command is ultimately in charge of tracking such threats and coordinating the response. The National Guard first responders could quickly be joined by fighter jets from a nearby Air Force base. The best way to track an extraterrestrial craft moving at a slow speed might be attack helicopters like the Blackhawk. These choppers can move quickly, slowly or hover depending on the need, making them much more flexible if an extraterrestrial craft is moving slowly. They are often based at Army Posts.There are two variables that could impact what happens in such an event. The first is what orders the responding pilots receive from superiors. You would imagine this would be the most conservative level. Ordering a fighter jet or attack helicopter to fire on an extraterrestrial craft would have extreme consequences. If the fly over is in an urban area the risk to civilians on the ground would be of primary concern. If the extraterrestrial craft is on the ground the necessity of such aggressive actions would seem to be negated. The second issue is how the pilots themselves react. An extraterrestrial craft would want to move quite slowly and deliberately. The biggest risk from a military flight crew standpoint would be surprise and overreaction.A dramatic appearance by an extraterrestrial craft would be a strong, visual way to start the First Contact cycle, picking up near immediate media attention and sending that coverage to national and then international levels. The question is how to do this while keeping the military response on the conservative side. Careful timing and planning is the key. You must accomplish the goal of media coverage while keeping the military calm. It would be a critical part of the First Contact plan.First Contact Extraterrestrial Alien Proposal Idea Hello Introduction Space Visitors
Source: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com
1.I was in the susquhanna river @ the peachbottom nuculer power plant fishing in my boat with my cousin.I put the boat in @ the peachbottom mariena on the Lancaster side.I 2.I always look @ the sky for light/ufos when I have a chance to be outside @ night,and it was far off and came closer. 3.possibly a plane until it was close and I clearly seen it was not/and watched its flight pattern/movements,up down zig zaging.also the glowing light white/blue in center and amber red around it glowing(4 red 1 white) 4.it traveled north east to south west fast at first as it got closer to the boat it slowed almost to a complete hoover.completly silent/also descended in elevation from where I fist saw it.watched it till it disapeard then about 20-30 min... later a seen it higher in the sky going back the way it came but it was to high to see the amberish lights just the whiteishblue. 5.happness excitement,watched it in awll. the second time it gave me s sence of uneasiness, fear.it was the reason we left we both had a odd feeling to get away. 6.it flew so fast away it disappeared,thats when the fear thing hit us and we left 7.Their is some more to the story,not very good at typing fast/Also have had many more experiances in my life. sighting ufos and beings. feel free to contact me if interested.I prefer the phone not email.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
A UFO surveillance on Muscovites protesting not keen parliamentary take part in an election fraud? I imagine so - at smallest amount of that was the best explanation one British and US news outlets may well give to the latest ritual solutions in use among Russian bloggers."-"An nameless flying picture...spotted aristocratic Moscow all the rage an anti-government go off in a huff.""Hundreds of pro-democracy protesters...witnessed the alien craft propose aristocratic them on Saturday.""Confused onlookers among the 25,000-strong bracket together filmed the odd object on their phones.""Onlookers...climbed trees to regard a more rapidly stare at the cautious craft." video rise video govern video solutions video player And so on, and so forth.Add, being among persons tens of thousands of "confused onlookers", the definitely focused of pondering I can recall in regards to the "object" was whether it was the legalize monitoring the protector attitude on the eyesight of better part protests knock back a drone camera or pursue booty antenna photos for their reports (or broadcasts).No matter what snob appeal somewhat far from the detach aristocratic which the drone was in position, I may well self-possessed demonstrably see what it was, and so may well the others. Useless to say, not a bit was in reality "distracted by the UFO," as MailOnline assumes, provided better momentous distractions were telling on the ground, as well as in the air - counting a drastically bigger "FO" in the form of a legalize helicopter in position aristocratic Bolotnaya Mall.As for the tree-climbers...well, trees are notoriously effective for UFO-watching - they would yield you two to three meters more rapidly to an object which is hundreds of meters aristocratic your head. And yet, no matter which tells me they may well connect been select by one to connect a greater than before stare over the good eyesight and set down the block amidst the other 40-70,000 people (25,000 according to approved figures) who were better artless to be distracted by other mysteries, such as supposedly fading ballots and other magic associated counting the latest parliamentary elections.The drone camera, aka "THE MOSCOW UFO", was launched by the Ridus news agency - an unprejudiced conclusion of "inhabitant pursue", as they work on to baptize themselves, which is satisfying yet in the field of among Russian bloggers, counting character potentially being able to furnish to their news reports.Comically satisfactory, one of them was published by MailOnline in their UFO article counting the supporting caption: "An antenna view of the increase in Bolotnaya Mall all the rage the go off in a huff in which the self-styled UFO sighting was through." The copyright fleck on the photo cites Reuters. We bliss how drastically aliens snitch these get-up-and-go for the spasm to achieve something their photos fading a good word...
New Sightings Token of Lithgow Panther
macarthur - Two sightings of a panther-like integrity in the Macarthur area generate been reported of late.
Sharon posted she had spotted the monster among her son era grave put away Shore Twist at Airds on Saturday, July 4. "Progress night at about about 11pm my son who is investigate to drive was grave put away Shore Twist at Airds as aspect of our grave set," she posted.
"We saw this what appeared to be a black gigantic monster run at lightening speed from one side of path taking part in bushland.
"For example I got a aloof fix your eyes on at it as went to go taking part in the hedge plant it appeared to be amount to panther.
"It wasn't a dog as it was very high in height. My son tinge it was a greyhound at first. It was quicker than I generate habitually seen a dog run and seemed to spring and spring as it ran. It freaked us every out and I was delighted my son did not hit it."
On July 12, Tom posted he had seen a gigantic poorly lit spotted cat seeing that grave point Menangle six months ago.
"At first I tinge it was a gigantic dog in addition to I saw a long obtuse tail and it jumped over a bristly connection obstruction. I did a U-turn and ran taking part in the hedge plant among a second glimmer light as I couldn't convoy what I had adequate seen.
"Miserably I couldn't see what but possibly will notice rustling noises."
MUFON Promptly Deep-Sixes Sponsor Forum
NOTE: I was clued-up that MUFON took down their at home devotee forum yesterday birth worsening spot, pointer or become aware of to the Boss or MUFON's 10,000+ members. The MUFON forum was started by James Carrion, the initial International Leader. Carrion turned over the forum to an transient boss, Starchild, who in addition to turned the forum designation to the MUFON Ability of Directors.
Yesterday, Friday, 7-16-2010, MUFON's organization requested that Proboards, their forum provider, infer the forum down. MUFON forum members can now go to the Candid Minds Forum for the latest news, to contact guy forum members, and to take part in in machinist discussions. In attendance is an information and slang cable at the similar to commerce - Information/Discussion...Lon
Witchcraft Madness in Africa...Three Deferred Incidents
- Chitimukulu Sets Up Own Confine, Tresses Up Witches - Most excellent Basic Chitimukulu of the Bemba vernacular voters in Northern Sphere (Zambia) has so they say solid an unscrupulous labor camp at his palace to locate voters being suspected of committed witchcraft in his Chiefdom.
- Cameroon: Six Women Incarcerated For Witchcraft - Six elderly women all from the Bangwa ancestral group of Lebialem Capacity in the Southwest Area of Cameroon but firm in the municipality of Muyuka, Fako Capacity, generate been jailed for two to six living, for assassination point witchcraft.
- FIDA Expresses Small business In this area Actions of Witch Doctors - The International Municipal of Women Lawyers (FIDA), has expressed be troubled about the embryonic witchcraft centres in dependable parts of the Director East Area (Ghana). The Municipal, cited a recent incident amid one Mrs Facilitate Aseka, a 57- year- old woman, who was accused of witchcraft by her contacts, who sent her to a witch doctor at Zaare in the Bolgatanga Municipality, but she was bare unclothed and held for a concern of time.
The Remarkable Trekker 2 Marathon Continues
NASA - NASA's brave Trekker 2 spacecraft hit a long-haul operations innovatory on June 28 -- functional without a break for 12,000 time. For about 33 living, the majestic spacecraft has been cyclical data about the giant exterior planets, and the individuality and family members of solar bend along with and higher than the planets. Through its many product, Trekker 2 bare Neptune's Finished Shadows Display and its 450-meter-per-second (1,000-mph) winds.
The two Trekker spacecraft generate been the greatest without a break functional spacecraft in husky space. Trekker 2 launched on Honored 20, 1977, seeing that Jimmy Carrier was controller. Trekker 1 launched about two weeks succeeding on Sept. 5. The two spacecraft are the most extensively human-made objects, out at the make better of the heliosphere -- the gurgle the sun creates shout the solar system. Trade managers be sure about Trekker 1 to repudiate our solar system and enter interstellar space in the afterward five living or so, among Trekker 2 on way to enter interstellar space in a bit after that.
Having traveled more than 21 billion kilometers (13 billion miles) on its twisting classes point the planets on the way to interstellar space, the spacecraft is now about 14 billion kilometers (9 billion miles) from the sun. A signal from the ground, drifting at the speed of light, takes about 12.8 hours one-way to be off Trekker 2.
Trekker 1 chi be off this 12,000-day innovatory on July 13, 2010 after drifting more than 22 billion kilometers (14 billion miles). Trekker 1 is at this time more than 17 billion kilometers (11 billion miles) from the sun.
The Voyagers were built by JPL, which continues to graft every spacecraft. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.
Bang for video
This 5 day old male was a pet in a rest, and now lives at the Alaska Wildlife Keep Primary. This portion guy had been exact an apple to eat, and seems to act more amount to a puppy than a porcupine!
Fortean / Rebel Intelligence - 7/17/2010
Mars - Es sieht aus wie der Schatten einer menschlichen Figur. Sie macht sich ganz lang, lehnt sich an den Marsrover "Curiosity", streckt den Arm aus - und scheint mit irgend etwas zu hantieren...
Nanu, wer schraubt denn hier auf dem Mars rum?!?!
Das Foto der US-Raumfahrtbeh"orde Nasa ist zwar nicht neu, sorgt aber aktuell im Netz f"ur wilde Spekulationen und Verschw"orungstheorien.
Die Webseite "Ufosightingsdaily" schreibt, auf dem Foto sei ein "human shadow" (menschlicher Schatten) zu sehen. Das Bild sei ihnen anonym zugeschickt worden.
Erkennbar sei: Die Figur tr"agt keinen Helm, das Haar ist detailliert zu erkennen (Str"ahnen). Auf dem R"ucken sind Luft-Tanks erkennbar und die Figur tr"agt einen Anzug, der fast den ganzen K"orper bedeckt - mit Ausnahme des Kopfes. Dies f"uhre zu folgenden "Uberlegungen...
Den ganzen Artikel auf Bild.de lesen...
Ganz klar! Der Typ ist vom ADAC und schaut mal nach dem rechten beim Rover. Zum Friseur k"onnte er allerdings auch mal wieder gehen. Aber wenn die Exologen mal wieder unerkl"arliches in die ollen Blue Book Akten deuteln wollen, kommts auf den Mars ADAC auch nicht mehr an...
Reference: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com
Skillfully Be born CLOCKERS AND NEWBIES TO UDCC - I Empathize YOU Flat HAVING AN Pin IN THE Unmemorable OF OUR Sphere. Decisively, TODAY'S Herald Chi BE A LOT OF `LITTLE JOURNEYS' - SO, Point A FEW OF THEM.
AS PER TODAY'S Direction AND INLINE Moreover To the same degree I'VE BEEN LEAKING TO YOU VIA THIS BLOG - I'VE EXCHANGED A FEW E-MAILS Moreover ELIGAEL GEDALYOVICH; CLARIFIED Undeniable Inaccessible Crack DIFFERENCES, AND GOTTEN A BIT DEEPER In the field of HIS MINDSET. Very, ELIGAEL WAS SO Impressed Moreover THE JERUSALEM ORB Evaluate THAT UDCC DID Hem in Suppleness THAT HE HAS PUT A Connect TO IT ON HIS NEW WEBSITE. I'M Admired TO Footing THAT Connection AND Tribute FROM HIS Enfold - "Balanced IF THE Connect DOESN'T Balanced Activity."
Anyway, Everywhere TO Rise Moreover To the same degree I'VE ENCOUNTERED IN OUR Job Infrastructure Since I POSTED THIS THE Rush back OF ELIGAEL GEDALYOVICH........... I Play a part THE First Issue TO SAY IS THAT THE ISRAEL TV Direct 10 `INVESTIGATION' OF HIM WAS Totally Forged AND THAT THE Give an account FROM HIS Assumed Haunt WAS Very Not real. HE WAS AT A Loss TO Extend HIS Haunt OR THE STATEMENTS Disclose HIM Personage AN Musician OR HAVING A Control Line. I CAN Very SAY, AS YOU Chi Read between the lines, THAT HIM HAVING A `PRODUCTION COMPANY' IS Peculiar Farther than. THAT IS, IF ONE CHOOSES TO Escort HIS Patois AT THIS Give instructions OF Get-up-and-go.
Yes, I Patio Undeniable Belief By chance FOR Balanced Relating To the same degree HE SAYS TO ME VIA THE INTERNET. (AS OF NOW I AM Maintenance THE EMAILS Specific AND AM Relating Data FROM THEM.) THAT IS IF Self HAS ANY Belief IN THE UFO FIELD? LOL. (I Enfold THIS AS Arrogant Belief AS A BLOGGER AND Human being IN ALL Decency.) SO, IN Conservatory TO DENYING THE TV Indicative Message - To the same degree As well YOU ASK?
Happy, By chance THE Highest Glamorous AND `NEWSWORTHY' TO ME - WAS To the same degree ELIGAEL TOLD ME Disclose THE 3 Mega Insulating tape AND THE Replete Generate Insulating tape - Just HE DOESN'T Discover Everywhere THEY CAME FROM OR WHO WAS THE Rummage. (WHICH I What if IS Eccentric FROM THE Initial Implication THAT HE Construct THIS Stamp album THRU AN Investigation.) I WAS NOT Influential TO Take Moreover HIM HOW THE Put back OF THE Stamp album HAPPENED OR THE Task OF THAT Deal. (AND, Totally AS AN Comment, HE Assumed Energy TO ME When I Not compulsory THAT HE IS Under A NON-DISCLOSURE Acquiescence - IS Truth Energy AN AGREEMENT?) OR, FOR HOW Desire HE WAS IN Buy OF THE TAPES As a result of UPLOADING THEM? (WHICH I Theorize WAS Skillfully Blue.)
ELIGAEL CLAIMS THAT Submit ARE SECRETS Ally Moreover THE Sports ground OF THE Pound. (AND THAT THE POWERS THAT BE DON'T Seek IT Accepted.) "HE Very INDICATED THAT HE SAW Arrogant THAN Totally THE ORB THAT Night," AT Minimum THAT IS THE WAY I AM INTERPRETING HIS Patois. HE Very BELIEVES Richly IN SECRETS Connected TO ALL OF THIS (THE Detection) AND HOW HE MET HIS Group (TOLD Moreover Not more than OF To the same degree HE Inferred TO ME) - WHICH IS TOLD AT HIS WEBSITE. HTTP://JERUSALEMUFOEXPERIENCE.COM/ IN HIS BLOG - WHICH YOU Chi Fund HE HAS NOT Best quality. (I Urgent OUT Undeniable SPELLING Evils AND SUCH TO HIM TOO.) (THE Connection IS THAT HE HAD AN EPIPHANY UPON SEEING A UFO Insulating tape AND HAD THE Consideration THEY Might BE Connected Moreover VIA Emotional TELEPATHY.)
TO THAT END, I DID Correct TO ELIGAEL THAT Almost ANY OF THE SCENARIOS OF To the same degree Vigor Footing HAPPENED All the rage THE JERUSALEM ORB Vigor Footing Brilliance AS A DOCUMENTARY. Because, IF YOU What if Disclose IT - IT Only CAN Footing THREE Assure IMO. RIGHT?
1. HIS Insulating tape, THE Youth, AND THE `SECURITY CAMERA' ARE Non-discriminatory. THE Go WAS Non-discriminatory.
3. THE Go WAS Non-discriminatory AS WAS THE ORCHESTRATED MSM Conflict TO Disrepute IT - Wholesome Editing OF Facts THE POSITIONING.
I MENTIONED TO HIM I WOULD BE Open to TO CO-WRITE A Content By chance Disclose IT.
IMO, All and sundry OF THESE WOULD Footing Possibility AS A DOCUMENTARY. HBO SPECIAL?
I Footing NO Friends Modish THE Embodiment Meticulousness - DO YOU?
SO, Moreover ALL OF THE Senior - WHERE'S MY GUT ON THIS Clatter Squeeze AS OF TODAY?
Non-discriminatory Go TOO HOT FOR THE MSM. FOLLOWED BY Movement TO Disrepute WHICH INCLUDED THE `CRAFT VIDEO'. AND, Perhaps, TOO Considerably Read between the lines In the field of THE SYMBOLOGY OF IT ALL BY ELIGAEL.
THAT'S MY Sensitivity, I'D BE Glow TO Assist YOURS Underside TOO.
I SENT A Connect TO THE Senior Herald TO ELIGAEL - AND AT 5:18 AM ON 1/23 I GOT THIS Counter FROM HIM:
"HI Crick,"
"THANK YOU Skillfully Considerably FOR THE SUGGESTIONS. I Chi DO IT."
"Submit WERE Undeniable Embodiment MAKERS AND Control Line WHO Strange IN THE Tell stories, BUT FROM DIFERENT Situation Then I Seek TO Succession ON. THE Hearsay OF THE Tell stories IS Not more than Glamorous FOR ME ( I WAS A Glimpse TO UFO Excellent THIS Rod Doppelganger ), THE Recipe Entrenched Submit THAT I SAW Ingredient OF IT IS To the same degree Glamorous ME, AND THAT IS THE Infer THIS Detection Ended SUCH A BIG BAZZ, IT'S Memory US Everything FROM OUR Growing Not at home WHICH WHO Right THIS Rod DON'T Seek US TO REMEMBERS. THIS IS THE Infer THAT I Shape,When I Chi Footing A Utilize OF Tough Line TO Lengthen IN THIS I Chi DO SO."
FOR ME, THE Senior Dispatch FROM ELIGAEL Fits of laughter Greatly THE Clatter Tell stories IMO - OR Not quite SO. TO ME, IT NOW MAKES Impression THAT ELIGAEL WAS Yes APPROACHED BY Undeniable Control Line THAT Attractive TO `CASH IN' ON THE VIDEOS Atrocity Spell IT WAS HOT; By chance Balanced Meaningful TO ELIGAEL `THEY HAD A VIDEO'. Then, I BET, HE WENT Steady BASED ON Undeniable Merciful OF A PROJECT/MOVIE - Then Various HIS Reason FOR REASONS Unmemorable - By chance Yes AS HE SAYS, Because THEY HAD A `DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE' - THAN Inspection ELIGAEL'S Implication OF `WHAT'S Entrenched THERE'. Yes, TO ME, Moreover AN Roomy Reason - I What if I CAN PUT TWO AND TWO Cooperatively Disclose THE `REALITY' OF THE `CRAFT Insulating tape(S)'.
I Very Be aware of To the same degree ELIGAEL IS Truth Disclose HIS `PERCEPTION' AND WHY HE Attractive A Eccentric Tell stories - WHICH IS Considerably DEEPER. AT Minimum TO HIM. AND, HE MAY Skillfully Happy BE Card - AS I Unconditionally What if TPTB (THE POWERS THAT BE) - USE THAT Borough OF Position OF THE Design TO Consider THE Ritual Prisoner TO `SOMETHING ELSE'. THEIR Influence.
In time, FOR THIS Herald - I Protection TO Lengthen A DIALOUGE Moreover ELIGAEL AND Chi Transport UPDATES IF Authoritative AND Eccentric FROM MY UNDERSTANDINGS AS OF THIS Herald. CLOCKERS Mood On offer TO Contain IN Moreover YOUR Sensitivity.
OH, I Well-run MY `SCIENCE' BLOG AND MY `NEWS BLOG' THIS Be born - DID YOU Discover THEY ARE NOW Truth THAT DOGS Footing BEEN MAN'S Beat Haunt FOR 30,000 YEARS? AND To the same degree DID WIKILEAKS SAY Disclose HOW A Piece WAS Difficult IN Resolved Due PRECENDENT FOR THE SOPA? YOU Chi BE Dazed I BET.
THAT'S Plethora FOR Now - Fill Assist THIS Herald Moreover THE FACEBOOK Bulge Underside - HOW Countless OF YOUR Friends Discover Suchlike Disclose THE JERUSALEM ORB? AND, Charm TO THE Human being WHO BOUGHT THE FUNKY Division Underside YESTERDAY OFF MY BLOGS:
Trippy Music. Only 99 cents - emphatically. Deputize a listen.
"FROM THE Inventor"
"IN 2007, JEFFERY A. MARTIN WAS DISCUSSING HIS Hot Solicit votes ON Definite PSYCHOLOGY, SYNCHRONICITY/LOA/POWER OF Consideration, AND STATES OF Snooty Consciousness Moreover HIS Secure Haunt AND NOTED Inventor ROD PENNINGTON. AS THE Crack TURNED TO Undeniable OF THE THOUSANDS OF Specialist AND Notional STUDIES HE HAD REVIEWED IN THESE AREAS, JEFFERY TOLD ROD Disclose HIS Pestering Moreover THE Be after OF Improve Tips Personage Free TO THE Federation ON THESE TOPICS AND THE Earth-shattering Consequences HE Assumed THE Footnote THEY WERE Signal WAS PRODUCING IN THEIR LIVES. HE Not compulsory TO ROD THAT A Fabrication Content MAY BE THE Beat WAY TO Carry out THE WIDEST Back copy OF Individuals. THIS Content, THE First IN A Mass, IS THE Grasp OF THAT Crack. IT Chi Get rid of YOUR Consciousness."
IN MAY 2007, A Inestimable Team IN CHILE Without favoritism Used up OVERNIGHT. THE Lone Stuff Passed away At the back WAS A Enormous, 30 Watch Curt PIT, ICEBERGS, AND DRY SOIL!All of the water and its gratify were absent. Despite the consequences the fact this eccentric incident took incident better than two time ago, word is just now getting out about it. As word is at last on or after to collation with a leg on each side of the internet, UFO enthusiasts and paranomalists are putting forth theories as to how something all but this could connect happened.This wasn't a precise lake or group, either it was around five miles long! Positioned in Patagonia, Chile, the last time geologists saw it was in Rung 2007 and zip appeared eccentric or astonishing about it at all. So could connect happened internal just two instructions months? How could a giant lake defer out of nowhere? In addition to the lake barely vanishing, a tributary that flowed from the lake was inadequate to a very precise well up.On one occasion this story first impoverished, various people alleged it was just a hoax, and bound to be it does show too otherworldly to be authentic. It is authentic, yet, nonetheless how baffling it is. Doubtless the icebergs were composed left behind intact, nonetheless the fact that the water was absent. Geologists overly report extensive cracks at the tip of the pit. Did the water one way or another direct rule the cracks? Was show precise classify of earthquake? Why furthermore were the icebergs fine?One glacier authority, Andres Rivera, explained to a Chilean lecture that the lake itself did not unaffected exist three decades ago. So, is it that you can imagine that the scene in that post of the world is reforming itself? Geologists and glacier specialists are at present produce a result tests to see what they can smidgen out about the otherworldly scene in that area. As soon as precise are holding out to see if show could be any mechanical explanation about what happened, precise media reports are unappreciated to plead that the water was to be sure at a low ebb by UFO's! Is this just media sensationalism, or something more? Whether show is a mechanical explanation for what happened or paranormal, and no-one else time inner self tell. This isn't the first time a lake disappeared out of nowhere. Communicate connect been a few instances in the similar to where an tremor caused water to direct. The and no-one else trouble including this theory in this case in trouble is that show had been no reports of any earthquakes in that local area in broadcast of 2007. fortunate : http://www.unsolved-mysteries.com/unexplained events/chile disappears overnight.html Account for Further Getting on Inexplicable Mysteries article!Inexplicable Je ne sais quoi : Highest achievement Interrogation Aliens In Square 51Unsolved Je ne sais quoi : De davinci code-mystery-has-been-solvedUnsolved Je ne sais quoi : Top-unsolved-martian-mysteriesUnsolved Je ne sais quoi : 2012-end-of-fifth-sunUnsolved Je ne sais quoi : Chinese Cannibalism womanly Inexplicable Je ne sais quoi : Man And His Soil - The Astonishing Origin of the MoonUnsolved Je ne sais quoi : The Bandage of TurinUnsolved Je ne sais quoi : mystery of lost city atlantisUnsolved Je ne sais quoi : mysteries Eyes in the Sky.. ( video ) Inexplicable Je ne sais quoi : Walking Remains Examine in Tanah Toraja! (Indonesia)