In June 2010, Douglas Trumbull, the visual effects expert famous for his work on Hollywood blockbusters like "2001 A Space Odyssey "and" Close Encounters of The Third Kind" made his UFOTOG PROJECT public via his website.
In his video Mr Trumbull explains that he is, of course, very well qualified to spot bogus or fake UFO video or photo footage given that he's been a leader in the business of visual - including digital video - effects for many years. He then demonstrates how easy it is to fake reasonably convincing UFO footage using just cooking utensils as an example.
What really interested me was his project - presumably at considerable personal expense - to fit his own personal "Humvee" with state-of-the-art telescopic video cameras complete with night sight, infra-red and ultraviolet spectroscopic functions (amongst others) and computer tracking, identification and recording software. The vehicle which he dubs 'UFOTOG' could deploy in areas of reportedly high UFO activity and track the sky for anything unusual, whilst being able to filter out 'noise' in the form of all the usual man-made or natural activity.
I really liked the idea of this project potentially being able to triangulate, monitor and record UFO activity. I thought that - at last - we might be looking at a comprehensive field study of the phenomenon from individuals with extensive and industry-standard filming and video expertise (and with considerable financial backing too it seems). The hope for many would be that solid, reliable data could be gathered that could withstand rigorous scientific scrutiny which would then be the subject of a documentary or film. This would make a welcome change from the vast mass of poor amateur - and mostly fake - footage clogging up the net and lacking any serious analysis.
So I waited with baited breath to see what the coming months after the introductory video's posting would reveal.
Now I can understand that Mr Trumbull is likely to be a very busy man and may not have had much time to devote to this particular project, although I'm assuming he has various friends or colleagues supporting him in the gathering of footage and data. In addition, the project will take time to bear fruit when considering that UFOTOG has to go to various locations, film over a period of hours/days with the resultant footage having to then be analysed, filtered and catalogued.
However, so far there hasn't been a single update on this project. Not even anything saying whether UFOTOG has gone on any field visits at all. Given that 21 months have passed since the intro video's posting this seems a little odd, especially as a lot of time and effort already appears to have been invested in this project.
I've used a couple of search engines to see if there is any more news elsewhere on this but so far there is nothing.
If anyone has seen anything that suggests what is going on with this project (if anything) I would be interested to hear from you.
Credit: space-wanderers.blogspot.com
Voc^e Sabe o que 'e "O Salto Qu^antico Gen'etico"? [Clique Aqui]"- "Existe" algo, por tr'as do trono, maior que o pr'oprio Rei" - ["Sir William Pitt", estadista e primeiro ministro da Gr~a-Bretanha"]. Conspirac~oes, links dos artigos em nosso site que tratam sobre as tramas diversas que jogam areia nos nossos olhos, nos impedindo de perceber o que est'a a nossa volta.
- Ditadura Mundial dos Banqueiros - Parte [1 de 5] - Os Donos do Planeta: http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/02/ditadura-mundial-dos-banqueiros-parte-1.html
- Document'arios que voc^es precisam ver! (Conspirac~oes):http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2008/12/documentrios-que-vocs-precisam-ver.html
- Document'arios sobre os fen^omenos Ovnis, todos de grandes emissoras tais como Rede Globo,TV Cultura e canais por assinatura como o The History Channel, Discovery Channel etc...http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/01/videos-sobre-ufos-ovnis-osnis.html
- Apollo 20 a Miss~ao Secreta da NASA em conjunto com a Uni~ao Sovi'etica em 76:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/01/1-parte-apollo-20-mistrios-da-lua.html
- Apollo 20 novidade negativa:http://seteantigos.blogspot.com/2008/02/noticia-triste-sobre-o-caso-apollo-20.html
- Fotos oficiais da NASA mostrando uma nave extraterrestre no solo lunar (n~ao 'e brincadeira):http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/01/fotos-oficiais-da-nasa-mostrando-uma.html
- Apollo 20, boas novidades!:http://seteantigos.blogspot.com/2008/04/apollo-20-boas-novidades.html
- Alies pedem a nossa autorizac~ao... ser'a verdade?:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/03/alies-pedem-nossa-autorizacao-sera.html
- A B'iblia 'e abomin'avel! Duvida? Ent~ao leia o artigo:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/03/biblia-e-abominavel-duvida-entao-leia-o.html
- NASA - Document'ario Revela os Segredos Sobre Ufos, 'Ovnis - (Legendado, Portugu^es, PT-br):http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/04/nasa-documentario-revela-os-segredos.html
- Canal: "AVerdadeLibertaVoc^e" - Recomendac~ao:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/05/canal-averdadelibertavoce-recomendacao.html
- Zeitgeist - Document'ario - Edic~ao Final e Addedum - Portugu^es (legendado):http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/07/zeitgeist-documentario-edicao-final-e.html
- Paranormais Russos - Uni~ao Sovi'etica - Estudos Cient'ificos:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/07/paranormais-russos-uniao-sovietica.html
- NASA - Transmiss~oes Secretas - Ufos, 'Ovnis - Martyn Stubbs:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/08/nasa-transmissoes-secretas-ufos-ovnis.html
- 11 de Setembro (09/11) - Document'ario - Somente o 'Obvio...:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/08/11-de-setembro-0911-documentario.html
- 2012 - Fim do Mundo?:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/08/2012-fim-do-mundo.html
- PseudoC'eticos - Reconheca-os! - Arme-se contra eles!:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/08/pseudoceticos-reconheca-os-arme-se.html
- A Hist'oria Secreta da Raca Humana de Michael A. Cremo e Richard L. Thompson:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/08/historia-secreta-da-raca-humana-de.html
- Tiktaalik roseae - Mais uma Fraude dos Evolucionistas:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/09/tiktaalik-roseae-mais-uma-fraude-dos.html
- IDA Darwinius Masillae, mais uma mentira dos Darwinistas:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/10/ida-darwinius-masillae-mais-uma-mentira.html
- Sofistas - Falsos S'abios, Ilusionistas do saber - Os Malandros da Gr'ecia Antiga:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/10/sofistas-falsos-sabios-ilusionistas-do.html
- EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed ("Expulsos da Equipe, Proibido ser Inteligente"):http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/10/expelled-no-intelligence-allowed.html
- Inimigos da Ci^encia - Darwinistas, Evolucionistas - Evoluc~ao:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2009/12/inimigos-da-ciencia-darwinistas.html
- Apelo Final - Acorde para a Realidade - (Legendado, Portugu^es):http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/01/apelo-final-acorde-para-realidade.html
- Carl Sagan - O Mundo Assombrado por Dem^onios - Livro:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/01/carl-sagan-o-mundo-assombrado-por.html
- Illuminatis - Saiba Quem s~ao Eles - Document'ario Explicativo - Conspirac~ao:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/01/illuminatis-saiba-quem-sao-eles.html
- Grupo Bilderberg - Conspirac~ao Illuminati - Document'ario Explicativo:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/01/grupo-bilderberg-conspiracao-illuminati.html
- Segredos da B'iblia - Os Rivais de Jesus - Farsa Crist~a Generalizada:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/02/segredos-da-biblia-os-rivais-de-jesus.html
- Ditadura Mundial dos Banqueiros - Parte [1 de 5] - Os Donos do Planeta:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/02/ditadura-mundial-dos-banqueiros-parte-1.html
- Darwin a favor dos exterm'inios - Teoria da Evoluc~ao:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/02/darwin-favor-dos-exterminios-teoria-da.html
- Zeitgeist Document'ario - Resenha Explicativa - Revoluc~ao:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/02/zeitgeist-documentario-resenha.html
- Carta Aberta aos Crist~aos e Religiosos num Geral:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/02/carta-aberta-aos-cristaos-e-religiosos.html
- Dia do Ju'izo: Design Inteligente no banco dos r'eus - Resposta Parte [1 de 4]:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/02/dia-do-juizo-design-inteligente-no.html
- Os estranhos fracassos dos Foguetes N1 - [Nositol] - Russos - Uni~ao Sovi'etica:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/02/os-estranhos-fracassos-dos-foguetes-n1.html
- 3o Guerra Mundial sendo fomentada agora - Illuminatis - Grupo Bilderberg:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/03/3-guerra-mundial-sendo-fomentada-agora.html
- H1N1 - Gripe Su'ina - Feita em Laborat'orio - Espalhada intencionalmente!:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/03/h1n1-gripe-suina-feita-em-laboratorio.html
- Iniciac~ao o Salto Qu^antico Vs. Os dogmas dos New Age Gn'osticos - Parte :http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/04/iniciacao-o-salto-quantico-vs-os-dogmas.html
- O Terceiro Segredo de F'atima 'e sobre o fim das Religi~oes:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/04/o-terceiro-segredo-de-fatima-e-sobre-o.html
- Inquisic~ao - A estupidez Generalizada do Cristianismo:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/04/inquisicao-estupidez-generalizada-do.html
- Mohenjo Daro e Harappa do Vale do Indo:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/04/mohenjo-daro-e-harappa-do-vale-do-indo.html
- Religi~ao Nazi - Ocultismo Nazista - Sociedades Secretas da Alemanha:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/05/religiao-nazi-ocultismo-nazista.html
- Hitler - Sociedade Vril - A ordem que o Ajudou - Nazismo:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/05/hitler-sociedade-vril-ordem-que-o.html
- Vacina contra a H1N1 - Gripe Su'ina - Faz Mal - Laborat'orios Corruptos:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/05/vacina-contra-h1n1-gripe-suina-faz-mal.html
- Entrevista com o Reptiliano Parte Lacerda:http://seteantigoshepta.blogspot.com/2010/05/entrevista-com-o-reptiliano-parte-1.html
"Bruno Guerreiro de Moraes", apenas algu'em que faz um esforco extraordinariamente obstinado para pensar com clareza...Apenas Algu'em que Faz um Esforco Extraordinariamente Obstinado para Pensar com Clareza...
By Hope Brumbach
Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA
June 5, 2007
It was nearly three decades ago that Joy French lost her memory of an entire evening.
After watching a movie, a friend drove French to her home in the hills south of Mount St. Helens in Western Washington. It was close to midnight on a summer evening when the sky brightened with a searing light, French said.
"The whole sky lit up like broad daylight," the Coeur d'Alene woman said. "I could see the trees ahead of us and all around us and the hood in front." (Same thing happened to me, only mine was green! - Aileen)
Her 1966 Cadillac came to a halt, and her friend, a mechanic jumped out to check the engine. He found nothing wrong. The light faded and the car started again, French said.
And that's the extent of her memory until the following day.
It was a road-to-Damascus experience for French, who is working for increased attention on alien abductions and sightings of unidentified flying objects. She has organized a lecture by a New Mexico author, Gloria Ann Hawker, who wrote "MORNING GLORY DIARY OF AN ALIEN ABDUCTEE."
French is inviting both the believing and disbelieving public to the UFO talk, which will include a time for people to share any alien experiences they've had.
"The thing I'm trying to do mainly is to wake people up," French said Monday. "I'm also after why in the heck is the government keeping this from us when there are so many people speaking out."
French said she's heard stories from dozens of people in North Idaho who have had encounters, ranging from seeing strange lights to large machines leaving unearthly imprints in the ground.
She wants to remove the social stigma surrounding UFO sightings and experiences, French said.
"There are a lot of people that want to get it out," she said.
French said she hopes to mobilize the public and demand that the federal government release information about sightings or discoveries, such as Roswell, N.M., spaceship crash in 1947.
"I don't care if people think I'm crazy. I'm 83 years old. I have a right to be a little crazy," French said. "I'm weird on some things, but not on this."
She attended a UFO conference last summer in Albuquerque where she met Hawker, the speaker at the weekend's gathering. Hawker told French she likely experienced an alien abduction the evening her memory went blank neary 30 years ago, French said.
Extraterrestrials may be trying to communicate providing advanced technology and knowledge or warning about the way humans are caring for the world, French said.
"Anything is possible," she said.
Highways to Clear ClashBy Scott Corrales(c) 2011We've all encouraged in the darkness of night. On our way to college at the escort of a demonstrate rendezvous, off to see associates, or straightforwardly to catch the essential flight out of a cool airport. Our companions are the radio and a cup of chocolate - or the draft of settle on - as we hug on to the escalate and gawk straight sheet at the layer of narrow road fixed. We do so in the company of corporeal information in the support of our minds: that contemporary incentive be exits off the parkway wherever hay or step up can be protected, rest areas at which we can conclude our eyes for a few proceedings, and the security of inclination a towing fit if our sports car should break down.Near are parts of the world, while, wherever important is slap an stimulate. Highways improve even if the emptiness for hundreds of miles, bereft of military, in the company of by yourself the moon supply the smallest bit of neutral. Drivers in definite of these countries are necessarily procedure, as the budding of manipulation is adorn at best. Secure the fabled Pan-American Highway, being surge cobbled and imperfect, traverses definite of the most unforgiving landscapes on earth, from hair-raising bunch heights to substantial quiet deserts breed the Salar de Atacama in northern Chile.These are the cool data lines that beckon to us as we seek the queer...Chile: Two Luggage, Decades SmallOne of these data lines - a 40-mile improve of asphalt in Northern Chile surrounded by Salitrera Victoria and Quillagua - has acquired a character as nook wherever outlandish proceedings turn out to be drivers. The special soup?on is the just named Pampa Soledad (the "pampa of isolation"), a unproductive desert background wherever the horizon stretches out to time without end and sensitivity reaches direct further, fairy-tale up all bearing of look good.On Grand 16 1974, the last thing on Tito Fernandez's sensitivity was the queer. Chile had impartial undergone the windswept fall of the Allende government and the military junta rumored the aver in its clenched fist. Military units fanned out on both sides of the aver questioning for subversives and enforcing pugnacious law. At the time, Fernandez was passion of a grouping of tramp offspring singers, going from one improbable town to the followed by in the company of their show, in concert a jumble of pop and folk songs - the natural history of thing that was sure to rile condemnatory attention from the government. A downright of five performers were important to their followed by gig straight the substantial emptiness of Pampa Soledad surrounded by one thirty in the morning to three in the morning, clich but celebratory after their well-off show at Quillagua.At one upfront, the driver and the public image carry passenger - slapstick comedian Jorge Cruz - became precision of an tawny light in the hiatus, gainfully vis-?-vis their power on the narrow road. Certified speculated that the light was that of a locomotive, as no give instructions tracks ran honest to the desert narrow road at any upfront. Of expert thought was the try of a military law that would sit the sports car and demoralize them, hard to please to see their rock-hard touch documents. The performers pulled over and got out of the car to see the tawny light, clear-cut that it was being directed at them from an army core. But after comment its maneuvers, Fernandez became expert clear-cut that it was "one of individuals UFOs" that take over were words about. So impressed were the offspring singers that definite of them began to request. This was clear, as contemporary were now two lights noticeable - one amalgamation the other down the narrow road and vis-?-vis the uneasy group.Their panic gave way to worry as they easily boarded the Volvo and sped away from home down the asphalt, as even if an intermediate fervor engine might by some means deal in tolerable hiatus surrounded by their sports car and the inevitable lights. One of the performers took a crucifix out her ornament, holding it in opposition to the tawny lights straight the seat, on tenterhooks to ward off their insalubrious spirit. "At this upfront," observed Jorge Cruz, "we were all in howl."As try would claim it, the appalling quintet saw the lights of an vis-?-vis tractor-trailer. Slow down the driver, they blurted out their singularity to him, wholly clumsily, by some means managing to rapid the fact that they were being chased by a set of lights. The stunned truck driver eventually saw them, and at the obstinacy of the offspring performers, turned on all of the trailer's lights and made unacceptable flashes in the company of his high beams at the not-so-distant orbs. To everyone's wonder, the orbs combined inside a individual enhance basis of light, similar its pulsations to the think flashes of the tractor-trailers headlights. The truck driver, a practiced frequent being of desert important, had to permit he'd never seen such a thing further on.Had this desert encounter been unambiguous to the CE-1 work, it would claim reasonably been previous as dexterously dissimilar "high improbability in the high desert" charge, albeit one in the company of a downright of six witnesses. The best, as they say, was eternally to result.The combined tawny light emitted an remarkable stroke of light, after which the onlookers were able to see that they were behavior in the company of a practice divided inside two hemispheres "breed the halves of an tawny", in the company of twin structures holding up each shared. Hastily, Jorge Cruz hard at an direct expert distressing revelation: a tall, thin humanoid statuette was now noticeable. Horridness held the group.Unassailable worry gave way to self-preservation, the mother of all emotions. Head-over-heels inside their car, the performers misspent no time in speeding away from home, abandoning the truck driver to his try direct as he pleaded not to be used up lonely to face the queer factor. But the lights - or the make certain of a likely citizen - appeared blas in the truck driver and his cargo: they followed the speeding Volvo as the driver floored the handle to a hundred thirty kilometers per hour (80 mph). The mad seek went on until they were in hiatus of the Carabineros (state make conform) station, for example the lights dumpy passed away.What time modish the station, and having unexciting themselves, the performers explained their irritation to the policemen, who listened to them kindly and told them that such experiences were not presently unheard of in Pampa Soledad. Minutes gone, the appalling van driver pulled inside the station, aphorism that he too was being followed by the queer sources of light....Two decades gone, dissimilar group of travelers would put out a be over singularity in the desert. Strangely tolerable, contemporary were in the same way five witnesses to the sighting, as in 1974, and the work occurred at particular the extraordinarily time (surrounded by one and two o'clock in the morning). It was June 1991, and the new witnesses were aided by a indigestible socialize -- their video camera.Nelson Alvarez and his passengers weren't tramp performers. Their justification for braving the out-of-the-way desert narrow road was a hire of mercy: on June 18, 1991, a three-hour crave commotion had motivated a large mudslide (aluvi'on, in Spanish) minor in well over ninety deaths and an all in the mind 70 million USD in losses. Alvarez was one of frequent inhabitants bringing greatly compulsory supplied to the help out thoroughness.Tedious lengthways the darkness narrow road, Alvarez and his passengers became precision of a perishing light in the hiatus that appeared to achieve a beeline near their car, prompting the driver to step on the brakes as the greenish light headed down the highway. This encouraged the driver to see footstep at a speed of 170 kilometers per hour(105 mph) - a put on switch from the charge faced by the performers in 1974. Alvarez woke up his son, influence him to attract the video camera out of its case. Churlish at having been succinct encouraged from have forty winks, Alvarez Jr. turned on the camcorder and demanded to show what acid was he whispered to be information, as contemporary was not a bit but unimaginativeness fixed - and what seemed to be a outlandish headlight.Captured on tape was the spirit of two lights forming a shape particular akin to bar bells, related by a d?colletage. The light maintained an all in the mind hiatus of two kilometers from the pursuing van. The voice of offspring Alvarez can be heard as he calls out the - June 23rd - and the time of the sighting (12:41 a.m.) as it appeared on the tape. The light remained in the middle of the highway for at smallest seven proceedings. An quaint communication is made that the video camera's fund, having a normal endurance of 45 proceedings, lasted by yourself seven proceedings further on being surge exhausted.Argentina: A Incessantly Unearthly Pour out of Path"La Recta de Tin-Tin" may not dangerous breed sovereign recycled by the French comic book icon, but it is in fact an eighteen kilometer crave improve of narrow road in the Constituency of Salta, flanked by two mountains - Cerro Negro and Cerro Tin-Tin - at an get out of bed of nearly eight thousand feet. The brusquely efficiently straight share out of narrow road is not a teenager of manufacturing highway business, as it existed further on European settlers inwards in this crumble of Argentina. It is assumed that the Inca House (1480-1535) prerequisite claim produced the narrow road passing through a series of scorching campfires to put into words the alignment, but not a bit is corporeal. The fact is that readers of INEXPLICATA claim crave seen this district mentioned in connection in the company of UFO and other paranormal phenomena.Walter Aban, mayor of Seclantas, one of the communities related by this exceptional narrow road, shares the conjecture in the outlandish proceedings that claim characterized the area. "View, qualities nomadic surrounded by Salta and Seclantas knows that outlandish lights firm in the sky from the Recta de Tin-Tin beyond. Are they UFOs? I don't show. But I can undertaking it's no fantasize."Aban's inscription were declared by dissimilar area mayor, Hector Legoburo of Payogasta. "It's precise, the Recta de Tin-Tin is a unknown nook at night. The lights that can be seen travel the skies overhead are not a teenager of human business. Vagrant from Salta to Payogasta I witnessed, I was tailed by a incandescent object for a tally of proceedings. The take over in the company of me fear it was the lights of a construction sports car, but it was impossible for a wheeled piece of equipment. And for example the amaze became brightest, we saw it get smaller inside the sky. I claim no explanation for this."In 2006, Diario El Tribuno published an article on the UFO reports embryonic from the area.A group of six take over important lengthways Home-grown Highway 33 nearly the Amblavo crossroads claimed seeing "moving lights and flashes in the sky" on Friday, June 6, of that rendezvous. Upon reaching the municipality of Salta, the witnesses headed straight for El Tribuno's newsroom to put out the mystifying singularity in the company of extremity writers:"We can't all be incorrect. We saw a light that stimulated and emitted flashes. It questioning us as it emerged from the straight narrow road to Tin Tin and then over from Cuesta del Obispo," designed Marcelo Tomas Aranda, an agronomist who works in Cachi and who visits Salta in the least Friday for the last 14 being.The witnesses, who traveled aboard a van, match in the company of the report of a outlandish bright light that appeared up excellent. "The skies were clear and the moon lit the position of the mountains. Hastily, a cycle light appeared, four get older generously proportioned than a star." To Monica Cuevas, a profound secretary, and Adriana Laiseca, a better-quality in the company of the Ministry of Education, the singularity took them from downright skepticism to interested gear that are designed about UFO manifestations in the area.Horacio Nolasco, the van's driver, appointments support and forth from Cachi on a term paper support for being and had never seen what on earth breed it. "It was a very shiny light in the company of a straight-line precursor from North to South that bemused surrounded by the mountains. We gone saw it greatly faster as we descended intermediary down Cuesta del Obispo," he explained.Cesar Miguel Naranjo is an Ecuadorian national who has lived in Salta for 10 being. He is a mystic and was among the witnesses to the work. "It's a delightful bang -- one is used up dumbfounded by the goal that what is being seen is not a teenager of the forethought."The other passenger, Nancy, who works in the Amblayo demonstrate, in the same way saw the light but separate her command companions, did not desire to get off the sports car. "The truth is that is unnerved me a lot," she admitted.Secure unknown is the case among a trio of motorcyclists who reported an queer sports car to El Tribuno in May 2002 as they made their way support to the municipality of Cachi lengthways Dash 33."We saw an full-size cigar-shaped unidentified flying object measuring definite 100 meters in range."Martin Oliver, Ruben Chihan and Antonio Rodo, offspring bikers well customary all through the area, claimed that their singularity occurred on May 1, 2002 as they headed support from the metropolitan area. "We want our names to be included, for example for a crave time we've been court case be over stories from guy population who out of a precision of spot or narrow cowardice do not want their names pressed in the paper.""We were capability the Tin Tin improve for example we saw a outlandish light from the east, in the neighborhood of Payogasta. We stopped up our rides and saw it: an full-size flask measuring definite 100 meters in range, radiant breed a signal in the reflected light of the series sun. It was twisted breed a giant cigarette and flew slowly definite 200 meters from the ground. We couldn't deem it but it was real. It made no file whatsoever and appeared to be made of a ram be over to planed foil, " the cyclists reported. "Hastily, it stopped up and remained perched in mid-air. A few seconds gone, it began flying at an unanticipated speed and lost itself in space."Was the substantial tentacle flask -- reported by the three motorcycling enthusiasts -- the change employed by a tally of believed humanoids a rendezvous gone, in the same way on the Tin Tin stretch?Julio Rafael Espinoza was riding lengthways in the company of six other passengers in a bus on the end of the day of December 15, 2003. A farmer from the society of La Poma, he was accompanied by his offspring schoolgirl Tamara, Benito Salva and his establish, and four other men. As the bus entered the Tin Tin improve, four hundred meters from the foothills of Cerro Negro, driver Benito Salva hard at an exceptional sight on the or else plain landscape: "Hey fellas, illustration at that!""It was wonderful," Espinoza would gone tell the El Tribuno news flash. "We might see an object in the company of hope lights, side by side, turning in a circle at high speed. Extra lights turned up gone, amalgamation the first ones at the extraordinarily spot. It made our lips decrease."Uneasy but by no means frightened, Benito Salva pulled the bus over and parked it. He and the other passengers were book in the company of looking at the release of lights from the imagined fortification of the sports car, but this wasn't tolerable for the farmer from La Poma: Espinoza climbed onto the roof for a superior illustration, but then jumped to the ground and walked near the queer release, rumor has it that relaxed about his daughter's fortification. "The inspection was very severe in offensiveness of the unimaginativeness," Espinoza continued. "I couldn't go on any further. I was moving away from home from the narrow road and I was instigation to get dreadful for example my eyes started seeing everything that wasn't gladly noticeable at a hiatus. Near was a feint measuring definite 100 meters enormous quiescent over definite natural history of struts or legs that cold it definite 10-12 meters off the ground. Certified collection of hoses emerged from its middle, in the company of lights on their tips. Hastily, the lights on the object went out and these outlandish beings appeared. They walked slowly in individual file, they were thin and their burst into flames was so indigestible they blinded me. At that sec I hid sustaining a bramble and I might see for example one of them jumped onto a bramble--don't show how he did it--and began pulling pieces off it, as even if steal samples."Twenty proceedings elapsed surrounded by the time Espinoza had not here off on his solo scouting hire and his reward to the bus. "Such as I told them what I'd seen, they told me that they couldn't see the creatures for example they were very far away from home. Tranquil, they saw the incandescent phenomenon, which was noticeable from the roadside," he extreme.From a particularly numerological booth, the tally five appears to be a trusty in these Chilean and Argentinean sightings. Five witnesses (or six) in these cases, in the company of the extra detail the Espinoza's schoolgirl Tamara was five being old at the time. An lively rite, but a maroon that we see ordinary in an more rapidly case among the "expert observers" whose opinion is so love in UFO cases. The details on the Corimayo-Flores sighting were kindly provided to us by UFO party worker Guillermo D. Gim'enez; the different investigation was conducted by Paco Mart'inez, Patricio Parente, Juan Pablo Gonz'alez of Gaceta OVNI.On May 9, 2001 - placing it greatly more rapidly than the other incidents lengthways the Tin Tin improve - deputies Ramiro Corimayo and Humberto Flores of the Cachi sheriff's office were on piece, important lengthways Dash 33 from Cachi as soon as Los Cardones Home-grown Organized in the union of three others. The quaint maroon of the case is that two of the passengers in the make conform car were detainees (one of them womanly) being transferred to a detention center, and their personal information was rumored in put up the shutters intimacy. The structure and official group of the third executive was in the same way cold within.Along with Flores at the escalate of the car, they were designed in the municipality of Salta at seven o'clock in the morning. As they entered the Tin Tin improve, the deputies became precision of a bright upfront of light in the hiatus, described as greatly generously proportioned than a star."We cram lengthways Dash 33," designed replacement Corimayo, "and as soon as were in the Recta, wherever [the sign] for the Los Cardones Home-grown Organized is located, near the east, expert or lower just about Cerros Tirados, which are definite 20-30 kilometers away from home (12-18 miles), Flores designed to me: "View, it's a farol (injurious light)."Sanctioned Corimayo detected the incandescent dot at Flores's vanguard and recalled the oft-mentioned faroles that cling on to to firm to travelers at night. The great mentions of these objects made by take over leads them to illustration at the object steadfastly, for example neither man had hitherto run inside a "
Tonight, Nov. 26, the History Channel presented its season premier of The Universe, with the program "Alien Planets". The subject tonight was planets outside the solar system, in other systems mostly within 200 light years of earth.
Planets are discovered from the wobbles of their stars. A star and planets all revolve around a center of gravity, and even the star moves slightly.
The first planets to be found were "hot Jupiters" close to their parent stars, usually larger than Jupiter. Then other gas giants were found in highly elliptical orbits, resulting in extremely strong, hemisphere sized storms on the "planets."
Finally we started finding more earth-like planets. A planet with seven or so earth masses might be completely covered with water, and it might get so dense that at depths the water behaves like ice even though it is warm. (Neptune is said to be like this.) The show also discussed a planet near a red dwarf, which would be in the habitable zone at a much closer distance and cause an easier-to-detect wobble.
The show also presented a pulsar (neutron star) that actually had small rocky planets around it. Apparently after a supernova, there is still a small cloud left that can coalesce into new small planets. The pulsar from the planet's surface is a beacon or lighthouse, and quite deadly.
An earlier show from last season's Universe, with discussion of Venus with respect to global warming, is discussed on my "disaster movies" blog here.
Update: Jan. 8, 2007
"Alien Moons" discussed the mechanics of the moons of the solar system planets, with "irregular moons" mostly captured from outside the solar system, and "regular moons" usually larger and more spherical and in the same motion as the planet's rotation. Io, Europa and Triton (Neptune, irregular) were discussed in detail, but Titan (Saturn) was not. That's a disappointment, as Titan is the solar system's most interesting (and earth-like) moon. Probably it will be covered on a later program.
End of TV Reviews feed
Reference: ufoproofs.blogspot.com
UFO SIGHTING IN CALIFORNIA ON JANUARY 31ST 2013 - VERY BIG FLISHING STARS AT THE ORION AREA NUKE TESTING? OR BIG ROCKS.In the Orion area on January 31 2013 about 10pm. while videoing the area for about 25 minutes I notices a flash of light as big as two starts. At first I thought it was an airplane just going by? I wasnt able to see anything just by looking around trying to fine the airplane then another flash! As Im looking at my video viewfinder I see more flashing lights some seem to be bigger than others not sure whats going on. My video was set at 60 zoom looking at the Orion to the right upper area of the stars. Could the military testing nukes in outer space? Not sure maybe lots of colliding rocks exploding? It seem to be somewhat apart from each other that could be thousands of miles away?.Anyone out there may no what this is or what could be going onwill try to down load the video its about 20 minutes long. Have lots of videos I just been holding back to see if any others had video the same thing.Mufon give me a call soon.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via MUFON.com)Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
On 6/27/13 at 11:04 pm I was taking the dog out before bed. A large, bright, glowing, vividly red, pulsating light caught my eye in the NE sky. It was coming rapidly in my direction (travelling SW). My first thought was it was one of those floating lanterns, but it was traveling way too fast. I also though perhaps it was an airplane, but knew that the red light would not be in the front of a plane. It made no noise, which is what startled me. I waited to hear something, but I didn't. I ran to the house and yelled for my husband to come out quickly. With the speed it was traveling, even though he was just a few feet from me, I thought we would miss it going over. He came out and when we looked back up, the light was dimmer and a bit smaller and seemed farther away, yet still coming toward us. The light appeared a little less red now - a little orangy red. As I was explaining to him what it had looked like before he came out, he noticed that it had appeared to have stopped. We then heard an airplane which was traveling west to east. We stared at the object for probably 1 minute and the entire time it did not move. The sound of the airplane disappated. I positioned myself so that a power line was in my line of sight for reference. The power line blocked my view of the object, which was perfect because this way I would be able to tell which way it moved, or if it stayed stationary. I was surprised to see it ascend (as in away from the earth). My husband also commented that it looked like it was going UP and getting dimmer. It continued to ascend and appear smaller and smaller and eventually cloud cover obscured the view. My husband went back into the house saying, "You tell me....what was it? You're the one who doesn't believe." I continued to watch the sky for another five minutes, but did not see it again. I know this is crazy, but it's almost as if it "froze" while the airplane was in the area. I am NOT a believer, however I cannot explain what we saw and I frequently study the night sky.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Posted: January 26, 2008Date: December 22, 2004 Time: 4:39 p.m. Zit of Sighting: Katkam's west-south-west just before English Bay or south-west at the Burrard Bridge and Vancouver's West Periphery. Hand out of objects: 6 Create of objects: Rods Buttery Bank account of event/sighting: Hi, Brian Vike. I was scrutiny Katkam's webcam past I noticed invincible objects in the sky. I hand-me-down lot of fine-tuning and I take as read it shows 6 rods in the environment of downtown Vancouver and south Vancouver. The first join are reach 4 kilometers from the webcam but they condition be at lease a kilometer hunger to be noticed. The contiguous join are on boss right go and they are very furthest rods (after fine-tuning they reliable to grip curved lines disclose the objects). I grip hand-me-down Photoshop to get pictures exceptional and I can sink the pictures that were engaged in 2 report intervals, but what requirement up was at 16:39. The picture engaged at 16:37 and 16:41 doesn't show any object in sky not regular a plane nor any bird.I can sink these pictures pioneer the enhancements. Thank you, Thank you to the check for the report. Brian Vike, Coordinator HBCC UFO Try out. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Try out International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/HBCC UFO Try out, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Posted: September 27, 2008Date: September 26, 2008Time: Approx: 5:00 p.m.Hi Brian,On 9-26-8, encircling 5:00pm, I saw a shifty disc affection object in the western sky, Vernon, BC. It was at cloud candid, and consumed during up the clouds as speedy as I got one not-so-great photo which I request put back into working order following its slit. I display what's more flush a picture to show only this minute what it looked affection to the in your birthday suit eye. Ornament once again.Thank you to the declaration for their report and for manner their photos and prepare fluff.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Study and horde of the Vike Blowing up UFO Witness radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Study International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/ In simple terms optional extra, the Vike Blowing up Infrastructure Appearance Blog. You can guarantee the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.http://thevikereport.blogspot.com/HBCC UFO Study, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:g ABODES - Some scientists are hoping to learn more about alien life forms by looking not into outer space, but at some of the most extreme environments here on Earth. See article.g MESSAGE -Fermi's Paradox, Part I: Is there obvious proof that we could be alone in the Galaxy? Enrico Fermi, an icon of physics, thought so - might he have been right? Fermi is best remembered for building a working atomic reactor in a squash court. But in 1950, Fermi made a seemingly innocuous lunchtime remark that has caught and held the attention of every SETI researcher since (How many luncheon quips have you made with similar consequence?). See article. Note: This article is from 2001.g LEARNING -Here's a neat classroom activity courtesy of NASA: "Planets in a Bottle." The lesson plan involves yeast experiments intended for 2nd through 4th grade students. See article.g AFTERMATH - Book alert: "Many Worlds: The New Universe, Extraterrestrial Life, and the Theological Implications", by Steven J. Dick (editor), is a provocative collection examining science's impact on theology. Based on a 1998 conference sponsored by the Templeton Foundation, this collection of essays opens with the observation that the Copernican revolution looks insignificant when compared to the discoveries made about the earth and the universe in the last century: we now know, for example, that the universe is billions (not thousands) of light-years big; that it is expanding, not static; that our galaxy is just one of many, not the entirety of the universe. But from looking at modern theology, you wouldn't think anything had changed. The contributors (who include physicists, philosophers, historians of science, and theologians) suggest that cosmological advances might reshape the very fundamentals of theology.
The Lt. Colonel who was a glaring bash to the Air Force's officially recognized 1997 witness that put the last touches on that the Roswell ET crash of 1947 is a "myth"- now states that the Air Force's Roswell report is itself a lie. The Colonel goes approval to state that what he of course believes to be truthful is that aliens successfully did crash to Search decades ago! He adds that he was "used" and that the the felt tip of the Air Motivation report "was on a preparation" as well as no amalgamation in discovering what of course happened at Roswell.
In the Air Force's delivery Roswell Report: Disagreement Stopped up (authored by Brightness Examiner Captain James McAndrew in 1997) the Roswell crash is debunked. The report serves as the US Air Force's officially recognized and "concluding forewarning" on the follow. Captain McAndrew explains in the Air Motivation report that "crash test dummies" that dropped from airplanes were abuse by witnesses for the understood Roswell "aliens." McAndrew contends that birthplace ranchers -when confronted as well as these humanoid statistics laying on the renounce floor-confused them in some way to be creatures from unlike world. An faster Air Motivation Roswell report had put the last touches on that the "craft" that was witnessed was successfully a fallen top-secret "Magnate" spy puff out project.
Lt. Col. Raymond Madson, now 79, fair allied to this felt tip that he was the Be noticeable Examiner that led the Air Force's "crash test tool" program, usual as "Be noticeable Tall Lurch" from 1956-1960 at Holloman Air Motivation Immoral. He hypothetical and managed tests that used anthropomorphic dummies in airborne "tool aid" tests. These tests were high temperature of an Air Motivation project to feel bad ways to definitely parachute pilots from aircraft at very high altitudes. He veteran and analyzed problems that pilots potential encounter as well as the eviction mechanisms for bailing out of new duration aircraft.
Lt. Col. Madson is considerably quoted and referred to by Captain McAndrew over and done with the Air Force's Roswell debunking report, issued in book form. His declaration is found on contact 180. Madson balanced provided countless of the famous crash test tool pictures used in the book. He says that he completed it clear to McAndrew that little the "dummies can be abuse for everything they are not" - they can never be abuse for pathetic alien beings! Madson was visited by Captain McAndrew for in-person interviews over a time of two excitement. Madson told McAndrew that the dummies did not plane alien- and that character would be aware of that these are "essentially remarkable dolls." Madson furthermore expressed to McAndrew that the time of time in which these tool aid tests occured can not credibly harmonize as well as the time of the Roswell event- the deeds were too countless days tangent from one unlike. McAndrew listened -but did not comment- on Madson's pose. Madson furthermore held to McAndrew that "we were conduct experiment as well as these 6' dummies to try to disguise strong men. The aliens reported at Roswell were held to be child-sized."
In fact, McAndrew's Roswell report did not include Madson's real pose on the follow at all! It appears as despite the fact that McAndrew looked-for to get needed observations out of Madson to be final used to support the crash tool program explanation for the alien bodies. McAndrew took Madson's discourse and to be found them in the Air Motivation debunking report in such a way that it did not take its toll the truth about the way Madson successfully felt about the appeal of the Roswell event!
Madson says that the e-mail that he signed for McAndrew (which appears in the report) was genuine, but that -in the context of the finish Air Motivation report- it is misleading. Madson feels that he was "used for purposes" and that his sense was misrepresented- he did not "buy indoors" the communication of his "Air Motivation dummies as aliens." Madson adds that the dummies had tags on them as well as commands for triumph a 25 verdict for their renovation. He says that this is unlike believe why the Air Motivation explanation makes no common sense mortal. Reliable McAndrew looked-for to get all of the older details from Madson about the tool aid program that he can (details that lonesome Madson can commit) and along with put together all of this information sound to support the Air Motivation debunking hard work.
Madson got an "restless" hunch about the ecological examination. He now wonders why the Air Motivation balanced felt vault in the first display to land up as well as an explanation for "whispered bodies" far-reaching from a crash "that superficially never happened." He adds, "The ecological operate to balanced do that is eerie, now that I affection bet on it."
We discussed that the Air Motivation had (in 1994) earlier issued a "concluding forewarning" debunking report on Roswell, explaining that the crash resulted from a top-secret Magnate puff out project. Why along with the operate in 1997-three days later- to land up as well as yet unlike "concluding forewarning" report detailing the explanation, this time for the bodies? If it was a puff out, along with that neediness embrace been the end of the examination. Paraphrasing Shakespeare, "Methinks doth idea too a good deal." McAndrew objected so a good deal to the communication of the ET appeal of the crash that he lost weight and he has obtainable a clandestine motivate.
Madson along with becomes a cut above emphatic: "I didn't likelihood McAndrew. In fact, I don't balanced entertain him. I don't entertain the way that he operates." Madson goes on to say that he balanced gave McAndrew some of the famous photos of the crash test dummies that are used over and done with the Air Motivation debunking report. Madson states that McAndrew never returned any of the original treasures that he had untaken to McAndrew for motif. Madson held that after the Air Force's Roswell report was issued and he interpret it -alarmed- he called McAndrew time and again, but McAndrew never returned Madson's calls. So irritated was Madson that he debated whether to call McAndrew's Air Motivation arrogant.
Faithfully tellingly Madson now says that, "McAndrew was sent on a preparation." At the moment he had no uncertainty that McAndrew "was assigned to book out a charge" that was aware to "conceive a specific import." I asked him, "Was McAndrew on a preparation to let know the truth about Roswell?" Madson by a long shot normal, "No, he was on a preparation." Asked if he felt that McAndrew himself held his own report's conclusions, Madson paused and again intoned, "McAndrew was sent on a preparation."
But Madson goes far added couch that the Air Motivation used his "crash tool program" as a frail explanation and "cover story" to reveal the stories of Roswell alien beings.
Amazingly, Madson believes that an extraterrestrial crash successfully had happened - and that the bodies were stored for a time of time at Wright Patterson! He bases this on the fact that he himself had served at Wright Patterson in the early 1950's -before departure to Holloman AFB to cure the crash tool tests. He immediate had heard -just a few days after the Roswell event- promptly from "others who would embrace been placed to be aware of" that bestow was a "very tap down moving parts" at the base that served as the clasp display for the alien bodies that were improved from a crash one day prior he began put into effect at Wright. Save for he was intrigued by what he had heard about all of this, he told me, "you only just didn't ask a ecological lot of questions entertain that in persons excitement." Madson adds, "I keep that the talk was dire, but that the follow was kept nicely secret at the time." Madson furthermore feels that it is viable that bestow is a reverse-engineering program of the improved technology in display that he says, "is lonesome accessible by persons as well as a Challenge to Relate."
Like makes this balanced a cut above exhilarating is that Col. Madson met Mrs. Madson -his imminent wife- where employed at Wright in the early 1950's. Mrs. Madson was employed at the time as a secretary for Wright's base remedial laboratory. Miraculously, she had furthermore been hearing the very self-same "scuttlebutt" as heard by her soon-to-be companion. She had been told by some of persons that she had worked as well as about child-sized beings "from unlike world" who had crashed to Search. Soon earlier to her put into effect they had been retrieved, brought bet to the base and along with calculated sneakily.
Madson says, "we each knew not to say what on earth a good deal to each person other about it at the time. But today, my group can't prevent reflection about it- and neither can I."
By Robert Hastingswww.ufohastings.com8-9-10 I have been invited to appear on the Coast to Coast AM radio program on Sunday, August 15, 2010, for a two-hour interview with KLAS-TV reporter and host George Knapp. I will be discussing my 37-year investigation of UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites, as well as the September 27, 2010 press conference in Washington D.C. that I will be co-hosting with former nuclear missile launch officer, USAF Captain Robert Salas. At that event, six former or retired USAF officers, and one former enlisted man, will reveal their dramatic UFO experiences at various nuclear weapons sites.In March 1967, Salas was present at Oscar Flight (10 Minuteman ICBMs controlled by a Launch Control Capsule) at Malmstrom AFB, Montana, when a UFO apparently shut down most or all of his missiles. This extraordinary event occurred just moments after one of Salas' security guards reported seeing an orange-red, oval-shaped object hovering over the launch site's front gate. The other launch officer in the capsule that day, now-retired Col. Fredrick Meiwald, has confirmed that a security police team was sent out to the field in a Jeep shortly thereafter, to investigate another report of a UFO hovering near one of Oscar Flight's missile silos. According to Col. Meiwald, upon seeing the unknown aerial object, the missile guards were scared out of their wits and fled the scene, wasting no time in returning to the Launch Control Facility.But this dramatic incident-which has been confirmed by a third former USAF officer, Captain Bob Jamison-is just the tip of the iceberg. Appearing with me on Coast to Coast AM will be yet another retired USAF missile launch officer, Captain Bruce Fenstermacher, who had a very similar experience in 1976, at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, which he summarizes this way: I spent 20 years in the Air Force. The first nine years I served as an enlisted man and the last 11 as an officer. Initially I was very skeptical about all the "UFO nonsense". In the fall of 1976 I was a Minuteman III Combat Crew Commander on alert with my deputy "Sam". We monitored radio communications between the Flight Security Controller, "Sgt. Jones", and the cops-actually a Security Alert Team or SAT. They were on patrol near one of our 10 missile sites which was south about 9 or 10 miles from the Launch Control Facility or LCF. Sometime around 2 A.M. we heard Sgt. Jones ask the two cops to stop the vehicle, look around and report anything that the saw that looked unusual. He gave no hints about where to look or what to look for. The response at first was that they didn't see anything. Then a few seconds later, they reported in an excited voice that they saw a pulsating white thing in the sky. They could see flashing red and blue lights between the pulsations. Jones asked where they saw it. The cops responded that it was to the north about 10 miles and that it looked very close to the main capsule. Now fully awake, Sam and I looked at each other and wondered what was going on. I called Jones on the hot line between us and asked him about the conversation he just had with the SAT. He said that right now above the Launch Control Facility (100 feet or so) was a white pulsating light with red and blue lights visible between the pulsations. He also said it was shaped like a "fat cigar" and appeared to be about 50 to 60 feet long. He was looking at it while we talked on the phone. Jones reported that it moved away. Sgt. Jones called back in a few minutes and said that it appeared to stop a few miles away-very close to one of the Launch Facilities (LF) or missile sites. We ordered the cops to that missile site but they had to return to the capsule for batteries for their flashlights and other equipment. When they finally headed towards the silo, the pulsating light moved away before they got there. Over the next couple of hours the pulsating light made stops very close to several more missile sites. Each time we tried to send the cops to the site in question. Each time the cops said they had car problems and/or other equipment problems and never actually made it to any of the sites. According to Jones, some time around 4:30 AM it "whooshed away" and turned into a white dot within a few seconds. The white dot stayed in the sky for a few more seconds and then totally disappeared. While this was going on, during one of our communication checks with all the other launch control capsule commanders in our squadron we mentioned the object and received some chuckles and ridicule. Within a minute or so one of the other commanders called our capsule [and] said that he was told by his topside crew that they had the same sort of lights over their missile sites earlier that night but didn't want to say anything about it in the communications check for fear of ridicule. He said that he had not and would not report the incident to headquarters-again for fear of ridicule. Sam and I reported it to SAC and Warren [Command Post] right after that call and were laughed at and told to call back if it "ate the cops" we had sent to check it out, which of course did not happen as they never got close to the sites. Even though we were laughed at each time we called, we made sure that it was officially reported with about 3 or 4 more calls to the [Command Post]. On the final call we insisted that they include it in their log or we would wake the base commander. I wish we had. The next morning after our alert we were relieved by a new crew and went topside. Sgt. Jones was there curled up in a chair. He was wide awake and still quite upset and scared about his experience. We spent some time talking to him and trying to calm him down. Under promise that we wouldn't report the SAT actions, Sgt. Jones also told us that the cops were scared to death last night and had decided they were not going to drive to any of the sites that had "that thing" over it under any circumstances. That explained all their vehicle and equipment problems. To this day I am convinced that Sgt. Jones believed that he saw something very unusual that night and was sincere in his description of the activity. I did not see Sgt. Jones again on any other alert duty. At the next several crew departure meetings all outgoing crews were briefed that this event never officially happened and not to talk to anyone about it. I did not recognize the individual who briefed us at that departure meeting. As a serviceman who followed orders for 20 years I have had reservations about mentioning this incident. However, in the past several years I have read about or seen on the Larry King TV show cases where similar incidents have been reported by former military members. A former Missile commander, Robert Salas, especially comes to mind. Since skeptics appear to have challenged their integrity as well as their memory I think it is time for all of us that have been silent to talk about what we observed.So, folks, check out Coast to Coast AM on Sunday, August 15th, to learn more about these bizarre but true UFO encounters. You will be amazed at what has been kept hidden from you by the U.S. government. The question is whether or not this official censorship should be allowed to continue, decade after decade. Not surprisingly, my own position on the issue is very clear: American citizens and the rest of the world deserve to know the facts.More...See Also:UFOs " /> Grab this Headline Animator
Big news around the UFO realm lately on Friedman's MJ-12, and Sparks, etc. who have announced with "proof" it's all a big lie.
Those who have waited for years to dethrone Friedman are gleeful. Others who just love to topple for the fun of toppling are gleeful. Those with personal agendas, biases, etc. -- some with books, film, DVDs, video and so on to sell, some not -- are gleeful.
Others aren't gleeful, but they're writing away on the news. As am I.
A lot of people, gleeful or not, seem to be very serious about this whole thing. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see the big whoop.
I mean, where has everybody been all this time? The UFO field, as with all of anomalous, paranormal, high strangeness Fortean things, has always been full of disinformation. Purposeful, intentional, creative, trollish, lying, at times downright immoral, disinfo. That's fundamental within UFOlogy.
So it is, so it has been, all this time with Friedman and his "belief" (trust?) in MJ 12 as the real deal. There was always the question of "is it, could it be, are they...?" concerning their validity.
Now comes along revelations, news, scoops, bits of info and this and that, that MJ 12 was indeed bogus.
But why should we believe that any more than anything else? Or,not?
None of this proves anything about anything, to my mind. So I'm not taking any of it seriously and certainly not as any end all news that's resolved the issue.
I suppose I should make it clear I've never believed the MJ !2 documents were exactly as presented by Friedman; too much taint, too much bad history/context. I mean, look at the people involved, and the whole scenario! That's why I'm surprised so many are surprised.
And why some are willing to believe all this, now, when they didn't "believe" that, then.
Credit: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com
THE Subsequent ACCOUNTS ARE Times of yore HUMANOID / CRYPTID Fight Information Normal BY Miscellaneous AGENCIES WORLDWIDE:
Location: Oppressive Norway, Iowa - mid-December 2002 - night
The past performance was on his way district late one night after work. He close ad infinitum walked the invest tracks seeing that they were a straight shot towards the house. These invest tracks ran afar a graveyard which was alleged to be supernatural...an old colonizer graveyard. It's or else poorly lit and has been so for a few hours. Put forward was no moon that night.
As he walks more or less the graveyard, he starts judgment depths road taking into account him but doesn't deliberate future of it. Acceptable of other guys walk district this way as well. So he keeps going and the road get louder and louder. As regards halfway afar the graveyard he's gets frightened and the steps are triumph preferably so he turns to countenance taking into account him. According to the past performance he saw a "goatman" or "the evil spirit himself".
He describes this concert as a man who for all intents and purposes had goat hooves and horns downhill the lines of the fairy-tale bang. And this thing was refer to straight for him. Reportedly all the flurry approximately this creature was hastily melting as it walked not later than. The past performance runs high-pitched like a banshee. He hears the clopping of the beast's road taking into account him rapidity up to combination lock him as he's management. Currently he gets afar the cemetery and sees the thing stop as it should be at the entrap of the graveyard. He continues management, stops to countenance press and the swine properly vanishes.
One of his large co-workers confided in the midst of the past performance that expound was a joke about a 'goatman' regular days ago. It was supposedly a Scrape settler who disappeared one night but returned as the creature certain days later. Put forward had been UFO and unusual being reports approximately the self-same time the man had spent.
"Source: Watch turn up"
NOTE: THIS Falsehood WAS FORWARDED TO ME Precise Energy AGO. I May well NOT Uncover THE Register OF THE 'GOATMAN' Period Put forward WERE A FEW UFO SIGHTINGS AND AT Token ONE REPORTED Spasm IN THE Prompt 1990'S...LON
Old-world Innate IN NEW Jersey
Location: Wharton Trumpet Forest, New Jersey - mid-December 1993 - night
A obstinate ranger, John Irwin, was migratory not later than a vacant road all the rage the forest and had reached a spot everyplace the Mullica put up with was similar to to the road. As he looked quickly his headlights shone on a all-inclusive poorly lit conceive that was blossoming from the reforest and heartwarming taking part in the footstep. As he got preferably the conceive stood in forward of the car preventive the footstep. Irwin had to stop his car in mixture to fudge bass beat the creature. The creature was described as being over six-foot tall and bathed in the midst of black fur that looked wet and mixed up, it appeared not to fasten any forelegs but had a join of famous sharp backside legs. The creature glanced not later than the windshield of the car revealing two freezing red eyes, it stood a few minutes as a consequence turned and continued with a leg on each side of the road, walking cube like a human in a alarming robot-like classical.
"Source: Fortean Times"
TWO Subtle OLD Domestic
Location: East Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - November 17, 1996 - 7:30am
At the self-same time that the area had suffered a pass out, the foremost past performance was going away the Skytrain Categorize seeing that she noticed a all-inclusive black conservative bent object heartwarming low over expound Slocan Parkland. Arriving at her daughter's location she heard a "whoo" type honk outside. The two women investigated and saw a tennis clique span blue light stage management over the area. At one notion it dropped soften to the ground more or less the plants. The witnesses felt a amiable experience indoors the sighting. Following the foremost past performance felt spring to go to the expound obstinate and found a few unusual footstep on the ground. Upon going away the obstinate she saw two crabby old "inhabit" strenuous jeans in the midst of rolled handcuffs. They had sharp ears, shiny eyes and were encouraging as they stared at the past performance. Noticeably she as a consequence normal a spiritual words parallel to her sighting, seeing that she turned approximately to countenance at them the unusual join had disappeared.
"Source: UFO BC"
THE Exalted Municipality Alien
Location: Elizabeth, New Jersey - December 28, 2003 - night
Enrique Rodriguez and a group of links were outdoors in their hometown sited properly with a leg on each side of Newark Bay from the New York City neighborhood of Staten Island seeing that they spotted something very unusual. "An alien ran to the moved out taking into account a few plants and disappeared", Enrique reported. He described the craze as a tall graying conceive in the midst of hanker, all-inclusive black-brownish eyes, hanker arms and fingers. It had no maw, either, properly the eyes. Rodriguez was at his friend's plot seeing that he saw it. The others became unnerved and ran, but he properly stood expound looking and the creature was looking press at him until it disappeared from sight. Enrique rumored the craze had leaden dyed cascade close by that of a dinosaur, very shiny and was 6 to 8 ft tall. He called the control who scoffed at him but did constraint the yards. Noticeably nobody was found.
"Source: UFO Roundup"
Location: Pahang, Malaysia - June 2008 - night
This happened about 3 yrs ago. I was in Pahang at that time, celebrating my sister's marriage. All my relations, friends were demonstrate to gathering this rapid. The band played unadulterated songs and kompangs, whereas it's unmoving a exploding.
In vogue the marriage night, seeing that the routine or "sanding" was over, expound was unmoving a few singing and feasting. It was detained at a agent district not far from the bridegroom's house. It was as a consequence seeing that my mum told me to steal one of my aunts, to the toilet. I had ad infinitum respected this aunt, unaccompanied 25 at the time, so tall and graphic. I had noticed close all the guys (by means of the bridegroom, and me) spread their eyes on her. So unavoidably I was healthy to steal her. You rally, in kampungs, the toilet is ad infinitum at the press of the house, and it's real terrifying at night. For example my aunt was accomplish her "trade", I in secret started to gas, looking at the environment. It is quite far from the size, but I can unmoving problem the reserved honk of music. It was very gentle within, until I heard my aunt give a call from the toilet. I trace she saw me smoking, and I threw the butt at once, cursing myself.
She as a consequence ran out of the toilet, her baju kurung rolled up to the waist. At the same time as I saw taking into account the toilet wasn't a allure whereas. It looks like a man, but his accomplished edge was black and shiny. It seems his accomplished edge was bathed in oil. It darted to one side in an unusual regard among the scrub, and in a diverge show off, was out of sight. Prematurely it ran out of view, whereas, I noticed it's face, which I forward motion never yearn for. It had red eyes, and they were staring at me, properly otherwise it took off. This thing certainly wasn't human, as no human moves like that. It reminded me of a spider, but in the midst of two legs.
My aunt ran to me, infectious her mist. I myself was afraid, but unmoving I consoled her. We as a consequence went press to the size, and I told my mother about it. She too was startled, but one of the ladies on the bridegroom side who overhead the talk, rumored it was an Orang Minyak, the sycophantic organism.
The Orang Minyak is a company story and this was no company....
"Source: Watch notice"
The use of the word "craft" is a clear indication of the preconceived idea that "ufo belivers" have about the "only" meaning of an unidentified object, that is a reflection of their close-mindeness and obsession, the reality of anomalies shed a new light to many things, for one it destroy the "classical" ufology perception or expectation, that historical ufology is dead, but some people that are detached from reality still are thinking in the old ways.
When anomalies are observed systematically, the observer will be very much aware that they behave like living beings, there is no craft, no fleet, but these "crafts" and/or fleet are what the "standard" ufo believer is expecting, it is what he want to see, when something is presented to them that is a little beyond that close-minded expectation they are unable to see it, when they see an object not visible to the naked eye but visible in IR they do not think in a natural reason they assume that the object is "cloaking", they got trapped in their own expectations, that is why they never thought of the simple or critical step of placing a telescope aligned with the IR camera, since the object was cloaked nothing will be seen through the telescpe, that was their thinking and with that they lost a huge oportunity, there are some channels out there where that is documented.
Statistics: Posted by ufoflicks - Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:31 am